FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY ORDINARY TIME, FEBRUARY 1, 2015 Random thoughts from Fr. Joe... “We interrupt our regular programming for this very important news.” Some version of this familiar phrase has become the routine way for informing the public of world events. When the “breaking news” announcement indicates that a world leader will be speaking shortly, the mood may be all the more charged. Often this atmosphere of expectation is rooted in the fact that notable persons about to speak enjoy some form of authority, and so we can trust their words to be true. In the process of growing into mature human beings, most of us will have developed a sense of authentic authority. This begins at an early age. Recall telling a younger brother or sister to come in from playing and get ready for supper. They would often object until you called on the authority of one of your parents. As soon as they heard, “Mom said so” or “Dad said so,” they would say goodbye to their friends and come running. During our school years, teachers and school administrators become the recognized authorities. In our faith lives, it is the priest, minister or rabbi whose voice commands respect. In the workplace, our boss or supervisor has authority, and so it goes. Wherever people willingly participate in an organization of any kind, those who have accepted the responsibility for leading others are the recognized authorities, and by virtue of that status, respect is due them. With these ideas in mind, we turn to the sacred texts for today, and we find there “breaking news.” Writing in the late seventh century B.C., the Deuteronomist called upon the authority of the people’s late, great leader Moses to promise the people of Judah that God would send them a prophet. The coming prophet, one like Moses, should be carefully heeded, for his words would be from God. Given the fragile political climate of his day, the Deuteronomist’s promise was probably a source of hope for his people. Someone would be sent by God to lead them in the ways of truth, justice and peace. In today’s Gospel, Mark takes special care to portray Jesus as one who spoke and acted with authority. But Jesus’ authority was not derived from something else. Unlike the scribes, who called upon scripture or upon famous rabbis or knowledgeable scholars, Jesus possessed authority that was his own, by virtue of who he was. Indeed, Mark made Jesus’ identity clear to his readers from the beginning. In Mark 1:1, we read, “Here begins the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” While Jesus’ contemporaries and disciples often appeared to be uncertain about his identity, and although Jesus’ identity was fully revealed in Mark’s Gospel only as he hung on the cross (“Clearly, this man was the Son of God,” Mark 15:39), Mark kept his readers in the know by including in his Gospel little glimpses at Jesus, Son of God. The first glimpse came at Jesus’ baptism. Another glimpse is offered in today’s Gospel reading, where Jesus is recognized and acclaimed as “the Holy One of God”. Besides teaching with authority, Jesus also acted authoritatively, proving that he, as Son of God, was more powerful than any evil spirit. We who have been called to follow Jesus are also called to enjoy a share in his authority. When we speak and act and do all things in his name, ours is an authority authentically derived from his. But if we use that authority unworthily to press for power, wealth and control over others, then our authority is not true, nor does it reflect our belonging to Jesus. But how do we strike the proper balance? Perhaps we might take a cue from the people in the synagogue at Capernaum so long ago. They were open to listening to Jesus. They recognized he was offering them “a new teaching with authority.” They were simple and humble enough to be astonished (some translations say “spellbound”). In their amazement at what they had seen and heard, they also acknowledged Jesus’ power over evil or unclean spirits. And, in the aftermath of that event, they talked about Jesus; they were his witnesses throughout all of Galilee. What the people experienced that day in Capernaum is also available to each of us. Each time the Gospel is proclaimed, it is “breaking news” deserving of our attention and respect. But that news also comes with a challenge. Will we listen and then go away unchanged, or will we listen, learn and be transformed by its power, grace and authority? READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday, February 2: Malachi 3:1-4; Hebrews 2:14-18; Luke 2:22-40 Tuesday, February 3: Hebrews 12:1-4; Mark 53:21-43 Wednesday, February 4: Hebrews 12:4-7,11-15; Mark 6:1-6 Thursday, February 5: Hebrews 12:18-19,21-24; Mark 6:7-13 Friday, February 6: Hebrews 13:1-8; Mark 6:14-29 Saturday, February 7: Hebrews 13:15-17,20-21; Mark 6:30-34 Sunday, February 8: Job 7:1-4,6-7; 1 Corinthians 9:16-19,22-23; Mark 1:29-39 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes, Febrero 26: Malaquías 3:1-4; Hebreos 2:14-18; Lucas 2:22-40 Martes, Febrero 3: Hebreos 12:1-4; Marcos 53:21-43 Miércoles Febrero 4: Hebreos 12:4-7,11-15; Marcos 6:1-6 Jueves, Febrero 5: Hebreos 12:18-19,21-24; Marcos 6:7-13 Viernes, Febrero 6: Hebreos 13:1-8; Marcos 6:14-29 Sabado, Febrero 7: Hebreos 13:15-17,20-21; Marcos 6:30-34 Domingo, Febrero 8: Job 7:1-4,6-7; 1 Corintios 9:16-19,22-23; Marcos 1:29-39 COLLECTION ~ COLECTAS SEMANALES COLLECTION-LA COLECTA DE LA SEMANA PASADA FUE $7,064.00 Consistent Giver: $429.83 TOTAL COLLECTION: $7,493.83 WEEKLY SUNDAY PLATE BUDGET: $6,635.00 SECOND COLLECTION/SEGUNDA COLECCIÓN $1,510.00 Last Week—Semana Pasada: Liturgy This Week—Esta Semana: Faith Formation Next Week—Próxima Semana: Outreach Ministry Gracias por su generosidad ahora y durante todo el año. We thank everyone for their generosity, now and throughout the year. PRAYER INTENTIONS~ ORACIONES PARA LOS ENFERMOS Recuerde en sus oraciones—Please pray for those who are unable to join us: John Pecoraro Andrea Trucco Geraldine Shelley David Cope Betsy Nicholson Freddy Herrera Chris Kelly Nathan Madigan Cesar Groyon, Sr. Linda Mauregard John Rodriquez Robert Borges Elena Aspromonte Ardith Campbell Ed Lesnowicz Virgina Cooper Susie Shelton Gloria Patten Matt Iden Kelli DePuy Gino Panelli Jackie Ryan Deanne Knapp Erma Dalbesio Debbie Wilson Angelo Ross Pedro Jose Lahoz Richard Knapp Lynda Sue McMath Rance Johnson, Sr. Ryan Brown family Richard DePuy If you know someone who is in need of prayers or if someone should be taken off the list, please call the office at 423-4182. INTENCIONES DE MISA + MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, January 31 5: John Bower, Leo Esposito, Jr. Sunday, February 1 7: Byrne family, int. of Gino Panelli 8:30: Chippo Ramirez, Juanita & Mauricio Zamora, Daniel DeLucie 10:30: Leo Esposito, Jr., Henry & Nancy Fabel 12:30: Alex & Mercedes Acevedo Monday, February 2 8:30: Patricia Byrne Tuesday, February 3 8:30: Rita Mockus Wednesday, February 4 8:30: Connie Hanson, William & Nancy Graham Thursday, February 5 10:30: Joseph & Winifred Byrne Friday, February 6 8:30: Wanda Clary Saturday, February 7 5: Scott Simons, int. of Rita Sullivan Sunday, February 8 7: Byrne family 8:30: Lorence girls, Leo Esposito Jr., Rita Mockus 10:30: Maria Terrazas, Leo Esposito Jr. 12:30: Maria Guadalupe Ruiz, Jose y Samuel de la Torre DIRECTORY - DIRECTORIO Rev. Joseph L. Occhiuto, K.H.S.: Pastor/Párroco (423-4182 ) Deacon Hugo Patiño: Pastoral Associate/Asciado Pastoral (423-4182) Dan McNamara: Office Manager, Secretary, Director de la Oficina, Secretario (423-4182) Lynette de Lara: Administrative Assistant and Bulletin Editor/Asistente Administrativo y Boletín Editor (423-4182) Kimberly Cheng: Principal, Holy Cross School (PS8 Coed), 150 Emmet St., Santa Cruz, CA 95060 (423-4447) Sr. Barbara Ann Long, O.P., L.H.S.: Liturgy and Music/Liturgia y Música (423-4973) Sr. Liza Raphael, I.M.: Faith Formation, Baptism, and Sacramental Preparation/Formación en la Fe y la Preparación Sacramental (458-3041) Elizabeth Borges: High School Youth Ministry/High School Ministerio de Jóvenes (423-4182) Frank Benko: Junior High Youth Ministry/Junior High Ministerio de Jóvenes de Secundaria (458-3041) Crissy Roubal: Director, Holy Cross Preschool (425-1782) Toni Giovannoni: Business and Facilities Manager/ Contender y Administrador de Instalaciones (469-3560) Sr. Betty Pedrazzi, I.H.M.: Missión Galeria, Mission Museum and Shop/Museo y Tienda de la Mision (426-5686) Newman Center: UCSC & Cabrillo College Ministry/ Ministerio Universitario-285 Meder St., Santa Cruz (423-9400) St. Francis Soup Kitchen: 205 Mora St. (459-6712) Siena House Maternity Home: 108 High St. (425-2229) Anne McGuire: Pastoral Assistance Coordinator, Diocese of Monterey, Promise to Protect, Pledge to Heal – Diocesan Victim Abuse Coordinator (1-800-321-5220) Holy Cross Food Pantry……an item per week is all that we seek! Thank you! DON’T FORGET TO PICK UP YOUR PIZZA IN THE HALL AFTER MASS! A WINTER RETREAT FOR WOMEN On Thursday, February 12, all interested women are invited to the annual Resurrection Women's Guild spiritual retreat, from 9:30 AM to 3 PM, at the beautiful Villa Maria del Mar Retreat Center in Santa Cruz. Sr. Molly Neville, SNJM, will lead the retreat on the theme, "Our Call to Discipleship for the Transformation of the World." In the afternoon, Mass will be celebrated by Fr. Ron Shirley. The $35 cost includes a delicious lunch. Please register, no later than Feb. 5. with Nancy McNulty, Guild Spirituality Chair, at 831-438-0789 or <[email protected]> RECONCILIACIÓN~ LUNES A 7 P.M. EN LA CAPILLA CON PADRE MANNY WELCOME TO HOLY CROSS We are glad and grateful to have new people celebrate with us. If you would like to register at Holy Cross, please fill out the form below and place it in the collection basket, or mail it to the parish office. BIENVENIDOS A HOLY CROSS Estamos felices y agradecidos para celebrar con nuevas personas. Si usted no está registrado, por favor llene la siguiente forma y regrésela en la canasta de la colecta o mándela por correo a la oficina. NAME/ NOMBRE___________________________________ PHONE/ TELÉFONO__________________________________ ADDRESS/ DIRECCIÓN________________________________ City/Ciudad________________________ ZIP_________ { } New Parishioner/Nuevo Miembro a la Parroquia { } New Address/Por Favor Corrijan Mi Dirección { } Please Send Me Sunday Envelopes/Envíenme Sobres Dominicales I WOULD LIKE TO SERVE HOLY CROSS AS A/QUIERO AYUDAR EN LA PARROQUIA COMO___________________________ E-MAIL _______________________________________ SOUPER BOWL OF CARING Our Junior High and High School teens will hold soup pots at our church doors as part of the national Souper Bowl of Caring TODAY! They will join young people in churches across the country to collect money for those who are hungry and hurting. All of the money collected stays in our local community, supporting the work of the Holy Cross Food Pantry and St. Francis Catholic Soup Kitchen. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! ADULT CONFIRMATION (for ages 16 and above) For individuals seeking the Sacrament of Confirmation, sessions will be held, in the Cottage, on Tuesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. For more information call 458-3041. DON’T FORGET TO PICKUP YOUR PIZZA IN THE HALL AFTER MASS!! BINGO HAS (temporarily) MOVED TO MAKE ROOM FOR THE AUCTION!! Bingo will be on February 12 Holy Cross Parish Hall Doors open at 5:30 p.m. First game is at 6:30 p.m. Hope to see everyone there! Next month see you on March 5…. INFANT BAPTISM CLASSES Parents are asked to register their child for baptism at least one month prior to the desired date for baptism. To participate in parent – God parent- preparation classes please call Vince Lieggi at 515 – 7110. Classes are done Second Monday of the month at 6 p.m. at the Casita. Baptisms are celebrated third Saturday of every month except during Lent. To schedule the date of baptism please call the office at 458-3041. LAS CLASES DE BAUTISMO PARA LOS PADRES Para inscribir a la clase de bautismo por favor llamen a la oficina al número 458-3041. Las clases será n primer lunes del mes a las 6:00p.m. en la Casita. Bautismos se celebran primer sábado de cada mes excepto durante la Cuaresma. Para programar la fecha de bautismo, por favor llame a la oficina al 4583041. Misión Galería Fr. Cyprian Consiglio’s new book ‘Spirit, Soul, Body’ is now available in the Galería. Come in and check it out. The parish office is in need of the following supplies: 11x17 white paper Thank You! Like us on FACEBOOK A NIGHT IN MONTE CARLO An Auction Benefitting Holy Cross Parish and School Saturday, February 7, Holy Cross Hall, 5:00p.m.-10:00p.m. Tickets are $80 each The evening begins with a silent auction, appetizers and hosted bar (til 6:30pm), followed by dinner, live auction, our 50/50 and Golden Ticket raffles and dancing! MENU FOR THE EVENING Appetizers, salad Your choice of: Chicken saltimbocca, Grilled tri-tip or Vegetarian Pasta and Chocolate Crepe for Dessert TICKETS ON SALE AFTER MASS! GOLDEN TICKETS on sale now! Only 100 Golden Tickets will be sold ($50 per ticket)! A Golden Ticket gives you a chance to win your choice of a Live Auction items (approx. $1000 value)..….No bidding necessary! And you don’t need to be present to win! Also still on sale …. 50/50 RAFFLE TICKETS! Last year’s pot was $10,000 – so the winner got $5000! This year our goal is $15,000! ♦ The Auction Committee still needs help to make this event successful! Would you like to be an Event Sponsor? There are many sponsorship levels and some include tickets to the event. Please contact Lisa O’Rourke for more information ([email protected]) ♦ Have items or services you want to donate to the Auction? Please contact Karina Linn ([email protected]) Thanks to those who have already bought their 50/50 Raffle Tickets! The early bird raffle as held Wednesday, January 21. We’d like to congratulate Bill Hart (alumni & parent) who took home the $250 Early Bird Prize. We will draw the grand prize at the Auction on February 7 (you don’t have to be present to win). So don’t miss out! Last year’s pot was $10,000 – so the winner got $5000! We are currently at just under $6000 … and this year our goal is $15,000! Tickets are on sale after Mass! Auction Committee Needs Help with Ironing Table Linens for Event We will meet at the Hall, Wednesday, February 4. Bring your iron and ironing board. We supply the pizza, salad and drinks. For questions, contact Jackie Fitzpatrick at [email protected]. Helping with the Auction! This is great way to help Holy Cross with its biggest fundraising event. We need help with set-up during the day Thursday and Friday (February 5 and 6) in the Hall. We also need people to help during the auction. If you can lend a hand please contact Stephanie Lieggi at [email protected]. RETROUVAILLE Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue … or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? This program has helped 10’s of 1000’s of couples experiencing marital difficulty at all levels including disillusionment and deep misery. For confidential information about or to register for the call 831-4791260 or email: [email protected] or visit the web site at BETH MOORE BIBLE STUDY Come Join Holy Cross Women's Ministry as we study Beth Moore's: Daniel: Lives of Integrity, Words of Prophecy. The first portion, January 9 - February 13, deals with Daniel's life as he faced the kind of pressures and temptations Christians encounter today. Daniel models how to develop enduring integrity in an enticing world. The second portion, April 10- May 22, explores thrilling prophecies from the time of Daniel through the second coming of Jesus Christ. Please join us for a Lenten study February 20March 27. EL GRUPO DE ORACIÓN DE HOLY CROSS les invita a sus reuniones los miércoles de cada semana a las 7 p.m. en la Misión. Es una buena oportunidad para orar y crecer en comunidad. Para mayor información, por favor contacte a Juanita al 332-9224. Todos están bienvenidos. WOMEN’S RETREAT The Annual Women’s Retreat at St. Clare’s will be February 27- March 1. St. Clare's Retreat is an oasis of peace, stillness and silence for all those seeking to nurture a life of prayer and respond to Jesus' invitation to “come apart for awhile and rest." The fee is $150 for a private room. To reserve a space please call Jane Keeffe at 336-2351. FELIZDIADESANVALENTIN VenycelebraconlasfamiliasdelaParroquiael dı́adelAmorylaAmistad,Domingo,15de Febrerodespué sdelamisade12:30enelSaló n delaParroquia. Tendremos música, comida y muchas sorpresas. TeEsperamos…NoFaltes!!!! MinisteriosdeHolyCross,SantaCruz ITALIAN CATHOLIC FEDERATION invites you to join us for our… St. Valentine’s Day Dinner Dance! Friday, February 13 Holy Cross Hall 6 p.m. Social; 7 p.m. dinner & dancing Dance to the Music of the “Danceland Band” Singles welcome! Invite a single friend, and receive a special treat! MENU: Braised Italian Style Shortribs, Fettucini Alfredo, Italian Flat Green Beans, Green Salad, Appetizers, including Lena Silva’s Famous Bagna Calda, and Dessert! Donation: Adults $20; Children 5 to 12 years $5; under 5 years free. R.S.V.P. by Tuesday, February 10: Alma Ellis: 831-429-9898, Madeline Crews: 831-427-1642 or Rosa Radicchi: 831-460-0545; email: [email protected] or [email protected] Note: Please bring your own table service, and if possible, a raffle prize! All are very much appreciated!
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