THE TEMPLE CHURCH Regular Services and Special Events February 2015 THE REVD ROBIN GRIFFITH-JONES, MA, DLitt Master THE REVD HUGH MEAD, MA, BLitt Reader MR ROGER SAYER, Dip RCM, ARCM, LRAM, FTCL Director of Music and Organist MR GREG MORRIS, MA, FRCO Associate Organist 1 FORTHCOMING EVENSONGS Monday 2 February, 5.45 p.m. For Candlemas: The Presentation of Christ in the Temple CHORAL EVENSONG Hodie beata Virgo (Byrd) Quinti Toni (Hassler) Nunc Dimittis à 4, Tone 3 (Palestrina) Salve Regina (Cavalli) Drinks will be served in the Round after the service. We suggest a donation of £5 to help cover the costs. ***************************************** Wednesday 18 February, 5.45 p.m. Ash Wednesday CHORAL EVENSONG Lent Prose Canticles in e (Purcell) When David heard (Weelkes) This service will include imposition of ashes for those who so wish. 2 REGULAR SERVICES AND EVENTS SUNDAY 8.30 a.m. 11.15 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION (said) CHORAL MATTINS SUNDAY SCHOOL Children are most welcome to the Church’s Sunday School which meets in the vestry.The Sunday School teachers are Geri Peterson, Sue Lindsey and Melinda Traves. For more information please contact Liz Clarke, 020 7353 8559, [email protected]. TUESDAY TO FRIDAY 9.00 a.m. – 9.15 a.m. MORNING PRAYER (said) WEDNESDAY 1.15 p.m. -1.45 p.m. ORGAN RECITAL The 2015 series of Wednesday Lunchtime Recitals continues with recitals by Daniel Cooke (4 February), Mark Williams (11 February), Robert Gower (25 February). For full information about future recitals please refer to You are welcome to bring sandwiches to eat in the Round during the recital. THURSDAY 1.15 p.m. HOLY COMMUNION (said) CONFIRMATION On Sunday 26 July 2015 the Bishop of London is kindly returning to preside at a Service of Baptism, Confirmation and Choral Communion. The service will be followed by a family barbecue for the whole congregation. If you or any of your children or grandchildren would like to consider confirmation this summer, do get in touch with me; we will be holding sessions to prepare candidates from Easter onwards. Robin Griffith-Jones, [email protected] 3 TEMPLE CHURCH DIARY: SPECIAL EVENTS FEBRUARY Sunday 1 February, 4.00 p.m. PLAY: Murder in the Cathedral by T.S. Eliot. Starring Philip Franks. Joe Harmston, director. In association with and featuring members of Inner and Middle Temple. Tickets: £30, £20, £10. To book: 020 7427 5641 or Monday 2 February, 5.45 p.m. CHORAL EVENSONG: Candlemas Men’s voices. Followed by drinks in the Round. Suggested donation for drinks: £5.00. Thursday 5 February, 6.30 p.m. BOOK LAUNCH: ‘The Greatest Knight: The Remarkable Life of William Marshal, The Power Behind Five English Thrones’ by Tom Asbridge. The book retails at £20 but will be discounted to £15.00 on the night. Sunday 15 February, 11.15 a.m. CHORAL MATTINS: The Gentlemen of the Temple Choir with special guests the “Mädchenchor am Aachener Dom” (Girls’ Choir from Aachen Cathedral) who will sing the Introit and the Anthem. Marco Fühner, director. Tuesday 17 February, 7.00 p.m. CONCERT: Fauré Requiem. Brandenburg Singers and the Brandenburg Festival Chorus. Robert Porter, conductor. In a concert of two halves, Bob Porter and the Brandenburg Singers will perform a selection of choral favourites and then be joined by the Brandenburg Festival Chorus for the Fauré Requiem. Tickets £18 (unreserved). Children £5. For further information and to book: 020 7766 1100. Wednesday 18 February, 5.45 p.m. CHORAL EVENSONG: Ash Wednesday 4 MARCH Sunday 1 March, 4.30 p.m. PRE-RECORDING OF EASTER CAROL SERVICE by the Temple Church Choir for BBC Radio 3 to be broadcast on Wednesday 22 April. All welcome. Wednesday 4 March, 5.45 p.m. CHORAL EVENSONG: to celebrate the Inns’ Amity. Followed by Amity Dinner in Middle Temple. APRIL Thursday 2 April, 1.15 p.m. Maundy Thursday CHORAL COMMUNION: THE LAST SUPPER The Choirmen of the Temple Church. Friday 3 April, 11.15 a.m. Good Friday CHORAL MATTINS: THE CRUCIFIXION The Temple Church Choir. Saturday 4 April, 8.00 p.m. Holy Saturday EASTER VIGIL AND FIRST COMMUNION OF EASTER: THE EASTER FIRE The Temple Singers. Sunday 5 April, 11.15 a.m. Easter Sunday CHORAL COMMUNION: “WHY SEEK YE THE LIVING AMONG THE DEAD?” The Temple Church Choir. Tuesday 21 April, 7.00 p.m. A COMMEMORATION OF THE LIBERATION OF THE CONCENTRATION CAMPS in 1945. We remember the events of the war years and the horrors of the camp and of the Holocaust, in music linked with the camps, in the words of survivors, in original film footage and in prayers led by Rabbis Helen Freeman and Jackie Tabick. The Temple Singers and Choristers of the Temple Church Choir will be joined by the West London Synagogue Choir. Tickets: £20, £15, £10. For further information and to book 5 FEBRUARY 2015 Septuagesima HOLY COMMUNION (said) CHORAL MATTINS Organ Prelude Fugue on the Magnificat (J. S. Bach) Introit When to the Temple (Eccard) Responses (Leighton) Psalm 48 (Bairstow) 1st Lesson Samuel 1. 21-end Te Deum in F (Ireland) 2nd Lesson Hebrews 10. 1-10 Jubilate (Plainsong) Anthem Nunc Dimittis, Collegium Regale (Howells) Preacher The Reader Organ Voluntary Folk Song Suite (1st Mvt) (Vaughan Williams, arr. Morris) SUNDAY 1 FEBRUARY 8.30 a.m. 11.15 a.m. MONDAY 2 FEBRUARY 5.45 p.m. CHORAL EVENSONG - Candlemas Organ Prelude Cantilene from Sonata No. 11 (Rheinberger) Introit Hodie beata Virgo (Byrd) Responses (Tallis) Psalm 122 1st Lesson Malachi 3. 1-5 Magnificat Quinti Toni (Hassler) 2nd Lesson Luke 2. 22-40 Nunc Dimittis à 4, Tone 3 (Palestrina) Anthem Salve Regina (Cavalli) Organ Voluntary Alla Breve (J. S. Bach) WEDNESDAY 4 FEBRUARY 1.15 p.m. 5.45 p.m. 6 ORGAN RECITAL – Daniel Cooke, Westminster Abbey MEMORIAL SERVICE – Edward Nugee, TD, QC THURSDAY 5 FEBRUARY 1.15 p.m. HOLY COMMUNION (said) Sexagesima HOLY COMMUNION (said) CHORAL MATTINS Organ Prelude Lied (Vierne) Introit I sat down (Bairstow) Responses (Leighton) Psalm 67 1st Lesson Deuteronomy 8. 1-10 Te Deum in b flat (Stanford) 2nd Lesson Matthew 6. 25-end Jubilate in b flat (Stanford) Anthem Our present Charter (Muhly) Preacher The Master Organ Voluntary Praeludium in D minor(Buxtehude) SUNDAY 8 FEBRUARY 8.30 a.m. 11.15 a.m. WEDNESDAY 11 FEBRUARY 1.15 p.m. ORGAN RECITAL – Mark Williams, Jesus College, Cambridge THURSDAY 12 FEBRUARY 1.15 p.m. HOLY COMMUNION (said) 7 Quinquagesima HOLY COMMUNION (said) BAPTISM – Heidi Isabella Andersen CHORAL MATTINS (Men’s Voices) Today we welcome the “Mädchenchor am Aachener Dom” (Girls’ Choir from Aachen Cathedral) who will sing the Introit and the Anthem. Marco Fühner, Director. Organ Prelude Sonata Romance, Symphonie 4 (Vierne) Introit I was Glad (Coombes) Responses (Byrd) Psalm 27. 1-7 1st Lesson Exodus 20. 1-18 Te Deum (Victoria) 2nd Lesson 1 Corinthians 13 Jubilate Service for Men (Deane) Anthem Laudate Dominum (Carol) Preacher The Master Organ Voluntary Finale, Symphonie 4 (Vierne) BAPTISM – Cecilia Susan Aitken SUNDAY 15 FEBRUARY 8.30 a.m. 10.45 a.m. 11.15 a.m. 12.45 p.m. TUESDAY 17 FEBRUARY 7.00 p.m. CONCERT – Fauré Requiem. Brandenburg Singers and the Brandenburg Festival Chorus. See page 3 for details. WEDNESDAY 18 FEBRUARY 5.45 p.m. 8 CHORAL EVENSONG – Ash Wednesday Organ Prelude Erbarm dich (Scheidemann) Introit Lent Prose Responses Smith Psalm 130 1st Lesson Isaiah 1. 10-18, 25-27 Magnificat Purcell in e 2nd Lesson Luke 15. 11-end Nunc Dimittis Purcell in e Anthem When David heard (Weelkes) Organ Voluntary Aus tiefer Not schrei’ ich zu dir (J. S. Bach) THURSDAY 19 FEBRUARY 1.15 p.m. HOLY COMMUNION (said) The First Sunday in Lent HOLY COMMUNION (said) BAPTISM – Henrietta Rose Elizabeth Holt CHORAL COMMUNION Organ Prelude Meditation (Jacob) Introit Thou knowest, Lord, the Secrets of our Hearts (Purcell) Mass Little Organ Mass (Haydn) Epistle 2 Corinthians 6. 1-10 Gradual Psalm 77. 1-10 Gospel Matthew 4. 1-11 Credo Merbecke Preacher The Master Communion Anthem Salvator Mundi (Blow) Organ Voluntary Fugue in b, BWV544 (J. S. Bach) BAPTISM – Vita Bourne-Arton SUNDAY 22 FEBRUARY 8.30 a.m. 10.45 a.m. 11.15 a.m. 12.45 p.m. WEDNESDAY 25 FEBRUARY 1.15 p.m. ORGAN RECITAL – Robert Gower, Glenalmond College THURSDAY 26 FEBRUARY 1.15 p.m. HOLY COMMUNION (said) FRIDAY 27 FEBRUARY 6.30 p.m. WEDDING BLESSING – Andrew and Payal Birch 9 CHURCH INFORMATION Address for all Correspondence The Temple Church Office First Floor, 2 King’s Bench Walk Temple EC4Y 7DE The Master The Revd Robin Griffith-Jones Tel: 020 7353 8559. [email protected] PA to the Master, Catherine de Satgé Tel: 020 7353 8559. [email protected] The Verger, John Shearer Tel: 020 7353 3470. [email protected] The Choir Further information about the choir and scholarships for choristers is available from: The Director of Music, Roger Sayer Associate Organist, Greg Morris Tel: 020 7427 5650 Fax: 0203 122 1064 Music Administrator, Liz Clarke Tel: 020 7427 5650. [email protected] Concerts and other Development Consultant: Rachel Pearson Tel: 020 7427 5641. [email protected] Events Finance and Box Office Manager: Carol Butler Tel: 020 7427 5640. carol Events and Marketing Tel: 020 7427 5641. 10 SUPPORTING THE WORK OF THE TEMPLE CHURCH CHOIR The Temple Church Choristers at the Supreme Court, Washington DC, after their triumphant concert there. In November 2014 the choir visited Washington DC for the celebration of the Magna Carta Exhibition at the Library of Congress. The choir sang twice at the Library itself, in the presence of HRH The Princess Royal (there in her capacity as Inner Temple’s Royal Bencher), and then in the Supreme Court. Alongside the choir in the Inns’ delegation were both the Treasurers of 2014 and of 2015. Masters Judge, Tomlinson and Moore-Bick all took part in discussions of the living legacy of Magna Carta. This ambassadorial trip to celebrate the Charter was a triumph. We are now looking forward to the Classic FM broadcast of the choir’s concert here on Thursday 21 May 2015; and to the choir’s tour of Holland, July 2015. If you might like to support any of the choir’s projects or the endowment of our choristers’ educational bursaries, you are most welcome to contact me. The choristers themselves will be performing a concert on 16 March to raise money for their trip to Holland. Details overleaf. Please join us! Robin Griffith-Jones, Master of the Temple, [email protected]. 11 TEMPLE CHURCH Sunday 1 March, 4.30 p.m. PRE-RECORDING OF EASTER CAROL SERVICE Please join us for a pre-recording of the Easter Carol Service to be broadcast on BBC Radio 3 on Wednesday 22 April. Music to include: Five Mystical Songs by RalphVaughan Williams All Welcome ******************************* Monday 16 March, 6.30 p.m. The Choristers of the Temple Church invite you to join them for their INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT to raise funds for their concert tour of Holland, 26 July -2 August 2015. Refreshments from 5.45 p.m. Admission: free All donations (which can be gift-aided) will be used to support this next great musical project. 12
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