HOBOKEN’S CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF GRACE 400 Willow Avenue, Hoboken NJ 07030 Chapel in Parish Center at 411 Clinton Street Phone: 201-659-0369 Fax: 201-659-5833 E-mail: [email protected] www.olghoboken.com & ST. JOSEPH 61 Monroe Street Phone & Fax: 201-659-0221 The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time THE EUCHARIST Saturday Vigil Mass (OLG)..5:00 PM Sunday (OLG)……………………9:00 AM, 10:30 AM ……………………………………….12:30 PM (Spanish), 7:30 PM Sunday (St. Joseph)…….…..10:00 AM (Spanish) 12:00 Noon DAILY MASS IN CHAPEL Monday - Friday …………….12:30 PM Monday - Thursday………….7:00 PM HOLY DAYS Chapel Vigil Mass…………….7:00 PM OLG ……………………………...12:30 PM, 7:30 PM St. Joseph………………………..7:30 PM (Bi-lingual) BAPTISM: For registered parishioners: First Sunday of the month at 2:00 PM in English. Third Sunday of the month at 2:00 PM in Spanish or at Mass in either church. Register in advance for the prepara on session on the last Wednesday of the month at 7:30 PM. MATRIMONY: Registered parishioners contact the rectory one year before the wedding. RECONCILIATION: Confessions are heard Saturday from 4:00 to 4:50 PM and by appointment. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please no fy the rectory for homebound, hospital and nursing home visits. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Sacramental prepara on and religious educa on take place on Sunday morning at each church. Adults prepare at OLG on Tuesday at 7:30 PM. November 16, 2014 OFFICE HOURS OUR LADY OF GRACE Monday - Friday ……………..…..9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday - Thursday………..…. ..6:30 PM to 8:30 PM Saturday………………………..…..10:00 AM to 4:00 PM ST. JOSEPH Monday - Friday………………......9:00 AM to 4:00 PM BINGO Saturday: 12:00 PM PARISH STAFF Rev. Alexander M. Santora....Pastor Rev. O. Dani DeLaPena…….….Parochial Vicar Rev. John A. Mullin, S.J………..Weekend Assistant Rev. Robert O’Hare, S.J………..Weekend Assistant Rev. Anthony Azzarto, S.J…….Weekend Assistant Deacon John Dugger…………...Pastoral Assistant Megan Moffit……………………...Pastoral Associate Dr. Merry Naddeo………………..Music Director & Organist Ann Fabbricatore………….……..Business Manager Veronica Rosso…………….……..Office Manager Catherine Hoppmann….……...St. Joseph Manager Gustavo Barrera………….….…..Facili es Manager Guido Barrera……………………..Facili es Staff Leo Parry…………………….……….Bingo Coordinator Iris Diaz ……………………….....….Rectory Cook/Housekeeper April Harris………………….……...In Jesus’ Name Chari es Igna us DePalma………….….…Trustee Helen A. Cunning………….…….Trustee HOBOKEN CATHOLIC ACADEMY Ma hew Mc Grath, Principal (201)-963-9535. We follow Jesus Christ in the Catholic tradi on of worship, community and service to each other. PASTOR’S MESSAGE Remember Bill Harris & Help April Harris for Thanksgiving Last Monday we buried Bill Harris, the husband of April Harris. April has run In Jesus Name Charities, housed in our parish center, for 35 years. Bill worked for 25 years as a case manager at St. Lucy’s Shelter in Jersey City near the Holland Tunnel. Bill became ill about one year ago and has been on hospice for about two months before he died. He died in his own home surrounded by April, his son David, and Fr. Carl Arico, a spiritual director, who preached at his funeral. Those were graced moments. Bill, like April, is a member of the Third Order Franciscans and lived out that charism faithfully. We hosted the wake for Bill in our Daily Mass Chapel last Sunday and celebrated his Mass of the Resurrection. I know April was touched by all the people who visited and especially those who came to the Mass. As I said at the time, the “Hoboken Helping Community” was present: reps from Good Counsel, Mustard Seed, In Jesus’ Name, The Promise, The Hoboken Shelter and St. Lucy’s Shelter. I am grateful to Bernadette Pehrson for baking and hosting the refreshments for the guests who came to the luncheon in our school hall. And our parish staff: Gustavo and Guido Barrera, Ann Fabbricatore, Catherine Hoppmann, Megan Moffit, and Veronica Rosso for serving the food and cleaning up. Merry Naddeo was gracious, as well. So many people commented to me about the warmth they felt in the parish and that is nice to hear and to share. Eugenia Deile, Irene LaBruzza, and Marge Parry served the Mass and assisted. Thanksgiving and Christmas are the busiest times of the year for April. She can use some help. If you would like to volunteer some time, call her at 201-792-2112 or e-mail April Harris: [email protected]. Also, please donate some canned or boxed items of food each Sunday so she can make Thanksgiving food baskets. Please bring them to the choir room. And to the rectory during the week for the month of November. We cannot do what April and Bill have done but we can support them. And especially in the memory of a wonderful servant of God, Bill Harris. Peace, Fr. Alex Santora PLEASE DONATE TO THE ANNUAL SHELTER COLLECTION Now is the time for us to do our share to help the Hoboken Homeless Shelter. Please make a donation during the month of November. A check can be made to our church or the shelter. You can mail yours directly to the shelter or drop it in the collection with your weekly donation any time this month. Envelopes may be found on the church tables. NEW PEOPLE WELCOME AT 2015 FUNFEST MEETING The 10th annual FunFest will be held the first weekend of June 2015 and Joel Branosky will once again chair it. There will be a meeting of the Steering Committee on Monday, November 17, 2014, at 7:30 PM in the OLG Rectory to begin plans and any parishioner who would like to join the group is welcome. JOIN US FOR THE FIRESIDE CHAT ON WEDNESDAY We continue our Wednesday evening Fireside Chats sponsored by our young adults and open to all parishioners. Please come to the OLG Rectory at 7:30 PM. This week’s topic is God in Relationships” how can we better pray together as friends and significant others? Some gather for Mass in the Chapel at 7 PM. COLLECTION For the weekend of November 9th \ OLG St. Joseph In Church : $ 4,581.00 $ 982.38 Online /Mail $ 1,526.00 $ 0.00 Total $ 6,107.00 $ 982.38 Debt Reduction Assessment $ 626.00 $ 190.00 Fuel $ 101.00 $ 13.00 Main. & Rep. $ 10.00 $ 3.00 Utilities $ 15.00 $ 3.00 We have set $5,000 at OLG and $1,500 at St. Joseph as the goals for us to reach each weekend, excluding any debt reduction or special collection. To donate through on-line banking, request your bank or financial institution, at no charge, mail to OLG or St. Joseph the amount you request each week or month. Next week’s second collection is for Maintenance and Repairs. 2015 MASS BOOKS OPEN A church tradition invites people to offer a Mass for a loved one or an intention. This is both for living and deceased. So you can offer a Mass for the anniversary of parents, or someone’s birthday, or the recovery of a sick person. We have living Mass cards for these intentions. Most people remember a deceased loved one. Please come to either rectory or mail in your requests. JOIN THE CHOIRS If you would like to sing in the choir, please stop by after Mass and speak with Dr. Merry Naddeo or just show-up. The adult choir rehearse Tuesdays at 7 PM. The choir sings at the 10:30 Sunday Mass and for special holydays. The children’s choir ages 4, 5 & 6 will practice Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3 to 3:30 and ages 7 to 12 from 3:30 to 4:15 in the choir room. Enter church from the ramp side door. NOVEMBER 50/50 RAFFLE November tickets are available after Mass. Please take some to work or home to sell to your coworkers or neighbors. You may also contact Ronnie or Catherine in either parish office and they will mail you some. Or you can complete the form on the church tables and we will mail them to you each month. Proceeds help us to cover Sandy repair costs not covered by insurance. CHRISTMAS CARDS Sr. Antonelle Chunka, C.S.S.F., the director of The Promise, welcomes new Christmas cards and stamps for the residents at the Hudson County Youth House to send to their families and friends. The volunteers meet with the youth regularly. Please bring them to either rectory. SACRIFICIAL GIVING Each week, our individual, couple or family contributions sustain our parish. We ask you to reflect on what you give each week. Please read the sheets on the church tables and compare what you give now based on your weekly income. We are grateful for your presence and whatever you do and donate. CHURCH DONATIONS We are very grateful for any donations we receive. At the time of a funeral, please check with the pastor, however, before you donate a gift. We have so many chasubles and stoles yet people continue to donate them. We have many needs and will accommodate you. NEW BINGO GAMES New games at the weekly Saturday Bingo at Noon have begun. A new schedule of games is offered with exciting prizes. Games will include: Five Number, Letter T Anyway, 50/50, Progressive, #7, Letter L Anyway, Jackpot, and Big Game. Also featured are great food in our school hall with ample parking. THANK YOU Dorothy VanDecker for the Parish Council hospitality...Gail Beck and Noreen Fitzgerald for preparing the bulletins...Eugenia Deile for covering the rectory...Lucille Casulli for the donations...Steven Devcich for his donation in memory of his uncle, Ed Ryan...Joyce Spengler, proprietor of For Heaven Sake religious article shop in Spring Lake Heights for her donation. Stop by when you’re down the shore. Right off Rt. 71 across from the elementary school...Mariano Henriquez of Klinger Tire, 77 Leonard St., Jersey City. Their Heights tire shop and car repair is one of the best in the area. MASS INTENTIONS OLG REMEMBRANCES CHURCH: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17 St. Elizabeth of Hungary 12:30 P.M. Fulvio Guidici 7:00 P.M. Maureen Nisler TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 The Dedication of the Basilicas of Ss. Peter and Paul and St. Rose Philippine Duchesne 12:30 P.M. Patrick Caufield 7:00 P.M. Ralph Fabiano WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 12:30 P.M. Patrick Caufield 7:00 P.M. Thomas Donnelly THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20 12:30 P.M. Joseph Walsh 7:00 P.M. Anthony Truchan FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21 The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 12:30 P.M. Deceased members of the De Stefano and Albruno Families SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22 St. Cecilia 5:00 P.M. Deceased members of the Carey Family SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe 9:00 A.M. Pro Populo 10:30 A.M. Martha (Sissy) De Marco 12:30 P.M. Aurelia Cardenas 7:30 P.M Maureen Nisler ST. JOSEPH 10:00 A.M. Jose Roig 12:00 Noon Catherine Nisler DECEASED William Harris, Sr. Mary Fattorusso, M.P.F., Rosa Faderico, Reverend Thomas M. Foye, Staff Sgt. Amilcar H. Gonzalez, Maj. Ronald W. Culver Jr., Pfc. Alvaro R. Regalado Sessarego, Pvt. Francisco J. Guardado-Ramirez, Sgt. Steve M. Theobald, Spc. William C. Yauch, Sgt. Israel P. Obryan, Spc. Christopher W. Opat, Capt. Michael P. Cassidy, Spc. Jacob P. Dohrenwend. Each week we pray for ten U.S. military who lost their lives in Iraq since 2003. These died in 2010. Bread and Wine are in loving memory of Patrick Caufield from Carol Anne Wilson. Sanctuary Lamp is in loving memory of Antonia Nesi, Nick Knezich and Fulvio Giudici from Anna Giudici and Family. The Holy Family Lights are in memory of Fr. Thomas M. Foye, Retired Parochial Vicar, Saint Henry’s, Bayonne. CHAPEL: Sanctuary Lamp is in loving memory of Joseph Walsh from Veronica Walsh. Bread and Wine are in loving memory of Ben John Cohan, father of Fr. Dennis J. Cohan. ST. JOSEPH: Altar Bread and Wine are in loving memory of Rev. Michael C. Duggan. Altar Candles are in loving memory of Rev. Luis Senez. PRAYER NEEDS FOR THE SICK: Maria Marin, Tom Parry, Jesse Shaw, Elizabeth Donnelly Klein, Alicia Saribalis, Eusebia Serrano, José Sanchez. SPECIAL INTENTION: Robert Vicidomine CHILDREN’S PAGEANT There will be a Christmas Pageant at the Family Mass on Sunday, December 21st at 10:30am. Registration for Children to be in the Christmas Pageant is open to all children grades Kindergarten through 3rd. The next two rehearsal are on Nov. 17th and Dec. 15th from 3:15pm to 4:00pm in OLG Choir Room. Please contact Megan Moffit to register your child at (201) 659-0369 or e-mail at [email protected]. MULTINATIONAL CONCERT On Sunday, November 23, the Archdiocese of Newark will celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King with a Vespers Service and Multicultural Concert to be held beginning at 3 p.m. at St. Aedan's, the Church of St. Peter's University, at 800 Bergen Avenue, Jersey City. Following prayers, at least six choirs reflecting the cultural diversity of our Archdiocese will entertain participants. A reception at Hudson Catholic High School (next door to St. Aedan's), will follow. IGLESIA DE NRA.. SRA. DE LA GRACIA Y SAN JOSÉ Teléfono: (201)659-0221 Eucaristia Dominical San José, 10:00 AM, (Spanish) and 12:00 noon OLG 12:30 PM Misa de Guardar San José Misa Bilingüe 7:00 PM Bautismo Bautizamos el tercer +Domingo del mes a las 2:00 PM en OLG o durante la misa dominical en cada iglesia. Matrimonio Feligreses registrados tienen que Presentarse un ańo antes de la Boda Reconciliación Confesiones cada Sábado en OLG 4:00 PM—4:50 PM y por cita. Unción de los Enfermos Llamar la casa parroquial para visitas a las casas y hospitals. Exposición y Adoración. 7:00 PM—9:00 PM Desde Marzo hasta Octubre MENSAJE SEMANAL La fe no mantiene protegido e íntegro a nuestro mundo, pero infunde en nosotros una fortaleza paciente por la cual nuestra vida se salvará, como nos recuerda el Evangelio. Amén. HORARIO MENSUAL Comunión en Marion Tower: diciembre 5 (6PM) Las Damas de María: noviembre 20 (7:30 PM) Divino Nino: noviembre 21 ( 7:00 PM) Las Madres Cristianas: noviembre 21 (8:00 PM) VIAJE: MT AIRY CASINO Habrá un viaje en autobús a Mt Airy Casino en Pocono el 22 de noviembre, sabado. $30 por persona. El casino le da $25 y $10 para comida. El autobús sale a las 10 AM en OLG y 10:15 AM en San José. REUNIÓN: LECTORES Es obligatorio para todos los lectores de OLG y SAN JOSÉ de asistir a la reunión con el representante diocesana el 6 de diciembre 2014, a las 2:00 PM hasta a las 4:00 PM en la IGLESIA DE SAN JOSE tambienEl seňor Jose Planas dirigirá la reunion. Por favor de venir a la reunión para mostrar también su respeto a los demás miembros. LIMPIEZA DE LA IGLESIA Necesitamos voluntarios para limpiar la iglesia de San José el 6 de diciembre de 10:00 AM y necesitamos gente para preparer el sótano para la fiesta de Navidad ST. JOE’S FUNDRAISING Flea Market $214, and Coffee $64. LA RIFA 50/50 Próximo sorteo – 24 de noviembre del 2014, 7:30 pm. Educación Religiosa Preparación y educación religiosa cada Domingo en cada lugar. Adultos se preparan en OLG cada Martes a las 7:30 PM Circulo de Oración Todos los Miércoles del mes a las 7:00 PM en San José. Misa del Divino Nińo El Tercer Vienes de cada Mess a las 7:00 PM en San José. Con la reunion de las Madres Cristianas despues de la Misa LECTURAS SEMANALES Español 11/17 Apocalipsis Lucas 11/18 Apocalipsis English Revelation Luke Revelation Lucas Apocalipsis Lucas Apocalipsis Lucas Apocalipsis Lucas Apocalipsis Lucas Ezequiel Luke Revelation Luke Revelation Luke Revelation Luke Revelation Luke Ezekiel Mateo Matthew 11/19 11/20 11/21 11/22 11/23 1:1-4; 2:1-5 18:35-43 3:1-6, 14-22 19:1-10 4:1-11 19:11-28 5:1-10 9:41-44 10:8-11 19:45-48 11:4-12 20:27-40 34:11-12, 15-17 25:31-46 CHURCH CLEANING We need volunteers on Saturday, Dec. 6th 10am - 1pm to help clean St. Joseph Church and to set up the basement of the church for Christmas Party . FOOD FOR THE NEEDY We are collecting non-perishable food for needy families in our St. Joseph community. This food will be given along with turkeys to these families for their Thanksgiving meals. RETIRO DE ADVIENTO Habra Retiro de Adviento el 29 de noviembre en San Jose, sabado, de 10:00 AM hasta 4:00 PM. El prediicador sera Nestor Bello de New York. COLECTA DE COMIDA Estaremos recogiendo comida para repartir a algunas familias pobres de nuestra comunidad. St. Dymphna of Gheel Many people know St. Dymphna of Gheel as the patroness of people struggling with mental illness. Few seem to know her background or why she is named such. There are various legends surrounding the story of Dymphna, but the core narrative is this: She was the daughter of a pagan chieftain in Ireland in the 7th Century. Her mother, who had been a Christian and had baptized Dymphna, died when her daughter was 14. Her father was devastated and had a long period of protracted grief. After a fruitless search for a second wife, his attention fell on Dymphna. Her resemblance to his beloved dead wife, coupled with his emotional and mental struggle after his wife’s death, drove him to entreat her to marry him herself. Horrified, Dymphna fled with her confessor, an elderly priest by the name of Gerebran, to the city of Gheel in Belgium. Unfortunately, her father pursued her and found her. His men murdered Gerebran and then, when Dymphna refused to go with him, he beheaded her. Dymphna’s refusal to participate in this incestuous relationship led to her martyrdom. She has been named patroness of people with mental and emotional difficulties – not only because of the toll that her father’s mental illness took on her family but because of her own emotional and mental anguish. Dymphna was buried in Gheel. When her body was discovered in the 13th century, cures and miracles were being attributed to her, especially for people with epilepsy and people with mental illness. But the most outstanding miracle is one that began centuries ago and still continues to this day. In the 13th century, an institution was built in Gheel where people with mental illness are admitted for a short time. Following the initial treatment, these patients are then placed with families in the village with whom they live and work side by side. The patients receive treatment without formality and gain greatly by the normal lifestyle offered to them by the villagers. The villagers see them as a part of their lives and have for centuries. In the context of institutionalization, deinstitutionalization, and reinstitutionalization (in prisons) in our country, this truly is miraculous. All of this is attributed to a simple young princess who lost her life in defense of doing the right thing. St. Dymphna is a legend and a model and has left a legacy for care and treatment of people with mental illness that defies the “wisdom” and sophistication of our own time. Prayer: Wise and diligent St. Dymphna, you found yourself in peril in your young life having suffered the death of your dear mother and the wrath of your father. Orphaned and in flight you took shelter in the wings of your heavenly father. Under your protection and care, many people who have born the cross of mental illness have been consoled and nurtured toward better health and healing. Look kindly on the needs of all who struggle today with mental and emotional problems. Be their staff of stability and security in the winds and storms that assail them. Help them to know and understand that nothing can separate them from the love of God that comes through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen. Hoboken Shelter seeks volunteers for Thanksgiving Hoboken Now file photo The Hoboken Shelter, shown above, is still looking for volunteers this Thanksgiving. Hundreds of volunteers are expected to help out at The Hoboken Shelter this Thanksgiving Day, according to Executive Director Jaclyn Cherubini, and you could be one of them. Cherubini is still accepting requests from volunteers from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday who are willing to help prepare and serve meals, sort food and clothing donations, play board games and socialize with guests and assist with newsletter mailing. Here's the schedule of events: 2 p.m. - Thanksgiving Lunch 3 p.m. - Art & Creative Writing Show where shelter guests will display their work 5 p.m. - Movie 7:30 p.m. - Thanksgiving Dinner Can't make it Thursday? The following items are also needed for the shelter's many homeless and hungry guests: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Hot and cold cups Paper/plastic plates, cups and bowls Napkins Plastic utensils Toilet paper Laundry/dish detergent Garbage bags Postage stamps 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Milk Coffee Sugar Cereal Juice Razors Socks Underpants To sign up to volunteer, call Jaclyn Cherubini at (201) 656-5069. Donated items may be dropped off at the shelter at 300 Bloomfield Street. E A R L F. 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