Saint Louis Catholic Community

Saint Louis Catholic Community
7270 SW 120th Street•Pinecrest, FL 33156•Church/School: 305-238-7562•FAX: 305-238-6844
[email protected][email protected]
Rev. Fr. Paul Vuturo
Parochial Vicars
Rev. Fr. Michael Garcia
Rev. Fr. Henrick Jose
Vicar Emeritus (Retired)
Rev. Fr. Michael Kish
Administrator of the Mission of
St. Augusitine of Hippo
Rev. Fr. Pedro Toledo
Rev. Dr. James Dugard
Rev. Mr. Thomas Hanlon
Rev. Mr. George Labelle
Rev. Mr. Alex Lam
Rev. Mr. Vincent McInerney
Rev. Mr. John Peremenis
Rev. Mr. Jeff Reyes
Rev. Mr. José Villena
Rev. Mr. Bob Yglesias School Principal
Mr. Edward Garcia
Coordinator of Religious Education
Mrs. Jeannie Modroño
Director of Youth Ministry
Mr. Mark Witkowski
Director of Music
Mr. Juan Salazar
5:30 PM (Sat. Vigil)
7:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM
12:30, 5:30 PM
8:15 AM, 7:15 PM
LENT Daily Mass Schedule
Monday-Friday 6:30 AM English
Monday-Saturday 8:30 AM English
Monday, Tuesday, Friday 7: 00 PM
miércoles, jueves 7:00 PM – Español
Saturday:11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Anytime by appointment
Aloma Ahkin
Pablo Arevalo
Mary Arnold
Marcio Baltodano
Nora Bendheim
Verónica Bermúdez
Jeannette Bernard
José N. Bonilla, Jr
Giana Brendeke
Gerard Butel
Joanne Calfo
Margaret Caruso
Zoy Castro
Sandra Chung
Michael Connor
Victoria Coronado
Cici Culverhouse
Grace Cunetta
Leonor de Roa
Mary Frances Degen
Luis DeVarona
Alba Diaz
Xioriliz Diaz
Lorraine Ditzel
Iris Echevarria
Raul Ferreyra
Mary Alice Fleming
Eddie Fung
Myrna Gallagher
Bertina Garcia
Hilda Garcia
Ralphy Garcia
Bill Gerrard
Matteo Gherardin
Mary Glynn
Tiffany Gómez
Michelle P. Green
Daisy Guerrero
Larry Harshman
Alyse Hernández
Floriana Hernández
Giselle Hernández
Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Misa en Español
Los domingos - 8:15 AM, 7:15 PM
Los miercoles - 7:30 PM
Bautismos - En Español el último
domingo del mes. Favor de llamar a la
oficina con DOS meses de anticipación.
Matrimonio - Favor de llamar a la Oficina
con SEIS meses de anticipación.
Hora Santa -Tercer jueves de cada
mes en la Capilla a las 7:30 PM.
Stations of the Cross
English, Friday, 7:30 PM
Via Crucis
Please contact the parish office at least
Español, miércoles, 7:30 PM
six months prior to the proposed date.
BAPTISMS (Infants - 5 yrs. old)
In English the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sunday
when there is a 5th Sunday. Please call
the Office TWO months in advance.
Coordinator of Ministries & Music
Ms. Cecelia Columbro
Pray for the Sick
Salvador Hernández
Jean Heyward
Mary Lou Hickey
Andrés Hidalgo
Lidia Hoadleg
Carole Howard
John B. Hutton, Jr.
Teresa Kharfan
Mary Kilcoyne
Gerry Knowlan
Steven Kowallis
Pat Krupczak
Joseph Kuethe
Helen Labime
Gail Liss
Isabella Listmangls
Flor Llerena
Karla Lloyd
Evelyn López
Isabel Luperón
Kelly Lyden-Flores
Luis Magallanes
Caroll Maionari
Vivian Malave
Harrison Margulies
William Martinez
Melanie Massa
Cristine Mayorga
Wendy McLendon
Reinaldo Meléndez
Enrique Mion
Angela Mitchell
Isabella Morales
Francisco Morejon
James Morris
Michael Mulsford
Luis Munilla
Dana Munsey
Adelina Muzaurieta
Christine Naughton
TIm Nelson
Tomas Noto
Fred Obermier
Rodney Oziemski
Jose Pardillo
Jim Petee
Sebastian PierJeamot
Javier Piñeda
Remember the Departed
Sylvia Benedetti
Josefina Vidal
Alida Apollon
Armando Perez
German Plata
David Pritchard
Ronald Puhl
Betty Quinn
Marta Quintos
Shawn Rice
Bryce Richardson
Nubia Roa
Jose A. Rodriguez
Norma Rodriguez
Remberto Rodríguez
Rolando Rodríguez
Clara Romero
Armando Otero
Maria Cristina Sedan
John Shubeck
James Smith
Ernest Steinhilber,III
Jane Thompson
Sebastian Tomala
Isah Marie Tomas
Aurora Van de Water
Pedro Verastegui
Please remember to
contact the Parish Office
when it is appropriate to
remove a name from this
list or they will be removed
after two months. To provide the Eucharist
at home for ill parish
members or family,
call Pedro Valentin at
305-251-7335 or the
parish office at
Si estas enfermo o
impedido de asistir a la
Misa y deseas recibir la
Comunión en tu casa,
puedes comunicarte con
Pedro Valentin,
Ministry to
The Sick
Lenten Parish Mission Lenten Parish Mission
Arturo Lujan,
Lay Catholic Missionary
Monday - Wednesday
March 6th - March 8th at 7:30 PM
“Taste and see the Goodness of the Lord {Psalm
Lent is the perfect time to come to the Lord. It is the
time to “taste and see” His goodness and experience
it in our lives.
Arturo Lujan is a well-known Lay Evangelist, who
is a fantastic teacher and preacher. Arturo travels
the country and countries in Central America doing
Missions and preaching engagements all throughout
the year.
On Monday night, Preaching, Prayer, Music and Song.
THEME: “Time to come to the Lord”.
On Tuesday night, Arturo will be preaching on the
THEME: Forgiveness & Absolution of our Sins. This will
be an evening of Prayer, Forgiveness and Absolution.
We will close the evening with the Sacrament of
Several priests will be here for individual Confessions
after he preaches.
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On Wednesday night, Fr. Paul Vuturo, our dear Pastor
will celebrate a Healing Mass, with the Sacrament of
Anointing of the Sick. THEME: Healing & Thanksgiving.
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is there for
anyone ill, going into the hospital for tests or surgery, or
suffering from depression, and a multitude of ailments
that you may unfortunately be suffering from. “Come
and be anointed by the holy oil and God’s healing
prayers in this blessed sacrament.”
rest, Flori
Arturo Lujan,
Lay Catholic Missionary
Lunes - Miércoles
Marzo 13 - Marzo 15 at 7:30 PM
¡Cuaresma es el tiempo ideal para venir a “gustar y probar”
lo bueno que es el Señor!.
Es el tiempo de Dios para regresar a EL y tener un
encuentro personal con Cristo.
Arturo Lujan es un laico misionero comprometido con
el Señor Jesus en nuestra Santa Iglesia Católica. Junto
con su esposa Lily, son los coordinadores de Kerygma,
Asociación Misionera Hispana. Los Lujan ofrecen misiones
de la Nueva Evangelización, Retiros de Matrimonios y
Formación de Comunidades Evangelizadoras en muchas
parroquias, dentro y fuera de los Estados Unidos.
Lunes: Marzo 13, 7:30PM. Tema: “ES EL TIEMPO DE
DIOS”. Predica por Arturo Lujan.
Martes: Marzo 14, 7:30PM. Tema: “PERDON Y VUELTA
A DIOS”. Predica por Arturo Lujan. También tendremos
el Sacramento de la Reconciliación por el Padre Paul
Vuturo y demás sacerdotes de la parroquia.
Miercoles: Marzo 15, 7:30PM: Tema: SANACION.
Nuestro pastor, el Padre Paul Vuturo oficiara una MISA DE
SANACION., donde también impartirá el SACRAMENTO
Inviten a sus amigos y ¿Por qué no? también a sus
enemigos. La familia parroquial de St Louis los espera
y les da la más cordial bienvenida. JESUS nos espera a
Parish Mission Statement
"Guided by the Spirit, we, the committed stewards of the Saint Louis Parish
family, strive to build the Body of Jesus Christ - the Church - through celebrating
the sacraments, proclaiming Jesus through his Word, and using our gifts to
minister to Saint Louis and our community at large, in an environment of love."
One Church One Family
Covenant Weekend
Last Call for the Covenant Experience!
Mark your calendars for the weekend
of March 10, 11 and 12.
Today is your last opportunity to sign up for the
Covenant Weekend to be held next weekend, Mar.10,
11, and 12, 2017. This is a chance to enrich your
marriage while enjoying the company of other
couples who love the Lord and each other. For more
information you can call Bob and Anne Tomonto at
bread for the world
There will be a meeting of Bread for the
World next Saturday, March 11th, in the Library at 10
AM. We will be discussing recent Congressional visits,
the Festival for the Poor, our visit to Camillus House, and
this year’s Offering of Letters. All are welcome. For more
information please contact Peter England at 305-9652246.
“Confirmación de Adultos
Para los adultos que deseen celebrar el Sacramento
de la Confirmación, estaremos facilitando la
formación sacramental inmediata los días 6 de abril,
13 de abril, 20 de abril, 27 de abril, 4 de mayo, 11 de
mayo, 18 de mayo, 25 de mayo y 1 de junio. Horario
de 7 a 8.30 PM. Dicha formación incluye además
la participación en las celebraciones litúrgicas de la
Semana Santa (13,14 y 15 de abril).
Esta formación es para personas mayores de 18
años bautizadas, que han celebrado el sacramento
de la Eucaristía. La confirmación se celebrará el día
sábado, 27 de Mayo de 2017, aquí en St. Louis. Para
registrarse u obtener información favor comunicarse
con Ana Olaso-Stanham 786 423 4701- aiolaso@”
Men’s Emmaus Reunion
Saturday, March 18th at 6:30 PM
“Did you attend a St. Louis
Men’s Emmaus Retreat?
Have you stayed connected
brothers? Would you like the
opportunity to fellowship and
celebrate with all the men
who have shared this wonderful experience. Then
come and join us for the Grand Emmaus Reunion
on Saturday, March 18th at 6:30pm.
For more information or RSVP, email Greg
Schweitzer at [email protected] or
Gus Vilomar at [email protected]. Thank you
and God Bless you.”
Don’t Give Up Chocolate For Lent
Give yourself a life changing experience this Lent. Sign
up free for a daily email featuring practical tips, short
inspirational videos, and personal reflections from
the Dynamic Catholic Team. For more information
contact Peter England at 305-235-7257.
Ministerio Abraham Y Sarah
Invitamos a todas las personas de la tercera edad
“EDAD DE ORO”, a nuestra próxima reunión el
sábado 11 de Marzo, 2017 en el Assembly Hall
comenzando a las 9:00 am hasta 12:30 pm.
Tendremos como invitado a nuestro hermano
“GREMAUD ANGEES” que nos dará una reflexión
sobre la CUARESMA.
También tendremos desayuno y otras actividades
relacionadas a la Cuaresma. Favor de llamar y
confirmar asistencia a Nancy Sanchez al 305-4957241 o Grace Silva al 305-338-8223.
One Church One Family
Catholic Bible Fellowship
Taller de Educacion Financiera
A 5 Lesson Lenten Study beginning in March. We
will examine the Scriptural basis of Mel Gibson’s
movie, The Passion of the Christ, and look at how
this powerful portrayal of the suffering and death
of Jesus relates to the Bible and the teachings of
the Catholic Church. We will view the applicable
portion of the movie each week that corresponds
with the lesson.
Taller de Educacion Financiera basado en pricipios
bíblicos. Como sabemos, hoy en día, mucha gente
viene experimentando retos financieros como
deudas, un trabajo frustrante, maneras inadecuadas
de ahorrar, etc. Recientes encuestas señalan que,
más de la mitad de todos los divorcios, se dan como
resultado de la presión financiera en el hogar. En
este Estudio Bíblico de 10 semanas “Conceptos
Financieros”, el participante aprenderá lo que la Biblia
dice sobre: las deudas, el ahorro, el presupuesto
de gastos, el trabajo, las inversiones y la eternidad.
Además de aprender lo que la palabra de Dios dice
sobre las finanzas, el participante también descubrirá
el tremendo impacto que el manejo del dinero tiene
en su relación con Dios…
El Taller contempla 10 sesiones, es en español, y no
tiene costo. Los materiales son dos libros, cuyo costo
es de 15 dólares, pues la parroquia subvenciona una
parte importante. Empezaremos el próximo 13 de
Marzo, a las 8:00 pm, en el Salón Hospitality A.
Para cualquier información adicional, favor
comunicarse con Francisco Guía (305-6656108) o
Eva Guia (305-9845944).
Jesus’Passion the story of
redemptive suffering
We are offering Wednesday evening classes
beginning March 29th @ 7:30 PM or Thursday
morning classes beginning March 9th @ 9:30 AM.
For more details or to sign up please email or call: Wed. evening Study: Marie Rhugnanan,
[email protected], 786-564-1506
Thurs morning Study: Joan McCaffery,
[email protected], 770-500-8957
One Church One Family
Festival For The Poor
March 25th 5K & Dinner Dance
Festival March 31-April 2
Wow! Here we are, half way through the month of February and our annual Festival for the Poor is
“just around the corner”. This year’s Festival is again spread over 2 weekends so everyone will have the
opportunity to participate in all of the events! This year’s theme comes from Saint Teresa of Calcutta
who said “ Faith in Action is Love and Love in Action is Service”.
The Festival 5K Walk/Run will be held on
Saturday March 25th (7 am registration and
8 am start). Postcards with race info will be
available next week or register on line at:
This year’s 5K is both certified and Sanctioned.
It is being held in honor and memory of Gene
Flemming. The Festival Dinner Dance, “All
That Jazz”, will also be on Saturday March
25th at 7:00 pm in the Monsignor Fetscher
Fellowship Hall. This catered event will be a
gourmet plated dinner (entrée choice- NY Strip
Steak, Supreme Chicken in apricot sauce or a
Vegetarian option) with a cash wine and beer bar. The very talented Trace Barfield will be providing a live
Jazz concert as well as dancing music for the event. Acclaimed Auctioneer, Jim Buzzella will conduct
a live auction with some great items to bid on. For Dinner Ticket information and reservations please
call Larry Barfield at (305)742-8072, Fred Rebozo at (305)495-3342 or Betty Quinn at (305)281-3014.
On March 31st,April 1st and 2nd we will have
our main event with Rides, Arts and Craft Fair,
International Food Booths, Games, Silent
Auctions, Raffles, Live Entertainment, Dinners
and MORE!!!As a stewardship parish we have
the opportunity to make this the greatest
Festival ever! We need everyone’s participation
and assistance- time, talent and treasure and
preferably all of these! We will start distributing
raffle tickets next weekend. Prizes will be
$2000, $1500, $1000 and $500! Seller of the
$2000 winning ticket will get $100; a great
incentive to sell, sell, sell those raffle tickets. In
a few weeks we will also have tables in the Rotunda for the sale of Festival t-shirts, tickets for the Friday
night Italian Dinner under the Big Top,Raffle Tickets, discounted ride bracelets, register for the 5k or
get the 5K Run/Walk online registration instructions. Our rides and games for this year are bigger and
better than ever. We have new additions to our International Food Booths as well. Definitely something
for everyone!! Our Arts and Crafts Section promises to offer a great variety of beautiful jewelry, plants,
clothing and crafts. The Bake Sale will have tasty treats for all. There will again be Breakfast Under the
Big Top Sunday morning between 7- 11 a.m.; sponsored by the Columbiettes. The STL Jail will be up
and ready for “customers” to be incarcerated until their bail is met! We will have our wonderful Silent
Auction on Saturday, from 11 am-7 pm. We will have
guest MC’s, DJ’s, bands, singers, magicians, dancers
cheerleaders and lots of entertainment for all to enjoy
throughout the entire Festival.
All rides will open Friday, March 31 st at 4 pm and
remain open until 10 pm. Individual ride tickets will be
sold as well as individual day ride bracelets or a weekend
bracelet allowing for unlimited use of all rides Friday,
Saturday and Sunday.
We are in need of sponsors: event, major, booth, facility and corporate. Sponsorships range from $150
to $5,000 Platinum Sponsorship. We are in need of 5K sponsorships as well:$250- $2500. We are seeking
sponsorships for 40 booths ($150 each) and rides ($250 each) as well as Big Top Tent sponsorship
($2000). Recognition signage will be displayed throughout the event as well as on the Sponsorship Board
in the Church, the Event Stage and all publicity. Please call Betty Quinn for details, pick up sponsorship
application in the Church Office or stop by the Rotunda Festival Table and pick up a sponsorship form for
yourself and anyone you think might like to participate- your
“boss”, businesses you patronize and your friends. Consider
a sponsorship from your family or in honor of someone or a
cause close to your heart.
All Ministries have been challenged to STEP UP and sponsor
a booth or ride and to take a few hour shift volunteering as
a group. WE NEED YOUR HELP. The most important thing
to remember is that 100% of the proceeds from the Festival
are given away to the needy, sick, homeless and vulnerable
in our community. ALL donations, big or small, are greatly
appreciated. Together we can make this the greatest Festival
ever; Serving God while serving others.
We need to hear from people ASAP that are willing to take a Supervisory/Leadership role in the following
areas: Publicity, procuring Entertainment, Prize Redemption Booth, “DJ” and “MC” , Security and Trash
Please contact with any questions or suggestions.
Betty and Ken Quinn, Festival Co-Chairs
[email protected] [email protected]
Help The Silent Auction
WE NEED: donations for silent auction
RE-GIFTING: items given or bought that are new and you
don’t use.
Drop items off at the parish office or
Contact Rosario or Cecilia to make arrangements.
Rosario Gonzalez – 305-968-0121
Cecilia Prahl – 305-297-5821
Stay Connected With Us!
Mass Intentions, Saints and Readings for the Week
Intenciones de la Misa, Santos y Lecturas para la Semana
First Sunday of Lent
Mar. 5th
Gn 2: 7-9; 3: 1-7;Rom 5: 12-19; Mt 4: 1-11
7:00 amMass for Life/Respect Life Ministry
+ Rosa Cavo/Rosa Lau
8:15 am+ Pomenta Family/Rosa Lau
+ Tito Pomenta/Rosa Lau
9:30 amBrenda & Cynthia Czekanski - Special Int.
+ Daniel Fauls/Anita Friedlander
11:00 am
St. Louis Parish Family/Parish Priests
+ José Ignacio López/Felix Ignacio Stanziola
12:30 pm
+ Roberto Emilio Juarez/Loving Mother
+ Maurice Wozniak/Suris Family
5:30 pm
+ Rose Porcelli/Lorraine Gerónimo
+ John Wright/Loving Family
7:15 pm
+ Oscar & Elvira González/Loving Family
+ Angel Garcia/Janet Garcia
Mar. 6th
Lv 19: 1-2, 11-18; Mt 25: 31-46
6:30 am+ Inés Fuentes/Loving Family
8:30 am+ Joe Santella/Dee Ricci
Helen Albertson - Happy Birthday
7:00 pm
+ Souls in Purgatory
St. Francis of Rome, religious
Mar. 9th
Est C: 12, 14-16, 23-25; Mt 7: 7-12
6:30 am+ Souls in Purgatory
8:30 am+ Evelyn McInerney/Peggy Santella
Bertot-Santibañez Family/C. Leschhorn
7:00 pm
+ Inés Fuentes/Loving Family
Mar. 10th Ez 18: 21-28; Mt 5: 20-26
6:30 am+ Tommy Di Fede/Loving Father
8:30 pm
+ Mary Lou Kulsick/Friedlander’s Family
Steffen - Special Intention
7:00 pm
+ Souls in Purgatory
7:30 pm
Mar. 11th Dt 26: 16-19; Mt 5: 43-48
8:30 amEmilio Rangel Jr. - Happy Birthday
+ Thomas Springer/Loving Wife
5:30 pm
+ Carlton Proulx/Loving Mom
+ Raúl Moreyra/Loving Family
Second Sunday of Lent
Mar. 12th Gn 12: 1-4; 2 Tm 1:8-10; Mt 17: 1-9
7:00 am+ Recently Deceased/Bereavement Ministry
8:15 amRosa Bravo - Special Intention
+ Ricardo Portal/Yvonne Debesa
9:30 am+ Maria Kelly/Anita Friedlander
+ Robin Meza/Paul Czekanski
Wednesday/miércoles St. John of God, religious
11:00 am
St. Louis Parish Family/Parish Priests
Mar. 8th
Jon 3: 1-10; Lk 11: 29-32
+ Marta Gallo/Loving Family
6:30 am+ Souls in Purgatory
12:30 pm
+ Paul Murat/Shannon Murat
8:30 am+ Souls in Purgatory
+ Pepin & Florin Martínez/Jossie Martínez
7:00 pm
+ Jesús Murillo/Loving Family
5:30 pm
+ Jean Siegesmund/Ellen Skidmore
+ Luis R. Ramírez/Mónica Ramírez
+ John Skidmore/Loving Wife
7:30 pm
7:15 pm
+ Souls in Purgatory/Stella Zaldivar
+ Alejandro & Erlinda Tadic/Jenny Tadic
5:30 pm
Stephen Porter (786-837-4117)
7:00 am
Lourdes Manning (305-245-4423)
8:15 am
Ingrid Piloña (305-282-4607)
9:30 am
Bob & Pat Desbiens (305-251-8988)
11:00 am
Lauren Chue-Sang (305-233-9494)
12:30 pm
Milagros Marrou (305-234-2729)
5:30 pm
Miriam Columbro (786-430-0302)
7:15 pm
Oriele Joya-Lobaton (786-488-4298)
*These are the persons in charge of the scheduling of the Vocation Chalice for the respective Mass. Please call them.
Sts. Perpetua & Felicity, martyrs
Mar. 7th
Is 55: 10-11; Mt 6: 7-15
6:30 am+ Souls in Purgatory
8:30 am+ Morange Eliziee/Simone Elizee
7:00 pm
+ Soles in Purgatory
Midnight Musings / Pensamientos de Media Noche
Confession, Honesty and Peace
Confesión, Honestidad y Paz
Do you remember your first Confession? Scary or
peaceful? Stressful or comforting?
This week, some members of our RCIA program (Rite
of Christian Initiation for Adults) will have the opportunity to go
to confession, to celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation for
the first time. Those baptized, whether in Catholic or Protestant
communities, will come to Confession this week as we have our
parish Lenten Mission. For them this is new.
In our physical weakness or in our
spiritual weakness, we ask the Church to pray
for us: “Is anyone among you sick? He should
-summon the presbyters of the church, and they
should pray over him and anoint him with oil in
the name of the Lord, and the prayer of faith
will save the sick person, and the Lord will raise
him up. If he has committed any sins, he will
be forgiven. Therefore, confess your sins to one
another and pray for one another, that you may
be healed” (James 5: 13-16).
In physical sickness or in moral sickness,
the scriptures say that the Church community
can bring healing. What power the letter of James ascribes to the
anointing! “If he has committed any sins, they will be forgiven.”
The Church prays for healing on physical and moral levels.
When Jesus appeared to his apostles for the first time
after his resurrection, his first words were: “Peace be with you”
(John 20:19), and in that gift of peace Jesus was forgiving the
apostles for their abandoning him and denying him on the night
of his arrest. Then Jesus adds: “As the Father sent me, so I send
you…If you forgive anyone’s sins, they are forgiven” (John 20:
21,23). Having forgiven the apostles, he tells them to share that
forgiveness with others. They do not simply preach or tell about
forgiveness; they bring the forgiveness by their ministry, just as
Jesus brought and brings forgiveness today. Jesus must have
thought that ministry was important; it was the first thing he talked
about after his resurrection!
Priests and bishops hear confessions and give absolution
not because they think they are better than others. Confession
is the meeting of two sinners, both of whom know they need
forgiveness. While the priest prays for the forgiveness of the other
person, he himself will go to confession to another priest. You
should see us at our clergy Lenten Day of Reflection; everyone
goes to confession to each other; we take turns ministering to
each other. Everyone in the Church has the privilege of going to
confession and receiving absolution. Pope Francis says he goes
every month. (See the picture attached.)
Confessing our sins is an act of honesty and confidence
in God’s love, the opposite attitude of Adam and Eve in the book
of Genesis, where they refused to accept responsibility for their sin
of eating the forbidden fruit: Adam blamed Eve; Eve blamed the
serpent. They passed the blame and did not trust God. Confession
is the opposite; we can be honest before God and another, the
priest, because we know the priest proclaims the loving kindness,
compassion and forgiveness of God. Join us this Tuesday for our
Lenten Penance Service. With our RCIA candidates, we can all
experience the forgiveness and love of the Lord.
¿Recuerdas tu primera confesión? ¿Asustadiza o pacífica?
Estresante o reconfortante?
Esta semana, algunos miembros de nuestro programa
RCIA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos) tendrán la
oportunidad de ir a la confesión, para celebrar el sacramento de
la reconciliación por primera vez. Aquellos bautizados, ya sea en
comunidades católicas o protestantes, vendrán a la Confesión esta
semana ya que tenemos nuestra Misión de Cuaresma parroquial.
Para ellos esto es nuevo.
En nuestra debilidad física o en nuestra
debilidad espiritual, pedimos a la Iglesia que
ore por nosotros: “¿Está enfermo alguno entre
ustedes? Él debe acercarse a los presbíteros de
la iglesia, para que oren sobre él y ungirlo con
aceite en el nombre del Señor, y la oración de
fe salvará al enfermo, y el Señor lo resucitará. Si
ha cometido algún pecado, será perdonado. Por
lo tanto, confesad vuestros pecados unos a otros
y orad unos por otros, para que seáis curados
“(Santiago 5: 13-16).
En la enfermedad física o en la enfermedad
moral, las Escrituras dicen que la comunidad de la Iglesia puede
traer sanación. ¡Qué poder atribuye la carta de Santiago a la
unción! “Si ha cometido algún pecado, será perdonado”. La
Iglesia ora por sanación en los niveles físico y moral.
Cuando Jesús se apareció a sus apóstoles por primera
vez después de su resurrección, sus primeras palabras fueron: “La
paz esté con vosotros” (Juan 20:19), y en ese don de paz Jesús
perdonaba a los apóstoles por haberlo abandonado y negado en
la noche de su arresto. Entonces Jesús añade: “Como el Padre
me envió, así también yo os envío... Si perdonáis los pecados
de alguien, serán perdonados” (Juan 20: 21,23). Habiendo
perdonado a los apóstoles, les dice que compartan ese perdón con
los demás. No sólo predican o dicen acerca del perdón; Ellos traen
el perdón por su ministerio, tal como Jesús trajo y trae perdón
hoy. Jesús debe haber pensado que el ministerio era importante;
¡Fue la primera cosa de la que habló después de su resurrección!
Los sacerdotes y los obispos oyen confesiones y dan
la absolución no porque piensen que son mejores que otros. La
confesión es la reunión de dos pecadores, los cuales saben que
necesitan perdón. Mientras el sacerdote ora por el perdón de la
otra persona, él mismo va a confesarse a otro sacerdote. Usted
debe vernos en nuestro clero Cuaresma Día de la Reflexión;
Cada uno va a confesarse el uno al otro; Tomamos turnos para
ministeriarnos el uno al otro. Todos en la Iglesia tienen el privilegio
de confesarse y recibir la absolución. El papa Francis dice que va
todos los meses. (Ver la imagen adjunta.)
Confesar nuestros pecados es un acto de honestidad y
confianza en el amor de Dios, la actitud opuesta de Adán y Eva en
el libro del Génesis, donde se negaron a aceptar la responsabilidad
por su pecado de comer el fruto prohibido: Adán culpó a Eva; Eva
culpó a la serpiente. Pasaron la culpa y no confiaron en Dios. La
confesión es lo opuesto; Podemos ser honestos ante Dios y otro, el
sacerdote, porque sabemos que el sacerdote proclama la bondad
amorosa, la compasión y el perdón de Dios. Únase a nosotros
este martes para nuestro servicio de Penitencia Cuaresmal. Con
nuestros candidatos de RCIA, todos podemos experimentar el
perdón y el amor del Señor.