TALLER: ASSESSMENT LITERACY LUNES, 9 DE FEBRERO DE 2015 17.30- 20.30 CIFE JUAN DE LANUZA C/ Buen Pastor, 4 50.003-Zaragoza Tfno. 976395550 PLAZO DE PRESENTACIÓN DE SOLICITUDES: DEL 22 DE ENERO AL 4 DE FEBRERO PLAN DE FORMACIÓN PERMANENTE DEL PROFESORADO DE ARAGÓN 2014-2015 Con la colaboración de DESTINATARIOS: Profesorado especialista en lengua inglesa de cualquier nivel educativo (infantil, primaria, secundaria…) CONTENIDOS: Teachers are increasingly expected to demonstrate an understanding of testing as part of the process of monitoring their students. Teachers often have to write or choose tests for their students, whether as part of the end of year summation or throughout the year to monitor progress. But what makes a good test? And how do we know that a particular test is appropriate for a particular group of students and what we want to know about them? In this session we will look at what skills and abilities we are trying to assess when we test someone, and then go on to consider practical examples of what makes a good test task. We will consider validity, reliability and impact and how to understand and prioritise them for the groups we need to test. We will look at what features are important in different types of testing - high stakes, summative, formative etc. - and discuss some of the ethics behind testing. This will include considering the teacher’s responsibility to their students and how different types of tests drive different classroom practices. We will move on to evaluate some familiar test items such as multiple choice, as well as productive tasks in speaking and writing, and look at the ‘rules’ for test writing. Participants will also have the opportunity to consider writing their own test items. PONENTE: Dr Mark Griffiths is a professional linguist, researcher, author and language consultant. He has written English language coursebooks for Oxford University Press and published research articles in linguistics and language testing journals. For the last 15 years, Mark has also worked as a professional examiner and teacher trainer for Trinity College London. He has examined and trained teachers around the world from Argentina to Thailand, and has written and delivered a wide range of training workshops with advice, suggestions and practical solutions for teachers on the subject of exams, including how to choose the right one, how to write your own tests and how best to train students to pass them. LA SESIÓN SE LLEVARÁ A CABO EN LENGUA INGLESA DURACIÓN: 3 horas ÁMBITO: Autonómico PLAZAS: 100 (en caso de que haya más solicitudes que plazas, se seguirá un riguroso orden de inscripción para realizar la selección). INSCRIPCIONES: Todos los solicitantes realizarán la inscripción (http://cifes.aragon.es/modulos/unaactividad.php?id_actividad=5662). a través de la plataforma DOCEO Los solicitantes podrán consultar si han sido admitidos o no a través de DOCEO, a partir del día 6 de Febrero. RESPONSABLE: Natalia López, asesora de Competencia Lingüística del CIFE “Juan de Lanuza” de Zaragoza. [email protected] ACTIVIDAD NO CERTIFICABLE: La asistencia a esta sesión no dará lugar a ningún tipo de certificación o hago constar. GASTOS DE DESPLAZAMIENTO: No se abonarán gastos de desplazamiento por asistencia a actividades del Plan de formación permanente del profesorado y de formación profesional convocadas por los CIFE de la Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón, CAREI y CATEDU. PERMISOS DOCENTES ASISTENCIA ACTIVIDADES DE FORMACIÓN Se recuerda que para todas las actividades formativas que puedan influir en el normal funcionamiento de la actividad docente es necesario solicitar permiso a su Servicio Provincial (Anexo II).
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