Saint Patrick Catholic Church 235 Glen Street Glen Cove NY 11542 “Sketch of Saint Patrick Church” A gift of the artist, Joseph M. Cherubini The Very Rev’d Dom Daniel Stephen Nash, Can. Reg. Pastor The Very Rev’d Dom Gabriel Rach, Can. Reg. Associate The Very Rev’d Dom Ambros Boyd, Can. Reg. Associate The Very Rev’d Dom Elias Matthew Carr, Can. Reg. In Residence Dcn. Frank Borchardt Dcn. Juan Guilfú Deacon Deacon PARISH OFFICE: 676-0276 Fax (516) 674-9137 BUSINESS OFFICE 674-8669 FAITH FORMATION 671-7223 MUSIC AND CHOIRS 676-0276 SOCIAL MINISTRY 676-5586 SPANISH MINISTRY 759-6039 The Very Rev’d Dom Gabriel Rach, Can. Reg. Ms. Bernadette Heym Fran Howlett Director Cantalicio Gamarra Cantalicio Gamarra Website: EMail: Parish office: [email protected] Fr Daniel: [email protected] Fr Gabriel: [email protected] Fr Ambros: [email protected] Second Sunday of Advent December 4, 2016 Mass Schedule Weekdays 9:00 am Saturday 9:00 am 4:30 pm (Sunday A nticipatory) Sundays 7:45 am Spanish Mass: 8:45 am (Parish Hall) 10:15 am (Family Mass) 11:30 am (Choir) 5:00 pm This week at St. Patrick’s St. Patrick’s Parish Ministries Adoration Saturday, December 3rd. 9:00 4:30 AM: PM: Joseph Kramer Collective Mass Intentions Celia Marie & Juan Miguel Gomez (Living -Birthday) Cecilia Volk Susan & Thomas Tierney Maria Stella Paolini Robert Colangello (Living) Sunday, December 4th. 7:45 8:45 10:15 11:30 5:00 AM: AM: AM: AM: PM: John Famiglietti 9:00 AM: Joan & Cliff Fusco 9:00 AM: Julia & Perry Gill 9:00 AM: 5:00 PM Rev. Patrick Kelly (1st Pastor, St. Patrick-96th Ann.) Vigil Mass - Church 9:00 12:10 7:30 8:00 AM: PM: PM: PM: Wanda Tereszczak Mass - Church Mass - Church Español - Parish Hall 9:00 AM: Joseph M. & Paul C. Reilly 9:00 4:30 AM: PM: Josie Campbell Collective Mass Intentions Eileen Famigletti St. Joseph of Cupertino Pro populo Msgr. John J. McCann Anthony Palmieri Geraldine Bombardiere Monday, December 5th. Tuesday, December 6th. Wednesday, December 7th. Thursday, December 8th– The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Friday, December 9th. Saturday, December 10th. Sunday, December 11th. 7:45 8:45 10:15 11:30 5:00 AM: AM: AM: AM: PM: Nancy & Donald Whitttaker Pro populo James McDermott Maura Kelly Kehew Gennaro & Giuseppina Maio & Family The Blessed Sacrament in the Notre Dame Chapel (Convent) Tuesday and Wednesday 10 am to 9 pm, Thursday open from 6:00 pm to Friday 1:00 am, and reopens Friday from 5:00 am to 12:00 pm (noon) then, from 9:00 pm Friday through Saturday 2:00 pm. Closed Sunday. Sacrament of Baptism At 11:00 am on the 1st Saturday of the month. Please call the Parish Office for more information. Preparation classes: the last Saturday of each month. Sacrament of Marriage Engaged and planning your wedding? The process begins by reviewing our Marriage Prep Checklist. This document is available at the Parish Office, or at The link is located on the main page under "Announcements". Sacrament of Penance Saturday 3:30 pm to 4:15 pm (Church) Monday to Wednesday immediately after the 9:00 am Mass (Church). If possible, please inform the sacristan or priest before Mass. Parish Faith Formation Provides excellent formation in the Catholic Faith for children in non-Catholic private and public schools. Grades 1-6 and Children’s Catechumenate on Tuesday 4:15 - 5:30 pm Grades 1-8 and Children’s Catechumenate on Tuesday 7:00 - 8:15 pm R.C.I.A on Tuesday evenings from 7:30-8:30 pm. We will meet (mostly) at St. Rocco’s. All Saints Regional Catholic School Offers an excellent Catholic and academically rigorous education. Nursery to Eighth Grade. For more information please call the School Office (676-0762). Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Please contact the Office to arrange a time. In emergency please call the Parish Office/Emergency Line. Apostolado Hispano Celebramos la Eucaristía todos los Domingos a las 8:45 am, el Sacramento del Bautismo se administra el 2do. y el 4to. Domingo de cada mes. Se require previa charla de preparación. Para más información, llamar al 759-6039. Parish Social Ministry Bread & Wine The family members who have entered into Eternal Life! Joan Holman We care for our brothers and sisters through our Parish Outreach and food pantry program. Open on Tuesdays from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm and Thursdays from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. For further information please call 676-5586. Parish Thrift Shop In loving memory of Joseph & Paul Reilly Donated by Margaret Reilly Open on Monday, Thursday and the 1st Saturday of the month from 9:00 am-2:00 pm. Sunday schedule, please check in the bulletin. For more information call 516-817-7796. We Pray for our Sick..... The church unites in praying for those who are critically ill. Our prayers can be a very effective channel for the healing power of Christ. Some people have a crisis or illness. Others are chronically ill. Both types of situations need the care and concern of the entire Body of Christ. At the request of concerned family members, names of the critically ill will be placed on our prayer list and will remain on the sick list for four (4) weeks. After that time they will be removed from the list. If a member of the family or the sick person himself or herself wishes to remain on the list, they have only to call or e-mail us and we will be happy to oblige. Peggy Williams, Elizabeth Doxey, Abigail Sadowski, Michelina Gambale, Eileen Guadagni, Jacob Sagaser, Samantha De Mato, Steve Valli, Gloria Cuellar, Katherine McCarthy, Peter Jablonski, Eileen Stapelton, Mike Solomito, Michelle Butler, Allyn Adams, Jack Swenson, Kim Pomeroy, Fernando Ayo, Angela Bezella , Dorothy Sagaser, Joseph Sagaser, Mary Tormey, Carter Suozzi, Raymond Dillon, Angela Grella, Elizabeth Comitino, Mackenzie Borchers, baby Grace Skuches, Maryann Curley, Concetta Macedonio, Philipe Pretto, Louis Guadagni, Alberta Sadowski, Mrs. Hazel Reukauf, John Devoti, Christine Williams, Thomas Wright, Salomon Huamaní, Victor Tosner, Susan Robertson, Margaret Occhuito, Bobbie Brown, Frances Breen, Julianne Hennesy, Veronica Munoz, Sal Comitino, Hogan Family, Emily Bonilla, Donna Ryen, Marcie Lynch, Leticia Gallardo, baby Mason Colon, Paul Mahoney, Sheila Greene, Cristina, Rich Cutler, Reggie Bock, Theresa Dougherty, A. Magliane, Al Francepane, and Florence Lane. Reflection- We must be good stewards of God’s gifts to us, receiving them gratefully and cultivating them with care lest we be the ones about whom John the Baptist speaks today: “Every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.” General Intercession for Mass- That as stewards who watch and wait, we seek the grace to repent of our sinfulness and prepare to welcome the Savior, we pray to the Lord. Living Stewardship- We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who strive to consider how they are fulfilling God’s purpose to be of service to our parish and to the wider community. WEEKLY OFFERINGS November 20, 2016 Collection $10,608.00 Actual Budget* Healthy Parish** $14,176.00 $18,000.00 $11,398.00 Actual Budget* Healthy Parish** $14,176.00 $18,000.00 Thursday, December 8th collection for Immaculate Conception Over/Under -$3,568.00 -$7,392.00 November 27, 2016 Collection Special Collection Over/Under -$2,778.00 -$6,602.00 * Actual Budget is based on historical collections only. It reflects only the bare minimum the parish needs. **Healthy Budget reflects what is really needed to run the parish and prudently maintain the facilities. Thank you for your continued generosity! Weekly Readings Monday:Is.35:1-10./ Ps.85(84):9ab-10.11-12.13-14./ Lk.5:17-26. Tuesday: Is.40:1-11./ Ps.96(95):1-2.3.10ac.11-12.13./ Mt.18:12-14. Wed: Is.40:25-31./ Ps.103(102):1-2.3-4.8.10./ Mt.11:28-30. Thursday:Gn.3:9-15.20./ Ps.98(97):1.2-3ab.3cd-4./ Ephes.1:3-6.11-12./ Lk.1:26-38. Friday: Is.48:17-19./ Ps.1:1- Mt.11:16-19. Saturday:Sirach.48:1-4.9-11./ Ps.80(79):2ac.3b.15-16.18- 19./ Mt.17:10-13. Sunday: Is.35:1-6.10./ Ps.146(145):7-10./ James 5:7-10./Mt.11:2-11. Thank you for your generosity Second Collection Next weekend there will be a second collection for Religious Retirement Thank you in advance for your generosity The Parish Office & Adoration Chapel Will be closed on Thursday, December 8th in observance of The Feast of the Immaculate Conception and will reopen on Friday, December 9th Fr Daniel’s Letter Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ! Jumping ahead, if I may, next Sunday, on Gaudete Sunday, that great day when we get to wear stunning rose vestments, will offer us another reason to rejoice in the visit of Bishop Andrzej Zglejszewski, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Rockville Centre and Episcopal Vicar for our region. Bishop Andrzej (ahn-zhay – Polish orthography is as wild as English!) has of course been here before – his first Confirmation as a Bishop was here – but this time he comes for a Visitation. A Parish Visitation – they used to be quite regular, but with the mounting demands on bishops, they have sadly become less familiar – is a wonderful opportunity for the Bishop to get to know a parish, and, likewise, for the people to get to know their bishop. Usually, one only sees bishops in the parishes, for entirely understandable reasons, on the occasions of either Confirmations or the Funerals of Priests, at which time the visiting bishop does not really have the opportunity to see the parish as it is, either because of the fact that so many people who usually aren’t at Mass show up for those events or because the nature of the event precludes it. But to have a bishop come and spend a weekend with us is a great honor and pleasure. Bishop Andrzej will celebrate the 4:30 Saturday Evening Anticipatory Mass next Saturday (10 December) and the 10:15 Mass on Sunday morning (11 December). He will also be available after all of the other Masses, at which he will speak briefly, to greet you. On Saturday, we have a series of meetings with the Bishop, but at 2:30pm, Bishop Andrzej will make time to meet with any interested parishioners who would like to stop by. We will be in the Monsignor Healy Room in the Convent. Please make the effort to join us at one of the two Masses he will celebrate, if possible, and please keep him and our Ordinary, Bishop Murphy, in your prayers. ༺༻༺༻༺༻༺༻༺༻ In a off-beat conversation the other day about the academic propriety of quoting one’s own writings in subsequent publications (Thanksgiving Dinner was sure fun by us!), there popped into my head a gently trenchant, self-mocking line, uttered by a famous Catholic author and gentleman (who will, for lightly ironic reasons, not be cited now) whose talk I was attending years ago. He said: “If you will permit me to commit the unpardonable sin of quoting myself...” and then proceeded to do so. I’ve never forgotten that. It was great! With that in mind, since the (then) unjust accuation1 of this very crime was hurled at me, even if in a friendly, Thanksgiving-dinner kind of way, and even while believing that autoplagerism is perhaps reprobate and demeritorious, maybe even inverecund, it cannot (at least theologically speaking) be irremissible, I dare now to commit the crime of which I was heretofore innocent. So I reprint, with minor adjustments, a previous article on a (obviously to me) fascinating topic, the value of which, I believe, merits my boldness.2 ________________________________ 1 In particular – that I quote my own Bulletin Articles in other Bulletin Articles! Can you imagine? 2 This article comes from a time3 before I had broken the “footnotes in parish bulletin articles” barrier, so I apologize for its relative straightforwardness and clarity. 3 St Patrick Parish Bulletin, 21 December 2014, reprinted with the shamefaced permission but against the better judgement of the author. “There is one final word which I would like to share with, a word I very much love, an Aramaic word (Aramaic was the language which Jesus spoke; Hebrew was by that time mostly a liturgical language) which many know from songs or prayers – Maranatha. This marvelous word comes to us from the New Testament (St. Paul and Revelation). It is the Greek attempt to reproduce the sound of not just a single word but of a phrase, written as one word. Since Greek has a limited ability to reproduce carefully the sounds of Aramaic, we are left with something of either a delightful puzzle or a very frustrating conundrum, or as I see it, a providential mystery. One of the possible versions of the presumed original form of the word/phrase is: Máran átha (the way it is usually pronounced and interpreted) which can be rendered into English as: “Our Lord has come.” or “Our Lord is coming.” Actually, it’s a bit of both (Aramaic, like Hebrew, plays tricks with tenses). It describes what has already happened but what is also happing now. I would personally defend (and vigorously!) my own slightly archaic phrasing of “Our Lord is come.” (much the way we say “Christ is risen” rather than simply “Christ has risen”) as best expressing both aspects of the Máran átha interpretation. If, however, we think the original might have been: Marána tha (gaining popularity these days as a reconstruction of the original text), we come up with an exhortation: “Our Lord, come!” There are lots of excruciatingly complicated linguistic debates about the likelihood of this form, and if you enjoy arguing about hairsplittingly insignificant aspects of the grammars of ancient languages, give me a call! We could start a club; I just got a new grammar of ancient Babylonian (normalized, sadly, and not in cuneiform), but for some reason, the good Fathers just smiled and walked away quickly when I shared this good news with them. [Update – I have hardly made any progress in ancient Babylonian! And the other Canons still walk away when I start talking about it. Plus ça change…] Anyway. The form Marána tha is defensible, and so we are left with the question: which one is the correct reconstruction of the original, which was certainly a word of great importance in the early Church? Is it a creedal statement, telling the world (and reminding and comforting the believers) that the Lord and His Kingdom is already here, even if not completely? Or is it a prayer for His Coming and His establishing that Kingdom? Why not both? Isn’t Advent the time when we do exactly both of those things? On the one hand we profess before the world that Christ has already come, already been born – that’s why were celebrating, isn’t it? – and that His Coming is what has given us our mission in this world. And on the other hand, are we not praying devoutly and with longing for His Coming Again – not just symbolically at Christmas, and not only at the End of Time (although we should look forward to that! But that’s another story) – but most especially in the Now, in this very moment, so that He might live more fully in us (and we in Him), and that His Kingdom, already truly here, if at times hard to see and often covered up by the world’s indifference, might become manifest to all? This tiny word offers us so much – the comfort of His already having been born among us and the longing for His Coming again! Máran átha! Marána tha! Come, Lord Jesus!” Fr Daniel (quoting Fr Daniel) Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception Vigil Mass 7 December 2016 St Patrick St Rocco 5:00 pm - Church 7:30 pm - Church ༺༻༺༻༺༻༺༻༺༻ 8 December 2016 St Patrick St Rocco 9:00 am - Church 7:30 am - Church 12:10 pm - Church 5:15 pm - Church 7:30 pm - Church 8:00 pm - Español (Parish Hall) ༺༻༺༻༺༻༺༻༺༻ St. Patrick Church St. Patrick’s Religious Education Program is in great need of a 2nd Grade Catechist. Classes are held Tuesdays from 7:00 pm - 8:15 pm. Be still, and know that I am God Psalms 46:10 Are you looking to strengthen your personal relationship with God? If so, Centering Prayer, a method of silent prayer, might be what you are looking for. Please join us on Saturday mornings at 9:30 am in the convent at St. Patrick’s Church. We meet in the St. Teresa of Avila room on the 2nd floor, and e-mail to [email protected] to let us know that you will be joining us. - Your Centering Prayer Friends If you are interested please call @ 516-671-7223. The Family & Fundraising Association Thank you and God Bless you! Raffle Tickets: $90 The Society of St. Vincent de Paul December 4, 2016 Second Sunday of Advent In today’s Gospel, John the Baptist urges us to “Prepare the way of the Lord.” Advent is the time we are called to make the real meaning of Christmas come alive for ourselves, our families and for those in need. For example, is there a family you know who needs assistance? Call the Society of St. Vincent de Paul at 800-676-5586 or email [email protected]. Together we can help those in need. When you give to those who are suffering, you will discover the true meaning of Christmas. Whether you decide to make a monetary contribution or volunteer your time, we ask you to put your faith into action. As a volunteer organization, we rely on our benefactors to help those who are going through hard times! To learn more, please join us at our next monthly meeting on Tuesday, December 6th. We meet at St. Rocco’s Parish Center starting at 7:30 PM. (18 Third Street, Glen Cove) We look forward to meeting you Thank you for your support! Presents For the chance to win Four (4) Round Trip Jet Blue Airline Tickets Origin/Destination: Any City to Any City that Jet Blue flies to Valid Dates: 11/8/2016 to 11/8/2017 Raffle to be drawn at Evening with Santa, Saturday, December 3, 2016 You need not be present to win. Tickets can be purchased after Mass, or simply send an e-mail to [email protected] Total Prize Value: $4792.00 (Any amounts beyond $4792.00 are the responsibility of the winner/passenger. In addition, government taxes and fees apply to travel booked using a Certificate, are the responsibility of the passenger, and will vary based on route.) Note: Certificate is transferable; however, at no time may it be purchased, sold, bartered, traded on an auction website or otherwise exchanged for value without prior written consent from JetBlue. Certificate cannot be partially redeemed, is not redeemable for cash, and has no cash value. The Adoration Chapel Is in need of Adorers Tuesdays from 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM Please contact: Marge Peguillan @ 516-676-0885 Our Adorers are getting older are doing more than 1 hour per week. We need new Adorers, especially young adults, to keep it going. Your lives will be enriched by this wonderful devotion. God Bless you! Virgin of Guadalupe Patroness of the Americas Novena: December 3rd 8:00 PM - Church Novena: Dec. 4th through Dec. 6th 8:00 PM - Parish Hall Novena: December 7th through December 10th 7:00 PM & Mass 8:00 PM - Parish Hall Novena with Mañanitas (music): December 11th 10:00 PM - Parish Hall Saturday, December 10, 2016 on Long Island The Day of Prayer and Healing for Women is a opportunity to experience the loving mercy of God in a safe and sacred space. The day is directed by faithful priests and dedicated professionals who have a sensitivity and a heart for those who suffer. The day includes witnesses of mercy, Scripture sharing, personal prayer, opportunity for Sacramental Confession, and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Ways to register 1. Filling out the onlineform 2. Project Rachel by phone: 1-888-456-4673 (Confidential line) Mass: December 12th - 8:00 PM - Parish Hall All are Welcome ! 3. Project Rachel by emal: [email protected] All reservations and information is strictly confidential. For more information on Post Abortion Retreats visit our website. Christmas Giving Tree As we await the birth of Baby Jesus let us keep in mind the needs of the people of our community. The fierce Bulldog Patrol of Troop 6 of the Glen Cove Boy Scouts has put up the giving tree once again. Please kindly take a tag and purchase the gift written on it then place the package under the tree with the original tag attached. The charities will include the Glen Cove Youth Bureau, the National Mental Illness Association and the Glen Cove Animal Shelter. This year the boys decided to also help the abandoned and homeless dogs and cats of our community. The immense generosity of our parishioners was greatly appreciated by the recipients of last year's donations. Thank you, The Fierce Bulldogs, John Blazich, Mike Basile,Richard Thill Travis Goss and Pierce Whitting History Corner This is from the December 1915 St. Patrick’s Monthly. Enjoy! 5 Cents a Copy December 1915 60 Cents a Year St. Patrick’s Parish Monthly OFFICIAL ORGAN OF ST. PATRICK’S CHURCH, GLEN COVE, N.Y. REV. BERNARD. O’REILLY, Rector Rev. Thomas Scanlan, Assistant Parish Notes NOËL The Pastor and Assistant Priest extend to all the members of St. Patrick’s Parish greetings and heartfelt good wishes for a joyful Christmas and a blessed New Year. May the spirit of Christmas, the spirit of charity and gentleness and love of God, enter each home in our parish and abide there throughout all the days of the coming year. “To men of good will” was the angelic promise given of peace and contentment on this earth – behold in those words the assurance to us all, if we will but choose it, of a true “Happy New Year.” ADVENT With the first day of Advent we Catholics are bidden “to rise from sleep,” because the anniversary of Christ’s first meek and humble coming is at hand. We are told to “cast off the works of darkness, and put on the armor of light”; and this is not simply for Christmas, but for that other Coming, at once made plain to us in Holy Writ of the Redeemer in His Divine power and majesty to judge the earth. It is a trumpet call to the slothful, not to forget what their profession as children of the Church may mean; “to look up, and lift up our eyes,” and see if there is none struggling to the light which we have in it’s fullness, and to whom we can put forth a helping hand. Indeed, it is a question if there ever was a time when earnest men and women were so wearied with dissension, so fearful for the fate of their country and the human race; and so drawn, albeit unwittingly, to the old Catholic ways. Publicists, political economists, give us figures that are fearful to think of, if we are to hold the land we have won. We can afford to smile grimly at the creatures of limited minds who refuse to the native-born children of foreign-born parents the title “American,” and declare that it takes four generations to make a man worthy to bear that title. Ah, me! The thoughtless persons who make these dogmatic pronouncements won’t have anyone to represent them four generations hence! “Trade till I come!” says the Master. Our trading consists merely in the booking, merely in the intention; the deeds we do all day long, the simple deeds of the common day, are the goods. Each simple deed of every common day of the soul in grace, has a worth ten thousand times greater than the worth of the millions of a millionaire. CHRISTMAS THOUGHTS How full, how busy are these days preceding Christmas. There is so much planning to be done, so much time and consideration to be given to the selection of appropriate gifts for the friends whom we always remember at this great time of gift-giving. And is there not just a little danger in the midst of all the excitement of preparation and planning, that we may not think as often as we might of just what sort of gift we are preparing for our best and truest friend whose Christmas gift to us is none other than Himself? What a pity we should permit petty annoyances and superfluous worries to eliminate from our minds all thought of that sweetest love story the world has ever known, the tale old yet ever new, of the gift that Heaven bestowed on us that first sweet Christmas night when Christ the Saviour was ushered into our sinful world. Let us then not think mainly of the material side and so little of the spiritual significance of the beautiful feast of feasts, but keep uppermost in our minds during these Advent days what Christmas really is. He asks for our hearts. That is the only gift He desires. Will we not strive to make them worthy of Him and not slight our best of friends, on Christmas Day? Mothers, who carry out their vocation seriously and recognize that they are rearing and training immortal beings for eternity, will not weary of telling Johnnie to be kind and Mamie to be truthful, for God’s sake. They are greater than sculptors. They are fashioning souls for Heaven. All Saints Regional Catholic School Founded in 1990 Supported by the Parishes of: St. Boniface ~ St. Hyacinth ~ St. Mary ~ St. Patrick ~ St. Rocco Accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Phone: 516 676-0762 Faith Foundation Future All Saints Prepares for Christmas As we enter the season of Advent, All Saints faculty and students prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Every Monday during the season of Advent, the school with gather to light the Advent Candle and pray together as a family. Advent wreaths will be placed in each classroom as a reminder of the true meaning of Christmas. The First Grade Celebrates Thanksgiving The First Grade celebrated Thanksgiving in school by performing a show about the First Thanksgiving and, by thanking God for the wonderful blessings in their lives. After the show, students and their parents enjoyed a breakfast feast. Pre K Celebrates Halloween The Pre K children dressed in their Halloween costumes enjoyed putting on a show for their parents and grandparents as part of a Halloween celebration at All Saints. After the show they also enjoyed a Halloween parade and then a party with many festive cookies and goodies The Fifth Grade studies Hispanic Heritage The 5th grade students in Mrs. Galvani’s Spanish Class are learning about Hispanic heritage. The students are pictured here with their presentations of famous people with a Hispanic Heritage including: Shakira, Jennifer Lopez, George Lopez , Lionel Mesi, David Villa, Salvador Dali, Penelope Cruz, Roberto Clemente, Gary Sanchez, Alex Rodriguez ,Carlos Santana, Luis Noe, and Xavier Crews FREE Before-care and After-care! Registration for the 2015-2016 school year is ongoing. Contact Carol Filippone in our Registration Office at 516 676-0762 ext. 202 SUPER BONANZA RAFFLE $25.00 Daily Prize Winners November 27th – December 3rd 11/27 11/28 11/29 11/30 12/01 12/02 12/03 Frank Misito Sr. Robert Wellner Mr. & Mrs. John Udisky Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dictor Margaret Conologue Elizabeth & Bob O’Neill Stephen Kreyer Outreach & Food Pantry Will be closed on Thursday, December 8th in observance of The Feast of the Immaculate Conception …. A note from Outreach Pantry Congratulations to all the Winners! Life Center of LI Don’t Forget Your Baby Bottle! Saint Patrick’s Parish will be hosting a Baby Bottle Fundraiser to benefit The Life Center of Long Island The Life Center is a crisis pregnancy center that counsels women and men who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. We are asking that you pick up a baby bottle and fill it with your change. Most importantly, we are asking you to recite the prayer on the bottle. Please return the bottles on December 7th & 8th.. The prayer attached to the bottle will enable the counselors at The Life Center to say just the right words a mother or father may need to hear. It especially opens a mother’s heart to accept the truth. We believe these prayers lead abortion-minded women to call The Life Center in the first place. Thanks to all who contributed so generously to the Food Pantry over the last few weeks. You made a big difference in the lives of many of our brothers and sisters! As we know, hunger takes no holiday. So please keep us on your shopping list throughout the year. May all the Blessings of the season be yours. ST. PATRICK CHURCH VIRTUS TRAINING CLASS Virtus Training is required for all employees (Parish & School) and volunteers working with children. The classes will be offered by Lorraine Czarniak Monday, December 5th 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm or Tuesday, December 6th 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Msgr. Healy room (Convent Bldg.) You must register before attending the class at: Let us pray with our whole heart for the lives of our unborn children. FAN Program Held the second Tuesday of every month. This program offers food to people older than 60 years. from 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM in front of the Parish Hall. Al Anon Is there a drinking problem in your family? We can help! There is a regularly scheduled Al-Anon group that meets Monday at 12:30 PM John Paul II Room - Convent bldg. Please contact Marcela @ 676-0276 or e-mail to [email protected] Note: This class is only for members of St.Patrick Church & ASR School in Glen Cove. Immigration Services December 12th from 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM John Paul II Convent building Citizenship Classes Held every Tuesday from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM / John Paul II - Convent building OUR MILITARY USA USN WE PAUSE TO PRAY FOR BUC Len Abbate, NMCB-21, USN Capt. Philip Acquara, USAF Capt. Anthony Angelone, USMC SPC Corey A. Babb,USA SPC Damian Babb, USA Capt. Michael Bacotti, USA PVT. Anna Backiel, USMC SGT Russell Badolato, US Army LTCOL Thomas Beirne, USAF Capt. Daniel Bellissimo, USAF Lt. Matthew Bitter USN SEAL MAJ Adrian Bogart, US Army Russ Bolan, USMC PVT USMC Joel A. Bolivar David S. Brown, Capt. USAF Lt. Travis James Buffa, USN Pvt. Luis J. Bustamante, USMC SSGT John David Carbon, USA SGT Wilber E. Carmona USMC LT COL Allan Coville, US Army Bishop Robert J. Coyle LT. Thomas D. Croci, USN CPL Matt Cryan, US Marines MTCM William Davis, USN SPC Ana Delvalle Delgado, USA CAPT. Thomas F. Dono, USMC 1st. LT. Gregory G. Dono, USMC HM2 Matthew J Drollinger, USN Capt. Justin Dzakonski, USA SGT Clifford Edwards II, USMC CAPT Robert Elliott, US Army LT Mark Engi, US Army LCPL Luis Eriguchi, USMC PVT Thomas D. Farina, USMC PVT Jorge Farro, USMC LT Nathaniel Fick, USMC Paul Fischer, USMC PRAYER USAF OUR MILITARY AND Lt. Christian R. Foschi, USN SGT. Kevin Gleeson USAR SGTMAJ Raymond Grant, USA PFC Brandi Gray, US Army CAPT. Dan Grazier, US MARINE PFC Andrew B. Grazioso, USA Lt. T.J. Gossweiler Captain Evan Gotkin, USA Major Jennifer Gotkin, USA MED Sgt. J. Gotdiener, Israeli Defense LTJG Giselle Hamlin, USN Lt. Glenn M. Harvey USMC S/ SGT. M. Hendrick, USA Eng. HN Nicholas F. Hicks, US Navy MAJ. Luke T. Holian, USMC Capt. David Jacobs, Ranger US Army AD3 Michael Johnston PFC Justin (Kip) Kipling USMC LT Cindy Keating, USN CDR Thomas Kiss, USN CAPT Christopher Klyne, USN CH CAPT Fr. James Krische, USA PFC Michael P. Lanciki, USA Col Richard Looney US Army Col Elizabeth Baker Looney USA LT Dennis Mackin, US Army Luc-Noel Mamodesen, USNG CAPT G. M. Martinez, USMC LTJG J. Miller Mathieson, USN LTJG Sean Mathieson, USN PFC Ian McClosky, USMC LT Evan M. McCrann, USMC LCPL Gary McKiever, U.S. Army Capt. William J. Mennis , USA Capt. Christina Merrick, USA PFC Jonathan Perez, US MC Carlos Millan, U.S. Army LIST USMC USCG FOR THEIR FAMILIES UT-1 Stephen E. Moore, Seabees CAPT Joseph F. Mondello, Jr. SGT Thomas Morrow, US Army Lt. Terence M. Nicholas USN Robert O’Brien, US Army Diana Susan Palomares, USMC MAJ Brian Paolillo LCPL John Patino, USMC 2nd. Lt. Brian Peguillan, US Army HM2 Matthew D Perez, USN LCPL Chris. Petersen, USMC 1st Lt. Jesse G. Prince MAJ Douglas Prits, USAF David Charles Ray, MP CPL Brian Rexing, USMC PVT Michael Rivera, USA AB Sommer L. Roberson, USAF LTJG Richie Schmaeling, USN CPT Hagan C. Scotten, US Army CPL Carlos Shimabukuro, USMC PVT Jose Tasayco, USMC Michael G. Traendly, USA RGR CMDR R.J.Tumbarello, Pilot, USCG P.F.C. Steven Vasko, U.S. Army CH MAJ Timothy Valentine L/Cpl Keith Wagenhauser, 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit HM Drew Whitting, USN MAJ Kristopher Zeek PVT Serge Zelenov, US Army The Crew of the USS McCampbell Crew USS San Francisco (SSN711) Col. Brenton K. Fraser, US Army Jacqueline Solomito, US Navy Note: Please help us update our Military Prayer List by contacting the Parish Office at 676-0276 or e-mail to: [email protected] All Saints Regional Catholic School Fundado en 1990 Apoyado por las Iglesias de: St. Boniface ~ St. Hyacinth ~ St. Mary ~ St. Patrick ~ St. Rocco Acreditado por la Asociación Middle State de Universidades y Colegios Teléfono: 516 676-0762 Fé Fundamentos Futuro Todos los Santos se prepara para Navidad Al entrar en la temporada de Adviento, todos los maestros de los Santos y los estudiantes se preparan para celebrar el nacimiento de Jesus. Cada lunes durante la temporada de Adviento, la escuela se reune para encender la Vela del Adviento y orar juntos como una familia. Las guirnaldas de Adviento seran colocadas en cada salon de clases como un recordatorio del verdadero El Primer Grado Celebró el Día de Acción de Gracias Los niños de Nido Celebran el Día de las Brujas El Primer Grado celebro el Día de Accion de Gracias en la escuela realizando un espectaculo sobre el Primer Día de Accion de Gracias y agradeciendo a Dios por las maravillosas bendiciones en sus vidas. Despues del espectaculo, los estudiantes y sus padres disfrutaron del desayuno. Los ninos de Nido vistieron sus disfraces por el Día de las Brujas y gozaron al dar un espectaculo para sus padres y abuelos como parte de una celebracion del Día de las Brujas en Todos los Santos. Despues del espectaculo tambien disfrutaron del desfile por el Día de las Brujas y luego tuvieron una fiesta con muchas sorpresas y golosinas. El Quinto Grado estudia acerca de la Herencia Hispana Los estudiantes de 5to grado de la clase de Espanol de la Sra. Galvani estan aprendiendo sobre la Herencia Hispana. Los estudiantes fueron fotografiados con sus representaciones de personas famosas que tienen Herencia Hispana incluyeron a: Shakira, Jennifer Lopez, George Lopez, Lionel Mesi, David Villa, Salvador Dalí, Penelope Cruz Roberto Clemente, Gary Sanchez, Alex Rodríguez, Carlos Santana, Luis Noe , y Xavier Crews. Programa de Cuidado Antes y Después de Clases GRATIS! La Registración para el periodo escolar 2016-2017 está abierta. Contacte a Carol Filippone en nuestra Oficina de Registración 516 676-0762 ext. 202 Isaías 11:1-10 Hay dos imágenes muy fuertes en este pasaje: el árbol y el soplo. En toda la Escritura, se asocia el árbol con imágenes de la dinastía real. Isaías compara la dinastía de David con un vestigio de lo que había sido un árbol frondoso; pero alienta a sus seguidores a no perder la esperanza, porque Dios puede infundir vida en ese tronco. La vida viene del soplo, el espíritu o ruaj, que ya antes de la creación se cernía sobre las aguas. Este mismo espíritu es el que invadirá al futuro Mesías, que viene del tronco de David. Es el Mesías quien traerá armonía y paz a todo el mundo. Romanos 15:4-9 El apóstol pone el acento sobre la obligación de los fuertes de aceptar a los que son más débiles y compartir la carga. También hace una llamada a compartir los dones y a celebrar la riqueza, hasta destruir la última barrera que separa: el miedo, la sospecha y el rechazo a lo diferente. Mateo 3:1-12 El tema del reino es central en el evangelio de Mateo. Antes del exilio babilónico había un mito sobre el reino de Dios, en el que el poderoso creaba cielos y tierra, libraba a los oprimidos y destruía a los enemigos y daba a su pueblo la tierra prometida. El mito de este Dios guerrero era la base del Israel antiguo; pero cuando su sueño se vio enfrentado a una realidad de exilio y destrucción, se cambió la idea del reino material a algo escatológico, para poder dar esperanza a la gente en tiempos de persecución y destrucción. El mal El evangelio nos pone delante de los ojos el ejemplo de Juan Bautista, que se declara indigno de desatar las correas de las sandalias del Señor, porque su misión es sólo anunciar su llegada. Esta actitud humilde es propuesta a los cristianos en el segundo domingo de Adviento, porque la humildad acalla los ruidos interiores y permite tener los oídos abiertos a su palabra; la humildad nos abre el corazón para recibir su llegada con integridad y valentía para cambiar; la humildad nos descentra de nosotros mismos para mirar por dónde pasa el Reino de Dios y nos libera de la soberbia que es autosuficiente. espaldas al Padre del Cielo y a sus hijos que sufren en la tierra. Ese estilo de vida los hará cada vez menos humanos. 1. Despertar... El Señor no quiere gente dormida, ni gente que se desentienda de la realidad, ni que delegue en otros el encargo de vigilar y trabajar. Los dormidos y adocenados no sirven para el Reino. 2. Tener cuidado... «Que no se nuble la mente con el vicio y los agobios de la vida». La advertencia está dirigida precisamente a los instalados, a los que solo se preocupan de sus cosas. No se acostumbren a vivir con un corazón insensible y endurecido, buscando llenar su vida de bienestar y placer, de 3. Ser lúcidos y críticos... Despertar al presente, a lo que acontece y está cerca. Ser críticos ante los acontecimientos de nuestra aldea global y que pueden oscurecer la venida del Señor. 4. Preguntar... Preguntar no sólo qué pasa sino qué tiene que pasar, y qué tenemos que hacer aquí y ahora para que se cumpla la voluntad de Dios. 5. Vigilar... El Adviento es tensión hacia el futuro. «Ponernos en pie y alzar la cabeza. Se acerca nuestra liberación». No mirar el futuro sólo desde nuestros cálculos. 6. Celebrar... Preparémonos a celebrar con gozo el acontecimiento de la aparición pri- Hoy se necesitan personas que sean testigos de la misericordia y de la ternura del Señor, que sacude a los resignados, reanima a los desalentados, enciende el fuego de la esperanza. ¡Él enciende el fuego de la esperanza! ¡Nosotros, no! Muchas situaciones requieren nuestro testimonio consolador. Ser personas alegres, consoladas. Pienso en aquellos que están oprimidos por sufrimientos, injusticias y abusos; a los que son esclavos del dinero, del poder, del éxito, de la mundanidad. Pobrecillos. Tienen consuelos falsos. No, el verdadero consuelo del Señor. Todos estamos llamados a consolar a nuestros hermanos, testimoniando que sólo Dios puede eliminar las causas de los dramas existenciales y espirituales. ¡Él puede hacerlo! ¡Es poderoso! Papa Francisco (Ángelus, 7/12/2014). mera de la bondad y el amor de Dios en Jesús. 7. Mantener nuestra fe en las promesas del Dios liberador. 8. Descubrir... Descubrir el paso de ese Dios Padre en la historia y en el corazón de los hombres. 9. Esperar... Y para descubrir a Cristo que viene en las situaciones actuales, lo razonable es la esperanza. No se desanimen, pongan su granito de arena; si se empeñan, las cosas pueden cambiar. 10. Liberarse... Liberarse de las esclavitudes e ignorancias. Mirar la vida consciente y libremente con sus ojos. Sentir su presencia amorosa, comprensiva, estimulante. 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Brunch - Only 30 Glen Street, Glen Cove $15.95 (11AM-3PM) R E S T A U R A N T 516-671-3737 Free Glass of Wine AND COCKTAIL LOUNGE with Entree w/ad Fashion for your floors since 1932 (516) 676-2800 Kitchen & Bath Design Center 18 Glen St., Glen Cove 674-4776 Serving the community for over 20 years Mention Ad for Special Discount to Parishioners 90 School Street Sands Point 1 516-656-0573 Owner always available | Clean, Safe, Friendly 214 Glen Cove Ave ~ Glen Cove, NY (near CVS) Dr. Robert C. Ferris Specializing In Orthodontics For Aduls & Children 674-4557 1 School Street, Suite 304, Glen Cove GRAZIOSE PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. Authorized Humidex Installer Residential - Commercial Oil Burners - Gas Conversions - Sales & Installations “Old World Craftsmanship Minor Repairs - New Work- Alterations with New Age Technology” Emergency Service - Back Flow Testing & 92 S. Bayles Ave., Certification - Sewer & Water Connections Pt. 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