HOBOKEN’S CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF GRACE 400 Willow Avenue, Hoboken NJ 07030 Chapel in Parish Center at 411 Clinton Street Phone: 201-659-0369 Fax: 201-659-5833 E-mail: [email protected] www.olghoboken.com & ST. JOSEPH 61 Monroe Street Phone & Fax: 201-659-0221 The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time THE EUCHARIST Saturday Vigil Mass (OLG)..5:00 PM Sunday (OLG)……………………9:00 AM, 10:30 AM ……………………………………….12:30 PM (Spanish), 7:30 PM Sunday (St. Joseph)…….…..10:00 AM (Spanish) 12:00 Noon DAILY MASS IN CHAPEL Monday - Friday …………….12:30 PM Monday - Thursday………….7:00 PM HOLY DAYS Chapel Vigil Mass…………….7:00 PM OLG ……………………………...12:30 PM, 7:30 PM St. Joseph………………………..7:30 PM (Bi-lingual) BAPTISM: For registered parishioners: First Sunday of the month at 2:00 PM in English. Third Sunday of the month at 2:00 PM in Spanish or at Mass in either church. Register in advance for the prepara on session on the last Wednesday of the month at 7:30 PM. MATRIMONY: Registered parishioners contact the rectory one year before the wedding. RECONCILIATION: Confessions are heard Saturday from 4:00 to 4:50 PM and by appointment. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please no fy the rectory for homebound, hospital and nursing home visits. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Sacramental prepara on and religious educa on take place on Sunday morning at each church. Adults prepare at OLG on Tuesday at 7:30 PM. February 1, 2015 OFFICE HOURS OUR LADY OF GRACE Monday - Friday ……………..…..9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday - Thursday………..…. ..6:30 PM to 8:30 PM Saturday………………………..…..10:00 AM to 4:00 PM ST. JOSEPH Monday - Friday………………......9:00 AM to 4:00 PM BINGO Saturday: 12:00 PM PARISH STAFF Rev. Alexander M. Santora....Pastor Rev. O. Dani DeLaPena…….….Parochial Vicar Rev. John A. Mullin, S.J………..Weekend Assistant Rev. Robert O’Hare, S.J………..Weekend Assistant Rev. Anthony Azzarto, S.J…….Weekend Assistant Deacon John Dugger…………...Pastoral Assistant Megan Bladel……………………...Pastoral Associate Dr. Merry Naddeo………………..Music Director & Organist Ann Fabbricatore………….……..Business Manager Veronica Rosso…………….……..Office Manager Catherine Hoppmann….……...St. Joseph Manager Gustavo Barrera………….….…..Facili es Manager Guido Barrera……………………..Facili es Staff Leo Parry…………………….……….Bingo Coordinator Iris Diaz ……………………….....….Rectory Cook/Housekeeper April Harris………………….……...In Jesus’ Name Chari es Igna us DePalma………….….…Trustee Helen A. Cunning………….…….Trustee HOBOKEN CATHOLIC ACADEMY Ma hew Mc Grath, Principal (201)-963-9535. We follow Jesus Christ in the Catholic tradi on of worship, community and service to each other. PASTOR’S MESSAGE Sharing God’s Blessings Annual Appeal Next Weekend Next week our parish will kick off the 2015 Sharing’s God’s Blessings Annual Appeal. This year’s Appeal, Sharing God’s Blessings is a perfect opportunity for us to reflect on God’s generosity to us and to share the blessings we have been given with those around us. This year, our parish goals are as follows: Our Lady of Grace $25,500 St. Joseph $4,000 This year’s Appeal will continue to support the many good works of the ministries throughout the Archdiocese. We are often reminded by our Holy Father Pope Francis and sacred scripture that in order to love one another we must share the blessings which God has provided to us. In Acts 4:32-33, we learn that the early church shared all possessions with one another so that the Apostles and early Christian communities could fully proclaim “the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great favor was accorded them all. There was no needy person among them.” We are called to similarly share what is granted to us by God and return it to Him so that not one of our brothers and sisters goes without: without the gift of faith, without the essential human needs, and without a personal relationship with Our Lord. The Annual Appeal provides the poor with food, shelter and clothing; makes religious education, spiritual guidance and CYO programs available for the young; insures the future leadership of the Church with seminarian education and training; and most important, brings Christ’s Good News to the people of the Archdiocese. Our parish also benefits by receiving a rebate from the appeal if it exceeds its goal. Please come prepared to make as generous of a pledge as you are able. Thank you in advance for your support of the Sharing God’s Blessings Annual Appeal. If each person, couple or family gives something, we will reach our goal. No amount is too small. Please participate. Peace, Fr. Alex Santora CHRISTMAS COLLECTION TOTAL LARGEST IN DECADES We thank you for your generosity in our Christmas collection. At Our Lady of Grace, we raised $66,189 and at St. Joseph $5,443.09. We went over our goals of $40,000 and $3,500. We are grateful for some extra generous gifts at each church. Yet, with the average donors, we would still have gone over goals. This means we can advance our restoration of OLG and consider adding a ramp at St. Joseph. Let us continue to work together for the good of our parish. The donors’ names are on pp 6 and 7. PLEASE RETURN RELIGIOUS SHOP SURVEY Please return the survey for our new Religious Article Shop in the new Parish Center. You may find the surveys on the church tables. COME TO THE FUNFEST MEETING The first weekend of June we hold our 10th Annual FunFest. The reorganized planning committee meets this Tuesday, February 3, at 7:30 PM in the Parish Center at 411 Clinton St. New members are welcome. Joel Branosky is the chair and Jess and Chris Gizzo, the assistant chairpeople. FIRESIDE CHAT THIS WEDNESDAY EVENING The 2015 Fireside Chats continue on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 in the OLG Rectory. The purpose of the chats is to discuss issues of faith in a group. Sponsored by the young adults, all are welcome this Wednesday, February 4. COLLECTION “12 YEARS A SLAVE” For January 25th weekend: OLG St. Joseph Collection: $ 4,141.00 $ 904.51 On Line/Mail $ 1,250.00 $ 00.00 Total $ 5,391.00 $ 904.51 Debt Reduction Assessment $ 32.00 17.00 Fuel $ 834.00 187.00 Main. & Rep. $ 5.00 0.00 Utilities $ 0.00 0.00 We have set $5,000 at OLG and $1,500 at St. Joseph as the goals for us to reach each weekend, excluding any debt reduction or special collection. We will show the award-winning movie, “12 Years a Slave,” in our parish hall on Saturday, February 28, 2015 at 6:15 PM. Tickets are $8 in advance and $10 at the door, which include pizza and soda. Tickets go on sale after all the Masses next weekend. Next week’s second collection is for Maintenance and Repairs. During Lent, we will read and discuss, “Atchinson Blue: A Search for Silence, a Spiritual Home, and a Living Faith,” by Judith Valente, an award-winning author and broadcast journalist. She will speak here at our parish on Wednesday, March 11, 2015, at 7:30 PM. You can order your own copy of the book at a discount price of $12. by completing and returning the form found on the tables. The first discussion will be Wednesday, February 25. Books will be available to pick up by Ash Wednesday, the week before. Valente has co-authored a second book, “The Art of Pausing: Meditations for the Overworked and Overwhelmed,” which you may also order at a discounted price of $11. Valente will autograph the books in person. CHILDREN AT MASS We ask parents to escort children to the rest room during Mass and to wait for them in the choir room. Also, please do not allow children near the scaffolding. CHOIRS ON HIATUS While Merry’s husband, Al, recovers, we are suspending the choirs until further notice. USED PIANOS We have a need for a used piano in good condition. If you have one to donate, please contact the parish office. WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES The Archdiocese recognizes the special anniversaries at Sacred Heart Cathedral Basilica in Newark. On Sunday, April 19, at 3 PM for 50th or Golden Anniversary; May 3 for 25 or Silver and 5th. Contact Ann at the OLG Office for the form to complete and mail in. JANUARY 50/50 WINNER James Farina of Hoboken won $269.50 in the January 50/50 raffle. Thank you for your support. January tickets are available after Mass. Please take some to work or home to sell to your co-workers or neighbors. You may also contact Ronnie or Catherine in either parish office and they will mail you some. Or you can complete the form on the church tables and we will mail them to you each month. Proceeds help us to cover Sandy expenses not covered by insurance. LENTEN READING 10 CHURCH TOWERS We can understand that with limited parking, someone from 10 Church Towers will pick someone up in front of the parish garages across the street. Stay with your car. Please do not park your car and leave it unattended. It will be ticketed and perhaps towed. DONATION STATEMENT If you use church envelopes or pay by check, you may request an annual donation statement for income tax purposes. You may e-mail your request or contact Veronica Rosso at OLG or Catherine Hoppmann at St. Joseph. Our finance council is exploring e-contributions, which we hope to accept later this year. PARKING LOT The parking lots at OLG on Willow and St. Joseph on Monroe are for those who drive to Mass and they may park there during Mass or for meetings or church events. Not other times. The Clinton St. lot is off limits to parishioners, which is why there are RESERVED PARKING signs there. If you poach, you may be towed from that lot. MASS INTENTIONS OLG MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2 The Presentation of the Lord 12:30 P.M. Robert A. Ventura 7:00 P.M. Pasquale Pisani (30 A of D) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 Ss. Blaise and Ansgar 12:30 P.M. Samuel Marchetti 7:00 P.M. Mary and Michael Byrnes WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 12:30 P.M. Jean Forest 7:00 P.M. Marie Moresi THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5 St. Agatha 12:30 P.M. Doris G. Heinzmann 7:00 P.M. Beatrice Murphy FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6 St. Paul Miki 12:30 P.M. John Pietropaolo Jr. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 Blessed Virgin Mary 5:00 P.M. Beatrice Pereira SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00 A.M. Pro Populo 10:30 A.M. Helen Norcia 12:30 P.M. Angela Garcia Ortiz 7:30 P.M Domenica Castasna ST. JOSEPH 10:00 A.M. Damaris y Angel Irizarry 12:00 Noon Anthony F. Cozzolino DECEASED Danny Timperio, Barbara Speck, Fr. John McGovern, Specialist Jason A. Disney, Staff Sergeant Juan M. Ridout, Staff Sergeant Bruce A. Rushforth Jr., Major Curtis D. Feistner, Captain Bartt D. Owens, Chief Warrant Officer Jody L. Egnor, Staff Sergeant James P. Dorrity, Staff Sergeant Kerry W. Frith, Specialist Thoms F. Allison, Master Sergeant William L. Mc Daniel II. Each week we pray for ten U.S. military who lost their lives in Afghanistan war since 2001. These died in 2002. REMEMBRANCES CHURCH: Bread and Wine are in loving memory of Fr. John P. McGovern, Pastor Emeritus of St. Michael Church, Cranford. Sanctuary Lamp is in loving memory of Antonia Nesi, Nick Knezich and Fulvio Giudici from Anna Giudici and Family. The Holy Family Lights are in memory of Reverend Robert D. Jacunski, Retired Parochial Vicar, Saint Aloysius, Caldwell. CHAPEL: Sanctuary Lamp is in loving memory of Reverend Robert A. O’Leary, Retired Parochial Vicar, Saint Philomena, Livingston. Bread and Wine are in loving memory of Richard H. Siss. ST. JOSEPH: Altar Bread and Wine are in memory of Rev. Joseph Angelini Altar Candles are in memory of Katherine Fleming. PRAYER NEEDS FOR THE SICK: Archbishop John Myers, Al Siss, Joseph Manogue, Raymond H Cerbie, Scott Nielson, Margaret Stack, Geraldine Andreano, Virginia Ruppert, Roberto Montanez, Elizabeth Donnelly Klein, Alicia Saribalis, Rochelle Flynn. JOB OPENINGS The Archdiocese of Newark Schools Office seeks applicants for the position of principal in our elementary and secondary schools, both urban and suburban schools, located in Bergen, Essex, Hudson, and Union Counties. Applicants may send a letter of intent, resume, with three (3) letters of reference to Sister Patricia Butler, SC at [email protected] or Archdiocese of Newark, Schools Office, 171 Clifton Ave. , Newark, NJ 07104 by February 15, 2015. The Data Entry Clerk and a Sales Counselor for an Archdiocesan cemetery or mausoleum. Contact Archdiocese of Newark. Office of Human Resources. Fax (973) 497-4103 [email protected]. THEOLOGY ON TAP Join us Tuesday, February 3, 6:30 pm at John's Pizza, 87 Sussex St., Jersey City for a Theology on Tap. Mike Gomez, '91, and now the principal of Cristo Rey School in Philadelphia will discuss "The Gospels of Springsteen, 144 Grand and Luke: From Growing Up to the Promised Land." For more info., contact Fr. Azzarto at 201-547-6412 or [email protected] IGLESIA DE NRA.. SRA. DE LA GRACIA Y SAN JOSÉ Teléfono: (201)659-0221 Eucaristia Dominical San José, 10:00 AM, (Spanish) and 12:00 noon OLG 12:30 PM Misa de Guardar San José Misa Bilingüe 7:00 PM Bautismo Bautizamos el tercer +Domingo del mes a las 2:00 PM en OLG o durante la misa dominical en cada iglesia. Matrimonio Feligreses registrados tienen que Presentarse un ańo antes de la Boda Reconciliación Confesiones cada Sábado en OLG 4:00 PM—4:50 PM y por cita. Unción de los Enfermos Llamar la casa parroquial para visitas a las casas y hospitals. Exposición y Adoración. 7:00 PM—9:00 PM Desde Marzo hasta Octubre MENSAJE SEMANAL Oremos para que oigamos a Dios cuando nos envíe una palabra retadora, que nos interpela para expandir nuestros límites y para dejar que obre de maneras nuevas y sorprendentes. Señor, permite que estemos abiertos a tu Espíritu, que se mueve dondequiera. Amén. HORARIO MENSUAL Comunión en Marion Tower: febrero 6 (6:30PM) Las Damas de María: febrero 12 (7:30 PM) Divino Nino: febrero 20 ( 7:00 PM) Las Madres Cristianas: febrero 20 (8:00 PM) EN SAN JOSE: DESAYUNO Habra desayuno en San Jose el 15 de febrero despues de la Misa en espanol . El boleto cuesta $ 5.00 para el desayuno. GRAN RIFA ANUAL La gran rifa anual en San Jose sera el 10 de mayo. El boleto cuesta $2.00. El beneficio de la rifa se será para la iglesia. Ayudanos vender los boletos a sus vecinos y familiares. Necesitamos la su apoyo. ANNUAL RAFFLE: MAY 10 Tickets are $2.00 each and are available at all Masses at St. Joseph’s. Drawing will be held on May 10, 2015 at 11:00 am. Co-sponsored by the Santo Nombre and Madres Cristianas for the maintenance and upkeep for the church of St. Joseph. FLEA MARKET We are looking for donations for our Flea Market – toys, new or gently used clothing, dishware, etc. Please help support St. Joe’s! Educación Religiosa Preparación y educación religiosa cada Domingo en cada lugar. Adultos se preparan en OLG cada Martes a las 7:30 PM Circulo de Oración Todos los Miércoles del mes a las 7:00 PM en San José. Misa del Divino Nińo El Tercer Vienes de cada Mess a las 7:00 PM en San José. Con la reunion de las Madres Cristianas despues de la Misa LECTURAS SEMANALES 2/4 Español Malaquías Lucas Hebreos Marcos Hebreos English Malachi Luke Hebrews Mark Hebrews 2/5 Marcos Hebreos Mark Hebrews Marcos Hebreos Marcos 2/7 Hebreos 20-21 Marcos 2/8 Job Mark Hebrews Mark Hebrews Mark Job 2/2 2/3 2/6 3:1-4 2:22-40 12:1-4 5:21-43 12:4-7, 11-15 6:1-6 12:18-19, 21-24 6:7-13 13:1-8 6:14-29 13:15-17, 6:30-34 7:1-4, 6-7 HOSPITALITY TABLE Please stop by today after the 12 Noon Mass for coffee and refreshments in the church vestibule. VALENTINE BREAKFAST At St. Joe’s on Sunday, February 15th, from 11:00 – 12:00 Noon. We will celebrate the day of love and friendship, and at the same time supporting the Church. Tickets for this event are $5 and will be available at the door. ST. JOE’S FUNDRAISERS Circulo de Oración $17, Coffee $41, Flea Market $140. 2014 CHRISTMAS DONORS Anonymous Donations 2@ 2@ 3@ 4@ 2@ $ 7,500.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 500.00 $ 300.00 $ 200.00 $ 150.00 $ 100.00 $ 50.00 $2,000.00 Robert & Caitlin Bovo/Richard Richiski $1,100.00 In memory of Al & Grace Santora – Rev. Alexander M. Santora $1,000.00 Anthony Arnone/Marie Crowley & Johanna Fugazzi/Todd & Alanna Kauffman/ Dorothy Messina/James & Susan Riley/Joyce Tyrell/Dorothy VanDecker $ 800.00 Joseph & Agnes Brennan/Angelo Elmo/Grace Leong & Family $ 600.00 Chris & Jessica Gizzo $ 550.00 Robert Scully $ 500.00 James & Suthanna Arsenault/Thomas Corrado/William & Helen Coughlin/Thomas & Suzanne Dean/ Elizabeth Gunning/From the Parents of Matt & Emily Hagen/Ronald & Celina Joas/Rev. Kenneth Herbster/ Christopher & Julie Kelly/Eugene & Kathleen Mc Cue/Carol Wilson/ Christine Wtulich $ 350.00 Margaret A. Brophy $ 325.00 Zetterstrom Family $ 300.00 Catherine Hoppmann/Kimberly Kelman/Bernard & Roberta Kenny Jr./ Margaret A. Parry $ 250.00 In memory of Corrado Camporeale-Camporeale Family/Jerry & Jennifer Corcoran/Margaret Gaynor/William & Kathleen Mc Graw/Jason & Kate Rogers/Leo & Joann Serrano/Chris & Beth Welsh/Kendall & Elizabeth Wren $ 200.00 Stephen & Kristin Bufano/James & Margaret Castiglione/Jim & Diane Dowd/ Georgean & Anthony Falco/Gina Gencarelli/John & Patricia Hammes/ Marguerite Haran/Frank & Maureen Kelman/Maryann Kennedy/Edgar & Yoli Kramer/Geroge La Sala/Susan Lisovicz/Sean Mc Namee/ Basil Morici Jr./Mark & Megan O’Leary/ Nicholas & Kristen Rossi/Michael & Theresa Wright $ 170.00 Thomas Berube $ 160.00 Katrina & Matthew Seals 2014 $ 150.00 2 $ 140.00 Sally Alfis/Christine Apicella/Dr. & Mrs. Eduardo Cabrera/Diane Capozzi/John & Mary Carney/Cristina & Joseph Crisostomo/Mrs. Catherine De Matteo/ Thomas Dooley/John & Julia Dugger/Sean & Margaret Finnin/Hector & Claribel Genao/Matthew Gluck/Julius Gottilla/Anthony & Anna Gullo/Matt & Emily Hagen/Steven Halter/Mercedes & Marcel Hart/Theresa Henry/ Arthur & Caridad Kennedy/Mrs. Margaret Maloney/Helen Manogue/Peter & Frances Matte/The Molta Family/Samuel & Carmen Nieves/Doug & Eileen O’Brien/Leo & Ann Parry/Katherine Rowan/Thomas & Gisella Santini/Scott & Cassy Sommer/Adam & Katie Stella/Margaret Stevens/ The Sutterby Family/Serena & Ryan Vaz/Jason Mezer & Jennifer Walker/ Ed & Ivy Wentzheimer Alexis Estremera Brett $ 125.00 Cecilio Concepcion $ 120.00 Michael Pane $ 100.00 Bryan & Sharyn Angley/Kevin & Sheeja Barbaza/Franco & Maria Bisiacchi Sr/ Mrs. Megan Bladel/Catherine Cademartin/Katherine Callahan/Jeffrey & Kristen Castellano/Lawrence Cerbie/A.M.Cerda/Leo & Josephine Collins/ Dacquire Connors/ Frieda Corrado/John & Joaneileen Coughlin/Daniel Cunning/Ed & Cathy Cunning/Geraldine Domino/Edward J. Donofrio/ Eileen M. Farinola/Martin & Valerie Giroux/Mrs. John Growney/Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gullo/Joseph & Shelly Hemler/Elizabeth Holden/Andrew & Lauren Holland/Michael & Donna Holleran/John Howe/Eileen Hunt/ Theresa Hunt/John Hartnett & Jessica Karerek/Kim Family/Thomas Larson/Joan Lovero/Angela Maffei/Elaine Mc Ginnis/Karen Michane/ Pauline Migliorino/Maribeth Miller/Thomas & Marianne Nececkas/Kevin Lauren O’Brien/David Furtzaig & Jean O’Reilly/Jose E. Ortiz/Todd Pinarchick/Josephine Radigan/Albert Rea/Richard & Elizabeth Schubring/In memory of Emilia Rondon, Frank Serrano Jr. & Milagros Lopez-Martha Serrano/Timothy & Patti Switzer/Angelo & Jane Valente/ Mrs.Veronica Walsh/Patrick & Catherine Wuthrich/Moncy Ye/Kathryn Zellweger $ 75.00 Daniel & Elma Crabbe/Eugenia Deile/Mary Schurgot/Erin White $ 70.00 Sarah Ramos/William & Kylie Ross $ 62.00 Paul & Alethea Semian $ 60.00 Pip & Meghan Decker/Omar Garica/Lidia Tong $ 55.00 John Dalton $ 50.00 Bridget Acox/Gail Beck/John Casler/Patrick & Joanne Caulfield/In memory of my husband Raymond P. Cerbie -Margaret Cerbie/Joe & Ana Clemente/Mrs. Joan Cunning/Katie Milmore & Thomas D’Angelo/Adam Drenkard/Jose Exposito & Family/ Elizabeth Gilmartin/Keith & Kimberly Gormley/Michael & Cara Guerra/Sophia Johansen/Nicole Lamarca/Dawn Lynn/Bob Mankos/Colleen Mannix/Erin Mannix/Mrs. Jean Manzetti/Peter & Maria Marin/Salvador Marrero/In memory of Mc Closkey & Kennedy Family/ Richard J. Molitor/Eva Norcia/Louis Orsini/Jason & Anita Pereira/Mrs. Edward Radigan/Evelyn Reccoppa/Mary Rediger/Catherine Romano/ Sean Rooney/Iraida Rosa/Mrs. Barbara Ruthman/Claire Sebesta/Margaret Seremba/Travis & Olivia Smith/Dorothy Totaro/White Family E A R L F. B O S W O R T H F U N E R A L H O M E “Serving the Community Since 1917” ~ Family Owned Pre-need Counseling for Medicaid • Revocable and Irrevocable Funeral Trusts James L. Bosworth, Manager, N.J. Lic. No. 2988 311 WILLOW AVENUE ■ HOBOKEN, NJ ■ 659-1455 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. Restaurant and Bar www.courtstreet.com • 201-795-4515 61 Sixth Street (Bet. Hudson & Washington) Hoboken, NJ 07030 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE nion sonarl Compa r e P Your Praye through 2030 Designed to be PUSH Jesus A to Z Readings • Reflections • Prayers TALK ................... 24/7 HELP ................... In Stock & Ready to Order Today. 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