St. Pius X Catholic Community 1025 E. Madison Street Lombard, IL 60148 630-627-4526 WELCOME TO ST. PIUS X CATHOLIC COMMUNITY 1025 E. MADISON STREET ■ LOMBARD, IL 60148 [email protected] DIOCESE OF JOLIET SERVED BY THE CONGREGATION OF THE RESURRECTION MISSION STATEMENT We the people of St. Pius X Church, a faith community in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Joliet, Illinois, accept the challenge to restore all things in Christ through the use of our gifts and ministry. Guided by the Father, nourished by the Eucharist, and inspired by the Holy Spirit we embrace all through our commitment to worship, education, service, and stewardship. LEMA DE NUESTRA MISIÓN Nosotros las personas de la Iglesia de San Pío X, una comunidad de fe Católica de la Diócesis de Joliet, Illinois, aceptamos los desafíos de restaurar todas las cosas en Cristo, por medio de nuestros talentos y ministerios. Guiados por el Padre, nutridos por la Eucaristía, e inspirados por el Espíritu Santo; unidos y comprometidos todos nosotros por medio de nuestros dones, educación y servicio. Business Manager: John Matyasik Administrative Assistant: Donna Cooper Parish Secretary: Pam Matyasik Maintenance Director: Sallie McGinn Pastoral Council, Chair: Betty Kramer Finance Council, Chair: Frank Enda Stewardship Council, Chair: Leanne Newman Pastor: Father George Zieba, CR Administrator: Father Richard Grek, CR Deacons: John Chan, Ron Knecht, Larry Lissak, Tom Rachubinski Hispanic Ministry Pastoral Assistant: Fr. Firmo Mantovani, CS Parish Office: 630-627-4526 Fax: 630-495-5926 [email protected] Faith Formation: 630-627-1551 [email protected] School: 630-627-2353 Fax: 630-627-1810 [email protected] Convent: 630-627-5810 Pastoral Care: Sr. Pauline Schutz, OSF School Principal: Daniel Flaherty Assistant Principal: Toni Miller Faith Formation - Director: Colleen Lowery Youth Ministry - Director: Mark Restaino Music Ministry - Director: Kirsten Currie Hispanic Ministry - Coordinator / Secretary: Laura Mora PAGE 2 IMPORTANT TO KNOW MASSES Saturday: 5:00 PM Anticipation of Sunday Misa en Español: Sábado 7 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM AND 10:00 AM Holy Days: see previous Sunday Bulletin Weekdays: 8:00 AM Monday through Friday Saturday: 8:00 AM First Saturday of each month PARISH OFFICE SUMMER HOURS Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM—12:00 PM; 12:30 PM—3:00 PM Friday: 9:00 AM—12:00 PM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday: 3:30 to 4:30 PM or by appointment. MINISTRIES AND ORGANIZATIONS If you are interested in one of our many ministries or wish to volunteer time or talent, please contact the Parish Office or see our website for more details. NEW PARISHIONERS Welcome! You are invited to come to or call the Parish Office to register. Forms are also available on the website. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the first Sunday at the 11:30 AM Mass (10:00 am during Summer). No Baptisms are celebrated during Lent. Parent preparation is required. The parent meeting for Baptism is generally on the first Monday of the month at 7:00 PM. Please call the Parish Office for more information (630-627-4526). PRAYER INTENTIONS If you have a prayer intention that you would like the parish to pray for, write it in the Book of Prayer in Church. BULLETIN ARTICLES Due ten days prior to bulletin date. Attach Word file and email to [email protected]. Please put a contact name and phone number on each article indicating the date(s) you would like the article to run. Every effort will be made to see that your request is granted. As a general rule, we encourage using “bulletin space” instead of a separate insert whenever possible—–this saves the cost of printing. The following guidelines should be observed if an insert is necessary:A proposed insert must be submitted for approval prior to bulletin insertion weekend. Approved inserts must be delivered by Thursday to the Parish Office. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Please call the Parish Office at least 6 months before your desired wedding date, to check availability. FUNERALS Arrangements should be made at the Parish Office before publication in the newspaper. SICK CALLS Homebound because of sickness or age, please call the Parish Office (630-627-4526) to arrange a visit with a Minister of Care or a priest. Pregnant? Confused? Need Help? Please call Woman’s Choice Services at 630-261-9221. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please call the Parish Office for arrangements. Because of HIPAA Privacy regulations, hospitals can no longer contact the parish. If you are hospitalized and would like a priest or minister from St. Pius X to visit or have your name added to the Prayers of the Faithful, your family should notify the Parish Office. INFORMATION ABOUT OUR CATHOLIC FAITH For questions and instruction in the faith or to become a part of the RCIA process (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults), call the Parish Office. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL ASSISTANCE AND PANTRY HOURS Mon. & Fri. 9:30 am—Noon - Martha Room Wed. 12:30-2:30 pm - Martha Room Information: 630-300-4353 Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life: or call 815-834-4004. Support Serra Vocations at the monthly Vocation Mass and dinner at St. Petronille Parish in Glen Ellyn. Please call 630-932-8098 for information. Reporting Sexual Abuse: Anyone who has reasonable cause to suspect the sexual abuse of a minor by a member of the clergy or other Church personnel is urged to report the matter immediately. To inform the Diocese of Joliet, call Mrs. Judith Speckman (Victim Assistance Coordinator) at 815-263-6467 or write the Diocese of Joliet, 425 Summit Street, Joliet 60435. Contact DCFS at 1-800-252-2873 or call the local County States Attorney. July 31, 2016 PAGE 3 LITURGICAL NEWS St. Pius X Prayer Chapel Liturgical Calendar The Prayer Chapel is open Sunday through Friday evenings, 7 pm to 11 pm. Please come and adore Him. Use Door #8 on east side of church building. Would you like to sign up for an hour per week in the Prayer Chapel? Please contact our leaders to pledge your hour. Monday August 1-Saint Alphonsus Liguori Jer 28:1-17; Ps 119:29, 43, 79, 80, 95, 102; Mt 14:13-21 8:00 am Harold Regan by family Lou Duerinck by family Tuesday August 2-Saint Eusebius of Vercelli; Saint Peter Julian Eymard Jer 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22; Ps 102:16-21, 29, 22-23; Mt 14:2236 or Mt 15:1-2, 10-14 8:00 am Russell Cooper Wednesday August 3-Weekday Jer 31:1-7; Jer 31:10, 11-12ab, 13; Mt 15:21-28 8:00 am Bernadette Zirko by Nicholson family Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Estelle Soger Linda Chan Michelle LoCoco John Chan Ceil D’Acquisto Carol Gawenda 630-738-2255 630-202-2489 630-567-0373 630-202-2943 630-627-9472 630-833-3211 Rosary/Prayer/Benediction-Wednesday 8 pm Prayer Chapel Thursday August 4-Saint John Vianney Jer 31:31-34; Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; t 16:13-23 8:00 am John Temborius by family Rosary for Vocations Sunday evenings from 7:30 to 8:00 pm in the Church. Individual Adoration for Vocations from 8 to 9 pm. Please enter through door #8 on the east side of the building. Call Ken for more information: 630-818-6261. Friday August 5-The Dedication of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major Na 2:1, 3; 3:1-3, 6-7; Dt 32:35cd-36ab, 39abcd, 41; Mt 16:24-28 8:00 am Sophie Czaplicki by Ray & Jean Kuzniar Josephine Diener (anniv.) by family Lloyd & Heather Schuster by Streicher family Saturday August 6-The Transfiguration of the Lord Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9; 2 Pt 1:16-19; Lk 9:28b-36 8:00 am Joseph Jablonsky by Virginia Jablonsky 3:30-4:30 pm Reconciliation Vigil—Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 pm Bill Mueller by Rachubinski family Special Intentions of Sr. Pauline Schutz 7:00 pm Misa en español Sunday August 7 Wis 18:6-9; Ps 33:1, 12, 18-22; Hb 11:1-2, 8-19; Lk 12:32-48 8:00 am Mary O’Donnell by Donna Cooper family CCW Members, living and deceased 10:00 am Lucille Jorgenson by Don & Joanne Sullivan St. Pius X Parish Family (Baptisms celebrated during Mass) the following parishioners and friends who are ill: Ministry Schedules are available by signing onto the software from your computer/tablet. Click onto the “Ministry Scheduler Pro” button on the home page of our website: Mark Furjanic Frank Cvach Ronald Norman Dolores Pflum Michael Crosse, Sr. PAGE 4 Elizabeth McNicholas Paul Pignatelli Marita Hooper Lori Patros Year of Mercy Reflecting on God’s Word "Being Christian isn't easy and we cannot become Christian with our own strength; we need the grace of God. There is a prayer which should be said every day: 'Lord, grant me the grace to become a good Christian, because I cannot do it alone.'" Pope Francis Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time—C—July 31, 2016 Jesus tells us in today’s Gospel to avoid greed. In a highly consumer-driven culture like ours when several years ago ABC-TV put out a special on how greed is good, is it any wonder that this message of Jesus is often not only dismissed but ridiculed? "You fool, this night your life will be demanded of you" (Luke 12:20). Hardly sounds like mercy! Unlike some contemporary rich folks, there is no indication of lying, stealing, or cheating in Jesus' parable. The rich man made a living, not a killing. Why does Jesus name him "fool"? First, because of presumption. Five times in nine verses, the rich man declares, "I shall." God's not in charge here, I am! Second, selfishness--four times, "my/myself." No God, no neighbor; he talks to himself, about himself: my possessions, my productivity, my plans! So, instead of chasing "treasure for ourselves," Jesus and Pope Francis' Jubilee Year of Mercy bid us grow "rich in what matters to God" (12:21), namely, the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. Give food, drink, clothing, and healing; visit the imprisoned; bury the dead. Heal with Jesus' own gentleness the doubt, ignorance, and sins of others; comfort, forgive, be patient; and pray for the living and dead. --Peter Scagnelli, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. It is clear throughout the Gospel tradition that Jesus has issues with wealth. Wealth is morally neutral; therefore Jesus’ concern is when a person’s wealth is the result of greed or when wealth is horded, thus neglecting issues of justice. In the New Testament there are more “red flags” regarding riches than any other issue. Who are the wealthy in this country? Who are the greedy? The two categories undoubtedly overlap, but may not be identical. Don’t be hard hearted. We have all heard stories of relatives who fight over an estate or a supposed inheritance. Luke recounts the Jesus parable of packing away so many possessions in order to “rest, eat, drink, be merry!” It is Jesus who said to the crowd, and says to us today: “One’s life does not consist in possessions.” On hearing Christ, the logical philosopher lays outs this syllogism: (1) Guard against all greed; (2) because life does not consist of possessions; (3) therefore, give away somethings, some time, some effort, some of self. What things can I give away? What time and effort can I expend to another? How will I reuse, use up, recycle? It is indisputable that the United States is a wealthy country (e.g., the stock market has never been higher). It is also indisputable that a vast majority of the rest of the world, as well as significant numbers here, are poor. Few dispute that a huge amount of the world’s wealth is concentrated in a few—the mega rich; but there is undoubtedly a large, so called, middle class in the United States. The term, however, is hardly univocal and clear. Many, many people here and abroad, lack basic needs: homeless, needing assistance to afford sufficient food and/or medical care including medicine. Many live in a state of fear because they have no medical insurance and live from paycheck to paycheck. They are one disaster away from destitution. This is our reality. So because I am a Christian, where do I stand on the issue of greed? This question is a personal one we need to ask ourselves having heard Jesus in today’s gospel. Generosity and justice are Gospel mandates, not merely suggestions. How do I allocate my income? Whom do I support for political leadership? Do I bring these two questions into the light of the Gospel as I examine where I honestly position myself and why? “Avoid greed,” Jesus commands. If Jesus is indeed the Lord of my life, I cannot avoid examining my conscience in this area of life. —Fr. Richard Grek, CR TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Sometimes the treasures of art can provide us with clues about traditions. Take, for example, the miter, the conical hat with lappets, or back-flaps that fall to the shoulders. This cap is worn by bishops in the Catholic West. Eastern Catholics favor a crown, but we have this curious headpiece. In Greek, the word means "turban." Old paintings and mosaics provide clues about headgear for bishops, and there is very little artistic evidence for the miter before the year 1000. Before then, some kind of head covering might have been worn to offset the damp and chill of unheated churches. The pope, as far back as the seventh century, often wore a cap called a camelaucum. Around that time, artists painting St. Peter began to portray their subject wearing this hat. By the year 1000 or so, the pope began to grant similar helmet-shaped headgear as gifts to visiting abbots and bishops. They returned home with these new chapeaus, and before long everybody wanted one! Today, miters are granted not only to bishops, but to certain favored abbots and occasionally abbesses. Pope Benedict XVI set aside the tradition of the papal tiara in favor of the miter, even on his coat of arms. Pope Paul VI was the last pope to have a coronation. As recently as the 1960s, miters were towering skyscrapers of jewels and rich silks, but now a simplicity of style is favored by bishops. Miters are here to stay, and experienced altar servers know how to await the bishop's removing of the miter, since he does not wear it when he is saying the presidential prayers or the Eucharistic Prayer. --Rev. James Field, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. July 31, 2016 PAGE 5 PARISH NEWS Our Stewardship of Sharing Weekly Offering Report Weekly Offering Contributions-July 2016 First Sunday Offering 8,880 Electronic Giving (7/1-7/5) 5,622 Second Sunday Offering 8,721 Electronic Giving (7/6-7/12) 7,637 Third Week Offering 7,331 Electronic Giving (7/13-7/19) 3,456 Fourth Week Offering 8,663 Electronic Giving (7/20-7/26) 4,031 Budget Income for July* 54,000 Amount over for July Offering Budget $341 *Budgeted offering income needed to meet monthly budgeted expenses Golden Touch Donations 7/1/16-7/26/16 Year to Date Sunday Offering Budget July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 Revenue $762,323 Budget 761,097 Over (under) Budget for year 1,226 Lot Lights Donations thru 7/26/2016 $16,594 Thank you for your continued support of our ministries to the people of God. $1,217 PAGE 6 This Week’s Calendar of Events Wednesday-August 3 Rosary/Prayer/Benediction Sunday-August 7 Vocation Rosary EARLY BULLETIN DEADLINE August 14, 2016 articles due July 31 8:00 pm Prayer Chapel 7:30 pm Church MANNA ORDER VACATION The Manna coordinators are going on vacation; we will NOT be selling Manna or processing on Sunday, August 7 or Sunday, August 14. The next green envelopes (long forms) will be processed on Sunday, August 21, with delivery on Wednesday, August 24. We will be selling quick manna at church on Sunday, August 21. From the Desk of the Business Manager Weekly Offertory – as shown in last week’s bulletin, we did make our budget for Sunday Offertory for the fiscal year ending June 30. Thank you to all who responded to the request for an extra donation to help us make our budget. Social Center Air Conditioning – the AC unit is complete except for painting of the duct work. The village inspectors approved the project last Friday. Thank you to all that contributed to make this project possible. Security Cameras – work on this project is nearly complete. Carnival – as mentioned in an earlier bulletin our first parish carnival was a huge success. The profit from the carnival was $18,470. Funds were put into our operating account that helps support all of the parish ministries. We are working with the village to get a permit to hold the carnival May 18-21, 2017. May 21 is the date of the Lilac Parade. Fall Fest – September 16-19, will feature a Car Show and a great live band Saturday night. Watch the bulletin for details on the four day event. Don’t forget to purchase your Car Raffle ticket available after weekend Masses and at the Parish Office. God’s Peace! John Matyasik CCW Craft/Vendor Show St. Pius X Council of Catholic Women will be sponsoring their Christmas Kaleidoscope Craft/Vendor Show on Saturday, November 5 - we are looking for crafters and vendors to participate in the show. If you are interested, the application is on the parish website ( For additional information, contact Carol at 630-495-2647 or [email protected]. Thank you. July 31, 2016 PAGE 7 Faith Formation Support the Congregation of the Resurrection 2016-2017 Registration Are your children registered? Faith Formation classes begin in September, and are held on Monday evenings (grades 1-8) or Wednesday afternoons (grades K-5). Sacrament preparation takes place over two years - First Communion prep begins in grade one, and Confirmation prep in grade seven. Come learn about our Catholic faith, pray with us and grow closer in your relationship with God. All parish youth are WELCOME!! Register NOW.... stop by the parish office during normal business hours, or download a registration form @ and mail with payment to the FF Office. New students will need a copy of their baptismal certificate. Questions? call 630-627-1551. The most important thing you can do for your children is to give them a firm foundation in the faith. We look forward to beginning this new year with you!! BE A CATECHIST Do you feel called to share your Catholic faith with our young people? The children of St. Pius X are eager to learn about Jesus, and they are counting on you!! If not YOU, then WHO? If not NOW, then WHEN? Catechists are needed in grades 1 and 6 on Monday evenings and for Kindergarten on Wednesday afternoons. Call the Faith Formation Director at 630-627-4526 x212 to schedule an interview. It may be the most important thing you will ever do!! When we teach, we continue to learn and grow in the faith. All supplies, materials, and guidance are provided. Join our ministry team today!! We Need Your Plastic Bags!! Have you ever heard of mats that can be made out of plastic bags? First clean, plastic bags are collected, then turned into plarn (plastic yarn). Next, the yarn is crocheted into mats that our homeless can use to help keep them dry and warm! Our youth ministry, in conjunction with our prayer shawl ministry, will be making these mats starting in September. What can YOU do? Please bring in your clean plastic bags to the back of church any weekend in August. There will be a box where you can put them. Grocery size bags work best. Bags can come from stores like Target, Walmart, Jewel and Walgreens. It takes around 600 bags to make one mat. The sample shown here was made from all Target bags. Also, if you have a desire to help make the mats, please contact Maria Wachholz at [email protected] or Estelle Soger at [email protected] On the weekend of August 13-14, members of the Congregation of the Resurrection will be here selling raffle tickets. The tickets are $25 each or 6 for $100. The profit will support the mission of the Congregation of the Resurrection. Bring your return address labels to use on the raffle tickets to save time. The drawing will take place on Sunday, September 25 at the annual Resurrectionist Benefit Dinner at Porretta’s Elegant Banquet Hall in Chicago. If you are interested in attending the Dinner contact: Brother William Hallas, CR Development Director, at 773-463-7506 or [email protected]. St. Pius X Youth Ministry Kane County Cougars Baseball Game On Monday, August 1, from 5:30-10 pm, the youth group is going to a Kane County Cougars Baseball Game for their Faith Night. The cost is $10 per student; bring some money for concessions. We’ll meet at Pius at 5:30 pm for carpooling and be back by 10 pm. Catholic Charities Back to School Fair On Wednesday, August 3, from 10 am-3 pm, the youth group will be volunteering at the Catholic Charities Back to School Fair at the Odeum Expo Center in Villa Park. We’ll be painting kids’ faces and leading them in games. For us and for other volunteers, lunch is included and free. We’ll meet at Pius at 10 am for carpooling and be back by 3 pm. Community Nurse Health Center’s Resale Shop On Saturday, August 13, from 9:30 am-12:30 pm, the youth group will be volunteering at the Community Nurse Health Center’s Resale Shop in La Grange. We’ll be helping them put away their summer items and set up the store for the fall. We’ll meet at Pius at 9:30 am for carpooling and be back by 12:30 pm. Funway! As a last hurrah before school starts, on Monday, August 15, from 11 am-5 pm, the youth group is going to Funway in Batavia. Funway has Mini Golf, Laser Tag, Bumper Cars, Arcade, Roller Skating, Bowling, Go Karts, Batting Cages, Bumper Boats, and more! The cost is $25 per student and includes a meal voucher. We’ll meet at Pius at 11 am for carpooling and be back by 5pm. For all events, please email Mark at [email protected] to sign up. PAGE 8 MINISTERIO HISPANO Misa en Español Sacerdote Coordinadora de Ministerio Hispano Coordinador Educación Religiosa Sábado 7:00 pm Firmo Mantovani, CS Laura Mora Abraham Rodríguez Bautizos 1er. Y 3er. Sábado del mes Matrimonios, Visita a los enfermos, Quinceañeras e Intenciones de misa Favor de hablar a la Rectoría para mas información Horario de Oficina durante verano Lunes a jueves de 9:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m. Teléfono 630-627-4526 X203 Email [email protected] Servidores Ministros de Eucaristía: Francis D., Teresa A., Saturday Elizabeth M., Diana L. 7:00 pm Lectores: Jesús O., Diego M., Yliana M. August 6 Acólitos: Jonathan C., Jesús A., Victoria G. EL DINERO ES NECESARIO, PERO NO ES SUFICIENTE PARA SER FELIZ cristiana. Porque, ¿a quién de nosotros no nos sobran algunas cosas que les vendrían bien a los pobres? ¡Que Dios nos coja confesaos! Y vamos a hacer el propósito, como penitencia, de emplear el dinero superfluo en ayuda de las personas necesitadas, así seremos ricos ante Dios. 2. ¡Vanidad de vanidades, todo es vanidad! ¿Quién de nosotros no ha dicho alguna vez esta frase? Normalmente, esta es una verdad que vamos descubriendo a medida que vamos acumulando años en nuestra vida. Mientras somos jóvenes, y tenemos éxito, y estamos empezando a construir una familia, o una empresa, o una amistad, no pensamos que la vida sea vanidad. Pero también es verdad que casi todos en el camino de nuestra vida nos hemos encontrado con más de un fracaso. Y entonces nos hemos hecho esta misma reflexión que se hacía el autor del libro del Eclesiastés: ¿qué he sacado de tanto trabajo y de tanto esfuerzo? Pero, como todas las frases rotundas, debemos entender esta frase con sabiduría y moderación. Hay cosas muy importantes, y cosas menos importantes, y cosas nada importantes. Es a estas cosas nada importantes a las que no debemos prestarles demasiada atención y a las que, más de una vez, podemos calificarlas de vanidad. Sólo se valora en su justa medida la salud, o el dinero, o la amistad, cuando no se tienen; entonces es cuando vemos que, comparadas con los verdaderos valores de la vida, muchas cosas son simplemente vanidad. La reflexión de Qohélet sobre la vanidad de este mudo en ningún caso debe hacernos pesimistas o desentendidos, sino más prudentes y sabios. 3.- Ya que habéis resucitado con Cristo, buscad los bienes de allá arriba, donde está Cristo… aspirad a los bienes de arriba... dad muerte a todo lo terreno que hay en vosotros… despojaos del hombre viejo y revestíos del nuevo. Estas palabras que dice san Pablo a los Colosenses son palabras claras y exigentes para todos nosotros, los cristianos. Venimos a este mundo con un cuerpo que tiene mucha inclinación al mal, porque es un cuerpo material y materialista, apegado a los bienes de la tierra. Por el bautismo hemos sido convertidos en hombres nuevos, con el alma revestida de gracia y santidad, pero el cuerpo sigue estando ahí con todas sus inclinaciones y pasiones. Cada día debemos esforzarnos para que el hombre nuevo que surgió en nuestro bautismo se parezca un poco más a Cristo. Es muy difícil vivir como hombre nuevo, como verdadero cuerpo de Cristo, y no lo seremos del todo hasta después de resucitados. Por eso, cada día debemos intentar, como nos dice el apóstol, dar muerte a todo lo terreno que hay en nosotros: impureza, pasión, codicia, avaricia, idolatría. Precisamente por eso, porque es muy difícil, debemos también pedirle a Dios todos los días, con el salmo responsorial de este domingo, que Él sea nuestro refugio de generación en generación. 1.- Mirad: guardaos de toda clase de codicia. Pues, aunque uno ande sobrado, su vida no depende de sus bienes… Así será el que amasa riquezas para sí y no es rico para Dios. La parábola del hombre rico, que ponía toda su confianza en el dinero y pensaba que los bienes de la tierra le iban a hacer inmensamente feliz, es una parábola que debemos meditar hoy todos nosotros. En la sociedad en la que nosotros vivimos es necesaria una cierta cantidad de dinero para vivir feliz, pero, evidentemente, se puede ser muy infeliz aunque se tenga todo el dinero del mundo. Como esto es algo evidente, no necesito poner muchos ejemplos. La mayor parte de las personas que se suicidan no es por falta de dinero, sino porque ya no encuentran sentido para seguir viviendo. “Lo tenía todo, pero pocas veces se le veía feliz”, oímos que se ha dicho más de una vez para explicar el suicidio de algunas personas famosas. Y es que la felicidad, como todos sabemos, es un estado interior de la persona, no una circunstancia externa a la persona. El Papa Francisco, en una de sus homilías en Santa Marta, dijo, con la espontaneidad que le caracteriza, que “el dinero es el excremento del diablo, nos hace idólatras, nos corrompe”. Y esto nos puede afectar, en mayor o en menor medida, a todos nosotros. Es el eterno problema entre el dinero necesario y el dinero superfluo. San Agustín llegó a decir que el Por Gabriel González del Estal dinero superfluo es un dinero robado a los pobres. ¿Seremos todos ladrones? Es algo que, a la vista de la parábola de este domingo, deberemos meditar con sinceridad y humildad July 31, 2016 PAGE 9 DEANERY AND DIOCESAN NEWS Annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass The Thirty-eighth Annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass will be celebrated on Sunday, August 28, 2016 at 2:00 pm at the Cathedral of St. Raymond in Joliet. Couples celebrating anniversaries of 25 years, 50 years, and more than 50 years, are welcome to attend the event. Couples will receive a special blessing during the liturgy and will receive an anniversary certificate after the Mass. Our celebrant will be Bishop R. Daniel Conlon. Because of space limitations, there is not room for additional guests. However, if necessary, a caregiver/helper is very welcome to attend with the couple. Pre-registration is required; please complete and return the form or register online by August 8, 2016. For more information, please call 815-838-5334. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS Cathedral of St. Raymond in Joliet Sunday, August 28, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. For couples celebrating 25, 50 and more than 50 years of marriage Last Name ______________________________________________________ Husband_____________________________ Wife____________________________ Address_________________________________________________________ City__________________________ Zip______________ Phone__________________ Parish you Attend__________________________________________ City____________________ Date of Marriage__________________ # of Yrs. Married in 2016__________ A reception will be held in the Parish Commons following the Mass. _____We will attend the Mass and reception. _____We will attend the Mass only. Because of space limitations, no additional guests, please. Caregivers/helpers are very welcome. Pre-registration by mail, fax, phone, email or online is required by August 8, 2016 Online registration: Fax: 815-221-6089 The Office of Family Ministry 16555 Weber Rd Crest Hill, IL 60403 Phone: (815) 838-5334 Email: [email protected] Catholic Charities Seeks Members for Board of Young Professionals The Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet Board of Young Professionals is expanding and seeking new members. Membership is open to young professionals, ages 21-40, who are committed to helping the poor and vulnerable in their communities; meeting new colleagues throughout the diocese; and networking with other young leaders. A variety of social events and service projects are held frequently so members can choose activities that fit into their busy lives. Members gather for bi-annual meetings which include socialization, networking, and dinner in addition to the meeting. Interested? Please contact Edith Avila Olea at 815-724-1220 or [email protected]. We can’t wait to meet you! PAGE 10 COMMUNITY NEWS St. Thomas the Apostle Jobs Ministry Meeting Wednesday, August 24, at 7 pm "Attaining and Retaining Employee Referrals” – Bob Rosell This presentation will demonstrate the importance of having Employee Referrals as part of your current and future employment searches, and is meant to walk through all the steps from start to finish in obtaining, getting sponsorship, writing introduction messages, and talking with potential employee referrals. More people are landing jobs today through employee referrals compared to any other means. Robert (Bob) Rosell's career started in IT where he worked across multiple technologies and platforms for nine years, and then he found his way into a Quality Management role where he has been ever since for over the last 12 years. Bob has contributed to the development and continual improvement regarding all content associated with the IL WorkNet workshop program since 2009, and has founded Social Media Emotional Intelligence (SMEI). Currently Bob is working for Electro-Motive Diesel in a Software Quality Assurance engineering and management role on several multi-year projects, and was placed there through several management referrals who Bob helped place there in 2010 who he previously worked with at Motorola. For more detailed career and biography information about Bob, go to St. Thomas the Apostle Church, 1500 Brookdale Road, Naperville, IL 60563 (630)355-8980. Friday meeting formats include announcements, speaker presentation, and 2 rounds of networking. Prepare your elevator speech, and bring enough handbills to pass out to 20 fellow networkers. Wednesday night is speaker only, no formal networking. Contact Bob Hronek <[email protected]>; or Ben Willingham <[email protected]>; for more info. In the second reading St. Paul reminds us that our life is now “in Christ.” He encourages us to “put on the new self” and to “seek and think of what is above” because we are no longer of this world. Do we have a Christ Centered Marriage? Sign up today to attend one of the upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends on August 12-14, October 7-9, or December 9-11, 2016, all at Elk Grove Village, IL. Early registration is highly recommended. For reservations/ information, call Jim & Kris at 630-577-0778 or contact us through . St. Francis High School Information Visit St. Francis High School this summer. St. Francis is offering summer tours to interested families at all grade levels. To schedule your private visit, please contact Beth Wiborg at [email protected] or 630-668-5800 x1140. The St. Pius X bulletins are paid for by these advertisers; please thank them by supporting their businesses. July 31, 2016 PAGE 11 ED THE PLUMBER ED THE CARPENTER Best Work • Best Rate Satisfaction Guaranteed As We Do All Our Own Work Chef INSPIRED BACON MENU 36 Draft Beers Lic# 055-026066 ALL UFC & PPV Events $$ Parishioner Discount $$ Jack Daniels Whiskey Room 630-663-1444 With 210 Bourbons • Scotch • Whiskey OPEN 7 Days at 11:00 AM Complete Landscaping & Lawn Care 630.376.6947 Installation & Maintenance 810 E. Roosevelt RD Lombard Very Reasonable PLANZ HEATING & AIR Service • Installation • Duct Work 24 Hr. Emergency Service David P. Planz Ph. 630-279-2995 Parishioner Discount • OVER 40 BEERS ON DRAFT • CHEF INSPIRED MENU • PRIVATE PARTY ROOMS Call for CUSTOM PARTY PACKAGES • Landscape Design • Paver Brick Patios • Retaining Walls • Decorative Stone • Tree & Shrub Pruning Installation & Removal Ask about Parishioner Discount w/ ad • Excavating & Grading • Sod, Black Dirt & Mulch Installation • Fertilization, Aeration, Power Raking & Mowing Call John for Free Estimates Member of 630-393-1993 Better Bus. Bureau [email protected] 000603 St Pius X Church (B) SELECTED ½ OFF APPETIZERS Free Pool • Great Drink Specials 630.758.0099 105 E. NORTH AVENUE VILLA PARK Watch PPV Events here! TJ’S LAND CARE HAPPY HOUR Mon - Fri 3PM-6PM SUNDAY 10AM - 11PM MON-THURS 10AM - 1AM | FRI & SAT 10-2AM FUNERAL HOMES John Matyasik Real Estate Broker 630-947-5672 [email protected] Parishioner Professional-Fair-Honest Service FUNERAL DIRECTORS JACK BRUST FRANK BUCARO JOHN BRANDON BRUST JOSEPH LYNE President Office Staff MARY ANN TUMPANE 135 S. MAIN ST. LOMBARD 1952 305 S. PRINCETON AVE. VILLA PARK 629-0094 1937 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 WHY PAY MORE? 491 E. Roosevelt Rd. Lombard, IL 630-932-1700 SKIBCO PAINTING Residential & Commercial Exterior & Interior FREE ESTIMATES MIKE SKIBBIE, Parishioner & Alumni 630.248.6687 NOTRE DAME FAMILY CENTER Depression - Anxiety - Stress Family - Separation - Divorce Sub Abuse - Medicare - Español 630.691.1114 Tear-Off Specialists 630-629-3345 837 S. Westmore 629-0220 In the Eastgate Shopping Center DENTISTRY Rev. James Watzke, Ph.D. Oakbrook Terr. Serving the Community Since 1962 Healthy Teeth & Gums For Life STEVE SABATINO, Parishioner (630) 834-0620 Gutters & Siding Free Est. Michael T. Colletti, DDS 6 W. St. Charles Road • Villa Park Est. 1993 Lic. #104-008445 * $89 NEW PATIENT SPECIAL * Authentic Italian Dishes Homemade Pastas Daily Specials Cleaning, Exam & X-Rays 630.620.8304 237 S. Main St., Lombard Indoor Outdoor Bar Outdoor Patio Catering 100 E. North Ave., Villa Park 832-1034 941-1270 LASSAK Market & Deli $50 OFF Tuesday-Thursday 4:00 PM - 10:00 PM Friday & Saturday 4:00 PM - 11:00 PM Sunday 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Party Room Available Private Events Open 7 days LUNCH and Dinner) 630 495 0200 with purchase Family Owned Business 7145 S. Kingery Hwy. Route 83 Willowbrook, IL 630.655.2200 BLUEBERRY HILL CAFE • Breakfast • Lunch • Catering/Parties 3041 Butterfield Rd. Oak Brook Promenade 630.575.8401 1-800-93-VITAS 1919 S. Meyers Rd., Oakbrook • Air Conditioning • Plumbing (LIC# 055-04 3554) • Heating • Air Cleaning • Geothermal • Humidifiers • Duct Cleaning • Radiant/Snow Melt • Hot Water Heater Tanks • Solar 24 HR. EMERGENCY SERVICE $ 20.00 OFF SERVICE 630.279.HVAC (4822) 860.399.1785 1 # Amazing Outdoor Dining Space Delivery • Catering Live Entertainment • Private Party Room 3011 Butterfield Rd., Oakbrook o’s Chicag Voted WAYNE PARSONS, CPA Individual & Small Business Service Tax Planning • Financial Statements Certified Public Accountant Parishioner Over 25 Years Experience Any Pie of Your Choice $12.00 w/Ad $18.99 Value. You Save $6.99 Tues-Fri 7am-6pm • Sat 8am-4pm GET TO A HEALTHIER PLACE $ 0 ENROLLMENT! Fresh Baked And More (331) 225-0450 Large Orders Delivery & Wholesaling 280 West St. Charles Rd. Villa Park, IL 60181 100 E. Roosevelt Rd., Villa Park 24/7 Limited Time At Your Convenience! Large selection of different types of Classes. Personal Training. 133 W. Roosevelt Rd. Villa Park 630-517-2142 Serving Up Good Old-Fashioned Customer Service Where Service is an Art Sch Was Robert J. Van Staalduinen – Owner Joshua L. Van Staalduinen – Director The Freshest & Finest Meats, Poultry, Seafood, Deli & More 32 S. Villa Ave. OPEN 7 DAYS 1500 S. Meyers Rd. • Lombard, IL 60148 Villa Park 630.832.1760 (630) 932-1500 • ool Lunch Never Like This We’ll deliver to your school! Fresh All Natural Homemade Delicious Order at 630-785-8495 GV TREE SERVICES, LLC Brian or Sally, coordinators CST 2117990-70 Pizza by ABC 7 el Chann 630-782-5902 FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED [email protected] of $50 or more w/ad Hot Foods • Deli • Dessert Catering Platters - Delicious Meats Delicious Cheeses • Produce & Groceries Polish and Lithuanian You Have a Choice for Hospice Care in Lombard 630-861-6177 Monday through Sunday Lunch 11am-4pm | Dinner 4pm-Midnight an Official Travel Agency of Apostleship of the Sea-USA TREE & BRUSH REMOVAL TRIMMING APRIL 1ST TO OCT 31ST FULLY INSURED CALL 7 DAYS A WEEK Kronos Gyros -Smokehouse -Philly -Platter 630-495-2264 FREE ESTIMATES Buy 1 Gyros Value Meal Get 2nd Half Off Buy 1 Chicago Style Dog Meal Get One Dog FREE 630-495-1488 837 Westmore Meyers Rd Lombard, IL Breakfast & Dinner Specials 100% Satisfaction Delivery 7 Days A WK. Guaranteed! 7A.M. - 8P.M. Steuerle Funeral Home 350 S. Ardmore Ave., Villa Park 000603 St Pius X Church (A) (630) 832-4161 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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