Trinity Tidings Vol. 6 No. 5 Thursday 29. January 2015 Christians worshiping, learning, nurturing and serving together for 58 years. February is Hunger Month at Trinity Trinity Lutheran Church 11200 Old Georgetown Rd. North Bethesda, MD 20852 Phone 301.881.7275 E-Mail [email protected] We will have opportunities to support local organizations that provide food assistance to those in need. We often think of Montgomery County as an affluent area, yet one in three students in county schools qualify for a free or reduced price lunch, and each month, thousands in the county rely on emergency food programs to put food on their tables. Those seeking help include families, senior citizens on a fixed income, people with mental or physical disabilities, those going through a temporary crisis, and the working poor. Many make difficult choices each month – buy groceries or pay rent (or utilities or other critical needs.) Feeding their families is a difficult challenge many face every day. Please read all of The Trinity Tidings for ways you can help in February and year round. Super Bowl Sub Sale Sunday 1. February This Sunday order your subs, wings, and/or salads for pick-up after church or Sunday School. For your convenience, the order form is on page 2 of this week’s Tidings. Proceeds will help send Trinity youth to the 2015 Youth Mission Trip. Web Facebook Fan Page Our M ission Statem ent Trinity welcom es all to a comm unity in Christ; serving others, growing in faith, living in hope, and reaching out in love. A Reconciling in Christ and a Stephen Ministry congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 4th Sunday after Epiphany 1. February 2015 Assisting Us in the Liturgy this Sunday 8:15 am Acolytes Assist. Ministers Children’s Church Greeters Lectors Ushers Coffee Hour Altar Custodians Bulletin Assembly Tellers Sanctuary Flowers 10:45 am Joshua B Piper M Nancy N Sarah G Donna S Jessie M Donna & Steve S Mary Nora R Carol B Carol B Donna & Steve S Patricia S & Julie N Donna & Steve S B & A Fam ilies Carol B & Jill L Nancy M Julie N & Thor N Given to the glory of God Super Bowl Sub Sale Sunday 1. February $7.00 each. Order your fresh made Subs! Name_________________________________________________ Total # subs ordered______ Pick up after: (check one) ____ 8:15 service Condiments ____ Sunday School Turkey ____ 10:45 service Ham Bacon # of subs Mayonnaise Oil Mustard Chipotle Mayo Cheddar Swiss Provolone Tomato Onion Pickles Lettuce Buffalo Wings Salad c 6 ($4) c 12 ($8) Dressing choices: c ranch c bleu cheese c ($7.00) Dressing choices: c bleu cheese c balsamic vinaigrette c caesar c ranch Please place in offering plate. Proceeds help send Trinity youth to the 2015 Youth Mission Trip. Renewing for Generations (RFG) is Trinity’s stewardship & debt reduction program for the newly refurbished education wing and the new building for nursery, fellowship, education, offices, and parking. Members and friends of Trinity have pledged $429,996 to RFG and as of 25. January $369,737 has been given. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the RFG 12 three-year campaign which began on 1. July 2012. Trinity’s goal is to have 100% of our households participate. Of our 145 households, 109 have already responded. If you haven’t pledged yet, it’s not too late! If you need a pledge card, you can download one at or ask Carol B at [email protected] or Miriam M at [email protected] for a pledge card. They will be happy to answer your questions. We invite one and all to participate! Trinity’s Facebook Fan Page Did you know Trinity had one? Have you checked out the latest news there? Click on the link below the facebook icon and it will take you there. Lent 2015 18. February 12:10 pm & 7:30 pm Holy Communion and distribution of ashes Wednesdays in Lent The Tree of Life 25. February - 25. March 6:30 pm Soup & Bread Supper 7:15 pm Hymn Sing 7:30 pm Evening Prayer Fourth Sunday after Epiphany 1. February 2015 Z Z Z Z Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Psalm 111 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 Mark 1:21-28 Not to Destroy but to Calm and Set Free What does it mean to teach with authority, to command even the unclean spirits? A young man, off his medication for mental illness and armed with an assault rifle, walked into a grade school and began shooting at the police and at the floor. The story ended in relief. The bookkeeper in the office talked with him, talked of her own struggles, kept him talking, told him she loved him, talked him into laying down his weapon, surrendering peacefully, and getting help. Despite her inward terror, she projected a calm, matter-of-fact tone that got through to the troubled young man and saved innumerable lives. Nobody was hurt. It helped that she and her colleagues had drilled for hostile emergencies, but the result still seemed miraculous. Rarely can words alone disarm a person intending to kill or reach a chemically imbalanced mind, but every so often they do; and then we are astounded and amazed. Who knows how much violence we never hear about because it has been defused by calm authority and the right words? In today's gospel, an unclean spirit that possesses a man threatens to dominate the synagogue service in Capernaum. Jesus creates a safe space, not by destroying the spirit but by speaking to it in terms it hears and obeys. The man is set free. The congregation marvels. Anybody can give orders that other people are compelled to follow. But true authority draws upon deep wells of interior love and strength. It relies upon self-knowledge and self-possession and is grounded in something larger than the self. It is clear about the dignity of others, calling forth the best from them, surprising them with what they can accomplish. It liberates and heals. It elicits respect and trust. It attracts willing followers, and their gifts of energy and time. Fear of destruction leads any of us to our worst. Someone who can quiet our fear wins our hearts. Reprinted from Words for Worship, copyright 2014 Augsburg Fortress. Used by permission Remember in Your Prayers This Week at Trinity . . . the church our synod & bishops Bishops Elizabeth Eaton and Richard Graham our missionaries Stephen Deal & Marta Giron, Central America our congregation Trinity Church 4th Sunday after Epiphany 1. February Hunger Sunday, Food Drive, Sub Sale 8:15 am Holy Communion 9:30 am Sun. Sch./Adult Classes Confirm. Class 10:45 am Holy Communion Mon. Presentation of Our Lord 11:00 am Staff Meeting 7:30 pm Heavenly Handbells Tues. Ansgar, Missionary to Denmark & Sweden +865 Martyr of Japan +1597 7:00 pm Stephen Min. Super. (10) 7:30 pm Property Committee Wed. 10:30 am Bible Study (11) 1:00 pm Trinity Men's Group 7:30 pm Bible Study (11) Thurs. 7:30 pm Trinity Singers (MR) Fri. 6:30 pm Kid's Night Out . . . the nations Afghanistan, Ctr African Rep., Congo, Egypt, Haiti, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Liberia, Libya, Myanmar, Namibia, Nigeria, Palestine, the Philippines, Somalia, Sudan(Darfur), Syria, Ukraine, the United States, and Zimbabwe . . . the sick and suffering nursing/rehabilitation center Audrey B, Manor Care of Potomac Margaret B, Aarondale Assisted Living Dottie B, Villas at Suffield, Warrenton, VA Katherine D, National Lutheran Home Elaine D, Potomac Valley N. & W. Helen H, Manor Care of Potomac John M, National Lutheran Home Shirley N, National Lutheran Home home Jean B Kathy B Jeff D Mary Ellen D Fred K June L Vimala P family and friends Holly B, friend of Marilyn C Georgette B, friend of Marilyn C Dorothy C, sister of Shirl O Lori & Joel C, friends of Kathy & Ralph L Carmen H, cousin to Ani S-G Vicki F, friend of Kathy B Karen L, friend of Nancy & Thor N & Julie N Lynn M, friend of the handbell choir R family, cousins of Sarah M & Thomas K Antonio R, cousin of Ani S-G . . . serving in the Middle East Ismael R, friend of Trinity Next Sunday 8. February 5th Sunday after Epiphany YOUTH SUNDAY, Food Drive 8:15 am Holy Communion 9:30 am Sun. Sch./Adult Classes Confirmation Class 10:45 am Holy Communion 6:00 pm Youth Group Gathering Looking Ahead at Trinity 10. Feb. Congregation Council, 7:30 pm Renewing for Gen. Com., 6:30pm 14. Feb. Women's Circle, 10:30 am 15. Feb. BRING PALMS on Sunday to burn for Ash Wednesday Bethesda H&R - Finance, 1:45 pm 17. Feb. Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Supper 18. Feb. Ash Wednesday Holy Communion with Imposition of Ashes, 12:10 pm Holy Communion with Imposition of Ashes, 7:30 pm Birthdays 2. Feb. Donald T, Addison H 3. Feb. Rebecca T 5. Feb. Carolyn L Deaths Terri C-P + 26. January 2015 cousin of Mary M Trinity Food Collection SOUPER BOWL SUNDAY! Every Sunday in February Yes, you read that right! To kick off Hunger Month (which is Super Bowl Sunday), we will be participating in the Souper Bowl! (1. February) What is Souper Bowl of Caring? Souper Bowl of Caring is a national movement of people working to fight hunger and poverty in their own communities around the time of the Super Bowl football game. On Super Bowl Sunday, people take up a collection (many use a soup pot), asking for a monetary donation for people in need. We give 100% of their donation directly to the local hunger-relief charity of their choice. Trinity will be donating the money to Manna Food Center in Montgomery County. But wait, there’s more: Throughout the morning, we will have two stock pots, one for the Seattle Seahawks and one for the New England Patriots. When you make your donation, please place your donation in the pot of the team that you are cheering for. We will use this as a prognostication tool. We will announce the results on 8. February. For more information on the Souper Bowl: For more information on Manna: Throughout the year, Trinity collects nonperishable food items on the first Sunday of each month. We do not serve food during coffee hours on these first Sundays in recognition of those who deal with hunger and food insecurity every day. During February, Trinity will collect nonperishable food every week. These items will be donated to Bethesda Help, an all-volunteer, nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, that offers immediate short-term assistance to residents of southern Montgomery County who are in financial crisis. Items needed include: Beans (both dried and canned), Breakfast cereals, Canned meat and fish, Canned fruits and vegetables, Jelly (in plastic containers), Pasta Sauce (in plastic containers), Macaroni & cheese, Peanut butter (in plastic containers), Rice, Canned Soups. IMPORTANT: Bethesda Help cannot accept glass containers, oversized items or food that has passed its expiration date. Dinner Presentation on February 15 During the Adult Forum on February 15, Karen A from Bethesda Help will talk about the organization and how it assists people in our local area with food and emergency financial assistance. Bethesda Help has been serving the community since 1968. The Trinity Men's Group will meet on Wed., 4. February at 1:00pm at Larry J's home in Leisure World. Leisure World is a gated community and the guard needs advance notice of how many are coming, so please let Larry know NLT 12:00 Tues., 3. February. Contribute to a meal for Rainbow Place on February 22. Rainbow Place, a mission of Rockville Presbyterian Church, is an emergency shelter for homeless women open from November through the end of March. They serve over 90 women each season by providing a warm, safe place to sleep, a hot dinner, breakfast, a bag lunch, shower, laundry facilities, access to case management, and referrals to local social service and treatment programs. On Sunday, February 22, Trinity will be providing dinner for the women. If you would like to contribute to this meal, please see the sign-up sheet in the social hall or contact Lynn B or Kathy T. Please contact Kathy T at 301.675.6987 with any questions about Hunger Month activities. Upcoming Youth Group Meetings! 6. Feb. Kids Night Out! We’ll gather at 6:30pm for dinner, fun, and to prepare for Youth Sunday- 8. February. 8. Feb. Youth Sunday at both services....The youth will lead worship at both services. 8. Feb. Youth Group Meeting - We’ll gather at 6:00 pm for dinner and for a Valentine Service Project for a nursing home. (Watch your email for more info.) Youth Project for LSS! On Friday, 27. February, we are working with LSS to host a service project during the MCPS Early Release day. Trinity Youth will assemble Toiletry Kits for refugees who are moving into their first apartment. Everyone is invited to participate by donating following full size items for the kits: Toothbrushes, Toothp a s te , D e o d or a n t, Sha m p oo, Soap/Body Wash, and hand soap. The items must be new and individually sealed. Thank you for your help in this new endeavor! Library News ! We have three (3) unclaimed bookshelves in the storage room next to the kitchen. If you or someone you know have use for them, please take one or all three. If you have any questions or need to store them there a bit longer, please contact Miriam M. If you have an hour on Thursday afternoons or any time on Fridays, please consider volunteering to assemble our worship bulletin for Sundays. The bulletins are duplicated and folded by the secretary, they need only to be collated and stapled. Also, if you have time once a month to help with the assembly of the Trinitarian, please let us know so we can get you on the schedule. All help is greatly appreciated by everyone! Please contact the church office to volunteer. Trinity’s Women’s Circle, WELCA will meet on Saturday 14. February at 10:30 am in Room 10, weather permitting. Bring your Bible; we will have copies of the lesson. Coffee, tea, and Danish will get us started. All are welcome. Please contact Shirl O (301.299.4288 or [email protected]) to RSVP or if you have any questions. Do You Have Child-friendly Fabric to Donate? An organization called ConKerr Cancer could use it. The group's members make pillowcases for children who are hospitalized. Only 1 yard of fabric is needed per pillowcase. Coordinating fabric – 1/3 yard. The fabric must be 100% cotton (no flannel). When discharged, the child takes the pillowcase home. The ConKerr Cancer slogan is, "Giving Sick Kids a reason to smile–one pillowcase at a time". Please contact Marilyn C to donate fabric. Summer Camp Come and join us this upcoming summer for a wonderful week of camp! The summer camp brochure with the full schedule and camp descriptions is available online at, as well as at church. Mar-Lu-Ridge offers: ) a fun, small group and Christ-centered week in the woods ) affordable pricing starting at $399 per week for overnight and $150 for day camp ) friendships and memories that stay with your child ) camperships to ensure that all children can attend camp ) a wide variety of unique specialty programs for all ages! ) ACA certification means MLR meets the highest safety standards Interested families may consider joining us at one of our open houses from 2 -4:30 PM on Sundays 15. March, 26. April and 30. May. If you have any questions, please contact MLR by email at [email protected] or by phone at 301-874-5544. Registration opened 1. January 2014! Annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper 17. February 2015 6:00 pm at Trinity’s Social Hall Bring your extended family and friends to Trinity’s annual “Fat Tuesday” dinner of pancakes, sausage, and fried apples. It is our last meal of abundance before the fasting and deprivation of Lent which begins on Ash Wednesday 18. February. Leave full and ready to take up your cross as the Lenten journey begins. Home cooks are needed to prepare apples and sausages in their homes. All ingredients and recipes will be provided and will be available to be picked up after worship services on Sunday 15. February. Home cooks should fully prepare their items at home and bring them to the church by 5:30 pm on Tuesday 17. February. Clean-Up Crew Needed - If you can help clear tables or cleanup during and after the Pancake Supper, please sign up or call Steve Shriver. Reservations are not required, but we need a general idea of how many to expect. Just sign up by using the form below and placing it in the offering plate or on the sheets posted in the Social Hall. C C Shrove Tuesday Sign-up Sheet – Yes, I want to help . . . ________cook sausage (provided ahead of time) ________cook apples (provided ahead of time) _________set tables (beginning at 4:00 pm) ________ clean up (finished by 8:00 pm) ________How many will be eating? Name:____________________________________________________ Phone No.________________________________________________ A Free-will offering to cover costs will be collected at the supper.
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