Call for Contributions to the 2015 Symposium 25TH ANNUAL WORLD FORUM AND SYMPOSIUM Minneapolis-Saint Paul, USA | June 14-18, 2015 Innovation, Talent, and Technology in 21st Century of Agribusiness The International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA) invites submissions for participation in the 25th Annual World Symposium to be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, June 1516, 2015. The Symposium features: • • • research presented as papers, research presented as posters, and teaching cases. Research paper presentations can be based on research findings, research case studies, executive interviews, or in-depth perspectives on conceptual frameworks for analysis. Each presenter is given 20 minutes within a presentation session. Sessions are guided by a Moderator. Complete manuscripts associated with paper presentations may be entered into the Best Paper competition. These manuscripts will undergo a comprehensive, double-blind, peer review overseen by the editors of the International Food & Agribusiness Management Review. For more information see 2015 Best Paper Competition. Poster presentations will be displayed by theme facilitating interaction between authors and interested symposium participants. Poster display space will be provided in a prominent location during the Symposium and Forum and highlighted during a research poster luncheon. Posters are also eligible for competitive awards including best research presented as a poster, best student research poster, and best research poster focused on the conference theme or a Hot Topic listed below. Teaching cases should be directed to a broad audience of professionals interested in developing effective agribusiness cases and using them as learning tools, as well as those interested in the specific case topics being discussed. The Symposium will showcase up to four cases that utilize the Harvard Style teaching case method. Sessions including teaching cases are meant to increase symposium participants’ interest in writing cases and using case studies. For additional information see Call for Harvard Style Teaching Cases . HOT TOPICS in 2015 The IFAMA Symposium seeks proposals addressing the following topics: 1. The Role of Technology in Food Security. A lack of clear policies limits the adoption of new technology. For example a lack of scientific based regulatory policies inhibit growth in many developing countries; the US has not kept pace with world growth in marine aquaculture due to the lack of policy and regulatory framework; a lack of investment in agricultural development and rural infrastructure inhibits a farmer’s ability to get harvest and livestock to markets . (See also- The Role of Technology in Agriculture). 2. Agribusiness Education in the 21st Century: The role of technology in agriculture is changing rapidly—from agronomy to Big Data. Many issues exist around the supply chain. A broader education and talent pool is needed. Should industry play a role in education? How are universities worldwide preparing students to fill the gap? 3. Entrepreneurship in Agricultural Innovation: Financing and Mentoring. What makes a successful team and how is agricultural innovation different from other entrepreneurial innovation? What activities enhance the probability of success? Are hard or soft investment models more effective? How can incentives and innovation prizes be used? 4. Food Loss and Waste: The FAO estimates about one third of all food produced for human consumption is thrown away or lost worldwide –approximately 1.3 billion tons per year. Yet, one out of eight people worldwide are starving. Less than one fourth of the food currently lost worldwide would suffice to feed these human beings. Initiatives cover a wide range of sectors – private businesses, universities, and nonprofit organizations – and illustrate the extent to which collaboration is the key to change. 5. Climate Smart Agriculture. To ensure a food-secure future, farming must become climate resilient. Around the world, governments and communities are adopting innovations that are reducing agriculture’s climate footprint and can serve as an inspiration and model for local strategies, future policies and investments. 6. Investing in Agribusiness. Building upon topics presented from the last several IFAMA conferences, what are the conditions for successful investments in Africa? Share other successful investment models from your home country including: China, India, South America. Other invited research topics for the 2015 meeting include: • Agribusiness Firms and Value Chains • Development of the Food and Agribusiness Sectors • Talent Development and Sustainability • Environmental Concerns • Customer Orientation and Marketing • Commodity Price Volatility and Availability • Food, Health, Security and Safety Issues • Other Areas (Research does not fall into a category identified above) Deadline to Submit abstracts of posters, papers and case studies: November 30, 2014. Timeline: 2014 October 1 Abstract submission opens. All abstracts will undergo a double-blind review process. November 30 Last day to submit abstracts of posters, papers, and case studies. 2015 January 10 Authors notified of acceptance into paper session, poster session, or HarvardStyle case January 30 Manuscripts due for Best Paper contest. Completed manuscripts from accepted poster or paper submissions are eligible. January 30 February 3 April 7 April 15 April 30 Final version due for HarvardStyle Teaching cases. Deadline for invited presenters to accept or decline invitation. Presenting Authors must register for IFAMA Forum & Symposium . Best Paper Finalists are named. Final Program Schedule available online. *Please note that decisions will be processed on a rolling basis in the order in which they are received and reviewed; early submission of your abstract is encouraged to secure your place in the program. Your acceptance letter will indicate whether the work will be included in a poster session, a paper session, or a Harvard-Style case session. If your proposal is not accepted in a paper session, you may be invited to showcase your research as a poster. Subsequent to acceptance of the abstract, completed journal quality papers will also be considered for the Best Paper Award. Requirements for Abstracts Selected Papers & Posters A selected paper presentation provides the author(s) a formal opportunity to share their research results and ideas with IFAMA participants in a small group setting. The poster sessions are likewise based on substantive research. To determine the quality of the research contribution, the selection of presentations and posters will be based on peer review of an extended abstract describing the research. Abstracts of research should be between 3 and 5 pages in length and contain: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Title Page Problem Statement Objectives Procedures/methodologies/approaches Results Conclusions References, if applicable Authors’ preferences for presentation as a paper or poster. Teaching Cases Teaching cases are written to stimulate classroom discussion. They should be on a topic that is important to managers; be written from the perspective of a specified protagonist (manager/decision maker); have a distinct decision point; and include pertinent background information and a teaching note. Cases discussed at the Symposium will be selected by the committee using a number of criteria, including: a. Case topic and relevance b. Quality of the case c. Background and objectives of the case presenter Proposal Submission Instructions Symposium Submission Portal Review, Evaluation and Decisions The Symposium Evaluation Committee consists of the Symposium Co-chair(s), the Case Conference Chair and Co-Chairs, and selected reviewers from IFAMA membership. They will review the abstracts and communicate a decision as to whether the paper, poster, or case study is accepted for presentation in Minneapolis. IFAMR editors will notify authors of being selected as a Best Paper finalist by April 15, 2015. Questions regarding any aspect of this call can be directed to the IFAMA Business Office or to the Symposium Co-chairs: 2015 Symposium Co-Chairs: Dr. Jay Lillywhite New Mexico State University, USA Dr. DeeVon Bailey Utah State University, USA Contact the co-chairs through the IFAMA Business Office Academic Symposium E-Mail: [email protected] International Food and Agribusiness Management Association Phone: 1(202)429-1610 Fax: 1(202)530-0659 Web: Email: [email protected]
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