February 1, 2015 The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH TELEPHONE DIRECTORY To contact any of the coordinators of the various parish organizations, please call the general parish telephone number (772)781-4415 and enter the specific telephone extension number. Pastor: Rev. Jack Barrow..................................... Ext. 201 Baptisms: ………………………………. ………… Ext. 201 Bulletins: Jan Banasiewicz…….………………..... Ext. 204 Annulments: John Ginnetti……………………… Ext.205 Development: Joan Tonra……………………....... Ext. 206 Adult Education (R.C.I.A.): Christine Michaelian. Ext. 201 Religious Education: Donna Hernandez.…… Ext.214 St. Vincent de Paul Society ................................... 286-4411 Servants of the Eucharist..Kathleen Sullivan..........Ext.201 Altar Servers. Lynn Schiavi.....................................Ext.205 Director Adoration Chapel; George Mekulsia ...286-7724 Parish Financial Statement available in church office Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 29 30 31 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 8 8 8 Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun. Sun. Sun. Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sat. Sun. Sun. Sun. 7:30am Anna J. Herbert + 7:30am Mary Mai + 4:00pm Bill Kramer + 7:30am Robert Chichocki + 9:00amGeorge & Russell Badame+ 10:30am Raymond Chychota + 12:00 Medjugorje Mass 7:30am Joseph Mai + 7:30am Pauline rooney 7:30am Lucian Banasiewicz,Sr. + 6:00pm Novena to Our Lady 7:30am Pauline Rooney 7:30am Mary Mai + 7:30am Olga Lehach + 4:00pm Murray Sheldon + 7:30am Virginia Erbrick + 9:00am Briana Lawson + 10:30am Patrick T. Ward + He commands even the unclean spirits and they obey him. (Mark 1:27) So many people– especially those living in the West—have dismissed the existence of evil spirits. But that’s a big mistake. Evil spirits are real, and they are always at work, trying to destroy our faith and the Church as a whole. Now, few people are actually possessed by evil spirits, but most of us experience what we may call spiritual harassment from them. Think of how Peter tried to convince Jesus not to go to the cross, only to hear him reply, “Get behind me, Satan!” ( Matthew 16:23). Clearly, Peter wasn’t possessed. Still, the devil had gotten into his mind and suggested thoughts that were contrary to God’s plan. Satan wants to confuse and mislead us, just as he did to Peter. So how do we guard our minds? Bu trying our best to agree with Jesus. Of course, we should always feel free to ask questions, just as Mary did when she asked the angel, “How can this be?” (Luke 1:34). That’s a lot different from fighting Jesus or going against what he clearly tells us. When we think we know better than Jesus, we are opening ourselves up to the devil’s harassment. Peter learned how to overcome this harassment, and so can we. The first thing we need to do is acknowledge that is is going on and take action. So when you wake up each morning, ask the Lord to protect you and your loved ones. Call on the name of Jesus, pray to St. Michael the Archangel, or simply mark yourself with the sign of the cross. Second, keep building your faith. Soak yourselves in the Scriptures. Read upbuilding spiritual books. Focus on Jesus during Mass. Nothing helps us stay clear-minded more than faith. Finally, believe that Jesus rules the universe. He wants to help you be alert to the divisive whispers of the devil. Trust that Jesus, who lives in you, is far stronger than “the one who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). “Lord, help me to stand firm and resist the devil’s temptations today.” 0819—St. Andrew 1 WEEKLY ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Save the date: Saturday, March 7th, 2015: Catholic Women’s Conference– Cathedral of St Ignatius Loyola, 9am-3pm. www.diocesepb.org/ womensconference. 2. The Sanctuary Candles are burning for the Holy Souls who have no one to pray for them. 3. The Candles to Our Lady of Perpetual Help are burning for the protection of the unborn. 4. The candle in the Adoration Chapel of the Two Hearts is burning for Rev. Joseph Torretto. 5. Blessing of throats for Feast of St. Blase, Tuesday Feb. 3rd after the 7:30am Mass. For the month of February the St. Vincent de Paul Society will be asking for donations of bathroom tissue and paper towels to fill the needs of area families. Please drop off these items in the basket in the lobby of the church before Mass or during the week. Thank you in advance for your support St. Andrew Catholic Church Capital Campaign We will celebrate the Mass And Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help WEDNESDAY EVENING at 6:00pm. Please join us, come and spend time with Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother. All are welcome!! The next Novena is; Wed. February 3, 2015 @6:00pm 12/01/2005 $3,348,589 Interest 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 165,262 64,311 43,252 60,078 85,087 76,869 6,950 73,904 68,032 Payments 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 (797,215) (437,919) (280,000) (125,000) ( 82,500) (48,300) ( 6,000) (78,521) (100,000) Stations of the Cross/Debt Reduction Knights of Columbus COUNCIL 6241 TERRIFIC TUESDAYS 5:00-7:00pm Feb. Feb. 3 10 Feb. Feb. 17 24 Chicken Cacciatore Spaghetti w/meatball & sausage Fried Chicken World Famous Lasagna 2014 2014 (50,000) (79,000) Stations of the Cross/Debt Reduction 12/31/2014 12/1/2005 12/31/2014 Reduction 1,870,159 3,348,589 (1,478,430) 1,870,159 -44% Dinners include salad, coffee & dessert $12.00 per person Call for Reservations: 286-7507 A Light of revelation to the Gentiles, and Glory for your people Israel. 0819—St. Andrew 2 A Light Unto My Path Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Robert Barron While teaching in the Capernaum synagogue, Jesus was accosted by a man possessed by an evil spirit. The unfortunate man shouted, What do you want of us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? It is of extraordinary significance that this single person referred to himself in the plural. In this regard, he is like the Gerasene demoniac, who, upon being asked his name, responded, Legion, for there are hundreds of us. One of the terms typically used in the New Testament for the dark power is ho diabolos, which literally means, “the scatterer.” From this Greek word, the terms “devil”, “diablo,” “diable”, and “Teufel” are derived. God is a unity of three Persons, and his characteristic mark is unification; the divine brings the many into one. What stands opposed to God, therefore, is a force of division and separation. The Church Father Origen of Alexandria caught this in his remark, “ubi divisio ibipeccatum” (where there is division, there is sin.” This separation can take place externally, of course, but it can also obtain interiorly. When we have lost contact with Christ, who must be the single organizing principle of our lives, we become scattered within: the mid struggling against the will, one passion waging war against another, etc. In the grip of ho diabolos, we can say to the Lord, What do you want of us? What this Gospel passage compels us to do is to acknowledge the divisions both inner and outer that bedevil us and to submit ourselves to the authority of the Christ who brings unity. Loving Father, in you we take refuge. Incline your ear to us and save us. Be our fortress, our stronghold, our rock of refuge. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Class Schedule: Grades 1-6, Sunday morning; 9:00am-10:15am. Grades 7-9, Wednesday evening; 6:30pm-7:45pm SAVE THE DATE: FEBRUARY 7THSat. 9:00-4:00pm Confirmation Retreat Sunday, Feb. 8th– Youth Group pre-sale carwash tickets for sale after all Masses. February 18th-No CCD– Ash Wednesday February 15th– Youth Group Car Wash after all Sunday Masses. February 28; Saturday 9:30am Confirmation practice with sponsors and confession. 10:30am Family Mass Presentation of the Gifts BLESSING OF THROATS FOR FEAST OF ST. BLASE Tuesday, February 3rd After the 7:30am Mass. February February February 1 8 22 Hayley, Lisette & Faith Katherine Fariello Ruth Martucci 0819-St Andrew 3 BLESSING OF BLASÉ (Feast day Feb. 3rd) CANDLEMAS: FEBRUARY 2ND The Candle represents Christ, who saved the world and enables us with His bountiful grace to gain eternal salvation by faith and good works. The burning fire shows God’s great love for mankind. He is with us always to point the way and to support us along the road. We work hard every day and all the while we come closer to eternity. Life is like a candle. Every minute during which the candle burns it becomes shorter. Finally it is consumed. In like manner our lives must reach their end. The rays of the candle’s fire represents to power that God has over us. Since He is almighty, His power over us in infinite. Let us shine brightly by placing nothing in the way of God’s hovering over us. A candle fulfills its purpose simply by shining, simple! So must we! Virgin most holy, by offering Thy Son, the Divine Word, to His Eternal Father, Thou didst make Heaven gladpresent our poor hearts to God, that by His grace they may be kept free from mortal sin. Virgin most humble, in consigning Jesus into the arms of the holy old man Simeon, thou didst fill his spirit full of heavenly joy– consign our hearts to God, so that we may fill them full of His Holy Spirit. Virgin most compassionate, when thou didst fill the soul of Anna the Prophetess with light by means of they Divine Son, thou didst make her magnify the mercies of God by recognizing Jesus as the Redeemer of the world– enrich our spirits too with heavenly grace, that we may joyfully reap in full measure the fruits of our Lord’s Redemption. “Through the intercession of St. Blasé, bishop and martyr, may God free you from sickness of the throat and from every other evil, in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.” Those are the words of the special blessing customarily imparted in our churches on the feast of St. Blasé, February 3rd. Legend tells us that an anxious mother scurried to St. Blase with her little boy. A fish-bone lodged in his throat. The saint called for two blessed candles, lit them, held them in the form of a cross under the boy’s chin, recited some prayers, and gave his blessing. Almost immediately the fish-bone loosened and was easily removed. Many such cures, obtained through prayer to this saint, gave foundation to the hope that the blessing of St. Blasé will prevent troubles of the throat. From such physical troubles we all want and need protection– from hoarseness, choking, colds, cancer… BUT THERE ARE ALSO SPIRITUAL DISEASES of the throat, much more harmful than the physical. “Evils of the throat and every other evil”. from which St. Blasé’s blessing begs protection, include particularly these spiritual troubles which are beyond the cure of the greatest throat specialists. Such as hoarseness of unkind speech, choking curses, and gagging lies, etc. The Apostle Paul had in his mind such diseases in one of his letters. Quoting Psalm 5, verse 11, he wrote to the Romans: “Their throats is an open sepulcher. With their tongues they have dealt deceitfully. The venom of asps is under their lips. Their tongue is full of cursing and bitterness.” (Romans 3:13). These spiritual diseases of the throat are the most harmful, and these we want cured through the intercession of St. Blasé. Keep these thoughts in mind when– on this feast of St. Blase,- when the priest touches the crossed candles to your throat and asks God, through the intercession of St. Blasé, to deliver you from every evil, especially from physical and spiritual evils of the throat. The Presentation of the Lord Mary and Joseph desire to unite their newborn child with the Divine Presence dwelling in the Temple– the privileged place of encounter with God. By that Presentation, Jesus is shown to be the firstborn Son who belongs to the Lord. This revelation transforms the way that we belong. Christ’s visits to the Temple later in life represented his Presentation by intensifying this infant encounter with his Father. Ultimately, Christ Identifies himself with the Temple: he is God’s dwelling-place among people. As today Mary carries her baby to the Temple, she is leading Jesus and us to our own true self. St. Andrew 819-4
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