WORKERS’ COMPENSATION Claims Kit Dear Customer, Thank you for choosing ProSight Specialty Insurance as your Workers’ Compensation Insurance carrier. We pride ourselves on providing excellent service and will do our very best to meet your Workers Compensation Claims needs. ProSight Specialty Insurance writes our Workers’ Compensation policies through our New York Marine and General Insurance Company underwriting company, which is the name you will see listed on your policy. ProSight has partnered with a leading Workers’ Compensation claims service provider, LWP Claims Solutions, for our policyholders who do business exclusively in California. LWP will assist us in the administration of claims and will be the primary point of contact for your claims. Please make sure to include your Policy Number on all correspondence. For your convenience, the following documents can be found inside your claims kit: • • • • • • • Instructions on how to report a claim Claim Handling Map List of Claim office locations, mailing addresses, and claim contacts How to locate a Physician/Facility in California Pharmacy cards Links to your state’s Workers’ Compensation forms and Web Pages Blank forms to use when reporting a claim (California only) Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions or concerns. Workers’ Compensation Claims Department ProSight Specialty Insurance 412 Mt. Kemble Avenue Morristown, NJ 07960 [email protected] Phone: 800-774-2755 Fax: 855-657-3534 California State Reporting Forms Reporting Forms for all other states can be obtained by accessing your state’s Workers’ Compensation website (see previous page) State of California Please complete in triplicate (type if possible) Mail two copies to: EMPLOYER'S REPORT OF OCCUPATIONAL INJURY OR ILLNESS OSHA CASE NO. FATALITY Any person who makes or causes to be made any knowingly false or fraudulent material statement or material representation for the purpose of obtaining or denying workers compensation benefits or payments is guilty of a felony. California law requires employers to report within five days of knowledge every occupational injury or illness which results in lost time beyond the date of the incident OR requires medical treatment beyond first aid. If an employee subsequently dies as a result of a previously reported injury or illness, the employer must file within five days of knowledge an amended report indicating death. In addition, every serious injury, illness, or death must be reported immediately by telephone or telegraph to the nearest office of the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health. 1. FIRM NAME Ia. Policy Number Please do not use this column 2. MAILING ADDRESS: (Number, Street, City, Zip) E M P L 3. LOCATION if different from Mailing Address (Number, Street, City and Zip) O Y E 4. NATURE OF BUSINESS; e.g.. Painting contractor, wholesale grocer, sawmill, hotel, etc. R 6. TYPE OF EMPLOYER: Private County State 7. DATE OF INJURY / ONSET OF ILLNESS 8. TIME INJURY/ILLNESS OCCURRED (mm/dd/yy) CASE NUMBER 3a. Location Code OWNERSHIP 5. State unemployment insurance City School District AM INDUSTRY Other Gov't, Specify: 10. IF EMPLOYEE DIED, DATE OF DEATH (mm/dd/yy) 9. TIME EMPLOYEE BEGAN WORK PM AM 1 1. UNABLE TO WORK FOR AT LEAST ONE 12. DATE LAST WORKED (mm/dd/yy) FULL DAY AFTER DATE OF INJURY? Yes 2a. Phone Number OCCUPATION PM 13. DATE RETURNED TO WORK (mm/dd/yy) 14. IF STILL OFF WORK, CHECK THIS BOX: No 15. PAID FULL DAYS WAGES FOR DATE OF 16. SALARY BEING CONTINUED? NJURY OR LAST Yes No DAY WORKED? Yes No 17. DATE OF EMPLOYER'S KNOWLEDGE /NOTICE OF 18. DATE EMPLOYEE WAS PROVIDED CLAIM FORM FORM (mm/dd/yy) INJURY/ILLNESS (mm/dd/yy) SEX 19. SPECIFIC INJURY/ILLNESS AND PART OF BODY AFFECTED, MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS if available, e.g.. Second degree burns on right arm, tendonitis on left elbow, lead poisoning I N 20. LOCATION WHERE EVENT OR EXPOSURE OCCURRED (Number, Street, City, Zip) 20a. COUNTY J U R Y 22. DEPARTMENT WHERE EVENT OR EXPOSURE OCCURRED, e.g.. Shipping department, machine shop. AGE 21. ON EMPLOYER'S PREMISES? Yes DAILY HOURS No 23. Other Workers injured or ill in this event? Yes No DAYS PER WEEK 24. EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND CHEMICALS THE EMPLOYEE WAS USING WHEN EVENT OR EXPOSURE OCCURRED, e.g.. Acetylene, welding torch, farm tractor, scaffold O R WEEKLY HOURS 25. SPECIFIC ACTIVITY THE EMPLOYEE WAS PERFORMING WHEN EVENT OR EXPOSURE OCCURRED, e.g.. Welding seams of metal forms, loading boxes onto truck. I L L 26. HOW INJURY/ILLNESS OCCURRED. DESCRIBE SEQUENCE OF EVENTS. SPECIFY OBJECT OR EXPOSURE WHICH DIRECTLY PRODUCED THE INJURYIILLNESS, e.g.. Worker stepped back to inspect work N and slipped on scrap material. As he fell, he brushed against fresh weld, and burned right hand. USE SEPARATE SHEET IF NECESSARY E S S 27. Name and address of physician (number, street, city, zip) 28. Hospitalized as an inpatient overnight? No 27a. Phone Number Yes If yes then, name and address of hospital (number, street, city, zip) WEEKLY WAGE COUNTY NATURE OF INJURY 28a. Phone Number PART OF BODY 29. Employee treated in emergency room? Yes No ATTENTION This form contains information relating to employee health and must be used in a manner that protects the confidentiality of employees to the extent possible while the information is being used for occupational safety and health purposes. See CCR Title 8 14300.29 (b)(6)-(10) & 14300.35(b)(2)(E)2. SOURCE Note: Shaded boxes indicate confidential employee information as listed in CCR Title 8 14300.35(b)(2)(E)2*. 30. EMPLOYEE NAME 32. DATE OF BIRTH (mm/dd/yy) 31. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER EVENT 33. HOME ADDRESS (Number, Street, City,Zip) E M P 35. OCCUPATION (Regular job title, NO initials, abbreviations or numbers) L 34. SEX O Male Female Y 37a. EMPLOYMENT STATUS 37. EMPLOYEE USUALLY WORKS E regular, full-time E total weekly hours days per week, hours per day, temporary SECONDARY SOURCE 36. DATE OF HIRE (mm/dd/yy) part-time 37b. UNDER WHAT CLASS CODE OF YOUR POLICY WHERE WAGES ASSIGNED seasonal EXTENT OF INJURY 39. OTHER PAYMENTS NOT REPORTED AS WAGESISALARY (e.g. tips, meals, overtime, bonuses, etc.)? 38. GROSS WAGES/SALARY $ Completed By (type or print) 33a. PHONE NUMBER per Signature & Title Yes No Date (mm/dd/yy) • Confidential information may be disclosed only to the employee, former employee, or their personal representative (CCR Title 8 14300.35), to others for the purpose of processing a workers' compensation or other insurance . state and claim; and under certain circumstances to a public health or law enforcement agency or to a consultant hired by the employer (CCR Title 8 14300.30). CCR Title 8 14300.40 requires provision upon request to certain federal workplace safety agencies. FORM 5020 (Rev7) June 2002 FILING OF THIS FORM IS NOT AN ADMISSION OF LIABILITY State of California Department of Industrial Relations DIVISION OF WORKERS’ COMPENSATION Estado de California Departamento de Relaciones Industriales DIVISION DE COMPENSACIÓN AL TRABAJADOR WORKERS’ COMPENSATION CLAIM FORM (DWC 1) Employee: Complete the “Employee” section and give the form to your employer. Keep a copy and mark it “Employee’s Temporary Receipt” until you receive the signed and dated copy from your em ployer. You may call the Division of Workers’ Compensation and hear recorded information at (800) 736-7401. An explanation of workers' compensation benefits is included as the cover sheet of this form. You should also have received a pamphlet from your employer describing workers’ compensation benefits and the procedures to obtain them. Any person who makes or causes to be made any knowingly false or fraudulent material statement or material representation for the purpose of obtaining or denying workers’ compensation benefits or payments is guilty of a felony. Employee—complete this section and see note above PETITION DEL EMPLEADO PARA DE COMPENSACIÓN DEL TRABAJADOR (DWC 1) Empleado: Complete la sección “Empleado” y entregue la forma a su empleador. Quédese con la copia designada “Recibo Temporal del Empleado” hasta que Ud. reciba la copia firmada y fechada de su empleador. Ud. puede llamar a la Division de Compensación al Trabajador al (800) 7367401 para oir información gravada. En la hoja cubierta de esta forma esta la explicatión de los beneficios de compensación al trabajador. Ud. también debería haber recibido de su empleador un folleto describiendo los benficios de compensación al trabajador lesionado y los procedimientos para obtenerlos. Toda aquella persona que a propósito haga o cause que se produzca cualquier declaración o representación material falsa o fraudulenta con el fin de obtener o negar beneficios o pagos de compensación a trabajadores lesionados es culpable de un crimen mayor “felonia”. Empleado—complete esta sección y note la notación arriba. 1. Name. Nombre. _____________________________________________Today’s Date. Fecha de Hoy. 2. Home Address. Dirección Residencial. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. City. Ciudad. _______________________________________ State. Estado. __________________ 4. Date of Injury. Fecha de la lesión (accidente). ________________________ Time of Injury. Hora en que ocurrió. _________a.m. ________p.m. 5. Address and description of where injury happened. Dirección/lugar dónde occurió el accidente. _________________________________________ ___________________________________ Zip. Código Postal. ___________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Describe injury and part of body affected. Describa la lesión y parte del cuerpo afectada. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Social Security Number. Número de Seguro Social del Empleado. 8. Signature of employee. Firma del empleado. _______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Employer—complete this section and see note below. Empleador—complete esta sección y note la notación abajo. 9. Name of employer. Nombre del empleador. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 10. Address. Dirección. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. Date employer first knew of injury. Fecha en que el empleador supo por primera vez de la lesión o accidente. _____________________________ 12. Date claim form was provided to employee. Fecha en que se le entregó al empleado la petición. _________________________________________ 13. Date employer received claim form. Fecha en que el empleado devolvió la petición al empleador. _______________________________________ 14. Name and address of insurance carrier or adjusting agency. Nombre y dirección de la compañía de seguros o agencia adminstradora de seguros. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15. Insurance Policy Number. El número de la póliza de Seguro. _____________________________________________________________________ 16. Signature of employer representative. Firma del representante del empleador. _______________________________________________________ 17. Title. Título. _____________________________________ 18. Telephone. Teléfono. _______________________________________________ Employer: You are required to date this form and provide copies to your insurer or claims administrator and to the employee, dependent or representative who filed the claim within one working day of receipt of the form from the employee. Empleador: Se requiere que Ud. feche esta forma y que provéa copias a su compañía de seguros, administrador de reclamos, o dependiente/representante de reclamos y al empleado que hayan presentado esta petición dentro del plazo de un día hábil desde el momento de haber sido recibida la forma del empleado. SIGNING THIS FORM IS NOT AN ADMISSION OF LIABILITY EL FIRMAR ESTA FORMA NO SIGNIFICA ADMISION DE RESPONSABILIDAD ❑ Employer copy/Copia del Empleador 6/10 Rev. ❑ Employee copy/ Copia del Empleado ❑ Claims Administrator/Administrador de Reclamos ❑ Temporary Receipt/Recibo del Empleado Need to Report a Claim? E-mail: [email protected] (This is our preferred method of claim reporting) Phone: 1(800)-774-2755 Press ‘1’ to report a claim (Available anytime- days, nights & weekends) Press ‘2’ to inquire about a workers' compensation claim (Available 8:00am to 5:00pm EST) Press ‘3’ to inquire about all other claims (Available 8:00am to 5:00pm EST) By Fax: (800)-326-2864 By Mail: ProSight Specialty Insurance Claims Department 412 Mt. Kemble Avenue Suite 300C Morristown, NJ 07960 For more information, visit EXPERIENCED PROFESSIONALS. INSIGHTFUL SOLUTIONS.SM Claims Handling Offices | California Mailing LWP Claims Solutions, Inc. P.O. Box 349016 Sacramento, CA 95834-9016 Toll Free: 1-800-565-5694 Phone: 916-609-3600 Fax: 408-725-0395 California Navigating LWP’s Kaiser Signature Medical Provider Lookup Website For Policyholders enrolled in the Kaiser Network, use this search tool to locate In-Network Medical Providers in California Only, excluding all other states • Go to • The next page will give you four options to choose from: • Select by Distance: This option is a radius search from a centralized address. • Select by Name: Allows the user to look up a certain provider in the database by name. • Regional Listing: This option allows the user to search in a specific region such as city, county, zip code, etc. • Statewide Directory: Enter your e-mail address to recive a statewide directoy of providers. • Panel Cards: This option allows the user to make a Panel Card once they have initiated a search for providers by using on of the methods listed above. SELECT BY DISTANCE Begin by selecting the Network you wish to search. Enter your address. You must enter at least a valid ZIP Code or a City/State combination. At the bottom of the page you may choose: Provider Types, Specialties and/or distance. Once you click on “find providers” your results will be displayed. SELECT BY NAME Use the Name Search tab if you already know a Provider’s name or group affiliation. REGIONAL LISTING Use this feature if you are searching for a provider in a specific area. STATEWIDE DIRECTORY Use this tab if you are searching for ONLY one of the following: Family Practice, Internal Medicine, Occupational Medicine, Emergency Medicine and Occupational Medical Clinics within 35 miles of a specific address. PANEL CARDS This page is used to create Panel Cards or batches of Panel Cards. For your convenience, you can choose providers from one of the three search methods and create a Panel Card for the providers closest to each of your locations. Temporary Prescription Services ID California Only Attached you will find a prescription form (also called a temporary pharmacy card) that must be given to each and every employee when there is an on the job injury. The employee needs to go to one of the pharmacies listed on the bottom of the form to get their Workers Compensation prescription(s) filled. They should follow the steps on the top of the form under the heading “Injured Party.” It is a good idea to distribute these forms to your Supervisors, Team Leaders, and your Human Resources department so they are familiar with the form. Chances are they will receive the notices of injury and will likely be responsible for handing the form to the injured employee. They need to follow the steps under the heading “Instructions for Company.” Prescription Authorization LWP Claims Solutions, Inc/Workers’ Compensation LWP Claims Solutions, Inc. and Progressive Medical, Inc. have joined together to provide your eligible injured parties with a First Fill® prescription medication card program. At the bottom of this form is a First Fill® medication card that enables injured parties to obtain the “initial” prescription(s) needed upon injury, with little to no out–of–pocket expense. Instructions for Company to use this First Fill® card: x Injury occurs and a report of injury is made to the appropriate personnel. x Fill in the eligible injured party’s name, social security number, employer, date of birth, gender and date of injury on the form below. x After explaining the instructions for this card, please give the eligible injured party this document. x Instruct the eligible injured party to take the First Fill® card and their prescription to the pharmacy. x Report the claim to the appropriate insurance company/TPA. x The pharmacist fills the medication; the bill is processed and sent to Progressive Medical. x The First Fill® card is available for a one time use. **Please note: If additional, ongoing medication is required, the claims handler should contact Progressive Medical to utilize our Retail Medication Card Program. Injured Party: At the bottom of this form is a First Fill® Card that will enable you to obtain the “initial” prescription(s) needed upon injury with little to no out-of-pocket expense. A sample list of “Participating Pharmacy Chains” that accept this First Fill® card is also included below. This card is for a one time use to receive your medication(s) per your employer/insurance company. Use of this card is restricted to your allowed condition. To receive this benefit, present this card to a participating pharmacy along with your prescription from your Doctor. If you have any questions, call Progressive Medical, toll free, at 1-888-909-MEDS. Out Client Service Specialists are available 24-hours a day to take care of your needs. **Please note: If your claim is accepted, you will receive a retail pharmacy card in the mail. Present that card when filling subsequent related prescriptions. Participating Pharmacies: Brooks Pharmacy Harris Teeter Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy CVS Pharmacy Kmart Pharmacy Walgreens Pharmacy Eckerd Pharmacy Kroger Pharmacy Wal-Mart Pharmacy Giant Eagle Pharmacy Longs Drugs Winn Dixie Pharmacy For additional pharmacies in your area, please visit Select the Total Pharmacy Management option, then select the Pharmacy Locator. Enter your City, State, or Zip Code and click the locator button. You will see a listing of all participating pharmacies within your specified area. Instructions for Pharmacist: LWP Claims Solutions, Inc. participates with Progressive Medical in an online pharmacy benefit program. This form is valid for Workers’ Compensation prescriptions only. Please transmit all claims online to Progressive Medical: Bin #: 600471 Process Control #: 7777 Group #: A290 __________ For all other questions call toll-free the Progressive Medical Pharmacy Help Desk at 1-888-908-6337. Injured Worker Information: Name of Eligible Injured Party: ________________________________________________ ID/Auth # ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ (Combination of Social Security Number – 9 digits, no dashes, and today’s date/date of injury – 6 digits, no dashes; ie., Social Security Number of 123-45-6789 and Date of Injury July 17, 2006 would be the ID# 123456789071706 ) Date of Birth: __________________ Gender: ________ Employer: ______________________________________________ 12 27 07 First Fill Autorización de medicamentos recetados LWP Claims Solutions, Inc/Compensación del seguro obrero LWP Claims Solutions, Inc. y Progressive Medical, Inc. se han unido para proporcionar a las personas lesionadas que califican un programa de tarjeta de medicamentos recetados “First Fill®”. A pie de página figura una tarjeta de medicamentos First Fill® que permite a las personas lesionadas obtener la receta o recetas “iniciales” necesarias después de sufrir una lesión sin gastos de su propio bolsillo o con muy pocos gastos. Instrucciones para que la Compañía use esta tarjeta First Fill®: x Se produce una lesión y se notifica dicha lesión al miembro del personal correspondiente. x Se llena el nombre de la persona lesionada que califica, su número de seguro social, empleador, fecha de nacimiento, sexo y fecha de la lesión. x Después de explicar las instrucciones referentes a esta tarjeta, se da este documento a la persona lesionada que califica. x Se indica a la persona lesionada que califica que lleve la tarjeta First Fill® y la receta a la farmacia. x Se notifica la reclamación a la compañía de seguros o TPA (administrador de terceros) correspondiente. x El farmacéutico surte la receta, se procesa la factura y se envía a Progressive Medical. x La tarjeta First Fill® está disponible para usarse sólo una vez. **Nota: Si se requieren más medicamentos para continuar el tratamiento, el encargado de las reclamaciones debe comunicarse con Progressive Medical para utilizar nuestro Programa de Tarjeta para Medicamentos al Por Menor. Persona lesionada: A pie de página figura una tarjeta First Fill® que le permitirá obtener la receta o recetas “iniciales” necesarias después de sufrir una lesión sin gastos de su propio bolsillo o con muy pocos gastos. Se incluye más adelante una lista de las “Cadenas farmacéuticas participantes” que aceptan esta tarjeta First Fill®. Esta tarjeta es para usarse una vez con el fin de recibir el medicamento o medicamentos según su empleador/compañía de seguros El uso de esta tarjeta se limita a la lesión/problema médico permitido. Para recibir este beneficio, presente esta tarjeta en una farmacia participante junto con la receta de su médico. Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame gratis a Progressive Medical al 1-888-909-MEDS. Nuestros especialistas en servicio al cliente se encuentran a su disposición las 24 horas del día para atender sus necesidades. **Nota: Si se acepta su reclamación, recibirá por correo una tarjeta para farmacias minoristas. Presente esa tarjeta al surtir recetas posteriores relacionadas. Farmacias participantes: Brooks Pharmacy Harris Teeter Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy CVS Pharmacy Kmart Pharmacy Walgreens Pharmacy Eckerd Pharmacy Kroger Pharmacy Wal-Mart Pharmacy Giant Eagle Pharmacy Longs Drugs Winn Dixie Pharmacy Si desea conocer otras farmacias en su área, visite Seleccione la opción Total Pharmacy Management (Gestión total de farmacias) y, seguidamente, seleccione Pharmacy Locator (Localizador de farmacias). Introduzca su ciudad, estado o código postal y haga clic en el botón del localizador. Verá una lista de todas las farmacias participantes en un área específica. Instructions for Pharmacist: LWP Claims Solutions, Inc. participates with Progressive Medical in an online pharmacy benefit program. This form is valid for Workers’ Compensation prescriptions only. Please transmit all claims online to Progressive Medical: Bin #: 600471 Process Control #: 7777 Group #: A290 For all other questions call toll-free the Progressive Medical Pharmacy Help Desk at 1-888-908-6337. Información sobre el trabajador lesionado: Nombre de la persona lesionada que califica: ________________________________________________ No. de ID/Autorización ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ [Combinación del número de seguro social (9 dígitos, sin guiones) y la fecha de hoy/fecha de la lesión (6 dígitos, sin guiones); por ejemplo, el número de seguro social 123-45-6789 y la fecha de lesión del 17 de julio de 2006 daría el número de ID 123456789071706]. Fecha de nacimiento: __________________ Sexo: ________ Empleador: ______________________________________________ Dear Policyholder: For your convenience, we have included the following website addresses to your state’s Workers’ Compensation web page. From the links below, you can access any forms that you might need when submitting a Workers’ Compensation claim. Alabama Kentucky North Dakota Alaska Louisiana Ohio Arizona Maine Oklahoma Arkansas Maryland Oregon California Massachusetts Pennsylvania Colorado Michigan Rhode Island Connecticut Minnesota South Carolina Delaware Mississippi South Dakota DC Missouri Tennessee Florida Montana Texas Georgia Nebraska Utah Hawaii Nevada Vermont Idaho New Hampshire Virginia Illinois New Jersey Washington Indiana New Mexico West Virginia Iowa New York Wisconsin Kansas North Carolina Wyoming
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