Gone With the Wind: Your Union-Free Status? T r a i n i n g & D e v e l o p m e n t Are your employees happy? Disgruntled employees can now form their own union… and fast. In December, the NLRB reduced the time em- ployers will have to fight a union organizing campaign. The NLRB has drastically reduced the time period for an election. Previously, and in a Friday, February 20, 2015 transparent effort to increase unionization, the NLRB permitted unions 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. free. $99.00 Member $140.00 Nonmember to carve up your work force into small groups. Bottom line: Employers no longer have the luxury to delay until tomorrow how to remain union- This program will focus on the following: • Understanding the new “Ambush Election” rules • Run a successful/compliant union campaign under those new rules • Understanding “Micro Units” To register: • Minimizing the proliferation of “Micro Units” in your workplace Complete the registration on the back or Email: [email protected] • Maintaining a “union-free” workplace Call: 513.679.4120 thinking “it will never happen to me” is no longer an option. Join ERA as SHRM-CP/SCP PDCs: TBD PHR/SPHR/GPHR Recertification Credits: TBD Given the new NLRB landscape, hoping your employees are happy and we host one of our regular and most popular speakers and successful employment attorneys Jeff Shoskin of Frost Brown Todd, LLC. Jeff comes armed with Ray Neusch, also of Frost Brown Todd, LLC. Ray, a former NLRB attorney brings particular expertise to explain this latest Employers Resource Association assault on union-free employers. The unions are prepared. Are you? 1200 Edison Drive Cincinnati, OH 45216-2276 Phone: 513.679.4120 Fax: 513.679.4139 Toll free: 888.237.9554 [email protected] www.hrxperts.org Register here era training “Employers Resource Association is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP.” Real world training and development "The use of this seal is not an endorsement by the HR Certification Institute of the quality of the program. It means that this program has met the HR Certification Institute’s criteria to be pre-approved for recertification credit." Phone: 513.679.4120 or [email protected] Jeffrey Shoskin, a member of Frost Brown Todd LLC, has represented employers in all phases of private and public sector employment and labor relations matters for over 31 years. He has served as lead counsel in state and federal court litigation as well as before various administrative agencies and boards. Jeff has represented clients in collective bargaining negotiations, unfair labor practice proceedings, and arbitration proceedings. Additionally, he provides in-depth counseling on various topics, including the FMLA, ADA, wage/hour, discrimination, harassment, and discipline/discharge. He assists clients in drafting employee handbooks, employment forms, and confidentiality, noncompete, employment, and separation agreements. Ray D. Neusch, a member of Frost Brown Todd, LLC practices labor and employment law. He counsels clients in a variety of labor and employment matters with particular emphasis on dealing with unions and assisting employers in maintaining their union-free status. He has represented employers in manufacturing, telecom, construction, healthcare and service industries defending union organizing efforts, in collective bargaining, and in labor arbitration. He defends clients before various federal and state agencies, in particular the National Labor Relations Board. In addition, he has litigated employment discrimination matters, wage and hour class action and prevailing wage claims in both federal and state courts. era training Real world training and development Gone With the Wind: Your Union-Free Status? Friday, February 20, 2015 Participant(s) ______________ ______________ ______________ Company: ______________ Mailing Address: ______________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Authorized by: Phone Number: E-mail: ______________ Please check all that apply: Member Nonmember (*Pre-payment is required for non-members.) ____ Early bird Discount ____ Group Discount Member Discounts: Register three or more people at least 14 calendar days prior to the program to qualify for a 5% Group Discount. Members who are paying 14 calendar days prior to the program may also take a 5% Early bird Discount. Credit Card Information: We accept company credit cards only. Name (as it appears on card): Card Number: Expiration Date: Zip Code: (if billing address is different from above) Cancellation Policy: Substitutions may be made at any time. No-shows or cancellations within 2 full business days will be charged. Mail or fax to: Employers Resource Association 1200 Edison Drive Cincinnati, OH 45216-2276 (FAX) 513.679.4139
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