PDF - Saint Anne Catholic Church

October 30, 2016 ~ Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston
Served by Oratorians
1694 Bird Street ● Rock Hill, SC 29730 ● Phone: (803) 329-2662 ● Fax: (803) 329-2190
Office Hours: Monday—Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm ● Email: [email protected]
Sacramental Emergency (803) 329-2662 Ext.7 ● www.saintanne.com
We celebrate our cultural diversity and invite everyone in our community to share their unique gifts.
Pastor—V. Rev. Fabio Refosco, CO,VF
Deacon Jim Hyland (803) 327-5080
Deacon Ray Moore (803) 684-5621
Parish Business Supervisor—Deacon John Hall
Facility Operations—Ms. Margie Blair
Parish Secretary—Mrs. Melita Talbot-Hill
DRE—Mrs. Elena Ziegler
Youth Minister—Mrs. Kendra Foos
Parish Bookkeeper—Mrs. Kay Turner
Music Director—Mr. Jermaine Evans
FLC Coordinator—Mr. Dan Taylor
Now Enrolling K3 thru 11th Grade
Phone: (803) 324-4814
Mrs. Shaileen Riginos, Principal
Mrs. Michelle Burns, Advancement Office
Mrs. Lisa Espinal, Receptionist
Mrs. Terrah Shene, Nurse
October 30, 2016
Saint Anne Catholic Parish is a Eucharistic community
blessed with a diversity of cultures all united in the Body of Christ.
Formed in Faith and nourished by the Sacraments,
we continue to grow in our call to Evangelization.
Weekday Mass at 7:00am (Monday - Friday)
Saturday Vigil Masses
5:30pm and 7:30pm (Mass in Vietnamese)
Sunday Masses
7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:30pm (Mass in Spanish)
Baptism—Contact the office before or after the child’s birth. Baptism Class is
on the first Thursday of the month at 7pm in the Church Meeting Room.
Holy Eucharist—Please call the church for Communion to be brought to the
homebound, the sick or the hospitalized.
Reconciliation—Saturday at 4:45pm — 5:15pm or by appointment. Call the
office to schedule Confession with the priest.
Confirmation—There are classes throughout the school year and summer too.
Please call the Confirmation Coordinator at (803) 372 5808.
R.C.I.A.—Ongoing Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Meetings are held on
Sundays at 9:00am in Church Meeting Room.
Marriage—Bride and Groom must schedule with the pastor a minimum of one
year prior to intended date of marriage.
Holy Orders—If you feel a call to the priesthood, diaconate, brotherhood or
sisterhood, please contact our pastor or deacons for more information.
Anointing of the Sick—If you are in need of this sacrament, talk to the priest
after Mass or contact the Parish Office to make arrangements with the pastor.
- 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 30, 2016 ~ Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 30, 2016 ~ Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading — You are mercy on all because you love all things.
(Wisdom 11:22—12:2)
Psalm — I will praise your name for ever, my King and my God.
(Psalm 145)
Second Reading — May the name of Christ be glorified in you and
you in Him (2 Thessalonians 1:11—2:2)
Gospel — The Son of Man has come to seek and to save what was
lost (Luke 19:1—10)
Primera lectura — Te compadeces de todos, porque tú amas todo
cuanto existe (Sabiduría 11, 22—12, 2)
Salmo — Bendeciré al Señor eternamente
Salmo 144
Segunda lectura — Nuestro Señor Jesucristo será glorificado en ustedes y ustedes en él (2 Tesalonicenses 1, 11—2, 2)
Evangelio — El hijo del hombre ha venido a buscar y a salvar lo
que estaba perdido (Lucas 19, 1—10)
Salmo responsorial: Leccionario © 2014, 1987, Obra Nacional de la Buena Prensa,
Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Todos los derechos reservados.
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass
© 1998, 1997, 1970, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. All rights reserved.
lectores se reúnen el segundo jueves de cada mes a las 7pm en la iglesia.
Parish Prayer List
The Week Ahead
Sue Jane
SATURDAY – October 29
Powder Puff Game - Soccer Field
Tail Gate Party in the Parking Lot
St. Vincent DePaul Fall Festival - FLC gym and Cafeteria
(Vigil Mass) † Maria Emsermann
Mass in Vietnamese †
SUNDAY - October 30 - Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass † Maria Phan Thi Tam
Mass † Jerry Ball, Larry Gowen, Jim Aulisio
Mass † Paul Sacco
Faith Formation Programs - FLC
Mass in Spanish
Missa Pro Populo
MONDAY - October 31
Mass Missa Pro Populo
TUESDAY - November 1 - All Saints (Holy Day of Obligation)
Mass Missa Pro Populo
POP (Parents Offering Prayer) - Sacristy
Mass † All deceased members of the Parish
Quilts of Valor - FLC meeting room #1
MMP Rosary - Church
WEDNESDAY - November 2 - All Souls’ Day
Men of the Parish - Church Meeting Room
Mass † John Thuan Trinh
No school Mass
Faith Formation Programs - FLC
Choir Practice - Music Room
THURSDAY - November 3 - St. Martin de Porres
Mass for the glorification of the Holy Spirit
Scouts Programs - FLC
FRIDAY – November 4 - St. Charles Borromeo
FIRST FRIDAY MASS † Mary Gian Nguyen
Divine Mercy and Stations of the Cross - Daily Chapel
Blue Knights - FLC music room
Little Flowers - FLC room #112
SATURDAY – November 5
Catholic Bioethics and End of Life Issues - Church
(Vigil Mass) † Barbara Villani
Gala - Catholic School Annual Fundraising
Mass in Vietnamese †
SUNDAY - November 6 - Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass † Maria Phan Thi Tam
Mass † for all grandparents living and deceased
Mass † Patrick Fee
Patriotic Flag Folding Ceremony - Knights of Columbus
Faith Formation Programs - FLC
Mass in Spanish †
Look for the full list in the website
Would like to spend
an hour with the Lord?
Monday 1am
FRIday 4Am
are open
Please call - Bud Marlow at (803) 328 - 9745
Felipe Uribe at (803) 985 - 3850
Altar Flowers in honor of
Maria Emsermann
(Mr. Hubert’s mother)
Banns of Marriage November 5, 2016
Thomas Stewart
Madeleine Pyles
Banns of Marriage November 11, 2016
Stephen Joseph Bott
Julia Fischer Wright
October 30, 2016 ~ Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saint Anne: Committed to Safe Environment
The policy requires any adult who has regular contact with children or vulnerable adults and all employees of the Church to attend awareness
training, be background screened, sign a volunteer/employee code of conduct and acknowledgement of receipt of our diocesan policy.
Please go to www.virtus.org to register for one of the upcoming classes.
Elena Ziegler (DRE)
[email protected]
(803) 372 5865
Kendra Foos (Youth Minister)
[email protected]
(803) 372 5808
Faith Formation classes for grades K5—8th have
begun, and we have completed 25% of our year.
Registration is now closed. Please contact Elena Ziegler for more information.
Questions our Teens are Asking
Q - "Why do we go to church on Sunday vs. another day?”
Saturday was the Sabbath for the Jews, but early Catholics changed the practice to
Sunday to commemorate Jesus’ rising from the dead on Sunday.
RCIA - are you interested in becoming a Catholic? Would you
like to learn more about the Catholic Church, or the process
for becoming Catholic? Or are you a Catholic adult who needs
to complete the sacrament of Confirmation? Now is the time to
get started.
F.U.E.L. dates are as following:
October 30
December 4, 11, 18
Catholic End-of-Life Issues
Mark your calendar, Saturday November 5th at
9:00am for an information session on Catholic
end-of-life issues and concerns. Learn how to
apply Catholic moral teaching to the many practical details that need your attention. You will
also learn about the various funeral rites. Decision made now can make decisions for your
family much easier when the time comes.
November 6 and 13
January 8, 15, 22, 29
EPIC and F.U.E.L. hoodies for $25.
If you would like to buy one,
please see Kendra Foos
Middle School
The next Middle School Youth Group is November
6, 2016.
ADULTS! Ongoing and upcoming opportunities for you!!
 Wednesday early morning Men’s Study Group.
“That Man is You” is about helping men, and through them,
their families, come to a personal encounter with God who is
rich in mercy. The early bird meeting time allows you to
nurture your spiritual life before you head off to work!
 Wednesday morning Bible Study 10:00-11:30 weekly.
Sunday readings and study the book of Genesis.
 Sunday morning adult group 10:30-12:00 weekly. Come
and learn the biblical basis and Catholic Tradition about Angels.
NEW: Catholicism – the Pivotal Players. This is a multipart film series that illumines a handful of saints, artists,
mystics, and scholars who not only shaped the life of the
Church but changed the course of civilization. Monthly beginning Friday October 7th. 10:00-11:30am.
HS Youth Group
Fall Retreat
Mark your calendars for the High School Youth
Group Fall Retreat! November 19-20 at Bethelwoods Conference
Center. Registrations can be found in that church gathering space
or pick one up at F.U.E.L.
Virtue of the Month – Respect for self and others
Prayer, preparation, education - all essential to faithful citizenship
As Catholics, we are called to engage in the public square and work for the common good. On November 8th, voters across
South Carolina and the United States will head to the polls to elect a President and their representatives in Congress. The
South Carolina Catholic Conference is providing several resources to help voters form their consciences, understand the
principles and issues to consider when voting and learn where candidates stand. Visit www.sccatholicconference.org
October 30, 2016 ~ Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
Next week Second Collection is
for Facilities Maintenance
. . . Sharing Bread and Olives with
the Saints
I wanted to express a big THANK YOU to parishioners and friends for the amazing amount
of work in the recent Fall Festival. The volunteer support and financial sacrifice is much appreciated, and those who receive it will say the
same. Again, we are thankful for your partnership with St. Vincent DePaul.
Parish Pastoral Council - is a group of parishioners that work
together with the Pastor to do pastoral planning for Saint Anne Parish. Most meetings
include updates on our many Saint Anne councils and committees, news from our Catholic School, regular updates on finances from our Finance Council liaison, opportunities
for various volunteer and philanthropic activities and thoughtful responses to parishioner-raised issues and questions. We are continually guided by the Holy Spirit as we discuss these topics. All opinions are valued and respected. Parish Council recommendations are made only after reaching a broad consensus with much prayerful deliberation.
Please visit www.saintanne.com/parish/parish-pastoral-council/
This Tuesday, November 1, we commemorate
All Saints Day, a Holy Day of Obligation. The
day before is called All Hallows' Eve, whose
contraction is Hallowe'en. The purpose was
and is honoring the Saints—those faithful departed who are in Heaven beholding God face
to face (the Beatific Vision). The day after, November 2, eventually became a day dedicated to
those departed faithful who have not yet
reached Heaven. They are in purgatory. This
Wednesday, All Souls Day, Catholics gather
together in Churches throughout the world to
pray in the Holy Mass for these brothers and
sisters who no longer can merit for themselves
but rely upon us for prayers. When we think of
the Saints, we reflect that they loved God and
all people. So, many of them gave up their freedom and possessions in order to care for the
poor and the sick. They saw Jesus in each person they tended. The Souls in Purgatory loved
God too, although imperfectly. They died with
God’s Life in them; however, they still had
unforgiven venial sins and perhaps did not
make sufficient reparation for forgiven mortal
sins. Nevertheless, they love God and are happy
to do his will. They know that they will be in
Heaven and see God after their time of cleansing.
On another topic, funerals are so much smoother when they are pre-planned. This takes the
burden off the family and siblings at the time of
a loved one’s death. Plus, the loved one was
able to make their wishes known while still
living. So, make sure to attend the “Catholic
End-of-Life Workshop next Saturday, November 5th from 9AM to 12:00 Noon.
Fr. Fabio Refosco, CO
November 1
All Saints
Vigil Mass at 7pm
Day Masses at 6:30am, 9am
Intercultural Mass at 7pm
November 5 @ 9AM
Catholic end-of-life
Learn how to apply Catholic
moral teaching that need
your attention
November 2
All Souls
Day Masses at 6:30am, 9am
Intercultural Mass for the
deceased at 7pm
November 5 @ 5PM
School GALA
There are some tickets still
available. Check out our
gala website and auction
items! www.sasgala.com
October 30, 2016 ~ Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
Maxims of
St. Philip Neri
Idleness is a pestilence to a Christian
man; we ought always therefore to
be doing something, especially when
we are alone in our rooms, lest the
devil should come in and catch us idle.
St. Philip Neri (1515-1595)
For the following workshops,
please call Judy at (803) 327 2097
The Pentateuch of the
Old Testament
November 10, 2016 from 9:30am to 4pm
November 12 from 9:30am to 4pm
Sister Mary Hugh Mauldin, RSM
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy—the first five books of the Old
Testament—relate the basic stories of the
Jewish awareness of and response to God,
and the subsequent starting point of Christian
revelation. Prayer, noon Eucharist and lunch
are included in the schedule. The same program is offered both days.
Women Through the Centuries
September 9—10, 2016
Sister Susan Schorsten, HM
Sister Gay Rowzie, HM
Both presenters are
Humility of Mary Sisters
Who have been some of the women on
whose shoulders we stand? We will come to
know some of these women — women who
have been saints and sinners, prophets and
visionaries, women like us who have made a
difference in their families and neighborhoods. We will become acquainted with
some of these women who have gone before
us, from the first to the twenty-first century.
The weekend will consist of a Friday evening
and all day Saturday, with liturgy and lunch
included. Space is limited, so early registration is suggested.
The Year of Mercy of Ends…
A Life of Mercy Continues
GALA 2016
As the Holy Year of Mercy
draws to a close, we will
celebrate this year through
prayer, reflection and
thanksgiving. The day will
also include an opportunity
for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and conclude
with Eucharist at noon. Join us in The
Oratory in November 19, 2016 from
9:00am to 1:00pm. This program in
sponsored by the Center for Spirituality
and presented by Sister Gay Rowzie,
HM, an active educator and presenter in
the Diocese of Charleston.
Book of the Dead
We pray for the dead at each Mass every
day of the year. And, the month of November is the month when we remember
them again. We especially remember
them on All Soul’s Day, November 2nd.
Beginning this weekend, look for the
Book of the Dead on the table in the
sanctuary where you can inscribe the
names of your dearly departed.
You are also welcome
to fill out an offering
envelope listing the
names of those you
want us to remember during the
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Journey of Mercy, November 13 - 19
Bishop Barron will highlight biblical
insights that show how God is Mercy,
as well as demonstrating mercy given,
mercy received, and mercy lived out.
Visit at www.USCCB.org
Saturday, November 5th Gala 2016! The 80’s are making a comeback for 1 night
only and we don’t want you to miss it! Join
us in the Gym for an 80’s themed evening.
We need sponsors, auction items and anyone
who appreciates 80’s music to join us for this
“totally awesome” event! Sonsorship info:
Robyn Roman ([email protected]);
To donate auction items: Susanna Hayes
([email protected])
Virtue Meeting for Parents
As parents, we are called to teach our children to be imitators of Christ through Gospel
values and virtues. Join us in learning ways
to make the virtues present and real for our
children. Come hear from Father Joe Pearce
(pastor of St. Mary's Church) on how we can
effectively implement the parish-wide virtue
program at home. The parish-wide virtue
program is geared toward children of all ages. The event will take place on Wednesday,
November 9th from 6:15PM to 7:15PM.
This meeting is open to parishioners and
school parents, and their friends too.
Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night
The cast of St. Anne School’s production of Twelfth Night, has been
diligently preparing and is excited to
perform this wonderfully comedic
Shakespeare piece. Performances
take place on November 11,12 & 13.
Please contact Dr. Jennifer Pierce for
more information and for tickets.
[email protected]
PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS God of Love, You show your favor for us and grace us through baptism.
Bless us with the courage to carry out the mission of Jesus. Grant us open and generous hearts to see the
needs of others and to respond with compassion. May the Church be blest with women and men who are
dedicated to You through marriage, the single life, the diaconate, priesthood, and the consecrated life.
It is in Christ and through Christ that we offer ourselves to You now and forever. Amen.
October 30, 2016 ~ Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Little Flowers and Blue Knights
Parents! Here's an opportunity to get
your kids involved in the parish-wide
virtue development program. Little
Flowers and Blue Knights invite all girls
and boys (K-5) to attend their meeting
on Friday, November 4th, 6:45-8:15pm
in the St Anne Parish Life Center.
Little Flowers and Blue Knights are a
national Catholic virtue based clubs that
help children and their families grow in
virtue and faith. Kids will earn badges
for virtues through games, discussions,
crafts, and learning from the Scriptures,
Catechism of the Catholic Church, and
the Saints! Groups will meet on the First
Friday of the month from 6:45-8:15pm
For more information and/or to
RSVP for the meeting contact Kathleen
and Nicholas Cole at
[email protected]
The one who serves God willingly is heard;
his petition reaches the heavens.” Let
us serve God willingly by strengthening,
renewing and rekindling our marriages. The
next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends are: Nov 4-6, 2016 in Atlantic Beach,
NC and Feb 3-5, 2017 in Myrtle Beach, SC.
Early sign up is recommended. For more
information visit our website at:
https://SCMarriageMatters.org or contact
us at [email protected]
or 803-810-9602.
Couples who attend Worldwide Marriage
Encounter weekends not only rediscover the
joy, intimacy & romance in their relationships, but also become more active in their
parish. Together, we are making marriages,
families and our Church stronger & healthier.
National Council of
Catholic Women
Honoring our Veterans
The Knights of Columbus will be distributing
stickers which express “Thanks to our Veterans” after the Masses on November 5 and 6.
We hope you will wear the sticker on Veterans Day, November 11, to show your support
of our veterans. Also, the Knights of Columbus will perform a patriotic flag folding ceremony at the end of Sunday 10:30AM Mass
on November 6th. The ceremony will
demonstrate the love we have for our country
and support for those who have kept us free.
Saint Martha’s
Gift Shop
The NCCW acts through its members to
support, empower, and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership,
and service. NCCW programs respond
with Gospel values to the needs of the
Church and society in the modern world.
The NCCW, in collaboration with the
National Fund for Catholic Religious
Vocations (NFCRV), invites you to support the Vocation Purse Club. Women
continue to respond to God’s call to live
the religious life, yet some are strapped
with student debt and other financial
difficulties. Women considering a vocation may apply for funding through their
chosen religious congregation or order
to the NFCRV. These women are eager
to answer their call to holiness and to
begin their journey with a specific religious community.
Unfortunately we don’t have a Council
of Catholic Women in this parish. However, if you are interested in donating
funds to this noble cause, please contact
All Saints Women’s Organization Mrs.
Jeannette Altenburg at (803) 746-5464.
Diocese and . . .
Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats
This retreat is a support for individuals in
managing unresolved issues that they struggle with after abortion. The retreat can also
bring spiritual healing and strengthening of
faith and help the person receive the forgiveness that Jesus extends to all of us. The
next retreat is in Greenville, November 4-6,
2016. For more information please contact
Kathy at [email protected]
Catholic Engaged Encounter
There will be a Catholic Engaged Encounter
Weekend Retreat at Camp Hope in Clemson,
SC on November 18-20, 2016. Please see the
website at: http://cee-sc.squarespace.com
for more information and to register.
Baggies for Babies
Please make sure to return the baggies you
received last weekend to the church in the
beginning of November. We appreciate your
support to mothers in a crisis pregnancy at
MiraVia maternity home. Thank you for your
Catholic Charities
Victims of Hurricane Matthew
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops'
president, Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of
Louisville, Kentucky, has called for an emergency collection to assist victims of Hurricane Matthew. If you want to donate to
Catholic Charities, please visit the website at
Advent is a time to prepare for Christmas, spiritually.
Please stop by the gift shop to see our display of
Advent wreath's, calendars, and candles.
October 30, 2016 ~ Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
Bienvenidos a la Página de Información Hispana
Esta página contiene información para la Communidad Hispana. Los invitamos a formar parte de nuestra parroquia,
a crecer espiritualmente, a integrarse a algunos de nuestros ministerios, y a leer todas las páginas del boletín.
Lecturas y Calendário, página 3 - Finanzas, página 5 - Evangelización, página 6
Bautismo - El tercer Domingo en el Tres Años - A cada Domingo en el
Quinceañera - Los padres deben
Matrimonio - La pareja debe asistir
Salon Parroquial. La preparación es
una sesion de catequesis y brinda
orientación sobre las responsabilidades que asumen tanto los padres
del niño como sus padrinos, en lo
que se refiere a la educación en la fe.
contactar a la Sra. Coi Juarez para
agendar la fecha y las instruciones.
Havera una clase de catequesis y
también un ensaio antes de la celebración. La quinceañera deve estar
a las 6 clases que son esenciales para
ayudar a la pareja a orientar su nueva
etapa a los valores compartidos por
la comunidad Catolica. Para mas
información de las clases habrar con
Sr. Angel Juarez.
final de la Santa Misa hacemos
apresentación de tres años. No hay
preparación o necesidad de agendar
una fecha. Los padres deben llegar a
la iglesia a las 12:15pm para marcar
el nombre en la sacristia.
Domingo - 30
11am Ensaio Coro
12:30pm Misa
Catecismo de ninos, jovenes
y adultos
Lunes - 31
8pm Comité Grupo de Oración
Martes - 1
Miercoles - 2
7pm Rosario de Maria
7pm Ensaio Coro
7pm Legión Maria
Jueves - 3
7pm Comité Hispano
Viernes - 4
7:30pm Rosario
8pm Grupo de Oracion
Sabado - 5
Domingo - 6
11am Ensaio Coro
12:30pm Misa
Visiten la tienda de
Sta. Marta en el lobby
de la iglesia. Aya tenemos
regalos para toda
la familia
Ofreciendo servicios de información y de apoyo para
los sobrevivientes de violencia doméstica, así como a su
familia y amigos. La misión
de Safe Passage es proveer
servicios de calidad y libre
de costos. “Es durante nuestros momentos más oscuros
que debemos enfocarmos en
ver la luz.” Línea telefónica
gratuita: 1-800-659-0977
Jornada de la Misericordia para la
Semana Nacional de la Biblia
Ofertorio de la Misa
La administracion de la parroquia está invitando a
todos los freguezes de Santa Anne a que presten su
ayuda a la Iglesia para que pueda realizar sus programas y servicios esenciales. La porción de su
donación a la Iglesia y a la comunidad forma parte
de su decisión piadosa. El monto de la ofrenda no es
importante. La administracion cree, que si cada individuo y cada familia ofrecen lo que pueden dar,
de acuerdo con sus medios, podemos hacer una gran
diferencia para cumplir con la educacíon spiritual y
las necesidades sociales de nuestra comunidad.
Basado en la Biblia—1ª de Pedro 4:10
“Que cada cual ponga al servicio de los demás la
gracia que ha recibido, como buenos administradores de las diversas gracias”
Esta jornada de la Misericordia, presenta la obra del
Obispo Robert Barron, Obispo Auxiliar de la Arquidiócesis de Los Angeles. La página web del Obispo
Barron “Word on Fire” y su maravillosa seria sobre el
catolicismo ha ayudado a millones de catolicos a nível
mundial. Entre los dias 13 y 19 de noviembre, el
Obispo Barron destacará las ideas bíblicas que nos
revelan a un Dios que es Misericordia, así como las
enseñanzas sobre la Misericordia que se ofrece, la
Misericordia que se recibe y la Misericordia que se
traduce en vida. Para ve a una jornada de 7 dias a
través de la Biblia, favor visitar a seguinte pagina:
Necesitamos de feligreses para
adorar a frente del Santísimo
Lunes 1AM and Viernes 4AM
Llamar a Sr. Felipe (803) 985 3850
October 30, 2016 ~ Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 30, 2016 ~ Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
Altar Servers Lauren Switzer (803) 517 7415
Annulments Deacon Jim Hyland (803) 327 5080
Apostles of Divine Mercy Bill Griesbauer (803) 327 4300
Bereavement Ministry Elena Ziegler (803) 372 5865
Blue Knights Nicholas Cole [email protected])
Boy Scouts Dan D'Agostino (803) 628 0150
Building Committee Rob Worley (803) 328 9399
Confirmation Kendra Foos (803) 372 5808
Craft Group Mary Sacco (803) 328 3244
Cub Scouts Todd Cook (803) 327 0420
Daily Morning Mass Marian Shulgay (803) 327 7676
Dorothy Day Soup Kitchen Beverly Carroll (704) 519 5952
Extraordinary Ministers Deacon Jim Hyland (803) 327 5080
Family Promise Jan Richards (803) 328 6535
Finance Council Ralph Domenick (803) 324 4250
Funeral Reception Ministry Bonnie McElfresh (941) 585 1267
Girl Scouts Pat Swoope (803) 329 3439
Greeters Chuck Villani (803) 524 6637
Hispanic Ministry Luis Arzaluz (803) 524-2508
Knights of Columbus Joseph Geraci (703) 626 5035
Lectors Pat Gann (803) 370 0663
Little Flowers Group Kathleen Cole [email protected])
Men’s Leadership Group Dan Trick (704) 602 0867
Men’s Organization Ed FitzGerald (803) 366 2774
Music Director Jermaine Evans (803) 517 4537
Parish Business Supervisor Deacon John Hall (803) 372 5864
Pastoral Council Jamie Raad (803) 322-7316
Perpetual Adoration Bud & Carol Marlow (803) 328 9745
Quilts of Valor Nancy Gillette (803) 448 7769
Religious Education Elena Ziegler (803) 372 5865
Respect For Life Kristine Lenti (803) 328 5810
Rosary Group (M.M.P.) Joe Berger (803) 803-487-9191
Sacristan Bill Rife (803) 980 5483
Safe Environment Elena Ziegler (803) 372 5865
St. Anne Festival Kendra Foos (803) 792 1442
St. Martha’s Circle Theresa Estrada (704) 577 0200
St. Martha’s Gift Shop Marge Beamon (803) 417 9475
St. Vincent De Paul Kim Herbott (803) 327 2099
Stewardship Committee Charlie Grobusky (803) 366 1501
Ushers Chuck Villani (803) 524 6637
Vietnamese Ministry Victoria Duhg Nguyen (803) 980-3804
Wedding Advisor Diane Hinton (803) 366 6652
Welcome Committee Pat Swoope (803) 329 3439
Worship Committee Fr. Fabio Refosco (803) 329 2662
Youth Ministry Kendra Foos (803) 372 5808
Ministerio Hispano - Luis Arzaluz (803) 524 2508
Oficina Parroquial - Melita Talbot-Hill (803) 372 5861
Caballeros de Colón - Luis Roberto Lebron (803) 504 8327
Coro de la Iglesia - Jesús Román (803) 324 9784
Coro de Niños - Betty de la Cruz (803) 371 2354
Catecismo - Denise Kizer, Coordinadora (803) 324 8260
Bautizos - Gerardo Arroyo (803) 412 1859
Matrimonio - Ángel Juarez (803) 327 2548
Quinceañera - Coi Juarez (803) 242 2985
Ministerio de Eucaristía - Luis Lozano (803) 371 7210
Lectores - María Quiroz (803) 487 8682
Grupo de Oración - Jose Morales (803) 448 2624
Legión de María Emaús (hombres) - Gabriel Chavez (704) 361 3414
Emaús (mujeres) - Noemi Garcia (803) 554 5942
Escuela de Fe - Ángel Juarez (803) 327 2548
Mục Vụ Công Giáo Việt Nam
Mọi vấn đề liên quan đến mục vụ Công Giáo Việt Nam xin
trực tiếp liên lạc với Ông Gioan Nguyễn Văn Chuyên (324
-7532), Ông Nguyễn Văn Toán (803)367-1990, Bà Phạm
Thị Liễu (803-325-5260), Bà Nguyễn Jenny Nhung (803389-9516), Bà Nguyễn Thị Huyền (803-412-2759), hoặc
Phạm Thị Loan (803-328-5100).
Các vấn đề liên quan tới phép bí tích xin liên lạc với Cha
Xứ hoặc các vị dưới đây.
Bí Tích Rửa Tội
Cha mẹ muốn cho con chịu phép Rửa Tội cần phải (1) gia nhập
giáo xứ và (2) tham dự khóa hướng dẫn về Bí Tích Rửa Tội. Xin
liên lạc văn phòng giáo xứ (803-329-2662 ext. 3) để ghi danh.
Bí Tích Hôn Phối
Theo luật Ðịa Phận Charleston, những ai muốn lãnh nhận Bí Tích
Hôn Phối cần phải học khóa dự bị hôn nhân với cha xứ ít nhất là 6
tháng trước ngày lễ cưới.
Xin liên lạc với bà Diane Hinton (366-6652) để biết những việc
cần làm và tập dợt cho ngày lễ cưới.
Jamie Raad - Chairperson
2014-2016 - Ed FitzGerald, Joe Geraci, Jamie Raad
2015-2017 - Paula Rife, Maureen Johnson, Chuck Thompson
2016-2018 - Virginia Peters, Victoria Nguyen, McFaddens
Chương Trình Giáo Lý
Mọi chi tiết về chương trình Giáo Lý xin trực tiếp liên lạc với bà
Elena Ziegler (329-2662 ext. 4).
The Parish Pastoral Council meetings are convened by the Pastor at least 10
times a year. Extraordinary meetings can be held at the request of the Pastor
Chương Trình Giới Trẻ
Mọi chi tiết về Nhóm Trẻ (Youth Group) xin liên lạc với bà
Elena Ziegler (329-2662 ext. 4).
Ralph Domenick - Chairperson
Shaileen Riginos, Andrew Shene, Ray Howard,
Michael Radl, Mark Eddie,
Mickey Woodhurst, and George Ward
The Parish Finance Council meets on the third Thursday of the month.
Extraordinary meetings can be held at the request of the Pastor