News Release January 29, 2015 NOMURA HOLDINGS, INC. Financial Summary – Nine months ended December 31, 2014 We are pleased to report the following consolidated financial summary based on the consolidated financial information under U.S. GAAP for the nine months ended December 31, 2014. Financial Summary For the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2014 (U.S. GAAP) Date: Company name (code number): Stock exchange listings: Representative: For inquiries: January 29, 2015 Nomura Holdings, Inc. (8604) (In Japan) Tokyo, Nagoya (Overseas) New York, Singapore Koji Nagai Group CEO, Nomura Holdings, Inc. Masahide Hoshino Managing Director, Investor Relations Department, Nomura Holdings, Inc. Tel: (Country Code 81) 3-5255-1000 URL: 1. Consolidated Operating Results (1) Operating Results (Rounded to nearest million) For the nine months ended December 31 2013 2014 (Millions of yen, except per share data) % Change from December 31, 2012 % Change from December 31, 2013 1,381,070 1,167,132 273,046 1.6% 0.6% 301.3% 1,420,583 1,169,667 241,803 2.9% 0.2% (11.4%) Net income attributable to Nomura Holdings, Inc. ("NHI") shareholders 152,335 514.0% 142,771 (6.3%) Comprehensive income 244,770 495.2% 284,876 16.4% Total revenue Net revenue Income before income taxes Basic-Net income attributable to NHI shareholders per share (Yen) Diluted-Net income attributable to NHI shareholders per share (Yen) Return on shareholders' equity - annualized 41.09 39.83 8.5% 39.06 38.03 7.3% Note: Return on shareholders' equity is a ratio of Net income attributable to NHI shareholders to Total NHI shareholders' equity. (2) Financial Position Total assets Total equity Total NHI shareholders' equity Total NHI shareholders' equity as a percentage of total assets Total NHI shareholders' equity per share (Yen) At March 31 At December 31 2014 2014 (Millions of yen, except per share data) 2. Cash Dividends 2014 Dividends per share Dividends record dates At June 30 At September 30 At December 31 At March 31 For the year 44,103,284 2,771,980 2,714,447 6.2% 744.91 43,520,314 2,553,213 2,513,680 5.8% 676.15 For the year ended March 31 2015 2015 (Plan) (Yen amounts) — 8.00 — 9.00 17.00 — 6.00 — — — — — — Unconfirmed Unconfirmed Note: Fiscal year 2015 Q4 dividend amount are not presented per reasons stated in "3. Earnings forecasts for the year ending March 31, 2015". 3. Earnings Forecasts for the year ending March 31, 2015 Nomura provides investment, financing and related services in the capital markets on a global basis. In the global capital markets there exist uncertainties due to, but not limited to, economic and market conditions. Nomura, therefore, does not present earnings forecasts. Notes (1) Changes in significant subsidiaries during the period: None (Changes in Specified Subsidiaries accompanying changes in scope of consolidation.) (2) Adoption of the simplified and particular accounting treatments: None (3) Changes in accounting policies a) Changes in accounting policies due to amendments to the accounting standards : None b) Changes in accounting policies due to other than a) : None (4) Number of shares issued (common stock) At March 31 2014 Number of shares outstanding (including treasury stock) Number of treasury stock At December 31 2014 3,822,562,601 104,932,139 3,822,562,601 178,580,805 For the nine months ended December 31 2013 2014 Average number of shares outstanding (year-to-date) 3,707,756,280 3,655,507,837 *Quarterly review The review process of the quarterly consolidated financial statements for this period has not been completed by the external auditors at the point of disclosing this financial summary. Table of Contents for the Accompanying Materials 1. Qualitative Information of the Quarterly Consolidated Results....................................................... P.2 (1) Consolidated Operating Results .............................................................................................................. P.2 (2) Consolidated Financial Position ............................................................................................................. P.5 (3) Consolidated Earnings Forecasts ............................................................................................................ P.5 2. Quarterly Consolidated Financial Statements .................................................................................. P.5 (1) Consolidated Balance Sheets .................................................................................................................. P.6 (2) Consolidated Statements of Income ........................................................................................................ P.8 (3) Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income .............................................................................. P.9 (4) Note with respect to the Assumption as a Going Concern ...................................................................... P.9 (5) Segment Information – Operating Segment.......................................................................................... P.10 (6) Significant Changes in Equity .............................................................................................................. P.11 3. Supplementary Information.................................................................................................................. P.12 (1) Consolidated Statements of Income – Quarterly Comparatives ........................................................... P.12 (2) Business Segment Information – Quarterly Comparatives ................................................................... P.13 (3) Unconsolidated Quarterly Financial Statements [Japanese GAAP] ..................................................... P.14 (4) Other ..................................................................................................................................................... P.14 1 1. Qualitative Information of the Quarterly Consolidated Results (1) Consolidated Operating Results U.S. GAAP Billions of yen For the nine months ended December 31, December 31, 2013 (A) 2014 (B) Net revenue Non-interest expenses Income (loss) before income taxes Income tax expense Net income (loss) Less: Net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests Net income (loss) attributable to NHI shareholders Return on shareholders' equity - annualized % Change (B-A)/(A) 1,167.1 894.1 273.0 119.3 153.8 1,169.7 927.9 241.8 98.1 143.7 0.2 3.8 (11.4) (17.7) (6.6) 1.4 152.3 8.5% 0.9 142.8 7.3% (37.5) (6.3) - Note: Return on shareholders' equity is a ratio of Net income (loss) attributable to NHI shareholders to Total NHI shareholders' equity. Nomura Holdings, Inc. and its consolidated entities (collectively, “Nomura”) reported Net revenue of 1,169.7 billion yen for the nine months ended December 31, 2014, an increase of 0.2% from the same period in the prior year. Non-interest expenses increased by 3.8% from the same period in the prior year to 927.9 billion yen. Income before income taxes was 241.8 billion yen and Net income attributable to NHI shareholders was 142.8 billion yen for the nine months ended December 31, 2014. Segment Information Billions of yen For the nine months ended December 31, December 31, 2013 (A) 2014 (B) Net revenue Non-interest expenses Income (loss) before income taxes 1,148.7 894.1 254.6 1,152.5 927.9 224.7 % Change (B-A)/(A) 0.3 3.8 (11.8) In the above segment information totals, which exclude unrealized gain (loss) on investments in equity securities held for operating purposes, Net revenue for the nine months ended December 31, 2014 was 1,152.5 billion yen, an increase of 0.3% from the same period in the prior year. Non-interest expenses increased by 3.8% from the same period in the prior year to 927.9 billion yen. Income before income taxes was 224.7 billion yen for the nine months ended December 31, 2014. Please refer to page 10 for further details of the differences between U.S. GAAP and business segment amounts. 2 <Business Segment Results> Operating Results of Retail Billions of yen For the nine months ended December 31, December 31, 2013 (A) 2014 (B) Net revenue Non-interest expenses Income (loss) before income taxes 414.0 245.3 168.7 % Change (B-A)/(A) (14.6) (5.2) (28.3) 353.6 232.7 120.9 Net revenue decreased by 14.6% from the same period in the prior year to 353.6 billion yen, primarily due to decreasing commissions from distribution of investment trusts and brokerage. Non-interest expense decreased by 5.2% to 232.7 billion yen. As a result, income before income taxes decreased by 28.3% to 120.9 billion yen. Operating Results of Asset Management Billions of yen For the nine months ended December 31, December 31, 2013 (A) 2014 (B) Net revenue Non-interest expenses Income (loss) before income taxes 60.0 38.2 21.8 68.5 43.0 25.4 % Change (B-A)/(A) 14.1 12.6 16.7 Net revenue increased by 14.1% from the same period in the prior year to 68.5 billion yen. Non-interest expense increased by 12.6% to 43.0 billion yen. As a result, income before income taxes increased by 16.7% to 25.4 billion yen. Assets under management were 37.7 trillion yen as of December 31, 2014. 3 Operating Results of Wholesale Billions of yen For the nine months ended December 31, December 31, 2013 (A) 2014 (B) Net revenue Non-interest expenses Income (loss) before income taxes 566.6 488.3 78.3 % Change (B-A)/(A) 558.4 530.0 28.4 (1.5) 8.5 (63.7) Net revenue decreased by 1.5% from the same period in the prior year to 558.4 billion yen. Non-interest expense increased by 8.5% to 530.0 billion yen. As a result, income before income taxes decreased by 63.7% from the same period in the prior year to 28.4 billion yen. Other Operating Results Billions of yen For the nine months ended December 31, December 31, 2013 (A) 2014 (B) Net revenue Non-interest expenses Income (loss) before income taxes 108.0 122.2 (14.2) 172.1 122.2 49.9 Net revenue was 172.1 billion yen. Income before income taxes was 49.9 billion yen. 4 % Change (B-A)/(A) 59.3 (0.1) - (2) Consolidated Financial Position Total assets as of December 31, 2014 were 44.1 trillion yen, an increase of 583.0 billion yen compared to March 31, 2014, mainly due to the increase in Trading assets. Total liabilities as of December 31, 2014 were 41.3 trillion yen, an increase of 364.2 billion yen compared to March 31, 2014, mainly due to the increase in Long-term borrowings. Total equity as of December 31, 2014 was 2.8 trillion yen, an increase of 218.8 billion yen compared to March 31, 2014. (3) Consolidated Earnings Forecasts Nomura provides investment, financing and related services in the capital markets on a global basis. In the global capital markets there exist uncertainties due to, but not limited to, economic and market conditions. Nomura, therefore, does not present earnings and dividend forecasts. 2. Quarterly Consolidated Financial Statements The quarterly consolidated financial information herein has been prepared in accordance with Nomura's accounting policies which are disclosed in the notes to the consolidated financial statements of Nomura Holdings, Inc.'s Annual Securities Report (the annual report filed in Japan on June 26, 2014) and Form 20-F (the annual report filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on June 26, 2014) for the year ended March 31, 2014. The review process of the quarterly consolidated financial statements for this period has not been completed by the external auditors. 5 (1) Consolidated Balance Sheets (UNAUDITED) Millions of yen March 31, 2014 December 31, 2014 Increase/(Decrease) ASSETS Cash and cash deposits: Cash and cash equivalents Time deposits Deposits with stock exchanges and other segregated cash Total cash and cash deposits 1,489,792 363,682 335,836 2,189,310 1,221,794 346,977 379,632 1,948,403 (267,998) (16,705) 43,796 (240,907) Loans and receivables: Loans receivable Receivables from customers Receivables from other than customers Allowance for doubtful accounts Total loans and receivables 1,327,875 64,070 1,181,742 (3,009) 2,570,678 1,668,019 71,888 1,044,099 (3,078) 2,780,928 340,144 7,818 (137,643) (69) 210,250 Collateralized agreements: Securities purchased under agreements to resell Securities borrowed Total collateralized agreements 9,617,675 7,729,326 17,347,001 8,658,376 6,904,193 15,562,569 (959,299) (825,133) (1,784,432) Trading assets and private equity investments: Trading assets* Private equity investments Total trading assets and private equity investments 18,672,318 41,996 18,714,314 21,129,727 45,819 21,175,546 2,457,409 3,823 2,461,232 Other assets: Office buildings, land, equipment and facilities (net of accumulated depreciation and amortization of ¥350,820 million as of March 31, 2014 and ¥393,541 million as of December 31, 2014) Non-trading debt securities* Investments in equity securities* Investments in and advances to affiliated companies* Other Total other assets 408,917 1,023,746 136,740 345,434 784,174 2,699,011 426,740 944,155 152,681 367,015 745,247 2,635,838 17,823 (79,591) 15,941 21,581 (38,927) (63,173) 43,520,314 44,103,284 582,970 Total assets *Including securities pledged as collateral 6 March 31, 2014 Millions of yen December 31, 2014 Increase/(Decrease) LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 602,131 577,541 492,516 1,230,176 1,114,181 2,836,873 711,482 1,513,356 1,177,108 3,401,946 218,966 283,180 62,927 565,073 13,937,690 2,359,809 814,500 17,111,999 13,481,017 2,658,835 614,383 16,754,235 (456,673) 299,026 (200,117) (357,764) Trading liabilities Other liabilities Long-term borrowings 11,047,285 1,141,750 8,227,063 10,892,078 1,141,479 8,564,025 (155,207) (271) 336,962 Total liabilities 40,967,101 41,331,304 364,203 594,493 683,638 1,287,003 20,636 594,493 681,926 1,403,294 154,699 (1,712) 116,291 134,063 2,585,770 2,834,412 248,642 (72,090) 2,513,680 (119,965) 2,714,447 (47,875) 200,767 Short-term borrowings Payables and deposits: Payables to customers Payables to other than customers Deposits received at banks Total payables and deposits Collateralized financing: Securities sold under agreements to repurchase Securities loaned Other secured borrowings Total collateralized financing Equity NHI shareholders' equity: Common stock Authorized - 6,000,000,000 shares Issued - 3,822,562,601 shares as of March 31, 2014 and 3,822,562,601 shares as of December 31, 2014 Outstanding - 3,717,630,462 shares as of March 31, 2014 and 3,643,981,796 shares as of December 31, 2014 Additional paid-in capital Retained earnings Accumulated other comprehensive income Total NHI shareholders' equity before treasury stock Common stock held in treasury, at cost 104,932,139 shares as of March 31, 2014 and 178,580,805 shares as of December 31, 2014 Total NHI shareholders' equity 39,533 2,553,213 43,520,314 Noncontrolling interests Total equity Total liabilities and equity 7 57,533 2,771,980 44,103,284 (24,590) 18,000 218,767 582,970 (2) Consolidated Statements of Income (UNAUDITED) Millions of yen For the nine months ended % Change (B-A)/(A) December 31, 2013(A) December 31, 2014(B) Revenue: Commissions Fees from investment banking Asset management and portfolio service fees Net gain on trading Gain on private equity investments Interest and dividends Gain on investments in equity securities Other Total revenue Interest expense Net revenue 384,681 64,147 125,157 347,133 11,738 316,018 20,394 111,802 1,381,070 213,938 1,167,132 334,317 69,262 144,441 397,041 30 329,264 21,031 125,197 1,420,583 250,916 1,169,667 (13.1) 8.0 15.4 14.4 (99.7) 4.2 3.1 12.0 2.9 17.3 0.2 Non-interest expenses: Compensation and benefits Commissions and floor brokerage Information processing and communications Occupancy and related depreciation Business development expenses Other Total non-interest expenses 437,418 83,154 142,228 59,613 28,361 143,312 894,086 452,394 95,277 139,569 55,997 26,025 158,602 927,864 3.4 14.6 (1.9) (6.1) (8.2) 10.7 3.8 Income before income taxes Income tax expense Net income 273,046 119,274 153,772 241,803 98,134 143,669 (11.4) (17.7) (6.6) Less: Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests Net income attributable to NHI shareholders 1,437 152,335 898 142,771 (37.5) (6.3) Per share of common stock: % Change Yen BasicNet income attributable to NHI shareholders per share 41.09 39.06 (4.9) DilutedNet income attributable to NHI shareholders per share 39.83 38.03 (4.5) 8 (3) Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income (UNAUDITED) Millions of yen For the nine months ended December 31, December 31, 2013(A) 2014(B) Net income Other comprehensive income: Change in cumulative translation adjustments, net of tax Defined benefit pension plans: Pension liability adjustment Deferred income taxes Total Non-trading securities: Net unrealized gain on non-trading securities Deferred income taxes Total Total other comprehensive income Comprehensive income Less: Comprehensive income attributable to noncontrolling interests Comprehensive income attributable to NHI shareholders 9 (B-A)/(A) 153,772 143,669 (6.6) 84,608 124,596 47.3 2,883 (974) 1,909 1,187 (430) 757 (58.8) (60.3) 6,844 (2,363) 4,481 22,382 (6,528) 15,854 227.0 253.8 90,998 141,207 55.2 244,770 3,679 241,091 284,876 8,042 276,834 16.4 118.6 14.8 (4) Note with respect to the Assumption as a Going Concern (UNAUDITED) Not applicable. % Change (5) Segment Information – Operating Segment (UNAUDITED) The following table shows business segment information and reconciliation items to the consolidated statements of income. % Change M illions of yen For the nine months ended December 31, 2013 (A) Net revenue Business segment information: Retail Asset Management Wholesale Subtotal Other Net revenue Reconciliation items: Unrealized gain (loss) on investments in equity securities held for operating purposes Net revenue December 31, 2014 (B) (B-A)/(A) 414,047 60,015 566,623 1,040,685 108,047 1,148,732 353,591 68,468 558,399 980,458 172,081 1,152,539 (14.6) 14.1 (1.5) (5.8) 59.3 0.3 18,400 1,167,132 17,128 1,169,667 (6.9) 0.2 245,313 38,226 488,301 771,840 122,246 894,086 232,651 43,037 530,000 805,688 122,176 927,864 (5.2) 12.6 8.5 4.4 (0.1) 3.8 894,086 927,864 3.8 168,734 21,789 78,322 268,845 (14,199) 254,646 120,940 25,431 28,399 174,770 49,905 224,675 (28.3) 16.7 (63.7) (35.0) (11.8) 18,400 273,046 17,128 241,803 (6.9) (11.4) Non-interest expenses Business segment information: Retail Asset Management Wholesale Subtotal Other Non-interest expenses Reconciliation items: Unrealized gain (loss) on investments in equity securities held for operating purposes Non-interest expenses Income (loss) before income taxes Business segment information: Retail Asset Management Wholesale Subtotal Other * Income (loss) before income taxes Reconciliation items: Unrealized gain (loss) on investments in equity securities held for operating purposes Income (loss) before income taxes *Major components Transactions between operating segments are recorded within segment results on commercial terms and conditions, and are eliminated in "Other". The following table presents the major components of income (loss) before income taxes in "Other". M illions of yen For the nine months ended December 31, 2013 (A) Net gain (loss) related to economic hedging transactions Realized gain (loss) on investments in equity securities held for operating purposes Equity in earnings of affiliates Corporate items Other Total 10,856 1,994 22,398 (34,999) (14,448) (14,199) Note: Certain reclassifications of previously reported amounts have been made to conform to the current presentation. 10 % Change December 31, 2014 (B) 15,463 3,903 29,675 (14,642) 15,506 49,905 (B-A)/(A) 42.4 95.7 32.5 - (6) Significant Changes in Equity (UNAUDITED) Not applicable. For further details of the changes, please refer below. Millions of yen For the nine months ended December 31, 2014 Common stock Balance at beginning of year Balance at end of period 594,493 594,493 Additional paid-in capital Balance at beginning of year Gain (loss) on sales of treasury stock Issuance and exercise of common stock options Balance at end of period 683,638 (2,417) 705 681,926 Retained earnings Balance at beginning of year Net income attributable to NHI shareholders Cash dividends Gain (loss) on sales of treasury stock Balance at end of period 1,287,003 142,771 (21,841) (4,639) 1,403,294 Accumulated other comprehensive income Cumulative translation adjustments Balance at beginning of year Net change during the period Balance at end of period 27,704 119,129 146,833 Defined benefit pension plans Balance at beginning of year Pension liability adjustment Balance at end of period (18,809) 757 (18,052) Non-trading securities Balance at beginning of year Net unrealized gain on non-trading securities Balance at end of period 11,741 14,177 25,918 Balance at end of period 154,699 Common stock held in treasury Balance at beginning of year Repurchases of common stock Sale of common stock Common stock issued to employees Balance at end of period (72,090) (69,705) 4 21,826 (119,965) Total NHI shareholders' equity Balance at end of period 2,714,447 Noncontrolling interests Balance at beginning of year Net change during the period Balance at end of period 39,533 18,000 57,533 Total equity Balance at end of period 2,771,980 11 12 157,634 25,394 42,381 128,409 50 115,325 7,852 28,225 505,270 73,949 431,321 163,205 29,046 48,233 19,784 7,859 49,975 318,102 113,219 46,956 66,263 369 65,894 17.78 17.24 Revenue: Commissions Fees from investment banking Asset management and portfolio service fees Net gain on trading Gain (loss) on private equity investments Interest and dividends Gain (loss) on investments in equity securities Other Total revenue Interest expense Net revenue Non-interest expenses: Compensation and benefits Commissions and floor brokerage Information processing and communications Occupancy and related depreciation Business development expenses Other Total non-interest expenses Income before income taxes Income tax expense Net income Less: Net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests Net income attributable to NHI shareholders Per share of common stock: BasicNet income attributable to NHI shareholders per share DilutedNet income attributable to NHI shareholders per share June 30, 2013 9.99 10.29 272 38,112 72,933 34,549 38,384 135,391 26,134 46,240 20,830 9,473 45,389 283,457 105,613 22,984 40,702 110,180 703 98,091 5,037 45,069 428,379 71,989 356,390 September 30, 2013 12.65 13.02 796 48,329 86,894 37,769 49,125 138,822 27,974 47,755 18,999 11,029 47,948 292,527 121,434 15,769 42,074 108,544 10,985 102,602 7,505 38,508 447,421 68,000 379,421 December 31, 2013 16.02 16.48 Yen 1,421 61,256 88,568 25,891 62,677 132,640 28,695 49,940 20,529 10,124 59,442 301,370 89,876 27,154 42,090 129,223 (346) 100,332 (5,238) 67,683 450,774 60,836 389,938 March 31, 2014 Millions of yen For the three months ended (1) Consolidated Statements of Income – Quarterly Comparatives (UNAUDITED) 3. Supplementary Information 5.26 5.40 1,417 19,860 51,674 30,397 21,277 168,767 27,590 44,896 18,553 7,927 51,431 319,164 96,281 19,822 45,444 158,562 (287) 104,917 6,350 31,065 462,154 91,316 370,838 June 30, 2014 14.15 14.53 239 52,872 74,005 20,894 53,111 140,823 33,599 45,961 18,224 9,071 52,150 299,828 112,132 20,620 48,395 129,011 489 108,775 2,884 28,514 450,820 76,987 373,833 September 30, 2014(A) 18.72 19.22 (758) 70,039 116,124 46,843 69,281 142,804 34,088 48,712 19,220 9,027 55,021 308,872 125,904 28,820 50,602 109,468 (172) 115,572 11,797 65,618 507,609 82,613 424,996 December 31, 2014(B) 32.3 32.3 % Change 32.5 56.9 124.2 30.4 1.4 1.5 6.0 5.5 (0.5) 5.5 3.0 55.81 57.57 Yen 2,858 213,591 361,614 145,165 216,449 570,058 111,849 192,168 80,142 38,485 202,754 1,195,456 474,557 91,301 167,247 476,356 11,392 416,350 15,156 179,485 1,831,844 274,774 1,557,070 (B-A)/(A) 12.3 39.8 4.6 (15.1) 6.2 309.0 130.1 12.6 7.3 13.7 Millions of yen For the year ended March 31, 2014 % Change 13 39,956 6,172 25,285 71,413 (3,517) 67,896 5,037 72,933 7,164 113,219 283,457 318,102 81,105 6,691 25,237 113,033 (6,978) 106,055 79,774 12,454 158,063 250,291 33,166 283,457 5,037 356,390 7,164 431,321 85,237 13,483 169,372 268,092 50,010 318,102 119,730 18,626 183,348 321,704 29,649 351,353 September 30, 2013 166,342 20,174 194,609 381,125 43,032 424,157 June 30, 2013 6,199 86,894 47,673 8,926 27,800 84,399 (3,704) 80,695 292,527 80,302 12,289 160,866 253,457 39,070 292,527 6,199 379,421 127,975 21,215 188,666 337,856 35,366 373,222 December 31, 2013 (1,667) 0 8,884 (8,701) (2,033) (3,517) 7,373 688 5,343 (12,344) (8,038) (6,978) September 30, 2013 Note: Certain reclassifications of previously reported amounts have been made to conform to the current presentation. Net gain (loss) related to economic hedging transactions Realized gain (loss) on investments in equity securities held for operating purposes Equity in earnings of affiliates Corporate items Other Total June 30, 2013 1,306 8,171 (13,954) (4,377) (3,704) 5,150 December 31, 2013 2,434 6,173 (3,773) 22,798 34,179 6,547 March 31, 2014 Millions of yen For the three months ended (7,672) 88,568 23,267 5,318 33,476 62,061 34,179 96,240 301,370 74,602 15,147 164,998 254,747 46,623 301,370 (7,672) 389,938 97,869 20,465 198,474 316,808 80,802 397,610 March 31, 2014 * Major components Transactions between operating segments are recorded within segment results on commercial terms and conditions, and are eliminated in "Other". The following table presents the major components of income (loss) before income taxes in "Other". Business segment information: Retail Asset Management Wholesale Subtotal Other * Income (loss) before income taxes Reconciliation items: Unrealized gain (loss) on investments in equity securities held for operating purposes Income (loss) before income taxes Income (loss) before income taxes Business segment information: Retail Asset Management Wholesale Subtotal Other Non-interest expenses Reconciliation items: Unrealized gain (loss) on investments in equity securities held for operating purposes Non-interest expenses Non-interest expenses Business segment information: Retail Asset Management Wholesale Subtotal Other Net revenue Reconciliation items: Unrealized gain (loss) on investments in equity securities held for operating purposes Net revenue Net revenue Millions of yen For the three months ended 2,853 3,499 (3,093) (7,624) 2,554 6,919 292 7,963 (8,389) 499 2,534 2,169 September 30, 2014(A) 2,592 74,005 3,497 51,674 June 30, 2014 38,863 7,809 22,207 68,879 2,534 71,413 299,828 79,075 13,882 168,363 261,320 38,508 299,828 2,592 373,833 117,938 21,691 190,570 330,199 41,042 371,241 September 30, 2014(A) 31,608 8,274 5,741 45,623 2,554 48,177 319,164 75,257 15,064 183,145 273,466 45,698 319,164 3,497 370,838 106,865 23,338 188,886 319,089 48,252 367,341 June 30, 2014 The following table shows quarterly business segment information and reconciliation items to the consolidated statements of income. (2) Business Segment Information – Quarterly Comparatives (UNAUDITED) 758 18,213 (3,160) 22,631 44,817 6,375 December 31, 2014(B) 11,039 116,124 50,469 9,348 451 60,268 44,817 105,085 308,872 78,319 14,091 178,492 270,902 37,970 308,872 11,039 424,996 128,788 23,439 178,943 331,170 82,787 413,957 December 31, 2014(B) 159.6 128.7 - 4,428 28,571 (38,772) 8,350 19,980 17,403 (B-A)/(A) 193.9 Millions of yen For the year ended M arch 31, 2014 10,728 361,614 192,001 27,107 111,798 330,906 19,980 350,886 1,195,456 319,915 53,373 653,299 1,026,587 168,869 1,195,456 10,728 1,557,070 % Change 325.9 56.9 29.9 19.7 (98.0) (12.5) 47.2 3.0 (1.0) 1.5 6.0 3.7 (1.4) 3.0 325.9 13.7 511,916 80,480 765,097 1,357,493 188,849 1,546,342 (B-A)/(A) 9.2 8.1 (6.1) 0.3 101.7 11.5 M illions of yen For the year ended M arch 31, 2014 % Change (3) Unconsolidated Quarterly Financial Statements [Japanese GAAP] Unconsolidated quarterly financial statements have been voluntarily disclosed and prepared based on regulatory rules. Nomura Holdings, Inc. Unconsolidated Balance Sheets (UNAUDITED) Millions of yen March 31, 2014 December 31, 2014 Assets Current Assets Fixed Assets 3,296,666 2,893,448 3,633,523 2,968,490 Total Assets 6,190,114 6,602,013 Liabilities Current Liabilities Long-term Liabilities 1,133,679 3,138,160 1,183,865 3,315,503 Total Liabilities 4,271,838 4,499,368 Net Assets Shareholders' equity Valuation and translation adjustments Stock acquisition rights 1,819,381 54,949 43,946 1,989,419 70,032 43,194 Total Net Assets 1,918,276 2,102,645 Total Liabilities and Net Assets 6,190,114 6,602,013 Nomura Holdings, Inc. Unconsolidated Statements of Income (UNAUDITED) Millions of yen For the nine months ended December 31, 2013 December 31, 2014 Operating revenue 343,277 398,701 Operating expenses 158,664 168,771 Operating income 184,613 229,931 3,329 3,068 Non-operating income Non-operating expenses 2,686 2,574 185,256 230,424 Special profits 3,485 66,970 Special losses 2,305 1,264 Income before income taxes 186,436 296,130 Income taxes - current (54,417) (27,756) Income taxes - deferred Net income 57,448 43,598 183,406 280,289 Ordinary income (4) Other Quarterly financial information for Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. can be found on the following URL. 14
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