St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church 601 N. 4th, St. Charles, MO 63301 Parish Vision Statement: We are the parish that, through our communion with Jesus, guided by the Holy Spirit: Welcomes all; Celebrates our unity, diversity, and traditions; Uses God’s gifts to serve and teach others and be the face of Jesus Christ in the Community. Parish Office: School Office: Religious Education Office: Latino Ministry: St. Vincent DePaul Society: Founded 1791 636-946-1893 636-946-2713 636-946-2916 636-946-1893 636-925-1616 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] leave a message after the recording Pastoral Staff: Father John Reiker, Pastor: [email protected] Father Bob Menner, Associate Pastor: [email protected] Father Don Schramm, Senior Associate: [email protected] Deacon Don McElroy, Deacon Deacon Fred Haehnel, Deacon Deacon Jorge Perez, Deacon Mrs. Silvina Baez, Latino Ministry Mrs. Becca McCullough, Director of Religious Education Mrs. Peggy Dupree, Office Manager Ms. Maria Martinez, Office Secretary Mrs. Ann Hoffman, School Principal Mrs. Mary Kutchback, Organist, Pastoral Associate for Seniors Mrs. Beth Duello, Director of Music Mrs. Lisa Delicath, Contemporary Youth Choir Mr. Juan Saldana, el coro Mr. Sam Plummer, Youth Ministry Mr. Peter Krasucki, Parish Council Chairperson FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation: Saturdays 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. or by appointment Schedule of Holy Mass Saturday: 8:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m. vigil for Sunday Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. in Spanish Weekdays: 6:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. Sacrament of Baptism: Arrangements made after parental instruction. Call the parish office for more information. Sacrament of Matrimony: Contact the parish office at least six months prior to wedding to begin preparations Holy Days of Obligation: watch the bulletin National Holidays: 9:00 a.m. Eucharistic Adoration: Third Mondays, 8:30am to 6:30pm Parish Office Business Hours Perpetual Help Devotions: Tuesdays following the 8:00 a.m. Mass Monday thru Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Bulletin deadline: Monday 10:00 a.m. Parish Hall Rental: Neal or Pat at 636-949-9722 (gym) Peggy at 636-946-1893 (café) [email protected] OUR WARM WELCOME TO ALL! We welcome all who come and worship with us. If you wish to join our parish faith family, or have a change in your contact information, kindly complete this form. You can return it to the Rectory, place in in the collection, or give it to a Priest or Deacon. Name________________________________________________ Cell/Phone Number_______________________________ Address/Zip______________________________________________________ Email____________________________________ ___ Please make the above changes to my parish record ___ I wish to find out more about the Catholic faith ___ I would like to speak with a Priest/Deacon ___ ___ ___ Interested in information about annulments/validation Information on having my children baptized Please pray for: __________________________________ Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo! Pope Francis Speaks to our Hearts Christ Renews His Parish A witness from a Borromeo member For me, I was a little overwhelmed by the idea of an entire weekend spent with “strangers.” But they weren’t strangers—they were my neighbors, the lady who sat in the pew in front of me at Sunday Mass (but I never bothered to learn her name), the woman with the beautiful voice, the soccer mom I saw in the parking lot. People who had been all around me, and on the same journey of wanting to know Jesus better. And the “entire weekend” turned out to be about 28 hours. Hardly my entire weekend. But I cam away from my CRHP weekend profoundly grateful for the gift of that special time. My soul felt refreshed and renewed and light as a feather. I now knew the names of many people who had been sharing the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist with me every week, but who I had never bothered to learn even their names before the weekend. I now feel a sense of community and peace and stillness in my busy life. I encourage you to take a 28-hour breather from your busy schedules and give yourself the gift of a CRHP weekend. It’s a special gift to yourself from your loving parish family. To register, go to the parish website and select the CRHP button: The women’s weekend is in one week: February 7/8 A Place of Mercy May the Church be a place of God’s mercy and hope, where all feel welcomed, loved, forgiven, and encouraged to live according to the good life of the Gospel. And to make others feel welcomed, loved, forgiven, and encouraged, the Church must be with doors wide open so that all may enter. And we must go out through these doors and proclaim the Gospel. Reflection: How can you make the church a more wel- coming, merciful place? Who is Jesus calling you to reach out to? Find someone this week to encourage. For more inspiring and practical words from our Holy Father, please go to the official Vatican Network NEWS.VA. Prayer of the Week O God of Love, You have united our parish family. We thank You for the opportunity to gather here in Your name and share the gifts and talents You have given us. Help us to be the face of Jesus as we praise God and serve others. May our parish be a home filled with love, forgiveness, and acceptance. Amen. Spread the Gospel, the Good News about Jesus and His Borromeo Family! Your Brother in Jesus, Father John PLEASE PLEASE return your Census Form which you received in the mail. (Save us from phone calling you!) Thanks! Please pray for our loved ones who are hospitalized or ill, including: Caroline Roddick, Carol Fasching, mother of Becca McCullough Evan Kuhlenschmidt, 4½ month old grandson of Ken & Phyllis Kuhlenschmidt Luke Kahrhoff, son of SCB teacher Gwynne Karhoff, and for the intentions on our Borromeo Prayer Tree and in our Book of Prayers We offer our prayerful sympathy to Dr. Charles and Ginny Linsenmeyer on the death of his brother Stephen Linsenmeyer. May he and all the faithful departed rest in peace. St. Charles Borromeo Prayer Tree: 928-2970, [email protected] Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time—February 1, 2015 Contributions for Jan. 24/25 Monday, February 2, The Presentation of the Lord 6:30 a.m. Communion Service 8:00 a.m. Ruth Honerkamp Tuesday, February 3, St. Blaise, bishop/martyr 6:30 a.m. Janet Simon 8:00 a.m. Mary Kay Austerschmidt—1st anniv. Wednesday, February 4, Weekday 6:30 a.m. Norine Brennan 8:00 a.m. Michael Short—18th anniv. 6:15 p.m. Alice Pallardy Thursday, February 5, St. Agatha, virgin/martyr 6:30 a.m. Mildred Hanson—7th anniv. 8:00 a.m. Bonnie Bizelli 6:30 a.m. Dave Bott 8:00 a.m. Vocations to Priesthood & Religious Life 9:15 a.m. (Carrington Place) Henry Koch Saturday, February 7, Weekday 8:00 a.m. Clem Weber 5:00 p.m. Andrew Wappelhorst Sunday, February 8, Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 a.m. Isabelle O’Grady—12th anniv. 8:30 a.m. Don Orf—1st anniv. 10:00 a.m. Our Parish Family 11:30 a.m. Henry Elmendorf 5:00 p.m. intention of Scot McCullough Family General Contributions: Loose: Matching Gifts: Total Contributions: $13,244.51 1,201.91 1,115.00 $15,561.42 Capital Improvements: CRHP donations: $645.00 $945.00 THANK YOU for the great love you show to our Borromeo Family carrying on the work of Jesus and to those in need by the generosity you display when you share your Treasure, and all God’s gifts to you, given for others. “Brothers and sisters: I should like you to be free of anxieties.” 1 Corinthians 7:32 How much anxiety do we bring upon ourselves by constantly worrying about not having enough or attaining more things? God won’t necessarily give you everything you want, but He will provide everything you need. Try this—use the word “pray” instead of the word “worry” in the future. We pray that we may open our hearts to give more freely, thus opening ourselves to receive more fully all of God’s simple and abundant blessings. ST. LOUIS REVIEW If you wish to receive our Archdiocesan newspaper, please use the envelope in your packet. If you wish NOT to receive the Review, please mark “NO” on your envelope or send us a note. Give Yourself the Gift of Time—You Deserve It! What is CRHP? CRHP is Christ Renews His Parish. CRHP is a Gift from the Lord. You are invited to take time out of your busy life to discover how to connect your Catholic faith more deeply with your life. What happens during the renewal weekend? You will hear others sharing their faith journey, time for silent and shared prayer, and sacraments. This will be a time to pray, rethink priorities and intensify your relationship with Jesus. CRHP provides the opportunity to know others in our parish and grow as a faith community. So what about you? Are you ready to say YES to the Lord? If you feel called to participate, please fill in below and return it to the parish office or place it in the offertory basket. Women’s CRHP Retreat Weekend: February 7/8 Name___________________________________ Address________________________________________________________ Phone(s)________________________________________________ email____________________________________________ Emergency Contact ________________________________________________________________________________________ (name—phone—relationship) Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo! Sunday, February 1—SCOUT SUNDAY Scout Sunday Mass, 8:30am, gathering in café after School Board, St. Charles Room, 9:30am Event in St. Charles Room this afternoon Monday, February 2 Girl Scouts, café, 4:30pm and 6:00pm Mary’s Children (W-C1), St. John XXIII Room, 6pm Baptismal prep, church office, 7:00pm Tuesday, February 3 Girl Scouts, St. Charles Room, 5:30pm RCIA, Bicentennial Room, 7:00pm Wednesday, February 4 Quilting, rectory basement, 8:30am Dinner Auction meeting, church office, 6:00pm Thursday, February 5 Boy Scouts, café, 7:00pm First Communion parents, church, 7:00pm Friday, February 6 Faculty meeting—noon dismissal Saturday, February 7 Women’s CRHP Retreat—please pray for them! Contemporary Youth Mass at 5pm Second collection for our St. Vincent de Paul Society Sunday, February 8 Women’s CRHP Retreat—please pray for them! Second collection for our St. Vincent de Paul Society Cub Scouts, café/St. Charles Room, 8—11am Youth/Family Mass, 5:00pm, YM meet in café til 8p Prior to your child’s Baptism at St. Charles Borromeo, the parish conducts a Baptismal Preparation class, generally the first Monday of each month, the next class being Monday, February 2, 7pm in the church office. Please call the church office—946-1893—to register for class. Thank you, and God bless you and your growing family! In the Gospel today we read that because Jesus spoke with authority His reputation spread throughout the surrounding region of Galilee. As His disciples, we can also speak with authority when we put our faith into action by helping the poor and suffering. Have you considered answering the call to serve the poor by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? For more information, call Joyce Cain at 636-448-2021. Also, please be generous in next week’s second collection. Registration Now Open for the Following Sports: Contemporary Youth Mass, February 7 and 21 (1st and 3rd Saturdays 5:00pm) Youth/Family Mass, February 8 and 22 (2nd & 4th Sundays 5:00pm) Women’s CRHP Weekend: February 7/8 Parish Dinner Auction, February 14 Eucharistic Adoration, February 16 Ash Wednesday—Lent begins, February 18 Lenten Fish Fries, February 20 and 27, March 6, 13, 20, 27 Palm Sunday, Holy Week begins, March 29 Easter Sunday, April 5 TRACK - Registration fee is $15 and is open until February 15 and the fee is $15. Available for ages 5-14 (division determined by age on 6/30/2014). GOLF - Registration open until February 22 and the fee is $110 for grades 2 through 4 and $140 for grades 5 through 8. Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for February For Prisoners: that prisoners, especially the young, may be able to rebuild lives of dignity. Marriage in Christ has been promised between: Cara Wehrle and Kyle Wells For Separated Spouses: that married people who are separated may find welcome and support in the Christian community. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time—February 1, 2015 Servers, 8am Weekdays Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday, February 2/3/4 Emily Schieferdecker, Sarah Stewart, Mereya Dean Friday/Saturday, February 5/6 Audrey Dickherber, Audrey Doughty, Lauren Joplin Saturday, February 7 Kyle & Nicholas Burke Ministry List, February 7/8 (Greeters needed for 5:00, 7:00, 8:30 and 10:00 please) L/C: EM: Serv: Ush: GB: L/C: EM: Serv: Ush: GB: L/C: EM: Serv: Ush: GB: L/C: EM: Serv: Ush: GB: L/C: EM: Serv: Ush: GB: GR: Saturday, February 7 5:00pm Lucy Rauch, Viki Weir Youth Choir Peter Mihelich, Nancy Hoffman, Linda Beeson, Larry Henry (Host) Tim Delicath, Chris Burgoyne Kris Lewis, Meagan & Cameron Booth Jerry Kopp, Larry Ohlms, Elaine Ru ahr, vol. pls. Aaron & Viki Weir Sunday, February 8 7:00am Bob Baronovic Mary Baronovic Sharon Hensley, Jean Schaeffer, Bill Cartwright Quinn Gallagher, Mallory Murray Jim Eisenbath, Cathy Herrod, Charles Weber, John Weber Flo Williams 8:30am John DuBois, Kevin Tollefson Children’s Choir Don & Marlene Schneider, Joe & Gerry Kloeppel (Host) Gene & Suzanne Carroll Patrick Koester, Sarah Stewart, Aaron Klemme Ken Kapeller, Ron Kassebaum, Doug Vossenkemper, Rich Wessler Rudy & Carol Franz 10:00 a.m. Steve McKinstry, Jerry Kinnison Choir Harriet Pallardy, Judy Douce e, Judy Dwyer, Kathy Anderson (Host) Judith O’Connor, Marge Pohl Mitchell Booher, Michael & Maggie Howard Mike Hogan, Greg Grotegeers, Gary Snyder, Frankie Fessler Sandy Boschert 11:30 a.m. Hermila Murillo, Arely Aragon Steve Cave, Maria Fuentes, Maria Ramirez, Guadalupe Damian (Host) Maria Barretos, Ampelia V Roman & Liliana Barcenas, Lilia Fuentes Jeff Kozich, volunteers please Reconcilia on Children Nancy Sprague, Diego Damian SCB Religious Education Your prayers are requested for Becca McCullough and her family. Her mother is very ill and in the hospital in Springfield, MO. Readings for the Week Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 [22-32] Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22:26b-28, 30-32; Mk 5:21-43 Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Ps 103:1-2, 13-14, 17-18a; Mk 6:1-6 Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Ps 48:2-4, 9-11; Mk 6:7-13 Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27:1, 3, 5, 8b-9; Mk 6:14-29 Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Ps 23:1-6; Mk 6:30-34 Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Ps 147:1-6; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39 Gospel Reflection Much of Jesus’ teaching took place in a synagogue and specifically in today’s reading the synagogue at Capernaum was filled with Jewish people from Galilee. Jesus’ listeners were surprised by His knowledge and authority. He especially surprised them when He cast out an evil spirit from one of the men. The evil spirit recognized who Jesus was and called Him “the Holy One of God.” The people didn’t understand this meaning. Only the evil spirit recognized Jesus. The people, however, were impressed by Jesus’ deeds and brought others to Him for healing. We may not be able to exorcize evil spirits, but as a family, suggest places in your school, work place, neighborhood or community where evil (or something unjust) exists. Make a plan and take an action as a family to right this wrong. People were looking to Jesus to perform healings and miracles. A miracle I witnessed was when . . . One person of great authority who I think is most like Jesus is . . . el coro Shopping list for February 21/22: salmon, pears, pancake mix, syrup, canned milk, kleenex and for the Mini-Vinnies: 15oz beef ravioli Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo! St. Charles Borromeo School Dear Parishioners, Thanks be to God for the wonderful Catholic Schools Week! All the activities planned for the week made it a joyful celebration of our Catholic school. On Friday, February 6th we will enjoy a visit from our new superintendent of Catholic Education, Dr. Kurt Nelson. We’re all looking forward to showing Dr. Nelson what makes St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School such a dynamic place of learning. Current school families have received registration materials for the 2015-2016 school year. New families and Kindergarten students are invited to begin registering on Sunday, February 15th from 8:00—11:30am. Come to the Math Room on the Middle School floor (main floor) to meet me as well as Sr. Maggi and Mrs. Whitman, our Kindergarten teacher. I ask that you share this information with families you know with school age children. We welcome inquiries and are happy to give personal tours of our school. Thanks go out to all who attended the Chili Classic dinner last week! I enjoyed meeting so many alumni of St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School as well as many parishioners. I want to especially thank Bob Palmer and Cathy Herrod for their help, expertise, and guidance! God bless each of you! Mrs. Ann Hoffman Tuition Assistance Available at St. Charles Borromeo There are three sources of financial aid available: 1. ALIVE IN CHRIST: for any new students entering Kindergarten through 4th grade Applications are available online at and in the church vestibule The awards are FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED! 2. CATHOLIC FAMILIES TUITION ASSISTANCE (CFTA): any Catholic family may apply Applications are available online at Application due date is March 15, 2015 3. BORROMEO PARISH GRANTS: available only to registered parishioners Applications will be available in late February Must submit copies of application and supporting documentation for Alive in Christ and CFTA. Any families requesting parish help must apply to both Alive in Christ and CFTA! MORE INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE BELOW AND ON THE NEXT PAGE *** 2015/2016 Borromeo Parish Grants *** Application for parish funds will be available in late February Copies of applications to both CFTA and Alive in Christ, along with accompanying documentation, must be presented when requesting parish funds. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time—February 1, 2015 Alive in Christ Scholarship Program for 2015-2016 Who can apply: Any new student entering Kindergarten through 4th grade and any student currently attending a Catholic elementary school. What is the amount awarded? The maximum award per child is $2,000 per year and the minimum award per child is $1,000 per year. When can I apply? Applications are being accepted now. The awards are FIRST COME FIRST SERVED. Where do I apply? Applications are available online at, in the narthex/vestibule of church, or by calling the Archdiocesan office at 314-792-7735. How do I qualify? Scholarships are awarded based on financial need. Please provide your 2014 Tax Return and any other income. Please call 314-792-7735 with any questions. INCOME ELIGIBILITY—All figures represent maximum eligible income per household size. Household Size Household Income 100% of $2000 GUIDELINES Household Income 75% of $2000 Household Income 50% of $2000 ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–——————————————————— 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 For each add’l child less than $29.700 less than $33,000 less than $36,300 less than $39,600 less than $42,900 less than $46,200 less than $49,500 $4,400 up to $39,900 up to $44,625 up to $49,875 up to $55,650 up to $61,950 up to $69,300 up to $77,700 $4,410 up to $53,550 up to $59,850 up to $66,990 up to $74,130 up to $82,740 up to $91,665 up to $102,585 $6,174 Catholic Families Tuition Assistance (CFTA) WHO IS ELIGIBLE? Applicants must be Catholic and must be registered in the parish. Students must be Catholic and attend a Catholic Archdiocesan or Parochial Elementary/High School. HOW CAN I APPLY? Applications must be obtained from the parish, but online registration is encouraged: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Information and documentation required: An application completed online or a signed and completed paper application. Payment of the $30 application fee made payable to: FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment Copies of your 2013 Federal tax forms including all supporting tax schedules Copies of your 2014 W-2 forms for both you and your spouse. Copies of supporting documentation for Social Security Income, Welfare, Child Support. Food Stamps, Workers’ Compensation, and TANF. Application Due Date: March 15, 2015 Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo! ATTEND THE AUCTION Tickets on sale NOW! One of the easiest and most important ways to support the auction is to donate an item, one of the most FUN ways is to buy a ticket and go! The auction committee has been hard at work planning this awesome night. Tickets are $75 per person and include valet parking, dinner, open bar and bid number/paddle. A limited number of "Masters" tickets are available at $100 per person and include all of the above plus premium bar and a private wait staff. There will be several sections of silent auction, and the night culminates with the big live auction led by professional auctioneers. Each table seats eight or ten, so gather your friends and go as a group! If you would like to buy tickets check out the attached order form. You can also find the order form at If you have any questions contact Trisha Hirtz, Ticket Chairperson, at [email protected] or (314) 452-6937. Tickets will be sold through February 7th. Thank you for considering how you might support the 2015 Borromeo dinner auction by attending. Tickets are on sale now! This night only happens every two years, so you don't miss out on the fun! We Need You! The Borromeo Fish Fry is a great way to celebrate and participate in the Lenten season. This is a time that allows our entire Borromeo community to come together! We are still looking for “Core Team” volunteers for the Fish Fry’s. If you are interested in any of the positions listed please contact Gretchen Thro 636-578-0670 (text or call) or you may email me at [email protected]. If you have any other areas of interest just let me know! Thank you. The first Fish Fry is Friday, February 20th, the last Fish Fry is March 27th. We will have sign-ups in the back of church beginning in February. Core (Lead) positions still needed: - Kitchen Fryer (clam strips & hush puppies) - Desserts - Dining Room setup - Clean Up - Back of church sign-ups (30 minutes before/after each Mass) Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time—February 1, 2015 St Charles Borromeo Dinner Saturday February 14th 4:30pm Mass at Old Hickory Golf Course Auction Doors Open immediately following Ticket Purchase Form I would like_____ ticket(s) at $75 each OR______ Champion Club ticket(s) at $100 each (limited quantity). \ All tickets must be purchased by February 2nd. For more information, call Trisha Hirtz at (314) 452-6937. Name ________________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________________________ State_________ Zip ________________ Phone ( ________) __________- ____________________ Email __________________________________________ Enclosed is my check for $ ______________ made payable to: SCB DINNER AUCTION Please seat me at a table with the following people (print clearly) (tables seat 8 -10): First & Last Name(s) ________________________________________________________________________ Phone __________________________ Email _________________________________________________ Their RSVP and payment: Is included Will be sent separately First & Last Name(s) ________________________________________________________________________ Phone __________________________ Email _________________________________________________ Their RSVP and payment: Is included Will be sent separately First & Last Name(s) ________________________________________________________________________ Phone __________________________ Email _________________________________________________ Their RSVP and payment: Is included Will be sent separately First & Last Name(s) ________________________________________________________________________ Phone __________________________ Email _________________________________________________ Their RSVP and payment: Is included Will be sent separately Mail this form with your payment to: SCB Dinner Auction c/o Trisha Hirtz, Ticket Chairperson 129 Tennessee Walker Way, Saint Peters MO, 63376, Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo! Ladies Sodality Meeting Tuesday February 10 at 6:30pm in the café. Join us for a fun movie night with plenty of snacks (including chocolate fondue). Anyone with a birthday be sure to come to get your birthday gift. Any questions or need a ride, call Barb at 636-947-3939. LENTEN TEA March 28 at 11:00am. Plan now and get your table lined up. $10 per person and you pick your theme and your food. A fun time that benefits the Holy Angels Shelter. Any questions call Barb at 636-947-3939. K of C Catholic Schools BBQ! Please pray for our expectant moms: Kristina, Sarah (March) Melissa (April) Emily (May) Christine (June) Kori (July) Tina (September) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let us pray: for women and men who are suffering in the aftermath of an abortion. May they find healing, consolation and strength through the Sacraments and prayer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do you think you may be pregnant ...or know someone who may be? Are you wondering what to do? Perhaps you have always been “pro-life” until now—until it happens to you! Birthright of St. Charles is just a phone call away—636-724-1200—to help you sort things out. Birthright offers pregnancy test, professional counseling, practical help and referrals at it is ALL free and confidential. Call Birthright before you make a decision you may regret for the rest of your life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “There is no grief like the grief that does not speak.” Sunday, February 8—Serving from 1-6pm K of C Hall: 20 Westbury Drive Henry Longfellow Pork Steak Dinner $8 - Rib Dinner $10 (1/2 slab) Hamburger, Bratwurst or Hot Dog plate $5 Hamburger or Brat $3 - Hot Dog $2 Donation of a dessert is appreciated! Carryouts available. 1/3 of proceeds to benefit Borromeo School! The grief over an abortion experience is often so deep that it seems to be silent. Women and men may bear this burden for years thinking that there is no hope of forgiveness or peace. Project Rachel offers private, professional counseling at no charge for anyone who is suffering because of an abortion experience. Call Project Rachel at 314-792-7565 to begin your journey of healing and reconciliation. Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist Dr. Brant Pitre uses the Hebrew Scriptures and Jewish tradition to frame the actions of Jesus at the Last Supper, and to provide a fresh look at the heart of Catholic practice—the Eucharist. By taking us back to the Jewish roots of our faith, Dr. Pitre gives us a powerful lens through which to see anew the bread of the presence, the manna, the Last Supper, and ultimately the meaning of the Eucharist. Parishioner Comments: This and other CDs are in the narthex. Please use the envelopes provided for your donation and place it in the weekend collection. Thanks! “amazing teaching on the Eucharist!! Such fullness; so rich in history… The More I learn, the more I love our Faith! Lydia—Windham, NH “Brilliant! Very clearly shows the foreshadowing of the Eucharist in the Old Testament.” Helene—Peachtree City, GA Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time—February 1, 2015 We celebrate the achievements of the Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts of St. Charles Borromeo who have earned the following Religious Emblems this year: Ad Altare Dei (“At the Altar of God) Conrad Rauhaus Blake Hilker John McClain Nate Hammond Jacob Williams Pope Pius XII Emblem Nick Keesey God and Church Nick Budrovich Parvuli Dei (“Children of God): 3rd-5th Grade Cubs Austin Klemme Gio Marasso Michael Smith Nathan Kulma Aiden Neu Light of Christ: 1st-2nd Grade Cubs Logan Archer Michael Beerman Brady Burgio Luke Dickherber Luke Fink Tyler Hicks Samson Jost Aiden Whitman Connie Beckemeier Jackson Bierbrauer Bennett Blair Anthony Brown Caleb Brown Lucas Licker Jackson Wagner Ryan Willenberg God and Me: 1st-3rd Grade Cubs Liam O’Connor MATTER A quick look into the ministries of St. Charles Borromeo Our Lady of Guadalupe and Las Posadas By Diego Damian Our Lady of Guadalupe December 12 is a special day for all Latin America. The reason why this is a special day for us is because Our Virgin Mary of Guadalupe appeared to a poor Indian named Juan Diego on four occasions. Our virgin Mary of Guadalupe gave a wonderful spiritual message to Juan Diego that he was to give to the bishop. The message that she gave Juan Diego was that the bishop had to build a church on the site of the apparition to show her love to the nation. Las Posadas Why we call this Las Posadas is because our tradition is still remembering Mary and Joseph’s difficult moments that happened when going to Bethlehem. Mary was about to give birth to the Son of God and no one had room for them. With thanks and praise from the Parish Council Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo! Oficina: Tel: (636)946-1893 Fax (636)946-5598 * [email protected] Abogados Catholic Immigration Law Project Kristin Walentik 100 N. Tucker Blvd., Ste. 726 St. Louis, MO 63101 314-977-2619 Immigration Law Project Legal Services of Eastern Missouri 4232 Forest Park Ave. Brentwood, MO 63144 314-534-4200 / 1-800-444-0514 Interfaith Legal Services for Immigrants Ryan Fitzpatrick 4158 Lindell Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63108 Migrant & Immigrant Comm. Action Nicole Cortes 9300 Olive Blvd., Lower Level St. Louis, MO 63132 314-995-6995 / 1-855-995-6995 La Acción Ejecutiva todavía no entra en vigor, sin embargo es importante que ud. Este preparando y consiga la siguiente documentación: Copia de su Acta de Nacimiento Copia de su identificación con foto Copia de su pasaporte y formulario 1-94, si tiene Copia de su Acta de Matrimonio (hombres) Copia de Actas de Nacimientos de sus hijos nacidos en EEUU o con residencia legal Copia de la MICA de sus hijos que sean residentes permanentes Molina Immigration Law 9300 Olive Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63132 Ackerman & Fitzpatrick 8816 Manchester Rd., Ste. 184 Brentwood, MO 63144 314-478-5099 US Legal Solutions Gustavo Arango 8714 Gravois Rd. St. Louis, MO 63123 314-629-2538 Evidencia que ud. Ha vivido en los EEUU Records médicos y de la escuela de sus hijos Records de trabajo (talones de cheque) Records del Banco9, tarjetas de crédito, recibos de teléfono, gas, luz, etc. Títulos y registración de carros, seguro de carros Records de envía de dinero a su familia Fotos suyas en los EEUU Cualquier tipo de documento que tenga su nombre y dirección en EEUU Escuela Católica La escuela de San Carlos Borromeo está deseosa de tener entre sus estudiantes a los niños latinos. En el último año escolar la presencia de niños latinos ha aumnetado y ha traido a nuestra escuela más diversidad y dones que los niños comparten, a la vez los niños se han beneficiado de una educación académica más exigente que les abrirá más puertas en sus futuros. Le invitamos a conocer más sobre la escuela de San Carlos Borromeo, por favor llame a la oficina para más información 636-946-1893 x 116. Los Salmos Comenzaremos un Estudio de los Salmos para descubrir las riquezas que Dios nos tiene preparadas Las reuniones serán los martes de 6pm a 7.30pm, tendremos cuidado de niños. 8º Conferencia de Hombres Católicos por Cristo Animese a compartir su fe y enriquecerse de los temas que se presentarán, SCB tiene entradas especiales, por favor comuníquese con Diácono Jorge Perez. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time—February 1, 2015 Journeying Through Grief St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Grief Ministry is offering a Christ-centered support group for anyone who is mourning the loss of a loved one: no matter how recent nor how long ago. Participants are invited to bring a guest. There are times in our lives when we need a little more support, a few more prayers, or an extra ear to be there for us. When loved ones die, people deal with that loss in different ways. For many, grief support is helpful in beginning a journey toward healing. A support group will share with you ways to keep your loved one’s memory alive. They’ll get you through the first months, holidays and anniversaries. Even when you are past the most painful times, it is a place where you can come back. If you feel apprehensive, remember that you are not alone, many might be as anxious as you. You can be assured that when you attend, you will be walking into a room full of people who understand. Anything shared in the group is held confidential. There will be people like you and me who have been devastated and surprised by the magnitude of our losses. The group will meet on four consecutive Tuesday evenings in March (3, 10, 17 and 24) from 7:00—8:30pm. Once a month follow-up sessions will follow. The location is the SEAS Rectory Basement Meeting Room at 2 Seton Court. To register, please call or email one of the following co-facilitators: Marilyn Lucido, 636-946-2511 or [email protected] Mary Kutchback, 636-946-9758 or [email protected] Steve Cave, 636-947-4314 or [email protected] Mon 2 Girl Scouts, CA, 4:30 & 6p W-CRHP1, J23, 6p Baptismal prep, CO, 7p 9 Girl Scouts, BR, 3p Parish Council, BR, 7p 16 Euch. Ador. 8:30a-6:30p No school, CO closed W-CRHP1, J23, 6p VdeP, BR, 7p 23 Girl Scouts, BR, 3p W-CRHP9, CO, 6:30p Sun 1 Scout Sunday, 8:30 Mass café til 10:30 School Board, SC, 9:30a Event in SC 2-6p 8 PRO LIFE SUNDAY 2nd collection—VdeP Women’s CRHP Weekend Cub Scouts, CA/SC, 8-11am El coro, CO, 1p Youth/Family Mass 5p YM, CA, 6-8p 15 Donuts/coffee after Mass M-CRHP12, CO, 7-10a Immigration Workshop, CA/SC, 1-3p 22 M-CRHP12, CO, 7a School Board, J23, 124p Youth/Family Mass, 5p YM, CA, 6-8p 24 RCIA, BR, 7p 17 Girl Scouts, SC, 5:30p RCIA, BR, 7p 10 Ladies Sodality, CA, 6:30p RCIA, BR, 7p 3 Girl Scouts, SC, 5:30p RCIA, BR, 7p Tue 25 Quilting, RB, 8:30—noon Girl Scouts, SC, 5:45p 18 ASH WEDNESDAY MASS 6:30 & 8a, noon (Spanish), 1:30 (School), 7p (bilingual) Quilting, RB, 8:30—noon 11 Quilting, RB, 8:30—noon Girl Scouts, SC, 5:45p Dinner Auction, CO, 6p Cub Pack, CA, 6p VdeP, BR, 6:30p 1st Comm. Parents, SC, 7p 4 Quilting, RB, 8:30—noon Dinner Auction mtg., CO, 6 Wed 26 Boy Scouts, CA, 7p 19 Boy Scouts, CA, 7p Wedding Seminar, Ch, 7p 12 Boy Scouts, CA, 7p 5 Boy Scouts, CA, 7p 1st Comm. Parents, Ch, 7p Thu Fri 4-7p in cafe 27 BASK in G til 5p 4-7p in cafe 20 St. Pat Cass., CO by 8:30a BASK in G til 5 13 St. Pat Cass., CO by 8:30a Mem. Mass 11am Funeral lunch after 6 Faculty mtg—noon dismiss February 2015—St. Charles Borromeo 28 W-Fellowship, CO, 6a Event in G in pm 21 M-Fellowship, BR, 6:30a Spiritual Renew.,, CO, 9a Girl Scouts, G, 5:30p Latino Adoration, 8p-5a DINNER AUCTION Old Hickory Golf 4:30 Mass Doors open after 14 W-Fellowship, CO, 6a Uniform X, CA, 9-11a VdeP, BR, 10a 7 Women’s CRHP Weekend Youth/Family Mass, 5p Sat Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo! Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time—February 1, 2015 Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo!
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