Saint Augustine Cathedral Third Sunday of Advent Parish Mission Statement The Catholic Community of St. Augustine Cathedral, nourished by the Eucharist and guided by the Holy Spirit, is sent forth to proclaim the Good News of God’s love for all people. As a Parish Community, we will put this into action by continuously developing a Pastoral Program that reaches out to meet the needs of our Parishioners and community. December 11, 2016 Inside This Issue: Weekly Parish Information 2-3 Liturgical4-6 Prayer List 5 Parish News 6-9 Diocese News 9 192 S. Stone Ave. • Tucson, Arizona 85701 • Tel (520) 623-6351 • Fax (520) 623-0088 • Parish Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9 - 5 / Friday 9 - 4 ST. AUGUSTINE CATHEDRAL CLERGY & STAFF DIRECTORY Rector: Rev. Gonzalo Villegas x115 Parochial Vicar: Rev. Showri Raju Narra x117 Capuchin Priests: Rev. Robert Kose • Rev. John Francis Samsa Deacons: Keating Ackerley • Salvador Carmona, Charles Gallegos Office Manager: Margaret Ortiz Ochoa x102 Secretary: Norma Madril x101 Receptionist: Cecilia Metz x118 Compliance Officer: Terry Gill x116 Sacristan: Richard Martinez Diocesan & Cathedral Director of Music: Carlos Zapien x114 Maintenance: Gloria Ramos • Cecilia Metz Nick Gomez Rectory Housekeeper: Norma Pinedo Bulletin & Website Editor: Patty Alcala ORGANIZATIONS & COMMITTEES Altar Server Society: Barbara Pitts Docent/Hospitality: Leilani Gomez Eucharistic Ministers: Liz Aguallo Events Fundraising: Leilani Gomez Finance Council: Joe Ladenburg Guadalupanos: Juan Carlos Martinez Keep Cathedral Grounds Beautiful: John Jacome Knights of Columbus: Hector Tellez Pastoral Council: Liz Aguallo RCIA:Deacon Charles Gallegos & Gene Benton St. Vincent de Paul: Josefina Valenzuela Usher Society: Luis E. Kamei Youth Group: Matt Yanez & Ariana Varelas COLLECTIONS November 27, 2016 REGULAR MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:30 pm English Vigil Mass - Organist (Fulfills Sunday obligation) Sunday Collection Received: 2nd Collect: Thank you for your continued and generous support of our parish. God bless you! Sunday 6:30 am 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 5:30 pm English Mass - No Music Spanish Mass - Mariachi English Mass - Choir English Mass - Choir Spanish Mass - Coro Weekday English Masses 7:00 am & 12:00 pm Monday - Friday Holy Days (except Christmas & New Years) 7:00 am 12:00 pm 5:30 pm English Mass English Mass Spanish Mass Sacrament of Penance 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm 2 Saturday $5,840.80 $1,357.37 Sunday: SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Third Sunday of Advent Monday: Our Lady of Guadalupe Tuesday: St. Lucy Wednesday: St. John of the Cross Friday: Las Posadas begins THE LOOK OF LOVE What does love look like? It has feet to go to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of others. —St. Augustine PARISH INFORMATION THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH SUNDAY/DOMINGO 12/11/16 8:00am - 2:00pm 8am, 10am, 5:30pm 6:30am 8:00am 10:00am 10:30am 12:00pm 5:30pm 10:30pm HOSPITALITY FAIR OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE SKIT OF THE APPARITION English Mass People of the Parish Spanish Mass Jose Guadalupe Lazo English Mass Juan, Johnny, & Lupe Bracamonte YOUTH GROUP IN CHAPEL English Mass Richard M. Ochoa’s Birthday Spanish Mass Jose Luis “Guapo” Rincon OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE MASS & PROCESSION MONDAY/LUNES 7:00am 12:00pm Daily English Mass Daily English Mass TUESDAY/MARTES 12/12/16 Adrian O. Medina Guadalupe Renteria 12/13/16 7:00am Daily English Mass Fernando de Jesus Garcia Serna 12:00pm Daily English Mass Thanksgiving for Malaya Cox’ Baptism 6:00pmCONFIRMATION CLASS 6:30pm ST VINCENT DE PAUL MEETING WEDNESDAY/MIERCOLES12/14/16 7:00am 12:00pm 6:30pm - 8:00pm Daily English Mass Daily English Mass RCIA THURSDAY/JUEVES 7:00am 12:00pm 6:00pm 6:45pm FRIDAY/VIERNES 7:00am 12:00pm 6:45pm 7:00pm 12/15/16 Daily English Mass Lillian Doe Daily English Mass Alicia Casas ADULT BIBLE STUDY POSADAS - See Schedule on page 7 12/16/16 Daily English Mass Alejandro Santa Cruz Daily English Mass Fernando de Jesus Garcia Serna POSADAS - See Schedule on page 7 CONCERT IN OUR LADY CHAPEL SATURDAY/SABADO 5:30pm 6:45pm 7:00pm Fernando de Jesus Garcia Serna Fr. John Alt - Special Intention 12/17/16 English Vigil Mass Ernesto & POSADAS - See Schedule on page 7 ENGLISH BAPTISM CLASS Rita Duarte RECURRING EVENTS 2ND & 4TH TUESDAYS OF THE MONTH 6:30pm ST VINCENT DE PAUL MEETINGS EVERY WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH 6:30pm- 8:00pm RCIA 1ST & 3RD THURSDAYS OF THE MONTH 6:00pm- 8:00pm ADULT BIBLE STUDY with Gene Benton 520-419-9677 PARISH INFORMATION ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS WITH US! If you are interested in placing an ad for your company in our Bulletin, please contact Claudia Borders at (520) 298-1265 VISIT OUR WEBSITE! VISIT US ON facebook/ staugustine cathedral BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENT DEADLINE: Please submit your request to the parish office two Fridays before the weekend you need your announcement in bulletin. Thank you. 3 THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT DECEMBER 11, 2016 TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The barren deserts will rejoice and flower. Tired bodies will receive strength. Aching hearts will be made glad (Isaiah 35:1-6a, 10). Psalm — Lord, come and save us (Psalm 146). Second Reading — Be patient, for the coming of the Lord is as sure as the rain (James 5:7-10). Gospel — Tell of what you hear and see: The blind regain their vision, the crippled their movement, the deaf their hearing (Matthew 11:2-11). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK A SEASON OF HOPE Today we can bask in the imagery that the Mass readings offer us. In particular, Isaiah’s vision of a parched land that blooms with abundant flowers holds a message for each of us. Too often we are just like that parched land. We can allow ourselves to become absorbed in the waves of consumerism that grip so many. We look for fulfillment in the things that money can buy. Unfortunately, this leaves us like parched land, thirsting for something that money can’t buy. This holy season has much to offer to quench our thirsts. In a word, this season offers hope. We are told that those who are ransomed by God will know joy and gladness. For them, sorrow and mourning will be no more. Let us place our hope in these promises. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT Today is Gaudete Sunday, which means “rejoice.” For three weeks now we have been preparing for Christmas and, one hopes, enjoying some peace to pray and anticipate the coming of the Lord, not just as a baby two thousand years ago, but also in the end-times, the parousia, when the Lord will come again in glory. This is the Sunday when the rejoicing begins. Advent, unlike Lent, is not a penitential time, but a time of waiting and anticipation for the fulfillment of God’s promises. “[We] will see the glory of the Lord, / the splendor of our God” (Isaiah 35:2). So, “Be patient, brothers and sisters, until the coming of the Lord . . . Make your hearts firm, because the coming of the Lord is at hand” (James 5:7, 8). 4 Monday: Zec 2:14-17 or Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Jdt 13:18bcde, 19; Lk 1:26-38 or Lk 1:3947, or any readings from the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary, nos. 707-712 Tuesday: Zep 3:1-2, 9-13; Ps 34:2-3, 6-7, 17-19, 23; Mt 21:28-32 Wednesday: Is 45: 6b-8, 18, 21b-25; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Lk 7:18b-23 Thursday: Is 54:1-10; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-12a, 13b; Lk 7:24-30 Friday: Is 56:1-3a, 6-8; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 7-8; Jn 5:33-36 Saturday: Gn 49:2, 8-10; Ps 72:1-4ab, 7-8, 17; Mt 1:1-17 Sunday: Is 7:10-14; Ps 24:1-6; Rom 1:1-7; Mt 1:18-24 THE ONE WHO IS TO COME John the Baptist, wanting to confirm that Jesus is the Christ, sends his disciples to inquire about him. Jesus responds, echoing the words of the prophet Isaiah, “Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind regain their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor have the good news proclaimed to them” (Matthew 11:4–5). By this reply, Jesus knows that John will recognize that he is the Messiah, the one who is to come, and rejoice. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. MORE THAN A PROPHET Jesus then turns to the crowds, and teaches them, and us, about John the Baptist. John must have been quite a sight, and quite a forceful preacher. He drew great crowds, including Pharisees and Sadducees, who came LITURGICAL out to see and hear him, and many were baptized. John has spent years baptizing with a baptism of repentance in preparation for the One who is to come. Jesus in turn pays tribute to his kinsman, and at the same time reveals his own mission as the Anointed, the One who will come to bring salvation to all who believe. He praises John, and reveals that John is the prophet who has come to proclaim the coming of the Reign of God in Christ. Jesus says, “This is the one about whom it is written, / Behold, I am sending my messenger ahead of you; / he will prepare your way before you” (Matthew 11:10). So, as James tells us in the second reading, we must not complain about one another so that we will not be judged in those final days. We can rejoice in the coming of the Reign of God. We must be patient. We celebrate Christmas not only as the secular holiday with Santa and the reindeer, the Christmas tree, the gifts, the parties, and all the glitz, but as the Incarnation and the joyful coming of the Lord our God. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. AQUEL QUE HA DE VENIR Juan el Bautista, queriendo confirma que Jesús es el Cristo, envía a sus discípulos a preguntar acerca de él. Jesús responde, haciendo eco de las palabras del profeta Isaías, “Vayan y digan lo que han visto y oído: los ciegos recuperan la vista, los cojos andan, los leprosos quedan limpios, los sordos vuelven a escuchar, los muertos reviven, y a los pobres se les anuncia la Buena Nueva” (Mateo 11:4–5). Con esta respuesta, Jesús sabe que Juan reconocerá que él es el Mesías, aquél que ha de venir. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. MÁS QUE UN PROFETA Jesús se vuelve hacia las multitudes y hacia nosotros para enseñarnos acerca de Juan el Bautista. Juan debió hacer sido un persona con una fuerte presencia y un extraordinario predicador. Él atraía grandes multitudes, incluyendo a los fariseos y los saduceos, que venían a verlo, escucharlo e incluso a bautizarse. Juan tenía dedicándose varios años a bautizar con un bautismo de arrepentimiento en preparación para aquél que ha de venir. Jesús honra a su pariente, y a la misma vez revela su propia misión como el Ungido, como Aquél que vendrá a traer la salvación a toda persona que crea. Él enaltece a Juan y reconoce que Juan es el profeta que tiene que venir a proclamar la venida del Reino de Dios en Cristo. Jesús dice “De él es quien está escrito. / Yo envío a mi mensajero delante de ti; / él preparará el LITURGICAL PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR PARISHIONERS Please call the office to remove your loved one’s name when well. Thank you! Jennifer Abeyta Cristen Aguirre Manny & Mary Alegria Ruben G. Amado Altagracia Araiza Valdez Guadalupe Arerala Lee Leon Baker Rosa Maria Barrera Antonio Beltran Vicente Bencomo Benjamin F.A. Bicknese Alma Rosa Bombilla Lopez David Bombilla Fregoso Terry Rico Bracamonte Deacon Oscar Bueno Mary Helen Bueno Ana Bustamante Maria Bustamante Vincent Bustamante Carmen Cardenas Msgr. Arsenio Carrillo Omar Casas Varela 11yrs Alex Catalan Luz Catalan Javier Chavez Liliana Chavez Dolores Corrales Norma Corrales Walter Cruz Theresa Cuestas Margie Echeveria Pache Estrada Diego & Nubia Federico Jerry Federico Jose Fimbres Ursula Fimbres Kyle Frank Alex Gallego Maria Galvan Alex Garcia Betty Garcia David Garcia Marco Antonio Garcia Avila Martin Gastelum Yolanda Gastelum Kathy Gatt Frank Chapo Gomez Veronica Gomez Roberto Grijalva Octavio Guerrero Erica Harper Mei Li Hepner Noah Hepner Ofelia Hernandez Gianna S. Hurtado Maria Elena JuarezDiaz Jazmine Larra Maya Larra Angelica Lopez Dora Lopez Baby Gilberto Ramon Lopez, Jr. Isaac Lopez Lourdes Lopez Maverick Lopez Michelle Lopez Curtis Lucas Socorro Macedo Alicia Manuel Bertha Dolores Martinez Abrian Medina Alicia Medina Francisco Medina Maria Antonia Medina Rebeca Mesquita Asuncion Metal Christina Molina Rosalie Monreal Jana Montione Linda Montoya Artie Navarro Alfonso Nieto Kyra Nieto Liz Nunez Bernice Irene Ornelaz Santiago Orozco, Sr. Raul Palma Gerardo Pereira Carmen Perez Esther Perez Mariah Peterson Carmen Pinedo Sherry Poe Gloria Pullium Poncella Quihuis Edilia Quiroz Fred Riesgo Graciela Rodarte Alejandro Romero Alicia Romero Bertha Romero Dora Romero Jose Romero Leonel Romero Karina Romo Jaime Roybal Sister Paulette Shaw Brad Sibley Millie Smith Daniel Smyers Howard Spence Christine Stern Mary Stern Joe Szleszinski Michele Tejada Eric Torres-Largarda Noel Torres Georgeann Toto Angel Valenzuela Rosa Maria Varrera Armando Vasquez Jonelia Whitten Mark Whitten Paula Whitten Randy Whitten Lydia Yanez Yareth Ybarra Angie Yrigoyen Gabriella Kenosha Zemont camino ante ti” (Mateo 11:10). Así como Santiago nos dice en la segunda lectura, no debemos quejarnos uno del otro para que no seamos juzgados al final de los tiempos. Podemos alegrarnos en la venida del Reino de Dios. Debemos ser pacientes. Celebramos Navidad no solo como cualquier día festivo 5 son un Santa Claus y los renos, el árbol de Navidad, los dones y las posadas o el glamour de las fiestas, sino con la Encarnación y la alegría que viene del Señor nuestro Dios. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. PARISH NEWS: OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CELEBRATION December 11, 2016 St. Augustine Cathedral’s Hospitality Sunday Domingo Hospitalario de la Catedral de San Agustín cha1a1, ,22001166 WWhhenenem//FebFech er day, Dec ember 11 Su , Dec de Diciem Sunnday mbbrere g in 11 de Dgicmieas DDoom o,11 in m go,fo in ses:s: Hosted by your wwing masse llo e th llo fo AAftfter e th er misas: : Pastoral Council en lalasssisigu entetess m2ispas de gu és DDesespu de és pu ••112pm m ••1100am am 8 am • am 8 66:3:300am • am Patrocinado por su Consejo Pastoral WWheherere//LLugugarar InInth theepa parkrkiningglolotton on th e theso sout uthhsiside eech deof ur ofth th ch un urch de ch r th under theeco ve re ddpa co rk ve in re g.g. pa rk in En el es En el esta tacicion onam amieient ntooso sobr bree elellalado r de la dosu sur de laIgIglelesisiaade ba debajojo de del les esta tacicion onam amieient ntoocu cubibiererto to. . Donuts, coffee, hot chocolate, entertainment, and other special treats will be provided by the Pastoral Council. El Consejo Pastoral proveerá donas, café, chocolate caliente, entretenimiento y otras atenciones especiales. The Knights of Columbus will be selling hamburgers and hotdogs after the 10am & 12pm masses. Los Caballeros de Colón tendrán venta de hamburguesas y hotdogs después de las misas de las 10am y de las 12 del mediodía. Special Guest / Invitado Especial The Guadalupano Association is proud to extend their most cordial invitation to all of you to attend the celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Sunday, December 11 during the 8am, 10am, and 5:30pm masses. The skit of the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe to Juan Diego will be presented during these masses. Afterwards, everyone is invited to enjoy Mexican sweet bread, coffee and hot chocolate. Everyone is invited. CELEBRACIÓN DE NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE El Grupo Guadalupano se enorgullece de hacerles la más cordial invitación para que participen en la celebración de la fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe el domingo 11 de Diciembre. El cuadro de las apariciones de la Virgen de Guadalupe a Juan Diego se llevará a cabo durante las misas de 8am, 10am y la misa de 5:30pm. Se servirán antojitos mexicanos como pan dulce, café y chocolate después de las misas mencionadas. Todos están invitados. CAN FOOD DRIVE St. Vincent de Paul is holding a Can Food Drive after every mass on Saturday and Sunday. Please help us feed the needy families in our community. Thank you. Santa Claus! Word from the North Pole is that he is scheduled to arrive around 9:30am! Papá Noel! Según informes del Polo Norte, nuestro invitado especial llegará a las 9:30am! 6 PARISH NEWS PARISH NEWS THURSDAY Meet @ 6:45pm @ Villasenor Residence - 54 N. Melwood December 15 NO YES FRIDAY Meet @ 6:45pm @ 80 N. Davila Cir. December 16 NO YES SATURDAY Meet @ 6:45pm @ 234 N. Grande Ave. December 17 NO YES SUNDAY Meet @ 6:45pm @ 1311 W. Franklin St. December 18 NO YES MONDAY Meet @ 6:45pm @ NW corner of S. Vine & E. Miles Street December 19 NO YES TUESDAY Meet @ 6:45pm @ 1342 E. Miles St. December 20 NO YES WEDNESDAY Meet @ 6:45pm @ San Cosme Chapel - 546 W. Simpson St December 21 NO YES THURSDAY Meet @ 6:45pm @ 537 W. Carrillo St. December 22 NO YES FRIDAY Meet @ 6:45pm @ San Cosme Chapel - 546 W. Simpson St December 23 We will proceed t St. Augustine Cathedral - 192 S. Stone Ave. Jenny Brichta Family - 959 W. Alameda St. Monty Davila Family - 80 N. Davila Cir. Palma Family - 129 N. Melwood Ave. Sergio Hollingsworth - 234 N. Grande Ave. Adam Lopez - 1121 W. Fresno St. Guadalupe de la Torre - 1311 W. Franklin St. Carlos & Lucy Amaparano - 211 N. Palomas Ave. Sylvia Lopez - 1033 W. Alameda St. Lennie & Eva Cota-Robles - 1302 E. 12th St. Rudy & Lorraine Aguilar - 1342 E. Miles St. Tony Aguilar, 1201 E. Miles St. Frank & Roseanna Lievanos - 1502 E. 13th St. Delfina Alvarez - 406 S. Sentinel Ave. Alicia Galvan - 537 W. Carrillo St. Edith Trujillo - 416 S. Elias Ave. Families of San Cosme Chapel - 546 W. Simpson St 7 PARISH BOARD OF DIRECTOR ELECTION The term of our current lay member to the Parish Board of Directors’ Treasurer, Joseph Ladenburg, expires on January 20, 2017. Fr. Gonzalo Villegas has nominated Joseph Ladenburg for another term. In addition to Father’s nomination, registered members of the parish may submit names for this position. Parishioners who are considering accepting nomination for the position must be Catholic, registered, practicing parish members, and at least 25 years old. For more information about the position, and the eligibility requirements, please contact Fr. Gonzalo Villegas at the office. Nominations will close on December 31, 2016. 8 PARISH NEWS Southern Arizona VA Health Care System (SAVAHCS) Homeless Patient Aligned Care Team (H-PACT) Why H-PACT? To provide easily accessible care for homeless Veterans. What is available? Primary Medical Care Referral for Substance Abuse Services Housing Resources Employment Resources Peer Support Services Shower and Laundry Facility Clothing Room Call (520) 629-1839 for additional information or visit us from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in Building 90 at 3601 S. 6th Ave.l T ucson, Arizona 85723. DIOCESE NEWS: CLASES DE INGLÉS COMO SEGUNDO IDIOMA Éste es un programa de empleo y entrenamiento. Los interesados deben tener conocimiento básico de Inglés y ser capaces de trabajar después de haber finalizado el entrenamiento. Total de 30 horas a la semana: Lunes-Jueves: 8:00am - 2:15pm Viernes: 8:00am - 1:00pm Las clases están disponibles para adultos mayores de 18 años, quienes desean aprender a comunicarse en Ingles por escrito y oral. La elegibilidad se basa en el ingreso económico de la familia y situación individual. Los participantes también aprenderán estas habilidades laborales: • • • Redactar currículum Técnicas de entrevista Encontrar trabajos localmente con mayor facilidad NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED TUCSON ARIZONA BOYS CHORUS HOLIDAY CONCERT Dr. Julian Ackerley, Director Assisted by Gavin Ely Saturday December 17, 2016 3:00PM & 7:30PM Crowder Hall University of Arizona $20 Premium Seating General Seating $15 Children under 12 $8 Tickets: Boys Chorus Office (520) 296-6277 or Para más información o iniciar el proces de admisión, favor de contactar a Norma Sykes o Erick Dorame. SER-Jobs for Progress 40 W. 28th St. Tucson, AZ 85713 (520) 624-8629 | Fax: (520) 623-5754 PARISH & DIOCESENEWS Buy your tree from the boys • Tree Lot located at northwest corner Wilmot & Broadway If you know of a boy age 6-12 who would like to join the Chorus, call (520) 296-6277 9
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