28h Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 9, 2016 225th Anniversary Gala Saturday – November 5, 2016 6:00 – 10:00p.m. Stegton’s Regency Banquet Center 1450 Wall Street St. Charles, MO 63303 Open Bar, Buffet Dinner and Dancing Tickets are $25.00 per person Adults Only Gala Tickets are available after all the weekend Masses through October 16. Gala tickets will also be available through School and PSR. If you have questions, please call the Church Office at (636) 946-1893. St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church 28h Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 9, 2016 601 N. 4th, St. Charles, MO 63301 Parish Vision Statement: We are the parish that, through our communion with Jesus, guided by the Holy Spirit: Welcomes all; Celebrates our unity, diversity, and traditions; Uses God’s gifts to serve and teach others and be the face of Jesus Christ in the Community. Parish Office: 636-946-1893 School Office: Religious Education Office: Latino Ministry: St. Vincent DePaul Society: Founded 1791 www.borromeoparish.com 636-946-2713 www.borromeoschool.com 636-946-2916 email: [email protected] 636-946-1893 email: [email protected] 636-925-1616 leave a message after the recording Pastoral Staff: Father John Reiker, Pastor: [email protected] Father Don Schramm, Senior Associate: [email protected] Deacon Don McElroy, Deacon Deacon Jorge Perez, Deacon Mrs. Silvina Baez, Latino Ministry Sr. Raquel Ortez, S.S.N.D. Director of Religious Education Ms. Kristin Williams, Youth & Family Minister Mrs. Donna Crawley, Office Manager Mrs. Mary DuBois, Office Secretary Mrs. Jackie Voelkl, School Principal Mrs. Mary Kutchback, Organist, Pastoral Associate for Seniors Mrs. Beth Duello, Director of Music Mrs. Lisa Delicath, Contemporary Youth Choir Mr. Juan Saldana, el coro Mr. Rob Iver, Parish Council Chairperson 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation: Saturdays 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. or by appointment Sacrament of Baptism: Prep meeting First Monday of the Month. Call the parish office for more information. Sacrament of Matrimony: Contact the priest or deacon of your choice at least six months prior to wedding to begin preparations Eucharistic Adoration: Third Mondays, 8:30am to 6:30pm Third Saturdays, 8:00pm to 11:00am Perpetual Help Devotions: Tuesdays following the 8:00 a.m. Mass Schedule of Holy Mass Saturday: 8:00 a.m., (Communion Service) 5:00 p.m. vigil for Sunday Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. in Spanish Weekdays 6:30 a.m. Mass Tuesday & Thursday 8:00 a.m. Monday Friday Holy Days of Obligation: watch the bulletin National Holidays: 9:00 a.m. Parish Office Business Hours Monday thru Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Parish Hall Rental: Neal or Pat at 636-949-9722 (gym) Donna at 636-946-1893 (café) OUR WARM WELCOME TO ALL! We welcome all who come and worship with us. If you wish to join our parish faith family, or have a change in your contact information, kindly complete this form. You can return it to the Rectory, place in in the collection, or give it to a Priest or Deacon. Name________________________________________________ Cell/Phone Number_______________________________ Address/Zip______________________________________________________ Email____________________________________ ___ Please make the above changes to my parish record ___ I wish to find out more about the Catholic faith ___ ___ Interested in information about annulments/validation Information on having my children baptized 28h Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 9, 2016 From the Pastor’s Pen From Our Archbishop Robert J. Carlson Dear Fr. Reiker, I am writing to thank you and to congratulate you on conducting another successful Annual Catholic Appeal. The 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal raised almost $14.9 million in gifts and pledges from parishes, exceeding its goal. Over 51,000 Catholic households from almost every socio-economic background in our archdiocese made courageous sacrifices to help Build the Church. Please see below for the detailed report of the final results in your parish. The Appeal relies on parishes meeting and exceeding their challenge goal in order to fund important ministries. If your parish had not exceeded your goal, I would not have such good new to report today about this most important appeal. Thank you for your support, even in the midst of the Beyond Sunday campaign, and please extend my gratitude to your Appeal leadership. May God Continue to pour out His blessings upon you and your ministry. Sincerely Yours in Christ, Most Reverend Robert J. Carlson SCB Parish Results of The Annual Catholic Appeal 2016 Published Goal Challenge Goal New Donor goal To date Total Total Parishioners Returned to date ` New Donors Increased Contributions Maintained Contributions Decreased Contributions Signed Refusal Cards returned Pledges percent Prior year pledges percent Cards returned percent's Matching gift cards returned Matching Gift total Gave this year, but not last year Net Increase Net Decrease $66.092 $78,527 97 $78,577 1632 414 40 170 172 40 35 23% 25% 25% 19 $4091 THIS WEEK WITH YOUR ST. CHARLES BORROMEO FAMILY MARRIAGE IN CHRIST HAS BEEN PROMISED Emily Friedel & Joel Epley Monica McCarthy & Martin Reed WELCOME THE NEWLY BAPTIZED Violet Ann Mitchell, daughter of Timothy and Lauren Mitchell Keilyn Valeria and Ashley Camila Zambrano Reyes, Children of Leonel Martinez Aragon & Keila Ivania Reyes Gutierrez PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK Mary Papin, Molly Reilly, Nancy Hoffman, Atanacia Lopez Alyssa Chica, Charles Real, Kathy Adams, Cynthia Cook, Bonnie Warner, Raymond Holloway, Brendan Myers, grandson of Jim& Kathy Anderson, Connie Burbes, daughter of Marianne Rauch, PLEASE PRAY FOR THE RECENTLY DECEASED Bill Powers, husband of deceased Kay and a brother to Raymond Powers Kilby Weber, husband of Carmen Joke of the Week Life is Good *Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about. *No one is in charge of your happiness, except you. *Time heals almost everything. Give time to heal. *Faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to. *However good or bad a situation is, it will change. $13,407 $2,360 255 Families donated below $150 62 Families donated $150-$299 28 Families donated $300-$499. 14 Families donated $500-$999 16 Families were Sponsors $1000-$2499 1 Family was an Ambassador at $2500 2 Families were Endorsers at $5000-$9999 *Everything can change in a blink of any eye. But, don’t worry——God never blinks. Spread the Gospel, the Good News about Jesus and His Borromeo Family! A Holy Community through Holy Communion. Your Brother in Jesus, 28h Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 9, 2016 Youth Group News and Events Sunday, October 9th 2nd Collection– St. Vincent de Paul Boy Scouts– 11:15 a.m. in Church Office Youth Group 6-9 p.m. St. Charles Room Cub Scout Pack Meeting 7 p.m. Church Office Monday, October 10th Parish Council Meeting 7 p.m. Church Office Tuesday– October 11th Ladies Sodality 6:30 p.m. Cafe RCIA– 6:30 p.m. in John XXIII Room Wednesday, October 12th Quilting in Basement Church Office Cub Scouts 6-7 p.m in Café W-CRHP 13– 7 p.m. Church Office Ladies Sodality Santa Express Trip Thursday, October 13th Boy Scouts 7 p.m. in Café Core Team Youth Grp 7-8:30 p.m. in the Church Ofc Friday, October 14th Bring St. Patrick’s Casserole to Church Office by 8:30 a.m. Book Fair St Charles Room, Oct 14-21 Saturday, October 15th M Fellowship 6:30 a.m. Church Office Latino Serving Training 9 a.m. Church Spiritual Renewal 9 a.m. Church Office Uniform Exchange 8-a.m.-noon St Charles Rm HS Youth Group 3-9 p.m.Cafe Latino Adoration 8 p.m.-5 a.m. Church Sunday, -October 16th Book Fair in St. Charles Room Latino Mass Organization 1 p.m. Café Boy Scouts 11:15 in Church office Bring your St. Patrick’s Casserole to the Church office no later than Friday 8:30 a.m.-Oct 14th Spiritual Renewal, October 15 @9 a.m.in the Church office ******** Mom’s Group– Yoga Class– October 24 at 6:30 in the cafe ******** St. Charles Borromeo Feast Day-November 4th ********* 225th Anniversary Dinner– Saturday, Nov 5th Stegtons 6-10 p.m. ******** 225th Anniversary Mass w/ Archbishop Carlson, Sunday, November 6 at 11:a.m. This is a bilingual Mass. Youth Group Sunday October 9, 2016 7-8:30 p.m. in St. Charles Room ****** High School Fall Retreat, October 15, 2016 “the Hunger Games”-Hiking at Castlewood Park, Mass and activities at SCB. $15 /person (dinner & shirt) . Email Kristin at [email protected] if you are interested in attending.! Deadline extended to October 13th. ******* Did you enjoy Steubenville this summer? The High School United Youth Rally on October 23, 2016 is a mini-Steuby Conference! 2-7 p.m. at Immaculate Conception– Dardenne (ICD). $10 per person (dinner & shirt). Theme is “created for Eternity.” Sign up online at stcharlesunited.com. ****** Middle School Fall Retreat October 29-30th: “The Hunger Games!” This is a LOCK-IN Retreat which includes games , such as Hungry, Hungry Humans and Glow in the Dark Capture the Flag, Hunger activities, and Mass at SCB. $20/ per person (meals & shirt). Email Kiristin by October 12th. [email protected] **************************************************************** Young Adults, Married and Single (YAMS). Are you between the ages of 18 and 40? Come to our events and meet other young Catholics. ****** Do you love St. Pope John Paul II? Come hear Fr. Tim Foy Speak about Christian Pilgrimage through the life of JPII at Theology on Tap THIS Tuesdday, Oct. 11th. Email Kristin is you are interested. ****** Come experience the Taize style of prayer with us Oct 26th 7-9 p.m. at Incarnate Word parish! Taize is an ecumenical form of prayer modeled after the Taize monastic community, which involves meditative singing and conversation in small groups. Check it out. Email Kristin if you are interested. [email protected] Please pray for our expectant moms: (September) Mary Jo, and Karen (October) Merilyn (March) Kristina 28h Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 9, 2016 Many Thanks to Everyone who supported the Ladies Sodality booth during our Parish Picnic. . The Donors, the workers and all who participated in any way to make our booth a success: we are so grateful We really appreciate all of you. GOD BLESS YOU ALL. ****** Ladies Sodality Annual Wine & Cheese party meeting is Tuesday, October 11 at 6:30 p.m. in the Café. Join us for some trivia fun & fellowship. If your birthday is in October, please come to get your birthday gift. ****** SANTA’S EXPRESS is SOLD OUT. People who are going, please meet in the Café on Wednesday (Oct 12) between 7:00-7:15 a.m. for breakfast before we head out. Please park on the 4th street lot (NOT BEHIND THE GYM). We will board the bus at 8:15 a.m. and be on our way. Any questions, please call Barb at (636) 947-3939. ****** Spiritual Renewal Saturday October 15, 2016 9:00 a.m. in the Church Office Come and join us for an hour of spiritual reflection on the readings for the following Sunday. Donuts and Coffee will be served. Anyone is free to join us. St. Charles Borromeo Parish Moms GroupWHAT: Moms Group Meeting Yoga Class and Relaxation Craft WHEN: Monday, October 24th at 6:30 pm WHERE: Borromeo Cafeteria ** Wear workout clothes and bring a beach towel or yoga mat Please RSVP to: Christine Woody, [email protected] or 314-503-7277 St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church 225th Anniversary Weekend 225th Anniversary Gala Saturday – November 5, 2016 6:00 – 10:00 p.m. Stegton Regency Banquet Center 1450 Wall Street, St Charles, Missouri 63303 Open Bar, Buffet Dinner and Dancing Tickets are $25.00 per person 225th Anniversary Mass Sunday – November 6, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. Celebrated by Archbishop Robert Carlson Reception Following Mass Gala tickets are available after all the weekend Masses from September 10 through October 16. Gala tickets will also be available through School and PSR. If you have questions, please call Ann Tollefson at 636-928-2970 or Sister Raquel 636-946-2916 Iglesia Católica St. Charles Borromeo Fin de semana del 225° Aniversario Cena Gala del 225° Aniversario Sábado, 5 de noviembre, 2016 6:00 – 10:00 p.m. Stegton Regency Banquet Center 1450 Wall Street, St Charles, Missouri 63303 Barra libre, Cena Buffet y Baile Boletos $25.00 per persona Misa del 225° Aniversario Domingo, 6 de noviembre 2016 11:00 a.m. Celebrada por el Arzobispo Robert Carlson Recepción inmediatamente después de la misa. Boletos a la venta después de todas las misas los fines de semana del 10 de septiembre al 16 de octubre. También estarán disponibles por medio de la escuela y PSR. Para más información llamar a: Silvina Baez al 636-946-1893 o Hermana Raquel 636-9462916. 28h Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 9, 2016 Words cannot express how truly blessed our parish is. Thank you all for your sacrifices. LastweekendwasanothersuccessfulParishPicnicforSt.CharlesBorromeo!Justlikeeveryotheryear,thesuccessofthePicnicisdependentonhundredsofpeoplefromourChurchandSchoolcommunityvolunteering.Itwasamazingtowitnessour Parishcometogethertomakethiseventasuccess.OurthankyoutoEVERYONEwhohelpedorattended,includingthesekey members: AthleticAssociation– Home&School RobIver Pro-Life PSR LadiesSodality AdvanceTicketSales Banker Bingo SilentAuction Volunteers: WasherTournaments FunRun Sponsorship Entertainment Fryer SetupandCleanup MikeMurray KimPiskilich SandyBoschert Sr.Raquel/BeccaMcCullough BarbBott/JoeyJungers MaryClareHammond DaveHermann,SuzanneKelch MaryKutchback ChrisWayland,WendyBox AngieThro,CeceliaShirley Jenny&EricGray PamMontgomery Julie&DaveMarsek JulieWeber GreggJost,TheresaMaher MaureenPrinster BillKnoblauch BrianBarteau DaveFichtenmeyer BoyScouts- CubScouts GirlScouts StaceyIadevito YouthMinistry KristinWilliams LatinoMinistry SilvinaBaez/MayraMunoz BobbyMunoz WeekendCoordination Mary&SunnyKaushik,Pam Pam&BobMontgomery,Lacie&AnthonyBorth BasketRaf le AmyBorth,MaureenKeeven PrizeRoom ScotMcCullough Food WingDings/BBQ NightattheDerby TonyTaylor TammyBuehler KendraMalone Marketing ElectricalWork CindyBoock DaveFichtenmeyer CharlieThomson JohnHilker JasonKulma/ Cheryl&SteveJerowski JamieBoock,MikeOrrico “ColeslawLadies” Middle School Students Seeking Pen Pals Our St. Charles Borromeo Middle School students are looking for pen pals to “share Stories” with parishioners from the Greatest Generation or from parishioners who love parish history. The pen pals parishioners will exchange four (4) letters with our middle school students throughout the remaining school year. If you are interested, please complete this form and place it in the Sunday collection or drop it off in the church office. The middle school students cannot wait to write you their first letter! If you have any questions, please call the school office at 636946-2713. ST. CHARLES BORROMEO PEN PALS Name_______________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________ Phone Number________________________________________________ 28h Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 9, 2016 Aspecialthankstoallthesilentauctionbasketangels…..Somanywonderfulbasketsareleftanonymouslyand wewantyoutoknowhowmuchwedoappreciatethem!! CongratulationstothefollowingWinners! CashRaf le 1stPlace 2ndPlace 3rdPlace MarthaFuentes LindaBeeson JoanBriscoe TechRaf le TV Drone FireTablet WingDingWinner WinnerandPeople’sChoice- SamPlummer WashersTournament 1st–SamZimpfer/AlexPagano 2nd-TonyTaylor/RonnyJames PreschoolBoys-NicholasCohen 1stGradeRace-CarterBerry 4th/5thGradeRace-WalterHammond SharonClausner DorothyKenny Heischmidt’s ClassBasketRaf leWinners Pre-K Kindergarten Firstgrade Secondgrade` Thirdgrade Fourthgrade Fifthgrade Sixthgrade Seventhgrade Eighthgrade SarahWolf KristinWarhover GeorgeBlack JeannieDickherber TimJohnson JeannieDickherber AJTaylor PatsyFink JeannieDickherber AmyReed FunRun–Winners PreschoolGirls GwenCrocket KindergartenRace–EmmieNikodym 2nd/3rdGradeRace- MaxKelch 6th/7thGradeRace TommyFink Scrip Cards– What are they and Who should buy them? Scrip Cards are sold at the back of church after Mass, and they are a great way to support our parish school. If you are going to shop and buy groceries, wash your car, or go out to eat, why not do it with a gift card you buy that sends money back to the school? Most of the grocery cards give 4% back to the parish, where some of the cards pay back quite a bit more. Autobahn Car Wash gives back 29%. So, even if you do not have children in the school, and you are looking at a way to help out, that will not cost you any additional money….just buy a few gift cards. These monies raised will take the burden off of our parish, who subsidizes the school. This is such an easy way for ALL parishioners to support our parish school. FREE Pre-School Sunday School for Young Children (ages 3-5) during 8:30 a.m. Mass Need someone to watch your rambunctious one (s) as you attend Mass at 8:30 a.m. on Sundays? All “teachers” are parent volunteers, and have all attended ,”Protecting God’s Children” classes. Located in Room 27– Pre-school Room closest to back door. Fun Activities Snacks Children need to be in the 3-5 age range and must be potty-trained. No diaper wearers, please. If you need more information, call Maureen at 636-699-5875. Dynamic Catholic : October 9, Ordinary Time Gratitude Sometimes life actually does get better! And when it does, we may feel great relief– for just a while. the “better” becomes the “new normal” and we actually forget to express our gratitude to God for our blessings. It’s so easy to forget, but we have many ways to remember-we can take time for Adoration of God, for talking to God through prayer, and for intentional self-sacrifice that expresses our thankfulness and praise. Forget not all God’s blessings! (CCC 2095-2100) archstl.org/dynamic 28h Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 9, 2016 A Big Thanks to All who made NIGHT AT THE DERBY A HUGE SUCCESS! Thank you to all who came out and supported another fun NIGHT AT THE DERBY. It was a great way to kick off the always highly anticipated picnic festivities. A special thank you to our sponsors. Air Comfort Service, Inc.– Kendra & Corey Malone Meyer Real Estate– George Black Weber Law Firm– Matt Weber Missouri Farm BureauMatt Cleary Candy CartonsGreg Beckemeier St. Charles Ladies Sodality 101 ESPNGregg Jost APA Construction Services John Piskulich Guinness & Buehler, LLC Scott Buehler R.J.R. Roofing Ron & Trish Rattini Congratulations to our $500 Grand Prize Derby Horse Ownership Sweepstakes Rich and Joanie Ohlms Please join us for Trunk or Treat at St. Charles Borromeo ! When: Friday, October 28th from 6:30-8:30 (gates open @ 5:45) Where: Lower Lot (the gym is occupied, we will use the restrooms near the primary classrooms) How much: $5.00 per car (remember to bring candy to distribute to the kids!) Any proceeds following this event will be donated to St. Charles Borromeo Home & School. Prizes will be awarded for: BEST DECORATED CAR BEST ADULT COSTUME BEST CHILD COSTUME SAFETY IS EVERYONE’S RESPONSIBILITY! Please follow these guidelines to ensure a safe and fun environment for the kids: Fire pits and space heaters are permissible but must be used with caution. They should not be set up in major walking/running spaces. Arrive before 6:20 to ensure that all cars are still while children trick or treat. Gates will reopen at 8:45. Late cars will be turned away. Please pack coolers responsibly! Remember: this is a kids’ event! Kid-friendly coolers are encouraged. ______________________________Reserve your spot today!___________________________________ FAMILY NAME _____________________________ HOMEROOM: _______________________ PIZZA ORDERS THROUGH BELLACINO’S, $7 for Cheese, $8 for Pepperoni or Sausage (please indicate how many of each) ______ Cheese _______ Pepperoni _______ Sausage Please pay with cash or check. Checks can be made to St. Charles Borromeo Home and School. Discounted price includes driver’s tip. You can pay for your parking space at the gate (with cash) or in advance—up to you! Contact email or cell phone number (include either): ______________________________________ Please return your reservation form to school or PSR by THURSDAY OCT. 20th! Or reserve your spot (before 10/26) online at: https://goo.gl/forms/fRTfsLmUF1gznj1v2 Please contact Theresa Maher at [email protected] or 636-373-4724 with questions or concerns. 28h Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 9, 2016 Your Loving Sacrifices Make All The Difference Ministry List, October 15/16 (Volunteers needed for Greeters and GiŌ Bearers) Saturday, October 15 L/C: EM: Linda Beeson, Tom Schneider Angie Lloyd Cup –Adam Hirtz, Rob Glosier Ginny Glosier, volunteer please HOST: Bridget Ohmes, Anna Lee Schulte SERV:: Elise Cope, Faith Hawkins, Thomas Murray USH:: Larry Ohlms, Elaine RuŅahr, Jerry Kopp, volunteer please GB: Sandy GarreƩe & Family GREETERS Volunteers Please Sunday, October 16 7:00am L/C: Dick Albrecht Karen Bohn EM: Becky Albrecht, Tom & Margie Pickering SER: 2 Volunteers, please USH;– Jim Eisenbath, Charles Weber John Weber, volunteer please GB: Jim & Mary Flanagan GR: Volunteers please 8:30am L/C: PSR Beth & ColeƩe EM: cup-Dana Saale, Kate Kimsey Jennifer Bober, Sharon Schnarre HOST: Becca McCullough, Karie Westerfeld SERV: Addison Barteau, Adriana Weber, Maddie Beerman USH: Ken Kapeller, Charlie Schroeder Rick Wessler, Ron Rozycki PSR students follow ushers GB: PSR GR: PSR ………………………….10:00 a.m. L/C: TJ SlaƩery, Paul Woody cup– Carol Faubert, Joe Briscoe Volunteer please, Judy DorceƩe HOST: Tom Schultz, Judith O’Connor SERV: Nicholas Burke, Leah CurƟt, Kennedy Jensen USH: Mike Hogan, Bob Underwood, Volunteers please GB: MaƩ & Linda Schmidt-Phillips GR: HarrieƩe Wayne, Volunteer please Choir EM: 13855.00 1318.80 1040.00 $16,213.80 Help A Student Capital Improvements World Mission Sunday Permanent Diaconate $638.00 $1119.00 $120.00 $500.00 WE THANK EACH OF YOU for the great love you show to our Borromeo Family carrying on the work of Jesus and to those in need-Se by the generosity you display when you share your Treasure, and all God’s gifts to you, given for others. Help A Neighbor, Donate Your Car Running or not, obtain a tax deduction and help those in need by donating your car, truck, van, boat, motorcycle, or motor home to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. The Society will handle all the details, including towing, free of charge. Call toll free (800)322-8284 or fill out the online donation form at www.svdpusacars.com Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an international Catholic lay organization dedicated to providing person-toperson service to those in need. Helping Neighbors Servers, 8:00am, October 10-14 L/C: PSR-E cup– Rosa MarƟnez Misael Alvardo, Veronica Bernal, HOST: Alma Quiroz, Adolfo Zamores SERV: Luz & Guadalupe Quiroz USH: Jesus Manzanarez, Adolfo Zamorez, volunteers, please GB: PSR GR: PSR Offertory envelopes: Loose: Matching Gifts Total Offerings: Starts at Home. …………………………… 11:30 a.m. EM: Contributions for October 1/2 el coro Monday, October 10 Tuesday, October 11 Volunteers please Faith Hawkins, Leah Heischmidt M.K. Beckemeier, Wednesday, October 12 Faith Hawkins, Leah Heischmidt M.K. Beckemeier Thursday, October 13 Peter Laumann, AusƟn Klemme Michael Smith Friday, October 14 Peter Laumann, AusƟn Klemme Michael Smith 28h Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 9, 2016 Readings of the Week Monday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 — 5:1; Ps 113:1b-5a, 6-7; Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119:41, 43-45, 47-48; Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98:1-6; Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13; Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: Eph 1:15-23; Ps 8:2-3ab, 4-7; Lk 12:8-12 Sunday: Ex 17:8-13; Ps 121:1-8; 2 Tm 3:14 — 4:2; Lk 18:1-8 Reflection Pope Francis Addresses a group of YouTubers on a serious topic….. World Must Dial Down Aggression, Stop Bullying Vatican City– Help wipe out bullying and aggression by being better listeners and offering concrete gestures of tolerance and patience, Pope Francis told a group of top YouTubers from around the world. “The level of aggressiveness in our world needs to be dialed down. (The world) needs tenderness, meekness, (people) listening and walking together,” he told them and others taking part in a world congress sponsored by Scholas Occurrentes. “Pride, arrogance– eradicate them. Because pride and arrogance always have a bad ending.” he said May 29 at the close of the three-day meeting. MASS INTENTIONS Monday, October 10th– Weekday 6:30 a.m. Communion Service 8:00 a.m. Gilbert Gegg-46th Tuesday, October 11th– St. John XXIII, Pope 6:30 a.m. Communion Service 8:00 a.m. Glenn Koenen Wednesday, October 12th –Weekday 6:30 a.m. Communion Service 8:00 a.m. Mary “Dinny” Vogt 6:15 p.m. Joan Hawkins Thursday, October 13th– Weekday 6:30 a.m. Communion Service 8:00 a.m. Jospephine Weber Friday, October 14th– Weekday 6:30 a.m. Communion Service 8:00 a.m. Nancy Scholle Saturday, October 15th– St. Teresa of Jesus, Doctor of Church 8:00 a.m. Communion Service 5:00 p.m. Chuck Ryan Sunday, October 16th—29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 a.m. Marge Fagan 8:30 a.m. Our Parish Family 10:00 a.m. Pete Colombatto 11:30 a.m. Joyce Mersman Help A Neighbor, Donate Your Car Running or not, obtain a tax deduction and help those in need by donating your car, truck, van, boat, motorcycle, or motor home to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. The Society will handle all the details, including towing, free of charge. Call toll free (800)322-8284 or fill out the online donation form at www.svdpusacars.com Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an international Catholic lay organization dedicated to providing person-to-person service to those in need. Helping Neighbors Starts at Home. Meal A Month for October “Bullying is an aggression that conceals profound cruelty, and the world is cruel” with wars representing “ the monuments of cruelty.” he said. Scholas Occurrentes is a project Pope Francis supported as archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and expanded s pope. Through schools, it links students from different neighborhoods, countries, economic backgrounds and faiths to promote communication, understanding and cooperation. -Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service Fruit Juice Many thanks to all you support this ministry. Thank you all for your generosity and recognizing Jesus in all who need this help. Canned Tomatoes Pork & Beans Instant Potatoes Laundry Detergent (Liquid) Deodorant Also we are collecting 20 ounce cans of Beef Stew for the Mini – Vinnies. Thank you again for your overwhelming support of this ministry. 28h Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 9, 2016 Oficina: Tel: (636)946-1893 Fax (636)946-5598 * [email protected] 9 de octubre 11:30 a.m. L/C: EM: Rosa Martinez-S, Erika Guerero-E el coro cup-Alma Quiroz, Maria Fuentes, Gabriela Quiroz HOST - Fabiolo Manzanarez, Maria Barretos SERV: Lilia Fuentes, Adrian Gaona USH Jesus Manzanarez, Adolfo Zamorez, , vol please GB: to be determined before Mass GR” volunteers please CONFESIONES El padre Donaldo estará disponible para escuchar confesiones los siguientes sábados: 1 de octubre 8 de octubre 22 de octubre De 4pm - 4.30pm. Debido a que los sábado son días muy populares para las confesiones, les sugerimos llegar con anticipación. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 -- 5:1; Sal 113 (112):1b-5a, 6-7; Lc 11:29-32 Martes: Gal 5:1-6; Sal 119 (118):41, 43-45, 47-48; Lc 11:37-41 Miércoles: Gal 5:18-25; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Lc 11:42-46 Jueves: Ef 1:1-10; Sal 98 (97):1-6; Lc 11:47-54 Viernes: Ef 1:11-14; Sal 33 (32):1-2, 4-5, 12-13; Lc 12:1-7 Sábado: Ef 1:15-23; Sal 8:2-3ab, 4-7; Lc 12:8-12 Domingo: Ex 17:8-13; Sal 121 (120):1-8; 2 Tim 3:14 -- 4:2; Lc 18:1-8 LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Lunes: Día de Acción de Gracias en Canadá; Día de la Raza Martes: San Juan XXIII; Yom Kipur (festividad judía conocida como Día del Perdón) comienza a la puesta del sol Viernes: San Calixto I Sábado: Santa Teresa de Jesús BAUTISMOS Los bautismo en español se celebrarán solamente el 4º domingo de cada mes. Requisitos para padres y padrinos Asistir y participar a las dos pláticas el 1º y 2º domingo de cada mes a las 9.30am en la oficina parroquial. Deben registrarse con anticipación llamando al 636-946-1893 x116. Retiro de Otoño - para estudiantes de High School (Preparatoria); sábado 15 de octubre: Excursionismo, Misa, deportes & actividades 28h Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 9, 2016 El Camino de St. Charles Borromeo 1981 *** 1989 En 1981, el p. Owens recibió la ayuda de Donald Boschert, el primer diácono de la parroquia San Carlos Borromeo. Aunque mala salud influencio a Boschert a retirarse varios años más tarde, el feligrés Raymond Dickerson, comenzo a servir a la iglesia como el segundo diácono en Borromeo con su ordenación en 1987. En 1982, después de su elección como Decano del Decanato de San Carlos, el cardenal Carberry nombro al p. Owens- Monseñor; primero en la historia de Borromeo. La parroquia celebró con una Misa de acción de gracias el 14 de noviembre y luego concluyo con una recepción en el centro Dyer. Después de eso, el pastor llevaba la sotana púrpura y la faja blanca de un Monseñor. Lamentablemente, después de varios meses de enfermedad, el p. Owens murió el 24 de febrero de 1988. Él sirvió como pastor casi treinta y un años, el más largo de cualquier sacerdote en la historia de la parroquia. Su funeral, el 27 de febrero, atrajo tanta gente que tal vez será la más grande siempre en la iglesia de Borromeo. La parroquia pone el p. Owens para descansar en la sección de sacerdote del cementerio del Calvario. En marzo de 1988, el p. Paul A. Zipfel asumió el role como pastor. Un nativo St. Louisan, Zipfel recibió órdenes sagradas en 1961. Él trajo a St. Charles Borromeo entusiasmo y un estilo colaborativo de la dirección. Él también desarrolló una reputación como un maestro mago aficionado. Él fue a una Convención de magia cada año y vivió por el código del mago: nunca le dirá el secreto detrás de cualquier truco que realizó. Podía sacar un conejo de un sombrero o hacer todo tipo de cosas aparecer y desaparecer. Una vez asistió a un Jamboree de Boy Scout en Borromeo. Entró en el Auditorio vestido completamente normal. Los chicos le pidieron una demostración. Después de que hizo unos trucos de mano, para un final, él cubrió su mano con un pañuelo de seda, dijo las palabras mágicas y aparecio una bola de boliche. Uno de los primeros actos pastorales del padre Zipfel en Borromeo fue formar al Consejo Parroquial. Supervisó la contratación de la hermana Helen Brewer como primer director de la parroquial de educación religiosa. También apoyo la toma de una colección mensual para el beneficio de la sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl. Hasta ese momento, la sociedad dependía de donaciones privadas, la caja de los pobres y la colección de acción de gracias. Después de la colección se estableció, la sociedad acordó compartir diez por ciento de los ingresos con el capítulo local de la “Birthright”. En mayo de 1989, la parroquia recibió la inesperada noticia: Arzobispo había pedido al p. Zipfel que fuera un activo obispo auxiliar. Aunque esto significó que Zipfel se convertiría en el primer obispo de las filas del clero parroquial, también significó que él dejaría a San Carlos para convertirse en el obispo de Bismarck, Dakota del norte. Ethel Elmendorf habló en la parroquia diciendo Zipfel, "era caluroso, bueno, y agradable persona que tocó a todos aquí.". …cortesía de St. Charles Borromeo: 200 Years of Faith, por Jo Ann Brown. Este libro está disponible en la oficina por $5.00 28h Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 9, 2016 The St. Charles Borromeo Journey 1981 *** 1989 In 1981, Msgr. Owens received the assistance of Donald Boschert, the first deacon of the St. Charles Borromeo parish. Although ill health influenced Boschert to retire several years later, parishioner Raymond Dickerson began serving the church as Borromeo’s second deacon upon his 1987 ordination. In 1982, after his selection as Dean of the St. Charles Deanery, Cardinal Carberry appointed Msgr. Owens the first monsignor in Borromeo history. The parish celebrated with a Mass of Thanksgiving on November 14, and held a reception afterwards in the Dyer Center. The pastor thereafter wore the purple cassock and white sash of a monsignor. Sadly, after several months of illness, Msgr. Owens died on February 24, 1988. He served as pastor nearly thirty-one years, the longest of any priest in the history of the parish. His funeral Mass on February 27 drew perhaps the largest crowd ever to a Borromeo church. The parish laid Msgr. Owens to rest in the priest section of Calvary Cemetery. In March of 1988, Fr. Paul A. Zipfel took over as pastor. A native St. Louisan, Zipfel received Holy Orders in 1961. He brought to St. Charles Borromeo enthusiasm and a collaborative style of leadership. He also developed a reputation as a masterful amateur magician. He went to a magic convention every year and lived by the Magician’s code: he would never tell the secret behind any trick he performed. He could pull a rabbit out of a hat or make all kinds of things appear and disappear. Once he attended a Borromeo Boy Scout Jamboree. He entered the auditorium dressed completely normal. The boys requested a show. After he did a few slight-of- hand tricks, for a finale, he covered his hand with a silk handkerchief, said the magic words, and out dropped a bowling ball. One of Fr. Zipfel’s first pastoral acts at Borromeo was to form the Parish Council. He oversaw the hiring of Sister Helen Brewer as the parish’s first director of religious education. He also endorsed the taking of a monthly collection for the benefit of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Up to that point, the Society depended upon private donations, the Poor Box, and the Thanksgiving collection. After the collection became established, the Society agreed to share ten percent of the proceeds with the local chapter of Birthright. Fr. Zipfel as the magician priest. In May of 1989, the parish received unexpected news: Archbishop May had asked Fr. Zipfel to become an active auxiliary bishop. Although this meant that Zipfel would become the first bishop from the ranks of the parish clergy, it also meant that he would leave St. Charles to become the Bishop of Bismarck, North Dakota. Ethel Elmendorf spoke for the parish by saying Zipfel, “was a warm, kind, nice person who touched everyone here.” . …courtesy of St. Charles Borromeo: 200 Years of Faith, by Jo Ann Brown. This book is available in the church office for $5.00 28h Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 9, 2016 News Around Town Support our Catholic Schools Chicken Dinner Sunday October 9, 2016 Serving Time 1-6 p.m. Minimum Donation $10.00 Adult, Children 6-12-$5.00 Children 5 and under are free K of C Hall 823 20 Westbury Drive 636-949-0222 Carry-outs Available Appreciated– Donation of a Dessert Thanks for all. You are invited to join us to pray the 4 Rosaries for our church, country and the upcoming election. This will be on Thursday, October 13th at 7pm in St. Paul Church, St. Paul, MO. This is the Feast of the Miracle of Fatima. Let's pray to our Blessed Mother to intercede for us. Fall Fair Trade Sale “Help people help themselves” Your purchase can make a difference. When-Saturday, October 22, 5:45-6:45 p.m. Sunday, October 23, 8:15a.m.-1:15 p.m. WHERE-Gathering Place at St. Cletus What will I find? Chocolate, Coffee, Scarves, and Jewelry Need more information? Please call Barb Prideaux at (636) 947-9680 or Mary Reese at (314)607-3520. St. Joseph Parish-Cottleville Thursday, November 10, 2016 In honor of the 100th Anniversary of the apparitions at Fatima, the world famous international Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima will be at St. Joseph Parish in Cottleville on Thursday, November 10. An all School Mass will be held at 8:00 a.m.m Every hour thereafter until 5 p.m., a rosary will be said. Come and join us for this once in a lifetime, 100 year Anniversary Event. St. Charles Friends of Birthright monthly Bob Evans restaurant fundraiser is Wednesday, October 12, 2016. Just tell the cashier you want to donate 15% of the proceeds to St. Charles Birthright when you pay your bill. Whether you eat in or carry out, this applies for all meals served from 6:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. This only applies to the Zumbehl Road location. Please enjoy a meal at Bob Evans and donate to a wonderful cause. Thank you for your ongoing support of Birthright. 8 Immaculate Conception of Dardenne Octoberfest Sunday, October 16th 11:00 am– 7:00 pm Food Trucks & Beer Garden 7717 Hwy N: Dardenne Prairie: 636-561-6611 www.icdparish.org Knights of Columbus Council Will host a Sausage Dinner Tuesday October 18, 2016 Serving Time 6-7 p.m. Price- $7.00 per person Knights of Columbus Hall 20 Westbury Square Please call for Reservations by Monday, October 17, 2016 after 4 p.m. 636-949-0222 Meet the Candidates Night 2016 St. Charles, MO St. Joachim and Ann Care Services and its Social Justice Committee will sponsor Meet the Candidates Night 2016 from 6-9 p.m. on Thursday, October 20, 2016 at the St. Joachim and Ann Care Service, located at 4116 McClay Road in St. Charles, MO. The purpose of this event is to aid the voters of St. Charles County in making informed decisions at the voting polls in November. The event will introduce the 2016 election candidates to the public in an informal setting. Each candidate will have their own table and will be available from 6 to 9 p.m. to meet with voters one to one to answer any questions they may have. For more info, call Mary Reynolds at 636-4411302, ext 260. RSVP BY OCTOBER 10 Hosted by Social Justice in Action St. Joachim and Ann Care Center 28h Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 9, 2016 Open 24 Hours Breakfast Lunch Dinner NATIONAL CART COMPANY Continuing to Meet The Needs of Area Catholics Skilled Nursing • Rehabilitation Center • Independent Living 723 First Capitol Drive Contact Social Services at (636) 946-4140 x 107 946-0266 1881 Sherman Dr. Senior Discounts 923 First Capitol Drive www.ltsautoservice.com Tires • Oil Change • Brakes State Inspection O’Fallon, MO Visit our website to apply www.nationalcart.com For further information, please call the Parish Office. LIVE TO SERVE Parishioner $432 6 MONTH RATE Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. 636-896-0888 / 636-723-0800 Attorney at Law 225 South Main 916-HELP (4357) Suite 250 FULL TIME & PART TIME MANUFACTURING MIG WELDERS, ASSEMBLERS, MACHINE OPERATORS, SHIPPING LEADERS S & G PLUMBING & DRAIN CLEANING 636-443-0612 Homestyle Restaurant RICHARD R. VEIT HIRING! IS 3125 BOSCHERTOWN RD., ST. CHARLES, MO 63301 • 636-947-3800 Ext. 109 K & B AUTOMOTIVE DIAGNOSTIC SERVICE • AUTO REPAIR ELECTRIC SERVICE • OIL & LUBE A/C SERVICE & REPAIR • TIRES 636-493-9409 515 S. 5TH St. Charles: 636-724-0283 www.PaulFuneral.com Roy Cox Plumbing 60 Years In Business Alexander Insurance Agency 636.724.4508 821 Madison Wayne & Matt Alexander Scott & Laura Ilgenfritz www.alexins.com Sarah A. Smith, D.D.S., P.C. Pediatric Dentist 322 Jungerman Rd. www.drsarahsmith.com 636-949-9525 636-477-1200 TOMICH LAW FIRM, LLC www.BesedaFlooring.com – FIELDER – ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC. DEBORAH TOMICH ST. 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