Chai Times February 2015 Temple Beth Emet of Burbank Mark H. Sobel, Rabbi “The Temple With A Heart” 600 N. Buena Vista St. Burbank, CA 91505 (818) 843-4787 Fax (818) 557-7240 [email protected] “No Man is an island, no man stands alone. Each man’s joy is joy to me. Each ,man’s grief is my own.” (American Folk Song) SPECIAL EVENTS Last month, just after the murders in Paris, I found myself in a discussion with a member of the clergy of one of our neighbor’s religions. I am purposely being vague because of the rules of L’shon Ha Ra. Of all the debate between my colleague and myself, one comment still troubles me more than the others he made. He asked, “Why should a Moslem person living in Glendale care what happens to people, Moslem and otherwise, in Paris?” How could I not care? We begin our Bible with the creation of Adam and Eve, created in G-d’s image. Not Abraham the first believer nor Moses the first and foremost prophet, not King David the singer of Love songs. That brings me to this month. The month of Abraham’ Lincoln’s birthday, Valentine’s Day and George Washington’s Birthday. All three days represent a type of love. No one doubt’s Lincoln’s love for all Americans. Washington’s love for our country and the rights of the individual in it. And, of course, Fr. Valentino’s love for the institution of marriage. All three fought for what they believed in and all three suffered great personal grief in the achievement of love. As I do often when I need a source text to aid me in finding the right path, I look to the Torah. Leviticus 19 came to mind last month and it seems appropriate this month, the month of love. “ Thou Shalt Love Thy neighbor as thyself” We live in a cyberspace world, our neighbor is no longer next door or down the block or even in the same city. With the internet our neighbors are as close as an instant even though they are physically thousands of miles away. There are those who might limit our love saying that this quote is ethno-centric in design because today people tend to live next to people of the same, ethnicity or life style choice. Not in my neighborhood!!! But all groups have their parochial thinkers. Happy Tu B’Shvat! Happy Valentine’s Day! At our February 6th Friday Night Pizza and Family Shabbat Service, we will honor the 17 New Families who have joined our Temple in 2014. We would like everyone to attend and welcome them to our Temple Family. Pizza at 6:00 PM and Family Service at 7:00 PM. (See Page 6.) A special message to all our Temple Members. . While you’re planning your resolutions for 2015, why not consider a financial gift for your Temple Family and make a tax-deductible donation to Temple Beth Emet of Burbank? Your thoughtfulness and generosity will be very much appreciated and it’s a great way to begin the secular year with mitzvot. Check out Rabbi Mark’s column in the Burbank Leader newspaper! It’s called “In Theory.” It’s very interesting and enlightening. You’ll find it in the Religious section of the newspaper. (Continued on Page 4.) Organization—Page 2 Ira L. Goldstein, President President’s Message—Page 3 Chai Lights—Page 9 Some features in this issue: A message regarding Onegs from Dana Sapper on Page 8. Page 9 presents Youth in College by Cathy Zitnick. A new Purim flier from Shirley Abramson is on Page 11. Our Men’s Club announcement of the next meeting/ brunch can be found on Page 10. Calendar—Page 11 Yahrzeits—Page 12 Temple Beth Emet (house of truth) ORGANIZATION Religious Leadership Rabbi Mark H. Sobel Lay Cantor, Kyle Orlemann Music and Choir Director, Robyn Kreisberg Committee Chairs Calendar and Usage Victoria Gaffney Communications Andrea McKinnon Rabbi Emeritus William M. Kramer Z''L* Education *His memory will always be a blessing to us. David Goldstein Membership 2014-2015 Officers and Directors Barbara Bolter Officers Ritual Ira L. Goldstein, President Ira L. Goldstein John Harrel, Vice President Social Action Jeff Fishel, Treasurer Margaret Goldfarb Directors Ways and Means Shirley Abramson Linda Harrel Barbara Bolter Building and Maintenance Jack Fishel TBD David Goldstein Coordinators and Volunteers Linda Harrel Adult Education Carrie Ross David Goldstein Barbara Lux Chai Times Editor Herbert Murez Barbara Lux Ken Watnick Children’s Hospital LA Toys Past-Presidents Shirley Abramson Steve Abrams Food Drives Richard Emerson TBD Norm Goodman Havurahs Men’s Club President Ruth Glick, (818) 780-9134 Ron Kurtz Library Sisterhood President Barbara Lux/Bill Abramson Shirley Abramson Marquee Craig Weisman/Rabbi Mark Sobel Morris Gold Religious School Faculty Mitzvot Rabbi Mark Sobel, Education Director John Eisenger, 818-842-5439 Shirley Kirschenbaum, Grades K-1 One Call Tanya Termechi & Barbara Lux, Victoria Gaffney Grades 2-3 Oneg Coordination Tanya Termechi & Barbara Lux, Laura Soroka, (818) 582-3077 Grades 4-5 Reach Out Joshua Sobel, Grades 6-7 Craig Weisman/Rabbi Mark Sobel Mahnaz Termechi, Bar/Bat Mitzvah Recycling Preparation Yosi Fisher Martin Greenfield, Confirmation Technology (Grades 8-10) Alan Barlow Robyn Kreisberg, Music Historian Rachel Freeman, Teaching Assistant TBD/Rabbi Mark Sobel Youth Group Coordinator (BBYO: AZA & Religious School Parents Association BBG) David Goldstein, President Josh Sobel Webmaster Office Staff Alan Barlow Victoria Gaffney, Sylvia Sutton Religious School Office Assistant, Why not add YOUR talents to those Edith Dague who serve our community? If you have any suggestions or ideas on how we can better serve our members, please call the office or email us at [email protected] Page 2 Temple Beth Emet Office Hours Monday-Thursday—9:00 AM-noon Friday & Sunday—9:00 AM-1 PM Saturday closed The office is closed in observance of the following holidays: New Year’s Day, President’s Day, First day of Pesach, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Thanksgiving Call the Temple office at (818) 843-4787 to contact Temple Staff/volunteers. Your message will be forwarded to the appropriate person. CHAI TIMES Chai Times is a free, monthly newsletter delivered by email to members and available at Mailed hardcopies are available for an annual TBE donation payable through the Office. Editable article submissions, photos and feedback are encouraged and due by the 15th of the month and may be emailed to: [email protected] or delivered to the Temple office. Submissions will be published based on space available, relevant content, and at the discretion of Editor Barbara Lux, Temple Officers, and Directors. Shop at Ralphs? Register your reward card at and add TBE as your organization! Or register with and support TBE when you shop! Follow Temple Beth Emet of Burbank View webcasts at q=bethemetofburbank Join our Facebook group at [email protected] 818-843-4787 President’s Message PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE - February 2015 We rely on the members of our Temple family to do so many things here at Temple Beth Emet. If it were not for the efforts of dedicated volunteers we would have no newsletter, no Temple Seders, no social events, no Onegs, nothing that makes us a community rather than just a prayer house and religious school (although we are a great prayer house and religious school). Those who volunteer at our Temple typically “wear more than one hat.” Jerry Engelberg often observed that we had too many hats and not enough people to wear them. Over the past several years we have lost a lot of people who have either moved out of the area, passed away, or have had other issues that prevent them from continuing to contribute as they did before. There are, however, at least as many hats, if not more. We have been fortunate that many of our members, including newer members, have stepped in to help. Our religious school parents have evolved the old PTA into the Religious School Parents Association (RSPA) and have done wonderful things not only for the school, but for the greater Temple community as well. We have looked to our school parents to help in many areas. We have probably asked more of them than is fair, and I hope they know how much we appreciate them. Our school parents are the future of our Temple, and we hope many of them will step into Temple lay leadership positions. Unfortunately, there are some very important hats that don’t have heads! One of the most basic functions that need assistance is shopping for Oneg Shabbats. As Dana Sapper writes in this issue [on Page 8], it is a task that takes a little more than an hour, but we only have a few volunteers, so we have to call on the same people every few weeks. Those who sponsor Onegs often do the purchasing for their night, and that helps a lot, but we need more shoppers as well as more sponsors. Barbara Lux can use help in proofreading the Chai Times, and in producing the hard copies that are mailed to subscribers and also set out at Temple. We need people to help plan and staff events and activities. We need people to contribute their talents to help with outreach and expanding our social media and web presence, to help with building maintenance and repair. The Men’s Club and Sisterhood need people to join their groups and bring their interests and energies. One position that we really need to fill is that of Board Secretary. Although this position is necessary as a nonprofit corporation and is mandated under our by-laws, it isn’t really a burdensome job. It involves attending Board meeting and taking minutes and occasionally certifying actions of the Board. The Secretary is a voting member of the Board of Directors and is normally elected each year by the membership. Since there is a vacancy in this position, the Board is authorized to fill it. This is a great opportunity to step into Temple leadership. It may sound like we are asking people to make a huge commitment of their time and that we need so many people for so many tasks; but really, if a dozen or so people step forward to help, we would be in pretty good shape. I can assure you from my personal experience that volunteer work at Temple Beth Emet is interesting, sometimes challenging, but very satisfying and rewarding. There are not many synagogues where a new volunteer, or even a new member, can have an immediate impact and have immediate influence in Temple affairs as ours. I like to think of Judaism as a verb. By becoming actively involved at TBE, you feel greater ownership of TBE, and you enhance your Jewish experience. I invite you to put on a hat or two and help pump up the lifeblood of our “Temple With a Heart.” -- IRA L. GOLDSTEIN, President [email protected] 818-843-4787 Page 3 Rabbi Mark Sobel’s Column, continued (Continued from Page 1) May I remind you all, when the Torah was compiled in the people who left Egypt were ethnic Hebrews, many non-Hebrew Egyptian slaves and freeborn Egyptians joined in the trek through the desert. As my Rebbe, Zalman reminded me, that generation’s ‘joiners’ were not compelled to be circumcised. Don’t worry, the next generation was. We grew as a people because we cared for our neighbors, always, where ever we lived or they had been born. . . But even if there is not enough love for your soul in ‘love your neighbor as you love yourself’, let me remind you of Rabbi Hillel’s quote, pertaining to Judaism’s essence, spoken while standing on one foot,” That which is hateful to you , do not do to your neighbor. All the rest is commentary. Now go and learn it”. Violently harming or injuring a person is abhorrent to me. The untimely ending of a person’s life due to an act of terror even more so. How could I, how can we, not rise up against violence? How can events anywhere in the world not affect us? We cannot, we should not, and we must bring our love to our neighbors matter where they are or who they are or who we are. The words of Deuteronomy have never been truer: LOVE. . . with all your Heart, your Soul and your Uniqueness. B’ahava, Your Neighbor Rabbi Mark Attention: To all those interested in a trip to Israel. . . Our trip has been scheduled for January 21, 2016. If you are interested in going, please call the Temple Office to make a reservation. We already have a small, confirmed group, but would like to have more. EDUCATION MATTERS - RSPA PRESIDENT, DAVID GOLDSTEIN The Religious School Parents Association would like to thank the congregation for their generous donations to this year’s Black Tie Virtual Fundraising Gala, which at last count had raised over $1,350 for the Temple, with donations still coming in! Many thanks to Amy Lawrence and to Andrea McKinnon for their work on this and to Amy for her generous donation of the supplies and postage needed to make this happen. After a relaxing Winter Break, Religious School got off to a busy start in January and there are many exciting events planned for the Spring. Please take a moment to notice the new addition of artwork to our courtyard thanks to parent and artist, Barbara Sultan and the children and parents of the 2/3 class. The children and parents have designed and painted a new Tree Of Life Mural as this year’s Tu B’Shevat project. We are glad to have this welcome addition. Planning is currently underway for this year’s Purim Carnival scheduled for March 8th, don’t forget to save the date. Planning for this event is done each year by Martin and the confirmation class students. They have some new ideas for this year, as well as the return of some old favorites. Our Adult Education series “Jerusalem Through The Ages” has been quite well attended and has provided the class with some historical perspective, as well as some valuable insights into current events. Please join us as the series continues on Tuesday, February 10th at 7:00 PM. Page 4 [email protected] 818-843-4787 [email protected] 818-843-4787 Page 5 TBE house of gathering and education We are continuing with our Second Adult B'nei Mitzvah Class, presented by me, Rabbi Mark Sobel. The classes are on Mondays at 7:00 PM in the Temple Sanctuary. ONEG SHABBAT Temple Beth Emet is in dire need of Member Assistance! WE NEED: Sponsors, Shoppers, Set-Up and Clean-Up Volunteers By volunteering for these invaluable tasks, you will be doing a GREAT Mitzvah! Laura Soroka, TBE’s Oneg Coordinator, is more than happy to assist you in planning, answering your questions or helping you with any suggestions you may have. The first class began on Monday, October 20th. If you are interested, please contact the Temple Office and give your name and telephone number. The Temple office telephone number is (818) 843-4787. Please contact her at: [email protected] (818) 582-3077 Shalom, Rabbi Mark Friday Fun For All Pizza Night We will be serving pizza and salad on the First Friday of every month at 6:00 PM before service. You won’t have to worry about cooking dinner, just grab the kids and join us. $5.00 for adults and kids eat free! Please call by Wednesday of that week for reservations: Barbara Bolter at (818) 761-3116 or Laura Goldstein at (818) 843-5437 Everyone is welcome! Page 6 [email protected] 818-843-4787 TBE house of gathering SISTERHOOD SIDELINES – FEBRUARY 2015 WE ARE EXCITED AND HAPPY TO BE PRESENTING OUR 2ND ANNUAL SPECTACULAR PURIM FEAST AND COSTUME PARADE ON WEDNESDAY MARCH 4TH, 6 PM! The Sisterhood Gift Shop is filled with products for all your Judaic needs. All items are reasonably priced and wonderfully thoughtful gifts for birthdays, bar and bat mitzvot, anniversaries, or just to say “I love you.” Menu -- “Grandma’s Chicken and Potato Dinner,” exquisitely prepared by Linda and John Harrel, with side dishes lovingly crafted by Sisterhood members. If you remember how delicious and ample this feast was last year, you will rush to make your reservations. AND SOMEONE WILL GO HOME WITH THE $100 PRIZE FOR BEST COSTUME WHICH IS BEING GENEROUSLY DONATED BY THE HARRELS. Also, there will be a silent auction with interesting items for your consideration. The Megillah Reading will follow at 7:30 PM, and though this is a week night, we can all be home at an early hour. We don’t want to miss out on our Purim Celebration. The price for all this is $15 for adults, $5 for children 7-13 and children 6 and under eat free. Call the office to make your reservation---818 843 4787. Or call me, Ruth Glick---(818 780-9134). The Megillah Reading at our Temple is always spectacular – done in multi-languages and Rabbi Sobel makes each Purim special for us as we re-tell the story of Queen Esther. So, let’s all come and enjoy Purim together. Of course there is no charge for the Megillah Reading. Remember the sick and bereaved with cards, calls, and visits. They help heal and comfort. We wish them a Refuah shl’eimah, whole recovery to good health. Please call the Temple Office at (818) 843-4787 if a Temple Member is sick or hospitalized. Looking Forward -- Check the March Sisterhood Sidelines for information on upcoming events. Our next meeting will be February 1st at 10 AM. Refreshments will be served. All Temple women and interested men are welcome. Shalom, Ruth Glick, V. P. [email protected] 818-843-4787 Page 7 A WORD ABOUT ONEGS FROM DANA SAPPER 4080 Seconds by Dana Sapper The job of Oneg Shopper takes me a total of one hour and eight minutes, once a month. Here is how I do it: I shop Friday morning for the stuff I need: a bit of fruit, some veggies, creamer, soda, if it's on sale, something salty, something sweet to bake. Usually I do my personal shopping at the same time, so I wouldn't count that as an outlay of any time. I go home and mix up the cake or cookies and pop them in the oven. That takes literally 10 minutes. While that's in the oven, I cut up the fruit and veggies. 15 minutes, tops. When the oven timer dings, I take out the cookies and platter them. 3 more minutes. Put it all into a bag and drive to Temple. 25 minutes, but that's just because I don't live in Burbank. I put the stuff in the kitchen, then go into the office and fill out a check request, so they pay me back for the market run. 15 minutes in and out the door. That's a total of 68 minutes to do a mitzvah that benefits the Temple in a big way. 4080 seconds. I bet all of us can spare an hour once a month to help out our community. And, the more people who volunteer, the less often each person does it! So if you and three friends sign up, you only will be doing it once every two months!! There are lots of temples that don't have an oneg. Many just have some coffee and some cookies. But our oneg offers a lovely spread every Shabbat. Why does that matter? It means that members linger just a bit longer and enjoy some fellowship after the service. It also feels haimish. That warm, friendly feeling is what sets us apart from the big congregations, and what makes us special. When I was looking at temples, I noticed the oneg right away. I felt the warmth of the congregation in that little bit of food. Help us keep this tradition alive, and to create that haimish feeling. Please call Laura Soroka at (818) 582-3077 and volunteer to be an oneg shopper. Even calling her will only take about 120 seconds of your time. Page 8 [email protected] 818-843-4787 Men’s Club MEETING AND BREAKFAST MEN’S CLUB MEETING AND BREAKFAST COME JOIN US! WHAT: WHEN: WHERE: RSVP: AT THE DOOR: Delicious Breakfast and Fellowship April 19, 2015 @ 9:00 A.M. Temple Beth Emet Blum Hall $5.00/Person $10.00/Person MEETING: To Follow @ 10:00AM Don’t Delay, Make Your Reservations Early RSVP to the Temple Office by April 17, 2015 11:00 A.M. (818) 843-4787 or via email at: [email protected] [email protected] 818-843-4787 Page 9 CHAI LIGHTS— TIME FOR PURIM!! Temple Beth Emet’s Family Purim Costume Dinner Party/Fundraiser EVERYONE IS INVITED! Fundraiser sponsored by TBE’s Sisterhood Wednesday, March 4, 2015 at 6PM COME FOR DINNER, (all you can eat!) STAY FOR THE MEGILLAH READING $15 for adults $5 for children ages 7-13 Free for children under 6 Masks and costumes encouraged!!! $100 prize for the best costume!! RSVP to Temple Office (818) 843-4787 [email protected] or Ruth Glick at (818) 780-9134 Page 10 [email protected] 818-843-4787 TEMPLE BETH EMET MEMBERSHIP “CHAI LIGHTS” February 2015 Sorry, we have no February Anniversaries on file! FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK! Join the Temple Beth Emet of Burbank Facebook group! Share relevant Jewish issues, timely messages, and pictures with your Temple Family and receive notices and information, as well. Pat Bigley Delilah Church Andrew Braveman Elliot Whitecotten Isabelle Hoffman Danielle Thomas-Nathan Mark Soroka Kim Williams Debra Fishel Evan Robert Feldman Ben Crosby Stuart Friedman Aleesa F. Aronoff Eric Franklin Marlene Bobrowsky Aliyah White Benjamin Ross Jennifer Tripet Aiden Solomons Barbara Bolter Walter Polan 2/01 2/01 2/03 2/03 2/04 2/05 2/06 2/10 2/11 2/12 2/13 2/14 2/15 2/17 2/20 2/20 2/21 2/21 2/23 2/25 2/26 Havurah (a gathering of friends) Happenings Havurah Simcha L’Chaim A message from Director of Havurah, Ruth Glick Havurah Simcha L'Chaim members are mainly retired people. If you would like to join, please let me know. If you would like to be in a new Havurah, please let me know and we can try to get a new group started. Please call me to discuss it. Ruth Glick 818 780 9134 [email protected] 818-843-4787 Page 11 February 2015 SUNDAY Shevat-Adar 5775 MONDAY 8 9:00 AM Religious School 10:00 AM Sisterhood Meeting Tu B’Sh’vat 2 8 9:00 AM Religious School 9 15 9:00 AM 16 TUESDAY 22 9:00 AM Religious School FRIDAY SATURDAY 5 6 7:00 PM SHABBAT SERVICE Family Service Pizza Night begins at 6:00 PM. Join us to welcome our new members of 2014. 7 10 7:00 PM 11 7:00 PM Adult Youth Group Education, Meeting Presented by Rabbi Mark Sobel “The Later Moslem EmpireThe Mamluks to the Ottomans 12 13 7:30 PM 14 17 18 7:00 PM Youth Group Meeting 19 7:00 PM 25 7:00 PM Youth Group Meeting 26 3 4 7:00 PM Youth Group Meeting Religious School 9:00 AM Religious School Parents Assn. Meeting WEDNESDAY THURSDAY SHABBAT SERVICE Men’s Club Meeting 20 7:30 PM 21 SHABBAT SERVICE Chai Times Submissions are Due. 23 24 27 7:30 PM SHABBAT SERVICE 28 Coming up in February: On February 4th, we will be observing Tu B’Shvat Page 12 [email protected] 818-843-4787 MONTHLY YAHRZEITS HONORING THE MEMORY OF LOVED ONES WHO HAVE GONE TO THEIR ETERNAL REST NAME REMEMBERED BY DATE At Temple on February 6th Beatrice Miliman Beatrice Miliman Ilse Korant Schwalbe Martha Ham Monica Pink Debbie Zelman Congregation Kyle Orlemann 2/1 2/1 2/1 2/1 Sara M. Rosen Elizabeth Rosen 2/1 Margery Winston Harriett & Lou Schwab 2/1 Robert Sutton Sylvia Gross Sutton 2/1 Adam Caleb Dash Jerry & Tzipy Dash 2/1 Philip Brown Margery Brown 2/3 Amelia Kapson Pat Bigley 2/3 Stella Pollack Anna Shapiro Morris Glatzer Morris Miller The Congregation Harriett Schwab Flo Mazzei Jerry & Joan Krakowsk 2/4 2/5 2/5 2/6 Freda Slavin Lois Jones 2/6 Anne Hernandez Elizabeth Postal 2/6 Lee Segal Bertha Segel Friedman Bertha Segel Friedman Naomi Aronoff Neal Friedman Sharon E. Friedman 2/7 2/7 2/7 At Temple on February 13th Florence Hoffman Linda Kranz 2/10 Phillip Cooperstein Toby Berman 2/10 Sterrett Burgess Betsy Kahn 2/11 Nathan H. Rose Beverly Genereux 211 Solomon Shimmel Mary Beth Naythons Cliff Rayman David Naythons 2/11 2/13 Jay Featherman Francis Bourne-Johnson 2/14 June Beck Russell Beck 2/14 June Beck Maxwell Feinstein Meyer Carlin Scott Beck Joel Feinstein Lynda Carlin 2/14 2/14 2/14 NAME DATE At Temple on February 20th Lillin Schredder Bonnie Friedman Alan Sloves Myra Sloves Mary Blakeman Lillian Blakeman Helen Louise Naythons David Naythons Susan L. Merrill Andrew Merrill Florence Katz Linda M. Kiernan Aaron Carp Dr. Sid Carp 2/15 2/15 2/15 2/15 2/18 2/18 2/18 Dick Fishman Scott Fishman 2/19 Alfred Jackman Marcia Jackman 2/19 Alfred Jackman Alfred Jackman Samuel Gramowitz Samuel Gramowitz Jack Siegel Edith Strauss Roberta Baker Debra Fishel Lillian Blakeman Martin Bibicoff Lester Pink Norman Strauss 2/19 2/19 2/20 2/20 2/20 2/20 Norman Newman Mickie Newman 2/21 Carmen Macias Monica Pink 2/21 At Temple on February 27th Mickey Samuels Harriett Schwab 2/23 Jennie Mehlman Ester Kapson Renee Sloves Pam Seyforth Pat Bigley Myra Sloves 2/24 2/24 2/26 Norman A. Cutler Norman A. Cutler Frederick Molenky Ida Kushner Sylvia Morris Barbara Wechter Rabbi Mark Sobel Harriett Schwab 2/26 2/26 2/27 2/27 Melvin Mann Gloria Kurey 2/27 Jennie Fiskin Harriett Schwab [email protected] 818-843-4787 Feb-29 Page 13 Yahrzeit Donations for JANUARY Elaine Fishman remembering Ethyle Greenberg Jerry and Tzipy Dash remembering Moshe Marco Herbert Murez remembering Freda Swedlove Murez Help Wanted And Needed HELP IS NEEDED! TEMPLE BETH EMET IS SEEKING SHOPPERS AND SPONSORS TO ASSIST IN MAKING FRIDAY NIGHT ONEG SHABBATS POSSIBLE. SPONSORS SUPPLY THE DELICIOUS SNACKS THAT CONGREGANTS AND GUEST ENJOY WHILE SOCIALIZING AFTER SERVICES. SHOPPERS PURCHASE THE TASTY SNACKS WITH A SET BUDGET WHEN THE TEMPLE IS THE HOST. We have a serious shortage of shopping, setup and cleanup volunteers. Can you find it in your heart to contribute your time and/or sponsor an Oneg Shabbat? FOR FURTHER DETAILS PLEASE CONTACT: Laura Soroka, TBE Oneg Shabbat Coordinator (818) 582-3077 or [email protected] Page 14 [email protected] 818-843-4787 TBE Please support our advertisers PLAN AHEAD. IT’S A GIFT OF LOVE. Rebecca O’Brien, Advanced Planning Representative 800-600-0076 ext 337 [email protected] Memorial Parks and Mortuaries Hollywood Hills FD1010 5950 Forest Lawn Drive Los Angeles Simi Valley FD1745 6150 Mount Sinai Drive Simi Valley Dedicated to the entire Jewish community as a service of Sinai Temple of Los Angeles. Tribute Cards Tribute cards are always in order for happy or sad occasions. These cards are a wonderful way to remember or honor someone. Did you know that you can get on an automatic mailing to those in need of well wishes by contacting the office? A card will automatically be sent from Tribute Chair John Eisenger in your name to those in need of healing and an amount of $3 will be added to your bill each time a card is sent in your name. Contact John Eisenger at (818) 842-5439. [email protected] 818-843-4787 Page 15 TBE Please support our advertisers NoHo Mailboxes 5062 Lankershim Blvd. N. Hollywood, CA 91601 818-506-7744 Scott & Ezra Bergstein 20% off FedEx Shipping for Temple Members FedEx, UPS, DHL, USPS & Courier Service Private Mailboxes Packing, Shipping & Office Supplies Prepaid Services, Gift & Phone Cards IRA L. GOLDSTEIN Attorney at Law 3500 West Olive Avenue, Suite 300 Burbank, California 91505 (818) 845-1421 Estate Planning—Probate—Family Law Civil and Business Matters Chai Times Ad Rates Ad Size 1/8 page 1/4 page 1/2 page 3/4 page Full page Monthly $7.50 $15 $25 $30 $50 Annually $ 70 $180 $300 $360 $600 Please contact the TBE Office to place your ad! You’ll be glad you did. The Chai Times is posted on the Web and reaches hundreds of TBE members in the San Fernando Valley area and surrounding areas (even as far as Alaska!). HAPPY TU B’SH’VAT Page 16 [email protected] 818-843-4787 Our Sisterhood Gift Shop Page 17 [email protected] 818-843-4787
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