NOVICE TEAM SPORTS Programs are designed for entry-level competitors. Proof of age required. Participants compete in a department sponsored league. Participants must demonstrate an intermediate level swimming competency. Teams include Novice Swimming, Novice Synchronized Swimming, Novice Diving, and Novice Water polo. Registration: $50.00 for one team, $45.00 for additional team (Fee includes tshirt and awards) Athletes who compete in two or more meets will receive participation awards. SPRING 2015 Novice Water Polo................................................... January – May, 2015 Workouts .......................... Tue., Thu., & Fri ............ TBA Ages........................................................... 7 – 17 Novice Synchronized Swimming........................... January – May, 2015 Workouts ..........................Tue., Wed., & Fri ........... TBA Ages........................................................... 7 – 17 Our goal is to provide safe and enjoyable aquatic programs that are responsive to the needs of the community. For additional information on any class or program, please contact Banning Pool at (310) 548-7420 or; Citywide Aquatics Division 3401 Riverside Drive, L.A., C.A., 90027, (323) 906-7953 FAX (323) 906-7963 [email protected] CITY OF LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION & PARKS BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS President .........................................................Sylvia Pasaouras Vice President ............................................................Iriz Zuñiga Member ..................................................................Lynn Alvarez Member ........................................................... Melba Culpepper Member ........................................................... Misty M. Sanford General Manager .............................................. Michael A. Shull Executive Officer ................................................. Regina Adams OPERATIONS Assistant General Manager.............................. Kevin W. Regan CITY OF LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS CITYWIDE AQUATICS DIVISION BANNING POOL 1450 N. AVALON BLVD. WILMINGTON, CA. 90744 (310) 548 – 7420 POOL HOURS HORAS DE NATACIÓN Hours subject to change without notice POOL CLOSED ON MONDAYS January 2015 – June 13, 2015 Tuesday - Friday ............................. 4:00pm - 7:45pm Saturday & Sunday ......................... 1:00pm - 4:45pm Lap Swim Lanes Available Horas de Ensayo Tue., Thu., & Fri .................................................. TBA Wednesday ......................................................... TBA Saturday & Sunday ......................... 1:00pm - 4:45pm Spring Break Hours of Operations March 31 – April 4, 2015 Tuesday - Friday................................. 2:00pm - 7:00pm Saturday & Sunday............................. 1:00pm - 4:45pm HOLIDAY SCHEDULE HORARIO DE DIAS FESTIVOS Nov. 28 & 29 Thanksgiving Day ................. Pool Closed April 20, Easter Sunday ................... 1:00 pm – 4:45 pm - “Swim in Los Angeles” CITYWIDE AQUATICS DIVISION Principal Recreation Supervisor I ......................... Trish Delgado Aquatic Director ...................................................... Andre Brent Aquatic Director .................................................... Jon Kopitzke Persons with disabilities are welcome to participate in programs and classes. Reasonable accommodations will be provided upon request. To ensure availability, you are advised to make your request at least 72 hours prior to the program or class you wish to participate. ADMISSION FEES ADULTS (18-64) ...................................................... $3.50 CHILDREN* (17 & Under) ........................................ $1.00 SENIORS (65 & Up) ................................................ $1.00 PERSONS W DISABILITIES ................................... $1.00 CHILDREN UNDER AGE 7 must have a 1 adult to 1 child ratio for each child under 7. The adult must be within one arm’s length of the child at all times, whether on the deck or in the water. PUBLIC SWIMMING: Proper swim attire must be worn, it include: swimsuits, trunks or board shorts providing coverage, wet suits or “rash guards.” Children under the age of 4 must wear “swim pants.” Proper attire must be worn by persons in the pool area. LAP SWIMMING: Adults may purchase discount lap swimming passes at $87.50 for 30 admissions. Lap swim times may be limited to accommodate other programming. LEARN-TO-SWIM LESSON REGISTRATION Pre-registration for the session begins one week prior to the session start date. No telephone registration. Fees must be paid at the time of registration. NO EXCEPTIONS. Make checks payable to: L.A. CITY DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS No refunds unless a class is canceled. Lessons are 40 minutes in length. All refunds will be assessed an administrative fee. GROUP LESSON SERIES DATES TUESDAY & THURSDAY 8 Lessons/4 weeks ......................... YOUTH $20.00, ADULT $40.00 Session #1 Feb. 24 - Mar. 19 Session #2 Session #3 Session #4 GROUP LESSONS CATEGORIES & REQUIREMENT Parent/Child: 4 yrs. – 6 yrs. Children: 7 yrs. – 17 yrs. Adult: 18 & older Parent/Child – Children must be accompanied by an adult. Parent and child are introduced to basic water safety and beginning swim skills in a comfortable environment. Level 1 - Water Confidence – Introduction to water safety and water acclimation. Buoyancy in water and basic skills will be taught. Kicking, breath control, and alternate arm action techniques are introduced for swimming on the front and on the back Level 2 - Beginner – Continue to learn basic skills including combined arm action on front and back. Continue learning breath control, performing front and back floats and glides on own. Level 3 - Advance Beginner – Elementary backstroke, beginning diving , and swimming in deep water are introduced along with scissor and dolphin kicks and treading water in deep Level 4 - Intermediate – Back crawl, butterfly, breastroke and side stroke are introduced along with more diving including surface dives. Level 5 & 6 - Swimmer – Refine strokes increase endurance swimming strokes and learn additional aquatic skills such as springboard diving and competition starts and turns * An evaluation to determine the student’s correct level may be requested. PRIVATE & SEMI-PRIVATE LESSON (Inquire with Pool Clerk or Manager for scheduling on Sat. & Sun.) Private & Semi-Private lessons provide personalized instruction to adults and youth ages 4 and older. Lessons are 25 minutes in length. Lesson schedule is based on staff availability. Registration rules apply and participants must register for a minimum of four lessons. PRIVATE LESSONS: Adult, Child, Senior, Adaptive 1 private lesson = $20.00, 4 private lessons = $80.00 SEMI-PRIVATE LESSONS (2 students only): Adult, Child, Senior, and Adaptive $16.50 per lesson per student x 2 students = $ 33.00, 4 lessons = $132.00 Mar. 24 Apr. 24 May 19 - Apr. 16 May 14 June 11 WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY 8 Lessons/4 weeks ......................... YOUTH $20.00, ADULT $40.00 Session #1 Feb. 25 - Mar. 20 Session #2 Session #3 Session #4 Mar. 25 Apr. 22 May 20 - Apr. 17 May 15 June 12 SATURDAYS 10 Lessons/10 weeks………………YOUTH $20.00, ADULT $40.00 Session #1 ..................................... Sept. 22 - Dec. 01 Parents – Please have your child arrive on time & ready for their swim lesson. YOUTH LESSONS Parent/Child (Spring Only) Wed. & Fri. (8 lessons). …6:30pm - 7:00 pm Level 1......................................... Wed, Fri. ............... 4:15pm - 4:55pm Level 2......................................... Wed, Fri. ............... 5:00pm - 5:40pm Level 3......................................... Wed, Fri. ............... 5:45pm - 6:25pm Level 4...................................... Tues., Thurs. ............ 4:15pm - 4:55pm Level 5...................................... Tues., Thurs. ............ 5:00pm - 5:40pm Level 6 ..................................... Tues., Thurs. .............5:45pm - 6:25pm Adaptive Lessons available on Saturday and/or Sunday ........ 1:30 – 2:00pm (See pool manager for scheduling prior to registration) ADULT LESSONS Adult Swimmer ............................ Wed, Fri. ............... 6:30pm - 7:10pm Adult Non-Swimmer ................. Tues., Thurs. ............ 6:30pm - 7:10pm Pre-Summer Stroke Conditioning Class (Level 4 & Up) - $20.00 for 9 classes Tue., Wed., & Thu. ............... May 26 – June 13 ........ 5:30pm - 4:55pm
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