Contact Seminar on VET ERASMUS+ Fundación CAI-ASC C/San Braulio, nº 5-7 ZARAGOZA (SPAIN) Wednesday, 25th January 25th – 27th January 2017 CENTRO JOAQUÍN RONCAL ERASMUS+ Contact Seminar on Vocational Education and Training EXCHANGE OF GOOD PRACTICES TO SUCCEED IN APPLICATIONS, PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND IMPACT 13:30-14:30 Registration. 14:30-15:00 Opening session: welcome and introduction. Mr. Pablo Martín González, Director, Spanish National Agency for Erasmus+ in the fields of Education and Training (SEPIE). 15:00-15:30 Snack break 15:30-17:30 Introducing our organizations/institutions, projects and ideas. 17:30-18:30 30th Anniversary of Erasmus+: success stories of LLP & E+. Mr. Mariano Sanz Prieto, Fundación Siglo 22. Mr. Fernando Gutiérrez Justo, Dirección General de Formación, Consejería de Economía, Empleo y Hacienda, Comunidad de Madrid. Ms. Teresa Moya Fernández, Subdirección Xeral de Formación Profesional, Xunta de Galicia. Mr. Raúl Martínez Ramón, IES Puerta Bonita. 20:30 Dinner Thursday, 26th January 08:30-09:30 Registration. 09:00-10:00 First Panel – Vocational Education and Training in Spain and Opportunities in Erasmus+. Ms. Maria Berenguer Pont, Subdirección General de Orientación y Formación Profesional. Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Ms. Mercedes Isern, Dirección General de Formación Profesional y Formación del Profesorado, Govern de les Illes Balears. Ms. Mar González García, Servicio Público De Empleo Estatal (SEPE). Mr. Fernando Lorente Roy, Departamento de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Gobierno de Aragón. Ms. María Goretti Alonso de Castro, Directora de la Unidad de Formación Profesional, SEPIE. Fundación CAI-ASC 25th – 27th January 2017 Contact Seminar on VET ERASMUS+ CENTRO JOAQUÍN RONCAL 10:00-11:00 Second Panel - IT Support platforms and networks: eTwinning, EPALE, ErasMobility, Eures (droppin). Representatives from the networks and platforms: Ms. Lourdes Gozalo Arranz, Servicio Nacional de Apoyo eTwinning. Mr. Jesús Valdecantos Campos, Subdirección General de Aprendizaje a lo Largo de la Vida (EPALE). Mr. Manuel Hermoso Carbonell, CIPFP La Costera (ErasMobility). Ms. Luz del Mar Baños Martín, Eures España. 11:00-11:30 Coffee Break 11:30-13:00 Workshop. First session of KA1 & KA2 workshops with several groups working on possibilities of the IT platforms and networks. Representatives from the networks and platforms. 13:00-14:30 Lunch break, networking 14:30-15:30 Third Panel - Recognition and validation of skills and qualifications: Europass, EQF, ECVET, NARIC and Euroguidance. Representatives from the different EU initiatives: Ms. Irene Ortiz García, NARIC. Ms. Maria Berenguer Pont, Subdirección General de Orientación y Formación Profesional. Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, ECVET y EQF. Ms. Aurora Lázaro Nonay, Centro Nacional Europass, Unidad de Formación Profesional, SEPIE. 15:30-17:00 Speed dating. Session to exchange information among potential partners in order to foster future projects in common. 17:00-18:00 Fourth Panel – Impact and dissemination of projects KA1 & KA2. Success stories. Mr. Carlos De Olagüe Smithson, IES Angel Corella. Ms. Anabel Díez Alcoceba, Instituto Municipal de Empleo y Fomento Empresarial de Zaragoza (Zaragoza Dinámica). Mr. Mariano Sanz Prieto, Fundación Siglo 22. 19:00 Cultural activity. 20:30 Dinner C/San Braulio, nº 5-7 ZARAGOZA (SPAIN) Contact Seminar on VET ERASMUS+ Fundación CAI-ASC C/San Braulio, nº 5-7 ZARAGOZA (SPAIN) 25th – 27th January 2017 CENTRO JOAQUÍN RONCAL Friday, 27th January 09:00-09:30 Registration. 09:30-10:30 Fifth Panel - What to do in order to submit an Erasmus+ application. Examples of good practices. Ms. Aitana Vidal Yago, IES La Guineueta. Mr. Carlos De Olagüe Smithson, IES Angel Corella. Mr. Raúl Martínez Ramón, IES Puerta Bonita. Ms. Anabel Díez Alcoceba, Instituto Municipal de Empleo y Fomento Empresarial de Zaragoza (Zaragoza Dinámica). 10:30-13:00 Workshop. Session of KA1 & KA2 workshops with several groups working on different projects. Examples of good practices. Coffee break and networking 13:00-13:30 Conclusions and closure. 13:30-15:30 Farewell lunch
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