St. Oliver Plunkett Catholic Church 3200 Brooks Drive - Snellville, GA 30078 - Served by the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette Main Of ice 770.979.2500 RE-Youth Ministry 770.978.6751 Website: Email: [email protected] Facebook: St. Oliver Plunkett Church The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - July 24, 2016 Weekend Masses Saturday Vigil 5:00p.m. Sunday 8:00a.m.,9:30 a.m.,11:15a.m..& 5:00p.m. Hispanic1:00p.m. Holy Days Consultbulletin Weekday Masses M‐F‐9:00am Adoration DailyM‐F‐Chapel 9:30am‐12Noon First Friday 9:30am‐8:00pm Reconciliation Saturdays 3:30pm,4:30pm Orbyappointment Of ice Hours Mon.‐Thurs. 9:00am—5:00pm Friday 9:00am‐12Noon Our Lady of La Salette Pray for us. Mass Intentions July 25-31, 2016 Monday, July 25 9:00am Birthday,ShineWilson Tuesday, July 26 9:00am†RobertRichter Wednesday, July 27 9:00amHealingforBunkerPuckettandinthanksgiv‐ ingtotheanonymouskidneydonor. Thursday, July 28 9:00am†LoisJeanKohout Friday, July 29 9:00am†GeorgeKral Saturday, July 30 5:00pm †EdwardGuzdek Sunday, July 31 8:00am†DelbertNichols 9:30am†GregPlane 11:15am†JoeParady 1:00pm †GustavoTreviñ o 5:00pm †KathyMarder Weekly Readings July 25-31, 2016 Monday:2Cor4:7‐15;Ps126:1bc‐6;Mt20:20‐28 Tuesday:Jer14:17‐22;Ps79:8,9,11,13; Mt13:36‐43 Wednesday:Jer15:10,16‐21;Ps59:2‐4,10‐11,17‐18; Mt13:44‐46 Thursday:Jer18:1‐6;Ps146:1b‐6ab;Mt13:47‐53 Friday:Jer26:1‐9;Ps69:5,8‐10,14;Jn11:19‐27 orLk10:38‐42 Saturday:Jer26:11‐16,24;Ps69:15‐16,30‐31,33‐34; Mt14:1‐12 Sunday:Eccl1:2;2:21‐23;Ps90:3‐6,12‐14,17; Col3:1‐5,9‐11;Lk12:13‐21 K EEPPRAYINGSt.Monica,whosefeastwe celebrateinAugust,isoftenknownas"the persistentmother."Shewatchedheroldest son,Augustine,turnhisbackonhisChristianfaith. Monicawasexasperated.Foryearsshegaveuptalking directlytohersonontheadviceofalocalbishop,who toldherthatitwasbettertotalktoGodaboutAugustine thentoAugustineaboutGod. Themothernevergaveupprayingforherson.Eventually Augustinegaveuphiswildways,wasbaptized,andlater ordainedandnamedbishopofHippo.St.Augustinewent ontobecomeoneoftheChurch'sgreatestscholars. Today'sreadingsaddresstheimportanceofpersistent prayer.Abraham,inspiteoftrepidationthatheisbother‐ ingtheLord,continuestoaskaboutthefateofSodomand Gomorrah.Jesus,inLuke'sGospel,tellshisdisciplesto "askandyouwillreceive;seekandyouwill ind;knock andthedoorwillbeopenedtoyou"(Luke11:9).Thisis ourcharge:keeppraying. Copyright(c)J.S.PaluchCo. J ump Start July! Donate School Supplies OurJuly“YearofMercy”eventisdona‐ tionsofschoolsuppliestokidsinneedin GwinnettCounty.Allsortsofsuppliesareneed‐ ed.Paper,pencils,markers,glue,gluesticks,scis‐ sors,crayons.Takealookataclasssupplylistin yourlocalstore.DonationscanbeleftintheMer‐ cyclosetinthefoyerofthefamilycenter. Stay up-to date use Online Giving to schedule your recurring donations at our website Offertory 07/03/2016 Next Weekend July 30/31 Monthly Salt Light and Food Coop Collection. Container in Narthex $ 20,323.38 Weekly Online Giving $ 4,557.25 Offertory 07/10/2016 $ 17,268.92 Weekly Online Giving $ 3,723.25 Year to Date Total $ 48,872.80 Weekly Budget Amount $ 24,040.00 Offertory Actual TYD $ 45,872.80 Offertory Budget YTD $ 48,080.00 Overage/Shortage YTD $ - 2,207.20 Parish Debt Reduction 7/3/16 $ 3,857.86 Altar Flowers Flowersforthealtarthisweekendaredonatedby ClaireKralinlovingmemoryofGeorgeKral, husband,fatherandgrandfather, andby GinaandGeorgeMunckincelebrationofthewed‐ dingoftheirson,TannerMuncktoKatieMcGowan onSaturday,July23,2016atSt.Oliver’s. Información General ministerio Hispano BautizosRequisitos:EstarinscritosenlaParro‐ quiayasistiendoaMisa.LaclasedeBautizoesel primerjuevesdelmesalas7:30pmenlaBiblio‐ tecadelaIglesia.Losbautizossecelebranel3er domingodecadames.Parainformació nllamaral MinisterioHispanoal770979‐2500ext.40. MatrimonioRequisitos:EstarinscritoenlaPa‐ rroquia.ComunicarseconelSacerdoteoDiá cono paraladocumentació nrequeridaypreparació n. Confesiones:DomingosantesdelaMisaalas 12:00pm,oporcitaprevia. Primera Comunión y Con irmación:Llamara laO icinadeEducació nReligiosaal770978‐ 6751. Rito de Iniciación Cristiana Para Adultos: Preparació ndeadultos,mayoresde18añ os, pararecibirlosSacramentosdeBautizo,Con ir‐ mació nyEucaristı́a.Parainformació nllamara NilsaCintró n770979‐2500ext.40. Clase de Biblia:Mié rcolesalas5:30pmenla CasadeLaSalette.Parainformació nNilsaCintró n 770979‐2500ext.40. Grupo de Oración Carismático:Sereú nenlos sá badosalas7:30pmenelSaló ndelosJó venes. Coordinador,ArturoMondragó n,770.334,1820. Grupo Juvenil "JOSHCRIST" Eresjovenmayorde18añ os,soltero,tegustarı́a hacermá samigos?Asisteanuestrogrupojuvenil losviernesalas7:00pmenelSaló n#3,só tanode laIglesia.Parainformació nllamaaAlejandro 706338‐4327oMarili404917‐6120. Clases de Inglés:Lunesalas7:00pmsalones #22‐24.Lasclasessongratisyhaycuidadode niñ os.Contacto:NilsaCintró n770.979.2500ext. 40. Cursillos de Cristiandad:LosCursillistasse reú nenlosviernesalas7:30pmenelSaló n#22. VocaldeRosayArturoEsquivel678.420.8373. Apóstoles de la Palabra:Elgruposereú nelos viernesalas7:30pmenelSaló n#25.Contacto SergioGuzmá n770.905.1450. Cristo Renueva Su Parroquia:Sereú nenlossá ba‐ dosalas7:00pmenlossalones#17‐18.ContactoTiburcio Casarrubias770.715.0337,&VirgilioJarquin404.456.4531 Coro Misa: Ensayosmartes7:00pmydomingos 11:15am.DirectorElmerMenjivar770309‐ 5415. Movimiento Pro Vida eImagen Virgen de Guadalupe:ContactoElenaPorres 770.979.6349. Renacer: Estegrupodeoració nsereunelos viernesalas11:00amendiferentescasas.Con‐ tacto:YolandaFlores770688‐4963 Cenáculo de Oración LaSalette: Oremospor todasnuestrasnecesidadesparticularesylasdel mundo.Uneteaestegrupodeintersecció nlos viernesalas10:00amenlaCasadeLaSalette frentealaIglesia.Contacto:ConsueloHerná ndez 770364‐011 Imagen Virgen de Schoenstatt:ContactoMar‐ garitaCervantes404.934.5702. XVII DOMINGO DE TIEMPO ORDINARIO Las lectu‐ ras de hoy subrayan el poder de una buena relació n con el Señ or, nuestro Dios. ¿Hubiera sido posible para AbrahamnegociarconDiosafavordela gente de Sodoma y Gomorra de no ha‐ ber conocido bien a Dios? ¿Y có mo po‐ demosllamaraDiosPadrenuestroano ser que estemos familiarizados perso‐ nalmente con el Señ or? Tomemos la irme decisió n de intensi icar nuestra relació nconDiosmediantelacomunica‐ ció nfrecuenteylasVisitasalSantı́simo. Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento Recordemos que el Santı́simo Sacramen‐ to está expuesto TODOS los días de 9:30am a 12:00pm. “No es preciso hijo mío, saber mucho para agradarme mucho; basta que me ames con fervor. Háblame, pues, aquí sencillamente, como le hablarías al más íntimo de tus amigos…” Tomado del libro: Quince Minutos en Compañía de Jesús Sacramentado. Jesú s nosespera. “La Misericordia es buena pero nunca va en contra de la justicia” --San Agustín Felicitamos ato‐ dosloscandidatos, hombresymuje‐ res,queasistieron alRetiroparro‐ quialCristoRenuevasuParroquia.Es‐ peramosqueatravé sdelaEucaristı́ay laasistenciaalasactividadesparroquia‐ lessea iancesufeycontinuemosinvi‐ tandoycompartiendoconotrosherma‐ nosnuestrafeCató lica. Registración Clases de Catecismo Continú an las registraciones para el Catecismo de Pre-K a 8vo grado y Escuela Superior. La inscripció n es de $90 por un estudiante: $140 por dos y $190 por tres. La cantidad total deberá hacerse en un solo pago. Las hojas de inscripció n se encuentran en el pasillo fuera de la O icina. No lo deje para lue‐ go.LashorasdeO icinaduranteeltiem‐ pode veranoson: Martes, Miércoles y Jueves de 10:00am a 3:00pm. ¡Atención Padres de Niños en Catecismo! Provecheestetiempomientrassus niñ os está n recibiendo instrucció n reli‐ giosayasistaaunassesionesespeciales de estudio bı́blico. Este estudio se ofre‐ cerá los mié rcoles de 5:30 a 6:45pm y losdomingosalas10:45 a 12:00pm en el Saló n #3. Este recurso le ayu‐ dará a conocer y crecer en su fe para que pueda a su vez instruir a sus niñ osensushogares. Rito de Iniciación Cristiana Para Adultos Se ofrecerá n clases de prepa‐ ració n para adultos para recibir los Sa‐ cramentos del Bautismo, Con irmación y Eucaristía, (Primera Comunión). Estas clases son los lunes de 7:30pma9:00pmenelSaló n#25,yco‐ mienzan el lunes, 12 de septiembre 2016. Para má s informació n llamar a Nilsa al 770 970‐2500 ext. 40 ó al 770 923‐4418. VIRTUS Toda persona voluntaria que trabaja con niñ os o adultos vulnerables deberá tomar el entrenamiento de VIR‐ TUS. Para ello favor de inscribirse por correo electró nico a Durante el mes de junio, julio y agosto se ofrecerá este entrenamiento aquı́ en SanOliver,é steseofreceeningles. Servicios de Consejería Clases de Ingles Las Clases de Inglé s, La O icina de Caridades Sociales de la comosegundoidiomas(ESL),comenza‐ Arquidió cesis de Atlanta ofrece servi‐ rá n el lunes, 12 de septiembre de cios de consejerı́a accesibles a niñ os, 7:00pma8:30pmenelSaló n#22y23. adultos parejas o familias en inglé s y Se ofrecen dos niveles de Inglé s y las españ ol. Para informació n o hacer una clasessongratis.Losdomingos,21y28 citallamaral404920‐7745. de agosto y 4 de septiembre podrá n anotarse los interesados en las listas queestará nenunamesitaalaentrada. A dultFaithFormation‐ Exploring St. Luke’s Gospel: Sinceour SundayScriptureReadings areincycleC,joinRandyOry asheleadsaconsiderationof St.Luke’sGospel.Bringyour BibleaswelookatthefamiliarstoriesofJesus’birth, thestoryofthegoodSamaritanandtheparableof theForgivingFather,alltoldfromLuke’sperspec‐ tive.St.Lukethemeswillbetiedtoourowndisci‐ pleship.Joinusforanyevening. Remaining two evenings: Tuesdays, July 26 & August 2 7:30pm-9:00pm Adult Ed Center GRIEFSHARE IS COMING TO ST. OLIVER’S After the loss of a love one, when all the friends and relatives have returned to their normal lives, you may be feeling lost and alone. If you need a companion, someone to talk to that will help you through this time, GriefShare is coming to St. Oliver’s. The first session of this ongoing ministry will begin Thursday, August 18 and continue every Thursday through November 17, 2016. Anyone who has ever lost a loved one is welcome to join us at any time during the sessions. Please consider attending. This may be a life changing experience for you. Contact Linda Hedges at 770.979.9229 for more information or email Linda at [email protected]. At a crossroads? Try Spiritual Direction Cenacle Sisters contact info: Sr. Barbara Young & Sr. Susan Arcaro Call to set up a session (706) 654-3460 or email: [email protected] Adult Faith Formation Sunday Baptismal Prep Classes August 7, 2016 MediaCenter—2:30pm‐5:00pm Call parish of ice to register for classes St. Paul Street Evangelization MonthlyMeetings LastSundayofeachmonth July31,2016 2:30pmMediaCenter Allareinvited Monday RCIA Hispanic Contact:NilsaCintron770.979.2500x40 ESL Classes 7:00pm‐Rooms22‐23 FalldatesTBA NilsaCintron‐770.979.2500x40 Tuesday Respect Life Meeting (FirstTuesdayofMonth) Tuesday, August 5, 2016 7:00pm‐ConferenceRoom RCIA DeaconBillJindrich770.979.2500x30 Saturday WWW Ministry Widowed, Widowers Welcome 5:00pm - August 20 Contact:LindaHedges770.979.9229 Thursday Spanish Baptismal Prep FirstThursdayofMonth 7:30pmMediaCenter NilsaCintron‐770.979.2500x40 St. Paul Street Evangelization MonthlyMeeting August11,2016‐6:30pm Friday First Friday Adoration August 5, 2016 9:30am - 8:00pm Benediction follows FirstFridayRespectLifeRosaryforLife 6:00pm‐Church Virtus Trainer, Jen Tarnowski [email protected] 770.978.6751 x26 ATTENTION all volunteers who work with chil‐ drenand/orvulnerableadultsthroughthechurch mustattendVIRTUStraining. Tuesday, August 9, 6-9pm Thursday, August 18, 6-9pm Mustregisterpriortothetrainingdateregister Each class is required to have at least ive (5) participants. St. Oliver’s Religious Education Department (770) 978-6751 Elementary, Middle School, High School & Sacrament Preparation Elementary RE (ROOTS )Aimee Tolmich : [email protected] Middle School RE (Edge)/Middle School Youth Minister Jen Tarnowski: [email protected] High School RE (Life Teen)/High School Youth Minister & High School Sacrament Prep Lynn Ory: [email protected] LIFE TEEN CALENDAR JULY 2016 7/24 NO LIFE NIGHT 7/27 PIZZA & PRAYER RETURNS Senior Send Off 6:30pm-8pm LT Center 7/29-31 CALL Leadership Retreat! St. Oliver’s Religious Education Of ice 7/31 LIFE NIGHT RETURNS!!! Summer Hours Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 10:00am - 3:00pm Appointments with staff members are available by calling 770.978.6751. Religious Education Registration 2016/17 Pre-K-8th, Middle School and High School Number of Students P 1student 2students 3students R Registration Fee $90.00 $140.00 $190.00 egister NOW! 2016-2017 RE Registration (elementaryRoots,MiddleSchool Edge,andHighSchoolLifeTeen)iscurrent‐ lyunderway.Pickuparegistrationpackedfromthe ReOf iceorcall770‐978‐6751ifyouhaveanyques‐ tions.Registernowasclassesare illingupquickly! 6pm-8:30pm LT Center FAREWELL 2016 SENIORS! Life Teen Senior Send-Off Wednesday, July 27 - 6:30pm - 8:00pm Life Teen Center Teens,pleasejoinusaswesendoutour2016 graduateswithsomefunandlotsoflove! Seniors, as you journey on: May you live always in response to God’s love May you choose life, act faithfully, follow trustingly May you love God, obey Christ and hold fast to the Spirit. Save the Date! RERoundupafterALLmassesonAugust13and14.Allfamilies willbeabletopickupthemostuptodatecalendarsandREHandbookforALLpro‐ grams,ordert‐shirtsandreceivesacramentpreparationinfo(FirstCommunion, Con irmation). RE Roundup - August 13 & 14 Who: All2,3&4yearoldchildren What: Learningcenters,artactivities,snack/lunchtime,indoor/ outdooractivities,weeklychapellessons,musicand movementclass,computerlabandmanyspecialevents. Where:RighthereatSt.Oliver’sChurch! When:ClassesbeginTuesday,August22,2016 2yr.oldclass(M,W,TH)…..$170permonth 3day3yr.oldclass(M,W,TH)….$170permonth 4day3yr.oldclass(M‐TH)…$190permonth 5dayPre‐Kclass(M‐F)…$200permonth All classes meet from 9 am to 1pm. (2 yr. olds meet 9am to 12Noon for September) Why: Preschoolerslearn“pre‐skills”whichlaythegroundworkforfuturelearning. For more information call Kathy Fromme’, Preschool Director, at 770-979-2500 x.41or email pre- T eens Impact our Community! TheweekofJune26‐ 30,2016,87teensmadea weekofvolunteeringpossible throughourannualMission Possible. TeensfromSt.Oliver’sandIm‐ maculateHeartofMarygatheredto makeadifferenceinthemetroAt‐ lantacommunity. Eachdaytheteenswereassembled intoteamsandwithdedicatedadult volunteers weresentout toserveat11 sites.Teens prepared mealsforsen‐ iorstobede‐ liveredbyAt‐ lantaMeals onWheels, playedwithchildrenattheSpec‐ trumAutismcamp,fedthehome‐ lessatClyde’sKitchen,helpedbeau‐ tifyandorganizePharrElementary, interactedwithseniorsatSouthern PlantationinLoganvilleandatA.G. RhodesWesleyWoodsinDecatur, sortedandcleanedatSt.Vincent DePauland FISHThrift store,pre‐ paredand delivered hundreds ofmealsin Walton County, sortedand packeda fewthousandshoesforTheSoul Projectandpainted,cleaned,and organizedatSt.Oliver’s. Ournightswere illedwithascav‐ engerhunt,privateshowingof “FindingDory”andLaserTag.At theendofeachevening,various teenspreparedaprayerservicefor ustore lectonourdayandhowwe calledtohelponeanother. Thank you to the teens and wonderful adult volunteers who during Mission lived out the Pope Francis quote, “Ask Jesus what He wants from you and be brave.” ST. OLIVER’S MEMORIAL GARDEN AND COLUMBARIUM Manyoftheinitialstephavebeencompleted thatwillallowustomoveforwardwithselectinganarchitecttodesignandproduceconstructiondrawingsfor theMemorialGarden. TheopportunityisnowhereforyoutomakeacommitmenttopurchaseoneofthenichesintheSt.Oliver’sMe‐ morialGardenandColumbarium.OurColumbariumwillofferaverypeacefulplaceforyouandyourlovedones. Theproposedparishcolumbariumwillprovidethesebene its: PerpetualCare:TheChurchrequiresperpetualmaintenanceofitsplacesofburial.Hence,carewillalwaysbe assured. Security:ProximityonwelllightedChurchgroundsassuresoptimumsecurity. Convenience:WiththeMemorialGardenandColumbariumontheChurchgrounds,familyandfriendattending Masswillhavetheconvenienceofeasyvisitation. Serenity:OurMemorialGardenandColumbariumwill itperfectlyintoourchurch property,offeringaserene,peacefulenvironmentformeditationandre lection. TheNicheswillbeavailabletointerestedfamilieson irstcome irstservebasis.Every nicheinthecolumbariumarethesamesizethatwillaccommodateoneurnortwo urns.Thenichewillincludetheengravedfaceplate,perpetualcareandsecurityde‐ scribedabove.Atthistimeweareacceptingdepositsforreservationsofaniche.Con‐ tactPatBulgerinthechurchof icetosubmitadeposittoreserveanicheandto illout an“IntenttoPurchase”agreementform.TheMemorialGardenisself‐funded.Noother parishfundsareavailableforthegarden.IfyouhaveanyquestionsregardingtheMe‐ morialGardencontactPaulRuderat678‐414‐[email protected]. We are hosting Family CRS HELPING HANDS Promise guests the weeks 5K Road Race & 1Mile Fun Walk of August 7-13 and August Saturday, September 17, 2016 14-21.Wearelookingfor Race proceeds will benefit volunteerstohelphostour CRS Helping Hands guests,aswellasprepareanddelivermealstothem intheLaSalettteHouse.PleasesignupontheSt.Oli‐ ver’swebsiteundertheVolunteertab,orcontact robinMarxat404‐849‐5215oremailRobinatrobin‐ [email protected]‐ 386‐[email protected]. NOW Seeking Race Save the Date! GARDEN CLUB MEETING Sponsors! 9/17/16 Thursday, July 28 - 7:30pm - Room 22 Anyone interested in garden is welcome to attend. Please bring your favorite garden tool or gadget for “showandtell.” Race Sponsor Information Wearealwayslookingformoremembers. S. T.O.P. & GO Mission 5k If you are interested in gardening, please Race for Hunger! join us. We meet quarterly on the last September 17, 2016 Thursday of the month. We’re all ama‐ Wearelookingforsponsors teurs who enjoy playing in the dirt! We $500–GoldLevel alsogettogetherperiodicallytoweedand $250–SilverLevel spruce up the parish grounds. For more $150–BronzeLevel information contact Pat or John Davidson Formoreinformation,please at678.376.7897. callLouAnnSvendsenat 770‐979‐2500x35oremailat [email protected] St. Oliver’s Men’s Club - Monthly Meeting Monday, August 1, 2016 7:00pmFellowship,7:30pmBusinessMeeting,8:00pmMeal TheupcomingMen’sClubGolfOutingwillbediscussed.Allmenoftheparishareinvitedtoattend. 2016 Flower Dedication Dates Honor a loved one, give thanks for an anniversary or an accomplishment, or commemorate a loved one's birthday or death by sponsoring flowers for the altar. If you would like to celebrate/honor in this way, please fill out this form and either mail or drop off in the main office. Two dedications per date are available. Suggested donation per request is $50.00. For further information please contact Pat Bulger @ 770-979-2500 ext.29 or [email protected] Name and Telephone # or Email ____________________________________________________________ In celebration of __________________________________________________________________________ In honor of_______________________________________________________________________________ In memory of_____________________________________________________________________________ In thanksgiving for_________________________________________________________________________ Please circle the date you would like to sponsor in 2016: Aug 7-21-28 Sept 4-11-18 Oct 9-16-23-30 Nov 13-27 Dec 4-11 AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE Allwomenareinvitedtothe MAGNIFICAT PRAYER BREAKFAST onSaturday,August13from9:30am‐ 12NoonatHolyCrossChurch,3773ChambleeTuck‐ erRoad,Atlanta,GA.Theguestspeaker illbeLinda GillespieDelgross.Breakfastreservationsare$15 andmustbemadeinadvance.Pleasemailcheck, payabletoMagni icatJoyfulVisitation,byAugust8 toAnnRademacher,1260MountainIveyCourt,Sug‐ arHill,GA30518.Check‐inisatthedoorforthose with reservations only.ForinformationcallJoAnn Rademacherat770‐831‐0693. Special Fundraiser on Tuesday, August 9th at the Chancery, 2401 Lake Park Drive SE, Smyrna, GA 30080. This event is to help us defray the many expenses associated with the Eucharistic Congress. Ourguestspeakerwill beDr.ElizabethLev,anAmer‐ icanarthistoriancurrently livingandteachinginRome, Italy.Shewroteandhosted theten‐partseriesCatholic CanvasonEWTN,andhas beenaconsultantfortheHis‐ toryChannel.Shehasalso Dr. Elizabeth Lev beenacommentatoronvari‐ ousTVnetworks.Herarticlesfrequentlyappearin publicationsasFirst Things,Magni icat, theSacred Art Journal andtheZenitNewsService. Thefestiveeveningwillbeginwithcocktailsand horsd’oeuvresat6:30pmfollowedbya7:30pmtalk byDr.Lev.Itpromisestobeagreatevening.Please comeandenjoy. Thesuggestedticketpriceis$100perpersonwith seatingfor250people.Tablesponsorshipsarealso available.ThedeadlineforpurchaseisAug.1,but seatingmaybe illedbeforethedeadline. PRAY FOR THOSE THAT NEED OUR PRAYERS Ifyou haveafamilymemberorfriendwhoissuffering,please addtheirnametothebookforthesickintheNarthex.We prayforallinourcommunitywhoaresufferingbutespe‐ ciallypraythisweekforthoseinourcommunitywhohave beenrecentlydiagnosed,oraredealingwithamedical emergency. PRAY FOR OUR SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN Ifyouwish toaddanametoourpostedmilitarylistordeleteoneas theycomehome,pleasecallthechurchof ice(770)979‐ 2500x30. WEEK AT A GLANCE July 25-31, 2016 Monday, July 25 DailyAdoration9:30am‐Noon 9:30am BoyScoutsMeeting 7:00pm HispanicMinistryCRSPCoreMeeting 7:00pm PastoralCouncilMeeting 7:00pm Tuesday, July 26 DailyAdoration9:30am‐Noon 9:30am MemorialGardenCommitteeMeeting 9:30am AL‐ANON 11:00am TwilightGolf 5:00pm AdultFormationSeries‐ExploringSt.Luke’sGospel 7:00pm Wednesday, July 27 Adoration9:30am‐Noon LifeTeenPizzaandPrayer 9:30am 6:30pm Thursday, July 28 Adoration9:30am‐Noon MyBrother’sFreezer GardenClubQuarterlyMeeting 9:30am 6:30pm 7:30pm Friday, July 29 Adoration9:30am‐Noon BoyScout/CubScoutCampOut ApostledelaPalabra CharismaticPrayerGroupChoirRehearsal 9:30am 9:30am 7:00pm 8:00pm Saturday, July 30 AAMeeting 9:00am MyBrother’sFreezer 9:30am Al‐AnonMeeting 10:30am SE Co-op and Salt Light Center Monthly Collection 5:00pm Sunday, July 31 SE Co-op and Salt Light Center Monthly Collection HispanicCharismaticPrayerGroupLeader’sMeeting LifeTeenLifeNight 8:00am 6:00pm 6:00pm PARISH OFFICE: 770.979.2500 OFFICE EMAIL: oplunke FAX: 770-985-6590 WEBSITE: RELIGIOUS ED OFFICE: 770-978-6751 Elementary RE Email: [email protected] EDGE (Middle School RE) Email: [email protected] HS (Life Teen) Email: [email protected] HISPANIC MINISTRY: 770-979-2500 x40 PRESCHOOL: 770-979-2500 ext. 41 Director, Kathy Frommé PRESCHOOL EMAIL: [email protected] ST. VINCENT DE PAUL: 770-979-2500 ext. 25 Rev. John Welch, M.S. , Pastor (770) 979-2500 x 22 [email protected] Rev. Juan de la Cruz (770) 979-2500 Rev. Tom Huhn, M.S. (770) 979-2500 x31 [email protected] Rev. Mr. Rafael Cintrón, Deacon [email protected] Baptism Pre‐baptismformationsessionsareheld the irstSundayofthemonth2:30pm‐5:00pminthe MediaCenter.Parentalattendanceisrequired. Parentsmustberegisteredintheparish.Godpar‐ entsarerequiredtoattendapreparationsession,as well.Pleasecalltheparishof icetoregisterfor sessions.OnegodparentmustbeCatholicanda sponsorletterfromthechurchwheretheyattendis requiredpriortothebaptism.Acopyofthechild’s birthcerti icateisalsonecessarypriortothebap‐ tism.Baptismsarescheduleduponcompletionof theformationprocess;contacttheof ice. DIRECTOR OF MUSIC, LUCAS MCHENRY: 770-979-2500 x24 EMAIL: [email protected] LITURGY COORDINATOR: Randy Ory, [email protected] Rev. Mr. Bill Jindrich, Deacon 770.979.2500x33 [email protected] Rev. Mr. Mike Chavez, Deacon 770.979.2500 [email protected] Rev. Mr. Jim Skolds, Deacon 770.979.2500 x36 [email protected] Matrimony Arrangementsandappointmentsmust AA Meetings:Saturday,9:00amRoom2,lowerlevel bemadewithapriestatleast6(six)monthspriorto Al-Anon Meetings:Saturday,10:30amRoom2& theweddingdate. Tuesday,11:00amLibrary Sick Calls Bulletin Announcements Calltheparishof ice(770)979‐2500ifyouora Noticesandannouncementsfortheparishbulletin familymemberbecomesilland/orcon inedtohome mustbesubmittedtotheparishof iceone month orhospital. in advance fromthedatetobeprinted.Announce‐ Crisis Pregnancy Help Line: 1‐800‐712‐HELP mentformsarelocatedonthewallneartheminis‐ (4357),PATH(PostAbortionTreatmentandHeal‐ trymailboxesorfaxannouncementto770‐985‐ ing)404‐896‐6521 Emailaddress: 6590oremail:[email protected] Includecon‐ tactnumber. PARISH COUNCILS-MINISTRIES-ORGANIZATIONS Abled Bodied Buddies Garden Club PaulRuder 678.414.7274 JohnDavidson 678‐376‐7897 African Catholic Community Finance Committee OgisGomez 678.207.9742 TBA ChikaOnyegam 215.888.6188 Greeter Coordinator AIDS Ministry DonLaliberte 770.513.0968 BobMartin 770.985.0111 Hispanic Ministry Altar Society NilsaCintron770.979.2500x40 JoanGoldsack 770.978.3813 Jolly Ollies (Senior Group) Altar Servers JoyceGonzalez 770.516.9188 DeaconBillJindrich770.979.2500x33 JuneStone Annulment Ministry x678.344.6989 Fr.JohnWelch,M.S. 770.979.2500 Knights of Columbus Art & Environment PatrickDunn 678.814.7833 JoanWernecke 770.466.4570 Lector Coordinator Audio/Visual Technicians RandyOry 770.979.2500 LucasMcHenry 770.979.2500x24 Liturgy Servers Schedule Book Club LindaUrquhart 70.979.2500x30 JoanneWarren 770.978.8372 Loving Stitches Boy Scouts-Cub Scouts MaryFergus 404.245.1657 ChristopherSmithBS 404.550.9906 Meals to Sick and Homebound AlanVanHasselCS 404.304.9806 JackieKujawa 770.972.5433 Catholics Returning Home Memorial Garden /Columbarium Committee DeaconBillJindrich770.979.2500x33 PaulRuder 678.414.7274 Children’s Lector Ministry Men’s Club MimiBuenvenida 404.245.4261 GerryOberholtzer 770.979.2500 GertrudeAnyakwo 404.934.4085 Mentor Ministry Dinner Club SandyWalsh 770.885.7647 Tom&CathyHedges 770.985.6675 My Sisters Closet Wedding/First Communion Clothes BarbaraAho 770.979.8698 Drama Ministry SantiagoMarquez [email protected] Newcomers Committee CathyHedges 770.985.6675 Eucharist to Sick/Homebound RuthannFiglestahler 770.979.5827 Nursing Home Volunteers Of ice 770.979‐2500 Eucharistic Minister Coordinator FrancisMoebuis 770.266.6340 Offertory Tabulation PatBulger770.979.2500x29 Family Promise RichHomick 404.386.0485 Of ice Volunteer Coordinator 770.979.2500x30 RobinMarx 404.849.5215 LindaUrquhart Pastoral Council Fellowship [email protected] LyndaVanHassel 404.931.9293 BillSouter RENEW Friends of Martha Coordinator DeniseBarca 770.979.2500x30 DianeKrause770.972.5481 RCIA DeaconBillJindrich770.979.2500x33 Respect Life MaryHayes 770.853.1756 Sacristan Ministry JimGoldsack 770.979.2500 Salt Light Center Ministry RussRiescher 770.380.0714 RandyOry 770.605.7214 Shelter Ministry BillHedges 404.502.0264 Social Justice and Charity Ministry RandyOry 770.605.7214 Spice People LauraEllison [email protected] Stewardship MainOf ice770.979‐2500x30 St. Francis Therapy Dog Ministry CathyJudd email:[email protected] St. Paul Street Evangelization DavidAdair 678.409.2350 St. Vincent de Paul Society BarbaraStone770.979.2500 Twilight Golf JohnSpudich 770.466.2427 Ushers DelroyZiadie 770.361.2921 Website DonLaliberte770.513.0968 Wedding Guild BarbaraAho 770.979.8698 WinGS (Women’s Club) JoyPardee 770‐317‐8727 Youth Soccer/Coed HS Softball TBA CHURCHNAMEANDADDRESS St.OliverPlunkettChurch#006083 3200BrooksDrive Snellville,GA30078 TELEPHONE 770979‐2500 CONTACTPERSON LindaUrquhart EMAIL:[email protected] SOFTWARE MSPublisher2010 AdobeAcrobatX Windows8 TRANSMISSIONTIME Monday4:00 SUNDAYDATEOFPUBLICATION July24,2016 NUMBEROFPAGESSENT 1through10 SPECIALINSTRUCTIONS
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