Zion Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod 121 Bluejay Avenue -- Mayer, Minnesota 55360 www.zionmayer.org Sharing Hope ~ Teaching Christ. SENIOR PASTOR: Rev. Dr. Lucas Woodford [email protected] 952.657.2566, x102 - Office 952.657.2144 - Home ASSOCIATE PASTOR Rev. Adam Gless [email protected] 952.657.2566, x103 - Office 612.235.7347 - Home SECRETARY: Mrs. Marlene Jopp, [email protected] [email protected] - Church email 952.657.2339 - School office phone 952.657.7868 - Zion office FAX SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR: Mr. Joshua Baumann, [email protected] 952-657-2339, x104 - School Office; 1-320-395-0189 - Home TEACHERS: Mr. Kirk Shipler, grades 7-8, [email protected] Mrs. Shannon Aurich, gr 5-6, [email protected] Mrs. Nancy Schwanke, gr 3-4 & Dean of Education, [email protected] Mrs. Tracy Shipler, gr 1-2, [email protected] Mrs. Becky Aurich, Kindergarten, [email protected] Mrs. Stephanie Wilaby, Pre-K, [email protected] Mrs. Mary McManus, UL, Title I, Teacher, [email protected] OFFICE ASSISTANT: Mrs. Donna Hoese, [email protected] 952.657.2339 x112 MISSIONARIES: Todd and Kim Roeske SUNDAY SCHOOL CONTACT: Jessica Boersma, 952.955-3531; [email protected] FLOWER COORDINATOR: Wanda Honebrink, 657. 2441; [email protected] + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Today’s Order of Worship Hymn/Song of the Month: LSB 578 “Thy Strong Word” 8:00 -- LSB Divine Service IV, page 203 & on screen 10:30 -- Printed Divine Service, on screen Psalm of the Day: Psalm 111 (Front part of Hymnal) Old Testament Reading: Deuteronomy 18:15-20, p.161 in pew Bible Epistle Reading: 1 Corinthians 8:1-13, p.956 in pew Bible Gospel Reading: Mark 1:21-28 p.836 in pew Bible Sermon: “The Holy One of God” Mark 1:21-28 Pastor Woodford 8:00 Hymns “Jesus Comes Today With Healing” LSB 620 vs. 1-4 “Son of God, Eternal Savior” LSB 842 “Holy God, We Praise Thy Name” LSB 940 “Thy Strong Word” LSB 578 “Holy, Holy, Holy” LSB 507 10:30 Songs “Praise Is The Offering (Based on Psalm 111)” “Holy, Holy, Holy” LSB 507 “Thy Strong Word” LSB 578 “We Fall Down” “Holy Is The Lord” “God Is Great” FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY February 1, 2015 The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod belief about the Sacrament of the Altar: (also called the Lord’s Supper and Holy Communion) What is the Sacrament of the Altar? It is the true body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ [in, with, and] under the bread and wine, instituted by Christ himself for us Christians to eat and to drink. (Matthew 26:26-29; Mark 14:22-25; Luke 22:19-20; 1 Corinthians 11:23-25) What is the benefit of such eating and drinking? These words “given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins” show us that in the Sacrament forgiveness of sin, life, and salvation are given to us in the sacrament through these words. Who receives the sacrament worthily? The person is truly worthy and well prepared who has faith in these words: “Given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins.” But anyone who does not believe these words or doubts them is unworthy and unprepared, for the words “for you” require all hearts to believe. Martin Luther, Small Catechism). “We must never regard the sacrament as a harmful thing from which we should flee, but as a pure, wholesome, soothing medicine that aids you and gives life in both soul and body. For where the soul is healed, the body is helped as well. Why, then, do we act as if the sacrament were a poison that would kill us if we ate of it? Of course, it is true that those who despise the sacrament and lead unchristian lives receive it to their damnation… But those who feel their weakness, who are anxious to be rid of it and desire help, should regard and use the sacrament as a precious antidote against the poison in their systems. For here in the sacrament you are to receive from Christ’s lips the forgiveness of sins, which contains and brings with it God’s grace and Spirit with all his gifts, protection, defense, and power against death, the devil, and every trouble.” Martin Luther, Large Catechism, §68-70. FOR OUR GUESTS… We are delighted to have all guests and visitors with us today! As we celebrate Holy Communion, if you have not yet been instructed in the faith, or if you hold to a faith different than the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, it is out of love that we would, for the moment, invite you to refrain from partaking of this meal until we have had a chance to talk with you about our beliefs and practices. If you desire to learn more about our practice of the Lord’s Supper, you are invited to be a part of Zion’s Welcome to Worship class which is held twice a year. In the meantime, please feel free to come forward for a blessing, placing your arms across your chest to let the pastor know you would like to receive that blessing. As our pastors desire to faithfully love and care for you, please respect our position of love on this matter. On Ash Wednesday (Feb. 18), in addition to the individual cups, we will also begin offering the Common Cup during the administration of the Lord’s Supper. (See Pastors Woodford’s February, 2015 Talking Points for rationale and biblical explanation). Non-Alcoholic White Wine is also available in the center portion of each communion tray. Gluten free wafers are available. If you would like to receive this, you can simply tell the pastor that you desire a gluten free wafer. TREASURER’S REPORT YEAR TO DATE (Jul-Dec 2014) General Fund Beginning Balance Loan Income/Contributions Expenses/Payments Funds Borrowed Balance Line of Credit Building Mortgage $ (69,299.49) $ (109,422.79) $ (212,621.95) $ 589,657.31 $ (589,257.93) $ 10,000.00 $ (58,900.11) $ 13,795.75 $ 3,000.00 $ ( 10,000.00) $ (102,627.04) $ $ Operations Total 42,989.55 6,782.88 $ (162,849.52) $ (324,376.67) THRIVENT CHOICE DOLLARS (JULY-DEC): $4,772.00 RECORD OF FELLOWSHIP - During the offering, please sign the fellowship book in the pew (one name per line, including all children), enter the date in the upper right corner and pass to the person next to you. Thank you! INCLUDING CHILDREN IN WORSHIP—Young children experience worship in the same way as they experience the rest of life—with their senses. “Worship Bags” for toddlers are available to help you share the worship experience with your child. They’re located at the balcony stairs. Pick one up before the service, and please return it when the service is over. RESTROOMS are located in the lower level; Women’s is straight back in the lounge area, and the Men’s is off the hallway to the church basement. IN YOUR PRAYERS THIS WEEK, please include: Those who are in God's care, especially our shut-ins Also for Elmer Barlau, Verna Barlau, Katie Schroeder, Pastor Woodford, Marilyn McPadden. Blessings for those who celebrate birthdays this week: Feb 1: Amber Goede, Julie Gongoll, Brian Grimm, Karen Unglaub; Feb 2: Madison Brueggemeier, Levi Hahn, Matt Hoese; Feb 3: Ryan Stahlke, Max Tuttle; Feb 4: Kristen Guse, Art Knutson; Feb 5: Peggy Lundeen; Feb 6: Sandy Heldt; Feb 7: Tami Otterstatter For Joshua Baumann, for a smooth transition as Zion’s School Administrator. PRAYER MINISTRY—Zion's Prayer Chain is available for your use. To initiate a prayer, please call one of the following contact persons: Lanette Thaemert (657-2490), Arleen Hoese (955-3418), Marlene Jopp (office - 657-2339, Hm - 6572398) , or Sharon Buckentin (657-2549). Use the prayer cards (found in church pews) to request prayers for the prayer chain or for Sunday worship, or call one of the contact persons. DAILY BREAD—Just a reminder to the people of Zion about the ministry known as Daily Bread. It is our privilege to provide meals for families following hospital stays and other times when it can be helpful. If you are interested in volunteering to make meals (no more than once a month, and rarely every month), or if you or someone you know could benefit from receiving meals, please contact Emily Gless at 612-235-7347. Thank you! LAST WEEK'S OFFERING —Operating Fund (Church, School, LHS, Missions): $7,888.25; Debt Reduction: $270.00; Building Maintenance: $200.00; Building Fund: $135.00; Lutherans for Life: $10.00; Help a Neighbor: $50.00; Zion Student Aid: $719.30. “Honor the Lord with your wealth, and with the firstfruits of all your income. Then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine." Proverbs 3:9-10. Mark 1:22 And they were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one who had authority, and not as the scribes.” Authority is a word we are sometimes afraid of and don’t like to hear. But that’s just our sinful flesh talking. Jesus’ authority is something we need. We need him to show us what to believe an how to live - for Jesus’ authority is always connected to his love. DEVOTIONAL MATERIALS for the family can be found in the narthex by the bulletin boxes: My Devotion, Happy Times and Portals of Prayer (Jan-Mar). We are thankful to Zion LWML for funding this project. There is a box by the mailboxes in the narthex if you wish to contribute to this project. Your 2014 Portals of Prayer can be dropped in the recycling box found in the NE corner of the narthex. DID YOU KNOW that your kindness and generosity through the “Help a Neighbor” Fund has helped multiple families who were in significant need? Through this fund help was given by assisting with things like utilities, gas & food. Thank you for your past and continued support of this important ministry! “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me” -Matthew 25:40 The Christian Cards and Gifts has Birthday, Get Well, Sympathy, Wedding and Anniversary boxed cards. Individual cards are also available. Check out our gift items including The Lutheran Study Bible, Lutheran Service Books, Prayer Books, Children’s books. We are located at the bottom of the stairs of the lower level of the church. Barb Argabright or Ann Schuette will be available on Sunday mornings between services to help you with your purchase, or with any special order request. LIFE THOUGHTS IN THE CHURCH YEAR… The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany - Christians affirm life, not because we live in a society that doesn’t, but because we serve a God who does. Our life-affirming message flows from His life-affirming message of the Gospel. It is with His authority, not our own, that we confront the idols of our time and call sin, sin. It is with His authority that we proclaim His forgiveness and hope to repentant hearts. UPCOMING EVENTS ... ZION SCHOOL NEWS... “Sharing Hope, Teaching Christ!”… Zion’s website www.zionmayer.org… If you or anyone you know would like a 2015-2016 registration form (PS 3’s & 4’s or K-8) or more information, please call the school office, 952-657-2339… CHAPEL is held on Wednesday mornings at 8:30 AM. Third quarter chapel offerings are designated for the annual Ysleta Mission Trip by Mayer LHS students who help build houses for those in need. Leading Chapel this week is Pastor Woodford.… BASKETBALL GAMES: CARVER LIFELINES Dresser Ministry will continue here at Zion Tues, Feb 3 at Hamburg; Thurs, Feb 5, at St. Joe’s, Waconia… until next Sunday, Feb. 8th. Thank you ro sharing Jesus’ love in this SALT SALES – If you are in need of salt, please use the salt sheets in the narthex, or call the school office, 952-657-2339. Thank you for special way. your support! Current Memos with 2nd Quarter Honor & Merit CONGRATULATION to Zion Students who were awarded prizes Rolls are available by the church Mailboxes. from Carver Lifelines Poster Contest. Grade 4: Julia Maetzold 1st ANNUAL “MEAL (Chili) & SILENT AUCTION”, hosted by Zion’s and Jordyn Kubasch 2nd; Grade 5: Jadyn Aldrich 1st and Abby 6th/7th graders will be held on Sunday, Feb. 8. Maetzold tied for 2nd; Grade 6: Abby Chmielewski tied for 1st. Auction will be from 10 AM to 1 PM with the meal CALLING ALL QUILTERS! We are presently quilting on Tuesstarting at 10:30 AM. Meal includes chili days, at 9:00 AM till 3:00 PM (till noon the next two (vegetarian chili also available) with fixins’, salad & Tuesdays due to picture taking for Church Directory). dressing, breadsticks & dessert (Take outs availaWe will continue like this every week till about Easter. ble). The event will raise money for the 2016 WashPlease bring a bag lunch and coffee will be served. As ington DC class trip. They are currently collecting donations for the always we accept material, blankets, yarn, thread, etc. silent auction. If you can help the group by donating a new item, Come one and all and join us for a day of Christian service, or gift certificate, please bring to the school office no later fellowship and working for the Lord. There is something for everythan Friday, Feb. 6th. Contact Angie Maetzold or Elissa Crown with one to do. Also, we are looking for someone to sew tops in the home. any questions. We hope to see you there! Material and blocks can be provided. Any questions call Arlys HoneGIFTS FOR ZION SCHOOL FINANCIAL AID can be placed in brink, 657-2455. envelopes found on the counter by the mailboxes. Please add your Zion Catechesis Meeting--There will be a brief mandatory Zion offering envelope number. Thank you! Catechesis meeting pertaining to the Confession of Faith Essays for WISCONSIN SERVANT ADVENTURE - The Wisconsin Servant all 8th graders and their parents on Sunday, February 15. The meetAdventure will take place from June 21-27, 2015. Youth and Chapering will take place in the 7th and 8th grade classroom and it will ones who plan to attend need to have their completed paperwork and begin after second service at approximately 11:45am. Thank you! first deposit to Pastor Gless today, February 1. Thank you! HYMN FESTIVAL: “GOD IN MAN MADE MANIFEST” is Transfiguration Sunday, February 15, at 4:00 PM. Anyone interested PLEASE NOTE the following corrections to Zion’s 2014 Annual in singing with the choir many come from 1:30-3:30 to rehearse with Report: On page 8, 10 Year Summary of Statistics - Under the colour director Mr. Paul Otte. The Festival is being held at Our Savior’s umn heading 1 yr ago, 2013, the number of losses for baptized memLutheran Church in Hutchinson, MN. There will be fellowship and a bership should read “17”; On page 38, the 2014 Altar Guild report should read: Beginning Balance (01/01/14) $2,978.08, Receipts light supper to follow. Questions can be directed to Our Savior’s at (banners) $10.15, (interest) $5.94, Total Receipts—$16.09. Expens(320) 587-3318 or Shirlee Landskroener at [email protected]. es (banner materials/supplies) $40.27. Ending Balance (12/31/14) LENTEN SEASON BEGINS with Ash Wednesday on February 18. $2,953.90. Theme for 2015 is “Singing with the Exiles”. Wednesday services will be held at 7 PM with area Pastors speaking on the following ZION THRIVENT FINANCIAL MEMBERS—Reminder that you texts: have until March 31, 2015 to direct your 2014 Thrivent Choice DolAsh Wednesday, Feb 18, Pastor Gless—Isaiah 43:1-7 lars. If you have not directed or have additional Choice Dollars to Feb 25, Rev. Dean Mahlum—Isaiah 49:1-6 designate, you should receive a reminder from Thrivent. New 2015 March 4, Rev. Eric Nelson—Isaiah 48:17-22 Thrivent Choice Dollars designation forms are in the narthex. If you March 11, Rev. Tyson Mastin—Isaiah 44:1-5 use these forms, you only need to complete and all your 2015 Choice March 18, Rev. Mike Michalk—Isaiah 45:1-8 Dollars will be designated for the entire 2015 calendar year. If you March 25, Rev. Paul Krentz—Isaiah 41:14 have any questions, contact Darleen Wandersee, Zion’s Thrivent Advocate at 952-955-1615. TODAY IS LUTHERAN HOUR SUNDAY. A DOOR OFFERING for Lutheran Hour Ministries will be received following both services today, to support this ministry worldwide. A LHM Video will be shown during the offering with the theme “You are Called… You are Loved… You are Sent… by God.” See the attached insert in today’s bulletin. We will also have a door offering on Sunday, Feb. 15, for Lutherans in Africa . Mission Board will be collecting monetary donations in special envelopes provided in the narthex for the Friends For Life Food shelf in Watertown to go towards the purchase of Easter MAYER LUITHERAN HIGH SCHOOL IS SEEKING applicants for a Head Dance coach and a Head Track Coach. For more information and to submit resumes, please contact Tim Bierbaum, AD, at [email protected] or 952-657-2251x1217. hams and potatoes. Friends For Life requested monetary donations this year and food will then be purchased from Marketplace grocery in Watertown. Check or cash can be submitted in the envelopes (be sure to include your offering envelope number). Friends for Life food CONGRATULATIONS to Ben Quiram, a junior at Mayer LHS, shelf currently serves approximately 60 families in need. who scored a 36 on his ACT test. This is the highest possible score on the test. Ben is the son of Jeff and Jodi Quiram who with his sister 2015 CHURCH PICTURE DIRECTORY— Photos for Zion’s new picture directory will be taken in the church basement on the follow- Olivia are members of our church family. Ben is blessed with musiing days: Tuesday-Friday, February 3-6, from 2:00-9:00 PM; Satur- cal talents and plays his guitar with the praise band each Sunday at Zion. day, February 6, from 10 AM - 4 PM; Tuesday, February 10, from 2:00-9:00 PM; Wednesday, Feb 11 from 3-7 PM. You can schedule SNOWFEST COURT at Mayer LHS this past week included Senyour appointment online at our website, zionmayer.org, or you can ior Taylor Otterstatter from our Zion Church Family and also Senior call the church office, 952-657-2566 for assistance. If you have not Erin Wandersee and Freshman Lauren Wandersee, granddaughters of already signed up, please do so now, as our directory won’t be comDarleen Wandersee. plete without you! SHARING HOPE—TEACHING CHRIST . . . during the week of February 1, 2015 Today: Lutheran Hour Sunday (door offering) Worship/Holy Communion 8:00 AM Sunday School, CMC & Bible Class 9:15 AM Worship/Holy Communion 10:30 AM Catechesis meeting for 7th grade students & parents 11:45 AM Monday: Choir 8:00 PM Tuesday: Quilting 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Bible Class at Westwood Place 10:15 AM Church Pictures 2:00 PM - 9:00 PM Elders Meeting 7:00 PM Dartball vs. Waconia (Zion School Gym) 8:00 PM Wednesday: Chapel 8:30 AM Bible Class 10:00 AM Church Pictures 2:00 PM - 9:00 PM Catechesis 3:45 PM Bible Class at Christ Corner 7:00 PM Thursday: Faculty Devotions 7:15 AM Church Pictures 2:00 PM - 9:00 PM Church Council 7:00 PM Friday: Church Pictures 2:00 PM - 9:00 PM Saturday: Church Pictures 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Sunday: Worship/Holy Communion 8:00 AM Sunday School, CMC & Bible Class 9:15 AM Worship/Holy Communion 10:30 AM Today’s Light Readings for the week: Monday Isaiah 63:1 - Isaiah 66:24 Tuesday Jeremiah 1:1 - Jeremiah 2:37 Wednesday Jeremiah 3:1 - Jeremiah 4:31 Thursday Jeremiah 5:1 - Jeremiah 6:30 Friday Jeremiah 7:1 - Jeremiah 8:22 Saturday Jeremiah 9:1 - Jeremiah 10:25 Readings for next Sunday: Isaiah 40:21-31 1 Corinthians 9:16-27 Mark 1:29-39 SERVING THE LORD & HIS PEOPLE TODAY: Worship Leader/Preacher: Rev. Adam Gless, Rev. Lucas Woodford Elder: Curt Lundeen Greeters: Early: Curt & Peggy Lundeen, Brian Grimm, Lowell Haga-Leas Late: Leon & Joleen Guetzkow, Matt & Kristen Guse Family, Larry & Cathy Michaletz Organist: Mrs. JoAnn Zieroth Keyboard: Mrs. Tracy Shipler Acolytes: Mickey Venero Conner Wisch PowerPoint: Korinne Kramer Megan Thomas Joey Switch Chelsea Kovar
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