OEA Becas de Desarrollo Profesional Concesión Oficial de Beca OAS/DHDEE/CIR.261/2016 Informamos que los siguientes candidatos han sido favorecidos de una beca total para el curso a distancia del Programa de Becas de Desarrollo Profesional denominado: “Data Security and ISO Standars 27001 & 27002” We are pleased to announce that the following candidate have been selected for a total Professional Development Scholarships Program award for the online course entitled: “Data Security and ISO Standars 27001 & 27002” # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Apellidos Nombres Ortíz Lozano Coronel Bendin Ratti Jennifer Guzmán García Pocasangre Castillo Bodie Jones Paulo César Alfredo Alexis Ashley Latario Joan Griffith Gail Ricardo Augusto Gabriela Ciudad / País Bogotá, Colombia Asunción, Paraguay Asunción, Paraguay La Libertad, El Salvador San Salvador, El Salvador Nassau, Bahamas Grand Bahama, Bahamas St. Michael, Barbados 1 OAS Department of Human Development, Education and Employment th 1889 F Street, N.W., 7 Floor Washington, D.C. 20006 Los candidatos seleccionados deberán aceptar oficialmente la beca total de Desarrollo Profesional llenando y firmando el “Formulario de Aceptaciónde Beca” que les enviará el Departamento de Desarrollo Humano, Educación y Empleo a sus correos electrónicos prontamente. The selected candidates must formally accept the total Professional Development Scholarship, filling and signing the “Form of Acceptance of the Scholarship”, that the OAS Department of Human Development, Education and Employment will send to their e-mails shortly. Institution that offers the course: Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Capacitación de Telecomunicaciones (National Telecommunication Research and Training Institute) (INICTEL-UNI) through the distance learning platform INICTEL-VIRTUAL (http://www.inictel-virtual.pe). Coordinator of the course: Regional Training Center of the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL): National Telecommunication Research and Training Institute of the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (National University of Engineering) (INICTEL-UNI). Coordinators: 1. Isabel Guadalupe Sifuentes: E-mail: [email protected], 2. Iris Pretel: E-Mail: [email protected] Start and end dates of the course: October 5 to November 11, 2016 DHDEE/PDSP/LZea-Yonker /Data Security and ISO Standars 27001 & 27002/CITEL-INICTEL/Perú /2016-2- 2 OAS Department of Human Development, Education and Employment th 1889 F Street, N.W., 7 Floor Washington, D.C. 20006
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