David M. Warwick, D.C. · Warwick Chiropractic 8730 Tallon Lane NE #104 · Lacey WA 98516 · 360-951-4504 · www.drdavidwarwick.com Welcome to our office! Today’s Date:____/_____/________ How did you hear about us? Family ________________ Friend ___________________ Co-Worker _________________ Doctor ________________________ Massage Therapist ____________________ Other health care provider__________________ New Leaf Hyperbarics Drove by Hospital Insurance Plan Dr. Warwick’s Website Social Media Other_____________ Personal Information Title: Dr. Mr. Mrs. Ms. Last:__________________________ First:___________________________ Middle: ____________________________ Suffix: Jr Sr II III Birth Date: ____ /____/_______ Age:______ Marital Status: Single Married Sex: Male / Female Widowed Divorced SSN: ______________________ Separated Address: ______________________________________________________________________________Apt # ______ City: __________________ State: ______ Zip: _________ Country: __________________ County: _____________ Home Phone: (_______) _______-_________ ext ______ Work Phone: (_______) _______-_________ ext ______ Cell Phone: (_______) _______-_________ ext ______ Fax #: (_______) _______-_________ ext ______ Email Address: _____________________________ Spouses Name: __________________________________ Children (Names and Ages): _________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact Last:_____________________ First:__________________________Middle:_______________________________ Relationship: Spouse Relative Friend Other ______________________ Home Phone: (_______) _______-_________ ext ______ Cell Phone: (_______) _______-_________ ext ___ Work Phone: (_______) _______-_________ ext ______ Employment Information Business Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: (_______) _________-____________ Fax #: (_______) _________-____________ Employer’s Email Address: ___________________________ Occupation: __________________________ Job Description ______________________________________ Patient Initial’s____ Dr._____ Patient Name: ___________________________________ Date:________________ PLEASE LABEL ON THE DIAGRAM THE AREA OF DISCOMFORT → → → → → → When did this Condition BEGIN? Has it ever occurred before? Is the Condition: Slip or Fall _____/_______/_________ Yes Auto Related Lifting → No. When? ____________ Job Related Slept Wrong Home Injury Unknown Cause Other Explain: ______________________________________________ Please check the following activities that AGGRAVATE your condition: Bending Sitting Lying Down Reaching Coughing Standing Turning Head Lifting Walking Other_________________________________ Sneezing Please check the following activities that RELIEVE your condition: Sitting Heat Standing Lying Down Walking Chiropractic Adjustments Ice Other__________________ Lifestyle Information Please rate your overall health: Poor What are your health objectives? 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pain free as quickly as possible Pain free, correct my problem & obtain optimal wellness Have you had previous chiropractic care? Y 7 8 9 10 Pain free & correct my problem Wellness N If yes, what was the doctor’s name?______________________ What was the date of your last visit?_______________ Females: Is there any chance you may be pregnant? Y N Do you smoke? Y N If yes, how many cigarettes per day? _____________________ Do you consume alcohol? Y N If yes, how many drinks per week? _________________ Are you currently taking any medications? Y N If yes, please list__________________________________ How many times per week do you exercise?________________________________________________________ What activities do you enjoy?____________________________________________________________________ What are your work habits? Sitting Do you integrate movement into your day? Use stairs instead of elevator Lifting Walk during lunch Standing Light Labor Heavy Labor Check all that apply. Take regular beaks to move around Stretching Sit on an exercise ball Other____________________ 2 Patient Name: ___________________________________ Date:________________ Patient Initial’s____ Dr._____ PAST HEALTH HISTORY – Fill out carefully as these problems can affect your overall course of care. Childhood Illness (es): LIST all health conditions. crohn’s/colitis headaches diabetes HIV food allergies (list below) psoriasis Adult Illness(es): LIST all health conditions. alzheimers CVA (stroke) arthritis diabetes (insulin dep) asthma diabetes (non insulin) cancer hypertension cerebral palsy liver disease crohn’s/colitis heart disease CRPS (RSD) hepatitis scoliosis seizure disorder sickle cell anemia HIV lung disease lupus erythema (discoid) lupus erythema (systemic) scoliosis multiple sclerosis parkinson’s disease sickle cell anemia spina bifida other: psoriasis seizures shingles thyroid problems vertigo other: Surgery (ies): LIST All Surgical Procedures. Write the DATE of the Procedure immediately afterward. angioplasty coronary artery bypass joint replacement pacemaker insertion appendectomy gall bladder knee repair rotator cuff cardiac catheterization hernia repair laminectomy spinal fusion carpal tunnel repair joint reconstruction mastectomy other: Injuries Mark or List All Injuries. Write the DATE of the Injury immediately afterward. back injury head injury (loss of consciousness) motor vehicle accident broken bones head injury (no loss of consciousness) soft tissue injury (mild) disability (ies) industrial accident soft tissue injury (moderate) fall (severe) joint injury soft tissue injury (severe) fracture laceration (severe) other: Family History: Mark all that apply below. alive deceased general family alive deceased father alive deceased mother alive deceased paternal grandfather alive deceased paternal grandmother alive deceased maternal grandfather alive deceased maternal grandmother alive deceased son (s) alive deceased daughter(s) alive deceased brother(s) alive deceased sister(s) List any specific conditions past or present after has/had: normally developed normally developed normally developed normally developed normally developed normally developed normally developed normally developed normally developed normally developed normally developed no significant disease no significant disease no significant disease no significant disease no significant disease no significant disease no significant disease no significant disease no significant disease no significant disease no significant disease has/had:______________________ has/had:______________________ has/had:______________________ has/had:______________________ has/had:______________________ has/had:______________________ has/had:______________________ has/had:______________________ has/had: _____________________ has/had: _____________________ has/had:______________________ Patient Initial’s____ Dr._____ 3 Patient Name: ___________________________________ Date:________________ Insurance Information: Who Is Responsible For Your Bill? Spouse Worker’s Comp YOU and… (mark appropriate box(es)) Auto Insurance Medicare Medicaid Myself ONLY Other (be specific):_______________ Personal Health Insurance Carrier: __________________ Health ID Card #: ____________________________ Policy Holder’s Name: _____________________________ Group #: ____________________________________ Policy Holder’s Date of Birth: ______-_____-_______ Primary Care Physician: _______________________ Workers Compensation Injury / Auto / Personal Injury: Have you filed an injury report with your employer? Yes No Date:____/____/______Time: _______am/pm Carrier: _____________________________________________ Policy # _______________________________ Carriers Phone #: Adjuster: ______________________________ (_______) ___________-_______________ Claim #: _____________________________________________ Our office will provide insurance billing services for you as a courtesy. Your health insurance benefits are based on a contract between you and your health insurance carrier and any benefits quoted are not a guarantee of payment. I authorize direct payment of medical benefits, from my insurance company to Dr. David M. Warwick, Warwick Chiropractic, or supplier for any services performed at this office. I also authorize the release of any medical or other information necessary to process this claim. I also request payment of government benefits to the party that accepts assignment. It is understood that all reasonable efforts will be made to collect from my insurance company, and final determination of payment will only be made after claims have been received and processed. I understand that any and all amounts which are not collected from my insurance company shall become my responsibility, and I agree to pay those charges within 30 days. I further agree that any insurance reimbursement check that I receive directly from the insurance company (usually if Dr. Warwick is out of network), shall be transferred to Dr. David Warwick in full within 10 days of my receipt of the check. If I owe a deductible or co-pay for my treatment, I agree that I shall make all reasonable efforts to pay at time of service unless otherwise agreed upon. I understand that it is my responsibility to pay any deductible amount, copays, coinsurance, and / or any other balances that are not covered by my contract or paid by my insurance carrier. I understand that motor vehicle accidents and workers compensation cases with outstanding balances will be charged 12% interest fee annually. I also understand I am responsible for lien fees associated with filing medical liens with the court. I acknowledge that I have received the practice’s Notice of Privacy Practices for protected health information. Patient’s Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: ________________ DOCTOR NOTES: HEIGHT______ WEIGHT_______ BMI______BLOOD PRESSURE______ /______mm/Hg PULSE ______BPM BALANCE TEST(S) ______ / ______ EYES OPEN / EYES CLOSED / LEG RAISED – LT /RT /ARM(S) 4
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