02 February 2015 (Monday) Inauguration ( 09300 to 10.30 ) High Tea ( 10.30 to 11.00 ) KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Session Chair : Dr Vikram Kumar Dr. I. Ferguson “Anything you can do ‘GaN’ can do Missouri University of Science better”: III-Nitrides as a Universal and Technology Rolla Compound Semiconductor USA. Dr. S. Sivanathan Solar Power and the Technology University of Illinois, Chicago USA. Dr. Ramgopal Rao Bottom-up meets Top-down: An Integrated IIT Bombay, Mumbai Approach for Future Nanoscale Devices India 13.15-14.00 (Lunch) Dr. T. Kuech University of Wisconsin Madison,USA Dr. M. Kuball University of Bristol United Kingdom 11.00-11.45 11.45-12.30 12.30-13.15 Session Chair : Dr. J. Kumar Vapor Phase Growth of Complex and Metastable Semiconductor Alloys 14.00-14.30 Challenges for GaN Electronics - Of Dragons and Knights 14.30-15.00 15.00-15.15 (Tea) Session Chair : Dr. R. Dhanasekaran Dr. Ng Geok Ing Towards Cost-Effective HEMTs: Are We Silicon Technologies Centre of There Yet? Excellence Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Dr. Arnab Bhattacharya Tata Institute of Fundamental MOVPE growth of III-nitrides on 2D Research, Mumbai layered materials India Poster Session (Please see your poster presentation schedule on www.issmd.org website) 15.15-16.00 16.00 - 16.30 16.30-18.00 03 February 2015 (Tuesday) Dr. M. Pons Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble France Session Chair : Dr. K. Baskar Functional properties and microstructure of AlN thin films and coatings grown by CVD Dr.Gen Sazaki Hokkaido University, Japan Direct visualization of surface melting processes: an example found on ice crystal surfaces Dr. J. V. Kennedy National Isotope Centre New Zealand Electronic, magneto transport and magnetic properties of Gadolinium doped zinc oxide 09.00 – 09.45 09.45-10.30 10.30 - 11.00 11.00-11.15 (Tea) Dr. A. A. Crisci Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble France Dr. T. W. Kang Dongguk University Korea Dr. S. Raghavan Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India Dr. H. Tan Australian National University Canberra Australia Dr. V. Gupta University of Delhi New Delhi, India Dr. Rajendra Singh IIT Delhi India Dr. A. Bhattacharya Calcutta University India Session Chair :Dr. M. Pons Contribution of Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA) to the characterisation scheme of thin layers Study on Properties and Applications of II-VI Nanostructures Controlling Growth of Graphene and MoS2 12.45-14.00 (Lunch) Session Chair : Dr. A.A. Crisci Semiconductor nanowires for optoelectronic device applications Development of multifunctional materials for electronic devices 15.00-15.15 (Tea) Session Chair : Dr. S. MoorthyBabu Fabrication and Characterization of GaN nanopillars for Applications in Nanoscale Devices AlGaN alloys and their applications in Ultraviolet Detectors Dr. S. Mahapatra Macroscopic and Stochastic Aspects of IIT Bombay Negative Bias Temperature Instability in India CMOS Devices and Circuits Poster ( Please see your poster presentation schedule on www.issmd.org website ) 11.15-11.45 11.45-12.15 12.15 – 12.45 14.00 - 14.30 14.30 - 15.00 15.15 - 15.45 15.45 - 16.15 16515 - 16.45 16.45 - 18.00 04 February 2014 (Wednesday) Dr. H. K. Lipsanen Aalto University Finland Dr. L. Lazzarini IMEM – Pharma Italy Dr. Eric Faulques Université de Nantes France Dr. Shin Yokoyama Hiroshima University, Japan Dr. J. Kumar Anna University India Dr. Nandita Dasgupta IIT Madras India Session Chair : Dr. Sazaki III-V semiconductor nanowires nanotechnology applications for Crystal structure assessment of nanostructured GeSbTe-based Phase Change Materials by Advanced Transmission Electron Microscopy techniques 10.15-10.30 (Tea) Session Chair : Dr. Lipsanen Studies of crystalline nanowires grown inside carbon nanotubes Si Ring Resonator and Photonic Crystal Resonator Biosensors On Dilute Magnetic Semiconductor related issues in GaN III Nitride MIS-HEMTs - Two approaches to reduce leakage 09.00 - 09.45 09.45-10.15 10.30 - 11.15 11.15 - 12.00 12.00 - 12.30 12.30 - 13.00 13.00-14.00 (Lunch) Dr. R. Jeyavel Anna University, Chennai India Dr. R. Jeyakumar National Physical Laboratory New Delhi, India Session Chair : Dr. Yokoyama Development of nanohybrid structures for dye sensitised and quantum dot sensitised solar cell applications Fabrication of c-Si solar cells using spin-on dopants 14.00 – 14.30 14.30 - 15.00 15.00-15.15 (Tea) Session Chair : Dr. L. Lazzarini Dr. A. P. Pathak Ion Beam Studies of Semiconductor University of Hyderabad Nanostructures Hyderabad, India Dr S K Srivastava Silicon Nanowires: A potential approach National Physical Laboratory for efficient solar cells New Delhi, India Poster (Please see your poster presentation schedule on www.issmd.org website) 15.15 - 15.45 15.45 - 16.15 16.15 - 18.00 05 February 2014 (Thrusday) Dr. M. Henini University of Nottingham United Kingdom Dr. Govind Gupta National Physical Laboratory New Delhi, India Dr. K Jeganathan Bharadhidasan University, Trichy, India Session Chair : Dr. H. Tan Development of Advanced Semiconductor Materials and Devices For Next Generation Photovoltaics: Opportunities And Challenges High quality GaN films grown on different substrates by molecular beam epiatxy 09.30 – 10.00 Lattice matched and strained growth of InAlN/GaNheterostructure 10.00 – 10.30 09.00 - 09.45 10.30-10.45 (Tea) Dr. Jesbains Kaur University of Technology Malaysia Dr. K. Baskar Anna University, Chennai India Dr. S. Suresh CNRS, Metz, France Dr. Ramachandra Rao IIT, Chennai India Session Chair : Dr. S. N. Kalkura Dependence of microstructures in MOVPEAlN on annealing temperature of sapphire substrate AlInGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructures grown by MOCVD Nano selective area growth of III-nitrides for next generation devices Electrical transport and optical properties of metal-oxide thin films, heterostructures and nanostructures 12.45-14.00 (Lunch) Concluding Session – Valedictory 10.45 – 11.15 11.15 – 11.45 1!.45 – 12.15 12.15 – 12.45 14.00 – 15.00
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