Saint Brendan Catholic Church Shallotte, North Carolina 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 10, 2016 Reflections on the Sunday Readings If you or a loved one is admitted to the hospital, nursing home/assisted living facility, etc. you or your family must contact the nearest church. Unconditional love is an other-worldly ideal. Forces here on earth limit our generosity. Business teaches us debits and credits, law enacts statutes of limitation, athletics value strictly enforced rules of the game. No wonder we struggle to accept the reality of a God infinite in mercy and compassion. Deuteronomy talks today about the people of Israel who have suffered a curse rather than blessing because of their violations of the covenant. The author, however, is unequivocal in reminding the wayward that God’s capacity for forgiveness cannot be exhausted. Yahweh’s arms are outstretched to those seeking forgiveness; God requires only the resolution to try again. Paul, in our passage from Colossians, is making a point: God restored harmony to the universe through the action of Christ. In Christ, God has destroyed all those barriers that keep humans from God, from the created world, and from themselves. Unity is the result of Christ’s act of reconciliation. The price of this compassion is high: “Making peace through the blood of his cross” (Colossians 1:20; also Romans 5:9-11; Ephesians 2:13-18). Luke, as opposed to Mathew and Mark, has the lawyer speak the great law of love for God and neighbor. The lawyer asks: “And who is my neighbor?” (Luke 10:29). The evangelist wants to teach us that all who show mercy are able to belong to God’s family. The parable illustrates this teaching. The legalism of the society prescribed a ritual impurity for anyone touching the corpse of a Jewish traveler. Thus the priest and the Levite passed by the man victimized by robbers. The Samaritan becomes the unlikely hero. As a non-Jew he is an outcast or a “non-neighbor,” yet he alone opts for the higher law of compassion. He is a hero because he is a genuine neighbor. Brunswick – St. Brendan New Hanover – Chaplain’s Office Dosher – Sacred Heart Grand Strand – St. Andrew Loris – St. James Sea Coast - Star of the Sea 910-754-8544 910-343-7014 910-457-6173 843-448-5930 843-347-5168 843-249-2356 R.C.I.A Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Are you thinking about becoming a Catholic, or are already a Catholic but not confirmed? The R.C.I.A. is a process of our Catholic Faith. It is a faith journey for adults who would like to explore the possibility of becoming fully initiated into the Catholic Church through the celebration of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. We will be starting a new season in September. Please contact David Morris at 910-477-7055 or email [email protected] to sign up or for more information. Blessed Basil Hopko Byzantine Catholic Mission 3059 Highway 90, Conway, S.C. will have Divine Liturgy on July 10, 17, 24 and 31 all at 10 am. Contact Jack Securda at securda4082@gmail .com or phone Jean Wirth at 843-249-9502 for more information. St. Stanislaus Church in Castle Hayne will be selling frozen packages of Pierogi an Kielbasa on the weekend of July 16-17. Many different kinds to choose from. Call Joan at 910-675-2336 for more info. What kind of neighbors are we? If the measure is “How far do I have to go?” then ours is a this-world compassion. If the measure is “What more can I do, especially for the poor and abandoned?” then ours is an other-worldly and Godlike mercy. Amount Saved due to early payments on the mortgage: $1,131,860.01 Building Loan as of this month our total debt is $503,851.45 COLLECTION FOR LAST WEEK $25,654.00 Page 1 Saint Brendan Catholic Church Shallotte, North Carolina 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 10, 2016 Please pray for Our Family and Friends Masses for the Week Sat. 07/09 5pm † Frederick Dilley Sun. 07/10 8am † Mary Regina Weszka 9:30am 11:15am St. Brendan Parishioners † Anthony Sneska Mon. 07/11 9am Eucharist Service Tue. 07/12 9am Wed. 07/13 9am † Doris Bellini Thur. 07/14 9am † Margaret Truax Fri. 07/15 † Ann McGahran Sat. 07/16 5pm † William Pragel Sun. 07/17 8am † Raymond Cullen † Marge Aumann 9am 9:30am St. Brendan Parishioners 11:15am † Ann DeBiase Please pray for the repose of the soul of George Mulcahy who died last week. Next Week’s Reading July 17, 2016 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Genesis 18:1-10 Colossians 1:24-28 Luke 10:38-42 Ayisha Marawi Hohl Joe Konen Carmen Barros Glenn Petrucci Dan Stennett Annie Labagh Richard Riley Rod Fagert Ethel McDonald Christopher Hylton Sean Neumann The Sullivan Family Daniel Mulcahy Kim Barros Cira Cole Fr. William Lascelles Krystal Churchwell Mary Carmody Mary Ann Molini Melissa Zobel Tammy Street Rose Davignon Pat Wagner Jennifer McMillan Lindsay Wilharm Didia Brady Olivia Dunn Chuck Gibson Tracey Petralia Gene Cox Majorie Repoza John Mulitz Dottie Henndricks Catherine Henry Stanley Zukowski Thomas Curran Michelle Careau Christopher Bueter Michael Uher Joe Borzilleri Will Debukoc Gwen Glover Judy Mount Carole O’Neill Kathy Schappa Marie Tyler Carolena Nickles Bette Hofmann Dom Di Maio Chris Oliver Paul Whitehouse Stella Kielb Jason Del Pezzo Michael Maggiore Solomon Goulet Brandon Snyder Jane Krieger Jean Mulcahy Aaron Alonso Maria Cistulli Tom Hutchin Crystal Basil Mary Elizabeth Zink Diane Ovadek Hazel Zacofsky Clement McDonald Teresa Ann Costin Anthony Cirincione Deborah Ritchie Jennifer Bryant Joan Barros Cecil Poole Mary Ann Comiskey Charlotte Sweeney Tony Kane Denise Kassel Alice Marie Arvonio Ann Mandt Katie Brown Evan Ciovacco Ben Lee Jennifer Galla Julie Brown Richard Fischer Henry Cole Betty Lamphiere Jerry Feldhaus Dorothy Downey Vicki Kay Rich Willis Alice Minneci LCPL Brendan Churchwell Gina De Cotiis Andrew Taylor Lynn Maglione Gregor Liam Orlando Louise Troy Michael Dobosh Jr. Carol Cohenno The Malone Family Ray Delotell Alexa, Curtis & Evan Paton Keira Rose Flynn Linda Kickham Helen Fairman Keri Chavez Karen Long Sr. Carol Beairsto Rgs. Carol & Lauren Caldera Vicky Lewis Noah Semanko JoAnn Behr Ronald Young Julie Mills Ruth Tromblay Christine Miles Tom Waldron Betty Hess Karen Nittoli Barbara Wengernuk Althea Grace Jeff Stephens Elaine Eberhardt Joanne Alstranner Tony & Melina Villate Linda Shemenski Pat Casella Lois Galligan Joe Marrone Barbara Nance Ray Normandy Joe & Karolyn Robinson Michael Fuchs Betty Norman Sue Donelly Please pray for our Parishioners Communion for the Sick & Homebound contact Pat McLaughlin at 910-287-5479 if you know someone who would like to receive Communion at home. Attention New Parishioners! Welcome to St. Brendan Catholic Church. If you are new to the area, we would like you to choose St. Brendan as your Parish Family. Registration forms are on the Stewardship Desk in the Gathering Space. Please complete the form and place in the collection basket or mail: St. Brendan Catholic Church P.O. Box 2984 Shallotte, N.C. 28459 Gary LaRouech Cathleen Newman Jack Dobson Luis Salas Pauline Millosky Richard Willets Michael Dobosh, Sr. Adele Treible Mike Bishko Bill Anstock Jennifer Seeley Elizabeth Walsh Chris Stephens Jackie Fennel Theresa Whaley Jim Cech Charles Witzel Pat Pragel Peggy Tinnell Jennifer Cole Joan Gilbert Jim Lynch Austin Sammon William Conway Staci Matthews Ceil Volk Page 2 Dolores Wenstrup Mary Jane Brust Charlie Schorpp Philip & Annice Granville Barbara Hertrich Robert Manfred Donna Leonard Windy Herring Katlyne Thompson Ed & Grayce Farley Gerald Lutz Jean Rosen Gloria Hillenburg Josephine Chebat Bill Cawthra Tom Gaven Ed Kobierowski Carl Shirdon Sue Yudysky Rich Harding Connie Woodard Marlene Korn John A. Murphy Maria Knapik Kathy Semanko Joe and Betty Zegan David Bodette Tom Gilmartin Deborah Lessner George Mulcahy Josephine Paterson Ed Manz George Scheidle Diane Hotop David & Kelly Garrett Donald Woods Joe Lowry Madeline Mahony Carol Galovich Jim Leonard Walter Skawinski Jack Seeley Rev. Bruno Swiatocha Anna Zeng Salvatore Dinolfo Jim and Mary Lou Matthews Louise Wallen Mary Jane Fredeman Theresa McMahon Connie DiLorenzo Gloria Gustavson Cheryl Dobosh Saint Brendan Catholic Church Shallotte, North Carolina 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 10, 2016 Parish Community K of C Call Richard Rismiller 579-1155. Check their web site: 07/11 Business Meeting 07/18 4th Degree AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW! Monday Night Football Books!! You don’t need to know anything about football to win money and help local charities –over $9,000 will be given away by the Knights of Columbus. If you are football fan these books are a must have. Winners automatically receive their $50 check each week in the mail. Each book is just a $20 donation and gives the holder 20 chances to win $50. Every Monday Night game, the AFC and NFC Conference Championship games and the SUPERBOWL are all included. (Hint-Book fits right in a birthday card envelope to grandchildren.) To get your books or if you have any questions just send me an email, give me a call: Richard Rismiller [email protected] 910-200-2924. The Columbiettes meet on the second Thursday of the month. Call Peggy Storella 846-9906. Shallotte Lions Golf Tournament: Saturday July 16 on Willard Byrd Course at Sea Trail. Captains Choice - $70 per player includes gold, lunch, and over $1,400.00 in prizes. Call Marvin Peters at 579-1059 for details and entry information. Brunswick Plantation’s Neighbors in Service [NIS] will be holding a Card Party/Game Day event at Ryan’s Steakhouse, 3706 Hwy 17, North Myrtle Beach. The date is July 26th from 11am to 3pm. Tickets are $15 which includes lunch. For tickets and information please call Brunswick Plantation Facilitators at 1-910-287-4604 and arrange payment by July 16. The NIS is a non-profit organization and the proceeds will help local charities. Invite our friends to complete your own table to play the game of your choice. We will have a 50/50. OUR CATHOLIC BIBLICAL INSTITUTE: What is the Torah? Who wrote it? Why do we have four Gospels? What is the meaning of all those letters of Paul to people I never heard of? If any of these or other such questions have ever occurred to you or have you ever attempted to read the Bible only to find it hard to understand and thus quickly lost interest; then perhaps you might want to investigate a series of classes we call the Catholic Biblical institute held here at St. Brendan’s. A new class will begin in midSeptember of this year and will meet every Monday morning from 9:30 to 11:30. If you want to find out more please call the parish office and leave your name and phone number or call or email the instructor, Jerry Siegmund [email protected] / 843-399-8065. Thank you!! I want to thank the Sanctuary Enhancement Committee and Hospitality Committee for organizing my 20th Ordination Anniversary Celebration. The Hall looked beautiful and food was excellent. I also want to thank all of you who attended. Your presence brought me lots of joy. May the Lord shower you with His good blessings and good health. May he also watch over your loved ones. Fr. Ryszard Page 3 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 10, 2016 Saint Brendan Catholic Church Shallotte, North Carolina 3 St Brendan the Navigator Activities Calendar Questions? Call 754-8544 or email [email protected] Mon Tue Wed 2016 Thu Special Thanks to our Sponsor or the week Power Distributors Lighting, Electrical & Supplies 2 Fri 1 Creative Spirit Rosary of the Unborn 8:10 9 16 8 Creative Spirit Peace Prayers 9;30 15 Creative Spirit Peace Prayers 9;30 23 7 Centering Prayer 14 Centering Prayer Columbiettes 22 Creative Spirit 30 Sun 4 13 Searchers of Scripture 21 Centering Prayer 29 Creative Spirit 6 Bereavement Counseling Searchers of Scripture 12 Faith’s Journey 9:30 - 11:30 20 Searchers of Scripture 28 Centering Prayer 5 Faith’s Journey 9:30 - 11:30 Happy Birthday Fr. Ryszard 19 Faith’s Journey 9:30 - 11:30 27 Searchers of Scripture 11 K of C Bus. Mtg. 18 K of C 4th Degree 26 Faith’s Journey 9:30 - 11:30 10 17 St. Brendan Book Club resumes September 18th. 25 Healing Prayer 9:30 Healing Prayer 9:30 24 Sat Mon: Healing Prayer every 2nd & 4th Mon. at 9:30 a.m. Call Jane: 575-3064 Tues: Faith’s Journey after Mass in the Lahren Rm call Jane 575-3064 Wed: Searchers Bible Study, after Mass in Lahren Rm. Call Fran: 754-9126 Thurs. Centering Prayer—after Mass in Maloney Rm. Call Jean: 754-9126 Fri.: Creative Spirit (knit/ crochet) after Mass in Lahren Rm. Call Jeanne 579-8241. Peace Prayers after Mass in library. Page 4 Saint Brendan Catholic Church Shallotte, North Carolina 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 10, 2016 Boletin Hispano FORMACION DE FE Padre Ricardo, párroco (910-754-8544) Hna. M. Teresa coordinadora (910-200-9209) 10 de Julio, 2016 Muchos son los que han calificado este pasaje del Evangelio, como "desvergonzado", porque parece que Dios pierde la vergüenza y la compostura oficial, para mostrarnos por dentro su corazón. En este pasaje vemos una conversación de maestro de la Ley de Israel, al Maestro de Galilea. Aquel letrado, versado en las Escrituras se acerca hasta Jesús, no con la intención de que ese otro Maestro le enseñara algo nuevo, sino -quizás sin quererlo-, para dejar al descubierto su más absoluta ignorancia: "Maestro, ¿quién es mi prójimo?". Pues donde las dan, las toman. Entonces, Jesús se aprovechó de aquella pregunta para contar y contarnos la conmovedora parábola del buen samaritano. Se trata de un hombre anónimo, malherido, medio muerto en medio del camino, por culpa de haber sufrido el asalto de unos bandidos. Cerca de allí, quizás un cruce de caminos, van pasando diferentes personajes, que van poniendo de manifiesto la calidad de su amor, la caridad de su corazón, sus interioridades, sus pensamientos. En este ejemplo de Jesús, se puso bien a la clara hasta qué punto las normas, las leyes, las reglas... "pueden matar", o al menos no hacer nada bien. Estamos acostumbrados cuando hay que ir a un lugar para el cumplimiento, que sólo son apariencias y evasiones. Su propio nombre lo indica: cumplo y miento. Pero, cuando ya había poca esperanza, aparece por aquel escenario un último personaje. No puede ser otro, que el menos esperado, un samaritano, no muy bien aceptado por los judíos. Podía pasar siendo otro personaje; ¡pero un samaritano!... Aquello iba sonando a provocación. Un samaritano que no entiende de leyes, ni de diferencias de clases, ni de protocolos... Fue un samaritano que se encontró con un pobre hombre maltratado y..., no sabe más. No se plantea nada más. Alguien que seguramente jamás se había planteado qué había que hacer para heredar la vida eterna, pero que sería el único de los actores que había entendido la ley, en su sentido más auténtico. Y se van sucediendo las acciones: Se llegó hasta donde estaba aquel hombre, lo observó, sintió lástima, se acercó, le vendó las heridas, lo montó en su cabalgadura, lo llevó a una posada, lo cuidó, pagó los gastos... Gestos y actitudes semejantes a los que tuvo el padre en la parábola del hijo pródigo, que cuando estaba el hijo menor todavía lejos, le vio su padre, se conmovió, corrió hacia él, se echó a su cuello, le besó efusivamente e hizo una fiesta en su honor. se encontró con un pobre hombre maltratado y..., no sabe más. No se plantea nada más. Alguien que seguramente jamás se había planteado qué había que hacer para heredar la vida eterna, pero que sería el único de los actores que había entendido la ley, en su sentido más auténtico. FECHAS PARA EL BAUTISMO Las siguientes fechas para el Bautismo son: Junio 4 Julio 9, Agosto 6. Las pláticas para estos tres bautismos son el día 29 de Mayo después de la Misa de las 9:30 de la mañana. Los bautismos son siempre a las 3:30 de la tarde. INFORMACIÓN Para saber acerca de preguntas sobre inmigración llamen a la Madre Rosanne al teléfono 910-616-2105. La Madre atiende todos los domingos después de la misa de las 9:30 de la mañana en las oficinas del Centro Pastoral. Page 5
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