Prayer of Thanksgiving to the Holy Infant Jesus - E

January 18, 2015
Prayer of Thanksgiving to the
Holy Infant Jesus
Most holy Infant Jesus, true God and true man, our Saviour and Redeemer; with all
earnestness and respect, we beseech Thee, by that charity, humility and bounty,
which Thou didst display in Thy Infancy, graciously undertaken for love of us, that
Thou vouchsafe to grant us the favor we now beg, if it be for the honor of God and
our salvation. Amen.
Here each one will beg in spirit the particular favor desired. Pause for a short time.
O most amiable Infant Jesus, we are most unworthy to be heard in this our petition;
but Thy holy Mother, the Virgin Mary, and the great St. Joseph, Thy foster-father
while on earth, are worthy to be heard soliciting in our behalf. Then, O divine Infant,
being mindful of their most sublime merits, especially those they acquired during the
time they served Thee in Thy infancy in Bethlehem, Thy flight into Egypt, and Thy
childhood at Nazareth, vouchsafe to grant our request, and give us grace to promote
the honor of Thy omnipotent infancy, to serve Thee with fidelity, as domestic servants, all the days of our lives, and to obtain a happy death, assisted in that last hour
by the Blessed Virgin and St. Joseph, whose zeal for Thy honour will lead us to praise
and bless Thy divine mercies forever and ever. Amen.
515 W. Opp St. Wilmington CA 90744
www.sppc .us
January 18, 2015
Sunday in Ordinary Time
Electronic Mail
[email protected]
Home on the Web
Parish Office
515 West Opp Street
Wilmington, California 90744
Parish Hall
1015 Lagoon Avenue
Wilmington, California 90744
Parish Office Hours
Monday thru Friday
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Reverend Pastor
Father Raymond L. Perez,
O. Praem.
Parochial Vicar
Father Michael U. Perea,
O. Praem.
Chaplain to the School
Father Patrick D. Foutts,
O. Praem.
Sunday Auxiliaries
Father Adrian J. Sanchez,
O. Praem.
Father David R. Gonzalez,
O. Praem.
Baptisms, Weddings &
Please call the rectory
during office hours
Sick or Hospitalized
Call 310.834.5215. Leave
message with receptionist
or follow voicemail
Perpetual Adoration
24 Hour Eucharistic
Adoration. To become an
adorer of Jesus in the
Blessed Sacrament,
please call 310.952.1965
8:00 am (English)
5:00 pm (English)
6:30 am (Latin)
Tridentine Mass*
* Latin Novus Ordo Third Sunday
8:00 am
9:30 am
* Tridentine High Mass Third Sunday
11:00 am
12:30 pm
2:00 pm
5:00 pm
7:00 pm
Monday through Friday
6:45 am (English)
8:00 am (English)
Fridays @ 7:00 pm
Saturdays @ 4:00 pm
Sundays during the following
Masses: 8:00 am, 9:30 am,
11:00, 12:30 pm, & 2:00 pm
1015 Lagoon Avenue
Wilmington, CA 90744
(in the Parish Hall)
stjosephbookstore@gmail. com
706 Bay View Avenue
Wilmington, CA 90744
Principal: Miss Nancy Kuria
943 Lagoon Avenue
Wilmington, CA 90744
[email protected]
Sr. Adriana Gacikova, S. Praem.
Sr. Benedikta Hornikova S. Praem.
Sr. Roberta Sprlakova, S. Praem.
Harbor Pregnancy Help
Center/La Cuna
705 West PCH
Wilmington, CA 90744
Holy Mass Intentions
Saturday, January 17
8:00 am Gorav Pabla
5:00 pm Eddie Hingco
Sunday, January 18
6:30 am † Catalino Dollente
8:00 am † Eulalio Sandoval &
Magdalena Grijalva
9:30 am Louise Cabriel
11:00 am † Julieta Elloran
12:30 pm Alfonso & Alexia
2:00 pm † Sara H. Fajardo
5:00 pm Vise, Alex, Maria,
Louisa & Catherine
7:00 pm Pro-populo
Monday, January 19
6:45 am Michelle Acosta
8:00 am Johnny Ramirez
Tuesday, January 20
6:45 am Ofelia Datuin
8:00 am Lucia Serrano Flores
Wednesday, January 21
6:45 am Kathy Jo Dunn
8:00 am Jack & Winnie Wills
Thursday, January 22
6:45 am † Genoveva LaRiva
8:00 am Roland S. & Art Ortega
Friday, January 23
6:45 am Vivian McClentock and
LaRiva family
8:00 am Roland S. Ortega and
Sara Nuñez
"Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament has His
hands full of graces, and He is ready to
bestow them on anyone who asks for them,"
- St. Peter of Alcantara
for the
Editha Hingco
Nemesio de Castro
Ross Marquez
Joe Marquez
Mari Gonzalez
Joan Quizon
Marisol Acosta
Gloria Montoya
Chris & Betty Rivera
Minnie Andrade
Maggie Gutierrez
Roland S. Ortega
Teresa Lopez
Linda Stamper
Angel Madrigal
Regina Rodriguez
Isabel Pacheco
Normand Grandmaison
Jose Hernandez
Donald Spraggins
Catherine Bowers
Ipolito & Maria Venegas
Maria Equihua
Martin Lira
Michelle Acosta
By your prayer and intercession, you are the advocates of all who seek God,
who are journeying towards God. You bear witness to a hope which, against
every form of hopelessness, silent or spoken, points to the fidelity and the loving
concern of God. ~Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
for the
Melba Pacificador
Marian Bartlett
Magdalena Gonzalez
Ruperto Goboc
Carmen Morano
Carol Binsol
Pedro Diaz, Sr.
Johnny Ramirez
Hilda Lemus
Juanita Ocampo
Christina Galvan
Bishop Cirilo Flores
Doroteo Escanlar
Amalia Castro
Ignacio Dayap
Geneva Trujillo
Joemar L. Escaner
Maxima Sico
Alonzo Fausto
Margarita Solorio
Alfonso Magaña
Johnny Caldera
Johnny Trani Jr.
Jaime Ruiz
Jessica Madrigal
“What are you looking for?”
Life is an inner
source, namely
God. And God
cannot remain
inactive. It is he
who gives life
to all our acts.
Thus our inner
something to
be sought up in
the skies, but
ourselves; not in
but in little
daily happenings and acts. God is at work there,
within us, with us, correcting, polishing; until—and in
order that—everything in us, our faculties and their
acts, are under the sway of this inner principle. We
should try to reduce everything in us to this inner
Hence the necessity for self-correction, the control of
ourselves from within, with God’s help. The virtues
keep all of our acts “ordered”—towards God, our
neighbor, and ourselves. This is the Christian life. The
“gifts” of the Holy Spirit guide us directly; they have a
direct effect; they are higher organism which takes
over as soon as all has been co-ordinated for God,
and he can then do his work without encountering any
obstacles in us. His least commandments are carried
out, down to the tiniest fibers of our being. This is the
mystical life; henceforth we have only to follow the
Holy Spirit.
Simplicity is thus achieved in fact, but it presupposes
a complete mastery of nature. God is the Mastermusician; the instrument no longer introduces a discordant note into God’s harmony.
Dom Augustin Guillerand († 1945) was a French
Carthusian monk and a revered spiritual author.
“¿Qué estáis buscando?”
La vida es una fuente interna, es decir, Dios. Y Dios no
puede permanecer inactivo.
Es él quien da vida a todos
nuestros actos. Por lo tanto,
nuestra vida interior no es
algo que deberá buscarse en
los cielos, sino dentro de nosotros mismos; no en lo abstracto, sino en pequeños
acontecimientos y actos diarios. Dios está obrando, dentro de nosotros, con nosotros, corrigiendo, puliendo;
hasta-y a fin de que-todo en nosotros, nuestras facultades y sus actos, están bajo la influencia de este
principio interior. Deberíamos tratar de reducir todo
en nosotros a este principio interior.
Ahí la necesidad de auto-corrección, el control de nosotros mismos desde dentro, con la ayuda de Dios.
Las virtudes mantienen todos nuestros actos
"ordenados" -hacia Dios, al prójimo y a nosotros mismos. Esta es la vida cristiana. Los "dones" del Espíritu
Santo nos guían directamente; tienen un efecto directo; son organismos superiores que asumen en cuanto
todo ha sido coordinado y organizado por Dios, y él
entonces puede hacer su trabajo sin ningún tipo de
obstáculos en nosotros. Sus mandamientos son llevados a cabo, hasta las más pequeñas fibras de nuestro ser. Esta es la vida mística; de ahora en adelante
sólo tenemos que seguir al Espíritu Santo.
La simplicidad de hecho así se logra, pero presupone
un dominio completo de la naturaleza. Dios es el Maestro y músico; el instrumento ya no introduce una
nota discordante en la armonía de Dios.
Dom Augustin Guillerand (†1945) era monje
Cartujo francés y un venerado autor espiritual.
The Parish Office will be closed tomorrow, Monday,
January 19th in observance of Martin Luther King Holiday.
We will resume our normal office hours on Tuesday, Jan.
20th at 9:00 am.
La oficina parroquial estará cerrada el Lunes, 19 de Enero
en conmemoración a Martín Luther King. Reanudaremos
nuestro horario de oficina habitual el Martes, 20 de Enero.
Sorrowful Mother Novena
Norbertine run School
The monthly novena in honor of Our Sorrowful Mother will be
held on Wednesday, January 21st in Our Lady’s chapel after the
8:00 am Mass. We will be praying especially for all grieving
mothers and for all women in crisis situation. All are invited.
Please joins us!
St. Michael's Prep School, ranked as one of the 50 best Catholic
high schools in the United States, is hosting an Open House and
High School Entrance Exam. Current 7th graders are encouraged to take the entrance exam as a practice test for high school
entry. Come find out about the admissions process and enjoy a
tour of our school.
Marriage Preparation
Class in English
When: January 31, Feb. 7 and 14 from 9:00 am - 12 noon
Where: Santo Niño Room, Gene Sullivan Parish Hall
What: Father Michael Perea will present a Marriage and Family Life Class for young couples preparing to receive the Sacrament of Matrimony here at SS. Peter & Paul Church. It will be
based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Sacred Scripture and the Liturgy. Some topics to be discussed “What happens when you get married, The Bible and birth-control, NFP,
Baptizing and rearing children Catholic.”
How: For registration, materials and payment please call the
parish office for more details. The cost of the program is $40.
15ra & Wedding Info
Information meeting for Quinceañeras or Sweet 16 are held at
6:30 pm and Wedding Information are held at 7:00 pm during
the following dates: 01-11-15, 02-08-15, 03-08-15, 04-12-15,
06-14-15. Both mom and dad of the young lady must attend the
Quinceañera orientation while both the groom and bride must
be present for the wedding information meeting. For questions,
kindly call 310.834.5215.
Be Part of History!
In order to make our Parish Family Album (Photo Directory) as beautiful and memorable as possible, we are inviting local businesses and organizations to sponsor a page
in our Directory. Parishioners will see their page and realize that businesses and organizations contributed to the
success of this parish project. They will appreciate their
support of our parish and will be encouraged to support
these businesses and organizations in return.
In addition, parishioners are also encouraged to sponsor a
page which maybe used to congratulate our parish for its
150 years of foundation, greet a loved one on their Wedding, First Communion, Confirmation, Anniversary, winning an award, “in memory of,” and much more. This will
also be a good place to showcase your entire family, their
accomplishments, advertise your family business and you
may use your page for whatever announcements you wish
to share with the parish and the community. The possibilities are endless. If you want to see a sample of these
Sponsor or Add-on Pages, or how they work, you can drop
by the Rectory Office, the Parish Bookstore or the School
Office. A FREE 2015 Parish Calendar will be given to
those who purchase a Sponsor Page. If you want more
info., please call Mr. Jun Hingco at 310.834.5215, ext. 23.
Open Houses: February 21st, April 12th all at 3:30 p.m.
Entrance Test: January 24th or May 9th
(pre-registration required)
Current 7th graders are encouraged to test in May.
St. Michael’s Prep School z19292 El Toro Road, Silverado, CA
92676 z 949.858.0222 x237z [email protected]
Do you love Jesus?
We are always in need of more ADORERS of the BLESSED
SACRAMENT to keep our Perpetual Adoration Chapel
‘perpetual,’ that is to say, never ending. The teaching of the
Church is clear. The Blessed Sacrament exposed cannot be
left alone even for an instant! All we are asking is that you
give JUST ONE HOUR, ONE DAY a WEEK, to spend in the
presence of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament.To make a
commitment to Eucharistic Adoration, go to the parish office or
to our parish bookstore. Or you may call 310.952.1965. Jesus
lovingly awaits you in our Adoration Chapel!
We love Baby Jesus!
We would like to thank everyone who helped
make our Celebration of the Santo Nino
Feastday last weekend a resounding success.
To the ever gracious Bishop Joseph Sartoris,
to our most supportive pastor, Father Raymond and the Norbertine Fathers and Sisters
and to the small but vigorous Santo Nino
committee, namely, Carmen Ballat, Olivia
Campos, Ofelia Datuin, Espie Angellano,
Jun Hingco, Amber Leon, Christina Magdaleno, Ianthe Tanglao, Vangie Obray, Maxima Bongollan and
Pat Sullivan, but most of all to all the devotees of the Child
Jesus, we are grateful and we are indebted to you. Until next
year and let the Baby Jesus be at the heart of your new year
Are You An Envelope User or
A Member of the Angels’ Club
of SS. Peter and Paul?
If you would like to receive a statement of your contribution to the
church for tax purposes, kindly fill out the form below and return it
to the rectory. A statement will be sent by way of mail. Thank you
and may God always bless you for your generosity.
Name ____________________________________________
Address __________________________________________
_________________________ Telephone ______________
Regular Envelope No. ______________________________
Se Parte de la Historia
Preparatoria San Miguel
Para hacer nuestro Álbum Parroquial Familiar (Foto Directorio) tan hermoso y memorable como sea posible, estamos invitando a los negocios locales y a las organizaciones
para que patrocinen una página en nuestro directorio. Los feligreses verán su página y se darán cuenta que los negocios y
organizaciones habrán contribuido al éxito de nuestro proyecto
parroquial. Ellos apreciarán su apoyo a nuestra parroquia y a su
vez serán motivados para dar apoyo a esos negocios y organizaciones.
Escuela Preparatoria de San Miguel, catalogada como una de
las 50 mejores escuelas preparatorias católicas en los Estados
Unidos, tendrá un examen de admisión y recibe visitas. Se anima a los alumnos actuales del 7mo grado para tomar el examen
de ingreso como una prueba práctica para la admisión a la escuela preparatoria. Venga a conocer el proceso de admisión y
disfrutar de un recorrido por nuestra escuela.
Además, los feligreses son exhortados a patrocinar una
página la cual puede ser usada para felicitar a nuestra parroquia
por sus 150 años de fundación, saludar a un ser querido por su
boda, primera comunión, confirmación, aniversario, por haber
ganado un premio, en memoria de alguien, y mucho más. Este
será un buen lugar para mostrar a toda su familia, sus logros,
anunciar el negocio de su familia, y pueden usar su página para
cualquier anuncio que quieran compartir con la parroquia y la
comunidad. SI desean ver muestras de estas páginas patrocinadas o cómo trabajan, pueden pasar por la oficina parroquial, la
librería o la oficina de la escuela. Un calendario 2015 GRATIS
les será dado a quienes patrocinen una página. Más información
con Mr. Jun Hingco al 310.834.5215, ext. 23.
Pláticas Pre-Matrimoniales
Los novios que planean contraer matrimonio o parejas que viven juntos y desean corregir su anómala situación, pueden venir
gratuitamente a la Sesión de Información
Martes, 3 de Febrero de 7 pm – 9 pm
en el cuarto Santo Niño del salón parroquial Eugene Sullivan
Acudan las parejas a la hora citada. Allí les explicaran los requisitos del curso y todo el proceso para casarse por la Iglesia
Católica. No Necesitan casarse antes por lo civil, sólo sigan el
trámite por la Iglesia y así se ahorraran bastante tiempo y dinero. Para preguntas pueden llamar al señor Jesús Becerra, coordinador del programa, al 310.748.2842.
‘Open Houses’: 21 de Febrero, 12 de Abril a las 3:30 pm.
Examen de Admisión: 24 de Enero o 9 de Mayo (se requiere pre-registración)
Estudiantes del 7mo grado se les anima a tomar la prueba en Mayo.
St. Michael’s Prep School z19292 El Toro Road, Silverado, CA
92676 z 949.858.0222 x237z [email protected]
¡Amamos al Niño Jesús!
Agradecemos a todos los que ayudaron he
hicieron que nuestra celebración de la festividad del Santo Niño el pasado fin de semana fuera un éxito rotundo. A el siempre amable Obispo Joseph Sartoris, a nuestro párroco que tanto nos apoya, el padre Raymond y
los Padres Norbertinos y Hermanas Norbertinos y al comité pequeño pero vigoroso
Santo Niño: Carmen Ballat, Olivia Campos,
Ofelia Datuin, Espie Angellano, Jun Hingco,
Amber León, Christina Magdaleno, Ianthe
Tanglao, Vangie Obray, Maxima Bongollan
y Pat Sullivan, pero sobre todo a todos los
devotos del Niño Jesús, estamos agradecidos y estamos en deuda con ustedes. Hasta el año venidero y deje que el Niño Jesús
esté en el centro de su corazón de su nuevo año 2015.
Semana del 1.4.15
Gastos Parroquiales
¿Usan sus sobres parroquiales o
son del Club de Angeles
de San Pedro y San Pablo?
Si quieren recibir un reporte de sus contribuciones a fin de presentarlo para su declaración de impuestos, por favor llenen este cupón y
regrésenlo a la oficina parroquial. Su reporte les será enviado por
correo. Muchas gracias y que Dios los bendiga más.
Nombre __________________________________________
Domicilio _________________________________________
_________________________ Teléfono ________________
Sobre Familiar No. _________________________________
Escuela de la Fe (De Guadalupe Radio/TV) y la Parroquia de
San Pedro y San Pablo te invitan a conocer más sobre tu FE
CATÓLICA. Se estarán impartiendo dos cursos todos los lunes
de enero a mayo del 2015 a las 7 PM en los salones AVE
MARÍA y SAN RAFAEL. Los cursos que tendremos son:
Donde aprenderemos las generalidades y manejo
de la Sagrada Escritura para lograr un mejor entendimiento de la misma.
Aprenderemos cómo entender y aplicar los
mandamientos a nuestra vida diaria tal y como enseña la Iglesia.
Escoge el curso que más te llame la atención y acompáñanos
este cuatrimestre. Las clases son muy amenas y fáciles de entender. COMENZAMOS EL LUNES 5 DE ENERO. Mayores
informes al teléfono de Escuela de la Fe: 626.575.4747
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accept whatever PELL grant the student is eligible to receive as the full payment. If the student for some reason is ineligible to receive
PELL grant or receives only a reduced amount the student will not be responsible to the school beyond the $395 mentioned above.
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23800 Hawthorne Blvd.
Torrance, CA 90505
(310) 791-9975
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