THE OXFORD SCHOOL TERM TEST WEEK TERM III -2016 121h-Grade- Science (12A1and 12A2) Term Tests for 12th grade will take place from TUESDAY 29 TH NOVEMBER to FRIDAY 2ND DECEMBER. The schedule for 12th grade Term Tests is the following. Les informamos que los exámenes trimestrales de 120 se llevarán a cabo del MARTES 29 DE NOVIEMBRE AL VIERNES 2 DE DICIEMBRE. El horario para los exámenes de 12o es el siguiente TIME 7:15 – 8:15 8:15– 10:15 10:15 – 10:30 10:30 – 10:45 10:45 – 12:45 TUESDAY 29 WEDNESDAY 30 THURSDAY 1 FRIDAY 2 HOMEROOM/ STUDY HALL HOMEROOM/ STUDY HALL HOMEROOM/ STUDY HALL HOMEROOM/ STUDY HALL ENGLISH LITERATURE ENGLISH LANGUAGE SPANISH/SSL CHEMISTRY RECESS RECESS RECESS RECESS STUDY HALL STUDY HALL STUDY HALL STUDY HALL MATHS BIOLOGY PHYSICS END OF YEAR CELEBRATION During this period, classes will begin as usual at 7:30 a.m. and will end at 12:45 p.m. Students must go home once this schedule is completed. Students are not permitted to remain in areas around the school after they have completed their exams. Durante este periodo, todos los exámenes iniciarán a las 7:30a.m. y terminarán a las 12:45 p.m. Los estudiantes se retirarán a sus hogares después de haber terminado los exámenes y está prohibido que permanezcan en los predios de la escuela una vez terminados el horario asignado. 1 I. ENGLISH LANGUAGE:- 12TH GRADE AS LEVELS 9093 English Language The exam will consist of two sections: 1. Composition. You will be given a choice of writing EITHER a piece of imaginative writing OR writing for an audience. Your essay will need to be between 600 and 900 words. 2. Reading & Use of English. You will be asked to read: a) A text with some multiple choice questions b) Four short texts with multiple-matching questions c) A page of text with some numbered gaps which repesent missing paragraphs. After the text there are some paragraphs which are not in the right order. You have to decide which paragraph fits each gap d) Various short texts and decide which text each question refers to. II. ENGLISH LITERATURE - 12th Grade Paper 5 – Christina Rossetti You must have a developed understanding of the following poems: A Christmas Carol Winter: My Secret The Lowest Place Good Friday Remember Important aspects of Rossetti’s poetry to consider: Faith/Hope – The ways in which language is used to present the speaker’s faith in God. The birth/death of Jesus – Consider the ways the speaker describes the birth of Jesus and how it relates to her feelings. Symbolism – Focus on how Rossetti’s use of symbolism in her poetry creates imagery/meaning in her poetry. 2 Paper 7 – Commentary and Appreciation You will be given one unseen passage where you will be expected to focus on language/imagery/form/structure and then explain how meaning is created. You must have an understanding on the following features of unseen passages: Metaphor Personification Onomatopoeia Alliteration Line lengths and its effect Imperatives/exclamatory sentences Plosives Sibilance Symbolism The writer’s purpose III.PHYSICS 12A 1 12th Grade Physics ( Della Sera) Study Guide Chapter 23 : Coulomb’ s Law Chapter 24 : Capacitance Chapter 25 : Electronics Chapter 31 : Nuclear Physics 12 A2 (Castroverde) Chapter 5 Work energy and power Doing work, transferring energy Gravitational potential energy Kinetic energy g.p.e-k.e transformations Down, up, down – energy changes Power Chapter 6 Momentum The idea of momentum Modelling collisions Understanding collisions Explosions and crash landings Collisions in two dimensions Momentum and newton’s law 3 IV. BIOLOGY 12 A1/12 A2 Biology Study Guide I. Chapter 4 Cell membranes and transport P. 72 – 89 II. Chapter 5 The mitotic cell cycle P. 93 – 106 III. Chapter 6 Nucleic acids and protein synthesis P. 110 - 123 Textbook: Cambridge International AS and A Level Biology Coursebook V. CHEMISTRY Chapter 14: Introduction to organic chemistry Representing organic molecules Functional groups Naming organic compounds Bonding in organic molecules Structural isomerism Stereoisomerism Organic reactions – mechanisms Types of organic reaction Chapter 15: Hydrocarbons The homologous group of alkanes Sources of the alkanes Reactions of alkanes The alkenes Addition reactions of the alkenes Oxidation of the alkenes Addition polymerisation Tackling questions on addition polymers Chapter 16: Halogenoalkanes Nucleophilic substitution reactions Mechanism of nucleophilic substitution Elimination reactions 4 Chapter 17: Alcohols, esters and carboxylic acids The homologous series of alcohols Reactions of the alcohols Carboxylic acids Chapter 18: Carbonyl compounds The homologous series of aldehydes and ketones Preparation of aldehydes and ketones Reduction of aldehydes and ketones Nucleophilic addition with HCN Testing for aldehydes and ketones Reactions to form tri-iodomethane Infra-red spectroscopy VI. ESPAÑOL : Grado: 12° SFL Profesoras: Edilma Maure y Marina Markou LITERATURA: 1. TRILOGÍA TEBANA: EDIPO REY, ANTÍGONA, EDIPO EN COLONO. Tragedia griega Temas Personajes Estilo Ambiente Estructura Técnicas narrativas Valoración crítica de las obras. 5 ANTOLOGIA LITERARIA - LITERATURA UNIVERSAL: LITERATURA CLÁSICA. UNIDAD 1. Géneros narrativos en la antigüedad griega Pág.8 El teatro griego. Poesía, Lírica y Oratoria. La literatura latina. Fragmentos representativos de los géneros literarios. La Odisea (pág.12) Oda a Afrodita (pág.20) Fábulas (pág.26) Autores de la antigua Grecia. Pág. 40-42 Autores de la antigua Roma. Pág. 44-45. TEMAS DE APLICACIÓN: El análisis literario tradicional (p.26) o El análisis poético. Elementos del análisis poético. Coherencia y Cohesión (pág. 106 y Conectores pag.136). Ortografía: acentuación general y puntuación. 12° AS & A LEVEL Profesoras: Kattie Castillo y Maritza Valencia 1. PEDRO PÁRAMO (Novela completa). Autor: Juan Rulfo Biografía del autor Contexto histórico, literario y social Realismo mágico Estructura literaria Personajes, ambiente, estilo , lenguaje, temas Técnicas narrativas y simbologías 6 2. BODA DE SANGRE, FEDERICO GARCÍA LORCA Biografía La Guerra Civil Generación del 27 Características del género dramático lorquiano Temática y estilo El lenguaje: simbología, y recursos poéticos La mujer desde la perspectiva lorquiana 3. EL AHOGADO, TRISTÁN SOLARTE Biografía de la autor Realismo mágico y social. El mito. Contexto histórico, literario y social de El ahogado Personajes, ambiente, estilo, lenguaje Técnicas narrativas, simbologías y temática Temas de aplicación: Destrezas y habilidades 12° Los signos de puntuación págs. 36, 56 o Coma, punto, punto y coma, dos puntos Análisis literario tradicional pág. 26 La matriz actancial pág. 46 Coherencia y cohesión pág. 106 La intertextualidad pág 114 Coherencia: la progresión temática págs. 132,133 Los conectores pág. 136 Repaso de la estructura del ensayo literario pág. 166 VII. MATHS: 12TH GRADE Pure mathematics 2 and 3 Unit 1 Polynomials Unit 2 The modulus function Unit 3 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 7
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