St. Pius X Catholic Community 1025 E. Madison Street Lombard, IL 60148 630-627-4526 WELCOME TO ST. PIUS X CATHOLIC COMMUNITY 1025 E. MADISON STREET ■ LOMBARD, IL 60148 [email protected] DIOCESE OF JOLIET SERVED BY THE CONGREGATION OF THE RESURRECTION MISSION STATEMENT We the people of St. Pius X Church, a faith community in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Joliet, Illinois, accept the challenge to restore all things in Christ through the use of our gifts and ministry. Guided by the Father, nourished by the Eucharist, and inspired by the Holy Spirit we embrace all through our commitment to worship, education, service, and stewardship. LEMA DE NUESTRA MISIÓN Nosotros las personas de la Iglesia de San Pío X, una comunidad de fe Católica de la Diócesis de Joliet, Illinois, aceptamos los desafíos de restaurar todas las cosas en Cristo, por medio de nuestros talentos y ministerios. Guiados por el Padre, nutridos por la Eucaristía, e inspirados por el Espíritu Santo; unidos y comprometidos todos nosotros por medio de nuestros dones, educación y servicio. Business Manager: John Matyasik Administrative Assistant: Donna Cooper Parish Secretary: Pam Matyasik Maintenance Director: Sallie McGinn Pastoral Council, Chair: Betty Kramer Finance Council, Chair: Frank Enda Stewardship Council, Chair: Leanne Newman Pastor: Father George Zieba, CR Deacons: John Chan, Ron Knecht, Larry Lissak, Tom Rachubinski Hispanic Ministry Pastoral Assistant: Fr. Fernando Cuevas, CS Pastoral Care: Sr. Pauline Schutz, OSF Parish Office: 630-627-4526 Fax: 630-495-5926 [email protected] Faith Formation: 630-627-1551 [email protected] School: 630-627-2353 Fax: 630-627-1810 [email protected] Convent: 630-627-5810 School Principal: Daniel Flaherty Assistant Principal: Toni Miller Youth Ministry - Director: Mark Restaino Faith Formation - Director: Colleen Lowery Music Ministry - Director: Kirsten Currie Hispanic Ministry - Coordinator / Secretary: Laura Mora PAGE 2 IMPORTANT TO KNOW PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM—12:30 PM; 1:00 PM—4:00 PM Friday: 9:00 AM—3:00 PM MASSES Saturday: 5:00 PM Anticipation of Sunday Misa en Español: Sábado 7 PM Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, and 11:30 AM Mass interpreted in sign language:5 PM Sat. Holy Days: see previous Sunday Bulletin Weekdays: 8:30 AM Monday through Friday Saturday: 8:30 AM First Saturday of each month Friday-December 26 Parish Office Closed NEW PARISHIONERS Welcome! You are invited to come to or call the Parish Office to register. Forms are also available on the website. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday: 3:30 to 4:30 PM or by appointment. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the first Sunday at the 11:30 AM Mass. No Baptisms are celebrated during Lent. Parent preparation is required. The parent meeting for Baptism is generally on the first Monday of the month at 7:00 PM. Please call the Parish Office for more information (630-627-4526). SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Please call the Parish Office at least 6 months before your desired wedding date, to check availability. FUNERALS Arrangements should be made at the Parish Office before publication in the newspaper. SICK CALLS Homebound because of sickness or age, please call the Parish Office (630-627-4526) to arrange a visit with a Minister of Care or a priest. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please call the Parish Office for arrangements. Because of HIPAA Privacy regulations, hospitals can no longer contact the parish. If you are hospitalized and would like a priest or minister from St. Pius X to visit or have your name added to the Prayers of the Faithful, your family should notify the Parish Office. INFORMATION ABOUT OUR CATHOLIC FAITH For questions and instruction in the faith or to become a part of the RCIA process (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults), call the Parish Office. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL ASSISTANCE Mon. & Fri. 9:30 am—Noon, Wed. 12:30-2:30 pm Information: 630-300-4353 MINISTRIES AND ORGANIZATIONS If you are interested in one of our many ministries or wish to volunteer time or talent, please contact the Parish Office or see our website for more details. PRAYER INTENTIONS If you have a prayer intention that you would like the parish to pray for, write it in the Book of Prayer in Church. BULLETIN ARTICLES Due ten days prior to bulletin date. Attach Word file and email to [email protected]. Please put a contact name and phone number on each article indicating the date(s) you would like the article to run. Every effort will be made to see that your request is granted. As a general rule, we encourage using “bulletin space” instead of a separate insert whenever possible—–this saves the cost of printing. The following guidelines should be observed if an insert is necessary:A proposed insert must be submitted for approval prior to bulletin insertion weekend. Approved inserts must be delivered by Thursday to the Parish Office. Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life: or call 815-834-4004. Support Serra Vocations at the monthly Vocation Mass and dinner at St. Petronille Parish in Glen Ellyn. Please call 630-932-8098 for information. Reporting Sexual Abuse: Anyone who has reasonable cause to suspect the sexual abuse of a minor by a member of the clergy or other Church personnel is urged to report the matter immediately. To inform the Diocese of Joliet, call Mrs. Judith Speckman (Victim Assistance Coordinator) at 815-263-6467 or write the Diocese of Joliet, 425 Summit Street, Joliet 60435. Contact DCFS at 1-800-252-2873 or call the local County States Attorney. FREE ministry to traveling Catholics. For nationwide Mass times and locations: or December 21, 2014 PAGE 3 LITURGICAL NEWS Liturgical Calendar Ministry Schedule — December 27/28 Monday December 22-Late Advent Weekday 1 Sm 1:24-28; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Lk 1:46-56 8:30 am Amy E/M: J. Caprio, J. Enda, K. Kustra, B. Lyons, Saturday D. Trapp, E. Soger Dec. 27 Lectors: S. Kwak, K. Kwak 5:00 pm A/S: L. Guzik, L. King, M. & S. Poirier G: B. Sturz, M. Varnes Tuesday December 23-Saint John of Kanty Mal 3:1-4, 23-34; Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-10, 14; Lk 1:57-66 8:30 am Angelo Boffa by Kelly Family Wednesday December 24 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Lk 1:67-79 8:30 am St. Pius X Parish Family Vigil—The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas Eve) Is 62:1-5; Ps 89:4-5, 16-17, 27, 29; Acts 13:16-17, 22-25; Mt 1:1-25 Night: Is 9:1-6; Ps 96:1-3, 11-13; Ti 2:11-14; Lk 2:1-14 4:00 pm Ray Knoll by family Mary Washington by Therese Brossard 6:00 pm Louise Tirio (anniv.) by Lamplot Family Parishioners of St. Pius X Parish 8:00 pm Misa en español Carols at 11:30 pm before Midnight Mass Saturday Dec. 27 7:00 pm Español Acolitos: V. Garcia, A. Acosta, H. Serna Ministros: D. Lagunas, F. Diaz, A. Gamboa, T. Aguirre Hospitalidad: Y. Tiscareno, F. Palma Lectores: M. Vergara, J. Gamboa Peticiones: L. Serna Sunday Dec. 28 7:30 am E/M: S. Cerone, C. Gawenda, C. Holst, T. Lanigan D. May-Carter, L. Newman Lectors: E. Morris, B. Hocking A/S: A. & K. Bjorklund, C. & P. Lizasuain G: G. & K. Czaplicki, C. Acosta Sunday Dec. 28 9:30 am E/M: B. & D. Conlin, J. Gosmire, B. & H. Grant, M. Reznicek Lectors: M. Reznicek, K. Reznicek A/S: R. Popo, G. & K. Reznicek, J. Spencer G: M. Oczkowski, D. Stoltman Thursday December 25-The Nativity of the Lord Is 52:7-10; Ps 98:1-6; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18 12:00 am St. Pius X Parish Family 10:30 am Michael Vrona by family Friday December 26 Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 8ab, 16bc, 17; Mt 10:17-22 8:30 am Nick Paganelli by Pam Matyasik Saturday December 27 1 Jn 1:1-4; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12; Jn 20:1a, 2-8 3:30-4:30 pm Reconciliation Vigil—The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph 5:00 pm Don Tenkash by Jeanne Tenkash 7:00 pm Misa en español Sunday December 28 Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3; Ps 128:1-5 or Ps 105:1-6, 8-9; Col 3:12-21 or Hb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19; Lk 2:22-40 7:30 am Russ Gazzano by Vince & Sarah Giovenco 9:30 am St. Pius X Parish Family 11:30 am Richard Hintz E/M: V. Jablonsky, S. Lechtenberg, J. Molenda, Sunday B. Sutton, L. & P. Warda Dec. 28 Lectors: M. Reaves, S. Rakowski 11:30 am A/S: N. Lechtenberg, J. & L. Matasek, B. McGovern Altar Server Daily Mass Schedule for 8:30 am Masses Monday, December 22: B. Hoffman, K. Tyszkiewicz Tuesday, December 23: J. Long, S. Ryan Wednesday, December 24: R. Dawson, J. Vittori Friday, December 26: H. Konrath, E. Ryan Jonathan Miller & Karolyn Serio — II the following parishioners and friends who are ill: St. Pius X Prayer Chapel Frank Cvach Randy Welker Bob Heise The Prayer Chapel is open Sunday through Friday evenings, 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Please come and adore Him. Use Door #8 on east side of church building. PAGE 4 Karen Krystyan Cindy Metz Christmas Schedule Lighthouse CD Spotlight Wednesday, December 24 — Christmas Eve Mass Times: 4:00 pm 6:00 pm 8:00 pm (espanol) CD’s Make Great Stocking Stuffers! From the Foundation of the World In From the Foundation of the World, Curtiss Martin speaks to thousands of young adults about the importance of having a relationship for Jesus Christ. “Do you believe that what you believe is really real?” If our God became man, changed bread and wine into His body and blood, died on the cross, and rose from the dead, then our lives must reflect it. Be inspired and encouraged to live whole heartedly for a God who has loved you from the foundation of the world. Carols at 11:30 pm Thursday, December 25 — Christmas Mass Times: Midnight (Music by Brass Quartet) 10:30 am Ministry Schedule — December 24/25 Wed. Dec 24 4:00 pm E/M: L. Fontana, J. & L. Meyer, C. Monckton, A. Stoltman A/S: F. & T. Florey, E. & M. Hassler, C. Solch Wed. Dec. 24 6:00 pm E/M: N. Canete, C. Devito, B. Kramer, V. McClelland, N. Rigor Lectors: P. Mancione, F. Krawczyk A/S: A. Alandy, A. & K. Tortorici, K. Tyszkiewicz, J. Weaver G: C. Devito, F. Krawczyk Wed. Dec. 24 8:00 pm Español Acolitos: J. Cruz, D. Garcia, A. Osorio Ministros: M. Lagunas, R. & L. Serna, E. Mendoza Hospitalidad: J. Gamboa, G. Ruiz Lectores: S. Mondragon, N. Osorio Peticiones: F. Diaz CD’s are available in the Gathering Space for $3.00 each. Year of Consecrated Life Prayer for the Year of Consecrated Life E/M: M. & T. D’Alessandro, S. Lechtenberg, Thurs. M. LoCoco, B. Sutton, C. & S. Trefilek Dec. 25 Lectors: C. D’Acquisto, C. Weiland Midnight A/S: I. & S. D’Alessandro, B. & N. Lechtenberg, A. Vittorio O God, throughout the ages you have called women and men to pursue lives of perfect charity through the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience. During this Year of Consecrated Life, we give you thanks for these courageous witnesses of faith and models of inspiration. Their pursuit of holy lives teaches us to make a more perfect offering of ourselves to you. Continue to enrich your Church by calling forth sons and daughters who, having found the pearl of great price, treasure the Kingdom of Heaven above all things. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. E/M: D. Czocher, C. & K. Grafton, E. Soger, Thurs. L. Thurman, C. Walsh, L. & P. Warda Dec. 25 Lectors: J. Molenda, J. Lissak 10:30 am A/S: H. & J. Guthrie, R. Trimarco, J. Walsh B. Zaccone TODAY'S READINGS First Reading -- I will fix a place for my people. (2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16). Psalm -- For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord (Psalm 89). Second Reading -- To the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, be glory forever and ever (Romans 16:25-27). Gospel -- Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word (Luke 1:26-38). November 30, 2014—February 7, 2016 December 21, 2014 PAGE 5 PARISH NEWS Our 60 Year Journey DVD CHRISTMAS ALERT As you know, we recently started a campaign to increase financial support of two of our parish improvement projects, by offering a complimentary DVD about the history of our parish to those who made a donation of at least $20.00 or more to support the Air Conditioning and Restrooms improvement projects. As a result of viewing various segments of the Anniversary DVD, many parishioners have asked how they could get additional copies of the DVD as Christmas presents for family or friends. Our dilemma was how to do that and still honor the basis of our original offer in a fair manner. Ugly Sweater Christmas Party On Monday, December 22, from 6:30-8 pm, the Youth Ministry will be having a Christmas Party! Come and show off your ugliest Christmas sweater while enjoying some jingle bell rock, hot cocoa, and reindeer games. Ho Ho Hope to see you there! So here is how you can obtain additional copies for Christmas presents. If you made the initial required donation of $20.00 or more to one of our designated projects, you would qualify to receive another copy of the DVD for each additional $20.00 donation. For this holiday season, ending December 24, 2014, you can take advantage of this offer to obtain additional copies of the DVD. There will be a table in the Narthex on the weekend of December 20/21 where you can make your initial donation of $20.00 or more, or make additional donations of $20.00 to receive, on the spot, the 60th Anniversary DVD. Saturday, February 7, 2015 @ The Carlisle, in Lombard. An evening at the Black and Gold Gala will include cocktail hour, 4-course dinner, premium open bar, music, dancing, live & silent auction, and various raffles. Ticket prices for this year’s event are as follows: $80 per ticket Table Pricing for 10 People: $750 Thank you for your enthusiastic support of our parish improvement projects. Questions? There are many volunteer opportunities, including: planning, marketing, and event day. If you are interested in working with the team, please contact volunteer coordinators, Jen Law @ 630.981.7589 or Ken Law @ 630.688.8798, or email [email protected]. P.A.D.S. Volunteers Needed P.A.D.S. (Public Action to Deliver Shelter) has a new site in Hinsdale and St. Pius X will provide for the 4th Friday of the month through April 2015. We are also responsible for Saturday breakfast. This new site is a family only site and very different from our past sites. The kitchen is small and clients stay in several rooms. To assist in the upcoming months, the St. Pius X Community needs either 2-3 families or 1 group to provide and serve dinner and another 1 to 2 families or 1 group to provide and serve breakfast. Out of respect for these families and the size of the site, the number of volunteers will be restricted to just what is needed. Further information will be provided. Contact Deacon Larry at 630-629-9234 until 10 pm. +++ Great Opportunity for Confirmation/Service Hours +++ PAGE 6 Meet the Friends of the Resurrection at Holy Trinity Parish “The community of believers were of one heart and one mind….” Acts 4:32 Meet the Friends of the Resurrection at Holy Trinity Parish – II Gathering Are you searching for a deeper conversion to Our Lord? Do you want to learn how to spread the Good News of Jesus? Do you think Catholics should do something about bringing the hope of Christ to a fallen world? If these are the kind of questions that touch your heart then come to the second session of the “Friends of the Resurrection” Get-Together on Saturday, January 10, from 9:00 am – 12 noon at Holy Trinity Parish, 111 South Cass Avenue, Westmont, IL. We begin with a Holy Hour for the conversion of our own hearts and for peace in the world. Children, youth, married couples, seniors – all will join together in an hour of prayer which includes exposition and benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. After a short break we will again gather in the Church to listen to Father Richard Grek, CR, former novice master for the USA province of the Congregation of the Resurrection speaking on “Dying to Self and Rising with Christ.” We conclude the morning with a simple brunch and continued discussion in the parish hall. Groups of “Friends of the Resurrection” function in other dioceses as associations of the “Congregation of the Resurrection” the religious order to which I belong. You can be a part of something new and exciting here in the Joliet diocese as local Resurrectionists form a new Friends group here locally. Other Resurrectionists serve in the Diocese of Joliet: in Westmont, Woodridge, Morris, Wheaton and, of course, Lombard. Actually, the Congregation of the Resurrection spreads its message of hope in fourteen countries of the world. The mission of the “Friends” envisions a world rising from sin and division by the grace of Our Lord Jesus. In a nutshell, Friends of the Resurrection walk the road of personal conversion while helping others die to self and rise with Christ. During the next few months, the Friends will meet in various parishes in our region to pray and learn more of the C.R. message of the Gospel of Hope. You will hear about the founders of the Congregation of the Resurrection and their dream to convert the world to Christ, a dream which Resurrectionists continue to promote. Join us for this get-together to pray and learn more about the experience of rising from sin and living a new life through the power of Christ’s Resurrection. It just might change your life! Sincerely yours in the Risen Lord, Father George December 21, 2014 PAGE 7 The Staff from St. Pius X Catholic Community wish you a truly blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year! Glory to God in the Highest! A Savior Has Been Born for You! When the angels went away from them to heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let us go, then, to Bethlehem to see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known to us.” So they went in haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the infant lying in the manger. When they saw this, they made known the message that had been told them about this child. All who heard it were amazed by what had been told them by the shepherds. And Mary kept all these things, reflecƟng on them in her heart. Then the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, just as it had been told to them. Luke 2:15-20 PAGE 8 MINISTERIO HISPANO Misa en Español Sacerdote Coordinadora de Ministerio Hispano Coordinador Educación Religiosa Sábado 7:00 pm Fernando Cuevas Laura Mora Abraham Rodríguez Bautizos 1er. Y 3er. Sábado del mes Matrimonios, Visita a los enfermos, Quinceañeras e Intenciones de misa Favor de hablar a la Rectoría para mas información Horario de Oficina Miércoles Jueves Teléfono Email 9:00 am—1:00 pm 1:00 pm—4:00 p.m. 630-627-4526 X203 [email protected] REFLEXION 1. Hagamos una Casa 1.1 En un arranque de piedad David quiere hacerle una casa al arca de la alianza; una casa para Dios. Le parece poca cosa una tienda de campaña, sobre todo si la compara con la casa de cedro que él mismo habita. De algún modo David se siente fuerte en su magnífica casa y quiere darle de su fortaleza y esplendor a la humilde casa de la alianza. Humanamente este proyecto le suena de lo más razonable a Natán, pero no es ese el pensamiento del Espíritu, y Natán tiene que retractarse. 1.2 Hay una hermosa lógica en el nuevo mensaje que Natán tiene que darle a su rey. Es Dios quien ha guardado a David y David debe recordarlo hasta el final de sus días. " Yo te daré una casa a ti", le dice el Señor, y así brota por primera vez la maravillosa promesa davídica que marca toda la historia de Judá hasta Cristo mismo. En el fondo el mensaje dice: "¿quién da la fortaleza?". El mensaje honra la soberanía de Dios y canta su fidelidad y su gracia a la vez. 1.3 Puede entenderse de otro modo, sin embargo. Las tiendas de campaña son la vivienda propia del desierto. En el desierto no se construye con cedro porque hay que permanecer en camino. David ya se estableció, Dios no. Dios sigue en camino, Él es el Eterno Peregrino. 1.4 Además, el desierto es el gran lugar de la alianza, como lo proclama sobre todo Oseas (cf. Os 2,14). Allí, sin la estorbosa competencia de los ídolos, sin la prepotencia que dan las riquezas, sin la suficiencia que da el poder, David fue más David que nunca, y Dios no olvida eso ni quiere que David lo olvide. 2.1 La promesa pronunciada por Natán atraviesa la esperanza de todo el Antiguo Testamento y finalmente desemboca, de modo inesperado y maravilloso, en otra promesa, la del ángel Gabriel a la Santa Virgen María: "Vas a concebir y a dar a luz un hijo y le pondrás por nombre Jesús... el Señor Dios le dará el trono de David, su padre" (Lc 1,31-32). ¡Qué maravillosa unidad, qué magnífica belleza toma la historia humana leída a la luz de esta promesa, que tensa nuestro adviento hasta darle música y encanto de cielo! 2.2 En la primera lectura vemos cómo Dios rechaza que se le haga una casa. Después, es Él mismo quien dispone cómo se ha de edificar el templo, a cuidado del gran Salomón. Pero el templo verdadero no lo hará Salomón, sino el Espíritu Santo, y no en Jerusalén, sino en María. "El templo era su cuerpo...", anota Juan refiriéndose a Cristo (Jn 2,21). Y este es principio que podemos aplicar a tantas cosas: sólo Dios hace obras dignas de Dios; sólo Dios sabe cómo se alaba a Dios, cómo se sirve a Dios, cómo se ama a Dios. Nada somos, nada podemos en su honor si Él mismo no viene con su Espíritu a darnos la luz, la voluntad y la constancia. 2.3 El templo era su Cuerpo. El templo es su Cuerpo. Ese Cuerpo bendito, ese Cuerpo glorioso que contempla nuestra fe en los altares, que come nuestra boca en cada Eucaristía. El Cuerpo tejido de amores en María; el Cuerpo y Templo y Casa que David hubiera querido ver, ese es el Cuerpo que comulgamos, esa es la verdad que nos sacia, ese es el Amor que nos colma de alegría y de gozo. 2. La estirpe de David Fr. Nelson Medina OP December 21, 2014 PAGE 9 DEANERY AND DIOCESAN NEWS Job Opportunities Free Personal Change Class Offered Bishops’ Office – Administrative Assistant Serves as personal secretary to the Vicar for Priests and Executive Assistant to the Bishop. College or Business School education preferred. Ability to maintain confidentiality is required. Five years’ current administrative experience working on an executive level and proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite, including Word (especially Mail Merge), Outlook, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, etc. Advanced knowledge of proper telephone skills and etiquette. Self-starter, with the ability to work independently and as a team player. Ability to multi-task, be flexible and capable of handling a variety of on-going projects at the same time. Professional, detail-oriented, discreet and have understanding of the high level of confidentiality of the position. Fluency in both English and Spanish language is a plus. To view a full job description go to under “Employment.” Candidates meeting the necessary qualifications may email a cover letter, resume and wage requirement to: [email protected]. Do you feel that life is beating you down? Are you always struggling to make ends meet? Do you want to let go of unproductive thoughts, feelings and behaviors and replace them with positive ones that will move you toward a better quality of life? Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet is offering a program of personal change called Out of Poverty. This program is not just about the lack of money; it’s also about poverty of the spirit. Discussion within a group setting encourages honesty and focuses on the fact that life has not turned out the way you thought it would. Give yourself a second chance and register for Out of Poverty classes today. Classes will be held at Catholic Charities in Lombard each Monday from 9:30 am – 12:30 pm from January 5 – February 23, 2015. A special graduation ceremony is planned for March 2, 2015. For more information, or to register, call Yvonne Morrongiello at 630-495-8008 ext. 2122. Visit our website at Diocese of Joliet Principal Position Available A principal position is available for the 2015-16 school year at St. Joan of Arc Catholic School, a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence located in Lisle, Illinois. This premier Diocese of Joliet Catholic elementary school offers world-class educational experiences that are firmly rooted in traditional Catholic doctrine to students in pre-school through grade eight. Vocations & Discipleship Conference Here I Am Lord Vocations and Discipleship Conference The Diocese of Joliet is hosting the first Here I Am Lord Vocations and Discipleship Conference this year. All 7th, 8th and 9th grade students (diocesan grade school students, students who attend public schools, students in religious education programs and youth groups, home school students, etc.) are invited and encouraged to attend. Successful candidates must be strong and practicing Catholics who uphold the teachings of the faith and who exemplify an unwavering commitment to Catholic education that is firmly rooted in Gospel values. Candidates must possess advanced degrees in educational leadership; hold current Illinois Professional Educator Licenses with General Administrative Endorsement; and have to their credit at least five years of successful teaching and/or administrative experience in a Catholic school. This evening event will take place on March 3, 2015 from 6-9 pm at St. Isaac Jogues Church and School (Hinsdale). The evening will include a dynamic talk by popular Catholic speaker Matt Fradd, a vocations fair, vocation stories, breakout sessions, praise and worship music, Eucharistic adoration, Confession, and much more. The deadline for the submission of complete applications is Friday, January 23, 2015. Apply online through the Diocese of Joliet AppliTrack application system at the following URL: Preliminary interviews will be scheduled as complete applications are submitted. Thank You! “We can certainly call you friends because of the way you care for our retired members,” writes a religious brother. Your gift to last week’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious benefits some 35,000 senior sisters, brothers, and religious order priests. May God bless you for your generosity! Individual students and families are strongly encouraged to take part in this exciting opportunity. Registration is available on the DOJ Catholic Schools website ( under Event Registration. Please note that parents must be in attendance with their child as a chaperone if registered individually or as a family. The cost for this evening session is $10.00 per student with no cost for chaperones. This cost includes a t-shirt. An e-mail confirmation will be sent to request the t-shirt size and it will include payment information. For questions or more information, please contact Stephanie at [email protected] or 815.729.0288. PAGE 10 COMMUNITY NEWS Upper Room Volunteers Needed Longest Married Couple Project This call is going out to all Catholics who wish to follow the lead of Pope Francis to reach out to those in need. The Upper Room Crisis Hotline was established initially to care for our priests, deacons and men religious. However, the Holy Spirit has directed lay people of all faiths to call us for spiritual help. We do not advertise to lay people but they find us on the internet, thus I’m crediting the Holy Spirit with the addition of lay people to our services. We remain a national faith-based hotline serving those in need. The search for longest married couples has begun. In addition to honoring the longest married couple for the entire United States, recognition will also be given to a couple from each state and territory who have achieved that distinction. In the case of the United States couple, appropriate gifts will be presented to them at a ceremony to be held at their location during Valentine's week. The state winners will receive personal recognition and a special certificate of achievement during that same time frame from the Worldwide Marriage Encounter movement. For more information go to To assist these callers we’re beginning a new volunteer training class on January 13, 2015 and will hold the classes at the University of St. Francis every Tuesday and Thursday evenings until March 5th from 7:00 to 9:00 PM in Room C 105, in the Motherhouse building on Plainfield Rd. Volunteers are greatly needed as we often receive more than one call at a time. If you can offer help to the Line or have any questions, please call Sr. Mary Frances Seeley at 815-341-9124. Thank you, and God bless. Montini Catholic Student-Athletes Sign National Letters-of-Intent Montini Catholic High School is proud to announce that seven student-athletes signed Letters-of-Intent to continue their academic and athletic endeavors at the college level. Monica Loftus a graduate of St. Pius X School and a parishioner of St. Pius X Church is a member of this elite group. Monica will be continuing her academic and athletic (volleyball) pursuits at St. Louis University. Montini Catholic High School Placement Exam January 10, 2015 at 8:00 am Placement Exam Pre-Test & Registration Night Thursday – January 8th at 7:00pm Students testing at Montini Catholic on January 10 may earn Montini Catholic High School Academic Scholarships. For more information go to or contact Kim Richmond at 630-627-6930 ext 182. Montini Catholic High School 19W070 16th Street Lombard The St. Pius X bulletins are paid for by these advertisers; please thank them by supporting their businesses. December 21, 2014 PAGE 11 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE TJ’S LAND CARE Complete Landscaping & Lawn Care PUSH Installation & Maintenance Very Reasonable • Landscape Design • Paver Brick Patios • Retaining Walls • Decorative Stone • Tree & Shrub Pruning Installation & Removal Ask about Parishioner Discount w/ ad • Excavating & Grading • Sod, Black Dirt & Mulch Installation • Fertilization, Aeration, Power Raking & Mowing 2014 Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Operated by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. © TALK ........ 24/7 HELP ........ ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made Parishioner Discount FUNERAL HOMES [email protected] An ideal companion for personal prayer. Real Estate Broker 630-947-5672 [email protected] Parishioner Professional-Fair-Honest Service 800-566-6150 • 000603 St Pius X Church (B) Ph. 630-279-2995 *First Three Months John Matyasik CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 David P. Planz TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal In Stock & Ready to Order Today. Service • Installation • Duct Work 24 Hr. Emergency Service $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH Call John for Free Estimates Member of 630-393-1993 Better Bus. Bureau PLANZ HEATING & AIR FUNERAL DIRECTORS JACK BRUST FRANK BUCARO JOHN BRANDON BRUST JOSEPH LYNE President Office Staff MARY ANN TUMPANE 135 S. MAIN ST. LOMBARD 1952 305 S. PRINCETON AVE. VILLA PARK 629-0094 1937 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 WHY PAY MORE? 491 E. Roosevelt Rd. Lombard, IL 630-932-1700 SKIBCO PAINTING Residential & Commercial Exterior & Interior FREE ESTIMATES MIKE SKIBBIE, Parishioner & Alumni 630.248.6687 STEVE SABATINO, Parishioner (630) 834-0620 Gutters & Siding 6 W. St. Charles Road • Villa Park Est. 1993 Free Est. Lic. #104-008445 BLUEBERRY HILL CAFE 100 E. North Ave., Villa Park 832-1034 941-1270 • Breakfast • Lunch • Catering/Parties 3041 Butterfield Rd. Oak Brook Promenade 630.575.8401 630-207-5494 A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Complete Plumbing & Sewer Services Hot Foods • Deli • Dessert Catering Platters Delicious Meats & Cheeses Produce and Groceries Polish and Lithuanian Family Owned Business $5 OFF any purchase of $50 or more Pumps & Flooding Issues Fixed ACE Plumbing & Sewer Co. Guaranteed Work 7145 S. Kingery Hwy. Route 83 Willowbrook, IL 630.655.2200 Mon-Fri 8am-9pm • Sat 8am-8pm • Sun 8am-6pm NOTRE DAME FAMILY CENTER Rev. James Watzke, Ph.D. Depression - Anxiety - Stress Family - Separation - Divorce Sub Abuse - Medicare - Español Oakbrook Terr. In the Eastgate Shopping Center 630-782-5902 Michael R. Ludwig, CPA, CFP® Individual & Business Tax Planning and Preparation Business • Accounting Services [email protected] 629-0220 Individual & Small Business Service Tax Planning • Financial Statements Certified Public Accountant Parishioner Over 25 Years Experience ATTORNEY-AT-LAW • Real Estate • Corp. Law • Wills 708-227-0446 Tear-Off Specialists 630-629-3345 837 S. Westmore WAYNE PARSONS, CPA JAMES PONTRELLI Free Consultation LUDWIG & ASSOCIATES, LTD. Serving the Community Since 1962 Since 1983 Call Ed Today 708-204-8602 • 630-910-1657 Where Service is an Art 630.691.1114 Robert J. Van Staalduinen – Owner Keith Kustra – Director, Parishioner Joshua L. Van Staalduinen – Director Single and pregnant? We care about you. Call 312-454-1717 1500 S. Meyers Rd. • Lombard, IL 60148 (630) 932-1500 • Catholic Charities Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 PROSCAPES DENTISTRY LAWN CARE Weekly Mowing • Full Service Cuts • Fall & Spring Clean Up 630.777.6000 Commercial • Residential an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Healthy Teeth & Gums For Life 32 S. VILLA AVE. VILLA PARK, IL 60181 Michael T. Colletti, DDS * $89 NEW PATIENT SPECIAL * 630-832-1760 Cleaning, Exam & X-Rays Parishioner Mon.-Fri. 8-6 - Sat. 8-5:30 Sundays 10-4 Year Round 237 S. Main St., Lombard 630.620.8304 Steuerle Funeral Home 350 S. Ardmore Ave., Villa Park 000603 St Pius X Church (A) (630) 832-4161 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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