Iglesia San Vicente de Paúl Mary Kay Lamarre-Liturgy/Family Life [email protected] Reverend Jerome T. Karcher Pastor—[email protected] Patty Ledezma-Parish Life [email protected] Reverend Sergio Ramos Parochial Vicar—[email protected] Magaly Bernal—Ministerio Hispano [email protected] Deacon Gerard Wallace [email protected] Emmy Sanchez—Faith Formation Administrative Assistant [email protected] Deacon Angelo Giambrone [email protected] Raphael Garcia (RG) Youth Ministries [email protected] Karen Srajer—Parish Manager [email protected] Rose Clarke—Finance Manager [email protected] Elsa Lusk—Christian Initiation Adult Confirmation [email protected] Maria Zamora-Secretary/Office Manager [email protected] Grant Sevdayan—Choir Director [email protected] Rose Antognoli—Faith Formation [email protected] 8345 Talbert Avenue Huntington Beach California 92646 OFFICE HOURS Monday—Friday: 9:00 AM-8:30 PM Closed for Lunch 12:30 - 1:30 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Phone: (714) 842-3000 Fax: (714) 842-6780 Web: www.svdphb.org Our Parish Mission Following Jesus and centered in the Eucharist, we worship God and serve others. Siguiendo a Jesús y enfocados en la Eucaristía, adoramos a Dios y servimos al prójimo. Sunday Masses in English Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:00; 8:30; 10:00; 11:30 AM; 5:00 PM Daily Masses 7:00 AM: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:30 AM: Monday through Saturday Holy Day Masses 6:30 PM Vigil: 7:00 AM; 8:30 AM: 6:30 PM Bilingual Sacrament of Penance Saturdays 3:30 PM Sacrament of Baptism Pre-baptismal classes for Parents & Godparents Baptisms monthly. Call the Office for information and requirements. Sacrament of Marriage Please contact a Priest at least six months prior to anticipated Wedding. Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Mondays after 8:30 AM Mass Eucharistic Adoration and Exposition Monday 9:00 AM through Thursday 7:00 PM Misas Dominicales en Español Sábado: 6:30 PM; Domingo: 1:00 PM Misas Diarias en Inglés 7:00 AM: Martes, Miércoles y Jueves 8:30 AM: Lunes a Sábado Misas de Obligación en Español 6:30 PM Bilingüe Sacramento de Penitencia Sábados a las 3:30 PM Sacramento de Bautismo Clases pre-bautismales para padres y padrinos Llame a la Oficina para requisitos e información. Sacramento de Matrimonio Favor de ponerse en contacto con un Sacerdote por lo menos seis meses antes de la boda. Bendición para Quinceañera Llame a la Oficina para una bendición. No Misas. Exposición y Adoración al Santísimo Lunes 9:00 AM a Jueves 7:00 PM Page Two November 6, 2016 VOTE • • • • • • Protect all life from conception to natural death. Consider who will be nominated as judges for the Supreme Court Religious Freedom Economic policies Immigration concerns Persecution of Christians throughout the world GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN GOOD SHEPHERD CEMETERY It is our Christian duty to bury the dead; cremated remains are no exception. The Diocese of Orange Catholic Cemeteries have initiated a ‘Remembrance Program’ to provide a dignified complimentary committal of otherwise unburied remains at Good Shepherd Cemetery. For information, contact Mary Ellen Lohnes at (714)393-1536. Special Remembrance and Burial Celebration Honoring Our Dead 10:00 AM | Saturday, November 12, 2016 Father Jerome Karcher, Celebrant. St. Vincent de Paul Church MAN MAN A CATHOLIC MEN’S GROUP Join other men in our parish to grow in faith and support each other in their Christian lives! Meetings are on the Second Saturday of the month. Bring a friend! Saturday, November 12, 2016 7:00 AM – 8:30 AM Rooms A-B Questions, contact Dennis London at: [email protected] Plenary Indulgences Available A plenary Indulgence is granted (with the usual requirements for confession, reception of Holy Communion and prayers for the Holy Father) to the faithful who... • visit the Blessed Sacrament for adoration lasting at least a half an hour • personally make the pious Stations of the Cross • devoutly recite the Marian rosary in a church • read Sacred Scripture as spiritual reading, from a text approved…for at least a half an hour HEALING SERVICE Tuesday, November 22 at 7 PM The gift of healing is often proclaimed in the Gospels. The Bible relates many instances when Jesus changes lives and brings hope for those who suffer. We all need the healing grace of Jesus in our lives whether that be physical, emotional, moral or spiritual. Join others for a time of song, Scripture, Adoration and Benediction with personal time before the Blessed Sacrament with Father Jerome on Tuesday, November 22 at 7 PM in the Church. Sunday Offering Wednesday, November 9 at 12 PM Parish Hall Luncheon Honoring Veterans Day You are invited to join us for a wonderful time together. Please bring a main dish or dessert to share with the group! First time guests are welcome! Total in Cash Plate Recordable Contributions: Total in Sunday Envelopes/Checks Online Giving Total Sunday Offerings: October 30, 2016 Total - Budgeted for Sunday Offering $ 8,112.00 $ 11,834.00 $ 5,275.00 $ 25,221.00 $ 24,000.00 $ 1,221.00 [ Average Sunday Collection to Date: $24,596.00] Time & Talent “Moreover, it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful to his gifts”. 1 Cor 4:1-2 November 6, 2016 Page Three FIRST RESPONDER TEAM HELP US PREPARE TO RESPOND TO AN EMERGENCY Are you a police officer, EMT, fireman, or security officer? Are you interested in aiding in the planning of the response to an emergency? If you are, and would like to be part of our First Responder Team, please contact Karen Srajer at 714-842-3000 ext. 11 or [email protected] Deadline Extended to November 30, 2106! JOIN US May 4 - 14, 2017 Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary 9 Join Fr. Jerome Karcher & Parishioners Krakow, Poland, Prague, Czech Republic Budapest, Hungary Ro om m or for e! ! The trip will include The Divine Mercy Shrine, Auschwitz, and the home of St. John Paul II. Three nights in each city for a leisurely trip! Approximate cost $3,700 per person, pending rate changes. Limited to 40 travelers. Contact Karen Srajer at the Parish Office if interested. 714-842-3000, ext. 11 or [email protected] The 4 Last Things: Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell Sunday, November 13 at 11:00 AM | Room A If you ever wanted to know more about what happens after you die, come and join us at our next talk, given by Fr. Jerome. You may bring your coffee and join us for this topic offered to everyone especially those preparing for adult sacraments. If you have not received your sacrament of Confirmation or First Holy Communion and you are over 19 years old, you may join us at this session as part of your faith formation to prepare for these sacraments. Registrations are available at the Parish Office or you may download it from our website: svdphb.org under FAITH FORMATION/ADULT. For more information please contact Elsa Lusk at 714842-3000 ext. 12 or email at [email protected]. visit our website: www.svdphb.org St. Vincent de Paul Church Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA Second Collection this Weekend T his week we will support our parishioners and their families who serve or have served this nation with distinction as members of the U.S. military, The Collection for the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA will provide the Gospel, the sacraments and other forms of spiritual support to the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces wherever they serve and to veterans who are in VA medical centers. Please prayerfully consider a generous contribution to this special triennial collection approved by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in 2012 and last taken 2013. Prayer of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA Almighty God and Father, look with love upon our men and women in uniform and protect them in their time of need. Give them health and stability and allow them to return to their loved ones whole and unshaken. Be with their families and sustain them in these uncertain time. Grant strength and peace of mind to the Veterans who have given their best for the country they love. Support them in infirmity and in the fragility of old age. Teach us to remember their sacrifices and to express our gratitude. Manifest your tender care to those in the Military Academies who prepare for future service and to those who serve our Nation far from home. Teach us to remember the sacrifices of those whose efforts contribute to ensuring our way of life. Bless and multiply the priest who minister to the faithful of the Archdiocese for the Military Services. Reward their generosity and keep them faithful. Hear us as we present our prayers to You through Christ our Lord. Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio CORAZON March 18, 2017 Parish members will go to Tijuana or Tecate, Mexico to build a house in one day for a deserving family on Saturday, March 18, 2017. We have done this in the past and have had wonderful experiences working together. It is a full day experience leaving the parish at 6 AM and driving to the border, parking our cars, and then taking a bus over the border to the location; returning home late in the evening. MARK YOUR CALENDAR!! THE ROSARY IS OUR WEAPON Mondays at 6 PM St. Padre Pio said, “The Rosary is the weapon for these times.” That is just as true today as it was when St. Padre Pio walked on this earth. Prayer changes history, it changes hearts, and it changes the world. We must trust in God’s goodness and the power of prayer in the conversion of the West. (Constance Hull) Join us for the Rosary for Peace every Monday at 6 PM. Página Cuatro Noviembre 6, 2016 XXXII DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO AÑO C PRIMERA LECTURA 2º LIBRO DE LOS MACABEOS 7, 1-2. 9-14 SEGUNDA LECTURA 2ª TESALONICENSES 2, 15-3,5 EVANGELIO LUCAS 20, 27-38 “Los hijos de este mundo toman mujer o marido; mientras los encontrados dignos del otro mundo y la Resurrección no toman mujer o marido” Queridos hermanos, este domingo son los saduceos que quieren poner a la prueba a Jesús sobre la resurrección de los muertos. Es interesante como en la primera lectura, son siete hermanos que morirán martirizados por poner su confianza en Dios. Ellos desprecian esta vida porque la promesa de la verdadera vida es mucho mejor que la presente. Prefieren morir a no comer carne de cerdo, prefieren perder la vida que contaminarse. En el evangelio de hoy también le presentan a Jesús el caso de 7 hermanos que se casan con la misma mujer, para nuestro tiempo suena fuera de lugar porque la ley del levirato no se practica más. Esa ley la encontramos en Deuteronomio 25, 5 Dios la había impuesto para perpetuar el nombre del hermano que moría sin tener hijos. Para los judíos no era una obligación sino un deber, perpetuar el nombre del hermano en esta tierra. El número siete significa plenitud, los seduceos con este ejemplo de siete hermanos estaban diciendo que la felicidad del hombre se encuentra solo en la tierra, como le prometían a los siete hermanos de la primera lectura. Jesús nos revela algo muy profundo hoy, gracias a la pregunta engañosa de los saduceos. Primero, es que hay dos tipo de hijos, los hijos de este mundo y los hijos que son encontrados dignos del otro mundo y la resurrección de entre los muertos. Los hijos de este mundo toman mujer o marido, mientras los hijos dignos del otro mundo, no toman mujer ni marido. ¿Qué significa esto? Que hay una diferencia entre los dos tipos de hijos. Los primeros viven solo para este mundo, ponen todas sus esperanzas en esta tierra y mueren exactamente como el hombre rico que tuvo una gran cosecha. Mientras que los hijos encontrados “dignos” del otro mundo no mueren sino que son transformados y no necesitan más el afecto de los demás, ¡viven solo del amor de Dios! Mi pregunta es: ¿en cual tipo de hijos te encuentras tu hoy? Los que viven solo para este mundo o los que despreciando los placeres de este mundo luchan contra corriente sabiendo que la felicidad les viene del Señor que hizo el cielo y la tierra. Animo que hay un pedacito de cielo para ti, Cristo lo compro a precio de su sangre. Estamos pasando momentos muy difíciles para poder elegir a nuestro próximo presidente, y tomar una decisión sensata no es fácil, tal como le paso a los siete hermanos que les prometían no matarlos si comían carne de puerco (el animal más impuro para los judíos) pero ellos tienen puesta su esperanza en la vida eterna donde se vive para siempre. Frente a estas elecciones solo les pido que miren más allá de lo que se promete. ¿De qué sirve defender nuestra vida y no defender la vida del que no se puede defender? Recuerden que nosotros somos ante todo cristianos, ciudadanos del cielo y no de la tierra. Padre Sergio Ramos St. Vincent de Paul Church Ministerio Hispano Ministerio de La Divina Misericordia Noche de Consolación “Descubriendo a Dios en la Soledad y el Abandono” 18 de noviembre 2016 5:40 PM – 9:00 PM Invitamos a todos a una noche de consolación, para adultos y adolescentes de 10-16 años, tendremos como conferencistas al Padre José de Jesús Sánchez y el Padre Sergio Ramos, habrá Hora Santa, música acompañada por EUAngeluz y Javier De Santiago. La entrada es gratis pero tienen que registrarse, habrá cuidado de niños, tienen que ser registrados con anticipación. Para más información comuníquense con Javier De Santiago al 714-376-7210 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FIESTA DE NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE Sabado 10 de Diciembre Se aproxima la fecha de la Fiesta de La virgen de Guadalupe, evento organizada por la Comunidad Hispana. Aprovecho esta ocasión para pedir a la comunidad su colaboración y ayuda. Ya estamos preparando las actividades para este día, donde tendremos mucho entretenimiento, grupos bailables y en especial puestos de comida sabrosa. Esperamos contar con su presencia y su colaboración para el Mariachi y también personas voluntarias para ayudar en los puestos de comida y los preparativos de este día. La próxima semana tendremos la venta de boletos, esperamos una respuesta positiva y generosa de parte de ustedes. La fiesta se va a realizar el día sábado 10 de diciembre a partir de las 9 de la mañana y terminará a las 3:30 de la tarde. La misa va a celebrarse a las 10:00 de la mañana acompañada de un grupo de Mariachi comuníquese con la señora Magaly Bernal en la oficina parroquial o llamando al 714-8423000 ext. 26. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Clases de estudios bíblicos para adultos Estamos ofreciendo clases de estudios bíblicos para adultos, si usted quiere estar más cerca de Dios por medio de su palabra, estas clases les servirán de mucho aprendizaje y también como ayudar a nuestros niños en su preparación de su Formación en la Fe. Las clases son los días jueves de 5:00-6:30 PM y los sábados de 9:00-10:30 AM. Nos reunimos en el salón “C”. Quedan todos invitados. SIEMPRE FIEL Lo quieras o no, siempre te distanciarás de los seres humanos. Cristo es fiel y está siempre contigo.—San Juan de Dios November 6, 2016 Page Five Faith Formation Information EDGE MIDDLE SCHOOL MINISTRY (6th, 7th, 8th Graders) Topic: WHAT WE SEE: Creation of the Earth We invite all middle school youth to join us for EDGE night. We meet Mondays in the Parish Hall from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. We will play games, share snacks, and discuss the story of creation and what it reveals about God and about the world around us! If you would like more information, please contact Emmy at 714-842-3000 ext. 24. Liturgy of the Word for Children in Grades 1-4 November 13th & 27th during the 10:00 AM and 11:30 AM Masses St. Bonaventure’s 32nd Annual Craft Fair ATTENTION CRAFTERS The Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights of Columbus is pleased to announce St. Bonaventure’s 32nd Annual Craft Fair on Saturday, November 12, from 8:30 AM—3:00 PM | 16400 Springdale St. (Heil), Huntington Beach, 92648 ALL ITEMS MUST BE HANDCRAFTED!! For more information, please stop by SVDP Parish Office to pick an application for this event. You may also contact Becca Kane at 206.963.3692. HOPE AND HEALING AFTER ABORTION HOW TO BEGIN: Call the Diocese of Orange confidenƟal HOTLINE: 1-800-722-4356 Marriage Encounter Before the hustle and bustle of the holidays why not make a marriage encounter weekend to put some spark and romance back in your marriage that has maybe gone out? Next scheduled weekend is November 11-13. For more information, please contact Jim and Cheryl at 949-551-9156 or John and Maggie Lee at 714-873-5136. If you prefer, sign up on the website at: www.OCWWME.org St. Vincent de Paul Church Youth Ministry & Teen Confirmation 11/9/16 Y Disciple groups for Confirmation 6:30 PM – 8 PM Parish Hall 11/15/16 Life Night 6:30 PM – 8 PM Bring a friend to a night of prayer and teaching! Rooms A & B 11/23/16 Wednesday Y Disciple Groups for Confirmation 6:30 – 8PM Parish Hall 11/27/16 Sunday Social Night after the Teen Mass Bring a friend! Meet new friends! We’re going to have a social night for all high school teens after the teen mass For updates Follow us on Twitter and Instagram: SVDPHByouth or text @838g9 to the number 81010 ODCCW NOVEMBER MEETING The next Orange Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (ODCCW) meeting will be on Tuesday November 15, 2016 at St. Pius V Church Orangethorpe Ave., Buena Park, CA. 90621 | 714 522-2193 Mass at 8:00 AM Registration 8:30 AM | MEETING begins 9:00 AM $18.00 for Breakfast, Lunch, and a Speaker. Special Presentation on "Mercy Upon Mercy: Living Life as a Work of Mercy" Guest Speaker: Leia Smith ISAIAH HOUSE Orange County Catholic Worker Reservations: MUST be made by Friday, November 11th, 2016 Laurie Bois 714 600 0191 email: [email protected] Every Catholic Women of the Diocese of Orange is a Member and encourage to attend. TAMALE SALES Next weekend! $2.00/Tamale November 6 2016 Page Six Jesus said “This is my Body” and “This is my Blood.” Some say they are merely symbols of remembrance. Others say they are really the Body and Blood of Christ, but can’t explain how that’s possible. The Eucharist is the center-point of the Mass – but why? Come and learn at our next class on the Eucharist! Sundays from 1 PM - 2:30 PM Saint Vincent de Paul Church - Room B For more details, contact Patty Ledezma at 714-842-3000 x25 or [email protected] SPIRITUAL EXERCISES OF ST. IGNATIUS ADVENT SESSION 2016 St. Peter Chanel Parish 10 Week Program Beginning: Week of November 12th-17th (Offered: Saturday: 11:00 AM, Sun: 1:30 PM Wednesday: 7:00 PM, or Thurs. 9:15 AM) These classes offered at St. Peter Chanel Parish, 12001 E. 214th Street in Hawaiian Gardens, will greatly intensify your spiritual life and your desire to go to Heaven. Come learn the real purpose of your life and how to achieve it through self-knowledge, self-discipline, deep prayer, and discernment of spirits. Over 9,000 people have already transformed their lives through this program instituted by Fr. Ed Broom, OMV in 2006. You’ll see miracles happen in your life! There is no charge for the program and all materials are provided, however donations are appreciated. Each meeting lasts 2-2.5 hours. First time participants must attend the first class. To register online, go to www.spcomv.com For more information, please contact Fr. Ed Broom, OMV, Mary Martorana at [email protected], or Veronica Ayson at (562) 924-7591. St. Vincent de Paul Church Our Young Adults Ministry is geared for individuals ages 18-39. We get together for prayer, services, socials and outdoor activities. Come and experience the fun and fellowship of our ministry! A Life-Changing Experience age of “selfies” and egocentrism, YOU. In an cuts through the noise to present an authentic view of the human person. It presents young people with the extraordinary story of their creation as unrepeatable individuals. But the program doesn’t stop there. YOU: YOU: Life, Love, and the Theology of the Body introduces young adults to the truth that life is not, in fact, all about them; it is about going out of themselves to be a sincere gift for others. Join us for this study on Sunday, November 6, 13, & 20 at 6:15 PM in Rooms A & B. For more information, contact Patty at 714-842-3000 x25 or [email protected] PRAYER VIGIL FOR LIFE Please join us Saturday, November 12 at 9:30 AM in front of Planned Parenthood (Beach and Hazard) as we peacefully pray for an end to abortion. Our Lady of Guadalupe, please pray for us and with us. Thankfully, Respect Life Committee Wedding Banns Amonestaciones December 2016 weddings First Week December 17: Jose T. Berber Pulido & Patricia Carrillo Garcia, Vincent Van Nguyen & Lisa Michelle Tran November 6, 2016 Page Seven POSTURES FOR THE MASS Who Joins the Communion Procession Only those receiving Holy Communion should join the Communion Procession. If young children accompany an adult who will receive Holy Communion, the child should stand at the adult’s side and bow in adoraƟon with the adult. The Communion Procession is not the appropriate Ɵme to request a blessing since all receive a blessing at the end of Mass. The priest will also gladly provide a blessing outside aŌer Mass upon request for any person. Readings For The Week Monday: Tuesday: Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lk 17:1-6 Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37:3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29; Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Thursday: Phlm 7-20; Ps 146:7-10; Lk 17:20-25 Friday: 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119:1-2, 10-11, 17-18; Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: 3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112:1-6; Lk 18:1-8 Sunday: Mal 3:19-20a; Ps 98:5-9; 2 Thes 3:7-12; Lk 21:5-19 Weekly Mass Intentions Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Thur. Fri. Sat. November 7 through November 13 8:30 AM Novena Intentions & All Souls 7:00 AM All Souls Novena 8:30 AM Fr. Frank Mannion 8:30 AM Apolonio Solorzano † 7:00 AM All Souls Novena 7:00 AM All Souls Novena & Maria Bui Nu 8:30 AM James Jen Kin III † 8:30 AM Joseph Hullcraft † 8:30 AM Funeral Mass Weekend Mass Intentions Sat. Sun. Sun. Sun. 5:00 PM Harry Sassoon 6:30 PM Mario A. Cruz & Ignacio Abarca † 7:00 AM PRO PROPULO 8:30 AM Jeanette Meilak † 10:00 AM Louis Hy Tran † 11:30 AM All Souls Kim’s Family 1:00 PM Maria & Guadalupe Gonzalez† 5:00 PM All Souls Lien’s Family Pray for Those Who Are Ill Valeria Arneson, Eloyna Rivera Claudia Barajas, Laura Carmen Tinajero, Brenda Mar, Flo Epperson, Pamela Kurz, Arturo Godinez, Ton Nguyen. Mireille Dedeaux, Cliff Stone, Paul Bredgier & Family, Gary Conrad, Doris Defraine, Simone Kennedy, Juliana Mamana, Joyce & Anthony Srajer, Yvonne Guevara, Gloria Torrefranca, Linda Anello, Carroll Naphin, Margarita Torrez, Denise Filipek, Bernadette Kennedy, Sharon Malone, Dora Twigg, Tom Brahan, Fr. Joe Pallo, Linda Osborn, Buck Family, Carrie Benoit, Irene Vandrer, Ignacio Marquez, Ron DeFusco, Jose & Dolores Wilson, Tim Osuna. Hunter Ciccareli, Johnny Vra, Cheri Bragole, Bill Kysella, Paul, Roger and Michelle, Rodrigo Castro, Claudia Barajas, Laura Carmen Tinajero, Maria Imelda Reyes, Clinton Simcox, Elvira Orozco, Victoria Guzman, Debra Salermo, Huey (Phillip) Long, Mary Knight Rabbitt, Teresa Rios Chavez, Regina Phipps, Jose Luis Ruiz, Jacob Shoji. Prayer Line—Jill: 714-847-1759 St. Vincent de Paul Church Weekly Calendar - Calendario Semanal Monday November 7: 3:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM Catechesis of the Good Shepherd II-Rooms5-6 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level II-Rooms 6 Faith Formation-Room 3-4 & C Rosary for Peace-Church EDGE-Class-Parish Hall Evening Prayer & Benediction-Church Parish Life Ministries Bible Study-Rooms A-B M.O.M.’s Group-Rooms C Tuesday, November 8: 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 3:00 PM 3:15 PM 5:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level I & II-Rooms 5-6 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level III Rooms 7-8 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level II& III-Rooms 6–8 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level I-Room 5 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level I II III-Rooms 5-8 ALPHA - Parish Hall ALPHA-Childcare-Rooms 3-4 Acts of the Apostles Bible Study-Rooms 1-2 10 AM Choir Rehearsal Church Wednesday, November 9: 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:30 AM Men’s Bible Study-Parish Hall Adult Catechism Group-Room 1 Vietnamese Prayer Group-Room 4 Korean Bible Study-Room C Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level I –Room 5 12:00 PM 5:00 PM 55+ Better Potluck-Parish Hall 6:00 PM Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Levels I II III Rooms 5-8 Matrimonios En Cristo-Salon C 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM Teen Confirmation–Parish Hall Confirmation Parent Session-Rooms A-B & Parish Hall Divine Mercy –Room 4 Becoming Catholic-RCIA Inquiry -Room 8 Neocatecumenado Grupo 1,2,3 Salónes 1-3,C Thursday, November 10: 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 12:30 PM Acts of the Apostles Bible Study-Parish Hall Rosary Prayer Group-Room 1 Legion of Mary-Rooms 3-4 5:00 PM Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Levels I II III Rooms 5-7 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Formacion en la Fe-Salon Parroquial y Salones Society of SVDP Meeting –Room D Ensayo de Quinceañera-Iglesia Gospel of Matthew |Parish Life Bible Study-Rooms A-B Child Care –Parish Life-Room 4 Charla de Quinceañera-Salon C 8:30 AM Choir Rehearsal-Church Friday, November 11: 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM Clases de Alfabetización-Salones 7-8 Divina Misericordia-Salon A El Santo Rosario-Salon Parroquial Cenáculo de Oración-Salón 1 Saturday, November 12: 6:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 PM 4:00 PM Man To Man –Rooms A-B Formación en la Fe-Salon Parroquial y Salones CGS Level 2 Training-Rooms 7-8 Prayer Shawl Ministry-Room 2 Children’s Choir-Room 2 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:30 PM Ensayo del Coro de las 6:30 PM-Salon 2 Tamale Sale-Parish Hall Matrimonios En Cristo– Salon Parroquial Neocatecumenado –Grupos 1-3– Salones A-C, 8 Sunday, November 13: Tamales Sale after Masses while they last! 8:30 AM 10:00 & 11:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 11:00 AM Liturgy of the Word –Room B Childcare LAMBS-Room 3-4 RCIA-Adult-Room A Children’s Choir –Room 2 RCIA-Youth-Room 8 Confirmacion –Adultos Español-Salon C 11: 00 AM Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level I-Room 5 1:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:30 PM The Eucharist | Parish Life-Rooms A-B Childcare LAMBS-Room 3-4 Young Adults –Rooms A-B Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
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