The Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe Buckingham, PA Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time —February 1, 2015 “We are a vibrant, welcoming parish dedicated to growing disciples and MAKING CHURCH MATTER.” PASTOR Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Gentili, S.T.D., M. Div. PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Robert Ianelli, M.A., M. Div. Parish Office Center 5175 Cold Spring Creamery Road Second Floor, Suite Four Doylestown, PA 18902 Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. WEEKEND ASSISTANT Rev. Walter J. Quinn, O.S.A., B.S., M.A. PERMANENT DEACON Deacon Robert Brady, M.A. Phone (267) 247-5374 Fax (267) 247-5402 Website: PARISH RECTORY DIRECTOR OF LITURGICAL MUSIC Paula M. Furman, M.S., Ed.D. DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Margaret Szewczak, M.A. 3243 Ash Mill Road, Doylestown, PA 18902 Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil Sunday 5 p.m. 8 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. DIRECTOR OF YOUTH MINISTRY Gail A. Downing Church Address Our Lady of Guadalupe Roman Catholic Church 5194 Cold Spring Creamery Road Doylestown, PA 18902 PARISH BUSINESS MANAGER Edward Zapisek, B.S. WEEKDAY MASSES PARISH MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Robert Poleshuk Daily Rosary at 7:30 a.m. Monday through Saturday. Monday through Saturday 8 a.m. from the Pastor I welcome you to Our Lady of Guadalupe Roman Catholic Church in Buckingham, PA. If you are a visitor, I hope you have enjoyed your time in our beautiful church. If you are a Catholic who has not been to church recently, thank you for coming, you are always most welcome home. If you would like to speak with someone about joining our parish or becoming a Catholic, please visit our Parish Office or visit the Welcome Booth in the church narthex after all weekend Masses. All are welcome! Sincerely in Our Lord Rev. Monsignor Joseph P. Gentili Pastor, Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act In a January 20 letter to Congress, Cardinal Seán O'Malley, chairman of the U.S. bishops' Committee on Pro-Life Activities, urged support for the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 36). The conviction in 2013 of Dr. Kermit Gosnell for crimes committed while providing abortions has "led many Americans to realize that our permissive laws and attitudes have allowed the abortion industry to undertake these procedures." People are repulsed "by the callous and barbarous treatment of women and children in Gosnell's clinic, and in other clinics that abort children after 20 weeks." These procedures also pose serious dangers to women, "as evidenced by Gosnell's own manslaughter conviction for one woman's death, and news about the death or serious complications of other women undergoing such procedures." The Cardinal concludes: "On behalf of our country and the children whose lives are at stake, I urge you to support the common-sense reform offered by H.R. 36 and to oppose all weakening amendments." Send a message today! Please show your support for H.R. 36 by contacting your U.S. Representative. This following link, courtesy of the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference, offers a convenient method of voicing your support for this legislation: Cover photo courtesy of Chet Heinz. Welcome Reception for New Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Member Families Sunday, February 1 After All Masses This Weekend New members will be blessed by Monsignor Gentili during Mass. After each Mass on February 1, enjoy a reception with coffee, juice and donuts in the Narthex. All parishioners are invited to attend and welcome these families to the OLG family! Reflection Pondering the Word… Well, thank you Paul. We too would like it if we could all be free of anxieties, and we know our earthly lives can distract us from things of the Lord if we let them. Paul wants us to be free but it sure sounds like he is causing more anxiety for his audience. The Greek word Paul uses in this passage is merimna, which clearly translates to “anxious,” but has an underlying meaning. It portrays something being divided, fractured into parts. And yes, if we lead double lives, pious in word but not action, or observant in practice but not day-to-day, we will inevitably face the anxiety Paul talks about here. The key to a worry-free life is faith…an all-encompassing faith that sees God in ourselves, in others, and in the things of this world, and sees the wonderful truth of our humanity in the face of God—Jesus. Living the Word… The word anxious comes from Latin (via Old English) and means “to strangle.” For those who have been in anxiety’s grip, the meaning is very literal. Over the years, the |Church has heightened our anxiety by starkly dividing heaven and earth, creating in us a duality that seems contrary to the mission and message of Jesus: “The Kingdom of God is among you.” Try this challenge sometime this week: As you go about your day, look around for God, for heaven: the small good deed one stranger does for another; the compassion of a caregiver; nature breaking through some desolate landscape. Try especially hard to be aware of God’s presence in people, places, and situations you see as bad or negative. This is a great mindfulness practice to adopt so you can be present to God’s heavenly love in everything and everyone. © 2015, Elaine H. Ireland. Page 2 - 131 Weekly Intentions 8 a.m. 8 a.m. Monday, February 2 The Presentation of the Lord Laurence John O’Brien, Jr. Requested by Jason and Jennifer Ross Tuesday, February 3 Saint Blaise, Bishop and Martyr Dorothy Prutky Requested by Tom and Rose Hampton 8 a.m. Wednesday, February 4, Weekday John and Esme Parmee Requested by Peter Sinclair 8 a.m. Thursday, February 5 Saint Agatha Betty Sinclair Requested by John and Anita McDonnell 8 a.m. FIRST Friday, February 6 Saint Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs John and Nancy Miller Requested by Marese Van Duyne 8 a.m. Saturday, February 7, Weekday Hanna O’Sullivan Requested by Edward and Jane McArdle Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine First Friday Devotion and Eucharistic Adoration at OLG First Friday, Friday, February 6 Blessed Sacrament Adoration, After the 8 a.m. Mass until 4 p.m. Benediction, 4 p.m. At Our Lady of Guadalupe, Eucharistic Adoration is held on the First Friday of each month, the day devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. After the 8 a.m. Mass on First Friday in the Saint Juan Diego Chapel, the Blessed Sacrament is placed on the altar in a monstrance. The faithful have the opportunity to adore Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament up until 4 p.m., at which time Benediction, that is, a blessing given by the priest or deacon with the Blessed Sacrament, occurs. Since the gift of the Eucharist is an inestimable treasure given to us by God, it extremely important that the Eucharist is adored at all times and never left alone. If you have a desire to grow closer to the Sacred Heart of Our Lord through His Sacramental Presence in the Holy Eucharist, please contact Mary Jo Gimber at [email protected] and sign up for an adoration time. WEEKLY COLLECTION Week of February 1, 2015, Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine “A TITHING COMMUNITY” For the recovery of Mary Lincks Requested by the Steitz Family Purchase a candle in the OLG Shrine ($10) in honor of your special intention. Call the Parish Office or stop by to reserve your candle. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time—2/1/15 Deuteronomy 18, 15-20 I will put my words into the prophet’s mouth and he will tell them all I command. January 25, 2015 January 26, 2014 Current Fiscal Year (started July 1, 2014) Average: $20,647 Amount needed on a weekly basis: $23,000 If every family could donate $5 more per week, the Parish would reach its weekly goal. Catholic Relief Services $4,205 THANK YOU Psalm 95, 1-2. 6-7. 7-9 If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. MASS SCHEDULE 1 Corinthians 7, 32-35 The unmarried woman dedicates herself to the things of the Lord, that she might be holy. Mark 1, 21-28 Jesus came as one who spoke in the name of the Lord, teaching with authority. Let us listen to his voice and adhere to him above anything else. Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time—2/8/15 Job 7, 1-4. 6-7, Psalm 147, 1-2. 3-4. 5-6 1 Corinthians 9, 16-19, 22-23., Mark 1, 29-39 $20,065 $16,519 Week of February 7 and 8 Time 5 p.m. 8 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11 a.m. Celebrant Father Ianelli Father Ianelli Father Quinn Father Ianelli Homilist Deacon Brady Deacon Brady Deacon Brady Deacon Brady Schedule is subject to change. Page 3 - 131 OLG Respect Life Committee Respect Life Committee Meeting Dear Friends, Hope, like Faith, is a gift from God. The poor, the sick, the homeless, the vulnerable can’t give themselves hope. But, as a disciple of Jesus Christ, you can. The 2015 Catholic Charities Appeal is a wonderful opportunity to share your blessings with the least fortunate among us. St. Paul, the co-patron of our archdiocesan basilica, tells us that the three most precious virtues are Faith, Hope and Love. They’re deeply interconnected. We live our Faith when we show Love to those most in need. And in showing that Love, we bring them Hope. Your past generosity gives me great confidence that Christ will once again bestow his grace on our community of Faith. And that your donation to the 2015 Catholic Charities Appeal, motivated by Love, may continue to GIVE HOPE. Gratefully yours in Christ, Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. Archbishop of Philadelphia To donate or for more information, see: Guest Speaker Marie Joseph of Legacy of Life Foundation Saturday, February 7, 8:45 a.m. (after 8 a.m. Mass) Counting Room, OLG Church Marie Joseph of the Legacy of Life Foundation will be a guest speaker. This foundation supports two crisis women’s centers, one in Bucks County and one in center city Philadelphia. The unique mission of the centers they fund is the counseling approach used to empower women in an unplanned pregnancy to be free from fear and isolation so that they can freely choose life. We invite everyone in the parish to attend and learn more about this organization. Planned Parenthood in Warminster Thursday, February 12, 9 to 10 a.m. Members of our Respect Life Committee will meet to pray and give witness for the crime of abortion. We encourage everyone in the parish to join us. Together, in prayer, we can end abortion in our land. OLG Prayer Line We invite you to join us in praying for the following people: Bill Ralph Boccuzzi Ruth B Carolyn Caroline Dominico Campologno Anne Casano Loretta Dadura Rocco Dilaurentis Betty Demarco Daughter A Daughter B Ronald DiSabatino Dominick Allen Durst Marvin Eidem Peter Giandalia Matthew Giandalia Lauren Heaslip Sean Hogan Rachel E. Johnson Jacob Lambie Jim Kevin Lane Bill and Diane Lane Jaila Cook Steven K. Lombardo Jean Lomonaco Anna Claire Mailiff Dr. Ahmed Mazaheri Emma Marie McCarty S. Miller Family Ginny Mintz Elma Morrow Nicole O’Neil Anthony Nocco Baby Grace Oddo Dorothy Papst Jim Pellicore Sonya Pereira Mary Reichert Lynne Sharkey Mary Shea James Sturgis Lance Corporal Brad Thomas Grayson Weidner Joyce Willard To be a member of the “Prayer Team,” send your email address/phone number to [email protected], or call 215-794-7535. Prayer requests are welcome at the same address and phone. Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of America, pray for us! --Ecclesia in America, Saint John Paul II Bulletin Deadline We would love to hear from you! The bulletin deadline is the previous Monday at 12 noon. Please email [email protected] or call the Parish Office with questions or to submit a request. Page 4 - 131 PARISH MINISTRY INFORMATION Our Lady of Guadalupe is proud to offer 30 + ministries that you can join at any time of the year to express yourself spiritually and strengthen your faith. You have an open invitation to contact any of these ministries listed below. Advent Giving Tree, Nancy Broglie, [email protected] Altar Linen Ministry, Joan Wilson, 215-794-8666 Altar Servers, Greg McGovern, [email protected] Art and Environment Ministry Michele Savage, [email protected] Bereavement Committee, Marlene Funk, [email protected] Catechists, Pre-Jordan, Adult Faith Formation Margaret Szewczak, [email protected] Children’s Liturgy of the Word Mary McArdle, [email protected] In The Name of the Father Randy Hubbell, [email protected] Collection Counters, Cathy Di Bui, [email protected] Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) Tom Lunny, [email protected] Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Deacon Brady, [email protected] Familia Educadora en la Fe (FEF) Alejandro and Karin Cebado, [email protected] Finance Council/Capital Campaign Committee Dick Clark, [email protected] Foreign Missions, Eric Jozefiak, [email protected] Grief Support Fellowship Janet Koetter, [email protected] Guardians of Guadalupe, Pete Murphy, 267-261-3905 Health and Wellness Maureen Sapelli, [email protected] Hospitality, Denise Schmidt, [email protected] Hymnal Changing, Tony Martin, [email protected] Information and Greeting Cecelia Gavinelli, [email protected] Knights of Columbus, Chip Puchino, [email protected] Ladies of OLG, Susan MacLeman, [email protected] Lector Ministries, Pam Barnes, [email protected] L.I.F.E. Teen Gail Downing, [email protected] Liturgical Musicians, Paula Furman, [email protected] Moms in Prayer International, Robyn Graham, [email protected] OLG 55+ Club, Michelene Bolsar, [email protected] Parish Communications and Media Teresa Fischer, [email protected] Pastoral Council, Steve Workman, [email protected] Prayer Shawl,Maureen Sapelli, [email protected] Respect Life, Denise Wilcox, [email protected] Sacred Liturgy Committee Father Robert Ianelli, [email protected] Sacristans, Pete Murphy, [email protected] Social Committee, Larry & Kathy Cuoci, [email protected] Teen Band, Lisa Simon, [email protected] Ushers, Joseph D’Agostino, [email protected] Welcome Committee Katie Mullen, [email protected] World Meeting of Families Deacon Bob and Chris Brady, [email protected] BLESSED SACRAMENT Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held each first Friday after the 8 a.m. Mass. Concludes with Benediction at 4 p.m. NEW PARISHIONERS New parishioners are encouraged to register at the Parish Office as soon as possible after moving into the parish. RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Confessions are held 1/2 hour before each weekend Mass; until 10 minutes before Mass or anytime by appointment. ANNOINTING OF THE SICK If you anticipate a procedure or surgery, contact the Parish Office so proper arrangements may be made at the church or in your home to receive the Sacraments of the Anointing of the Sick and Holy Communion prior to your hospital visit. COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND For those unable to attend Sunday Mass due to illness or age (whether long term or for a period of time), arrangements can be made for Holy Communion every week by an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Additionally, you can be placed on a list for visitation by a parish priest on a regular basis. Contact the Parish Office to make arrangements. EMERGENCIES In case of an emergency, which requires the attention of a priest, please contact the Parish Office at any time. Directions will be given on how to contact a priest. All area hospitals and nursing care facilities have a parish assigned to them and each institution will be able to assist you. Additionally, contact the Parish Office, so that the priests are aware of the situation and can assist as appropriate. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Arrangements for the Sacrament of Marriage must be made at least six months prior to your anticipated wedding date. BAPTISM OF CHILDREN The Sacrament of Baptism is administered each Sunday after the 11 a.m. Mass. Parents having their first child Baptized are required to attend Pre-Jordan Classes. Please contact the Parish Office to register. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION (RCIA) RCIA prepares adolescents and adults for Baptism and full communion in the Catholic Church. For more information please contact the Parish Office. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Religious instruction for elementary school students takes place on Monday and Tuesday evenings during the school year. Please contact Meg Szewczak at the Parish Office. HOLY ORDERS Do you feel you have a calling to the priesthood or religious life? Please call the Parish Office to speak to our clergy. ANNULMENTS Questions about divorce and remarriage? For more information about annulments, please contact the Parish Office. Page 5 - 131 PREP, L.I.F.E. and CYO L.I.F.E. Teen Living in Faith Eternally OLG Website and L.I.F.E. Teen Page To access the L.I.F.E. Teen page of the parish website, first go to the home page ( From there, click on Parish Ministries and then click on L.I.F.E. Teen. Applicable permission forms and flyers can be found by clicking on the form box at the top of the L.I.F.E. Teen page. There you will also see boxes containing the following information: Ways to get involved, Teen Mass Dates, Photos of Past Events and a link to CYO. A calendar of events is also posted on this page. Upcoming Events Bowling at Happy Tymes, Warrington Saturday March 21, 1-4 p.m. The Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa 554 Ferry Road, Doylestown, PA Specific talk for grade 7-8, 9-12 and parents Based on John Paul II's Theology of the Body $25 in advance, $30 at the door, $15 for Accompanying Parent For more information visit The Culture Project’s website at Saturday, February 28, 7 to 9 p.m., $20 per person Event includes two hours of bowling, shoe rental, unlimited pizza and soft drinks. The permission form and payment (check made out to OLG) must be at the Parish Office by February 17. Generation Phaith Diocesan Wide Teen Gathering Sunday, March 8,10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Archbishop Carroll H.S., Open to teens in grades 8-12. Join other teens from Bucks, Montgomery, Chester and Delaware counties and Philadelphia for workshops, music, adoration, Mass and more. This is a great day of friendship and faith building that you don’t want to miss. Registration forms can be found on the L.I.F.E. Teen page of the parish website. Payment and a completed registration form must be at the parish office by February 17. The cost is $20 per person and includes lunch and light snacks. Depending on the number of registrants, additional drivers may be needed. OLG Online Registration Available CYO Track and Field Do you want to be part of a fun sport with lots of events to choose from? The team is open to all children that were born in the years 2000 through 2005. Please note that this year the team is open to all third graders who were born in the year 2005. Please contact Coaches Sam Losorelli (215-230-3449 or [email protected]) or Mike Jusczak (267-880-0199 or [email protected]) with any questions. Events include: short and long distance relay races shot put long jump high jump To register please go to the web site: For more Information For general information on L.I.F.E. teen, or more information on our summer and fall trips, please contact Youth Minister, Gail Downing at [email protected] select "Track Registration". Page 6 - 131 Parish Ministries R.C.I.A. OLG New Media Outreach Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Please join OLGs New Media Outreach in our efforts to bring OLG and the best contemporary Catholic thought to all our OLG parishioners: you, your family, friends and neighbors. As novices in social media we have found it amazing how easy it is to utilize the Apps, videos, pod streams, DVDs, etc. that are available online. Each season we will have books and CDs available in the narthex that will further support the Gospel message and homilies. Please use them and pass them on. As you may well know many of our Catholic children and grandchildren, neighbors and friends are absent from regular church attendance. This very message is reaching only the church goers. We can be much needed evangelizers by reaching others where they spend much of their time …. Online, Facebook, Twitter. If Facebook and Twitter are not for you, here’s a start. Developing your Catholic Faith – R.C.I.A. and Inquiry Sessions The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) sessions are meeting every Sunday after the 9:30 mass. The people attending these sessions will come into full communion at the Easter Vigil and the formal program concludes on Pentecost, May 24, 2015. Inquiry sessions are available for anyone interested in the RCIA process AND for anyone who is interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith, including Catholics who are "coming home". These informal sessions meet in the Chapel at 7 p.m. every second Tuesday of every month. If you would like more information, please reach out to Linda and John Gray by calling 215-766-2057 or email [email protected]. Let OLG Go Viral! Send everyone you email the website. Invite them to access it. Have them view the HAPPY video and then browse the many options. Snap pictures of our food outreach to the poor, our beautiful shrine to Our Lady, our inspirational Stations of the Cross, our spectacular Baptismal Font and Chapel. Invite them to see for themselves what OLG has for them. Then invite them to Mass with you some weekend. Let’s embrace social media and use it in the best way we can. Remember our vision: “A vibrant, welcoming parish family dedicated to growing disciples and making church matter”. Come socialize and celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with the “Ladies of OLG” Sunday, March 15 St. Cyril of Jerusalem Social Hall 1410 Almshouse Road, Jamison Let’s help fill the pews! Doors open at 1:30 p.m. Games begin at 2 p.m. the Ladies of OLG Tickets: $30 in advance, $35 at the door Must be 18+ to purchase tickets. From the Exodus to Easter Sunday February 15, 2015, 2 p.m. St. Juan Diego, Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Join us for a talk presented by Meg Szewczak. Refreshments will be served afterwards. Bring friends, or come and meet new friends as we gather to prepare for the season of Lent. Contact Susan MacLeman at [email protected] or 215-589-8412 to reserve your place. Cost of ticket includes 10 rounds of Bingo, cards, daubers, coffee, tea and desserts Feel free to BYOB! Tables can be reserved for groups of eight or more. Contact Deb Conniff for tickets and information [email protected] / 215-348-0541 Special guest performance from The Fitzpatrick School of Irish Dance Page 7 - 131 Upcoming Parish Events These events are sponsored by the OLG 55+ Club. Exciting Trips for 2015! Mystery Trip Tuesday, March 10, Cost $107 Join us for a fun “mystery day”! This exciting day will include a tour, fabulous food, door prizes and much more. Don’t miss out—register today. Steven Lippia’s Centennial Sinatra 100th Year Birthday Celebration State Theatre, Easton, PA Friday, February 20, Cost $115 per person Day includes buffet dinner at the Historic Hotel Bethlehem, show and transportation. Steven Lippia has quickly established his place among the finest interpreters of “standards” and traditional pop music in the nation. With a hot, driving band behind him, Lippia’s tribute to Old Blue Eye includes such great standards as: “I’ve Got You Under My Skin” “The Lady Is A Tramp” “Summer Wind” “You Make Me Feel So Young” “That’s Life” “My Way” “New York, New York” There’s no better way to celebrate and honor Frank Sinatra’s centennial year! Myrtle Beach Trip 5 Days and 4 Nights, May 2015 More information in future bulletin. $750 per person Make plans to enjoy a wonderful vacation in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Hotel suites with balcony and beach view. Visit Charlestown, SC. Trip includes four breakfasts and four dinners, bus transportation and drivers gratuity. For more information on these events sponsored by the 55+ Club, contact Pat Price at 215-300-2153, Pat Donnelly at 215-598-9763 or Jean Zielke at 215-794-1188. Register Now In order to book trips a certain number of registrants are required, so register early to ensure trip will take place. Trips Open to Everyone All community members may attend OLG 55+ Club trips. Enjoy a buffet lunch at the Historic Hotel Bethlehem. Attention Moms! Come experience God’s peace and hope when you pray alongside other moms. Moms in Prayer International gathers moms together to pray for God to transform our children and schools. Join with us in prayer for this next generation. Tuesdays at 9 a.m., St. Juan Diego Chapel, OLG Please contact Robyn Graham, 215-489-9443 or [email protected] or Christine Junker 215-794-5680 or [email protected] for information or to register. For more information about Moms in Prayer International, visit 30-Day Trip Cancellation In most cases, if you cancel your trip reservation 30 days prior to the day of the trip you will get a full refund. Parish volunteers needed Once a month, twice a month, every week—Help out whenever you can! The Guardians of Guadalupe meet each Wednesday following the 8 a.m. Mass outside the Chapel. For about two hours, the “guardian angels” help with light cleaning of the church, chapel, pews and narthex area. Contact Pete Murphy at 267-261-3905 to volunteer. Please consider becoming a part of this important ministry! Page 8 - 131 Have You Experienced the Loss of a Loved One? “Grief Support Fellowship” is Here for You Thank you, thank you, thank you! Wednesday, February 11, 7 p.m., Parish Office Second Wednesday of Every Month Are you seeking comfort and shared understanding after the loss of a loved one? Let us strengthen each other’s spirits. We meet in an informal setting to listen, share experiences, and offer support. Your loss may be recent or years ago, but we offer a safe and confidential forum where you may speak openly of your deceased loved ones and share your feelings. Please join us. For more information, contact Janet Koetter at 267-544-5263. Archdiocese of Philadelphia Television Mass Watch the Television Mass Sunday mornings at: 5:30 a.m., WPVI-TV – Channel 6 It will be rebroadcast each Sunday at the following times: 9 a.m. DT-2 Channel 6 digital 10 a.m. La Salle University 56 5 p.m. DT-2 Channel 6 digital The Archdiocese thanks Channel 6 for its generosity in broadcasting the Television Mass. The WPVI Televised Mass on WATCH ABC WPVI-TV – Channel 6 now offers WATCH ABC a special new benefit brought to you by 6ABC and participating providers at no additional cost. Just enter your TV provider account information to log in and get the WATCH ABC Live Stream of the Mass! American Law from both sides: A Discussion of Perspective Robert Mancini, who has served as a deputy district attorney for Bucks County and is currently a criminal defense lawyer, will speak about the American justice system from both the prosecutorial and the defense points of view. Attorney Mancini will address a number of subjects including the juvenile justice system, the death penalty and how one reconciles certain legal work with one’s faith. For further information, contact: Fran Lorie (215) 489-4039. Monday, February 2 7 p.m., St. Mary’s Hall, 209 East State Street Across street from Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church Refreshments will be served. On behalf of the clergy and parishioners of Our Lady of Guadalupe parish, we wish to express our sincere gratitude to Erin and Joe Adamow and Michael and Karen McArdle of Holiday Farms for their generous donation of the live trees for the altar. We also wish to thank Maggie and Mark Goldsmith and Herman Geerling for their tremendous donation of the gorgeous poinsettias at wholesale to decorate the entire church. We are so grateful to these local businesses for their generous hearts as their donations help us celebrate this most joyous season of Christmas in liturgical splendor. Please patronize their businesses and thank them for their kindness to our parish. Additional thanks and kudos to the dedicated Art and Environment team for the many hours of labor to set up the church throughout the month of December, as well as maintaining the beauty of the live decorations with persistent watering! We are very grateful for your service to our parish. Do you want a SOUL DETOX? Do you want to be the “Best-Version-of-Yourself”? Do you want to be Spiritually Fit? Learn how to make a fresh start by listening to: "Confession” by Fr. Larry Richards RENEW REFRESH RE-ENERGIZE Make OLG:"A vibrant, welcoming parish family, dedicated to growing disciples and making church matter." Get your CD NOW! CDS available in OLG Narthex. Pass it on! Page 9 - 131 All men are invited to attend Man Up Philly’s 7th Annual Men’s Spirituality Conference. Saturday, March 7 St. Joseph’s University Hagan Arena, Philadelphia Speakers include: Dr. Scott Hahn is a Professor of Theology/Scripture at Franciscan University of Steubenville and the founder and director of the Saint Paul Center for Biblical Theology. He is the bestselling author of numerous books including The Lamb’s Supper, Reasons to Believe, and Rome Sweet Home (co-authored with his wife, Kimberly) and more. Gus Lloyd is a very popular on-air radio personality. A fallen away Catholic, Gus and his wife came back to the Catholic Church after a near drowning incident of their only daughter. Gus felt the calling to become a Catholic Evangelist. In 2006 he was invited by the Archdiocese of NY to host the morning show on the new Catholic Radio Channel. You can find Gus’s show, Seize the Day, weekday mornings on Sirius XM 129. Devin Schadt is a husband, father, author and speaker who transmits the message of the glory, necessity, and power of fatherhood. Devin is the cofounder of the Fathers of St. Joseph, an apostolate that works for the renewal of authentic fatherhood. Jim Longon is a husband, father and grandfather, retired business man, Villanova graduate, Steward of St. John Neuman and Trustee of The Papal Foundation and past President of Legatus – Philadelphia Chapter. Marie Joseph is a graduate of Cornell University with a BS in Marketing, Communications, and Spanish and a master’s degree in Theology from St. Charles Borromeo Seminary. Marie was an elementary Catholic school. She has been deeply involved in Catholic mission work in Kenya, Africa. She is a single mother of two teenagers with a passion for the Catholic family. Tickets: Tickets are $50 per person and include lunch. Order your ticket online at: Adult Faith Formation The Message of Divine Mercy Brief Introduction, Monday, March 30 6:30 p.m., St. Juan Diego Chapel, OLG Church The message of The Divine Mercy is simple. It is that God loves us — all of us. And, he wants us to recognize that His mercy is greater than our sins, so that we will call upon Him with trust, receive His mercy, and let it flow through us to others. Thus, all will come to share His joy. This message and devotion to Jesus as The Divine Mercy is based on the writings of Saint Faustina Kowalska, an uneducated Polish nun who, in obedience to her spiritual director, wrote a diary of about 600 pages recording the revelations she received about God's mercy. Even before her death in 1938, the devotion to The Divine Mercy had begun to spread. For more information visit: http:// Discussion on Pope Francis’ Book “The Joy of the Gospel” Discussion led by Father Robert Ianelli Thursday, March 5 7 p.m., St. Juan Diego Chapel, OLG Church Praying for Our Special Intentions Please remember in your prayers the sick, home bound and all the intentions placed in our intention books in the Shrine, Chapel and Church. All of the intentions in the prayer intention books are prayed for at each mass at OLG. Children’s Liturgy of the Word 9:30 a.m. Mass Our Lady of Guadalupe Church All children kindergarten through second grade are welcome. No registration necessary. Email Mary at [email protected] with questions. Page 10 - 131 Local Parish News and More "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Auditions" Friday and Saturday Evenings at 8 p.m. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School Auditorium March 6, 7, 13, 14, 20 and 21 Tables of ten or individual seats are $17.50 per ticket. Soda, setups, beer, wine and liquor will be available for sale. Guests are invited to bring their own snacks. For tickets, please send name, phone number, number of tickets, email, address, first and second choice show, along with a self-addressed stamped envelope, and your check made payable to OLMC-SSP to: State Street Players. P.O. Box 148 Doylestown, PA 18901. You can also drop payment off at the Rectory Office (SSP mailbox). Insure your first choice by sending in your order by Friday, February 6. Any questions regarding tickets, call (215) 345-0339; Jim and Sue Plastaras or email: [email protected]. Shadow Day Tuesday, February 3, 8:15 a.m. You and your children can spend the day at the Academy with our students. The students will be able to experience the many exciting things going on in our school. Shadow Day is for students in PreK3 through 4th Grade. For information and to register, please call the school office at 610-847-5523. RESCEDULED—Spaghetti Dinner and Academy Open House Saturday, February 28, 4 to 7 p.m. The entire academy is open for you to visit and to meet our headmaster, teachers and staff and enjoy dinner. Should you believe that children benefit from a classical catholic liberal arts education then we invite you to come and explore what The Regina Academy at St. John the Baptist has to offer. For information and to register, call the school office at 610-847-5523. National September 11 Memorial Museum Bus Trip Saturday, April 25 Join Our Lady of Mount Carmel (OLMC) parishioners to tour the recently opened museum. The bus will leave the OLMC school parking lot (Burpee Park side) at 6:30 a.m. Shroud of Turin and Highlights of Northern Italy Pilgrimage Adults: $62 per person Seniors: $56 per person (ID may be required) Travel with Father Zachary Navit Tickets, bus and bus driver gratuity included. Full payment is required with your reservation. Tickets are non refundable. Reservation deadline is March 5. Not included in the ticket price is lunch at Mastori Restaurant in Bordentown, NJ. You can see their menu at To reserve your seat, call Kathy at 215-348-4381. Space is limited. June 4 to 13, 2015 Support Our Advertisers Please consider using the services of our bulletin advertisers. Their support of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish is greatly appreciated! Turin (including Shroud exhibit), Milan (with optional excursion to World’s Fair Food Expo), Lake Maggiore, Stresa, Lake Como, Verona, Padua, and Venice. Includes Round-trip airfare, accommodations in four-star hotels, daily Mass, English speaking guide. For more information or to register, contact Marianne Murphy at (800) 842-4842 or [email protected]. You can also find more information online at: Page 11 - 131 SILVA REMODELING INC. All work done by owner Residential / Commercial Additions • Bathrooms • Kitchens Basements • Decks, Etc... FREE Estimates 215-773-9924 Cold Spring Center Buckingham, PA 215-489-8869 Local Diocese Member Matthew J. Markey Landscaping Spring Clean Ups • Mulching • Grass Cutting 267-483-5048 ovino rthodontics Logan Square New Hope, PA 215-862-6440 OUR PARISHES' FAMILY LAW AND PERSONAL INJURY ATTORNEYS 215.968.1800 Orthodontic Specialist for Children & Adults WWW.ZLOCKCOVERDALE.COM Steven Covino, D.D.S. Diplomate American Board of Orthodontists Crosskeys of "Best wn" sto Doyle 14! 20 actor "ContrYear" of the rd a Aw er! Winn 812 Easton Rd., Doylestown 215-489-8889 85 N. York Rd., Warminster 215-672-5439 OLMC Parishioner General Contractor & Builder Renovations • Additions • Outdoor Living Fine Homes • Farmhouses & Barn Restorations • 215-345-6499 $650 OFF 10% OFF Class-Harlan Real Estate JOBS OVER $2000.00 15 W. State St., Doylestown, PA 18901 FREE CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT 10% OFF INSPECTION AAA COSMETIC INC. 215-348-8111 Ext. 9 (Main) 267-261-8448 (Cell) Parishioner BRYAN CONSTRUCTION ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ [email protected] Todd McCarty, Owner/Partner, Realtor Expert Basement Waterproofing Basement Remodeling Mold Remediation & Odor Removal Water Damage Restoration & Cleanup Crawl Space Water Proofing Financing Available SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT LIFETIME WARRANTY Licensed & Insured 1-855-435-6009 Serving Bucks and surrounding CounƟes for over 20 years AÝ» AÊçã 17 PÊ®Äã IÄÝÖã®ÊÄ Fast & Free EsƟmates on New Roofs #PA009390 New Roofs & GuƩers • Roof & GuƩer Repairs Siding and Windows 215-752-6145 • www.abrooksconstrucƟ Mowing • Mulch Spring Clean-ups Landscaping Design Complete Maintenance Casey Butler - Owner 267-885-3287 RENVYLE PARTNERS FEE ONLY ADVISOR INVESTMENT PLANNING & MANAGEMENT Peter Quigley, Local Neighbor Paul J. Mondschein, Diocese Member 215-345-0120 [email protected] 43 East Oakland Ave. Doylestown, PA FREE INSPECTION Licensed & Insured RIGHTWAY PA Lic. #006806 WATERPROOFING CO. BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 215-427-1727 Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 STONE CREEK LANDSCAPING From Beginning to End 215-297-8459 REFERENCES FROM OLG NAMI ofIS HERE Bucks County TO HELP If you or someone you know struggles with Depression, Bipolar Disorder, OCD, Anxiety, PTSD, Schizophrenia, BPD, Co-occuring mental illness and substance abuse... WE ARE HERE FOR YOU! • Attend Our FREE Support Groups and/or Forums • Take Our FREE Education Classes (Starting in the Fall) PIANO & VOICE LESSONS Howard Perloff 215-297-8540 [email protected] .5 miles from OLG ONE FREE LESSON w/ Bulletin CANDLES & HOME DECOR HOST A PARTY,GET FREE PRODUCTS! Weldon PARISHIONER 267-496-2703 Fundraisers • Order Online or Call Karen Bucks County Voice on Mental Illness • Call Our Helpline 1(866) 399-NAMI (6264) • Please Consider Having Your Business, Service, or Professional Practice Recommended Here To Our Parish Families Please call Alice Small this week Direct number: 609-571-8078 or 1-800-333-3166 ext #135 131 Our Lady of Guadalupe, Buckingham, PA (D) (Fifth) John Patrick Publishing Company • 1-800-333-3166 • ~ THANK YOU FOR VOTING US #1 ~ • Joyful Companionship • Errands & Shopping • Bathing / Showering • Doctor's Visits • Medication Reminders • Assistance in Dressing • Assistance in Hygiene • Hospice Support • Meal Preparation • Light Housekeeping • Respite Care for Families Caregivers thoroughly screened. Telephones answered 24/7, 365 days per year. Same great hourly rate for weekends and weekdays! Steve and Jacqueline Mekanik ~ Parishioners 215-345-9600 GRAY PA 000397 Contracting Services, Inc. Melissa M. Citak, MS, PHR *Parishioner of OLG* UNEMPLOYMENT STRATEGIST & RESUME DEVELOPMENT EXPERT WWW.SUCCESSSTORYCOACHING.COM robyn graham photography • (855)40-COACH (26224) 215.262.6677 Central Bucks Oil Maternity, Newborn & Family Portraits 610.847.1012 • 610.847.2488 10% OFF Photo Session with this Ad parishioner Interior • Exterior Carpentry • Repairs Home Improvements Kitchens • Bathrooms • Interior Renovations John S. Gray, Parishioner 215-766-2709 215-443-5056 CERTIFIED REMODELER [email protected] Jim Serafine, Owner Delivering Home Heating Oil & Diesel Fuel Family Owned & Operated 246 West Ashland St. Doylestown 215-345-0892 PO. Box 24 • Pipersville, PA Accepting LIHEAP OFFICE HOURS BY APPT. Parishioner of OLMC Offering handyperson services to homeowners GREGORY P. WASKO, D.M.D. FAMILY & COSMETIC DENTISTRY "WE GO THE EXTRA MILE TO HELP YOU IMPROVE YOUR SMILE" 3250 DURHAM ROAD MECHANICSVILLE, PA 18934 215-794-3600 JIM FORLIANO CONTRACTOR INC. FREE ESTIMATES IDEAL A User Friendly Full Service Company Parishioner REMODELING • PAINTING 215-340-9101 BASEMENTS • KITCHENS WINDOWS • DECKS • BATHS Doylestown PAOAGHIC: 3196 Call Mary 215-421-3708 Plumbing & Heating Licensed & Insured MEMBER OF PARISH NJ 13VH04693100 Coins - American & Foreign Scrap Gold Gold & Silver Paper Money Old Jewelry Estates • Collections Highest Quality & Workmanship That’s On Time & Priced Right DESIGN & MAINTENANCE W.D.B. Landscaping FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL 215.295.2079 voice/fax 267.228.2252 mobile COMMERCIAL, RESIENTIAL, NON-PROFIT & GOVT. PROPERTIES IN PA, NJ, AND DE Wendy Webb Schoenewald, PT Parishioner Tues-Fri 10am-5pm Saturday 10am-3pm or By Appt. 1456 Ferry Rd, Suite 601 Doylestown (215) 489-3234 56 Main Street, Flemington, NJ 800-819-9875 908-782-0840 267-454-7263 INVISIBLE FENCE OF DELAWARE VALLEY Call Us Today For A Free In-home Consultation • 1 Year Performance Guarantee • Used & Recommended By Local Veterinarians For Their Own Pets • On-site & In-store Professional Service & Advice • Certified Trainers & Specialized Training Protocol [email protected] (215) 345-1800 131 Our Lady of Guadalupe, Buckingham, PA (D) (Fourth) John Patrick Publishing Company • 1-800-333-3166 • Excellence P. MICHAEL SCHELKUN, M.D., D.D.S.* MARK P. KIENLE, M.D., D.M.D. LEWIS J. SCHWARTZ, D.M.D. (Emeritus)* POOL SERVICE *Board Certified in ground pool restoration Dental • Facial • Reconstructive • Cosmetic & Implant Surgery 158 York Road 853 2nd St. Pk., Ste. A-106 467 Pennsylvania Ave., Ste. 106 Warminster, PA 18974 Richboro, PA 18954 Ft. Washington, PA 19034 (215) 672-6560 (215) 355-4500 (215) 591-3590 Parishioner FRANCO ROOFING Inc. Family Owned & Operated FREE ESTIMATES 215-348-1860 [email protected] Chalfont Custom LANDSCAPE DESIGN & INSTALLATION PA032949 LANDSCAPE RENOVATION GROUNDS MAINTENANCE CERTIFIED HARDSCAPE INSTALLATION Owner Operated • Serving Bucks Co. for 28 Years Interior / Exterior - Power Wash Diocese Member 215-997-7737 • 215-862-5531 CHECK OUR WEBSITE SPECIALS WOOD, GAS, & PELLET STOVES FOR ALL YOUR CHIMNEY AND FIREPLACE NEEDS Chimney Relines, Cleanings, Inspections, & Repairs 267-718-6710 • [email protected] All Types of Roofing & Siding Gutters • Custom Trim 215-766-0266 PA Lic. PA018056 CAMPBELL Final Touch Generators INSTALLATION & REPAIRS SOLAR INSTALLATION 610-294-9604 Supplemental End of Life Care Delivering Health & Inspirational Care Elena Snyder, ASW, LPN 215-859-2556 Loving Heart • Gentle Touch • Warm Smile ELECTRIC & A/C 215-491-3338 Free Est. Waterproofing Mold Remediation Structural Repairs John J. Litzenberger • PA 037844 Member of Diocese & KoC LITZENBERGER LANDSCAPING Fencing • Lawn Care • Clean Ups ...WHATEVER YOU NEED! 610-847-2186 Lawn Mowing/Applications • Mulching Shrub Trimming • Lawn/Driveway Drainage Hardscaping • Lawn Renovation Landscape Design/Installation 10% Off For Our Lady of Guadalupe Families Robert T. Repko, Local Diocese Member 215-348-9500 • 1.888.799.3056 Where Beautiful Landscapes Begin For All Your Home Local Diocese Member Renovations & Home Improvement Needs Bob Cracknell Wills • Estates • Elder Law Personal Injury • DUI • DWI Family & Matrimonial Law • Adoption 15% OFF GUTTER CLEANING 215.345.1385 215-322-7400 Celebrating 40 years as your locally-owned turf management & garden supply solution! We offer Fertilization & Weed control services Core Aeration • Seeding • Mulch Annuals / Perennials • Grass Seed AND MUCH MORE 275 Edison Furlong Rd., Doylestown, Pa 18901 215-348-5553 Kniese's Plumbing GUTTER DOCTORX Licensed & Insured PA 050067 The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia is your single source for charitable giving by supporting what you care about most. 215.587.5650 (215) 348-3113 AT THE HEART OF CHARITY IS Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Bathroom Remodeling General Plumbing Services Water Treatment Licensed Master Plumber Log Onto Family Owned Since 1958 ~ Member of Parish ~ conveniently from your home or office. 3633 Old Easton Road Doylestown, PA ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! Please Consider Having Your Business, Service, or Professional Practice Recommended Here To Our Parish Families Please call Alice Small this week Direct number: 609-571-8078 or 1-800-333-3166 ext #135 131 Our Lady of Guadalupe, Buckingham, PA (D) (Third) John Patrick Publishing Company • 1-800-333-3166 • "Your Parish Area Auto Specialist" Family Owned & Operated SHELLY Funeral Home Inc. PLUMSTEADVILLE 215-766-8800 Steven M. Shelly BARRY LUFF AUTO REPAIR Complete Auto Service Sunday Breakfast Buffet 9-12:00 $9.99 Adults $5.99 Kids WARRINGTON 215-343-3040 Frank L. Shelly State of the Art Equipment Alignment, Balancing & Tire Rotation State & Emissions Inspections Tune-Ups • AC Work • Tires • Batteries Everything for perfect balance in your vehicle's performance. 3604 York Road (Rt. 263) • Furlong 215-794-5283 HONESTY is Barry's Trademark, 25 Years in Business Affirms It. Hours: Weekdays 7am-6:30pm, Saturdays 7am-3pm CARPENTRY & PAINT BENTON CUSTOM PAINTING 215-343-1440 MICHAEL CARPENTRY & REMODELING • INT. & EXT. PAINTING Residential & Commercial • Interior/Exterior Serving Central Bucks & surrounding areas for over 20 years 1585 Easton Rd. Warrington Reasonable Rates • Free Est./Fully Ins. 215-794-8137 Power Washing & Deck Refinishing Constance M. Killian, DMD Pediatric Dentis Roofing Siding Windows Gutters 215-721-4434 Local Diocese Member TRIMMING STUMP REMOVAL CRANE SERVICE CABLING & BRACING PA Licensed Contractor • Free Estimates Fully Insured • Prompt & Courteous Service 215-953-8833 WWW.MUNZCONSTRUCTION.COM tr y PA Lic. #004251 FOR ALL YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT NEEDS MENTION THIS AD FOR PARISH DISCOUNT SERVING THE COMMUNITY FOR OVER 27 YEARS Robert Downie • Local Diocese Member • 215-738-8853 215-639-8500 ST. CYRIL OF JERUSALEM JAMISON, PA PRUNING 215-327-4465 Serving PA, NJ & DE (215) 441-5240 REMOVAL FOR ALL OLG FAMILIES 215.230.7600 DON’T MOVE IMPROVE... Georgetown Crossing 3655 Route 202 Suite 200 Doylestown, PA 18902-6624 ROGERS TREE SERVICE Inc. KITCHENS • BATHS • BASEMENTS • DECKS • GENERAL REPAIR Mike Foster • PA087894 10% OFF LABOR SOCIAL HALL Follow us on: SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 OUR PARISH HALL IS NEWLY RENOVATED & BEAUTIFUL! WEDDINGS, BRIDAL SHOWERS, FIRST COMMUNIONS, BAPTISMS, FUNDRAISERS, ANY TYPE OF EVENT! CALL CASSIE DUNN 215-343-4996 FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: Carpet Ceramic Choose from a variety of beautiful homes at prices you won't believe W R I G H T 55 + -Elegant clubhouse, heated swimming pool and outdoor spa, fitness center -Private bus service for weekly shopping and weekly excursions -Full-time Social Director Open daily 9 to 5 -Professional on-site management and weekends 12 to 5 Please call for an appointment 1490 Durham Road New Hope, PA 18938 215-598-7600 GUTTER PEOPLE Vinyl C O M P A N Y, I N C . PA HIC #029045 215-257-9380 ROOFING Cedar Shakes Slate • Metal Shingles • Coatings Flat Roof Cleaning • Installation • Powerwashing For a Free estimate call: 215-808-4707 Wood 149 West Main St. • Silverdale Residential & Commercial visit us at Residential • Commercial • Condominiums SIDING Fiber Cement 215-996-9966 Vinyl • Wood Servicing Pennsylvania, Delaware & New Jersey WINDOWS GUTTERS 100% C USTOMER S ATISFACTION • F REE E STIMATES DOORS F ULLY L ICENSED , I NSURED & B ONDED DAVID GALIANI, M.D. Former 76ers Team Eye Doctor Voted Best For Bucks! “State Of The Art Medical & Surgical Eye Care With A Personal Touch” On Staff At Wills Eye & Doylestown Hospitals • Routine Exams 14-A Memorial Drive • Doylestown, PA 215-345-5144 131 Our Lady of Guadalupe, Buckingham, PA (D) (Inside) ROBERT E. RIESENBERGER, D.D.S., P.C. PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY DIPLOMATE, AMERICAN BOARD OF PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY THE ATRIUM 301 SOUTH MAIN STREET SUITE 1 WEST DOYLESTOWN, PA 18901 TEL: (215) 348-5222 FAX: (215) 348-1308 John Patrick Publishing Company • 1-800-333-3166 • D. Stephen Cable Supervisor Louis M. Bayne Funeral Director ~ Parishioner Leaver-Cable Funeral Home Ltd. Rte 202 and Quarry Rd. Buckingham, PA 18912 Saturday, September 13, 2014 Lower Makefield Township Park, Yardley, PA 100K & 50K Rides • 12 Mile Family Ride www.ajfride4auƟ Sponsored by The AJ FoundaƟon (215) 794-7784 fine Northern Italian Cuisine Facilities for Weddings & Private Parties up to 100 Christening/Communion & Confirmation Ints. Rts. 202 & 413, Buckingham, PA 215-794-7696 BAMBINI'S WORLD Communion & Baptismal Outfits Baby & Toddler Apparel & Accessories 22 S. Main St., Doylestown 215-230-4572 Gloria Walker Parishioner From Smiling skincare to colorful cosmetics, Mary Kay offers products women love and I can help you find your new favorites. Contact me to discover more. 215 794 5267 Bryan J. Rhoads, Supervisor 2335 Lower State Road • Doylestown, PA 18901 215.348.4543 • Fax 215.348.0323 STEVE MARTIN MARYANNE PASTRY SHOPPE Serving Quality Baked Goods Since 1944 499 East Street • Doylestown, PA 18901 Herb & Chris Kuttler 215-230-8885 Family owned in the heart of Doylestown Parishioner 525 North Main Street Doylestown, PA 18901 Office (215) 348-5600 [email protected] Parishioners Bob Weikel 215-262-7404 direct Serving Your Financial & Insurance Needs 215-441-3243 [email protected] Diocese Member Donna Weikel 215-262-7403 direct Varcoe Thomas Jason Oszczakiewicz, Owner/Supervisor Funeral Home, Inc. Established 1879 Our Catholic Family proudly serving the families of Our Lady of Guadalupe 215-348-8930 344 North Main Street Doylestown, PA 18901 COthe AGIO Painter LLC Brian Trymbiski 215-934-5315 • cell: 267-566-0822 Financial Advisors [email protected] Providing The Finest Quality Since 1989 In New Jersey, Phila. & Bucks Co. FULLY LIC. & INS. • INT./EXT. Craig J. Hamlin, Owner/Operator HIC Registration # PA 038898 Proud Sponsor of Habitat for Humanity A+ Member FINRA/SIPC Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC LINDA GELCIUS AGENT Doylestown Commerce Center 2005 S. Easton Road • Suite 108 Doylestown, PA 18901 Tel: 215-340-6378 Fax: 215-348-7035 Toll Free: 800-666-2671 [email protected] FRANK DOLSKI Associate Broker Anne E. O'Day, DMD, MS Diplomate, American Board of Orthodontics 3503 York Road, Furlong, PA MAKING A DONATION TOWARDS THE PARISH LIFE CENTER AFTER YOUR CLOSING. PASTORAL COUNCIL MEMBER USHER 215-794-5002 Diocese Member Auto - Home - Life - Health - Business - IRA Rt. 313 & 611 Bypass Bailiwick #21 • Doylestown Member of OLMC 340-1222 Cell 215-803-3237 • 215-794-1070 x103 [email protected] 131 Our Lady of Guadalupe, Buckingham, PA (D) (Back) John Patrick Publishing Company • 1-800-333-3166 •
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