From the Pastor’s Desk February 2015 Fellow Redeemed, Volume 11, Issue 2 I am cheating this month. I am sharing an article with you from a Pastor’s blog that I follow. The Pastor’s name is Carey Nieuwhof. He is a Pastor in Toronto, and this article is NOT a Jesus, Law/Gospel message, but it is practical, and I find many of his points helpful as we consider a new year before us. I hope it is a blessing to you. He writes: “Did you get everything done you wanted to get done this year? Probably not. Who did? Making a bigger list probably isn’t going to help you get more done. Often, putting more on your list just leaves you feeling more frustrated. What most of us need is a new strategy. Here are 5 things I’ve found have helped me and other leaders get ahead. 1. Eliminate wasted time Most people are busy…busy wasting time they’ll never get back. Let’s just be honest. We all waste time. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Stephen Ministry Update 2 From the Vicar 3 ISJ School News 3 Zoup! Fundraiser 3 Attendance & Offering 4 Hymn of the Month 4 Wednesday During Lent 5 Easter Breakfast 6 Youth Ministry News 6 Human Needs 7 Pastor Ponders 7 WMLHS 7 Bowling Event 7 Ministry Volunteer Schedule 8 Calendar of Events 9 I do. You do. If you want to see what a life without much wasted time looks like, read a profile of 17 year-old budding hockey star Connor McDavid. Since Connor was a kid, he did little else but play hockey and develop his skill set. He skipped prom, doesn’t really play video games and missed a lot of the social life of high school. Except now, at 17, he’s likely to be drafted #1 in the NHL. It might not be your idea of an ideal life to pursue one thing with your time. That’s fine. But does binge watching whatever your favorite series is right now really help you become a better person or better leader? (Continues on page 2) From the Board of Directors The nominating committee will be talking to people about filling spots on the Board of Directors and Lay Ministry Board and, if you are approached that we ask you prayerfully consider serving. The board of directors is continuing to work on the Long-term directions and goals for Immanuel that will help us keep connecting people to Jesus. If you have any ideas or questions, please feel free to ask and/or share with any board member. The staff, board members and lay ministers along with some members are finishing up with our bible study on Missional Renaissance. It has been a great experience sharing within our groups. We are excited to see how God uses us through this bible study. Thank you for allowing us to serve! 1 Our Staff (Continues from Page 1) Pastor: Rev. Craig Bickel [email protected] Does scrolling endlessly through Instagram or Facebook half watching lives you’re interested in really make you a better leader? Emeriti Pastors: Rev. K. Frank Graves, Rev. Fred Krause Often people who have ‘no time’ to spend time with God end up with all kinds of time for binge watching. So just stop wasting time or at least be intentional with the time you waste. By intentional, I mean saying to yourself: I’m going to waste 30 minutes. Then go waste it. Do that and you’ll be far less wasteful. And as a result, you’ll accomplish far more. Vicar: Tyler Carter [email protected] Business Manager: Jack Hazewinkel [email protected] Administrative Assistant: Danella Joslin [email protected] PowerPoint: Jennifer Welch [email protected] Contemporary Worship: Jennifer Fortosis [email protected] Traditional Worship: Jane Van Hof [email protected] Vocal Music Director: Leslie Hess [email protected] Bell Choir Director: Linda Bartusch [email protected] Discipleship Coordinator: Steve Eyerman [email protected] Parish Social Worker: Rachel Buckler [email protected] Human Needs: Karen McCarty [email protected] Youth Ministry: Jennifer McGraw [email protected] Children’s Ministry: Kate Ruffini - [email protected] Nursery Coordinator: Christy Mulder Custodian: Michael Brown ISJ School Principal: Lisa Singleton [email protected] People who have ‘no time’ to spend time with God often find time to binge watch TV shows. 2. Stop letting other people set your priorities How many times have you finished a crazy day and realized you didn’t even put a dent in your most important priority? Often that happens when you let other people set your priorities. You do this when you: Constantly check email Refuse to turn off the notifications on your phone Allow people to interrupt you when you’re at work (no, that’s not their issue…it’s yours) When people text you, email you, call you and interrupt you, they are asking for you to ditch your priorities for theirs. Do this 20, 30 or 40 hours a week, and you will lead an extremely unproductive, busy and frustrating life. The best way to overcome this is to only check email a few times a day. Ditto with the phone. And close your office door or even put a sign on it that says “I’m happy to see you at 2:00″, and then budget 2:00-2:30 for interruptions. Guess what? Half the people who were going to interrupt you won’t even remember what they were going to ask you about by the time 2:00 rolls around. 3. Be proactive There are two kinds of leadership: proactive leadership, and reactive leadership. Proactive leaders make things happen. Reactive leaders react to what’s happening. Which one makes the better leader long term? Quite obviously, leaders who are proactive. (Continues on page 5) ***************************************************************************** Stephen Ministry Update On February 22nd, Immanuel Lutheran will commission its first Stephen Ministers! We will have a team of trained and dedicated Stephen Ministers eager to help and serve our congregation and community. Our Stephen Ministers \have completed 50 hours of training to provide high-quality Christian care to individuals experiencing a crisis or challenge such as divorce, grief, loss of a job, hospitalization, relocation, or loneliness. Stephen Ministers are each assigned a care receiver and meet with that care receiver for about an hour a week. This caring relationship will last for as long as the care receiver needs it. If you would like more information on how to receive care or know someone who would benefit from a Stephen Minister, please call the church office (616-454-3655) and ask to speak to Pastor Craig, Betty Zachary or Rachel Buckler. 2 ISJ SCHOOL NEWS How’s God working in your life? Preschool-8th Grade This is not a question that we normally get asked in our daily conversations. We are normally asked questions which we can give a well-rehearsed answer to without really thinking about what was asked of us: How are you? Good. How’s your family? Good. How’s work going? Good. If you are like me, then you have these quick answers tucked away for easy access. A couple of weeks ago, I was routinely going through another Thursday busy in my office sending emails, planning events, and engaging in small talk. Every now and then, someone would walk by my office and ask me “how are doing?” Without being phased or even thinking about it, I replied “Good, how are you?” This happened a couple of different times never throwing me off my groove until one guy walked in my office to talk with me. I was ready for any question he might ask me. I have 24 years of experience answering the daily life questions, and I have been trained to have a quick response. He asked me, “How’s God working in your life?” As the words flowed from his lips, my mind could not compute an answer. I was stumped. After 24 years of my life, I was asked a question that could not be answered with a simple response. The words forced me to stop what I was doing and to actually think how has God been working in my life? It should not have been an uncommon question to encounter or that challenging to find an answer to since I have been born and raised in the Lutheran Church. I love God and know that He loves me. I am a Vicar for crying out loud. How come this question has caught me so off guard? How crazy is it that as Christians when we are asked, “How is God working in your life?” we are stumped. Is it that we are not in a relationship with God? Is it that we are trying to live life on our own? Or could it be that we just don’t think how God is working in our lives? 2066 Oakwood NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505 (616) 363-0505, E-mail: [email protected] Website: ♫♪♫Many Notes.......One Song♪♫♪ 1Corinthians 12:27 “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” Immanuel-St. James Lutheran School is currently enrolling students for the 2015/2016 school year. We have implemented new programs to meet the needs of our youngest students, including a pre-Kindergarten readiness program. This program is designed to give our 4-year-old students a glimpse into the schedule of becoming a fulltime student and to give them the best opportunity at success in the daily classroom. We would love to meet with you to discuss any questions you may have regarding this, or any of the wonderful programs available at Immanuel-St. James Lutheran School. ISJ has an outstanding reputation for strong academics, teaching the Word of God, and creating a focused environment for learning and loving in the Lord. Please call the school office at 616-363-0505 to schedule a visit. This question made me think and acknowledge that God is very active in my daily life. He is in the huge events and even in the small little things. God daily and richly provides me with all I have and all I need. I have been so truly blessed by Him and want to give Him all the thanks and praise. I now want to ask you, “How is God working in YOUR life?” God’s Blessings, Presented by: The ISJ Student Actors Friday, February 27, 2015 St. James Lutheran Church 7:00 p.m. Admission: Free Will Offering Tyler Carter Zoup! Fundraiser for NECM Zoup! Community Founda on proudly supports North End Community Ministries Food Bank Fundraiser Sunday, February 15, 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Zoup! Medical Mile, 25 Michigan Street NE, Grand Rapids Bring the flyer in (it will be handed out on Feb. 15 or you can pick it up from church anytime) and enjoy some award-winning soup, salad and sandwiches on February 15th and Zoup! Community Foundation will donate 20% of your purchase to North End Community Ministries Food Bank. Dine-in or carry-out available. 3 You won't want to miss the trial of the century as the most notorious criminal in fairy tale history, the Big Bad Wolf, is slapped with a class-action lawsuit by the countless quirky characters he has wronged throughout the years. In this lively play, the audience will help determine the outcome of the trial and the entire play. Hope to see you there! Hymn of the Month WORSHIP ATTENDANCE DATA Sunday, December 7 Midweek Advent, Dec. 10 Sunday, December 14 Midweek Advent, Dec. 17 Sunday, December 21 Christmas Eve, Dec. 24 Christmas Day, Dec. 25 Sunday, December 28 “Lord Jesus Christ, the Children’s Friend” (LSB 866) 317 135 336 270 338 597 94 180 ****************************** OFFERING DATA Weekly total needed to meet General Fund budget: $11,500.00 We ended 2014 with $14,891.45 in the bank. December 7 General Fund: Designated Fund: Campaign for Ministry: $15,745.25 1,236.87 5,359.00 December 14 General Fund: Designated Fund: Campaign for Ministry: $16,238.10 956.50 3,040.00 December 21 General Fund: Designated Fund: Campaign for Ministry: $13,047.75 430.00 8,085.00 December 28 General Fund: Designated Fund: Campaign for Ministry: $24,171.00 2,968.20 5,357.00 ********************************** ISJ SCRIP (December) Scrip sales: $6,680.00; Earned: $342.30 ********************************** This month we take a closer look at “Lord Jesus Christ, the Children’s Friend” (LSB #866). Having just celebrated Lutheran Schools Week, this hymn by Henry Letterman is an appropriate reminder of the ongoing importance of a Christian home and education. As the psalmist writes in Psalm 78:2b-4: “I will utter hidden things, things from of old – what we have heard and known, what our fathers have told us. We will not hide them from their children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power, and the wonders He has done.” Henry Letterman (1932-1996) attended Concordia Teachers College (now Concordia University) in River Forest and went on to earn a Master’s degree and doctorate degree before achieving the rank of full professor at Concordia. His talent for poetry and interest in education resulted in a number of fruitful unions. A number of his texts appeared in the Concordia Music Education series published in the 1960’s. From 1979-1987, he served as a member and secretary of the Hymn Text and Music Committee of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod’s Commission on Worship which prepared Lutheran Worship (1982). As a member of this committee, he contributed both original texts and translations from the German. William Knapp (1698-1768) is the composer of this hymn tune “Wareham”, named for his birthplace. A glover by trade, Knapp served as a parish clerk and organist. He was one of the most popular composers of music for country church choirs in England in the second half of the 18th century. Today he is only remembered as the composer of this tune and one other. From the Contemporary Worship Director “Trinity Sunrise Prayer” This month, my personal focus is on prayer. I am reading a devotional called, Simply Rejoicing, by Patsy Lewis. The Author recommends waking up each morning and praying a “Trinity Sunrise Prayer.” This is her prayer: I am rising today in the name of the Father who created me, sent his Son to redeem me, and hears my prayers. Heavenly Father, may I behold the wonders of your creation throughout this day and see through your eyes and heart the world around me and everyone you choose to cross my path. I am rising today in the name of the Son, who gave his life for me, has forgiven my sins, understands my suffering, and loves me. Precious Jesus, may I exalt you in all that I do and say, and may my lips praise you with a heart of thanksgiving for your blessings and saving grace. I am rising today in the name of the Holy Spirit, who breathed life into my heart. Breath of heaven, breathe afresh on me today, and may I be aware of your presence every waking moment and even as I lie down to rest at the end of the day. Holy God, Three in One, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I commit this day to you. I like starting my day out this way because when we talk to God, we are communicating with His three persons. We communicate with the Father, with the Son, and with the Holy Spirit. How wonderful it is to freely come before all of our gracious God. He asks that we come before Him with all of who we are! Jennifer Fortosis 4 (Continues from page 2) A significant part of leadership is creating something out of nothing…of making things happen that are currently not happening. Whether that’s building a team, advancing a cause or even finding a solution no one else seems to be able to find, leaders make things that don’t normally happen, happen. No one will ever ask you to do those things. Consequently, they require proactivity. Check your to do list. Are the things that require that kind of proactivity on it? Is your to-do list really attempting to advance anything meaningful? Or is your to-do list a reflection of point #2 above—it’s merely a response to everyone else’s priorities? Your to do list should always have some big goals that no one else is going to ask you to work on. For example, if you’re a preacher, prioritize sermon prep. Why? Because nobody’s ever going to call you and ask you to spend time researching your message. They will call you to ask you to meet with them, pulling you away from your message prep. Ditto to the big, audacious goals you want to accomplish. They need to migrate to your daily task list. What’s most important to you? What would significantly advance your ministry? Spend at least 10 hours a week on that, and things will change. 4. Do your best and worst, first One of the best ways to keep your day (and your priorities) from being hijacked is to do your most important (not most urgent…most important) task first. I like to get most of my ‘big thinking’ projects done before 9 a.m. I’m at my best then, and most people aren’t at work. So I can be incredibly productive and get my big stuff done before anything else happens. I leave my routine things until the afternoon when I’m not as sharp but when sharpness doesn’t really matter as much as it does when I’m writing a message, writing a series or tackling a high level problem. You’ve probably also got other things on your to do list that you resent, things you hate doing (maybe like returning a phone call, answering a tough email, or doing something administrative, like an expense report). Get some of those done early in the day too, right after you’ve expended your best energy on your biggest priority. Doing something you don’t want to do early gets a win under your belt, and you’ll feel much better about the day. It’s like having a weight lifted off your shoulder. You’ll feel like you can tackle more. And, as a result, you will. 5. Get some sleep and some solitude The problem is that when most of us are off, we’re not off. We just run 100 miles an hour at something else; family, hobbies, friends, social engagements, gaming, social media, movies…whatever. (Continues on Page 6) 5 Ash Wednesday and Lent: On Wednesday, February 18, Lent begins with our Ash Wednesday observation. The Soup and Salad Supper will be at 6 p.m. in the Gathering Room, and the service will be at 7 p.m. Arrive a little early to the service if you would like the imposition of Ashes. We will be placing those on the forehead or hand of those who desire ashes during the prelude/pre-service music. During the weeks of Lent, starting on February 25, we will have our midweek Lenten service on Wednesday at noon. The service is a 30-minute gathering where we will be looking at the big events of Jesus’ last day as they led Him to Calvary. Also the Lay Ministers will be participating in these services taking the liturgy or the message. (Please call the church office to sign up to attend and also to let us know what you will bring) ********************** Midweek Lenten Worship at Noon Feb. 25, March 4, 11, 18, and 25 Youth Ministry The New Year has been off to a good start! We have many exciting things we are looking forward to. 1) The youth will be going to the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans, July 2016. All youth who will be from the ages 14 – 20 by the summer of 2016 are welcome to join us! Our first informational meeting was held January 18th. We thank you for your continued prayers and support for the youth as they grow in their relationship with Jesus. Easter Breakfast Between Easter services, Joel and Kim Blount will be hosting Easter Breakfast to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please join us for some wonderful food and fellowship as we celebrate this most holy of days. All proceeds from the free-will offering will go to support our Orphan Outreach Mission trip to Russia in July. We are returning to St. Petersburg this summer to take clothing, medicine, toiletries and the love of Christ to the orphaned children in and around St. Petersburg. We continue to feel called to return as the Russian government has stopped all U. S. adoptions, and our visit may be the only outside contact the children get all summer. Kim is blessed to be leading the group again this year. There is so much joy and appreciation on the children's, as well as the caregiver's faces each time we have been there. We would love to answer any questions you might have for us about the mission trip and what it entails. There is still room for more if you are interested in going with us. In the upcoming weeks, we will have a sign-up sheet in the bulletin as well as a poster in the Gathering Room of needed breakfast items. If you'd like to help with set-up or food prep on the Saturday before Easter or serving or clean up on Sunday, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet. The help is very much appreciated! Most importantly, we'd love for you to join us for our breakfast celebration. 2) On February 14th,the youth are hosting a Valentines Dinner and Dance from 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. Child care is available. Tickets will be sold in-between services. All proceeds will go towards taking the Youth to the National Youth Gathering in July of 2016. 3) We are here to serve you! The youth are looking for opportunities to serve our Immanuel Family. If you have work that needs done (painting, babysitting, cleaning, yard work, etc.) the youth would love to be a blessing to you. Contact either Vicar Tyler Carter ([email protected]), Jennifer McGraw ([email protected]), or Danella at the Office. 1 Timothy 2:12 – “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” (Continued from Page 5) As a result, we cheat sleep. That’s one of the worst things a leader can do. Refusing to rest is like trying to run your phone for a full day on 15% power. I’m a bit of an evangelist on sleep because I really think a lack of sleep cuts into every leader’s potential. Once you slow down enough to sleep adequately, you might also become more comfortable with another best friend of many top performing leaders: solitude. So many high performing leaders I know begin every morning in silence. Christian leaders do this in their quiet time. But even non-Christian leaders I know will take time to meditate or simply sit in silence. Making time for retreats or for regular silent space to work on it, not in it, are practices of almost all top performing leaders. This isn’t just a leadership trick. It’s a spiritual discipline. Solitude has long been a Christian discipline that’s been all but lost. Regain it. Ironically, you would think that to accomplish more you would need to spend less time sleeping and less time in solitude. Just the opposite. Getting a full night’s sleep every night and finding regular, disciplined solitude will make you far more effective.” Which one resonated with you? I would love to hear what one or two items you want to implement. Email, text or set an appointment. But realize I may not email or text you back right away for I am working on some significant work. : ) In Christian Love, Pastor Craig Bickel 6 Pastor Ponders Ash Wednesday – Don’t forget that on Wednesday, Feb. 18th is Ash Wednesday. That means that 6pm we will have a Soup and Salad Supper. Don’t forget to sign up to bring soup, salad, bread or dessert that day. Then, at 7 p.m., we will begin our Lenten focus with a service that calls us to seek God’s grace for our brokenness and sin. Stephen Ministers – We will soon have Stephen Ministers who can come alongside and reflect Jesus’ love and journey with you. I want to ask you to pray for the Stephen Ministers and, if life is hard, make sure to avail yourself to the blessing of a Stephen Minister. “The Story” - Starting May 3rd, we will be working through the book “The Story”. This book takes the big passages of the bible and puts it into a narrative of God’s story for us. We will soon be talking about this, taking orders for the book, and enlisting the whole congregation to read and reflect on this book together. ****************************************************************** Human Needs CLANCY HOUSE PROJECT: After a pre-Christmas visit to eight foster kids at D.A. Blodgett-St. John's Clancy House, we are planning more visits. On Dec. 20, five volunteers helped decorate Christmas cookies, made a manger scene ornament, and just hung out with the kids. Now we are hoping to put together a rotating group for monthly visits. We are excited at the prospect of an ongoing relationship. For more information, contact Kim Blount, [email protected] West Michigan Lutheran High School 601 - 36th St. SW, Wyoming, MI 49509 (616) 455-2200 Website: Save the date!!! Meet me at ????????. WMLHS Boosters is having a fundraiser at Monelli's (5675 Byron Center Ave SW, Wyoming, MI 49519), Monday, February 9th. Please look for more information to be announced next week. Hollywood Night Daddy Daughter Dance WMLHS will be hosting a Daddy Daughter Dance for all preschool-8th grade students on Saturday, February 21st. This is a FREE event that includes music, dancing, pictures, appetizers, and activities. Date: Saturday, February 21 Time: 6:00-8:00 p.m. Location: WMLHS, 601 36th St. SW Cost: Free! RSVP: [email protected] or 616-455-2200 Walk down the red carpet, get your picture taken and feel like a movie star! Enter for a chance to win a $100.00 WMLHS scholarship. Calling ALL Immanuel Members!!!! Let’s get together for Socializing and BOWLING!!! When? Sunday, March 22nd from 12:30 – 2:30 PM Cost? $5 per person for two hours of FUN! Where? Clique Lanes at 533 Stocking Ave. NW GR Who? YOU and your whole family! Bring ‘em all, or come alone! Either way it’s going to be a blast! Why? For Fellowship and FUN, of course! Questions? Or do you need to be bribed? We want you there! Call or email Casey at 616-745-3443 or [email protected]. Clique Lanes has a menu of food and drinks to choose from. 7 Dinner at Messiah Lutheran Church Messiah Lutheran Church is hosting its annual Roast Pork (formerly Sauerkraut) Dinner on Sunday, February 15 beginning at noon. This year’s dinner will not include sauerkraut; however, it will still include all the old favorites: roast pork, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, applesauce, assorted breads, desserts and drinks, and the new favorite, Schnitzelbank recipe red cabbage. The cost is still $7.00 for adults, $3.00 for children 4-12 and free for 3 and under. You may reserve your tickets by calling the church at 363-2553. 8 Holy Communion Contemporary 11:00 AM Holy Communion Sun., Mar. 1 Tradi onal 8:30 AM Contemporary 11:00 AM Sun., Feb. 22 Tradi onal 8:30 AM Holy Communion Contemporary 11:00 AM Holy Communion Sun., Feb. 15 Tradi onal 8:30 AM Contemporary 11:00 AM Sun., Feb. 8 Tradi onal 8:30 AM Holy Communion Contemporary 11:00 AM Burt & Lois Uecker, Heidi Uecker Gail Ander, Glenn & Judy Greer Jim & Linda Dondero Steeple Bells: Caleb Bickel, Joe McGraw Robert Adams Steeple Bells: Noel Bickel, Joe McGraw Lois Uecker Steeple Bells: Anna Schlu , Peter Schlu Lois Uecker Steeple Bells: Caleb Bickel, Joe McGraw Bev Graves Steeple Bells: Caleb Bickel, Joe McGraw Readers / Steeple Bell Ringers Karen McCarty Noel Bickel Jim Preston Abbie Karsten Ted Lausman Alex Christmas Bill Takens Jacob Bickel Anna Lausman Noel Bickel Jim Preston Projec onist N/A Tyler Clifford Grant Crall N/A Caleb Tuffelmire N/A Easton Tuffelmire, Nathan Ringel N/A Mason Mar n N/A Tyler Clifford, Grant Crall Acolytes/ Commun. Asst. To be determined Cammi Adams, Turah Adams Vicar Tyler N/A To be determined Lindsey Kulaszewicz Kris n Meye e N/A Casey Jankoska, Kim Neveau Cammi Adams, Turah Adams Children’s Worship Larry Spaulding To be Determined Ethan Anderson Dan Markle Larry Spaulding Dan Markle, Carl Meyering To be Determined To be Determined Jim Harger, Larry Spaulding Dan Markle Lay Ministry Make/Serve Coffee To be Determined Provide Treats Mike & Jeanne Crall Make/Serve Coffee Pat Newberg Provide Treats Spletzers Make/Serve Coffee Browns Provide Treats Ryan & Julie Visser Make/Serve Coffee Steve Shelner Brian Oswald Provide Treats Ringels Steve Labenz Bo Marckini Dan Markle Josh Oxner Tom Huchinson Dan Markle Dan Markle Brian Oswald Provide Treats Val Uekert, Helen Uekert Sound Sunday morning treats (9:50 a.m.) Steve Labenz Make/Serve Coffee Amanda Uekert If you are unable to serve on your assigned day, please find a replacement and inform Steve Eyerman in the Church Office at 454-3655 of any changes. Contribution Counters For February: Bob & Hjordis Batt; Elaine Simpson Steve & Jan Shelner Barb Eyerman, Kim Neveau, Bill Takens, Ellen Wolkensperg Therese Labenz, Ted Lausman, Bob VanderMeer, Brent VanDam, Bruce Spletzer, Tyler Winkels Cathy Greer, Alex Morris, Cur s Prui , Sam Rice Donnie Clifford, Brent Hanson, Shawn Roman, Tim Ruffini, Dennis Sharples, Larry Uecker Maggie Gustafson, Bo Marckini, Brian & Andrea Zomberg Liam Adams, Adam Holly, Terry Jannereth, Dale Overbeek, Steve Shelner, Burt Uecker Gary & Diane DeMaagd, Linda Schlu , Denise Spaulding Jason Alexander, Devin Haberling, Tim Haberling, David Harmelink, Bruce Inman, Dan Korcek Greeters Mike & Jeanne Crall, Brian & Andrea Zomberg Barb Eyerman, Kim Neveau, Bill Takens, Ellen Wolkensperg Therese Labenz, Ted Lausman, Bob VanderMeer, Brent VanDam, Bruce Spletzer, Tyler Winkels Sun., Feb. 1 Tradi onal 8:30 AM Holy Communion Ushers/Hosts Week/ Service February 2015 Ministry Schedule February 2015 Calendar Sun., Feb. 1 8:30 AM 9:50 AM 11:00 AM 6:00 PM Worship w/ HC SS/Bible Study Worship w/ HC AA / Plugged In Sat., Feb. 14 10:00 AM 6:00 PM Sun., Feb. 15 ZOUP! Fundraiser for North End Community Ministry 8:30 AM Worship w/ HC 9:50 AM SS/Bible Study 11:00 AM Worship w/ HC 6:00 PM AA / Confirmation Mon., Feb. 16 7:00 PM Human Needs Meeting Tues., Feb. 17 9:00 AM 6:45 PM Prayer & Praise Study Discovery Class Wed., Feb. 18 6:45 AM 9:00 AM 6:00 PM Men’s Bible Study CMA Side-by-Side Immanuel Ringers Thurs., Feb. 19 6:30 AM 10:00 AM 7:00 PM Women’s Bible Study Quilting / VA Chapel Immanuel Singers Fri., Feb. 20 1:00 PM AA Sat., Feb. 21 10:00 AM 10:30 AM WB Practice Stephen Ministry Training Sun., Feb. 22 8:30 AM 9:50 AM 10:45 AM 11:00 AM 6:00 PM Worship SS/Bible Study Kids’ Khorus Practice Worship AA / Confirmation Mon., Feb. 23 2:30 PM 7:00 PM Caregivers’ Meeting Lay Ministry Meeting Tues., Feb. 24 9:00 AM 6:45 PM Prayer & Praise Study Discovery Class Wed., Feb. 25 6:45 AM 9:00 AM 6:00 PM Men’s Bible Study CMA Side-by-Side Immanuel Ringers Thurs., Feb. 26 6:30 AM 10:00 AM 7:00 PM Women’s Bible Study Quilting Immanuel Singers Fri., Feb. 27 1:00 PM AA Sat., Feb. 28 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Community Breakfast WB Practice Mon., Feb. 2 Tues., Feb. 3 9:00 AM Prayer & Praise Study Wed., Feb. 4 6:45 AM 9:00 AM 6:00 PM Men’s Bible Study CMA Side-by-Side Immanuel Ringers Thurs., Feb. 5 6:30 AM 10:00 AM 7:00 PM Women’s Bible Study Quilting Immanuel Singers Fri., Feb. 6 1:00 PM AA Sat., Feb. 7 10:00 AM 10:30 AM WB Practice Stephen Ministry Training 8:30 AM 9:50 AM 10:45 AM 11:00 AM 1:30 PM 6:00 PM Worship SS/Bible Study Kids’ Khorus Practice Worship Youth Band Practice AA / Confirmation Mon., Feb. 9 6:30 PM CMDA Bible Study Tues., Feb. 10 9:00 AM Prayer & Praise Study Wed., Feb. 11 6:45 AM 9:00 AM 6:00 PM Men’s Bible Study CMA Side-by-Side Immanuel Ringers 6:30 AM 10:00 AM 7:00 PM Women’s Bible Study Quilting Immanuel Singers Sun., Feb. 8 Thurs., Feb. 12 Fri., Feb. 13 Connections (Newsletter) Deadline 1:00 PM AA 9 WB Practice Youth Senior Prom Fundraiser Connec ons NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. Postage PAID Grand Rapids, MI Permit No. 86 Immanuel Lutheran Church 2 Michigan St. NE Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Why Ash Wednesday? Traditionally, the Christian church has observed the seven weeks before Easter as a time of penitence and spiritual self-examination. Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent, derives its name from the ancient practice of marking the foreheads of worshipers with ashes from the unused palm branches of the previous year. Ashes historically have had a dual significance. First, they are Old Testament symbols of sadness and humility. Job, in the midst of all his troubles, cried out to God from the ash heap. The second symbolic meaning of ashes is a reminder of our mortality. Each of us faces the inevitability of physical death. Our bodies and material possessions eventually will turn to dust and ashes. This is a reminder that we dare not trust in things that crumble. But Lent does not leave us on the ash heap. It begins with Ash Wednesday but ends with Easter. And Easter proclaims that, through Christ, God resurrects us from our dust and ashes, makes us new creatures and brings life out of death! 10
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