MISSION STATEMENT: Zion Lutheran School provides a Christ-based approach to education. The education nurtures the child’s faith, equips him to use that faith on a daily basis, and prepares the child to share that faith with others. “Saved to Serve” Mark 10:45 Our Vision: That every child knows Jesus as his/her personal Savior January 30, 2015 Mr. David Kniepkamp, Principal Volume 3, Issue 6 Mrs. Kathy Rudolph, Secretary Mrs. Terri Marino, Secretary Good day Zion parents! Well as I looked back to review my notes from last year, I was reminded of the rugged December and January we experienced. At this point in the year we had already used five snow days. I am hopeful we do not get to that point this year! As most of you realize, this week is National Lutheran Schools Week. It has been a true representation of the great things that happen in Lutheran Schools across the country. I want to thank all of you who have participated either by donating to our service project or by helping out with one of the many activities. Our students have once again had a great time praising the Lord while having fun completing a variety of activities. Additionally, they learned that working as “One Together” with God all things are possible. The spring edition of Parent-Teacher conferences is right around the corner. Conferences will be held on February 26 and 27. The schedule for Thursday, the 26th, begins with an early dismissal at 1:15 p.m. followed by conferences that begin at 4:00 p.m. and extending through 8:00 p.m. that evening. As in the fall, free extended care will be available from 1:15 to 3:05 p.m. that afternoon. After that time, regular extended care rates apply. The Friday conferences will begin at 8:30 and extend to noon with students not attending. You will again be receiving a letter from me outlining the scheduling process to set up the conferences. This will be the “We-Join-In” scheduling format, so many of you have already used. Please review the process and set up your conferences during the established time frames. Once again, we hope this simplifies scheduling parent conferences for you. If you have any questions regarding this process please contact me at your convenience. Next, I am pleased to inform you that the “Principal Call Committee” is working diligently to “call” a new principal, ensuring a seamless transition into next year. I will keep you informed as this process continues to unfold. Looking towards next year, the RTI (Response to Intervention) program will again be providing support in Reading to deserving students. The School Board and I continue to look for opportunities to expand RTI into our mathematics program. Our technology program continues to expand under Mrs. Scott’s leadership. She is in the process of purchasing coding robots and additional iPads to expand technology in the classrooms. In order to maintain these programs a tuition increase was approved by the Zion voters for the 2015-16 school year. This increase is necessitated by the ever increasing cost of expenses. Information regarding registration was sent home with your student today. The registration fee of $125.00 dollars will go towards text materials and technology. I ask that you return your completed registration materials by Friday, February 27th. Applications turned in after that date will be assessed a $25.00 late fee. This deadline date allows for staffing decisions to meet the educational needs for the upcoming year. It is the School Board’s hope that all families will complete this responsibility early. Please contact me if there are extenuating circumstances regarding late registration. Zion acknowledges the high priority you, as parents, place on a Christian education. In partnership with our Zion families who need monetary assistance, the church and administration pledges to walk alongside those individuals. Additional scholarship monies have been made available for families needing assistance. Before making a final financial decision I encourage you to contact me to explore monetary options or answer any questions you may have. There are two scholarship options for interested families, the first is obviously through Zion, and the second is through LESA, the (Lutheran Elementary School Association) of St. Louis. To apply for either the Zion or the LESA scholarship, or both, you must complete an application through FACTS. Complete this process by going to the Zion sign-in page at https://online.factsmgt.com/signin/42M3Y and fill out the application. This process must be completed by Tuesday, March 31st. Failure to submit your application by this deadline may disqualify you from scholarship eligibility. Note that there is a required forty dollar registration fee for all applications. I encourage you to begin this process as early as possible. I would also like to extend my thanks to several members of our Zion family who have given so graciously to our school ministry. Through the generous giving of congregation members and Zion parents, we have been able to purchase additional reading materials, furniture and technology items and provide scholarship funding for needy families. God has richly blessed you and you have in turn advanced His ministry by sharing His gifts with our school. Thank you for your commitment to our ministry. Next, as many of you may realize, February 8th is the annual “School Open House”! I do not expect you as current parents to attend, but I would ask your assistance. I encourage you to invite friends, neighbors and anyone else who might be interested in enrolling their children in our school. Zion offers a Christ-centered education in a wonderful caring learning environment. It is an environment that will appeal to many families because it is a very nurturing educational opportunity. Remember that your recommendation is our best promotional tool! Thank you for your continued support. An easy way to share our information with your friends is to “like” us on our Facebook page. You can share the Open House invitation on our website. We are currently running a contest on that page for all those who “like,” “share,” and “comment.” All names will be entered into the $25.00 script card drawing. Finally, it is certainly not too early to begin discussing the Zion Auction on Saturday, April 18th. This evening is a major fundraiser for our school. The auction provides for those educational expectations that you want for your child’s education. Auction funds have enabled us to update our textbook series, provide Smartboards and technology, and a plethora of other classroom needs. Beyond the importance of the evening to our school, the auction is a wonderful night out. The auction committee has done an outstanding job planning for the event, with a number of new activities. I am very excited about the new plans for the evening. If you cannot attend the evening but would like to assist, there are a number of ways to do so. Please go to our website at: www.zionschoolbelleville.org then go to the auction tab or contact the school office. David Kniepkamp Happy Birthday to ZLS Staff! February 6 th Mrs. Hasstedt DCE 18th Mrs. Batchelder Children’s Ministry 22nd Mrs. Aukamp *Friday, February 13 No School-Teacher’s In-Service/SID Convention *Monday, February 16 No School-Presidents Day *Thursday, February 26 Early Dismissal 1:15 p.m.Parent/Teacher Conferences *Friday, February 27 No School- Parent/Teacher Conferences Choir 2/1 – Advanced Choir, Sunday 10:45 a.m. 2/18 – Won By One, Wednesday 3:30 p.m. 2/25 – Advanced Choir, Wednesday 3:30 p.m. Preschool Aid 28th Mrs. Wolf Cook [email protected] 2/5– Primary Pod 2/12 – Pod Leaders 2/19 – 3rd Grade 2/26 – Mrs. Schmid *Parents are welcome to join us for chapel every Thursday (unless otherwise noted) at 8:30 a.m. in the church This month Art Club will meet on Monday, February 9th and Monday, February 23rd until 4 p.m. Please contact Shannon Hayes through Fast Direct for more information. OR [email protected] OR [email protected] Fliers are available for Belleville Parks & Rec 2015 summer baseball and 2015 winter and spring programs for the Nichols Community Center. The Zion School Kitchen would like to thank PTL, Box Tops and Parents Club for their donations towards the purchase of a “new” used 3 door freezer, a new one door refrigerator and the electrical work involved to install these items. Deadline for the next News-NNotes will be Wednesday, February, 25th at 8 a.m. for more Market Day News. ORDERS DUE: Wednesday, Feb.4th Are you on Paper - by 3pm Facebook? On-Line - by 11pm Ask to join Zion Lutheran NEXT SALE & PICK UP: Market Day. Questions?? Wednesday, Feb. 11th Contact Carrie Baldus We always have extras (C) 580.3554 and samples, so come on by, 2:303:30pm. ************************** This month's Profit will go to Pre-Lewis & Pre-Hackstadt January Profit: Ms. Baumann's and Mr. Hasstedt's 1st Grade Classes each received $50.00. ***************** Make sure to check Fast Direct Feb. 12-15 – 6th Grade Boys Basketball Tournament @ Zion, Staunton Feb. 13-15 – 8th Grade Girls Basketball Tournament @ Springfield Feb 17 – 6/8 boys basketball game vs. Unity 5p.m./7p.m. 8th grade girls basketball game vs. Unity 6 p.m. Feb. 20-22 – 8th Grade Boys Basketball Tournament @ Christ, Peoria Sports News (*Schedule is subject to change.). Jan. 27- Jan. 31 – 8th Grade Boys and Girls Conference Basketball Tournament Feb. 2 – 5/8 girls basketball game vs. Edwardsville 6:30 p.m. Feb. 3 – 7th grade boys basketball game @ Troy 7:30 p.m. 5th grade girls basketball game @ Troy 6:30 p.m. Feb. 4-8 – 5th Grade Boys and Girls Basket ball Tournament @ Zion Feb. 10 – 8th grade boys basketball game vs. Centralia 7 p.m. 7th grade girls basketball game vs. Centralia 6 p.m. Feb. 11 – 7/8 boys basketball game @ Good Shepherd 6:30 p.m. Openings are available for guitar lessons at Zion. Openings available are 10:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Thursdays. If you are interested in more information please call Bill Heizer at 618-234-3117. The Girl Scout Brownie Troop #88 at Zion (2nd & 3rd grades) is collecting tab tops for the Ronald McDonald House. They will be collecting from now until the end of April. Mrs. Stengel (Kindergarten Teacher) has graciously offered to store them in her room if anyone would like to turn in their collection a bit at a time. The troop will have the opportunity to go the annual event in May to turn in all they have collected and participate in the fun. So, save those tab tops and thanks for your support!! January Family Table Night Thank you to all the families who attended the Papa Vito’s Family Table Night, this past Wednesday evening. The response was overwhelming and the owners were happy to see such a great turn out. Stay tuned to hear how much we made that evening. It was so great to see all the Zion School and Church families dining together for a great cause!! These fundraising nights help grant our teachers items on their wish lists!!! Thanks again!!! Week!! Many opportunities to help show our teachers how much we love them!! Spirit Wear Wear ZION every Friday!! Order Spiritwear all year round at ZionLutheranGear.com (Orders due in February! See following pages for contest winners and new designs!) 2 ipads 1 Google Chromebook Resource Curriculum ipad accessories itunes gift cards Technology subscriptions Early Childhood games & resources CD players White boards Privacy boards Math manipulatives Science technology Book shelves and cubbies Reading rug and various reading resources Music recorders and song books Recess equipment National Lutheran Schools Week art supplies Electrical work for the new cooler in the kitchen area Market Day freezer Microwave for the Kasten Kafe Folding chairs for the gym Zion Parents Club gives away almost $7,000!!! Please join us for our next meeting, Friday, April 24th, at 8:15 a.m. in the Alongside Commons near the church office. Come see what’s going on, where you can plug-in and how Parent’s Club helps the school all year long. If you are a parent or grandparent, then YOU are already a member of Parent’s Club. Everyone, even your toddlers, are welcome to the meetings!! *We will be discussing Teacher Appreciation As you know, Parents Club raises money through Market Day and Family Table Night during the school year in order to bless the teachers and students at Zion. We have had a VERY blessed year so far. Because of Market Day and Family Table Night supporters…aka YOU… we were able to give away almost $7,000 of requests!! Here are just some examples of the many wishes granted: 3 Laptop computers The Giving Tree The Giving Tree was created by Parents’ Club to provide Zion teachers with desired classroom needs; items they would otherwise do without, or have to purchase on their own. The Giving Tree is now displayed on the Parents’ Club bulletin board outside of the school office. Check for apples often for items you may have at your home, or items you could purchase for a Zion teacher. Thank you! The following items are currently being requested: No requests at this time. Please check back later! WALL OF HONOR Looking for all MILITARY parents, even grandparents at Zion!!! Retired military count too!! Please reply to this fast direct with your name and branch of the military. Also, please drop by the office a PHOTO of yourself, or you and your child/family, so that we can hang the pictures on our Wall of Honor. If it would be easier to email a photo, please send to [email protected] Thank you for all you do for our country! The SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR is right around the corner, bringing lots of great books to Zion! It will be open March 10-13, so please put it on your calendar. A sign-up sheet will be coming home sometime in February. We need help setting up/decorating before the fair, helping the students make wish lists and shopping on their days, and packing up the books on the following Monday. Lots of volunteers make the fair run smoothly, so please consider helping if you can! If you have any questions, or would like to volunteer for the fair right now (hey, I can dream!), please contact me in the library or through Fast Direct. Mrs. Papka 1. Prodigal Living Gatherings http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=cwchgxcab&oeidk=a07eadjjd435f583a0a Prodigal means to spend until you have nothing left. It’s a term we most often connect to the behavior of a wayward son in the “Parable of the Lost Son” told by Jesus in Luke 15. Jesus is showing us the God of great expenditure, who has “spent all” for us, his children. God’s reckless grace is our greatest hope, a life –changing experience.” Just before Jesus “spent all” by sacrificing his life on our behalf, He took on the role of a servant and washed the disciple’s feet (John 13: 1-5, 12-17) telling them: “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” So, we follow Jesus example. Having received His lavish, “prodigal” love we now have an opportunity to live a “prodigal” life, spending the gifts the Father has lavished on us in service to others. That’s “Prodigal Living.” That’s “the Christ-like Servant Life! What’s happening Feb 1-15? A Sermon Series, Feb 1,8,15 One of 9 Congregational Gatherings OneTogether Worship Service on Sunday Feb. 15 at 9:30 am (With Communion, we will be done by 10:45) Chili Cook-off - a Congregational Meal (Free will Offering and Chili Voting to benefit Zion Youth, Feb. 15, 11:00 am, Gym (Ticketed, 325) 2. Chili Dinner and Cook-off (http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=cwchgxcab&oeidk=a07eaeo5sjd66b11150) Join us Sunday, February 15 for a congregation wide Chili Dinner and Cook-off at 11:00 am in the school gym. One main "mild" chili for everyone! Specialty Chili Cook-Off Contestant Offerings to taste and vote on. Hot dogs also available. (and some Gluten free) Dessert (brought by Zion members - sign up when you register) Tickets are free but there will be a free will donation available. There is also a small fee to taste specialty chilies. Any proceeds will benefit Zion Youth Ministry.+ One Worship Service Feb. 15, 9:30 AM. (No Sunday School or Adult Classes) Holy Communion is included but it will be no longer than 1 hour and 15 minutes. The Chili Dinner is immediately following. 3. Volunteer for Prodigal Living Gatherings and Chili Cook-off We're using VolunteerSpot (the leading online signup and reminder tool) to organize our upcoming signups. Here's how it works in 3 easy steps: 1) Click this link to see our Sign-Up on VolunteerSpot: http://vols.pt/QZ446M 2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like. 3) Sign up! It's Easy - you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on VolunteerSpot. January Spotlight on Curriculum The Zion English and writing curriculums are the focus on this month’s “Spotlight on Curriculum.” These two curricular areas have seen some dramatic changes over the last seven years. Those changes began with the adoption of the new Shurley English method in 2007. It is a unique method that helps teachers focus on students’ different learning styles to make language arts skills clear, logical, and easy. This series focuses on grammar development and sentence structure from the kindergarten level through the eighth grade. Our students learn grammar definitions by singing and moving to jingles. They learn to find patterns in sentences by rehearsing a series of questions; finding the answers to those questions means identifying the jobs of certain words within the sentences. Observing our students in the classroom, they definitely know the material and can apply it within their assignments. Writing has always been important, but in today’s world, writing development has become an important emphasis of student learning. That is true in our classrooms here at Zion. Fundamental writing skills actually begin in our pre-school program and are developed all the way through expository and persuasive essays in our eighth grade classes. These important components of our Zion curriculum are detailed in the following review. As I just mentioned writing actually begins in pre-school. Here staff members use the Handwriting Without Tears Curriculum to develop students' writing abilities. The emphasis of this curriculum is the development of the proper writing grip and the foundation of letter formation and directionality using a variety of different modems including pencils, crayons and iPads. Kindergarten students begin the writing process by writing beginning and endings sounds of a word, then sounding words out listening to every letter, then writing multiple words to form a sentence. Students are also taught to use capital letters for names and beginnings of sentences, and putting periods at the end of sentences. Mrs. Stengel and Miss Berry keep every written journal page throughout the year putting each student’s work in a binder. At the end of the year students and parents can see the progress made during the year. English is the favorite subject of many first grade students because they love the memory jingles and activities that are used to recall the different parts of speech. Students are actually moving around and singing about different parts of speech! (That is very different from my English memories back in the pre-historic days!) First graders also make a big jump in the writing process by actually writing stories. The emphasis is on writing fiction stories, but a few non-fiction stories are intertwined into the process. Students actually interviewed each other about their Christmas break and then wrote about what their friends did. Second grade focuses on punctuation and capitalization rules, as well as labeling sentences on the smart board. Second graders like “Question-Answer-Flow”. Students are asked questions about a sentence like "What is the boy doing?" the students respond as a class by saying "The boy ran- Verb." Synonyms and antonyms are also introduced at this grade level. Second grade students’ journal daily, but more importantly, they begin learning about the actual process of writing with an emphasis on brainstorming, the rough draft, conferencing and revising, and finally the final draft. Students learn 4-square writing, which teaches students how to write a paragraph. One exciting element of the second grade writing program is the “Socks Award.” This motivational tool encourages students to write their best work to "knock Ms. Lotz’s or Mrs. Berteau’s socks off.” Two students are rewarded for their excellent work with each assignment. Third grade English continues their work with jingles to remember parts of speech and terminology, occasionally dancing while they are learning. The smart board is used to hold sentence labeling races to increase speed in parts of speech recognition. Third grade also advances the writing process by introducing creative writing pieces that include dialogue and how to use it in their own personal writing style. Students are learning to use different points of view and how to use it in their writing. Fourth grade students jump into the writing process writing three point expository paragraphs at the beginning of the year. From paragraph writing, students are then challenged to write a three point expository essay and then a persuasive essay. One of the recent writing assignments encouraged students to write about their favorite Bible hero, favorite Bible verse, or their favorite book of the Bible. In fifth grade English, students have been studying compound and complex sentences, learning how to insert and use commas and semicolons. Students have also been learning about coordinate conjunctions, subordinators, and connective adverbs and how they are used to create a complete thought within a sentence. Fifth graders are taking their grammatical knowledge applying it within their book reports as they write about favorite author, professional athlete, president, or historical figure. Junior high (6th-8th grade students) continue to review grammar development and sentence structure while putting them into practice through writing. They increase their vocabulary by studying words and their origins, relate words to each other by examining and writing analogies, and expand their research skills finding and using the information and resources available to them. Students journal about pictures, movie and news clips, and songs. They are also instructed in and practice writing on a variety of topics in all genres like expository essays, descriptive writings and poetry, persuasive essays, compare and contrast essays, and narratives. Their writings travel through the entire process beginning with prewriting (organizing their ideas), drafting, revising and peer editing, finalizing their writing and sharing it with others. It’s an extensive process that helps them take great care and pride in their work while growing as writers. ZION LUTHERAN SCHOOL Over the last four years, Zion students have generally scored higher in the English discipline than the other disciplines. Students moving into the high schools are very successful in the various English programs they attend. Cordially invites you to attend our Open House Sunday, February 8, 2015 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. REGISTRATION OPEN FOR PRESCHOOL – 8TH GRADE You’re Invited to: Tour the facilities Ask questions Receive registration material For more information call 234-0275 Or check out our website zionschoolbelleville.org Children welcome! RSVP not required Our Vision: That every child knows Jesus as his/her personal Savior Mission Statement Zion Lutheran School provides a Christ centered approach to education. This education nurtures the child’s faith, equipping him/her to use and share that faith on a daily basis. 2015 Zion Spirit Wear Design Contest Winners CONGRATULATIONS!! Paige Dill & Adore Batchelder 3rd Grade Jacob Bates & Sophia Tantillo 4th Grade Mia Tantillo 3rd Grade Lydia Holcomb 6th Grade Quin Gray 4th Grade Montana Kasten 7th Grade Go to ZionLutheranGear.com Choose from student created designs & MORE! Group order (FREE Shipping to the school) Deadline February 12th Tickets Are On Sale Now!!! Free Babysitting!! Chance at a hotel stay!! Follow the link at the bottom of this page!! Class Baskets Are Underway!! Sign-Up for Day Service FRIDAY and MONDAY FEBRUARY 13th, and FEBRUARY 16th, is happening now! EARLY SIGN-UP is by Wednesday, FEBRUARY 4th, 2015 Cost: Cost: Cost: Cost: per registered ASP child $25 signed up by Wed., FEB. 4th, 2015, at 6p.m. per registered ASP child $32 not signed up by FEB. 4th, 2015, at 6p.m. per non-registered ASP child $29 signed up by FEB.4th, 2015, at 6p.m. per non-registered ASP child $36 not signed up by FEB. 4th, 2015, at 6pm A $2.00 per child late fee will be added for attendance without a 24 hour notice of any registered program, including pre-school students in the Extended Care program. Example: Day Service begins at 7:00 a.m. on Sept. 10th, parents not giving notice of attendance before 7 a.m. on Sept. 9th will be assessed the $2.00 late fee. Children are to bring a lunch and quiet time items (blanket/pillow for cots). Payment is due the day you sign up. As always, if you sign up there is no refund. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or fast direct! Sincerest Blessings, Ms. Julie Anne Gettys Extended School Director Yes, my child(ren) will attend: FRIDAY, FEB. 13th ____________________ MONDAY, FEB. 16th _______________ Child’s Name________________________________________________ Parent Signature__________________Date________________ AMOUNT PD________________Payment method__________ Zion Lutheran School & Preschool 2014-2015 School Calendar AUGUST 2014 12 – ZLS Open House 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. 14 – Classroom Prep/1st Night of School 6:00-7:00 15 – First Full Day of School 18 – Preschool 4 yr. old begins 19 – Preschool 3 yr. old begins SEPTEMBER 2014 1 – NO SCHOOL – LABOR DAY 15 – 19 – Internet Safety Week 19 – NO SCHOOL/ IN-SERVICE DAY OCTOBER 2014 9-10 – NO SCHOOL/CID/SID CONF. - COLLINSVILLE 13 – NO SCHOOL – COLUMBUS DAY 17 – END OF 1ST QUARTER 17 – 1:15 P.M. EARLY DISMISSAL/FACULTY MEETING 18 – State Cross Country Meet 20 – Picture Day 23 – 1:15 p.m. EARLY DISMISSAL/Parent-Teacher Conferences (appointments available: 4 to 8 p.m.) 24 – NO SCHOOL - Parent-Teacher Conferences (Appointments available: 8:30 a.m. – noon) 31 – HARVEST FESTIVAL NOVEMBER 2014 2– Daylight Savings Time 7-9 – State Volleyball Tournament 11 – NO SCHOOL/VETERANS’ DAY 18 – Picture Re-take Day 21 – NO SCHOOL/IN-SERVICE DAY 24 – Fall Sports Banquet 26-28 – NO SCHOOL/THANKSGIVING BREAK DECEMBER 2014 3 – Advent Service – 10 – Advent Service – 17 – Advent Service – 19 – Christmas Celebration in classrooms 19 – END OF 2nd QUARTER & END OF 1st SEMESTER 22 – Christmas Vacation begins JANUARY 2015 5 – NO SCHOOL/IN-SERVICE DAY 6 – School resumes 16 – 1:15 P.M. EARLY DISMISSAL/FACULTY MEETING 19 – NO SCHOOL – MLKING DAY 26-30 – National Lutheran School Week FEBRUARY 2015 8 – Open House 1 to 3 p.m. 12 – Valentine Party in the classrooms 13– NO SCHOOL/IN-SERVICE DAY/District Convention 16 – NO SCHOOL/PRESIDENTS’ DAY 18 – Ash Wednesday 25 – Lenten Service 26 –1:15 p.m. EARLY DISMISSAL/Parent-Teacher Conferences (4 to 8 p.m.) 27 – NO SCHOOL - Parent-Teacher Conferences (Appointments available: 8:30 a.m. – noon) MARCH 2015 4 - Lenten Service 6-8 State Basketball/Cheerleading Contests 8 – Daylight Savings Time 9 – NO SCHOOL/IN-SERVICE DAY 11 – Lenten Service 13 – GRANDPARENTS’ DAY 13 – 1:15 P.M. EARLY DISMISSAL/FACULTY MEETING 13 - END OF 3rd QUARTER 17 – Winter Sports Banquet 18 – Lenten Service 21 – Zion Grade School Music Contest 25 – Lenten Service 31 – Easter Celebration (Pre-K-8) APRIL 2015 1-6 – NO SCHOOL/EASTER VACATION 5 – EASTER 7 – NO SCHOOL/IN-SERVICE 13-17 Iowa Test of Basic Skills 18 – Zion PTL Auction 26 – Confirmation 10:45 a.m. MAY 2015 TBD – School Picnic 16 & 17 – State Track Field Meet 18 – Eighth Grade Graduation 19-23 – 8th Gr. Class Trip 21 – Pre-School Graduation 25 – Memorial Day 28 – Kindergarten Graduation 8:30 a.m. 28 – END OF 4TH QUARTER/ LAST DAY OF SCHOOL – 10 a.m. DISMISSAL 29 –FACULTY IN-SERVICE DAY
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