Welcome to the faith community of ST. FRANCIS DE SALES LAKE GENEVA, WISCONSIN October 9, 2016 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time We, the community of St. Francis de Sales Parish, seek to LIVE JESUS through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit by ministering to the needs of our brothers and sisters through Word, Worship, Education and Service. PRAYER & WORSHIP PARISH OFFICE Mass of Anticipation: Saturday, 5:15 p.m. Sunday Mass: 7:30, 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. (English); 5:00 p.m. (Spanish) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Tuesday, 7:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Hours: Mondays, 10:00 a.m.—3:30 p.m.; Tuesdays—Thursdays, 7:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m.; Fridays, 7:30 a.m.—12:30 p.m.; Sundays, 8:30 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Address: 148 W. Main Street, Lake Geneva, WI 53147 Phone: (262) 248-8524 Fax: (262) 248-5302 Parish Web Site: www.sfdslg.org Reconciliation: Saturday, 4:00 p.m.; Sunday, 4:30 p.m. (Bilingual); or by appointment PARISH SCHOOL Daily Mass: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 7:00 a.m. School Mass: Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. (During School Year) Communion Service: Thursday, 7:00 a.m.; Saturday, 8:00 a.m. Address: 130 W. Main Street, Lake Geneva, WI 53147 Phone: (262) 248-2778 Fax: (262) 248-7860 PLEASE PRAY FOR… Nathan Rittenbacher Joan Roell Diane Ponzo Joe Ponzo William Lily Tess Adams Thomas Potjeau Kelly Hughbanks Tami Irwin Jim Mansky Tony Ascolani Sam Scott William Burke Carol Peck Tom Peck Mary Dade Anthony Ferrini Kiera Marion Donner Germaine Clifford (Dr.) Katarzyna Zaremba David Lou Rogers Wayne Rogers David Squire Jill Logterman Joan Huntress Barbara Quincannon Bormes Bill Smarslik Lisa Amburgey Patricia Catarello Donna Andersen Beau Roddy Family Nancy Allen Eleanor Gerald Melissa Butts Robert Haimann Dennis & Paula Butek Nancy Rittenbocker Les Malsch Tom Geldermann Baby Gerard Dalton AnneMarie Janikowski Lucille Morales Kristen Perry Connie Cambell Bronte Aitken Bev Schorsch IN OUR PRAYERS... Heavenly Father, we ask you to watch over and protect our servicemen and women in harm’s way, especially Jason Liss, 101st Airborne, Iraq. CARING FOR THE ALTAR 10/10-10/15 — Donna Jaros 10/17-10/22 — Denise Kottke COUNTING CONTRIBUTIONS 0/10—TEAM 4 10/17—TEAM 5 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 — 5:1; Ps 113:1b-5a, 6-7; Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119:41, 43-45, 47-48; Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98:1-6; Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13; Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: Eph 1:15-23; Ps 8:2-3ab, 4-7; Lk 12:8-12 Sunday: Ex 17:8-13; Ps 121:1-8; 2 Tm 3:14 — 4:2; Lk 18:1-8 DON'T SWEAT THE SWEET STUFF We have your Thanksgiving holidays covered...especially the pies. More to come! Submitted by your Human Concerns Committee BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS All articles for the bulletin must be emailed to [email protected] or submitted in writing to the parish office. The deadline is at noon on Monday. WEDDING BANNS III. Andrew Trace and Kate Nocek III. Neil McCarthy and Aubrey Garron II. Steve Kezman and Krista King CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CASH RAFFLE WINNERS FROM THE FALL FEST $10,000 - Michael Iselin; $3,000 - SFDS Angel Fund; $1,000 - Marc Paprzyca; $500 - Julie Wickersham; $100 - Monica Hochevar; $100 - Holly Adamson; $100 - Bill Kapolas; $100 - Bob Kordus; $100 - Denise Christenson MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, October 8, 2016 8:00 a.m. Communion Service 10:00 a.m. Confirmation 5:15 p.m. Casey & Bertha Mikrut SUNDAY, October 9, 2016 7:30 a.m. Dodi & Bob Volp and Bunnie Keaney 9:00 a.m. Ruth Mertz and Dan Corboy 10:30 a.m. Richard Lewandowski and Benny Mikols 5:00 p.m. Fr. Wilimek and Fr. O’Brien (Spanish Mass) MONDAY, October 10, 2016 7:00 a.m. Donald Douglass TUESDAY, October 11, 2016 7:00 a.m. Timothy King WEDNESDAY, October 12, 2016 7:00 a.m. Jerome Pepinski 9:00 a.m. Daniel Muczynski THURSDAY, October 13, 2016 7:00 a.m. Communion Service FIRST FRIDAY, October 14, 2016 7:00 a.m. Good Family and Vincent J. Loizzo 3:00 p.m. Kate Nocek & Andrew Trace Wedding SATURDAY, October 15, 2016 8:00 a.m. Communion Service 5:15 p.m. Carrie Curran SUNDAY, October 16, 2016 7:30 a.m. Donna Case and Richard Felman 9:00 a.m. All Parishioners 10:30 a.m. KC Coporate Communion, Frank & Bogdan Jaronczyk and Deceased Members of KCs 5:00 p.m. All Parishioners (Spanish Mass) FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK… Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Francis de Sales Parish, The Archdiocese of Milwaukee has a plan for parishes and parish leadership that is called the “2020 Plan.” There are currently 203 parishes in the Archdiocese, most of which are administered by priests. By the year 2020, due to priest retirements, there will be approximately 100 fully active archdiocesan priests. The most effective way for priests to minister in the future will be through the clustering of parishes. What is a parish cluster? The Archdiocese of Milwaukee defines a parish cluster as “a grouping of geographically bordering parishes working together on a shared vision and ministry plan.” In order to ensure that priestly ministry is active in each of our parishes, the Archdiocese has assessed the sizes and locations of the parishes, and has developed a model of priest assignment and parish ministry based on the clustering of parishes. Of the 203 parishes of the Archdiocese, 28 parishes will remain as free-standing parishes due to their size, demographics, and geographical location. The remaining 175 parishes will be formed into 72 clusters. A cluster of parishes is not the same thing as a merger. In a cluster, each parish maintains its identity, while sharing the same pastor. Depending upon the size and demographics of the cluster, it is possible that a cluster might also have an associate pastor. The clusters will also rely on priests retired from fulltime ministry to help with Mass and the celebration of the Sacraments. According to the plan, by the year 2020, St. Francis de Sales, Lake Geneva, St. Benedict, Fontana and St. Catherine, Sharon will be in the same cluster. The Pastoral Councils of these three parishes came together twice in the summer of 2015 and once in the fall of 2016 to enter into a conversation on how we as a cluster of parishes might best collaborate in the future when there is one shared pastor. The organization option that we adopted for our cluster plan consists of the following elements: One pastor and one associate pastor One deacon per parish Some shared pastoral staff A shared, certified Director of Administrative Services at some point in the future Separate offices in each parish A single school supported by area parishes Separate Finance Councils Joint and separate Pastoral Council Meetings Trustees attending both Finance Council and Pastoral Council Meetings Some shared committees Proportional assessment for funding for shared ministries As we move forward into a new model of parish collaboration, it is important to keep in mind that while St. Francis de Sales, St. Benedict and St. Catherine have been neighbors, the 2020 Plan calls us to be more that neighbors and friends, but to be brothers and sisters sharing a common bond based on our mutual Catholic faith. God’s Blessings, Fr. Jim Schuerman Queridos Miembros de la Parroquia de San Francisco de Sales, La Arquidiócesis de Milwaukee tiene un plan para parroquias y el liderazgo de parroquias que se llama el “Plan 2020.” Hay 203 parroquias en la Arquidiócesis, y la mayoría está administrado por sacerdotes. En el año 2020, será aproximadamente 100 sacerdotes activos de la Arquidiócesis, porque muchos sacerdotes se jubilarán. En el futuro, la manera más efectiva para los sacerdotes hacer su ministerio parroquial sería la de crear “racimos” de parroquias. ¿Qué es un racimo de parroquias? La Arquidiócesis de Milwaukee define un racimo como “un grupo de parroquias en proximidad geográfica trabajando juntas con una visión y plan en común.” Para asegurar el ministerio sacerdotal en cada parroquia, la Arquidiócesis ha estudiado el número de miembros y ubicación de cada parroquia, y ha desarrollado un plan para el ministerio parroquial basado en la formación de racimos de parroquias. De las 203 parroquias, 28 se quedarán independientes de otras parroquias. La demografía, la ubicación geográfica, y el número de miembros son factores en la cuestión de quedarse independientes. La otras 175 parroquias serán formadas en 72 grupos colaborativos (racimos). Cada racimo tendrá un párroco, y cada parroquia mantendrá su propia identidad mientras compartiendo a un párroco. En algunos racimos, el párroco trabajará con un párroco asociado, también. Adicionalmente, los sacerdotes jubilados ayudarán con las misas y los Sacramentos. Según el Plan 2020, San Francisco de Sales de Lake Geneva, San Benito de Fontana, y Santa Catalina de Sharon formarán un racimo. Los Concilios Parroquiales de las tres parroquias se han encontrado dos veces en el verano de 2015 y una vez en el otoño de 2016 para entrar en una conversación sobre cómo podríamos colaborar en el futuro cuando hay un solo párroco entre las tres parroquias. La opción de organización que hemos adoptado para nuestro plan del racimo consiste de los siguientes puntos: Un párroco y un párroco asociado Un diacono por parroquia Algunos miembros de los equipos pastorales compartidos entre las parroquias Un Director de Servicios Administradores en el futuro Oficinas separadas en cada parroquia Una escuela apoyada por las parroquias en el área Concilios de Finanzas separados Concilios Pastorales con reuniones separadas y comunes Fideicomisarios asistiendo reuniones del Concilio de Finanzas y el Concilio Pastoral Algunos comités en común Un gravamen proporcionado para compensar los ministerios compartidos Mientras que se mueve en un nuevo modelo de colaboración de las parroquias, es bueno tomar en cuenta que mientras que San Francisco de Sales, San Benito, y Santa Catalina han sido vecinos amigos, el Plan 2020 nos llama a ser hermanos y hermanas, compartiendo una unión común – nuestra fe católica. Que Dios los bendiga, Padre Jim Schuerman THE WEEK AHEAD – OCT. 9 TO OCT. 16 Sun – 9:00 REP Gr. 4K-5 KC Breakfast Altar Society Bake Sale Following Masses Blood Pressure Screening Following Masses 6:30 Confirmation Class Mon – 6:00 Prayer Group (Spanish) 6:30 Home & School Tues – 7:30-7:00 Adoration 6:30 RCIA 7:00 Book Study Wed – 10: 00 Bible Study 11:15 Shepherds of Christ 6:00 Liturgical Dancers 6:00 Gr. 6-8 REP 6:30 Stewardship 7:00 Contemporary Choir Thurs – 8:00 SFDS School Birthday Breakfast 10:30 Book Study 5:00 Wedding Rehearsal 7:00 Chorale 7:00 Hispanic Ministry Fri – 1:00 Cemetery Meeting 3:00 Wedding 7:00 Legion of Mary Sat – 9:00 Retreat 9:30 AA 10:00 Spanish Baptisms 10:00 ESL Class Fiesta Tacos Following Masses 7:00 Emmaus Men Sun – Tamale Sale After Masses 9:00 REP Gr. 4K-5 6:30 Life Teen HELP WANTED St. Francis de Sales School in Lake Geneva is looking for a parttime custodian. Hours are 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., M-F, with possible weekend work. Must be able to lift 50 lbs. and work independently. Submit resumes to: St. Francis de Sales Parish Interview Committee, 148 W. Main St., Lake Geneva, WI 53147, or stop in the parish office M-F from 7:30-3:00 for an application. COMBINED COLLECTIONS: CHURCH IN MISSION This weekend, Oct. 8-9, the Combined Collections: Church in Mission appeal offers us a wonderful opportunity to help people in need through five important efforts. Please give prayerful consideration to supporting the mission. FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP October 2, 2016 Parish Envelopes Offertory Capital Campaign Angel Fund Online Giving/Vanco $6,724.00 $2,552.01 $205.00 $1273.63 $1,531.00 (The Angel Fund benefits families of our day school program who need tuition assistance.) Stewardship Treasure Period / Actual Category Weekend of October 2 Envelope Giving 6,724 Offertory Giving 2,552 EFT & ACH Giving OnLine Giving 1,531 Total 10,807 Year to Date (07/01/16 to 10/02/16) Envelope Giving 97,722 Offertory Giving 44,580 EFT & ACH Giving 13,659 OnLine Giving 19,664 Total 175,625 Goal Over / (under) 7,971 (1,247) 2,721 (169) 1,000 11,692 531 (885) 116,143 (18,421) 38,096 6,484 12,924 14,000 181,163 735 5,664 (5,538) Please consider OnLine giving by navigating to: www.sfdslg.org, clicking on the DONATE icon and signing up today! CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS NEWS At our first meeting of the 2016-2017 season, Ruth Bush, Wisconsin state regent, presented Betty Bartelson with an award from the national office recognizing her for her many years of service. Our next meeting on Oct. 17, will begin with the living rosary at 5:30 p.m., followed by our meeting at 6 p.m. Please join us. Please call Lois Maywald, court regent, at (262) 279-5733 with any questions. BAKE SALE Oct. 8 & 9, After All Masses Please bake, buy or donate to buy a new holy water sprinkler (aspergillum) and bucket. Sponsored by the Altar Society. CONGRATULATIONS! On Thursday, Sept, 29, John Baumgardner was ordained to the diaconate in Rome. The ordination was an incredible gift for him. With his family in town, it had been such a joyful time. He is so grateful for everything the SFDS community has done for him these last few years. Congratulations, Deacon John! "AUTHENTIC FIESTA TACOS" SFDS Hispanic Community Invites You to: Come enjoy a delicious meal after all masses! October 16, 2016 Plate includes tacos, tamale, rice, beans & soft drink. Cost is $10. "AUTÉNTICO FIESTA TACOS" La Comunidad Hispana de SFDSles invita: A disfrutar una deliciosa comida después de cada misa! Octubre 16, 2016 Plato incluye tacos, tamales, arroz, frijoles, y bebida. costo $10 Oct. 15 - 16 Greeters Ushers KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BREAKFAST Sunday, Oct. 9, 8 to 11 a.m. Come to join fellow parishioners! Omelet $5 Small Slam $3 Egg Combo $4 French Toast $3.50 Singles of Eggs or French Toast $1 Bacon $1.50 Orange Juice or Milk $1.50 Hash Browns; Toast & Jelly, Tea $1 each Coffee & Sanka $1.25 Carry-outs available—just $.50 extra! We will have our coffee cans out for your loose change. So far we have collected $269. The K of Cs will match up to $500. The proceeds will go to our Parish School for its computers. Please help our school. Thank you from the K of C Council #1647. PROJECT 2017 WALK Please join us on Oct. 16, following the 10:30 Mass, for a walk to Lake Geneva (Library Park) and back. There is no need to register. Just come and have fun! This will be a free will offering and money raised will be for Project 2017. Readers Communion Altar Servers Gene Bulla George Melcher Wilbur Metz OPENING Natalie Dunn Sue Bulla Natalie Dunn Marcie Hollmann OPENING OPENING OPENING OPENING Connor Clifford - 1 Jillian Dantuma - 2 Saturday, 5:15 p.m. Helene Churchill Shirley Zientarski OPENING OPENING Roland Freund Budd Humphrey Don Voit Ron White Richard Kelman Barbara Giovannoni Richard Kelman Jeanne McCarron Sylvia Navin Carole Nevin Bridget Payne Rita Popelka Zane Gallagher - 1 Brandon Fain - 2 Sunday, 7:30 a.m. Arlene Breuninger Barbara Giovannoni Carole Nevin Jeanette Polyock Charles Robinson OPENING OPENING OPENING Lois Maywald Maureen Allenstein Daniel Derrick Ann Desecki Corrine Haimann Nancy Mancuso Kristin Olson Diane Read Marcus Robinson - 1 Teagan Hale - 2 Sunday, 9:00 a.m. Maureen Allenstein Louella Rogers OPENING OPENING Ken Cramer Terry Quinn Harry Quinn Robert Weidner Christopher Hicks Joan Huml Linda Contant Nancy Corboy Joanne Gasperik Richard McCarthy Jennifer Serna Donna Smith Julie Vitullo AAJ Serna - 1 Sabrina Vitullo - 2 Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Pat Cramer OPENING OPENING OPENING FAITH WITH A FACE - KEN ETTEN Ken Etten has been a parishioner at St. Francis de Sales for about 35 years. He has been an important part of the history of St. Francis de Sales as well as pillar of the Lake Geneva community, generously donating his time and talents by sharing his knowledge of architecture and design. A young architect in the ‘70s and ‘80s, he worked for two other firms before teaming up with Ron McCormack to start McCormack+Etten/Architects LLP in 1992. “I’ve always had an interest in history and historic buildings, including my home here in Lake Geneva...which was built around 1855.” He’s done a lot of projects on that home and has been the Chairman of the Lake Geneva Historic Preservation Commission for 20 years. His firm has worked on a number of historic structures including the Riviera, the Geneva Lake Museum, Horticultural Hall, a number of downtown retail Ken and Diane enjoying an event in the Parish Center. buildings, several lakefront estates, and more! Ken and his wife, Diane, have two daughters, Emily and Ashley and have lived in Lake Geneva since 1983. Ken has served in many volunteer positions at SFDS, including the past 20 years with the Buildings and Grounds committee! He has taken part in a number of “hands on” projects including the remodeling of the old Convent into classrooms and helping to build the upper playground. He participated in a lot of school parent volunteer positions when his daughters were in grade school at SFDS including playground duty, working in the kitchen for fundraisers, and serving on the school board. Probably his major contribution was acting as the architect when the Parish Center was built in 1993. He designed it, tweaked it, and oversaw the construction. “...The best part of being an Architect is seeing people using and enjoying a building that you were a part of creating and reminding yourself that this started as an idea in your head!” For many years the School Gym served as the gym, cafeteria, and Parish Hall for both school and parish events, causing major scheduling problems. Building a Parish Hall had been discussed for a number of years, and Father Dave Braun took the lead to start a capital campaign. While there were several conflicting points of view (the need for a new school gym vs. a parish hall), Fr. Dave always emphasized that we were a “faith community” and that our highest priority was to provide gathering and meeting spaces to serve those within the parish and the community. “The Parish came together and raised over $1 million to build the current Parish Hall and Father Dave’s dream became a reality, and, as demonstrated by its constant use, fulfilled his vision of serving the St. Francis Community.” Most recently, Ken has been working tirelessly on Groundbreaking Parish Hall 1993: l to r—Mike Black, Project 2017, helping with the design and architectural Bob McDonald, Mary Hogan, Larry Yopp, Barb drawings of the church restoration project. “I’m very excited Kwiatkowski, Fr. Scott Leannah, Fr. Dave Braun, Ken to see the final results of the renovation and in seeing this Etten, James V. Sherrer and his son, James E. Sherrer. historic church returned to its original character and style.” How does his Catholic faith affect his life? “In my personal life, it guides me in how I treat my family and other people I know and meet. In my professional life, it impacts how I deal with my employees, clients and tradesmen. I often think of when my daughter Emily went to Marquette University and the first time I saw their school motto---BE THE DIFFERENCE. Making a difference in other people’s lives and in the world around us is the best way to put our faith into practice!” Thank you Ken, for “being the difference” in all that you have done and continue to do for St. Francis de Sales Parish! PASTORAL STAFF Pastor Fr. Jim Schuerman ([email protected]) (262) 248-8524 Weekend Presider Fr. Tom Fait (262) 248-8524 Parish Secretary Judie Weeks ([email protected]) (262) 248-8524 Director of Liturgy & Music Michael Deane ([email protected]) (262) 248-1680 Director of Religious Education Katie Ploch ([email protected]) (262) 248-8526 Seminarian Intern John Baumgardner ([email protected]) Deacon Alvaro Dominquez (262) 945-8305 CATHOLIC SCHOOLS PASTORAL COUNCIL MEMBERS Troy Weis ([email protected]) (262) 723-5663 Maureen Redmer ([email protected]) (262) 249-0424 Daniel von Rabenau ([email protected]) (773) 203-3801 Millie McCormick ([email protected]) (630) 310-4703 Maria Guadalupe Duran ([email protected]) (262) 203-3220 Kathleen Dobbler ([email protected]) (262) 758-7949 Mary Ferrini ([email protected]) (262) 729-0900 Lois Maywald ([email protected]) (262) 279-5733 Greg Desecki ([email protected]) (262) 279-0959 AnneMarie Janikowski ([email protected]) (262) 215-8889 Martha Cucco ([email protected]) (262) 949-4493 Sandra Cruz ([email protected]) (262) 949-2384 SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Immediately after the engagement and before any date is set St. Francis de Sales Parish School Principal for the wedding, the couple is asked to make an appointment with Eric Gallagher ([email protected]) (262) 248-2778 the priest. Six months is the normal time required for preparation. Catholic Central High School Principal David Wieters ([email protected]) (262) 763-1510 x 222 SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM PARISH TRUSTEES Please call the parish office at (262) 248-8524 for Baptismal preparation/registration. Daryl Braun ([email protected]) (262) 249-9590 SPANISH CELEBRATIONS Tom Murray ([email protected]) (312) 339-5951 Bautismos en Espanol: Para bautismos en Espanol por favor ON THE WEB Parish Website: www.sfdslg.org Like us on Facebook: St. Francis de Sales Lake Geneva comuniquese con Esmeralda Perez Sanchez: (262) 295-8419. Platicas bautismales: Cada cuarto sabado del mes. Quinceaneras, presentaciones y bodas: Comuniquese con Antonia Mata: 262-812-4047
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