New York SState Com mmon Core 3 GRADE Maathem maticss Currriculu um To opic B GR RADE 3 • MODU ULE 2 M Measu uringg Weight aand LLiquiid Vo olume e in n Metric U Unitss 3.N NBT.2, 3.MD D.2 Foccus Standard: 3.NBT.2 Fluently add and subtracct within 1000 uusing strategies and algorithms based on place value, prroperties of operations, and/or the relationshipp between addittion and subtraction. 3.MD.2 2 Measure e and estimate liiquid volumes a nd masses of obbjects using stan ndard units of grams (gg), kilograms (kg), and liters (l). Add, subtract, m multiply, or divid de to solve one‐‐ step worrd problems invo olving masses o r volumes that aare given in the same units, e.g., by using drawings (such as a beaker witth a measuremeent scale) to represent the problem. Insttructional Days:: 6 Coh herence ‐Links from: G2–M2 2 Addition and Subtraction of Length Unitts G2–M3 3 Place Value, Counting, and Comparison of Numbers to 1000 G3–M1 1 Propertie es of Multiplicattion and Divisionn and Solving Prroblems with Un nits of 2–5 and 110 G4–M2 2 Unit Con nversions and Prroblem Solving w with Metric Meaasurement ‐Links to: Lesssons 6 and 7 introduce students to mettric weight me easured in killograms and ggrams. Studeents learn to use digittal scales as tthey explore tthese weightss. They begin n by holding aa kilogram weeight to get a sense of its weigght. Then, grroups of stude ents work witth scales to ad dd rice to cle ar plastic zipp pered bags until the bags reacch a weight off 1 kilogram. Once the bags reach thatt weight, studdents decomp pose a kilograam using ten‐ fram mes. They understand the quantity within 1 square of the ten‐fraame as an esttimation of 10 00 grams. Up pon thatt square they overlay anotther ten‐frame, “zooming iin” to estimatte 10 grams. Overlaying o once more leaads to 1 gram. Stude ents relate the e decomposittion of a kiloggram to placee value and th he base ten syystem. Thro oughout this ttwo‐day exploration, students reason aabout the sizee and weight of kilograms and grams in n relation to one another witho out moving intto the abstract world of coonversion. Th hey perceive the relationsship ween kilogram ms and gramss as analogou us to a meter decomposedd into 100 cen ntimeters. Th hey build on betw Grad de 2 estimation skills with centimeters and meters ((2.MD.3) usinng metric weigght. Students use scales tto meaasure a varietty of objects aand learn to e estimate new weights usinng knowledgee of previouslyy measured item ms. Their worrk with estimaation in Topicc B lays a foun ndation for roounding to esstimate in thee second half of the module. Topic B: Date: © 20144 Common Core, Inc. Som me rights reserved. commo Measuring Weight and Liq quid Volume in Meetric Units 10/24/14 Thiss work is licensed underr a Creeative Commons Attributtion‐NonCommercial‐Sh hareAlike 3.0 Unported LLicense. 2.B.1 NY YS COMMON C CORE MATHEM MATICS CURRIC CULUM To opic B 3 2 In Leesson 8, students use scale es to measure the weight of objects preecisely, and tthen use thosse meaasurements to o solve one‐step word pro oblems with liike units. Woord problems require students to add, subttract, multiplyy, and divide.. Students ap pply estimatio on skills from Lesson 7 to rreason about their solutions. In Leessons 9 and 10, students measure liqu uid volume in liters using bbeakers and the vertical nu umber line. TThis expeerience lendss itself to prevviewing the co oncept and laanguage of roounding: Stud dents might eestimate, for exam mple, a given quantity as h halfway betw ween 1 and 2, or nearer to 2. Students u use small con ntainers to deco ompose 1 lite er and reason n about its size e. This lays a conceptual ffoundation fo or Grade 4 wo ork with milliiliters and the e multiplicativve relationship of metric m measurementt units (4.MD D.1). In thesee lessons, stud dents solve on ne‐step word problems wiith like units u using all four operations. Topic B culminates in solving o one‐step worrd problems w with like unitss. Lesson 11 presents stud dents with miixed pracctice, requirin ng students to o add, subtracct, multiply, aand divide to find solutions to problems involving gram ms, kilogramss, and liters. A TTeaching Seq quence Towards Mastery o of Measuringg Weight and d Liquid Volum me in Metric Units Ob bjective 1: Build and deco B ompose a kilogram to reaason about th he size and w weight of 1 kilogram, 100 grams, 10 1 0 grams, and 1 gram. (LLesson 6) Ob bjective 2: Develop estim D mation strateggies by reaso oning about t he weight in kilograms off a series of fa amiliar objects to establissh mental ben nchmark meaasures. (LLesson 7) Ob bjective 3: Solve one‐step p word probllems involvin ng metric weiights within 1100 and estim mate to reaso on about solution ns. (LLesson 8) Ob bjective 4: Decompose a D liter to reaso on about the size of 1 literr, 100 milliliteers, 10 milliliters, and 1 milliliter. 1 (LLesson 9) Ob bjective 5: Estimate and measure liqu uid volume in n liters and m milliliters usingg the verticall number linee. (LLesson 10) Ob bjective 6: Solve mixed w word problem ms involving aall four operaations with grrams, kilograms, liters, an nd milliliters give m en in the same units. (LLesson 11) Topic B: Date: © 20144 Common Core, Inc. Som me rights reserved. commo Measuring Weight and Liq quid Volume in Meetric Units 10/24/14 Thiss work is licensed underr a Creeative Commons Attributtion‐NonCommercial‐Sh hareAlike 3.0 Unported LLicense. 2.B.2
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