Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, This month we commemorate the beginning of Lent on February 18 (Ash Wednesday). We will have our weekly Wednesday worship services with soup supper starting on February 25 and continue weekly through March 25. Holy week is Palm Sunday (March 29) through Easter (April 5). My hope and prayer is that you will make it a priority to be part of these significant worship services with our community. We will be using the Holden Evening Vespers service as our liturgy and will have a preaching series based around the Lord’s Prayer and Luther’s explanation of it in the catechism. Perhaps you and your family could take up a Lenten discipline of sharing around the dinner table where you saw God during the day and close that time by praying together the Lord’s Prayer. You will be blessed if you do. + + + We have begun to engage the services of Pastor Michael Keys (Director of Evangelical Mission of the Oregon Synod) to help with our congregational visioning. His services are covered through our benevolence to the ELCA (currently 4% of our offerings). Council realized that we have several times come up with some important areas of emphasis (youth, evangelism, shepherding, worship, etc., etc.) but then had difficulty moving from those broad areas to a strategic approach to make headway. We decided that it would be wise to bring in some support from outside. Pastor Mike is not a stranger to this place. He was last here just before I began my call in 2012. Please pray for these conversations and this work. You will undoubtedly be hearing more about this process as we move forward. + + + Things are moving along with the preparations for the Youth Gathering in Detroit. We will be departing from Portland at 10:10 am on July 11 on Alaska Airlines 686 arriving in Chicago. We will be traveling with 11 people from Immanuel in Woodburn in addition to our own 11. We will do some group building, service and touristy stuff together before driving to Detroit on July 14. The gathering will Continued on p. 5 r hrist the + C G n C G S L d Ch tte Yo u! I A MESSAGE FROM PASTOR KARL es Lo v Life Wire God d Shepher an + ther Lu February 2015 oo rist You Ma Congregational Meeting Wrap-up 74 voting congregational members attended the annual budget meeting on Sunday. Heidi Pramuk opened and led us in prayer with a theme of the song– Bind Us Together. We then had a presentation with pop-up slides that, as part of our budget discussion, showed the congregation all the things we have accomplished and thanked everyone for supporting God’s work here. These accomplishments included our support for ministries of the ELCA, the Food Bank, ELCA World Hunger, Backpack Buddies, and Habitat for Humanity–among others. The vote on flag placement began with the four proposals and after each vote one proposal was eliminated until a final consensus was reached. With each, the congregation members were able to speak and offer heartfelt opinions, viewpoints, experiences, family background, and much more in a very fruitful discussion about the flag placement. The final result of the flag vote – the American flag will be constantly on display in the sanctuary. Janis Anderson presented the 2014 financial and budget review and financial projections for 2015. And again many people were able to give comments and ask questions. We all came together to discuss difficult decisions, both about the flag and the budget – and as Heidi Pramuk pointed out, that is what is important – the fact that we were able to have this discussion, though we disagreed with each other at times. We are a family – God’s family, and we should always be mindful of where God is calling us. The congregation voted to approve the 2015 Budget as written, and with that comes a commitment from everyone to help Council and leadership solve the budget and financial problems, and come together as a community to find our way forward. Also in looking to the future – Pastor Karl spoke about our visioning process and moving from broad strokes to concrete steps forward. In this light, Pastor Karl contacted Synod to see what resources are available. Michael Keys will be coming to meet with Council once a month and will bring with him years of experience in visioning and ministry. He is an expert who will be helping Council to sort out what does our congregation want to do next and what we have the actual will to do. We’re hoping to come up with some concrete action items by our June congregational meeting and we are excited to move forward and see what the future brings! Submitted by Crystie Cody S L r C G tte hrist the G C + Shephe r ran + In Office Manager: Michele Wallace [email protected] Pastor: Karl Hester [email protected] 503.953.5164 Nursery Director: Penny Culp [email protected] 503.269.2698 Choir & Praise Band Director: Erica Hall [email protected] 541.971.7798 Organist: Zita Jefferson [email protected] 503.410.6766 d oo he Lut Website address: Custodian: Jeani Bockelman-McInnis 503.585.4608 [email protected] d Christ the Good Shepherd Lutheran 4440 State Street Salem, OR 97301-5457 Office Hours: Mon-Thur 8:30-3:00 Fax us at: Call us at: 503.363.3726 503.378.7411 Ch rist You Ma New Member class begins on February 25th after Lenten service at 7:35 PM If interested contact Pastor Karl Byberg Preaching Workshop January 12-14, 2015 Cannon Beach Christian Conference Center Karl and Kai Hester, Aaron Palmquist and our CGSLC sound system participating in Taizé Evening Prayer Thank you, saints at CGSLC, for providing opportunities for continuing education. I was pleased and blessed to attend the 2015 Byberg Preaching workshop with my family (Kim is behind the camera in the shot above). Aaron Palmquist was there as well bringing sound expertise to the event. If you would like to listen to the sessions you should soon be able to once they have uploaded to the media archive at leagues. This is a wonderful opportunity for fellowship. Our presenters were Rev. Dr. Melinda Quivik (one of Kim’s seminary professors) as well as her husband Fred Quivik. You can see the topics of the presentations and the agenda (before it was disrupted by the Ducks’ game) at the web page listed above. Our chaplain was Pastor Wes Howell from Trinity Lutheran in Pullman, WA. Wes and some of his worship leaders from Trinity blessed us with some outstanding worship opportunities. They also brought some beeswax candles that we used in worship (see picture) that just might make their way here too. They are from St. John the Forerunner Greek Orthodox Monastery in Goldendale, WA. While we were there we had a chance to meet and spend some time and share some meals with Pastor Jim Stern (pictured here almost 2 score years ago) and his wife Sue. It was so good to get away for learning and prayer, for They sent their greetings to all of you. worship and play, for sustaining existing relationships One of the blessings of this time and for forging new ones. Thank you very much. KH away is a chance to connect and bond with col- We are hosting a spaghetti dinner as a fundraiser for the ELCA Detroit Youth Gathering. Here’s what you need to know: § Dinner will be served at 5:30 (free-will offering, pay what you want to) § There will be a silent auction going on during meal § Food donations towards this event will help our efforts § We are applying for Thrivent matching funds so your generous gifts will make an even larger impact § Pastor Leah Stolte-Doerfler will be our guest of honor sharing about her sabbatical and walk of the Camino de Santiago § Dessert will be served after the presentation s k n a Th and, Christ the Good Shepherd Members, I would like to give a very heart-felt Thank you for your generous Christmas bonus - we are amazed and gratified. thanks to the congregation for the gen- Working for your community has been a great blessing, then you bless us more! Thank you, May you be blessed ten times over! Yours in Christ Jeani Bockelman-McInnis erous Christmas gift that was given this year. It is such a blessing to work where one can experience such a wondrous, kind and generous atmosphere. It is a gift in it’s self. Please know that this gift will, in part, be paid forward so it can continue to give. Thank you again. With sincere gratitude, Michele Wallace 3 HEAR and THEIR By Joan Mathias A big shout out to VIRGIL ANDERSON, JEREMY ANDERSON and DEAN HATZENBIHLER for improving the seating area in the sanctuary. Virgil shortened a pew on each side of the sanctuary while Jeremy sanded the cut wood. Dean was supervisor and provided the finishing sealer, with Virgil doing an excellent job with the upholstery. Thanks guys!! The work is greatly appreciated. GARY and LAURA DRAGER, with their daughter Janae and family of Bend, had three glorious days at Pacific City. Grandchildren Jack and Carli had a great time walking on the beach with their grandparents, parents, and two dogs. A very special moment occurred when a breathtaking double rainbow was reflected on the wet sand creating an awesome picture. Forty-four people from the Salem area, including Deb and PHYLLIS BOLTON, traveled by bus, plane, and bus, to Branson, MO, where they attended nine shows, three shows a day. There were some very good shows. Phyllis reports, "You'd better like green beans!" They were served with every meal. It's a special time when grown children, who have left the family home on their separate paths, return home for time with their parents, siblings and friends. A special time for GREG and HEIDI PRAMUK occurred during the Christmas holidays with NATHANIEL and HANNAH home with brother BENJAMIN, visiting with their family and friends. CHUCK and SARA PALMQUIST's four boys, Andrew with his family, Mark, Matthew and AARON gathered at the family home during the Christmas holidays, giving Chuck and Sara the opportunity for three days of bonding with their two and a half month old grandson Owen. 4 NAOMI SIMILA DICKENSON, in Salem in mid-December visiting family and friends, had a "catch-up" visit with long time friend ANDREA JOHNSON. GLEN and KAY HARRIS are proud grandparents!! They attended the Christmas program at Zion Lutheran church in Corvallis with granddaughter Kelsey Butts McElfresh one of the musical directors. Kelsey was recognized with the presentation of a beautiful poinsettia. She will be directing a program later this month (February) with her kids at Zion Lutheran. Visits from daughters of DALE and BILLIE TWEED are very welcome. One daughter came from Hawaii, while her sister came from California. The two ladies "overlapped" their visits for a night. It was during a shopping excursion just before Christmas for MAJOR JAY CASH when he noticed a woman watching him as he shopped. She eventually approached him. She expressed her gratitude for his service for the United States, then insisted he take $100 she wanted to give him. Reluctantly he accepted the gift. Back at the base (Lewis-McCord) he split the $100 into two $50 dollar gifts which he passed on to two subordinates in his office. The woman who initially gifted Jay had no idea the impact her gift had when it kept on giving. It was a festive evening at the Senior Center with MARY HILL as pianist for the New Years Eve celebration. It was a full house with lots of dancing and good food. Let it rip Mary!! James and Sue Gilman Stern were overnight guests of GLEN and KAY HARRIS Friday-Saturday, January 16-17. The Sterns had attended the Byberg Preaching Conference in Cannon Beach, taking the opportunity to visit their long time friends Glen and Kay in Salem. Jim Stern was Associate Pastor to Pastor Dick Tuff of Christ Lutheran Church 1976-1977. Sue was an active member of Christ Lutheran Church with her husband Wayne in the 1970’s. Wayne was the basketball coach at Cascade High School before moving to Washington where he succumbed to cancer. The Monday evening Men's Bible Study group and friends, attended the Cherry City Derby Girls' January 10th roller derby competition. "It was a nail-biter, edge of your seat bout!" The first bout of the 2015 season was off to a good start with a win for the Panty Raiders. STEPHANIE Elle Legal Motion PALMBLAD was voted MVP by her team. The Flat Track Derby Association was founded in 2009 in Salem/Keizer. The holidays are now officially over for JACK JOHNSON. The week before Christmas he traveled by train to Pismo Beach, California, to see daughter Kim (she couldn't come home). Daughter Sarah, Tristan, and the latest granddaughter, nine month old Eleanor, came to celebrate Christmas with the Salem girls. Then Jack was off to Bend to see the other three grandchildren and watch one of their basketball games. Back in Salem they had company from Florida (not that Oregon's a great place to visit in January) for the New Year celebration. Jack went to Minnesota (twelve days) to see some hockey games and do some ice fishing in -11° weather. One night it was -23° and the Antifreeze in his cousin's car froze. No big deal. They used Jack's brother's truck and visited his two aunts. Good times!! Walleye caught by Jack Thank you to you who sign an attendance card during worship service each Sunday. The information is important for record keeping (i.e. numbers of attendance, communion), information for the annual report required by the Synod. God intervenes in the affairs of men by invitation only. Listen! I am standing and knocking at your door. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and we will eat together. -Revelation 3:20. ~JM #12F–Motion to Strike “Stephanie Elle Legal Motion Palmblad” and her biggest fan! Pastor continued from p. 1 happen July 15-19. We will return to PDX on Alaska Airlines 675 at 7:10 PM on July 21. We need about $7,000 to finish our fundraising for our 11 youth and adults. Woodburn youth and adults are, of course, taking care of their expenses. Please consider buying a share in the trip and plan to be joining us on March 28 for our spaghetti/silent auction/Camino de Santiago presentation by Pastor Leah Stolte-Doerfler to help us get to Detroit via Chicago for this lifechanging event. Thank you. Peace, Pastor 5 Quilts and Kits- Every 1st and 3rd Thursday at 9:30 AM. AM A great service project opportunity for you to be part of. Help put together relief kits for Lutheran World Relief or make a quilt. quilt Can’t make it at that time?…you can still participate by donating items for the kits. This ministry is such a blessing to many all over the world. Want to see where these items go? On-line at, you can access the Quilts & Kits tracker, read testimonials and much much more. The Lord’s Cupboard Needs you! Looking for a coordinator to help with the running of the cupboard. Hours would be between 11:30 - 4:00 M,W,F on weeks assigned. Never the first week of the month. If you would like to help or give, please call Eileen Boswell, 505 585 9556. We are always grateful for all your donations. All non-perishable foods and personal care products are accepted and appreciated. WELCA meetings and Bible study are on the third Tuesday of each month at 1:00. All women of the church are welcome and encouraged to join. If you don't have a copy of Gather, we will provide a copy of the lesson for you. February 17 is the next meeting. Hostess: Eileen Boswell, Study Leader: TBD, Stewardship: Food Bank, Lord’s Cupboard. WINTER COAT DRIVE! WELCA is collecting winter coats to be donated and distributed by the Union Gospel Mission. We ask that you bring clean, warm gently used coats (hats, gloves and scarves too; they will even accept blankets) for men, women and children to the large labeled box in the Gathering room. We will be collecting coats to donate to Union Gospel Mission through the end of February. Questions? Call Jane Parks. 503-362-8097 HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE Your hospitality committee works hard year round to provide the opportunities for fellowship we all enjoy. The coffee hour after each service gives us an oppor6 tunity to socialize a bit, to connect with friends and to welcome visitors. Anyone is invited to take a turn hosting the coffee hours after each service. Look for the sign-up sheet on the serving table and pick your day and your partner. New ideas for fun ways to spend time with each other are always welcome. See Anne Clemens or Marti Vreeland if interested. Or, become a part of the process and planning by joining us on All-committee night the first Tuesday of every month. Our first game day of 2015 will be on February 15, after late service, and we will also celebrate the baptism of Kai Hester. Come join the fun. Soup Suppers are back for Lent. The first supper will be hosted by our Detroit bound Youth. Soup will be on at 5:30 starting on February 25. The ever popular potluck will make a comeback soon, [Oh, the bounty of good eats!]. Look for the announcement. Sign-up for Easter Lilies at the welcome desk starting on February 1. Cost will be $10 each. Payments are due at the end of the month. CGSLC Video Ministry *2015 *2015 SCHEDULE* SCHEDULE* Each Sunday Worship service is filmed (DVD) and copied. These DVDs are used to bring the church Worship service to those who are home bound or for some reason cannot attend. Copies can also be made available to those who have baptisms, confirmations, special occasions, etc. Contact Joel Mathias. Anyone who would like to receive training to help with this ministry, please contact Joel Mathias. Financial contributions can be made to the Video Ministry Fund. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Pete Kraymer films the early service and delivers copies of both services to CCTV for the weekly schedule: Sunday 6:00 AM Early Service 1:00 PM Late Service Monday 9:00 AM Early Service Wednesday 8:30 AM Late Service Thursday 9:00 PM Early Service Friday 9:00 PM Late Service Saturday 9:00 AM Late Service 3:00 PM Early Service Prayer Shawl is a tangible reminder that prayers are being offered for those in difficult circumstances. As we knit and crochet these shawls we pray for the peace and comfort for those who receive them. As they put them around their shoulders, it is like a hug from God. The next Prayer Shall meeting will be Thursday, February 26, at 1:00 PM. Lutherfest Beer and Cheese Pairing Join friends of Luther House for the third annual Beer and Cheese Pairing event, Sunday February 8, 2015, 2:004:00 p.m., at the Wheelhouse Event Center in downtown Albany. Six seated and served pairings will feature local craft beers, Oregon artisan cheeses, fresh baked breads, and many more amazing culinary treats. All this for only $50 per ticket or $350 for a table of eight. Ticket sales available at CGSLC happenings… ● Parish Little League sign-ups Jan 31, Feb 4,7 ● Game day on February 15th after 11:00 worship ● Ash Wednesday February 18th, service at 7:00 ● First Sunday of Lent is February 22nd ● February 22nd Boy Scout Sunday. Come enjoy breakfast before first or second services ● Lenten Soup suppers begin on February 25th at 5:30 with Lenten service following at 7:00 New Member class after Lenten service each ● Wednesday starting February 25th, 7:35 ● Pupusas for sale February 28th 10-3 PM Those giving of time and talents this month– 8:45 AM 02/01/2015 02/08/2015 02/15/2015 2/22/2015 Greeters Laura Drager, Virgil Anderson Jeff & Lorraine Bock Jack Johnson, Wendy Cody-Johnson Nancy Ostrem Reader Twila Anderson Heidi Dupuis Paul Anderson Virgil Anderson Communion Asst. Jack Johnson, Wendy Cody-Johnson, Nancy Ostrem Paul & Janis Anderson, Jeff, Kelsey Hallin Lorraine & Rachel Bock Ashley DeLaRosa, Virgil Anderson, Dean Hatzenbihler 02/01/2015 02/08/2015 02/15/2015 2/22/2015 Greeters Eileen Boswell, Paula Davis Mary Ann Kniss Sharon Kemnitz Dwayne & Colleen Aas David & Carlene Shultz Reader Corrinne Elms Karen Hafner Heidi Pramuk Chuck Palmquist Communion Assistant Alyssa &Corrinne Elms Michelle Shpherd, Karen Hafner Ben & Heidi Pramuk Chuck & Sara Palmquist Worship/ commun. Assistant Heidi Dupuis Carlene Shultz Marti Vreeland Andrea Johnson 02/01/2015 02/08/2015 02/15/2015 2/22/2015 11:00:00 AM Worship: 8:45 Ushers Team 5: Dean Hatzenbihler, Jack Johnson, Wendy Cody-Johnson, Caleb Stratemeyer 11:00 Ushers Team 3: Laura Drager, Wanda Wendt, Donna Sandstrom, Dale Tweed, Billie Tweed Van Drivers Virgil Anderson Tyler Palmblad Chuck Palmquist Jack Johnson Zita Jefferson Zita Jefferson Zita Jefferson Zita Jefferson Counters Flowers Organist *If you are unable to fulfill your duties for a particular Sunday, you are solely responsible to find a replacement as soon as possible and then notify the office by phone or e-mail so that the information can be accurately printed for the Sunday bulletin. 7 tte r Ch hrist the G + C eran + C G S L r NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE h Lut I n Shephe d d oo rist You Ma PAID SALEM, OREGON PERMIT # 112 4440 State Street Salem, OR 97301-5457 TIME VALUE MATERIAL PLEASE DO NOT HOLD RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED We are a congregation of the Sunday Worship Schedule: Bible Study Schedule: 8:45 AM Contemporary Worship w/ Communion 10:00 AM Sunday School [for all ages] 11:00 AM Traditional Worship w/ Communion 7:00 PM Lenten Services (Wednesday starting Feb. 18) 7:00 PM Mondays in Gathering room 9:30 AM Wednesday at Christ house 10:30 AM Thursdays at Lancaster Village 7:00 PM Thursdays in Gathering room Opportunity to Learn about Your World: A Community on the Move! February 1-June 28, 2015 A groundbreaking exhibit about the courage and persistence of Portland’s black residents in the 1940’s and early 1950’s. This interactive exhibit will engage visitors of all ages and backgrounds as it traces how the WWII shipyards, migration from the South, the Vanport flood, and devastating urban renewal projects affected Portland’s black families and businesses. Dates and location information can be found at or email them at [email protected]., or look for the flier on the bulletin board in the Gathering room. (This has been a very big project that our own Gwen Carr has been part of). Come and see what there is to learn. The exhibit is located at the Oregon History Museum, 1200 SW Park Ave. Portland, OR 97205
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