“Come Back” Who is close to you, but far from God? If you knew that person was coming to Woodstock today, what would you want them to experience? Will this be just “another day” for them or will this be “their One Day! Text: Acts 3:1-10; Now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour. 2 And a certain man lame from his mother’s womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms from those who entered the temple; 3 who, seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple, asked for alms. 4 And fixing his eyes on him, with John, Peter said, “Look at us.” 5 So he gave them his attention, expecting to receive something from them. 6 Then Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” 7 And he took him by the right hand and lifted him up, and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. 8 So he, leaping up, stood and walked and entered the temple with them—walking, leaping, and praising God. 9 And all the people saw him walking and praising God. 10 Then they knew that it was he who sat begging alms at the Beautiful Gate of the temple; and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him. This crippled man experienced his One Day- that day he found Hope, Healing & purpose. Because our stage looks like a football field, Super Bowl Weekend, I chose to speak on comebacks. *In 1993- Buffalo Bills were down 32pts, yet came back to beat Houston in an overtime, playoff game. Maybe you remember; Last year’s AFC wildcard game between Colts & Chiefs where Andrew Lock brought his team back from 28 pts down to win in the last minute. Sprits Illustrated once named John Elway (because of his 4th quarter heroics- The Comeback Kid) I love comeback stories; maybe because I have one! Maybe when I say the words- Come Back- immediately someone comes to mind. For all intents and purposes, this person was down, discouraged, depressed, had given up hope- but came back! Question: Have you ever been in a desperate place? • Have you ever done something/or had something done to you that left you in such despair, you couldn’t lift your head? • Have you ever ruined or damaged every relationship you held dear? In Acts 3 the first thing we notice: Hopeless man in a hopeless situation *Try and put yourself in this story; this man’s place. • • • • He’s been crippled since birth Can’t help himself=family/friends laid/ and him daily to beg Yesterday he begged-tomorrow he’ll beg. (Hopeless, Helpless) His head is down. Question: Some of you come to this place today in much the same condition. You feel helpless/hopeless- you’re maybe not physically crippled, but you’ve lost something great & can’t seem to recover. • Business failure/bankruptcy • Marriage disaster • Abusive situation that’s left you feeling worthless It’s a long, complicated story; but at age 42, I started embezzling $$ from our church Christian school. *Have you ever started compromising in a small way only to have that small sin lead to a full blown sin? Did something so horrible- you could never have imagined? Jerimiah 17:9- “The heart is deceitful & desperately wicked! Who can know it?” Heard it said“Sin will take you further than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, cost you more than you want to pay!” I’ll say it like this- Sin will take you further than you ever thought you’d go, keep you way longer than you wanted to stay; cost you way more than you could ever imagine paying. For 8 years, I allowed Satan to hold me in a stronghold. For 8 years he held me hostage- *Beth Moore- “Satan loves secrets! You can never break his stronghold until you bring your sin t the light!” During those 8 years of bondage• Lost the joy of my salvation • Quit being a dynamic soul winner • Cried a lot because of guilt (even though I rationalized , justified, excused, had entitlement mentality • Sin causes great stress. (shingles) Finally 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I told Josie went to church board! Resigned from the church (church I’d been part of for 36 years) Made immediate, voluntary restitution (lost everything we worked for) Great Biblical counselor who helped me root out the deceit Psalm 30:5- “For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life! Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning!” Because of my sin= I dealt with 2 things primarily • How long would God’s hand of chastisement last? (I was a prideful, stubborn son) • Not could God love me, but could He ever use me again! • Age 50- Repented & resigned. • Age 51- D. A.’s office pressed charges • Age 51-53- Court process (criminal lawyer said-because you’ve made voluntary restitution for more than double what you stole- 250 letters from community leaders stating good I’d done; he assured me I wouldn’t go to prison. • D.A.’s office pushing for 12 years. Ended up plea bargaining for 2 years in California state prison. That was 5 years ago. Romans 8:28And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. This is one of the many verses that God used to lift my head. If we don’t believe that God is at work in all things-for good we’ll never be overcomers!! • Age 54- go to prison (my lawyer said- you’re going to a CC prison When I got out- I belonged to YLLCC prison is no CC. I knew by the time I went to prison that God’s hand of chastisement was off of me. So what good did God do in & through me there? • I’ve always been surrounded by love, affirmation! Prison – I came in on my own, leaving on my own, don’t bother me.” He is Enough! • I’ve never been sick or in the hospital until prison. 6 month in-found a huge mass (arterio paraphynegal mass) on my throat. Surgery & chained to a hospital for most of December (no visitors) He’s Enough! • Last day of the year, 2009- “You’ve got cancer!” • Jan.-March 2010 Cancer surgery/Radiation by myself (isolation) I love people/parties-God 4 times allowed me stretches of at least 15 days (justme and Him). He’s Enough! *He’s the lifter of my head!! I could talk for hours about how God protected me, empowered me, came with He’s sweet presence in my most desperate hours (I’d never had to cry out to Him before) - I learned to cry out to Him in prison. YouTube Pastor Phil Cunningham- prison testimony Question: Why did I share all of this with you? Acts 3- Crippled man with no hope!! *Today, there are lots of men/women who’ve lost hope! Question: How would you recognize them? A. Discouraged, depressed, hurting people? Usually have their head down! Acts 3: v/4- Peter & John- Fix their eyes on the man Question: What do we do if a homeless person is begging- store, off ramp We look away/don’t make eye contact Matthew 9:35-38- “When Jesus saw that the crowds were harassed/helpless, He was moved with compassion.” John 5:6- Miracle at the pool of Bethesda “when Jesus saw him lying there.” John 6:5- Feeding of the 5,000 – “then Jesus lifted up His eyes & seeing a great multitude” Luke 5:20- Wonderful story of teamwork (4 men bringing their paralyzed friend to Jesus) “And when Jesus saw their faith!” Luke 10:25-37- Jesus tells the story of practical Christianity Theme- LOVELOUD- Actions speak louder than words. Vs 30- then Jesus answered & said; a certain man went down from Jerusalem, and fell among thieves, who stripped him of his clothing, wounded him, & departed, leaving him half dead. Vs 31- Now by chance a certain priest came down that road and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. Vs 32- Likewise a Levite, when he arrived, came & looked, & passed by on the other side. Vs 33- But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion! Vs 34- So he went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine, & set him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him. Are you a giver or taker, a consumer or contributor? 1st One Day Principle = From Acts 3 – that we teach our Hospitality Team- Look people in the eyes and smile. 2nd One Day Principle= when we give people what we have- Love, Kindness, Compassion – God will always give them what they need! Isn’t it liberating to know- No matter their problem, No matter their need or hurt? If I will look them in the eye (eyes of compassion) “eyes are the window to our souls.” If I’ll just be obedient to love on them, care for them, God will meet themchange their life! 3rd One Day Principle- God uses ordinary people like us to do extraordinary Kingdom work! Peter says- “Hey man, I don’t have what you want I’ve got what you need- In the name of Jesus- rise up and walk!” Then Peter took him by the right hand & lifted him up, and immediately his feet & ankle bones received strength. So he, leaping up, stood & walked & entered the temple with them – walking, leaping, & praising God. Question: Do you think Peter’s getting excited about now? (v11) This new believer latches on to him. (Remember the joy of a new believer?) (v12) Peter starts preaching the gospel. Question: Why do I smile so much? Why am I so excited? - I get to see God change people’s lives! Give them hope again! 4th One Day Principle= Nothing creates more excitement in our church/in our lives then seeing someone’s ONE DAY! If you’ll follow this man’s story in Acts 3; because of his changed life, over 5000 People are saved ! For the next few minutes, we’d like to share a few snapshots of what we do here to create an atmosphere of kindness, love, & compassion. I have printed on our training cards--- God is Changing lives every week here at Woodstock & behind the faces of those changed lives are: • • • • • • • • • Parking Lot Team & Signage Trolley’s VIP Guest Hosting Preschool Valet & Sr. Valet Greeters & Greet Squad Connect Centers Premium Coffee Ushers Special Event Hosts Before the band leads or choir sings, before Pastor & Johnny preaches we have 100’s of volunteers, looking our members & guests in the eyes, engaging them with love, kindness, compassion & we all celebrate their ONE DAY! *Finish with the story of John 3:16 • When you’re hungry, he’ll feed you. • When you’re dirty, he’ll clean you. • When you’re weary, he’ll rest you. HE’S ENOUGH!! ! So I ask you• Have you given up hope? • Did you think God would never use you? I’m living proof= He specializes in Comebacks! From failure to Restoration to serving in one of the world’s great churches! Will this be just another day for you or will this be your ONE DAY!
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