3171 LENWORTH DR. #12 MISSISSAUGA, ON L4X 2G6 (905) 624-4422 Are You Tired of Crooked Teeth But Can't Afford Braces? Met. Lic. - P17408 RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL St. Philip Neri Church Nick Vescio DELMORO Managing Director Anthony FUNERAL HOME (NORTH YORK) or some, according to Dr. Isakow, General Dentist, P L U M B I N G L T D . Paniccia straightening their teeth with braces is outside their budget. 28 Seabrook Avenue Bus 416-245-9076 www.delmorofuneralhome.com "Some people are embarrassed by their crooked teeth but couldn't afford the high up front cost of braces," says Dr. Isakow. BRIONI SUPERMARKET 61 Beverly Hills Dr. "That's why I'm offering affordable payment terms with low Fresh Veg & Fruits 416-249-4499 down payments to fit anyone's budget." Dr. Isakow currently Groceries & Meat ® Honoured Provider Dignity Memorials offers braces as low as $99/month, $499 down, 0% interest. Hot Food Available www.dignitymemorial.com F Call his office today at 416-907-8458 Ext. 203 Mortgages • Home purchase • Refinance • Second mortgages Good or bad credit Get approved call now! WARD FUNERAL HOMES 1OO YEARS 2100 Jane Street Toronto, On M3M 1A1 Telephone 416-241 3101 Fax 416-241 2588 Website: www.stphilipneri.ca E-mail: [email protected] Capuchin Franciscan OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 8:00pm & Saturday: 9:00am - 12:00pm, Sundays & Holidays: CLOSED 169 Gary Dr. 416 248-8200 Broker License: 10680 Mortgage agent Jesus Del Rio 416-262-7139 www.jmortgage.ca Lic. M10001267 ACADEMY THE WET BASEMENT SPECIALISTS THE ULTIMATE CUT PASTORAL TEAM Fr. Paul Duplessie, OFM Cap., Pastor Ext. 238 Francisco Naar, Administrator Fr. Flavian Gondos, OFM Cap. Italiano Ext. 234 Lou Estok, Secretary Fr. John Juhl, OFM Cap., Español Ext. 240 Jessica Jorgge, Data Entry Deacon Luigi Bertolone, Italiano, English Ext. 227 Sacramental Prep Deacon Damien McGowan, English Ext. 257 Communion, Confirmation, RCIA Deacon Agustin Meneses, Español, English Ext. 293 Frank Capisciolto,Youth Ministry UNISEX Waterproofing, Foundation Repairs, Full Hair Services / Aesthetics Concrete & Interlocking Disposal Bin Service 1627 Wilson Ave. (416) 235-1923 416-749-2273BASETECH.ca THE PERFECT AUTO COLLISON LTD. (behind Burger King) SPOT TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS! QUALITY SERVICE SINCE 1964 INSURANCE APPROVED FREE SERVICE VEHICLES WESTON 2035 Weston Rd 416-241-4618 DOWNDRAFT BAKED REFINISHES 2207 Jane Street 10% off with this ad Sales & Service to all Makes & Models 710 Wilson Ave. 416.635.9161 Mister (1 STOP LIGHT NORTH OF WILSON) wardfuneralhome.com Bus (416) 247-7821 Evg (416) 241-8150 UDI PER PROBLEMI D'UDITO Chiamate Domenico Cosentino Woodbridge (905) 264-9975 transmission® 8333 Weston Rd., Ste. 105 Transmission and technology experts Toronto (416) 924-5033 1677 Jane St. 416.249.1300 www.mistertransmission.com 622 College St., Ste. 204 Carlo's ofrills TO ADVERTISE IN THIS SPACE PLEASE CALL 905-624-4422 MARK BONACCI B ernardo Funeral Home CONFESSIONS Saturdays 4:00 - 4:45pm Specializing in Porchetta For All Occasions "A name you can trust" 245 Eddystone Ave. 2960 Dufferin St. 416-789-7661 Domenic Ferro 855 Albion Rd. 416-747-7231 Gabriele Venditti 416-743-5601 Dentistry PC General & Cosmetic Dentistry 368 Wilson Ave. 416.631.0223 1591 Wilson Ave. (at Jane) EUCHARISTIC ADORATION : Every Friday 8:30a-6:30p in Our Lady of Angels Chapel, First Friday in main church. Come spend an hour adoring Jesus. BAPTISM: LINO TAM & JOE GIAMBATTISTA Funeral Directors Proprietors 3725 Keele St. (905) 850-9500 Engaged couples must contact a priest one year in advance. Marriage course will be taken. COMMUNION FOR THE SICK: Please call the parish office & we can visit the sick at home or in hospital. Barristers and Solicitors Real Estate • Wills & Estates Corporate • Civil Litigation Remember... Complete Auto Repair Shop MARRIAGE: Dir: 416-833-9004 Bus: 905-707-6630 & DeMarco Funeral Visitation Centre 8003 Weston Rd. Woodbridge Dealing Representative Battiston Associates 416-636-7027 Let our advertisers know you saw their ad here. "We welcome all Church events & Celebrations." Tune-ups•Fuel Injection Repairs•AC Electrical Systems•Brakes•Mufflers•Tires 10% off with coupon All Mechanical Repairs Valid on Sunday only www.catholic-cemeteries.com All Makes and Models Dine In & Take out only Holy Cross Cemetery & Funeral Home 905-889-7467 Operator/Owner: Sam Ho 9 Connie St. 416-235-0941 Queen of Heaven Cemetery 905-851-5822 1077 Wilson Ave. 416-636-0562 Vince Amato-Owner/Operator Our Funeral Home is Now Open at Holy Cross Cemetery HORARIO DE MISAS Sábado Vigila: 6:30pm Domingo:1:30pm Miércoles 7:00pm CONFESIONES: 1/2 hora antes de las misas Dominicales www.battistonlaw.com 1013 Wilson Ave. Ste. 202 Ext. 235 416-393-5396 ORARIO DELLE MESSE Domenica: 8:00am & 10:30am Lunedì - Venerdì 7:15am Sabato 8:30am CONFESSIONI: Venerdì 4:00pm - 5:00pm ADORACION EUCARISTICA: Cada Viernes 8:30a-6:30p en la capilla de Ntra. Sra. de los Ángeles, Primer Viernes en la iglesia. Venga adorar a Jesús por una hora. BAUTISMO: Llame la oficina de la parroquia para hacer cita Please call the parish office for an initial con el Diacono. Padres traigan sus certificados appointment with a Deacon. Parents bring your de: Bautizo, Confirmación y Matrimonio certificates: of Baptism, Confirmation & Sacramental. Padrinos traigan sus Certificados Sacramental Marriage. Godparents need: de: Confirmación y Matrimonio Sacramental. Confirmation & Sacramental Marriage Todos tomarán clases de Bautizo. certificates. All will take Baptism classes. Nora Canales Shopping Locally Saves Gas DEMARCO FUNERAL HOME LTD. FUNERAL HOME Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm Sunday: 9:15am, 12noon, 8:00pm Monday –Saturday 8am Dr. Roslyn Sim-Sabilano lower food prices™ DeMarco MASS SCHEDULE MATRIMONIO: ADORAZIONE EUCARISTICA: Tutti i Venerdí dalle 8:30a-6:30p nella cappella della Madonna Degli Angeli; e 1˚ Venerdí nella chiesa. Venite a stare un’ora con Gesù. BATTESIMO: Si prega di contattare la segreteria della parrocchia per fissare il primo appuntamento con il Diacono. Si prega inoltre di fornire i seguenti certificati: Genitori: battesimo, cresima e matrimonio religioso; Padrini: cresima e matrimonio religioso. Tutti gli interessati sono tenuti a seguire le lezioni di catechesi. MATRIMONIO: Parejas planeando casarse deben contactar al sacerdote con un año de anticipación. Tomaran el curso matrimonial. Damos el curso aquí en la Primavera y en el Otoño. Le coppie che desiderano celebrare il loro matrimonio in chiesa sono pregate di mettersi in contatto con il sacerdote un anno prima. COMUNION DE LOS ENFERMOS: Vi chiediamo di contattare la parrocchia per richiedere la visita del sacerdote a casa o all’ospedale. REGISTRATION: Llame a la oficina de la parroquia y lo podemos visitar en la casa o en el hospital. Every family should be registered with the parish & use envelopes each Sunday. Parishioners, please inform the parish office of any changes of telephone or address. Regístrese y utiliza los sobres para la colecta dominical. Por favor de informar la oficina de cambio de dirección o numero de teléfono. REGISTRO: COMUNIONE DEL MALATI: REGISTRARSI: E’ importante che le famiglie residenti in parrocchia si iscrivano in ufficio, richiedendo le buste per l’offertorio domenicale. Vi chiediamo la cortesia di informare l’ufficio per qualsiasi cambiamento di indirizzo o numero telefonico. VOCATIONS: Our Father Francis was a joyful presence of hope & salvation to all-especially those most in need! In this same spirit of St. Francis of Assisi, would you, young men of courage, commitment and challenge, like to spread the Good News while being rooted in a Capuchin-Franciscan community? LIVE THE DREAM… MAKE A DIFFERENCE!! Vocations Director: Br. Stephen email: [email protected], http://www.capuchinscanada.com/newcapuchins/ 416-630-7151 Parla Italiano & Espaniol 143 - 3 Established 1975 WOODBRIDGE 4671 Highway #7 905-851-9100 St. Andre 36 Yvonne Ave. PARISH SCHOOLS 416-393-5410 St. Conrad 5 Exbury Rd. St. Raphael 3 Gade Dr. 416-393-5285 Ext. 224 Ext. 221 Ext. 243 Ext. 235 Secular Franciscans are lay men & women over 18 who seek to pattern their lives after Christ in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi. Are you called to joyfully live the Gospel in your daily life in the spirit of Sts. Francis & Clare of Assisi? Come, see, experience Fraternity with St. Felix of Cantalice as a lay person every 4th Sunday of the month at the 12:00n Mass followed by Fraternal meeting until 3:30p. Please email: [email protected] for more information. 143 - 3 Liturgical Publications June 12, 2016 Nel passo del Vangelo di oggi, Gesù racconta una parabola sul perdono. Notiamo che la donna si converte, piange lacrime di contrizione e di ringraziamento e Gesù dichiara, “Le sono perdonati i suoi molti peccati, poiché ha molto amato”. Gesù la conferma nella sua fede: davanti agli occhi di tutti riconcilia la peccatrice con Dio e la reintegra nella società delle persone oneste. Abbiamo, dunque, qui l’esempio della contrizione perfetta. Ma questo non é tutto. Gesù era accompagnato non solo dai suoi discepoli, ma anche da donne. Egli le ha associate alla sua attività apostolica, ha accettato il loro servizio e il loro aiuto materiale e restituisce pienamente alla donna la sua dignità di essere umano: agli occhi di Dio la donna è pari all’uomo. 143 - 3 ****************************************************************************** In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus tells us a parable on forgiveness. The woman cries tears of contrition, converts, and gives thanks. Jesus declares, “So I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven; hence she has shown great love.” Jesus then confirms her faith in front of everyone present. He reconciles her to God, reintegrating her into the world of honorable people. This example of a perfect contrition is why her many sins were forgiven. Jesus was also accompanied by disciples who were women. He associated women to his apostolic activity, accepted their service and their financial help. Jesus fully restores to the sinful woman and to us our human dignity: in God’s eyes, woman is equal to man. ****************************************************************************** En el pasaje del Evangelio de hoy, Jesús nos dice una parábola sobre el perdón. La mujer llora lágrimas de contrición, se convierte, y da gracias. Jesús declara: "Así que les digo que sus muchos pecados le han sido perdonados; porque ella a mostrado gran amor". Jesús, después, confirma su fe delante de todos los presentes. Él la reconcilia con Dios reintegrandola en el mundo de la gente honorable. Este ejemplo de una contrición perfecta es la razon de que le fueran perdonados sus muchos pecados. Jesús también fue acompañado por discípulos que eran mujeres. El asocia a las mujeres a su actividad apostólica, aceptado su servicio y su ayuda financiera. Jesús restaura totalmente a la mujer pecadora y para nosotros restaura nuestra dignidad humana: A los ojos de Dios, la mujer es igual al hombre. Knights of Columbus to host the annual Father’s Day Brunch June 19, 2016 starting at 10:00am to 2:00pm Adults $8.00 per person; Family of 4 with 2 children under 12 $22 Tickets at the parish office or from a Knight. Please see posters for more information! Pellegrinaggi a porta santa a MIDLAND SHRINE dan gracias a todos por sus oraciones. give thanks to everyone for their prayers. Domenica, 26 Giugno; Giornata per Italiani Chiarmare Gerardo o Maria 416-244-3301 BLOOD DRIVE Canadian Blood Services “You have the Power to GIVE LIFE!” Monday, June 13 2:00pm to 7:00pm at St. Philip Neri Church Rules for Life Stop thinking too much, it’s alright not to know all the answers. At times, there is no answer. And that’s the answer. Accept it and move on! Fr. Paul Duplessie, OFM Cap., Pastor July 11-15, 2016! Registrations are at the weekend Masses. Please see Youth Minister Frank Capisciolto after Mass. Please pray for our parish youth. CONTEMPLATIVE WEEKEND BUS PILGRIMAGE Who is Venerable Solanus Casey, OFM Cap.? “Detroit’s miracle worker” had extraordinary love, trust, faith, and confidence in God and always told others “Thank God ahead of time!” I prayed when I die, I can consciously give my last breath to God. Next morning, he opened his eyes, stretched his arms and proclaimed, “I give my soul to Jesus Christ.” He willingly gave his last breath to God. Please join us for a contemplative weekend pilgrimage this August 19 – 21, $365/per person, register by June 25, Br. Alan 416-241-3101x245. SUMMER EUCHARISTIC ADORATION NO ADORATION ON CANADA DAY, JULY 1, 2016 Please remember to visit our Lord in the Most Holy Sacrament every Friday from 8:30am to 6:30pm. All parishioners are invited to these celebrations! FAREWELL RECEPTION Capuchin Friars celebrate the Fr. John Juhl, OFM Cap. & Fr. Paul Duplessie, OFM Cap. are both leaving us this year. Their going away celebration is Friday, June 17, 2016 at 7:30pm in the Parish Basement Hall #1. PROFESSION OF FINAL VOWS for Br. Michael Mascarenhas, OFM Cap. June 24 with Mass at 7:00pm and a reception in Hall #1 Annual Parish Picnic - Sunday, July 24 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. Ps 116: 15 † Let us pray for the souls of Antonio Bosco, Tim Sarnecki, Mae Hawkins, Wilbur Yee, William Grimes P. Guglielmo Corbo, OFM Cap. thanks everyone who helped plan, participated and celebrated with him for his 50th Anniversary of Ordination. St. Anthony Feast Day at Queen of Heaven Cemetery: Please join us for a special prayer service on Monday June 13 at 2:00pm at Queen of Heaven Cemetery. The service will take place in the St. Anthony Chapel of the Mausoleum. Please call: 905-851-5822 Last Week 2016 $9,672.00 2015 $8,966.00 Mass Intentions / Intenciones de la Misa Intenzione della Messe Monday, June 13-St. Anthony of Padua, OFM 7:15 am † Defunti di Famiglia Scolieri 8:00 am † Rosalina Ortacio Tuesday, June 14 7:15 am † Maria Salome Silva 8:00 am Ana Paulo & A. Torres’ Ints. Wednesday, June 15 7:15 am † Giuseppe, Defunti Augurusa 8:00 am † Souls in Purgatory Thursday, June 16 7:15 am † G., A., & G. Costa 8:00 am † A. Rotondi, L. & S. Siconolfi Friday, June 17 7:15 am † Vito Girardi 8:00 am † Danny Stone Saturday, June 18 8:00 am † Secondo Magro 8:30 am † S., L. & C. Filicetti Il nostro picnic annuale di SPN El Picnic Anual Parroquial es el avrà luogo domenica, 24 luglio, domingo 24 de julio en el Parque G. a G. Ross Lord Park, Area 2. Ross Lord, Area 2. La entrada es L’entrata al parco è libera, gratis, por favor traiga comida y portate il vostro cibo e la bebidas. El parque esta localizado bevanda. Il parco si trova su en la calle Dufferin al norte de Dufferin St. A nord di Finch Finch Ave. W. La entrada esta al Ave W. L’entrata si trova di cruzar del mercado Coppa’s Fresh fronte ad Coppa’s Fresh Market. Market. Annual Parish Picnic is at G. Ross Lord Park, Area 2. There is no entrance fee, bring food, drinks & Coppa games to play. The park is located 5:00 pm 9:00am-9:00pm † D. Di Carlo & A. Ciotti Dufferin St. & Finch Ave. W. 6:30 pm Misa en Español opposite Coppa’s Fresh Market. Sunday, June 19 Finch Ave. W. Dufferin St. Rev. Sr. Ignacio y Sra. Ana Mateo TOTUS TUUS Summer Day Camp Mark your calendars for the annual Knights of Columbus MINI CARNIVAL, Saturday, July 2, 2016 Come celebrate together with friends & family as a whole parish! Delicious food, drinks & fun! 8:00 am 9:15 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm 1:30 pm 8:00 pm † Manuela Dalla Nora In thanks for O. & R. Lopez † Giancamillo Mucci † Enrico Drigo & V. Sovran Misa en Español For all parishioners June 12, 2016 Nel passo del Vangelo di oggi, Gesù racconta una parabola sul perdono. Notiamo che la donna si converte, piange lacrime di contrizione e di ringraziamento e Gesù dichiara, “Le sono perdonati i suoi molti peccati, poiché ha molto amato”. Gesù la conferma nella sua fede: davanti agli occhi di tutti riconcilia la peccatrice con Dio e la reintegra nella società delle persone oneste. Abbiamo, dunque, qui l’esempio della contrizione perfetta. Ma questo non é tutto. Gesù era accompagnato non solo dai suoi discepoli, ma anche da donne. Egli le ha associate alla sua attività apostolica, ha accettato il loro servizio e il loro aiuto materiale e restituisce pienamente alla donna la sua dignità di essere umano: agli occhi di Dio la donna è pari all’uomo. 143 - 3 ****************************************************************************** In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus tells us a parable on forgiveness. The woman cries tears of contrition, converts, and gives thanks. Jesus declares, “So I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven; hence she has shown great love.” Jesus then confirms her faith in front of everyone present. He reconciles her to God, reintegrating her into the world of honorable people. This example of a perfect contrition is why her many sins were forgiven. Jesus was also accompanied by disciples who were women. He associated women to his apostolic activity, accepted their service and their financial help. Jesus fully restores to the sinful woman and to us our human dignity: in God’s eyes, woman is equal to man. ****************************************************************************** En el pasaje del Evangelio de hoy, Jesús nos dice una parábola sobre el perdón. La mujer llora lágrimas de contrición, se convierte, y da gracias. Jesús declara: "Así que les digo que sus muchos pecados le han sido perdonados; porque ella a mostrado gran amor". Jesús, después, confirma su fe delante de todos los presentes. Él la reconcilia con Dios reintegrandola en el mundo de la gente honorable. Este ejemplo de una contrición perfecta es la razon de que le fueran perdonados sus muchos pecados. Jesús también fue acompañado por discípulos que eran mujeres. El asocia a las mujeres a su actividad apostólica, aceptado su servicio y su ayuda financiera. Jesús restaura totalmente a la mujer pecadora y para nosotros restaura nuestra dignidad humana: A los ojos de Dios, la mujer es igual al hombre. Knights of Columbus to host the annual Father’s Day Brunch June 19, 2016 starting at 10:00am to 2:00pm Adults $8.00 per person; Family of 4 with 2 children under 12 $22 Tickets at the parish office or from a Knight. Please see posters for more information! Pellegrinaggi a porta santa a MIDLAND SHRINE dan gracias a todos por sus oraciones. give thanks to everyone for their prayers. Domenica, 26 Giugno; Giornata per Italiani Chiarmare Gerardo o Maria 416-244-3301 BLOOD DRIVE Canadian Blood Services “You have the Power to GIVE LIFE!” Monday, June 13 2:00pm to 7:00pm at St. Philip Neri Church Rules for Life Stop thinking too much, it’s alright not to know all the answers. At times, there is no answer. And that’s the answer. Accept it and move on! Fr. Paul Duplessie, OFM Cap., Pastor July 11-15, 2016! Registrations are at the weekend Masses. Please see Youth Minister Frank Capisciolto after Mass. Please pray for our parish youth. CONTEMPLATIVE WEEKEND BUS PILGRIMAGE Who is Venerable Solanus Casey, OFM Cap.? “Detroit’s miracle worker” had extraordinary love, trust, faith, and confidence in God and always told others “Thank God ahead of time!” I prayed when I die, I can consciously give my last breath to God. Next morning, he opened his eyes, stretched his arms and proclaimed, “I give my soul to Jesus Christ.” He willingly gave his last breath to God. Please join us for a contemplative weekend pilgrimage this August 19 – 21, $365/per person, register by June 25, Br. Alan 416-241-3101x245. SUMMER EUCHARISTIC ADORATION NO ADORATION ON CANADA DAY, JULY 1, 2016 Please remember to visit our Lord in the Most Holy Sacrament every Friday from 8:30am to 6:30pm. All parishioners are invited to these celebrations! FAREWELL RECEPTION Fr. John Juhl, OFM Cap. & Fr. Paul Duplessie, OFM Cap. are both leaving us this year. Their going away celebration is Friday, June 17, 2016 at 7:30pm in the Parish Basement Hall #1. Capuchin Friars celebrate the PROFESSION OF FINAL VOWS for Br. Michael Mascarenhas, OFM Cap. June 24 with Mass at 7:00pm and a reception in Hall #1 Annual Parish Picnic - Sunday, July 24 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. Ps 116: 15 † Let us pray for the souls of Antonio Bosco, Tim Sarnecki, Mae Hawkins, Wilbur Yee, William Grimes P. Guglielmo Corbo, OFM Cap. thanks everyone who helped plan, participated and celebrated with him for his 50th Anniversary of Ordination. St. Anthony Feast Day at Queen of Heaven Cemetery: Please join us for a special prayer service on Monday June 13 at 2:00pm at Queen of Heaven Cemetery. The service will take place in the St. Anthony Chapel of the Mausoleum. Please call: 905-851-5822 Last Week 2016 $9,672.00 2015 $8,966.00 Mass Intentions / Intenciones de la Misa Intenzione della Messe Monday, June 13-St. Anthony of Padua, OFM 7:15 am † Defunti di Famiglia Scolieri 8:00 am † Rosalina Ortacio Tuesday, June 14 7:15 am † Maria Salome Silva 8:00 am Ana Paulo & A. Torres’ Ints. Wednesday, June 15 7:15 am † Giuseppe, Defunti Augurusa 8:00 am † Souls in Purgatory Thursday, June 16 7:15 am † G., A., & G. Costa 8:00 am † A. Rotondi, L. & S. Siconolfi Friday, June 17 7:15 am † Vito Girardi 8:00 am † Danny Stone Saturday, June 18 8:00 am † Secondo Magro 8:30 am † S., L. & C. Filicetti Il nostro picnic annuale di SPN El Picnic Anual Parroquial es el avrà luogo domenica, 24 luglio, domingo 24 de julio en el Parque G. a G. Ross Lord Park, Area 2. Ross Lord, Area 2. La entrada es L’entrata al parco è libera, gratis, por favor traiga comida y portate il vostro cibo e la bebidas. El parque esta localizado bevanda. Il parco si trova su en la calle Dufferin al norte de Dufferin St. A nord di Finch Finch Ave. W. La entrada esta al Ave W. L’entrata si trova di cruzar del mercado Coppa’s Fresh fronte ad Coppa’s Fresh Market. Market. Annual Parish Picnic is at G. Ross Lord Park, Area 2. There is no entrance fee, bring food, drinks & Coppa games to play. The park is located 5:00 pm 9:00am-9:00pm † D. Di Carlo & A. Ciotti Dufferin St. & Finch Ave. W. 6:30 pm Misa en Español opposite Coppa’s Fresh Market. Sunday, June 19 Finch Ave. W. Dufferin St. Rev. Sr. Ignacio y Sra. Ana Mateo TOTUS TUUS Summer Day Camp Mark your calendars for the annual Knights of Columbus MINI CARNIVAL, Saturday, July 2, 2016 Come celebrate together with friends & family as a whole parish! Delicious food, drinks & fun! 8:00 am 9:15 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm 1:30 pm 8:00 pm † Manuela Dalla Nora In thanks for O. & R. Lopez † Giancamillo Mucci † Enrico Drigo & V. Sovran Misa en Español For all parishioners 3171 LENWORTH DR. #12 MISSISSAUGA, ON L4X 2G6 (905) 624-4422 Are You Tired of Crooked Teeth But Can't Afford Braces? Met. Lic. - P17408 RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL St. Philip Neri Church Nick Vescio DELMORO Managing Director Anthony FUNERAL HOME (NORTH YORK) or some, according to Dr. Isakow, General Dentist, P L U M B I N G L T D . Paniccia straightening their teeth with braces is outside their budget. 28 Seabrook Avenue Bus 416-245-9076 www.delmorofuneralhome.com "Some people are embarrassed by their crooked teeth but couldn't afford the high up front cost of braces," says Dr. Isakow. BRIONI SUPERMARKET 61 Beverly Hills Dr. "That's why I'm offering affordable payment terms with low Fresh Veg & Fruits 416-249-4499 down payments to fit anyone's budget." Dr. Isakow currently Groceries & Meat ® Honoured Provider Dignity Memorials offers braces as low as $99/month, $499 down, 0% interest. Hot Food Available www.dignitymemorial.com F Call his office today at 416-907-8458 Ext. 203 Mortgages • Home purchase • Refinance • Second mortgages Good or bad credit Get approved call now! WARD FUNERAL HOMES 1OO YEARS 2100 Jane Street Toronto, On M3M 1A1 Telephone 416-241 3101 Fax 416-241 2588 Website: www.stphilipneri.ca E-mail: [email protected] Capuchin Franciscan OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 8:00pm & Saturday: 9:00am - 12:00pm, Sundays & Holidays: CLOSED 169 Gary Dr. 416 248-8200 Broker License: 10680 Mortgage agent Jesus Del Rio 416-262-7139 www.jmortgage.ca Lic. M10001267 ACADEMY THE WET BASEMENT SPECIALISTS THE ULTIMATE CUT PASTORAL TEAM Fr. Paul Duplessie, OFM Cap., Pastor Ext. 238 Francisco Naar, Administrator Fr. Flavian Gondos, OFM Cap. Italiano Ext. 234 Lou Estok, Secretary Fr. John Juhl, OFM Cap., Español Ext. 240 Jessica Jorgge, Data Entry Deacon Luigi Bertolone, Italiano, English Ext. 227 Sacramental Prep Deacon Damien McGowan, English Ext. 257 Communion, Confirmation, RCIA Deacon Agustin Meneses, Español, English Ext. 293 Frank Capisciolto,Youth Ministry UNISEX Waterproofing, Foundation Repairs, Full Hair Services / Aesthetics Concrete & Interlocking Disposal Bin Service 1627 Wilson Ave. (416) 235-1923 416-749-2273BASETECH.ca THE PERFECT AUTO COLLISON LTD. (behind Burger King) SPOT TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS! QUALITY SERVICE SINCE 1964 INSURANCE APPROVED FREE SERVICE VEHICLES WESTON 2035 Weston Rd 416-241-4618 DOWNDRAFT BAKED REFINISHES 2207 Jane Street 10% off with this ad Sales & Service to all Makes & Models 710 Wilson Ave. 416.635.9161 Mister (1 STOP LIGHT NORTH OF WILSON) wardfuneralhome.com Bus (416) 247-7821 Evg (416) 241-8150 UDI PER PROBLEMI D'UDITO Chiamate Domenico Cosentino Woodbridge (905) 264-9975 transmission® 8333 Weston Rd., Ste. 105 Transmission and technology experts Toronto (416) 924-5033 1677 Jane St. 416.249.1300 www.mistertransmission.com 622 College St., Ste. 204 Carlo's TO ADVERTISE IN THIS SPACE PLEASE CALL 905-624-4422 MARK BONACCI Specializing in Porchetta ofrills Saturdays 4:00 - 4:45pm "A name you can trust" 245 Eddystone Ave. 2960 Dufferin St. 416-789-7661 Domenic Ferro 855 Albion Rd. 416-747-7231 Gabriele Venditti Dentistry PC General & Cosmetic Dentistry 368 Wilson Ave. 416.631.0223 1591 Wilson Ave. (at Jane) EUCHARISTIC ADORATION : Every Friday 8:30a-6:30p in Our Lady of Angels Chapel, First Friday in main church. Come spend an hour adoring Jesus. BAPTISM: LINO TAM & JOE GIAMBATTISTA Funeral Directors Proprietors 3725 Keele St. (905) 850-9500 Engaged couples must contact a priest one year in advance. Marriage course will be taken. COMMUNION FOR THE SICK: Please call the parish office & we can visit the sick at home or in hospital. REGISTRATION: Every family should be registered with the parish & use envelopes each Sunday. Parishioners, please inform the parish office of any changes of telephone or address. Barristers and Solicitors Real Estate • Wills & Estates Corporate • Civil Litigation Remember... Complete Auto Repair Shop MARRIAGE: Dir: 416-833-9004 Bus: 905-707-6630 & DeMarco Funeral Visitation Centre 8003 Weston Rd. Woodbridge Dealing Representative Battiston Associates 416-636-7027 Let our advertisers know you saw their ad here. "We welcome all Church events & Celebrations." Tune-ups•Fuel Injection Repairs•AC Electrical Systems•Brakes•Mufflers•Tires 10% off with coupon All Mechanical Repairs Valid on Sunday only www.catholic-cemeteries.com All Makes and Models Dine In & Take out only Holy Cross Cemetery & Funeral Home 905-889-7467 Operator/Owner: Sam Ho 9 Connie St. 416-235-0941 Queen of Heaven Cemetery 905-851-5822 1077 Wilson Ave. 416-636-0562 Vince Amato-Owner/Operator Our Funeral Home is Now Open at Holy Cross Cemetery HORARIO DE MISAS Sábado Vigila: 6:30pm Domingo:1:30pm Miércoles 7:00pm CONFESIONES: 1/2 hora antes de las misas Dominicales www.battistonlaw.com 1013 Wilson Ave. Ste. 202 Ext. 235 416-393-5396 ORARIO DELLE MESSE Domenica: 8:00am & 10:30am Lunedì - Venerdì 7:15am Sabato 8:30am CONFESSIONI: Venerdì 4:00pm - 5:00pm ADORACION EUCARISTICA: Cada Viernes 8:30a-6:30p en la capilla de Ntra. Sra. de los Ángeles, Primer Viernes en la iglesia. Venga adorar a Jesús por una hora. BAUTISMO: Llame la oficina de la parroquia para hacer cita Please call the parish office for an initial con el Diacono. Padres traigan sus certificados appointment with a Deacon. Parents bring your de: Bautizo, Confirmación y Matrimonio certificates: of Baptism, Confirmation & Sacramental. Padrinos traigan sus Certificados Sacramental Marriage. Godparents need: de: Confirmación y Matrimonio Sacramental. Confirmation & Sacramental Marriage Todos tomarán clases de Bautizo. certificates. All will take Baptism classes. Nora Canales Shopping Locally Saves Gas DEMARCO FUNERAL HOME LTD. FUNERAL HOME CONFESSIONS Dr. Roslyn Sim-Sabilano lower food prices™ DeMarco Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm Sunday: 9:15am, 12noon, 8:00pm Monday –Saturday 8am B ernardo Funeral Home For All Occasions 416-743-5601 MASS SCHEDULE MATRIMONIO: ADORAZIONE EUCARISTICA: Tutti i Venerdí dalle 8:30a-6:30p nella cappella della Madonna Degli Angeli; e 1˚ Venerdí nella chiesa. Venite a stare un’ora con Gesù. BATTESIMO: Si prega di contattare la segreteria della parrocchia per fissare il primo appuntamento con il Diacono. Si prega inoltre di fornire i seguenti certificati: Genitori: battesimo, cresima e matrimonio religioso; Padrini: cresima e matrimonio religioso. Tutti gli interessati sono tenuti a seguire le lezioni di catechesi. MATRIMONIO: Parejas planeando casarse deben contactar al sacerdote con un año de anticipación. Tomaran el curso matrimonial. Damos el curso aquí en la Primavera y en el Otoño. Le coppie che desiderano celebrare il loro matrimonio in chiesa sono pregate di mettersi in contatto con il sacerdote un anno prima. COMUNION DE LOS ENFERMOS: Vi chiediamo di contattare la parrocchia per richiedere la visita del sacerdote a casa o all’ospedale. Llame a la oficina de la parroquia y lo podemos visitar en la casa o en el hospital. REGISTRO: Regístrese y utiliza los sobres para la colecta dominical. Por favor de informar la oficina de cambio de dirección o numero de teléfono. COMUNIONE DEL MALATI: REGISTRARSI: E’ importante che le famiglie residenti in parrocchia si iscrivano in ufficio, richiedendo le buste per l’offertorio domenicale. Vi chiediamo la cortesia di informare l’ufficio per qualsiasi cambiamento di indirizzo o numero telefonico. VOCATIONS: Our Father Francis was a joyful presence of hope & salvation to all-especially those most in need! In this same spirit of St. Francis of Assisi, would you, young men of courage, commitment and challenge, like to spread the Good News while being rooted in a Capuchin-Franciscan community? LIVE THE DREAM… MAKE A DIFFERENCE!! Vocations Director: Br. Stephen email: [email protected], http://www.capuchinscanada.com/newcapuchins/ 416-630-7151 Parla Italiano & Espaniol 143 - 3 Established 1975 WOODBRIDGE 4671 Highway #7 905-851-9100 St. Andre 36 Yvonne Ave. PARISH SCHOOLS 416-393-5410 St. Conrad 5 Exbury Rd. St. Raphael 3 Gade Dr. 416-393-5285 Ext. 224 Ext. 221 Ext. 243 Ext. 235 Secular Franciscans are lay men & women over 18 who seek to pattern their lives after Christ in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi. Are you called to joyfully live the Gospel in your daily life in the spirit of Sts. Francis & Clare of Assisi? Come, see, experience Fraternity with St. Felix of Cantalice as a lay person every 4th Sunday of the month at the 12:00n Mass followed by Fraternal meeting until 3:30p. Please email: [email protected] for more information. 143 - 3 Liturgical Publications
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