Panther Paws Edition #20 January 30, 2015 GO AND MAKE DISCIPLES. “The mission of Zion Lutheran School is to prepare today’s young learners to be tomorrow’s Christian leaders.” NEXT WEEK AT ZION LUTHERAN SCHOOL Saturday 1-31 8:00 Work day at school 6:00 Worship Service w/ Communion th PreK 4’s – 8 grade singing Sunday 2-1 8:30 Sunday School / Bible Study 9:30 Worship Service w/ Communion 10:45 Church Voters Meeting Monday 2-2 100 Day of School! 5:00 – 9:00 Dairy Queen Night th Tuesday 2-3 Wednesday 2-4 8:30 Chapel Thursday 2-5 6:30 Boys/Girls BB vs. Unity Lutheran Friday 2-6 12:15 Early Dismissal LUNCH MENU February 2 - 6 MONDAY: Chicken & Cheese Crispitos, Corn, Grapes, and Milk TUESDAY: Cheeseburger, French Fries, Green Beans, Pears, and Milk WEDNESDAY: Pork Roast, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Peas, Mixed Fruit, and Milk THURSDAY: Taco Salad – Nacho Chips, Taco Meat, Lettuce, Cheese, Tomatoes, Salsa, Applesauce, and Milk FRIDAY: Corn Dog, Baked Beans, Potato Chips, Brownies, and Milk *Whole wheat bread is available each day as well. WE ARE PRAYING FOR YOU Every morning, before school, the staff meets for devotions. At that time they pray for various students, staff and concerns. This week we will be praying for: Lucy Taylor, Grace Pfeiffer, and Andrew Loeh. CHAPEL OFFERING Third quarter chapel offerings will be going to Chris LaBoube, a missionary for the Lutheran Bible Translators. Chris was born and raised in southern Illinois and developed a strong love for foreign languages at a young age. He has spent many years traveling through foreign countries translating portions of the Bible in mother-tongue languages. Chris visited Zion in December to talk to the students about his journeys and rd experiences. 3 Quarter totals are: $70.93. TH PRE-K 4’S – 8 GRADE SING IN CHURCH SAT. th Don’t forget: Preschool 4’s – 8 grade will sing in church tomorrow, January 31, at the 6:00 pm service to wrap up National Lutheran Schools Week. The rd th Joyful Noise Choir (3 – 8 ) should wear their choir shirts. Pastor Mitteis will be directing both choirs this weekend. Following the worship service, all students and families are invited to the school gym for hot chocolate and sugar cookie decorating. PTL TRIVIA NIGHT THANK YOU The PTL would like to thank everyone who attended the annual trivia night last Saturday. The event was a great success with plenty of fun and fellowship! Thank you to everyone who helped set up or helped work during trivia night. We appreciate your support of the school! SIX FLAGS PROGRAM One more weekend! Please turn in your Six Flags Reading form no later than Monday, February 2! ZION SAUSAGE SUPPER th Zion’s 56 Annual Country Sausage Dinner & Supper will th be Sunday, February 8 , from 11:30 am – 5:30 pm. Adult tickets and carry-outs are $10, children’s tickets (ages 512) are $5. Fresh pork, blood and liver sausage, ribs and th th pork loin will be sold at the school on February 5 & 6 , 9 th a.m. – 5 p.m. and February 7 , 9 a.m. – noon. The event is sponsored by the Zion Men’s Club and Ladies Aid. SCRIP NEWS th New Bonus Schedule starting Saturday January 24 . KOHL’s will offer a 3% bonus, making their rebate 7%. KOHL’s scrip (both plastic and escrip) can be redeemed in-store or on line. KOHL’s scrip can also be used to make payment on your KOHL’s charge accounts (payment can be made at the registers or customer service). Landry’s restaurants, American Express and TGI Fridays are also offering a 1% bonus. is offering a 5% bonus making their contribution 55%. Check out for more details and a complete listing of all participating retailers. Scrip can be used for all of your everyday purchases. Zion’s local retailers include – DQ, Subway, Bill’s IGA, Jim’s IGA, Madison Telephone Company, R & B’s Restaurant, Cavataio’s Restaurant, Sullivan’s (not prescriptions), Russell Furniture, Mayfields, Culvers, and Brick House Florist. Scrip may be purchased/ordered from the school office. Please have orders placed by noon on Monday to ensure Friday delivery. We do keep local retailers and popular national retailers in stock for immediate purchase. If you want more information on how the program works contact Jessica in the school office or Melanie at (618.635.3963). EARLY DISMISSAL Zion will dismiss at 12:15 pm on Friday, February 6. Please let ZECEC know if you plan to send your child to daycare after school. WORK DAY AT ZION Tomorrow, January 31, beginning at 8:00 am, the Board of Trustees is sponsoring a work day at school to prepare for the annual sausage supper. Some light cleaning and maintenance/repair work will be tackled. Please consider helping if you can spare a few hours of your time tomorrow. BASKETBALL WORKER SCHEDULE Date /Time: Clock: Book: 2-5 6:30 Kleckner Seelbach Harbison Gate: Haenel Concession: Ruehrup Claussen SPELLING BEE The Staunton Knights of Columbus is sponsoring a spelling bee for all Staunton school age students ages 6 – 15. The spelling bee will be held on Sunday, February 8, at 1:00 pm at the Staunton KC Hall (Crystal Ballroom). st nd rd All 1 , 2 , and 3 place winners will receive a U.S. Savings Bond. Winners will progress through local and regional competitions. State finals will be April 11 in Chatham, IL. For questions or to register your child, please call Bob Schwandner at 635-2160 before th February 6 . R & B’s TEAMING UP WITH PTL Thank you to everyone who bought breakfast, lunch, or dinner at R & B’s last month during our fundraiser day with them! R & B’s donated over $150 back to the PTL! We will once again have a fundraiser day with them th today, Friday, January 30 . You can eat anytime during the day and a portion of your receipt will get donated back to the Zion PTL. A flyer is attached to the information sheet and the email this week. SBSL SIGNUPS Staunton Baseball and Softball signups will be held at the concession stand by Field 1 on Sunday, February 8, from Noon – 1:30 pm and on Wednesday, February 11, from 6:00 – 7:30 pm. Registration forms are being sent home with all students today. (Eligible T-ball players must be 5 years of age by Sept. 1, 2015.) DAIRY QUEEN NIGHT Dairy Queen and Zion Lutheran PTL are teaming up for a “Fundraiser Night” on Monday, February 2, 2015 from 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Bring in a Zion flyer, which will be available at the church and school office or on our Zion PTL and Zion Lutheran School Facebook Page and order any item from the menu and Dairy Queen will donate 20% of the sales back to the Zion PTL. Take the night off from cooking dinner or come out for dessert and join us in supporting our students at Zion. A MESSAGE FROM PASTOR MITTEIS About Prayer . . . The morning devotion had barely concluded when one of the students asked, “How come we never have any real prayers?” “What do you mean? (The teacher replied) “We have prayer every devotion, at lunch, and at the end of the day.” “But those prayers are all out of a book. Why don’t we ever have real prayer?” Her emphasis of real got the point across to the teacher. Prayers from the heart just seem more spiritual than those read from the page. Reading the New Testament we know that Jesus had much to teach on prayer. But when the disciples asked Him to teach them to pray, He said, “When you pray, say, “Our Father who art in heaven . . .” Our Lord’s prayer, along with the entire Bible is the Spirit’s manual to teach us to pray. Our prayers, whether written out or not, when prayed in the name of Christ (that is: believing in Christ) are our personal expressions of faith, thanks, praise, sometimes complaint, and often times our cry for God’s help in one need or another. Prayer is one of the most powerful things a parent can do for their children: Pray for them and with them. If you like, there are many resources for prayer – hymn books, catechism, along with the Psalms of the Old Testament. Pray with your children. Keep it simple, write it out if you need. God hears our prayers because of His grace, because of Jesus. That’s why they’ve power! Pastor Mitteis
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