Workers’ Compensation Procedures for Accident or Injury to Employees If Immediate Emergency Care is Needed Call 911 When an employee reports or suffers an on-the-job injury, the following procedure and forms are required to be provided and carried out immediately upon notice: 1) Provide the employee with the following forms: a. WC DWC-1 Form b. Acknowledgement of Receipt Form c. Authorization for Medical Services d. WC Claims Administrator Contact Information 2) Have the employee complete, sign and return to you the following: a. Acknowledgement of Receipt Form b. WC DWC-1 Form (if employee states they will be seeking medical care) 3) Have your Principal or Site Supervisor fill out the following form: a. Supervisor’s Report of Injury 4) Return the following to Human Resources as soon as possible: a. Completed Acknowledgement of Receipt Form b. Completed WC DWC-1 Form (if employee states they will be seeking medical care) c. Completed Supervisor’s Report of Injury If the employee chooses not to seek medical attention, please provide all the above information, however the employee retains the DWC-1 Form but must sign the Acknowledgment of Receipt Form. Completed forms may be faxed to 949497-7700 or emailed to [email protected] State of California Department of Industrial Relations DIVISION OF WORKERS’ COMPENSATION Estado de California Departamento de Relaciones Industriales DIVISION DE COMPENSACIÓN AL TRABAJADOR WORKERS’ COMPENSATION CLAIM FORM (DWC 1) Employee: Complete the “Employee” section and give the form to your employer. Keep a copy and mark it “Employee’s Temporary Receipt” until you receive the signed and dated copy from your em ployer. You may call the Division of Workers’ Compensation and hear recorded information at (800) 736-7401. An explanation of workers' compensation benefits is included as the cover sheet of this form. You should also have received a pamphlet from your employer describing workers’ compensation benefits and the procedures to obtain them. Any person who makes or causes to be made any knowingly false or fraudulent material statement or material representation for the purpose of obtaining or denying workers’ compensation benefits or payments is guilty of a felony. Employee—complete this section and see note above PETITION DEL EMPLEADO PARA DE COMPENSACIÓN DEL TRABAJADOR (DWC 1) Empleado: Complete la sección “Empleado” y entregue la forma a su empleador. Quédese con la copia designada “Recibo Temporal del Empleado” hasta que Ud. reciba la copia firmada y fechada de su empleador. Ud. puede llamar a la Division de Compensación al Trabajador al (800) 7367401 para oir información gravada. En la hoja cubierta de esta forma esta la explicatión de los beneficios de compensación al trabajador. Ud. también debería haber recibido de su empleador un folleto describiendo los benficios de compensación al trabajador lesionado y los procedimientos para obtenerlos. Toda aquella persona que a propósito haga o cause que se produzca cualquier declaración o representación material falsa o fraudulenta con el fin de obtener o negar beneficios o pagos de compensación a trabajadores lesionados es culpable de un crimen mayor “felonia”. Empleado—complete esta sección y note la notación arriba. 1. Name. Nombre. _____________________________________________Today’s Date. Fecha de Hoy. 2. Home Address. Dirección Residencial. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. City. Ciudad. _______________________________________ State. Estado. __________________ 4. Date of Injury. Fecha de la lesión (accidente). ________________________ Time of Injury. Hora en que ocurrió. _________a.m. ________p.m. 5. Address and description of where injury happened. Dirección/lugar dónde occurió el accidente. _________________________________________ ___________________________________ Zip. Código Postal. ___________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Describe injury and part of body affected. Describa la lesión y parte del cuerpo afectada. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Social Security Number. Número de Seguro Social del Empleado. 8. Signature of employee. Firma del empleado. _______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Employer—complete this section and see note below. Empleador—complete esta sección y note la notación abajo. Laguna Beach Unified School District Name of employer. Nombre del empleador. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 550 Blumont Street, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 10. Address. Dirección. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. 11. Date employer first knew of injury. Fecha en que el empleador supo por primera vez de la lesión o accidente. _____________________________ 12. Date claim form was provided to employee. Fecha en que se le entregó al empleado la petición. _________________________________________ 13. Date employer received claim form. Fecha en que el empleado devolvió la petición al empleador. _______________________________________ 14. Name and address of insurance carrier or adjusting agency. Nombre y dirección de la compañía de seguros o agencia adminstradora de seguros. York Risk Services Group, Inc. P.O. Box 619079, Roseville, CA 95661 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Self-Insured 15. Insurance Policy Number. El número de la póliza de Seguro. _____________________________________________________________________ Melinda Grace 16. Signature of employer representative. Firma del representante del empleador. _______________________________________________________ HR Technician 866-221-2402 17. Title. Título. _____________________________________ 18. Telephone. Teléfono. _______________________________________________ Employer: You are required to date this form and provide copies to your insurer or claims administrator and to the employee, dependent or representative who filed the claim within one working day of receipt of the form from the employee. Empleador: Se requiere que Ud. feche esta forma y que provéa copias a su compañía de seguros, administrador de reclamos, o dependiente/representante de reclamos y al empleado que hayan presentado esta petición dentro del plazo de un día hábil desde el momento de haber sido recibida la forma del empleado. SIGNING THIS FORM IS NOT AN ADMISSION OF LIABILITY EL FIRMAR ESTA FORMA NO SIGNIFICA ADMISION DE RESPONSABILIDAD ❑ Employer copy/Copia del Empleador 6/10 Rev. ❑ Employee copy/ Copia del Empleado ❑ Claims Administrator/Administrador de Reclamos ❑ Temporary Receipt/Recibo del Empleado Laguna Beach Unified School District Human Resources Office 550 Blumont Street Laguna Beach, CA 92651 949-497-7700 x 5211 FAX: 949-497-7710 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT Due to a possible workers’ compensation injury I have been offered the Laguna Beach Unified Workers’ Compensation information packet and the State of California Department of lndustrial Relations Division of Workers' Compensation (DWC-1) claim form. I understand and acknowledge the following: I am in receipt of the DWC-l claim form and information packet. I understand that I must fill out and return the enclosed materials as soon as possible to my Principal, Supervisor, or HR office. I am in receipt of the information and claim forms packet including the DWC-1 and voluntarily decline medical treatment at this time. I voluntarily decline the information and claim forms packet which includes the DWC-1 form at this time. SIGNATURE OF EMPLOYEE PRINT NAME Date Workers Compensation Contact Information for Laguna Beach Unified Claims Administrator Contact Information: Suzie Carmona (909) 942-4895 York Risk Services Group, Inc PO Box 619079 Roseville, CA 95661 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Laguna Beach Unified 550 Blumont Street Laguna Beach, CA 92651 (949) 497-7700 ext 5211 Supervisor’s Report of Injury Received HR or Payroll: Date: BY: 5020 Form Submitted: Date: BY: ***Call Melinda Grace at (949) 497-7700 x 5211 at time of jury*** WORKER’S INFORMATION LAST NAME: First Name: DATE OF BIRTH: HOME ADDRESS: City: Zip: WORK HOURS: BEGIN: END: PHONE: Days per Week: ____________________ Principal/Supervisor’s Name: INJURY / ILLNESS DETAILS DATE OF INJURY TIME OF INJURY TIME INJURY REPORTED AM / PM EMPLOYEE’S DEPARTMENT NAME IS THIS A RECURRENCE? LAST DATE WORKED DATE INJURY REPORTED AM / PM PART(S) OF BODY INJURED NATURE OF INJURY – (IE, STRAIN, BRUISE, CUT) DID INCIDENT RESULT IN ILLNESS? WHAT SYMPTOMS EXPERIENCED? Left ___ Right ___ INJURY / ILLNESS DETAILS: WHAT HAPPENED? WHERE WAS INJURY TREATED? NO TREATMENT Sand Canyon Urgent Care Center - Irvine OTHER - NAME OF PHYSICIAN / HOSPITAL / FACILITY NAME NAME OF FACILITY: PHYSICIAN NAME: ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: PHONE NUMBER: WAS EMPLOYEE HOSPITALIZED OVERNIGHT? YES / NO BILLING INFORMATION PHYSICIAN’S BILLING INFORMATION York Insurance Services Group, Inc If medical services are provided by another physician or facility a Physician’s Report of Injury should be completed PO Box 619079 and signed at the health provider’s office. Roseville, CA 95661 Phone: (909) 942-4895 If this form is not filled out, the Industrial Commission and Web Site: insurance carrier will not be officially notified and claim Contact Specialist: Susie Carmona (909) 942-4895 activity can be delayed. Principal or Supervisor’s Signature:________________________________________________________Date:________________Time:___________ Title______________________________________________________________Phone #____________________________ Complete opposite side and send original copy to HR Page 1 WITNESSES Employee? Directly Involved? # 1 WITNESS: # 2 WITNESS: YES / NO YES / NO Employee? Directly Involved? YES / NO YES / NO CONTACT PHONE: CONTACT PHONE: NAME OF OTHERS INJURED IN THE SAME ACCIDENT: IS PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT REQUIRED? WAS IT BEING WORN? YES / NO If yes, explain: YES / NO If yes, explain: ON THE SCENE: TREATMENT IINFORMATION PRIMARY OUTCOME INJURY IF TREATMENT REQUIRED, PLEASE CHECK ONE ILLNESS DEATH MEDICAL FIRST AID NONE AT THE SCENE OF INJURY, DID ONE OF THE FOLLOWING OCCUR? PATIENT TAKEN TO HOSPITAL PATIENT FELL UNCONSCIOUS FATAL INJURIES SUSTAINED RESUSCITATION REQUIRED AMBULANCE REQUIRED IF FIRST AID GIVEN: DATE OF 1st AID TIME OF 1st AID EMPLOYEE NAME NON EMPLOYEE NAME / PH# AM / PM IS VALIDITY OF CLAIM DOUBTED? YES / NO If Yes, please explain: Original copy to HR Page 2
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