Our Lady of Sorrows & St. Louis Catholic Churches th Feb 8, 2015 5 Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday: Feb 8 Stroud 8:40 a.m. Rosary 9 a.m. Mass Chandler 9:45 Choir practice 10:30 Rosary 11 a.m. Mass RCIA 12:15 – 1:15 First International Day of Prayer & Awareness against Human Trafficking. Wednesday: Feb 11 8 a.m. Mass 6:00 p.m. Youth Choir 7 p.m. CCD Thursday: Feb 12 8 a.m. Mass Saturday: Feb 14 Happy Valentine’s Day! Sunday: Feb 15 Stroud 8:40 a.m. Rosary 9 a.m. Mass Chandler Youth Sunday 10:30 Rosary 11 a.m. Mass RCIA 12:15 – 1:15 Parish council mtg. after Mass Tuesday: Feb 17 Mardi Gras day 6 p.m. Pot Luck meal in Stroud 7 p.m. Mass in Stroud Wednesday: Feb 18 Ash Wednesday 7 p.m. Mass in Chandler Sunday: Feb 22 The Rite of Election for the RCIA candidates at the Cathedral in OKC. To be blessed by Archbishop Coakley. Please start to bring in your blessed palms from last year’s Palm Sunday mass to make this year’s ashes. Offertory: Sunday Offering & Tithes $2,182.00 Candle Offerings $24.00 Hall Building Fund $2,210.00 Poor Fund $55.00 Hall Building Fund (Valentine Cookies) $200.00 2nd Collection - Not taken due to ADF Appeal Update - Hall Building Fund: Total balance in the bank as of Feb. 1, 2015 = $252,523.23 We did it!! We reached the Phase I goal of $250,000 by Jan. 31, 2015!! Thanks be to God.....and to all of you that helped make this possible through your hard work, personal sacrifices, generous donations and perseverance. The parish is due a short "breather" after this major accomplishment before we begin Phase II, the final step. So let's take some deep breathes, give thanks for where we are, and maybe party just a little!! Also, if you have not had a chance to donate yet, please know that it is not too late. Additional donations we receive will lower the amount we have to borrow when construction begins, which is huge. Birthdays: Feb 12 Alan Conway, Caleb Potter Conway, Amanda Casio, 13 – Debbie Beloncik, 14 – Jessica Honser Please inform Dolores Conway if you have a phone or address change. Thank you. If you got a message to ask “Are you a student or a teacher” – just text back on the message that you are a student. Do not go to the link. Come join Remind 101 to get texts with Church information / events / weather cancellations. Simply text # 918-921-6992 and in the message box put one or all of the following: @altarsoc - this is for all general church information and is in addition to the calling chain @ccdcall - CCD information @pcouncil - Parish council @rciacall - RCIA, RCIC, remembering group and all other classes February 28, 2015 - The Oklahoma Fellowship of Catholic Men will be hosting the 19th Annual Catholic Men’s Conference, “In the Father’s Footsteps” on Saturday, February 28, 2015 at the Embassy Suites Conference Center in North Norman, Oklahoma. For years, men have been coming to this day of learning, reflecting and fellowship…walking away with encouragement and enlightenment that we are able to be men of faith in our families, with our friends, and in our work locations. We learn through the talks how we can be better husbands, dads, step-dads, sons and grandfathers. The conference entwines Sacraments and sacramental traditions into the day’s events with opportunities for Reconciliation administered by the priests of the Archdiocese and the opportunity to celebrate the Eucharist with our very own Archbishop Coakley at the close of the conference. Our theme for this year’s conference, “Forged by Grace,” continues our venue of building and sustaining solid relationships in our daily lives. We have 4 great main session speakers that will provide us with the right tools to persevere and thrive in our faith journey. The cost for all the day’s activities (including lunch, snacks, beverages and admission to all presentations) is $55 prior to February 2nd and $65 from February 3rd through on-site registration. High School students can register anytime for $29. College Students can register anytime at $39. More info on our speakers and agenda can be found in the brochures, or online at www.catholicmen.net, or call Allen Smith at 405-249-7705. Altar Society Mtg: Ann Grimm reported the names of the 1st Communion which will be April 26 and the names of our High School Graduates for May 10 which is also Mother’s Day. Discussion that Pope Francis is coming to the US Sept 22 – 27. The Bishops from United States created a book that we hope to purchase and have available in the Gift Store. Feb 28 - Lenten Retreat at our church with Fr. Buckley from St. Gregory Camilla reported that the Woman of Achievement was voted on and will be announced Feb 8th. It was discussed for the Annual Salad Luncheon that if our Parish Hall is torn down, we will approach other churches to use their facility. The Thrift Store lost a volunteer. If you can help – please visit with Jeanette. Also if you would be willing to head the committee that provides meal for our sick – ask Jeanette for more details. The Chandler / Stroud Disaster Emergency Preparedness had their first meeting and it was reported they plan to have a Scanning Party to encourage everyone to scan important papers and save on a flash drive to use if needed in a disaster. Parish Lenten Retreat: February 28, 10:00am, concluding with Reconciliation beginning at approximately 2:00pm. Father Charles Buckley from St. Gregory's Abbey in Shawnee will be presenting a Lenten Retreat at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish. The morning session will be on the Humility of Lent and the afternoon session will be on the Joy of Lent. A light lunch will be provided. The Retreat will conclude with opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. All are welcome. Please preregister with Ann Grim (405-240-7328) so that we will be able to have an accurate number for the lunch. Feb 15, Feb 16, 22. Purchase your tickets today for Catholic Charities’ Green Tie Gala on Friday, March 6th at the National Cowboy & Western Heritage museum. Sponsorships are still available. Individual tickets are $200 and benefit Catholic Charities’ homeless services for women and children. Come celebrate this important work as we honor Jim Connelly as the 2015 Green Tie Ambassador. Visit www.GreenTieGala.org for more information about sponsorships and tickets or call 405-523-3009. Feb 26 QPR trainings in English is scheduled for February 26 at 3 pm and 7 pm at Pastoral Center. QPR is a suicide prevention training which will teach how to recognize a person who may be in crisis and get them the resources they need. QPR is one part of the Cabrini Ministry, a program which addresses suicide prevention, response, and education for the Archdiocese. Staff and volunteers at your parishes are asked to attend. Please send this information on to your parishes and missions. If some reason staff or volunteers feel they are unable to participate due to personal experiences - please have them discuss with pastor. Counseling services are available for those who need support with these issues. Who: Parish staff, clergy, volunteers, and youth leaders. Limited to 30 participants per session. (Community Leaders of organizations are also invited) Minimum 10 registered. Questions: St. Joseph's Counseling Center Amy Shipman and Aimee Ryan 405-524-0969 1-800-375-8514 Feb 28 - Relationship enhancement program The next free PREP (Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program) entitled, “REAL Y PARA SIEMPRE,” will be entirely in Spanish. The program is Feb. 28 at the Catholic Pastoral Center, 7501 NW Expressway. Sign-in at 9:30 a.m., with the program from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be limited child care. Reservations required. Space is limited. Lunch is included. Call Lisa at (405) 709-2709. High School Seniors- If you are planning to attend college in the Fall of 2015, you may want to consider St. Gregory’s University in Shawnee as an option. SGU is Oklahoma’s only Catholic University offering a liberal arts curriculum with a variety of majors and is based in the Benedictine tradition of educating the whole person-mind, body, and spirit. St. Gregory’s has many scholarships available including a need-based Pastoral Scholarship Program which is renewable for up to 4 years. If you are interested in this scholarship or more information please talk to Father Mickus or Ann Grim for more information. “St. Gregory’s is more than just a college to me; it is a family guiding me to the road of success. As I look out on this beautiful campus I call home and the love and support that pours out of each individual, I thank God every day for those who have made this possible.”-Summer Guarnieri, Freshman The 2015 – 2016 Catholic Foundation of Oklahoma Scholarship Applications are now available. The Catholic Foundation offers a $6000 scholarship ($1,500 per year) to students attending a non-Catholic college or university & a $12,000 scholarship ($3,000 per year) to students attending a Catholic college or university. The scholarships are awarded to qualified undergraduate Catholic students at the college or university of their choice & are renewable for up to four years as long as academic & enrollment guidelines are maintained. If interested. Please visit the Catholic Foundation website at www.cfook.org or contact your high school counselor, Pastor or DRE for an application. If you have any further questions please contact the Catholic Foundation at 405-721-4115 or [email protected] with any questions. Completed applications are due by Wed April 8 2015. Feb 8 Greeter – Gwen Pool Refreshments Shirley Holleman, Darla Melson, Beth Nichols & Debra Norman Sacristan Tita Little Gift Store Tita Little Altar Servers Auston & Jordon Sharp, Allen Smith Lectors 1 - Jennifer Dingman 2 - Maria Avers Responsorial Debbie Beloncik Ushers Ray Smith & Mike Bendele Gift Family Bendele Family Eucharist Don Fondren, Jeanette Haley, & Bob Hoban nd 2 Collection For the Poor Feb 8 St. Louis Greeters Bob & Dot Altar Server Maggie Lector Charlie Collis Gifts Angie, Walter & Kennedy Ex Ord Comm Min Elaine &Trudy Second Collection For the poor Feb 14 Feb 15 Greeter – Beth Nichols - Youth Sunday Refreshments Carol Melson, Shelly Lyons, Barbara Smith Sacristan Dolores Conway Gift Store Linda Smith Altar Servers James Grim, Ethan Norman, John Anderson Lectors 1 - Youth 2 - Youth Responsorial Youth Ushers John O'Day & Bob Debbie Gift Family Youth Eucharist Jeanette Haley, Bob Hoban & Shirley Holleman 2nd Collection For the Poor St. Louis Greeters Altar Server Lector Gifts Ex Ord Comm Min Second Collection Charlie Collis Emily Cyndi Lepley Agnes Steward/Emily Monica & Gary For the Poor Mardi Gras Tuesday Feb 17 6 p.m. pot luck meal & then Mass at 7 p.m. in Stroud Greeters Deloris Altar Server Maggie Lector Trudy Gifts Poskeys Ex Ord Comm Min George & Charlie Second Collection For the Poor Feb 18 – Ash Wednesday Altar Servers – Abbi Avers, Abigail Miles, Barbara Smith Lectors – 1 – Rose Marie Bouska 2 – Robin Helm Feb 22 Greeter – Linda Smith - First Sunday Of Lent Refreshments Maria Avers, Kathleen Martin, Betty Keating Sacristan Debbie Beloncik Gift Store Betty Keating Altar Servers Ashley & Kim Wade, Sylvia Randolph Lectors 1 - Andy Beloncik 2 - Debra Beloncik Responsorial Dolores Conway Ushers Gene Holleman & Chuck Schumacher Gift Family Beloncik family Eucharist Bob Hoban, Shirley Holleman, & Sylvia Randolph 2nd Collection For the Poor St. Louis Greeters Agnes Stewart Altar Server Emily Lector Charlie Collis Gifts Babinecs Ex Ord Comm Min Monica & Gary Second Collection For the Poor Lenten observance: Who must fast? – All Catholics who are between the ages of 18 – 59. The obligation ceases when one begins their 60th year. Who must abstain? – All Catholics who are 14 or older. What does fasting mean? – The observance of fasting means that those obliged may take only one full meal on the day of fast. Two lighter meals (not equal to another full meal) are permitted if necessary to maintain strength according to one’s needs. Eating solid foods between meals is not permitted. What does abstinence mean? – The law of abstinence forbids the eating of meat; Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence from meat. Other voluntary acts of self-denial are encouraged during this penitential season. Can anyone be dispensed or excused from fast &/or abstinence? Individuals with just cause may be dispensed by a priest. Those who are ill or have similar serous reason are excused from the observance of fast & abstinence. Catholics are reminded that they should not lightly excuse themselves from this obligation and if they do so, they then need to compensate with prayer & other voluntary acts of penance. 2015 ADF ARCHBISHOP'S APPEAL - Last Sunday, February 1st, the 2015 Archdiocesan Development Fund Appeal kicked-off in our Parish and throughout the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City. This is an opportunity to unite with all Catholics in the Archdiocese to share our blessings and to share God's love with each other. Your gift is important. Please assist the works of Religious Education, Hispanic Ministry, Pastoral Ministry, Youth & Young Adult Activities, Family Life Programs, and many other services provided by the Archdiocese. As always, our Parish goal for this year's ADF is 100% participation by all parish members. Just imagine the additional good works that would be accomplished with full participation! No matter how small, every gift is an act of worshiping God. If you have not yet done so, we hope that you will make your pledge this week. Pledge envelopes are located at the back of the Church and in the foyer. Place the envelope in the regular collection basket or give to Allen Smith. Thanks again for your continued loyal support as we do our part to help the Gospel flourish in central and western Oklahoma. Fr. Jim Mickus Rectory 258-1239 P O Box 543 (mail) Church & Hall 258-0010 409 Price Ave. Fr. 405-396-8132 Chandler, OK 74834 email:[email protected] Deacon Rusty Wooden Cell - 405-761-4965 Maria Avers RN, FCN Parish Nurse C 405-612-3777 H 865-2636 Our Web page address is www.ourladyofsorrowschandler.org Please pray for: February Joe Dobry Joshua Sherwood Glen Davis Nancy Fialkowski December January Kay Cannon Terry Bahm & his 2 children Kelly Folsom Don Fondren Anna Gillespie Chelsea Williams Payton Williams Please contact Sandi Miles at 826-2975 to be added or removed from our prayer list. February 8, 2015 - Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Like St. Paul in the second reading, the good steward can say, “I do all that I do for the sake of the Gospel in the hope of sharing in its blessings.” See 1 Corinthians 9:23 EXTRA INFORMATION TO USE AS NEEDED: Marriage prep in ArchOKC Newly engaged couples who wish to marry in a Catholic church in the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City should contact either their parish pastor or the archdiocesan Office of Family Life at 405-721-8944. In some parishes, marriage preparation programs consist of a series of sessions with a seasoned married couple, as well as a meeting with the priest. In others, engaged couples are referred to the archdiocesan Office of Family Life. The Office of Family Life offers weekend pre-Cana retreats, as well as a variety of other programs to strengthen marriages – including existing marriages. Marriage posted 2015: 1-18, 1-25, Abuse of Minors Pastoral Response Hotline 800-522-3511 or 405-720-9878 For the safety and the healing of children, the Archdiocese of OKC provides an Abuse of Minors Pastoral Response Hotline. Calls to this number will be answered by the Archdiocese Assistance Coordinator who will offer to meet with the caller in person, if the caller so desires. Calls are confidential with the following exceptions: *Any allegation of sexual abuse concerning those who currently are minors must be reported to the OK DHS (800-522-3511) as required by Oklahoma state law & Archdiocesan policy, & *Any allegation of sexual misconduct must be shared with the proper Archdiocesan authorities. http://archokc.org/abuse-of-minors-pastoral-response/archdiocese-safeenvironment-home Abuse message printed FOR 2014 Jan 5, 2014 & 12, Mar 9, 16, May 11, July 6, Aug 10, 17 New message printed Oct 12 & 19, Dec 7, FOR 2015 Jan 7, 11 For Mental Health Issues – Contact Oklahoma County Crisis Intervention Center (contracted for Lincoln County as well) 405522-8100. It is staffed 24/7 for phone calls and they have a 24 bed crisis unit located at 2625 General Pershing Blvd OKC, OK Sunday: Mar 1 Stroud 8:40 a.m. Rosary 9 a.m. Mass Chandler 9:30 Choir practice 10:30 Rosary 11 a.m. Mass RCIA 12:15 – 1:15
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