St. Pius X Catholic Community 1025 E. Madison Street Lombard, IL 60148 630-627-4526 WELCOME TO ST. PIUS X CATHOLIC COMMUNITY 1025 E. MADISON STREET ■ LOMBARD, IL 60148 [email protected] DIOCESE OF JOLIET SERVED BY THE CONGREGATION OF THE RESURRECTION MISSION STATEMENT We the people of St. Pius X Church, a faith community in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Joliet, Illinois, accept the challenge to restore all things in Christ through the use of our gifts and ministry. Guided by the Father, nourished by the Eucharist, and inspired by the Holy Spirit we embrace all through our commitment to worship, education, service, and stewardship. LEMA DE NUESTRA MISIÓN Nosotros las personas de la Iglesia de San Pío X, una comunidad de fe Católica de la Diócesis de Joliet, Illinois, aceptamos los desafíos de restaurar todas las cosas en Cristo, por medio de nuestros talentos y ministerios. Guiados por el Padre, nutridos por la Eucaristía, e inspirados por el Espíritu Santo; unidos y comprometidos todos nosotros por medio de nuestros dones, educación y servicio. Business Manager: John Matyasik Administrative Assistant: Donna Cooper Parish Secretary: Pam Matyasik Maintenance Director: Sallie McGinn Pastoral Council, Chair: Basil Weaver Finance Council, Chair: David Tortorici Stewardship Council, Chair: Leanne Newman Pastor: Father George Zieba, CR Deacons: John Chan, Ron Knecht, Larry Lissak, Tom Rachubinski Hispanic Ministry Pastoral Assistant: Fr. Firmo Mantovani, CS Pastoral Care: Sr. Pauline Schutz, OSF Parish Office: 630-627-4526 Fax: 630-495-5926 [email protected] Faith Formation: 630-627-1551 [email protected] School: 630-627-2353 Fax: 630-627-1810 [email protected] Convent: 630-627-5810 School Principal: Daniel Flaherty Assistant Principal: Toni Miller Faith Formation - Director: Colleen Lowery Youth Ministry - Director: Mark Restaino Music Ministry - Director: Kirsten Currie Hispanic Ministry - Coordinator / Secretary: Laura Mora PAGE 2 IMPORTANT TO KNOW PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM—12:30 PM; 1:00 PM—4:00 PM Friday: 9:00 AM—3:00 PM MASSES Saturday: 5:00 PM Anticipation of Sunday Misa en Español: Sábado 7 PM Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, and 11:30 AM Holy Days: see previous Sunday Bulletin Weekdays: 8:30 AM Monday through Friday Saturday: 8:30 AM First Saturday of each month NEW PARISHIONERS Welcome! You are invited to come to or call the Parish Office to register. Forms are also available on the website. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday: 3:30 to 4:30 PM or by appointment. MINISTRIES AND ORGANIZATIONS If you are interested in one of our many ministries or wish to volunteer time or talent, please contact the Parish Office or see our website for more details. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the first Sunday at the 11:30 AM Mass. No Baptisms are celebrated during Lent. Parent preparation is required. The parent meeting for Baptism is generally on the first Monday of the month at 7:00 PM. Please call the Parish Office for more information (630-627-4526). PRAYER INTENTIONS If you have a prayer intention that you would like the parish to pray for, write it in the Book of Prayer in Church. BULLETIN ARTICLES Due ten days prior to bulletin date. Attach Word file and email to [email protected]. Please put a contact name and phone number on each article indicating the date(s) you would like the article to run. Every effort will be made to see that your request is granted. As a general rule, we encourage using “bulletin space” instead of a separate insert whenever possible—–this saves the cost of printing. The following guidelines should be observed if an insert is necessary:A proposed insert must be submitted for approval prior to bulletin insertion weekend. Approved inserts must be delivered by Thursday to the Parish Office. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Please call the Parish Office at least 6 months before your desired wedding date, to check availability. FUNERALS Arrangements should be made at the Parish Office before publication in the newspaper. SICK CALLS Homebound because of sickness or age, please call the Parish Office (630-627-4526) to arrange a visit with a Minister of Care or a priest. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please call the Parish Office for arrangements. Because of HIPAA Privacy regulations, hospitals can no longer contact the parish. If you are hospitalized and would like a priest or minister from St. Pius X to visit or have your name added to the Prayers of the Faithful, your family should notify the Parish Office. INFORMATION ABOUT OUR CATHOLIC FAITH For questions and instruction in the faith or to become a part of the RCIA process (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults), call the Parish Office. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL ASSISTANCE Mon. & Fri. 9:30 am—Noon, Wed. 12:30-2:30 pm Information: 630-300-4353 Pregnant? Confused? Need Help? Please call Woman’s Choice Services at 630-261-9221. Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life: or call 815-834-4004. Support Serra Vocations at the monthly Vocation Mass and dinner at St. Petronille Parish in Glen Ellyn. Please call 630-932-8098 for information. Reporting Sexual Abuse: Anyone who has reasonable cause to suspect the sexual abuse of a minor by a member of the clergy or other Church personnel is urged to report the matter immediately. To inform the Diocese of Joliet, call Mrs. Judith Speckman (Victim Assistance Coordinator) at 815-263-6467 or write the Diocese of Joliet, 425 Summit Street, Joliet 60435. Contact DCFS at 1-800-252-2873 or call the local County States Attorney. November 15, 2015 PAGE 3 LITURGICAL NEWS St. Pius X Prayer Chapel Liturgical Calendar The Prayer Chapel is open Sunday through Friday evenings, 7 pm to 11 pm. Please come and adore Him. Use Door #8 on east side of church building. Would you like to sign up for an hour per week in the Prayer Chapel? Please contact our leaders to pledge your hour. Monday November 16-Saint Margaret of Scotland; Saint Gertrude 1 Mc 1:10-15, 41-43, 54-57, 62-63; Ps 119:53, 61, 134, 150, 155, 158; Lk 18:35-43 8:30 am Sophie Czaplicki by Audrey Baran Tuesday November 17-Saint Elizabeth of Hungary 2 Mc 6:18-31; Ps 3:2-7; Lk 19:1-10 8:30 am Orlando Vivacqua by family Wednesday November 18-The Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul; Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne 2 Mc 7:1, 20-31; Ps 17:1bcd, 5-6, 8b, 15; Lk 19:11-28 or (for the memorial of the Dedication) Acts 28:11-16, 30-31; Ps 98:1-6; Mt 14:22-33 8:30 am Harold Class by Christine Kissel Thursday November 19-Weekday 1 Mc 2:15-29; Ps 50:1b-2, 5-6, 14-15; Lk 19:41-44 8:30 am St. Pius X Parish Family Friday November 20-Weekday 1 Mc 4:36-37, 52-59; 1 Chr 29:10bcd, 11-12; Lk 19:45-48 8:30 am John Temborius (anniv.) by family Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Estelle Soger Linda Chan Michelle LoCoco John Chan Ceil D’Acquisto Carol Gawenda 630-627-8310 630-202-2489 630-567-0373 630-202-2943 630-627-9472 630-833-3211 Rosary/Prayer/Benediction-Wednesday 8 pm Prayer Chapel “I will not allow myself to be so absorbed in the whirlwind of work as to forget about God. I will spend all of my free moments at the feet of the Master hidden in the Blessed Sacrament. He has been tutoring me from my most tender years.” (St. Maria Faustina Kowalska) Saturday November 21-The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 1 Mc 6:1-13; Ps 9:2-4, 6, 16, 19; Lk 20:27-40 3:30-4:30 pm Reconciliation Vigil—Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe 5:00 pm Helen Dime by Parish Staff Dolores Walsh by Cheryl Sutton 7:00 pm Misa en español Sunday November 22 Dn 7:13-14; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Rv 1:5-8; Jn 18:33b-37 7:30 am Mary Gerlesits by friends Fran & Erv Dybisz by Pat & John Tirio 9:30 am Scott Dixon by Diane Brogno Joseph Viso by Giovenco Family 11:30 am Catherine Glennon by Joe Guthrie Family Reflecting on God’s Word The Gospel predicts end times; our challenge though is to live faithfully now. When we live in conformity to the Word, hearing Jesus’ words and living them out, the future holds no fear for us. Have you considered answering the call to help serve the poor by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? Ministry Schedules are available by signing onto the software from your computer/tablet. Click onto the “Ministry Scheduler Pro” button on the home page of our website: the following parishioners and friends who are ill: Frank Cvach Karen Krystyan Lynn Carrigan Mark Furjanic Mary Jane Weiland PAGE 4 Jean Corso Baby Logan Groenendyk Elizabeth McNicholas Paul Pignatelli Peggy Schuda Loretta Hamill New Evangelization Ministry Lighthouse CD Spotlight During Advent we sing, “A voice cries out in the wilderness: Prepare a way for the Lord. A voice cries out in the wilderness: Make straight a highway for God.” To prepare your heart for the coming of Christ this Christmas, try pausing daily during Advent to meditate on the wonder of God becoming man by reading an Advent daily reflection book, listening to a CD about the mystery of Christmas, or watching a DVD depicting the Nativity of our Lord. The Right Perspective The New Evangelization Ministry’s library will be featuring these types of resources and more after Masses the weekend of November 21/22. We also have a variety of items for kids and families to use during Advent. Stop by the library table to pick up an Advent calendar and coloring pages for kids. All resources can be checked out for free, and will be due back the weekend of January 9/10. Materials previously checked out can be returned or renewed at the library table next weekend, or dropped off any time in the New Evangelization Ministry’s resource return box located in the back of church. Light Our Way Tune in at 930am or 950am Now in its 13th year, Relevant Radio® is “Talk Radio for Catholic Life”, broadcasting 24/7 on 33 stations in 13 states and across the world over the internet. Relevant Father Mitch is a priest of the Society of Jesus, a highly respected scripture scholar and author, a regular host of EWTN Television and Radio, and the founder and president of Ignatius Productions—a catholic teaching and media apostolate. Listen as Fr. Pacwa describes the "big picture" of the Catholic Faith while explaining the perspective that Catholics ought to have in their relation to and with God. CD’s are available in the Gathering Space for $3.00 each. Radio owns and operates 13 stations and produces 60 hours of original programming each week. Relevant Radio creates a community of hope. Through this personal and intimate forum of communications, hope Getting Through the Tough Times is rekindled, marriages are saved, souls draw closer to Christ and His Church, and the Truth sets many free. Be a part of this amazing journey! Tune in and listen now! You can also listen on the web or get the FREE APP! "It's going to get worse before it gets better" is a phrase that prepares us to buckle up for a rough ride. We know that enduring a difficult time will require some strenuous physical or emotional energy on our part before we experience the calm of normality. Our past experience tells us that we can endure the difficult pressure better when we know how long it will last and if we know that something better awaits us. Getting through the tough times while holding to the promise that awaits us is the message of this weekend's readings. They point toward the promises of God's kingdom that will come after the maelstroms and chaos of this world. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. November 15, 2015 PAGE 5 PARISH NEWS Our Stewardship of Sharing Weekly Offering Report Weekly Offering Contributions-November 2015 First Week Offering 10,633 Electronic Giving (11/1-11/3) 5,271 Second Week Offering 10,446 Electronic Giving (11/4-11/10) 7,161 Budget Income for November* 73,000 Amount needed for November Offering Budget $39,489 *Budgeted offering income needed to meet monthly budgeted expenses Year to Date Sunday Offering Budget July 1, 2015 through October 31, 2015 Revenue $239,121 Budget 245,550 Over (under) Budget for year (6,429) Church Projects Collection July 1, 2015 through November 10, 2015 Air Conditioning $33,686 Lot Lights 399 Golden Touch Donations 7/1/15-11/10/15 $10,797 Thank you for your continued support of our ministries to the people of God. Early Bulletin Deadline Articles for November 29 Bulletin are due by Tuesday, November 17 St. Pius X Youth Ministry Taize Service and Ice Cream On Sunday, November 15, at 6:30 pm, students are welcome to join the St. Pius X youth group in attending a Taize service hosted at St. Joseph's in Downers Grove. After the service, we'll go out for ice cream. As always, parents are welcome to join us. Please email [email protected] if you are interested. Brunswick Zone XL On Monday, November 23, from 6:30-10 pm, the youth group is taking a bus to Brunswick Zone XL in Naperville, about 30 minutes from St. Pius X. We'll meet at Pius at 6:30 pm and be back by 10 pm (this is a change from the YM Calendar which says 9:30 pm). The cost is $20 per student by November 16 and $30 after that and includes bowling, shoe rental, pizza, soda, laser tag, and a $5 arcade card. Feel free to drop off payment in an envelope with your name in the Parish Office at any time. The next day we'll be volunteering at the Humanitarian Service Project; hope you can join us at both! Humanitarian Service Project On Tuesday, November 24, from 1-4 pm, we'll be volunteering at the Humanitarian Service Project in West Chicago, about 20 minutes from St. Pius X and helping them set-up to receive Christmas donations. Please email [email protected] to sign up. Winter Retreat at Dickson Valley The youth group is having an overnight Winter Retreat at Dickson Valley! We'll go snow tubing and rock climbing, play some broomball, and grow closer to God and one another. The cost is $80 per student by December 7 and $90 after that. We'll meet at St. Pius X on December 28 at 3:30 pm and be back the next day, December 29, by 6 pm. Please email Mark, at [email protected], to sign up or get more details. PAGE 6 ♫ ♫ Musical Notes ♫ ♫ This Week’s Calendar of Events Children's Choir We now have two children's choirs at St. Pius, rather than the one we had last year. Angel Voices is our 3rd-5th grade choir and the Saint Cecilia Singers are 6th, 7th and 8th graders. We still rehearse Thursdays at 3:15 pm; however, they alternate rehearsals and Masses. Please contact [email protected] for a schedule and information if you would like your child to participate. The children's choirs will now be singing at the first 9:30 am Mass of each month, instead of the 5:00 Mass. Tuesday-November 17 Administration Meeting 1:30 pm Parish Office Wednesday-November 18 Grade School Mass 8:30 am Church CCW Fair Trade Sale 7:30 pm Martha Room Rosary/Prayer/Benediction 8:00 pm Prayer Chapel Thursday-November 19 Finance Meeting 5:30 pm Parish Office Prayer Shawl Ministry 7:00 pm Mary Room Friday-November 20 Knights Card/Game Night 8:00 pm Social Center Saturday, November 21 and Sunday, November 22 Giving Tree Tags available and New Evan. Library Coming up: Wednesday, November 18—AV School Mass, 8:30 am Wednesday, December 2—SCS School Mass, 8:30 am Thursday, December 3—SCS Practice at 3:15 pm St. Pius X Council of Catholic Women ALL PARISHIONERS ARE INVITED! CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES FAIR TRADE SALE! WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 Martha Room —7:30 pm to 9:30 pm Adult Choir rehearses at 8:45 am before the 9:30 Sunday Mass . Please feel free to join us! Adult choir sings at 9:30 am Masses except for the 1st Sunday. Kirsten L. Currie St. Pius X Parish Music Director [email protected] 630-386-5525 (call or text) A variety of products made by people from around the world will be offered for purchase. Samples of food will be available. This is a wonderful opportunity to do some holiday shopping! Hope to see you on Wednesday! Please bring a friend. ??? CAROL 630-495-2647 Thank You St. Pius X Council of Catholic Women thanks everyone who came and helped at our recent Christmas Kaleidoscope Craft and Vendor Show: from the ladies in the kitchen, at the bake sale table, the raffle table, bakers, and those other ladies who helped in many other ways! Thank you to Frank Stawiarski, Paul Warda, and David Weiland — Your assistance was appreciated very much. Finally, special thanks to the Boy Scouts who did a wonderful job helping with the take down! With everybody’s help, the event ran smoothly. God bless you all! Help support St. Pius X School Tuesday, November 17, 2015 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. at the Panera Bread bakery-cafe at 1600 16th Street, Oak Brook Thank you Fr. George and St. Pius X parish community for your prayers. I am sincerely grateful and count you among my blessings. I would like to let you know that I am on the road to restored health. Knowing that you were keeping me in your thoughts and prayers these past months has been a great consolation, especially during difficult moments. My spirits would rise, knowing that I was being held up in prayer by wonderful and generous souls such as you. May Our Lord abundantly bless you and your families. Very truly yours, Angela Gasparro (Michelle LoCoco’s Mom) Bring this flyer when you dine with us on Tuesday, November 17, 2015, and we’ll donate a portion of the proceeds from your purchase to St. Pius X School . It’s a handcrafted, delicious meal, all for a great cause! Learn more about Fundraising Nights at Panera Bread at: Panera Bread® Gift Card, Panera Catering and online purchases are excluded from this event. November 15, 2015 PAGE 7 Giving Tree Next weekend the Giving Tree tags from several outreach agencies will be available in Shepherds’ Hall. The holiday season can be a very stressful time, but the clients serviced by these agencies find this season difficult to handle both financially and emotionally. By offering a little extra help, we all share in the hope and unconditional love, which this beautiful Advent season should offer us. Please take a tag on the weekend of November 21/22 and purchase a gift for that person or child. Items listed are ONLY SUGGESTIONS. These families are most appreciative of any gift they receive. Consider using MANNA MONEY when purchasing your gifts. Quick MANNA sales will be available after Mass at these additional times: Saturday, November 21 & Saturday, November 28 after 5 pm Masses. All gifts are to be returned GIFT WRAPPED unless otherwise indicated. The tag identification must be attached (with tape) to the gift for proper distribution. Please return the gifts to the tree area ON THESE WEEKENDS ONLY: November 28/29 and December 5/6. Your generosity will benefit the following: Catholic Charities York Township Our Lady of Angels Home (retired Sisters of St. Francis) DuPage County Convalescent Center Serenity House (facility for those recovering from substance abuse) Home bound Parishioners Outreach House (helping low income families with young children) Parish Families – some St. Pius families in need of assistance If you are interested in taking tags for an entire family or volunteering, please contact Carol Weiland at 630-495-2647. Thank you!! St Pius X Catholic Community Car Raffle *$50 each--limited to 2000 tickets* Grand Prize 2016 Chevy Equinox or $25,000 2nd Prize $1,000 3rd Prize $1,000 4th Prize $1,000 5th Prize $500 6th Prize $500 Winner drawn December 17, 2015 at St Pius X Parish School Christmas Program If 1,250 tickets are not sold, the 12/17/15 drawing will revert to a 50/50 drawing with a minimum top prize of $5,000 **Winner need not be present** Thank You Wickstrom Chevrolet of Roselle for your assistance with this raffle. Proceeds benefit St. Pius X Church and School Tickets can be purchased online. Link on website: If you have any questions, please contact the Parish Office at 630-627-4526 or by email: [email protected] Website: OR NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: QUANTITY: ___________________ CITY: STATE: EMAIL: _________________________________________ x $50 = TOTAL: PAYMENT METHOD: CASH / CHECK / CREDIT CARD CHECK/CREDIT CARD NUMBER __________________________EXPIRATION DATE: * MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO ST. PIUS X CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Completed forms with payment can be returned to the Parish or School Office, in the collection basket, or sent by U.S. Mail to St. Pius X Church, 1025 E. Madison Street, Lombard, IL 60148. PAGE 8 MINISTERIO HISPANO Misa en Español Sacerdote Coordinadora de Ministerio Hispano Coordinador Educación Religiosa Sábado 7:00 pm Firmo Mantovani, CS Laura Mora Abraham Rodríguez Bautizos 1er. Y 3er. Sábado del mes Matrimonios, Visita a los enfermos, Quinceañeras e Intenciones de misa Favor de hablar a la Rectoría para mas información Horario de Oficina Miércoles Jueves Teléfono Email Fecha 11/21/15 9:00 am—1:00 pm 12:30 pm—4:00 pm 630-627-4526 X203 [email protected] Ministros de Eucaristía Veronica O Elizabeth M. Lucy S. J. Rosario S. Acólitos Jennifer T. Mayra T. Victoria G. Ray G. LA PREPARACIÓN CONTINUA, ANTE LA INCÓGNITA DEL FINAL 1.- El día y la hora nadie lo sabe, ni los ángeles del cielo ni el Hijo, solo el Padre. Se acerca el final del año litúrgico y las lecturas de este domingo nos hablan, en lenguaje apocalíptico, del final de los tiempos y de la venida del hijo del hombre. Para nosotros, cristianos del siglo XXI, este final de los tiempos debemos referirlo al final de nuestra vida aquí en la tierra. Del final de los tiempos no sabemos con certeza ni el dónde, ni el cuándo; solamente que ocurrirá algún día. Por eso, es para el final de nuestra vida para el que yo digo que debemos vivir en preparación continua, porque no sabemos ni el día, ni la hora Somos profesionales de la vida, no de la muerte, nuestro primer destino y nuestro primero y continuado trabajo es vivir. El buen profesional, mientras está en el ejercicio de su profesión, debe vivir en preparación continua, porque hoy todas las ciencias avanzan que es una barbaridad. El que no progresa y no sabe cada día un poco más, automáticamente se retrasa. La vida es como una carrera, el que se detiene en el camino queda atrás. Prepararse cada día para vivir, para seguir viviendo, es vivir cada minuto como si fuera el último, con gozo, responsabilidad y seriedad. No hablo de prepararse para la muerte, sino para la vida hasta el momento final, para seguir viviendo, porque lo nuestro es la vida; la muerte está más allá de nuestro camino, está fuera del convento de la vida donde vivimos, al otro lado de la tapia. Como dijo el filósofo griego: cuando yo estoy, la muerte no está y cuando la muerte está, yo ya no estoy. Lo que habitualmente llamamos prepararse para la muerte sólo quiere decir prepararse para la vida, hasta el último momento. Más allá de este momento nosotros ya no estamos; sólo somos responsables de la vida mientras vivimos, después pasamos ya directamente a las manos de Dios. 2.- Aprended de la parábola de la higuera…; pues cuando veáis vosotros suceder esto, sabed que Él está cerca, a la puerta. El Señor siempre está cerca de cada uno de nosotros, animándonos con su gracia, su presencia y su amor para que sigamos viviendo. Todos los signos de los tiempos, la guerra y la paz, la justicia y la injusticia, la muerte de un niño y la muerte de un anciano, todas las criaturas nos hablan de un Dios que, como diría san Juan de la Cruz, por ellas ha pasado. El universo entero es huella de Dios: debemos ver y sentir a Dios en todas sus criaturas y, de manera especial, en cada uno de nosotros. Comparada con los tiempos de Dios, nuestra vida es solo un instante, como un soplo; todas las criaturas nos dicen que Dios está siempre ahí mismo. Estos son para nosotros los signos de los tiempos, a través de sus criaturas debemos los cristianos saber descubrir a Dios. Como cada higuera espera su primavera para que sus ramas se pongan tiernas y broten sus yemas, así cada uno de nosotros debe vivir siempre esperando que llegue para cada uno de nosotros la primavera de Dios, cuando Dios se hará presente definitivamente, en nuestras vidas. 3.- Entonces se salvará tu pueblo. El profeta Daniel habla a un pueblo que está a punto de ser extinguido por un poder militar adverso. Y el profeta les dice que no teman, que Dios les salvará, que lo que ellos tienen que hacer es mantenerse fieles a su Dios. Es un mensaje que también debe valernos a nosotros cuando estamos ante un peligro físico, social o psicológico: debemos mantener fuerte nuestra confianza en el Señor. En medio de todas las dificultades, Dios no nos va a abandonar. 4.- Donde hay perdón, no hay ofrenda por los pecados. Es el mismo tema central de toda la carta a los Hebreos: Cristo, con el sacrificio de su vida, nos ha perdonado ya todos nuestros pecados. Lo único que debemos hacer nosotros ahora es renovar este sacrificio único de Cristo; nuestras ofrendas sólo alcanzan valor definitivo si van unidas a la ofrenda única de Cristo. Cristo ya nos perdonó, con una sola ofrenda ha perfeccionado para siempre a los que van siendo consagrados. Dios ya no quiere de nosotros sacrificios, ni ofrendas, sino un corazón arrepentido y entregado. Por gracia, por la gracia de Cristo, estamos salvados, como nos dirá repetidamente san Pablo. Por Gabriel González del Estal November 15, 2015 PAGE 9 DEANERY AND DIOCESAN NEWS From the Vocation Office COLLEGE SEMINARY VISIT When – November 19-21 (leave at 9 am Thursday, return about 5 pm on Saturday) Where – St. John Vianney College Seminary in St. Paul, MN Who – all men ages 16-24 (sophomores in high school through college). Fr. David Mowry and another chaperone will be leading this trip. What – visit the college seminary where 10 men from the Diocese of Joliet are studying Why – meet seminarians, experience seminary life of prayer, study, fraternity and ministry. Experiencing the joy of the seminary first hand helps us discern our vocation. How – no cost. To register contact the Vocation Office at 815-221-6171 or [email protected]. For more information go to content.php?pageid=15&secid=5&subsecid=7. Each participant needs to fill out a permission form and waiver. WHO WILL FILL THESE SHOES? When – Black Friday, November 27—9:00 am – 3:00 pm Where – Cathedral of St. Raymond, 604 N. Raynor Ave., Joliet Who – any young man and his parents are welcome What – Mass, discussion with seminarians and their parents, prayer, lunch Why – to learn more about the priesthood from priests, seminarians and their parents How – please register at vocations/sectioncontent.php?secid=19. For more information call the Vocation Office at 815-221-6171. Parents are welcome and some talks will be given in Spanish (if needed). DIACONATE ORDINATION FOR SEMINARIAN JUAN JOSE HERNANDEZ When – Saturday, November 28, 11:00 am Where – St. Mary Parish, 19515 115th Ave, Mokena Who – all are welcome! What – diaconate ordination of seminarian Why – to celebrate God’s goodness and love for His people at the ordination of one of our seminarians How – no tickets are required. Please come to support Juan Jose, whose family lives in Mexico. He is committing to serve the Diocese of Joliet for the rest of his life as a future priest. Catholic Campaign for Human Development Collection Next week’s collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) needs your help. CCHD was founded to end the cycle of poverty in the United States by funding organizations that help individuals help themselves. With the tradition of improving education, housing situations, and community economic development, CCHD continues to make a positive impact in communities nationwide. Your contribution will defend human dignity and reach out to those living on the margins. Please give to the CCHD collection. Diocesan Job Opportunity Montini Catholic High School Coordinator of Youth Ministry Assistant Immaculate Conception Parish Elmhurst, IL Part-Time (up to 20 hours/week) The Youth Ministry Assistant is responsible for aiding in the facilitation of a multi-parish based pastoral ministry to, with, by and for high school youth utilizing a comprehensive approach to youth ministry. The four parishes that make up this group are: Immaculate Conception, Visitation, St. Charles Borromeo, and Mary Queen of Heaven. Open House, November 18 and “Meet Montini” November 19 For grade school students and their families. This is a great opportunity to meet teachers and staff. It also provides a chance to explore extracurricular activities. Doors open at 6:30 pm with a presentation beginning at 7:00 pm. If you can’t make the Open House, “Meet Montini” will be held on Thursday, November 19 and is an informal information session. Parents can meet with the Admissions and Administration teams. “Meet Montini” begins in De La Salle Hall at 8:30 am and includes a tour of the school while classes are in session. The meeting will last approximately 2 hours. For more information or to RSVP for the “Meet Montini” please contact Kim Richmond, Admissions Coordinator at [email protected] or call 630-627-6930 x 182. For more information on this position, please go to PAGE 10 COMMUNITY NEWS Wintersong Tickets available from St. Pius X Parish Office Donna Cooper 630-627-4526 X223 Serra Club Mass and Dinner with Edward P Flavin November 23 at St Petronille, Glen Ellyn The SERRA CLUB OF DUPAGE invites you to join them and Edward Flavin, Director of Communications for the Diocese of Joliet, at their next meeting on Monday, November 23 at St Petronille Parish, 420 Glenwood in Glen Ellyn. The evening will begin at 6 pm with Rosary and Mass in the Church. Fellowship and Dinner will follow in the Parish Center. In his position as Director of Communication for the Diocese, Edward Flavin, Guest Speaker at the dinner, assists with internal and external communications including social media, website development, overseeing Christ Is Our Hope monthly magazine and acting as a Diocesan spokesperson. For the last 15 years, he has also been a sideline producer for Notre Dame National Radio, doing all the home and away football games. To make a reservation for the dinner, please contact Joann Carr: [email protected] or 630-665-0994. The St. Pius X bulletins are paid for by these advertisers; please thank them by supporting their businesses. November 15, 2015 PAGE 11 ED THE PLUMBER ED THE CARPENTER Now Serving Breakfast and Lunch Fire Roasted Chicken 12 Unique Seafood Entrees Steaks & Chops Panini’s & Melt Sandwiches Single and pregnant? We care about you. Call 312-454-1717 Catholic Charities TJ’S LAND CARE Complete Landscaping & Lawn Care Installation & Maintenance Very Reasonable • Landscape Design • Paver Brick Patios • Retaining Walls • Decorative Stone • Tree & Shrub Pruning Installation & Removal Ask about Parishioner Discount w/ ad • Excavating & Grading • Sod, Black Dirt & Mulch Installation • Fertilization, Aeration, Power Raking & Mowing Call John for Free Estimates Member of 630-393-1993 Better Bus. Bureau 000603 St Pius X Church (B) Open Daily 6:00 am to 3:00 pm 10 E. Roosevelt Rd., Villa Park Best Work • Best Rate Satisfaction Guaranteed As We Do All Our Own Work Lic# 055-026066 $$ Parishioner Discount $$ 630-663-1444 John Matyasik Real Estate Broker 630-947-5672 [email protected] Parishioner Professional-Fair-Honest Service [email protected] Service • Installation • Duct Work 24 Hr. Emergency Service David P. 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