FINformation January 2015 The Greater Pittsburgh Aquarium Society, Inc. Newsletter January Meeting - Jan. 30, 2015 Corydorus pygmeaus Amanda Westerlund Contents 3 4 5 6-9 10 11 12 13 2014 GPASI Officers Message from President Spawning the Blue Gourami By: Leslie Ernst Marketplace Meet the Members By: Darlene Madarish FinFan Contest 2015 National/International Sponsors Calendar Local Sponsors Board of Directors President………………Steve Okabayashi 412.401.7573 [email protected] Vice President………........….Roberto Prati [email protected] Treasurer ………………….Eric Bodrock 412. 491.0311 [email protected] Recording Secretary ……...Regina Spotti [email protected] Membership Secretary………..Joe Doyle 724.602.7564 [email protected] January’s Monthly Meeting January’s meeting will be our elections for officers and board of directors. Please come out to vote and maybe toss your hat in the ring! BOD Term 2015 ………....Kathy Bintrim [email protected] Gail Hoover Stephen Kingsley William Sensor Amanda Locke BOD Term 2016 ……........... John Barnes Grant Beatty Brandon Blobner Scott Voelker Committee Chairs AHAP………………….............Tim Gross [email protected] Here is your chance to make some good money at January’s Buck-A-Bag auction! Rather than the usual 70/30 split, the club will only keep $1 for each item sold in the auction, the seller keeps the rest! For example: an item sells for $30, the club only keeps $1 and the seller gets $29. All the standard rules of our auctions apply (name, seller’s code, contact info, ect.). In addition, there is a 10 item limit, per paid membership number, that you can auction off. If you have any questions, contact Eric at [email protected] January 30, 2015 Doors open @6:30pm, Meeting starts @7:30pm Phipps Garden Center 1059 Shady Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15232 Bill Wells Auction………….…….…...Roberto Prati [email protected] BAP………………...............Chuck Bialon [email protected] Facebook……………...........Roberto Prati Amanda Westerlund FINformation............Amanda Westerlund [email protected] Forum……………….……Shaun Howard [email protected] Fundraising………....................Joe Doyle Mailing...........................Steve Okabayashi Programs…………………...Eric Bodrock Raffle…………………........ Eric Bodrock Regina Spotti Rich Terrell Refreshments......Steve and Judy Kingsley Webmaster………………[email protected] GPASI.ORG 2 Message from the President Happy New Year - we're up and running again as we had a nice turnout for the Holiday Party with a lot of good food and desserts, a raffle and of course, an entertaining gift exchange. I was never interested in gift exchanges but I like this one! Thanks to everyone who participated. Board elections take place at the January meeting and we need everyone to renew your membership. At this time we have 1/3rd of the membership renewed. We have a lot happening this year with great speakers lined up by Eric Bodrock. Note--the May meeting is an opportunity to build an LED light so check your email I sent with options and cost. Last day to SIGN UP and PAY is at the January meeting. Questions contact Eric. We're only 3 months away from the Spring Auction on April 26 at the DoubleTree (formerly Sheraton North Cranberry) same location as the Fall Auction. We need volunteers throughout the day -- see Roberto Prati for jobs and where you can help. 2015 Fin Fan contest is going to be managed by Amanda Westerlund. Rules and prizes will be in this month's newsletter. AHAP rules have been updated and some new prizes for 2015. Adding aquatic plants is a great way to improve and enhance the look of your tank. Your fish will love you. See Tim Gross or Bill Wells for more information. Some of our older members had a rough year but they're hanging in. Send a note to Pete Scaletto, Rick Reiter and Lou Bott. Good guys who helped me when I first joined GPASI. To a good 2015. Steve O. President February newsletter submission deadline: Feb. 10, 2015 3 Spawning the Blue Gourami, Trichopodus trichopterus Leslie Ernst Needing one final anabantid to close the class for BAP, I had anticipated spawning one of the 10 or so species of wild bettas I have accumulated. Unfortunately, they have all decided to hold out on me for the time being and so I was presented with a pair of blue gouramis. This is not really a fish I had ever had any serious desire to breed, but we had a 20 gallon tub outside that the pair was placed in to see how they fared. Past attempts to breed fish outside in tubs here in Michigan have been met with complete failure and I had for the most part given up. Reinforcing this, a cold snap (in June) resulted in a dead female blue gourami and shortly after, the male turned up out in the middle of the back yard. Apparently the local raccoons or other vermin reconsidered having him for dinner and left him for the dog to find. A second pair of blue gourami was added to the tub a week or so later when it finally decided to stop getting quite so cold here at night. The second pair was quite the success as the male immediately built an impressive nest throughout all the leaves of the small water lilies growing in the tub. At this point the weather was still a little too chilly at night so two small heaters were added to the tub. The pair spawned immediately although the act itself was not seen. Masses of white eggs, approximately the same size as the bubbles, were grouped throughout the tub. Not one to leave anything else to chance, I scooped a jarful of eggs off the surface and transferred them to a 2.5g tank in the fish room to grow out. While I did not measure any of the water parameters in the outdoor tub, the water was rain water so I did water changes in this small tank with water mixed from reverse osmosis and well water to approximately 90-100 total dissolved solids (TDS) to soften it from my normal hard well water. This water was neutral to slightly alkaline. The fish room is typically in the mid to upper 70s and a gently bubbling air stone was added after about a week. Newly hatched fry were initially fed vinegar eels and then microworms and newly hatched baby brine shrimp once daily. I slowly transitioned them to crushed flakes as it took them longer to accept them than many of my other fish had taken. The move to the indoors was fortuitous as yet another period of cold days and nights in July wiped out all the remaining fry outdoors and the male as well. What I found particularly interesting about this fish, was the disparity in sizes among the fry. At 60 days, I had fry that were over 1.5 inches and some that were barely ¼ inch. I had moved the group to a 10 gallon tank by this time as there were several dozen fry and pulled out the largest of the group. The remaining fry then also diverged in size so that some grew larger much faster than others. While there were no real challenges to breeding or raising this fish (aside from getting the weather to cooperate) watching a tank of tiny glue gourami fry as they just start to develop their color and shape is fabulous. 4 Marketplace 54 gallon Corner tank assembly. Included tank, cabinet, glass top, light, heater, magnum 350 canister filter, magnum hot filter and gravel. $250.00 55 gallon Tank assembly. Includes tank, stand, glass top, light, heater, UG filter, magnum hot filter, air pump, and gravel. $130.00 Contact Walter Roth 724-449-9651 Random Membership Drawing January Pot Total = $75 During each of the monthly meetings, a random membership number will be drawn! The winner of this drawing will receive the total amount in the current month’s pot, either $25 or more! The winner must be present, signed in, and a paid member in good standing. Family memberships do apply. If a family member in good standing is present (including spouses and children) the winning prize may be claimed, and then the pot will reset to $25 for the next month. If the winner member is not present, the prize will be place back in the pot and a new member will be drawn the next month. The prize will increase monthly by $25, until a winner is present. The pot will rollover until the end of 2014. This is a contest that all members can take part in, but remember the winner must be signed in and present when the number is drawn. 5 A new FINformation feature: Meet the Members by Darlene M. Madarish The November/December meeting of the Greater Pittsburgh Aquarium Society, Inc. was a little different than our *typical* monthly meetings. Instead of having a speaker, workshop, or swap meet, the group held an open Board of Directors meeting. This was an opportunity for the member to get a *behind-the-scenes* look at what goes into the running of the organization, and to ask questions and make comments. One of the topics discussed was how to encourage more member interaction and participation among the general membership. At the time of the meeting, the club had 149 members. While there*s time before meetings to socialize and usually a group that goes out afterward with our speakers to eat, plus special events scheduled by the club (such as the January Holiday Party and a summer picnic), not everyone can attend these due to work, school, family, or other commitments. Not all members may be able to attend every meeting. Those that do may not feel comfortable introducing themselves to people they don*t know, or they may be intimidated by the size of the group or by the nature of more *technical* conversations they may overhear when first coming to the meetings. And not everyone may have the technological skills or interest to participate in the club*s online forum or Facebook pages. Several suggestions were made regarding how to make members feel more welcomed - from having a Hospitality Table at events, to featuring individual members in our newsletter. Acting in a hospitality role and welcoming members that are new or come infrequently to our meetings is something we should all be doing. I still remember the individual who spoke to me at the first regular meeting I attended - Pete Scalito - who welcomed me to the meeting, asked about my interests, and introduced me to a few other members that evening. But it was the last idea was one which really caught my interest. By having a newsletter feature, we could not only introduce our members to each other and provide a little about their interests and specialties related to fish keeping, but also do a little *education* about fish keeping techniques and resources as well as discover some topics our members would like to know more about (so, maybe some ideas for scheduling future speakers for the club!). Using the newsletter, we would also be reaching/introducing members who don*t attend every meeting. And by including a photo of each member, we would have an instant way to put a *face* to the information and a way for members to *save* the information for future reference by printing or saving the newsletters electronically. So, here begins a new feature for our newsletter - a *Meet the Members* column. For my inaugural, featured member...I*ve interviewed - who else, but the person who suggested the idea - Regina Spotti. Expect to see a new member featured in each newsletter. I plan to alternate between newer members with some who*ve been around a while, and those who hold positions within GPASI with those who tend to stay more in the background. Given the size of our membership, this is a column that could run for many years. But don*t be surprised if at the next meeting (or via e-mail), I ask YOU for an interview! 6 Meet the Members by Darlene M. Madarish Featured member: Regina Spotti Most of you may recognize Regina as one of the people manning the raffle table at meetings. She also served as the Recording Secretary for the GPASI Board of Directors in 2014. Although only a member of GPASI since 2004, Regina has been keeping fish since she was 9 years old. She became interested in the hobby through an older sister who had a 55 gallon tank with guppies and hornwort that she admired. When a local grocery store was offering goldfish as a sales gimmick, she says *I begged and whined until my mom let me take some home.*. So began her journey as an aquarist... Currently, Regina has tanks ranging in size from 1 gallon critter containers and plastic shoeboxes (in which she raises fry) to a planted 55 gallon. Besides GPASI, she is also a member of the American Killifish Association (AKA) and Pittsburgh Area Killifish Association (PAKA). Regina is from Monongahela, PA. Go GPASI Girl Power! What types of fish, plants, invertebrates are you currently keeping? Currently I have all sorts of fish-platies, killies- quite a few different species-from 3 types of Aphanius to 5 types of Rivulus and quite a few in between, 18 species of Corydoras, 13 species of tetras, 5 species of auchenipterids (wood cats), 2 rasbora species, honey gourami, miscellaneous catfish species, and 2 barb species. I have some mutt shrimp floating around in a few tanks. What species, family, or group of fish/aquarium inhabitants interests you the most? This is a tough question since I have an interest in every group of fish. I suppose right now it is auchenipterids-they have internal fertilization and the eggs resemble frog eggs. What species, family, or group of fish/aquarium inhabitants do you consider as having been your biggest challenge? Mochokiella paynei is a challenge for every aquarist who keeps it. As far as I know, this fish has not spawned in captivity*yet(. Females are noticeably heavy with eggs and males will court them, but the trigger or the circumstances necessary to initiate spawning have proven elusive to many aquarists. 7 What topic related to keeping fish do you wish you knew more about? I wish I had access to more information regarding African tetras, Asian catfish, and Rasboras. Since these fish are not *hot* right now, there aren*t many people working with them, so information is lacking. What item would you consider indispensible in keeping/spawning the fish you have? Live foods would be number one! Conditioning fish for spawning can be tricky and live foods are a necessity. If you could spend an afternoon with anyone in *the fish world* to pick their brain about fishkeeping, who would you choose and why? Rosario LaCorte is THE king of fishkeeping in the USA. He has unbelievable experience and knowledge about almost every species of fish we keep or have kept in the history of aquarium keeping. If money, time, space, equipment, physical ability, etc. were not a factor, what would you like do related to keeping fish? Have a fish house with a greenhouse attached! I think it would be great to have school children come through the fish house and see all of the species of fish and their fry. Do you own any pets besides fish? If so what are they? We have two dogs, Toby and Haley. They are a mutt cross between a Yorkshire Terrier and a Shih Tzu. We affectionately refer to them as *Your Shihtz* Besides keeping fish and your day job, how else do you spend your leisure time (list a few hobbies, other interests)? Gardening-both in and outdoors, keeps me in touch with the rest of the natural world. It*s great o go outside and get dirty, then come in the house to play in water and get your hands clean! I also enjoy reading, cross-stitch, baking and cooking. How has being a member of GPASI influenced you as an aquarist? It has introduced me to quite a few other aquarists. The ideas and information that we all share is outstanding! We have a fantastic club! 8 Meet the Members Questionnaire Please fill out the following questionnaire. Your answers only need to be a sentence or two in length and may appear in a “Meet the Members” column in an upcoming issue of Finformation! Some of the questions will be for an introductory paragraph and selected others will be included as an “interview”. 1. Name? 2. Your city/area of residence (and state if outside PA)? 3. Do you hold (or have you held) a position within the club (Officer, Board of Directors, committee/auction/program chairperson. etc.)? 4. What’s your “day job”? (If retired, what did you do? If in school, what school & year are you in? Program/field of study?) 5. When did you join GPASI? 6. Do you belong (or have you ever belonged) to any other fish/aquarium-related groups? (please list a few if this applies) 7. I’ve been keeping fish since? (year) 8. What got you started/interested in keeping fish? 9. What are the smallest and largest sized tanks you have set up? 10. What types of fish, plants, invertebrates are you currently keeping? 11. What species, family, or group of fish/aquarium inhabitants interests you the most? Why? 12. What species, family, or group of fish/aquarium inhabitants do you consider as having been your biggest challenge? Why? 13. What topic related to keeping fish do you wish you knew more about? 14. What item (a specific book, piece of equipment, type of food, etc.) would you consider indispensible in keeping/spawning the fish you have? (provide a few details of why you made this choice) 15. If you could spend an afternoon with anyone in “the fish world” to pick their brain about fishkeeping, who would you choose and why? 16. If money, time, space, equipment, physical ability, etc. were not a factor, what would you like do related to keeping fish? 17. Do you own any pets besides fish? If so what are they? 18. Besides keeping fish and your day job, how else do you spend your leisure time (list a few hobbies, other interests)? 19. How has being a member of GPASI influenced you as an aquarist? If possible, please provide a photo of yourself and one of your favorite tank, a favorite fish that you own, or your fish room (if you have one). Please include a caption for the second photo (a few details about the fish,tank(s)) and return the questionnaire and any photos you would be able to provide to [email protected] 9 Its back! GPASI will be holding the FINformation FinFan contest during 2015. Entries for the 2015 Fin Fan must be submitted by October 31, 2015. Entries November 1, 2015 will be entered into the 2016 Fin Fan. Any member in good standing may enter in the following categories: How-To Articles Aquatic Life Specific Articles Fish, inverts, aquatic plants, ect. BAP and AHAP articles “Hands On,” DIY Ex: raising brine shrimp, fixing a leaky tank, making an egg tumbler Recreational Articles Artwork Summaries of auction, fish room visits, conventions, or visits to public aquariums Ex: My Trip to Eric and Regina’s Fish Room Stand alone photographs, paintings, drawings, and digital art *images in articles are only part of articles* Comics and Novelty Stand alone photographs, paintings, drawings, and digital art *images in articles are only part of articles* Cash and merchandise will be awarded via membership voting in early 2016. Prizes: 1st, 2nd & 3rd place in each category: 1st place $60 2nd place $40 3rd place GPASI T-shirt The BOD will have final ruling on category placements and with any other issues that may arise. If you have any questions, please ask any BOD member. Entries must be the original work of the individual entering. Entries that are not will not be printed and will not be entered into the contest. Please submit your entries to Amanda Westerlund either by hand or email at [email protected] Remember entries must be submitted by October 31, 2015. Voting will take place in early 2016 by all members via their membership numbers by mail or email voting. The voting form will be available at the Jan. 2016 meeting. 10 GPASI National/International Sponsors Amazonas Magazine Paradigm Fish Foods Cichlid News PlecoCaves Cobalt International PNT Aquatics Corydoras World Ray “Kingfish” Lucas & Kingfish Services Fantastic Fins 734.464.3523 Repashy Superfoods Frank’s Fish Net San Francisco Bay Brand Hagen Seachem Laboratories Hydor USA Sera North America Ken’s Fish SpectraPure Mellow Aquatics Swiss Tropicals & Poret® Filter Foam New Era Aquaculture United Pet Group Ocean Nutrition ZooMed Laboratories, Inc. Become a sponsor today! Contact Eric Bodrock at: [email protected] 11 Upcoming GPASI Events January 10 Holiday Party @ 1pm Phipps Garden Center January 30 Meeting – Board of Directors Voting February 27 Tim Gross – “Keeping Aquatic Plants in the Aquarium” March 27 Monthly Meeting April 24 Liz Marchio – “Forest Fishes of the Peruvian Amazon” April 26 Spring Auction May 22 Matt Bielski – “Building a LED Strip Light Workshop” June 26 Monthly Meeting July 31 Monthly Meeting August 28 Monthly Meeting September 25 Monthly Meeting September 13 Fall Auction October 30 Monthly Meeting December 11 Monthly Meeting Other Aquarium Club’s Upcoming Events February 7 Michigan Cichlid Assoc. Auction February 21 Motor City Aquarium Society Auction March 15 NEO Fish Club Auction May 9 Medina County Aquarium Society Auction [email protected] 12 GPASI Local Sponsors ALCOSAN 3300 Preble Avenue Pittsburgh PA 15233 All Oddball Aquatics 1255 Country Club Rd. Monongahela PA 15063 412.491.0311 Aqua-World 8143 Ohio River Blvd. Pittsburgh, PA 15202 412.732.9100 Aquariums and Ponds by Namado 3990 William Penn Highway Murrysville, PA 15668 724.519.7056 Elmer's Aquarium & Pet Center 4005 William Penn Highway Monroeville, PA 412.372.6535 The Fish Man Lee Mooney 724.826.1124 Murrysville Cleaners 429 Fourth Avenue Law and Finance Building - Suite 1600 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 3945 Old William Penn Hwy Murrysville, PA 15668 Oddball Pets and Aquariums 262 Joseph St. Pittsburgh, PA 15227 412.884.2333 Pella Irish Setters Pittsburgh Marine Aquarists Society, Inc. Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium One Wild Place Pittsburgh, PA 15206 Ricky Fin’s Aquatics 1381 Old Route 220 N. Ste. 98 Duncansville, PA 16635 814.693.9500 Sam's Club #6575 249 Summit Park Dr, Pittsburgh, PA 15275 Sharp Edge Restaurants 302 South St. Clair St. Pittsburgh, PA 15206 412.661.3537 TOAST Pain Relief & Skin Care Products 400 Sproul St. Pittsburgh, PA 15136 412.771.2300 Walt's Water World 4151 Grandview Dr. Gibsonia, PA 15044 724.449.9651 Wet Pets & Friends 3695 Washington Road McMurray, PA 15317 724.942.4442 Law Office of James L. Coster James L Coster 412.434.6211 714.327.6400 Become a local sponsor today! Contact Eric Bodrock at: [email protected] New Sponsor 13 Greater Pittsburgh Aquarium Society, Inc. PO Box 22452 Pittsburgh, PA 15222-0452 January 2015 14
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