January 2015 Center for Creative Arts Dear Friends and Parents Dear Friends and Parents, I trust that each of you enjoyed a restful and rewarding winter break. Let me take a moment and wish all of you Happy New Year 2015! The re-opening of school on Thursday, January 8 will mark the beginning of the 3rd nine weeks. Report cards from 2nd nine weeks will be distributed on Friday, January 9 in homeroom at 3:45. The second half of the year brings our season of recruitment. Do you know students who demonstrate a commitment to arts and academics? We are the school for students who, when they graduate, will be prepared for college and/or have a strong foundation to further pursue their studies in the arts. This is possible at CCA due to our commitment to excellence, productive partnerships with our parents, community arts organizations, and a dedicated staff. I encourage you to celebrate this New Year in the many exciting experiences that our school network provides. · Turning in your letter of intent for next year at the conference. · Completion of your 18 volunteer hours by April 30, 2015. · Students must adhere to the attendance policy for all magnet schools which was detailed in the Attendance Contract that parents signed at the beginning of the school year. Please support Dinner and the Arts with your donations. Ask for donations around town and especially at the places you eat and shop. This year is going to be an event to remember. The ideas for the performance are truly amazing. I hope each of you will plan on attending this night to remember. Tickets are now $25 each. This is the only school-wide fundraiser that our school will do this year. I look forward to many new and better programs that support our students in achieving their goals and making their dreams come true. Thanks for your support! Mrs. Deborah B. Smith Principal It is important that all families remember to continue to work on their 18 parent volunteer hours. At least half should be completed by this time of the year. Other commitments include: · Attendance at the second student-led conference on Thursday, February 26. passions | dreams | excellence For the Safety of your Children Phone calls pertaining to dismissal will not be accepted. When we take a phone message, we can’t be sure who the caller is. Parents or legal guardians must e-mail kerr_d@hcde. org and [email protected] no later than 3:00pm if your student needs to change their transportation after school. We strongly urge you to have this conversation with your student before they leave home in the morning. We understand that sometimes changes occur or emergencies happen, but ask that you follow this procedure to notify us. Debbie Kerr, Secretary Resolve to Read in 2015! Can you read two million words per year? Of course you can! Just read 30 min. per day! 30 minutes of daily reading x 7 days per week 210 minutes of weekly reading x 40 weeks per school year 8400 minutes of yearly reading x 250 average reading speed in words per minute (low estimate) = 2,100,000 words! Reminder! The CCA library loves book donations as well as McKay vouchers! As you clean and reorganize your bookshelves, consider making donations to the CCA library! THA NKS! 2 passions | dreams | excellence In past years, our student performance has been in the auditorium following the dinner. This year will be different. Our wonderful students will perform during the dinner. The evening will be truly a Dinner Show. So, please remember, there will be no $5 show only tickets this year. Your $25 ticket will purchase your Dinner, access to the Auction and Performance. Call now to reserve your tickets! Center for Creative Arts 3 Hamilton County Schools influenza policy Hamilton County Schools is experiencing high numbers of absenteeism due to reports of flu. As a result, we have been asked to make parents aware of HCDE’s influenza policy: When a student is diagnosed with the influenza (flu) virus by their healthcare provider, the student should be kept home from school at least 24 hours after their fever is gone. (Fever should be gone without the use of a fever-reducing medicine). 2015 Yearbook Remember to order your 2014-2015 yearbook. Order forms are outside Ms. Sowders room #124. Return form and funds (checks made payable to CCA) to Ms. Sowders before February 13th. BUDS will start again on Tuesday, January 27th from 4:00pm-5:00pm in the Guidance room for snack! High School Leaders, please plan to meet on Tuesday, January 20th from 4:00pm-4:15pm in the guidance room to plan for BUDS on the 27th. If you have any other questions, please see Ms. Lancaster. The Dance Department’s annual fundraiser Retro Dance will be Friday, January 23 in the Commons from 7:00-10:00 pm. Tickets are $5.00 and will be sold at lunch beginning January 12. Tickets will also be available at the door. Outside guest permission forms will be due Thursday, Jan. 22. Dress up in the style of your favorite decade and dance to the hits of both past and present. Contests for best costumes and dance style will be held. Concessions available! Dance majors also have the opportunity to sign up for lunchtime ticket sales and pre-dance set up. All Dance majors are expected to stay after the dance to help clean up!! Parent volunteer hours can be earned by donating concessions, contact Mrs. Sarabia. CCA Parents: want to help support our school each time you visit your local Bi-Lo? Sign up for the Bi-Lo Hometown Educational Reward Program by visiting www.bi-lo.com or calling 1-800-352-4658 and providing your bonus card number and the following school code: 54797. E-mail [email protected] with your questions. Thanks for supporting our wonderful school! 4 passions | dreams | excellence Talent Show 2015 is Coming! Start Warming Up! It’s almost time – It’s almost time! What better way to transition between winter and spring than to dust off those dance shoes, warm-up those vocal chords, pull out the harmonica, or even your favorite dramatic monologue ever and prepare for the 2015 CCA talent show. Maybe you want to audition in your major area of arts study, or maybe you have a hidden talent that is uncommon and unique. Juniors wishing to audition for hosts of the show will also audition in pairs. Don’t be shy. Make plans to audition for the talent show. Auditions will take place January 14th and 15th, and the show itself will be February 27th at 2:45 P.M. in the CCA auditorium. Come show us what you’ve got! Sign-up sheets will be posted outside of Mrs. Howard’s door (Room 219) December 15th – January 12th. A list of acts accepted will be posted outside of Mrs. Howard’s room the week after auditions. Art NU2 On Saturday, January 24, one of CCA’s DI teams will be sponsoring Art N U. From 9:30-12:00, elementary aged children will have the opportunity to experience the arts the CCA way. Students will have the opportunity to try dancing, singing, acting, visual arts, and more! This is an excellent way to introduce someone to our school. And it’s all free! Come join the fun at Art N U Saturday, January 24, here at CCA. Site Leadership Meeting Alec West – Senior Class President December’s meeting was short and to the point as many departments were preparing for the holidays. This month, the middle school officers attended a STARS retreat and had classes ranging from bullying, social media use, and high school preparation. The hot chocolate sale sponsored by the juniors has been going well so far and hopes to do just as well as the season continues. The strings department has also started their first fundraiser for their spring trip to Disneyworld: Yankee Candles. The second quarter was wrapped up with concerts by the guitarists, vocalists, and pianists as well as planning for the Dinner and the Arts to be held on January 29. Make sure to buy your ticket to dinner and the show and bring in any donations for the silent auction! It’s never too early to plan for prom! CCA Prom 2015 is a mere four months away – April 25, 2015, to be exact. We know you have been waiting for the long awaited reveal of the prom theme, and it’s finally time. After much deliberation and voting by the senior class, the decision has been made. The junior class wants you to put April 25th on your calendar and to be prepared to set sail for an “Evening of Masquerade” aboard Pier 2 and the Southern Belle where we will enjoy a night of masks, mystery, music, and dancing. Start making your plans now. More details on ticket prices and sales will be forthcoming in the spring newsletters. See you on the river! Center for Creative Arts 5 CCA Middle School Spelling Bee Congratulations to the following students who have qualified to participate in our 2015 CCA Middle School Spelling Bee! The bee will be held on January 20th at 9:30 am in the Media Center/Library. Parents of participants are invited to attend. 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade Trinity Baxter Olivia Allen Eve Ayers Caroline Britt Eliza Carpenter Elizabeth Benedict Kaile Cooley Nate Cass Taryn Bracher Elizabeth Coulter Abby Fridell Anaya Griggs Abi Garey Joe Graham Emma Hall Thomas Holzmacher Nathan Lathrop Hunter Martin Lyric Loggans Jeremy Robinson Zachary Opengart Haydn Payne Suezanna Russell Abby Patterson Jaden Stephenson Olivia Speek Douglas Richardson January Parent Volunteer NEWS Parents, Make sure you are checking your newsletter mailing label for volunteer hour’s to date. You should have fulfilled at least 9 of your 18 hour commitment at this point. The Volunteer Office is open from 8:45-3:45 and closed from 12:00 until 12:30. (Parent Involvement Office: 209-5952) Please call ahead to schedule time to come by the school to volunteer. We are always in need of volunteers! There are projects going on here every day! Just call 209.5952 or e-mail Mrs. Sarabia at [email protected] to let me know your availability. We’re asking all our students and families to get involved with our Dinner and the Arts Auction. Volunteer hours will be given for donations. Suggested big ticket items, products, services, gift cards and thematic items to put in auction baskets are listed below. Family attractions (museums, parks, aquarium, lookouts, etc.) Movie night (movie passes, gourmet popcorn, movie candy, gift cards, etc.) Entertainment (bowling passes, sir gooneys, movie passes, etc.) Restaurants (gift cards from local eateries) Shopping (gift cards form malls, stores, etc.) Beauty ( makeup, hair, spa and nail salon gift cards) 6 passions | dreams | excellence UPCOMING Volunteer Opportunities Monday, January 5 Holiday Décor Removal 10:00 am - break down holiday decorations Tuesday, January 13 Art Exhibit – Volunteers needed to provide reception snacks and set up, serve and clean up reception Friday, January 23 12-15 Chaperones needed for the Retro Dance Saturday, January 24 Art N U 6-8 parents need to help from 9:00 to noon Monday, January 26 – Thursday, January 29 pm to prepare baskets for Dinner & the Arts Volunteers needed daily from 10:00 am to 4:00 Thursday, January 29 at least 4 parents needed to run auction check-in & out lines at Dinner & the Arts Thursday & Friday, January 29 & 30 Pick-up & Deliver Linens between 9:00 am & 2:00 pm Thursday, January 29 Dinner & Arts Auction - 1:00 – 4:00 pm - set up, regulate & monitor Thursday, January 29 Dinner & Arts Auction - 4:00 – 9:00 pm - regulate, security & monitor Thursday, January 29 Dinner & Arts Dinner - 2:00 – 5:00 pm - table set up Thursday, January 29 Dinner & Arts Dinner - 5:00 – 9:00 pm - check in, set up & clean up The 8th grade needs red construction paper and large lollipops like tootsie pops or blow pops for Valentine-Grams Upcoming Bake Sales January 12th to 16th the 8th grade class will sponsor a Fresh Sale January 26th to 30th the sophomore class will sponsor a Smart Snacks Sale Dance Department Wish List Bottled water for afterschool rehearsals Lots of pony tail holders & bobby pins Medium to large Band-Aids Boxes of Kleenex for studios Hand sanitizers for studios Replacement of the white board in Studio B Combo DVD/VCR players for Studio B and the refurbished downstairs dance studio I-Tunes gift cards for departmental music for class and choreography Amazon gift cards for dance performance DVDs and books to use in our study of dance history (All of the above qualify for parent volunteer hours) Financial contributions (tax deductible) for our ongoing quest to replace worn-out dance floors in both Studio A and Studio B. Center for Creative Arts 7 Dancing with the Teachers Is Back! Friday, January 16 at 3:00 p.m. will be a special edition of Finale for Dancing with the Teachers! Tickets will be sold the week of January 12. This is an exciting opportunity to see CCA’s finest teachers and students learn a dance and perform it in front of the audience. The audience gets to vote for the “best” dancer. DI sponsors this event every exciting year, and this year the proceeds go towards Art N U. Guest choreographer will be CCA alum Jay Echols. The middle school Homework Store appreciates your donations! Students love collecting Homework Dollars so that they can shop for fun rewards at the Homework Store! Support from parents and PAPA is how we make this happen throughout the year. When you are shopping the sales in January, please keep us in mind. We need the following items: Sharpies of all colors Cool school supplies - decorative pencils, folders, notebooks, etc. Locker items - mirrors, dry-erase boards, magnets, locker shelves, etc. Teen t-shirts and posters Trendy Duct Tape Soft drinks (any variety - cans only please) Individual size snacks - chips, candy bars, cookies, etc. Gift cards Please send in items marked HW STORE to Mrs. Sarabia or Ms. Medley with your receipt for volunteer hours. Thanks ahead of time for your support and donations! Coffee and Hot Chocolate Sales Continue In the continuing effort to raise money for prom and to provide those creature comforts to our student body, the junior class is once hosting Coffee Fridays. Sales are Fridays 8:00 – 8:30 A.M. in the concession stand outside of the auditorium. So far, the students keep coming, and we keep them pepped up on those long, cold Fridays. We plan to sell coffee of various kinds, hot chocolate, warm cider, and possibly other beverages that will be a welcome sight as the weather continues to cool off. The fundraiser will last into the spring when Mother Nature brings back her loving warmth. We can’t have our young ones 8 passions with a brain freeze now can we? Please send your donations of coffee, hot chocolate, cider mix, and other beverage mixes that will help us warm the bellies of our students and the bank account of our junior class in preparation for Prom 2015. We will also be accepting donations of those extras that make hot chocolate and coffee so yummy: sugar, artificial sweeteners, flavored syrups for coffees, tiny marshmallows for hot chocolate, and 12 or 16 oz. hot beverage cups with lids. Donations can be sent to Mrs. Sarabia right on through the end of March. Thanks in advance for your support. | dreams | excellence A note from your College and Career Advisor: We are half way through the senior year already and the countdown has begun for Graduation. Hopefully all seniors will be completing their FAFSA for Financial Aid this month (the sooner, the better!) Most colleges’ financial aid offices are happy to answer questions and assist with this process if you need help. See below for an upcoming event at UTC that is FREE and open to the public even if you do not plan to attend UTC. In addition to FAFSA assistance, there will be much more support and information shared regarding going to and succeeding in college. Additionally, Chattanooga State has a Financial Aid night on Monday, January 26th at 6pm in their Humanities Auditorium to assist with FAFSA completion. Now is a great time for Juniors to begin their exploration into colleges and programs in which they might be interested. Check out college campuses online and start scheduling visits if possible. Stepping onto a college campus really helps students feel that college is a realistic goal for them. Ask some of the CCA Seniors about their experiences this year to learn more about what to expect next year. Learn more about applying for scholarships and auditions. College for TN has a wonderful website that helps with many areas of exploration. Students and Parents alike can create an account and research career options, college programs and majors as well as learn more about financial aid. Visit collegefortn.org to learn more.. College Goal Tennessee 2015: Navigating Your Future A FREE , half-day conference that will serve as an opportunity for high school and college students, parents, and educators to learn from experts and each other how students can be successful in college. We will cover topics from financial planning for college to what employers are looking for to navigating the college application for the student athlete and much more. This conference will confront real topics that affect the persistence of students in college, and it’s a rare opportunity to hear the ideas and concerns of all these groups at one conference. Sessions will be led by business leaders, college admissions and financial aid experts—the best in their field. Continental breakfast and lunch will be served. At this conference, College Goal Tennessee will provide free on-site assistance for high school seniors and current college students filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Time: Saturday, January 31st, 2015 9 am - 1 -pm (Registration and meet & greet at 8:30 am) Place: The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - University Center, East Fifth Street Center for Creative Arts 9 Chili Cookoff 5:30-6:30 Come have dinner with us at on Febuary 13, 2015 prior to watching Hello Dolly $5 for all samples and a chili dinner with all the fixin’s Ingredients 2 pounds ground beef 2 cloves garlic, chopped One 8-ounce can tomato sauce 2 tablespoons chili powder 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon ground oregano 1 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1/4 cup masa harina ( corn flour, found in the Mexican food section of many supermarkets) One 15-ounce can kidney beans, drained and rinsed One 15-ounce can pinto beans, drained and rinsed Shredded Cheddar, for serving Chopped onions, for serving Tortilla chips, for serving Lime wedges, for serving Directions Place the ground beef in a large pot and throw in the garlic. Cook over medium heat until browned. Drain off the excess fat, and then pour in the tomato sauce, chili powder, cumin, oregano, salt and cayenne. Stir together well, cover, and then reduce the heat to low. Simmer for 1 hour, stirring occasionally. If the mixture becomes overly dry, add 1/2 cup water at a time as needed. After an hour, place the masa harina in a small bowl. Add 1/2 cup water and stir together with a fork. Dump the masa mixture into the chili. Stir together well, and then taste and adjust the seasonings. Add more masa paste and /or water to get the chili to your preferred consistency, or to add more corn flavor. Add the beans and simmer for 10 minutes. Serve with shredded Cheddar, chopped onions, tortilla 10 passions | dreams | excellence Januar y 2015 for Contact: Don Andrews at 209-5942 or [email protected] Sunday Mon Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Winter Break 5 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Staff, Professional Development Campus 6 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Staff, Professional Development System wide Students Return January 8 12 4:15 – 5:45PM Student Choreography Rehearsal Dance Studio 4:30 – 6:30 PM “Hello Dolly” Rehearsal Auditorium 5:00 PM Site Leadership Team Meeting 18 2 3 19 M. L. King, Jr. Holiday 13 4:15 – 5:45 PM Student Choreography Rehearsal- Dance Studio 4:15 – 5:45 PM Project Motion Rehearsal Dance Studio 4:30 – 6:30 PM “Hello Dolly” Rehearsal Auditorium 5:30 PM Art Exhibit Scott Leach Gallery 9:30 AM Middle School Spelling Bee - LMC 7 8 14 15 9 10 16 17 Report Cards Issued 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM All Day Classes Begin Staff, Professional 4:30 – 6:30 PM All-State Auditions Development “Hello Dolly” (Instrumental) 4:30 – 6:30 PM Campus Rehearsal Auditorium “Hello Dolly” 1 – 4:00 PM 1:00 - 4:00 PM Rehearsal Improv Showcase: “Hello Dolly” “Hello Dolly” Auditorium Rehearsal Sandra Black Theatre Rehearsal Auditorium 7 pm (Laliberte) Auditorium 4:00 PM Talent Show Dance Auditions Large Dance Studio 4:00 PM Talent Show Auditions Choral Room 4:30 – 6:30 PM “Hello Dolly” 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Intermezzo Schedule (Arts Meetings) Campus 4:00 PM Talent Show Auditions Choral Room 4:30 – 6:30 PM “Hello Dolly” Rehearsal Auditorium 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Intermezzo Schedule (Finale) Campus 7:00 PM Improv Showcase, Sandra Black Theater 4:30 – 6:30 PM “Hello Dolly” Rehearsal Auditorium 20 21 22 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Quality Circles Campus 23 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM RETRO DANCE Commons 4:00 – 7:00 PM “Hello Dolly” Rehearsal Auditorium 4:00 – 7:00 PM 4:00 – 7:00 PM “Hello Dolly” Rehearsal “Hello Dolly” Auditorium Rehearsal 4:15 – 5:45 PM Auditorium Student Choreography Rehearsal -Dance Studio 26 4:00 PM Rehearsal (Dinner and the Arts) - Gym 4:00 – 7:00 PM “Hello Dolly” Rehearsal Auditorium 27 1:00 – 4:00 PM “Hello Dolly” Rehearsal Auditorium 28 24 ALL Day All – State Screening (Vocal) Off Campus 10:00 AM – 12:00noon Art N 2 U Campus 1:00 – 4:00 PM “Hello Dolly” Rehearsal Auditorium 29 4:00 – 6:00 PM “Hello Dolly” Rehearsal- Auditorium 4:00 PM Rehearsal (Dinner and Dinner and the the Arts) - Gym Arts Event 5:00 PM 4:00 – 7:00 PM Silent Auction (Dinner “Hello Dolly” Rehearsal and the Arts) - Gym Auditorium 6:30 PM Dinner and Show (Dinner and the Arts) -Gym 4:00 PM Rehearsal (Dinner and the Arts) - Gym 10:00 – 11:30 AM ACTSO Orientation Campus Rehearsal Auditorium 4:15 – 5:45 PM Project Motion Rehearsal Dance Studio 25 4 Students Return January 8 4 11 Saturday Center for Creative Arts 30 31 7:00 PM Improv Showcase, Sandra Black Theater 4:00 – 7:00 PM “Hello Dolly” Rehearsal Auditorium 11 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Chattanooga High School 1301 Dallas Road Chattanooga, TN 37405 www.centerforcreativearts.net Chattanooga, TN Permit No. 206
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