Liturgical Publications 3171 LENWORTH DR. #12 MISSISSAUGA, ON L4X 2G6 (905) 624-4422 St Augustine of Canterbury Church 80 Shoreham Drive, North York, ON M3N 1S9 Tel: 416-661-8221 Fax: 416-661-8231 Email: [email protected] website: Fr. José Signorelli, IVE - Pastor Fr. Pedro Torres, IVE - Associate Pastor PARISH STAFF Fatima De Sousa - Secretary Stephanie Meza - Secretary Alicia Castillo - Facilities Coordinator Sisters Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara Mother Maria del Sol - Local Superior Convent: 16 Artech Court 647-515-2807 For advertising space please call 905-624-4422 English Italian English Italian English Spanish Weekday Masses: Monday - Saturday: 8:00am Italian Evenings: Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Italian English Spanish English BAPTISM Parents should contact the parish office for Baptism package information. Baptisms are every last Saturday of the month, except in December. RCIA (Adult Catechism classes) 7:30pm Sacrament of Penance (Confessions) - At all times when Priest available. Please call Parish Office prior to coming to ensure that the Priest is available. Perpetual Adoration Monday—Sunday 7am to 8:30pm 24 hours—1st Friday of the month. Prayer Groups English: Wednesday after 7:30pm mass Español: Viernes a las 7:30pm Italian: Tutti I giorni dale 7am alle 8am Mother Theresa of Calcutta "Militia Caritatis" Wednesdays 6:00pm to 8:00pm Altar Server Thursday — 3:30pm-6:00pm Office Hours Monday to Friday 10am to 1pm — 2:00pm to 5:00pm 232 - 3 Engaged couples should contact the parish office 1 year in advance of the anticipated wedding date to consult with the Pastor. In case of emergency only Page us at: 416-337-2425 Sundays at 10:30am-11:30am—Contact Parish Office for information. CATECHISM CLASSES (from October 2015 - May 2016) Pre-communion: Saturdays 1:30pm-6:00pm (Mass at 5:00pm) 1st Reconciliation and 1st Communion: Saturdays 1:30pm-6:00pm (Mass at 5:00pm) Confirmation: Sundays 10:00am-1:00pm (Mass Sunday at 12:00noon) ANOINTING OF THE SICK If you have a family member or know someone who is seriously ill or in danger of death please contact the Parish Office to request the Sacrament of the Sick. PROGRAMS After School Program Oratory Program Wednesdays & Fridays 3:30pm-6:00pm Contact: Sr. Inmaculada Saturdays: 1:30pm-6pm Contact: Sr. Doule Seniors Program "Golden Age" Tuesdays: 2pm - 5pm Contact: Sr. Regina Youth Programs Youth group: Fridays 7-9:00pm Girls Group: (St. Kateri Tekakwitha) Tuesdays 3:30pm-6:00pm September 20th, 2015 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Today’s Gospel : Mark 9.30-37 “The Son of Man is to be betrayed into the hands of men, and they will kill him, and three days after being killed, he will rise again.” “Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant to all.” 232 - 3 Welcome to St Augustine of Canterbury Church MATRIMONY Weekend Masses: Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 8:00am 9:15am 10:30am 12:00am 1:30pm MASS INTENTIONS 232 - 1 Saturday – September 19th Friday – September 25th 5:00 pm: + Bruno Bottos 8:00 am: + Paolo Cugliari 7:30 pm: All Consecrated Sunday – September 20th 9:30 am: + Eleonora Amendola, Saturday – September 26th + Nicola, Lucia, Francesco & Franca 8:00 am: +Assunta Martintoni DeGiorgio, +Domenico Antonio 5:00 pm: + Filomena Bettini Scida Sunday – September 27th 11:00 am: + Ugo, Rosina, Gerardo, 9:30 am: + Assuntino & Carmela Maria Assunta & Carmine Pennino, Romano, +Domenico Antonio All Souls, In thanksgiving for a Scida, En onore San Michele de grace received from St. Joseph and Arcangelo, Our Lady of Lujan, 11:00 am: + Ugo, Rosina, Gerardo, 12:30 pm: + Maria Assunta & Carmine Pennino, All Souls Monday – September 21st 8:00 am: + Joe & Anna D’Urzo 12:30 pm: + Angel Hurtado, Leo Alejandro Sandoval, Reynaldo Tuesday– September 22nd Trujillo Sarria (5yrs), +Rubidia Silva 8:00 am: + Alesandro Bresolin de Drellana (1yr), + Leonor Mata de 7:30 pm: + Anna LoDuca Wednesday– September 23rd Rosales (3yrs), 8:00 am: + 7:30 pm: + Anna LoDuca Thursday– September 24th 8:00 am: + 7:30 pm: + Pedro Arias Basantes PROGRAMI ED EVENTI Tutti i programmi e Catechismo inizieranno nel fine settimana del sabato 3 ottobre. I T A L I A N O E N G L I S H PROGRAMMI PER BAMBINI E GIOVANI Bambini e Giovani dell'Oratorio: Ogni Sabato 1:30 pm - 6:00 pm Gruppo Per Le Ragazze : Ogni martedì, a partire da 6 ottobre 3:30 pm - 6:00 pm Programma Dopo Scuola: Ogni mercoledì e venerdì, a partire da 7 ottobre (3:30 pm - 6:00 pm Chierichetti: Ogni giovedi, a partire da 8 ottobre 3:30 pm - 6:00 pm Gruppo Per I Giovani: Ogni venerdì 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Gruppo Terza Età: Ogni martedì, a partire da 6 Ottobre 2:00 pm - 4.30pm. Altri Annunci BAZAR-Sabato 26 settembre e domenica 27 settembre. Si prega di non portare gli REMINDER ABOUT PROGRAMS & EVENTS All programs & Catechism will start on the weekend of Saturday, October 3rd. REGISTRATION FOR: RCIA—registrations are now open, please come to the parish office to complete the registrations forms. First Holy Communion - Registrations on Saturday, September 19th and 26th, at the Family Centre starting at 6:30 pm Confirmation - Registrations on Saturday, September 19th and 26th at the Family Centre starting at 7:30 pm CATECHISM CLASSES will begin on Saturday, October 3rd as follows, please note classes for Confirmation will now be on Sundays: First Holy Communion on Saturdays from 1:30 pm to 6:00 pm Confirmation on Sundays from 9:45 am to 1:00 pm PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH Children and Youth Oratory—Every Saturday from 1:30 pm to 6:00 pm Girls Group: Every Tuesday, starting October 6th: 3:30 to 6:00 pm After School Program: Every Wednesday & Friday, starting October 7th: 3:30 to 6:00 pm Parish Income and Expenses For the month of August Income: $ 25,106.00 Expenses: $ 22,870.00 Archdiocesan Loan as at December 31, 2014 : $ 1,096,081.21 Thank you for your generosity and support! Last Sunday Collection: $ 2,795.40 Thank you for your generosity and support! Remember St. Augustine of Canterbury Parish in your will. Please consider signing up for one hour in prayer with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— DAILY ROSARY & EVENING PRAYER ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Followed by Eucharistic Benediction Tuesday—Friday 6:30 pm.- Saturday 6:00 pm -Sunday 7:00 pm Dall'Eucaristia viene la forza per vivere la vita cristiana e lo zelo di condividere la vita con gli altri. "- Papa Giovanni Paolo II “ From the Eucharist comes strength to live the Christian life and zeal to share that life with others.” - Pope John Paul II De la Eucaristía viene la fuerza para vivir la vida y el celo para compartir esa vida con otros cristianos "-. Papa Juan Pablo II Altar Servers: Every Thursday, starting October 8th: 3:30—6:00 pm Youth Groups: Every Friday from 7:00pm to 9:00 pm Golden Age Program—Every Tuesday, starting October 6th: 2:00 to 4:30 pm. E S P A Ñ O L PROGRAMAS Y EVENTOS DE LA PARROQUIA Todos los programas y el catecismo comenzarán el fin de semana del 3 de octubre. INSCRIPCIONES PARA: RCIA: abiertas desde ahora. Por favor acérquese a la oficina para completar su información. Primera Comunión: sábados 19 y 26 de septiembre en el Centro Familiar a las 6:30 pm Confirmación: sábados 19 y 26 de septiembre en el Centro Familiar a las 7:30 pm Las clases de catecismo empezarán el sábado 3 de octubre. Atención: las clases de confirmación serán los domingos: Primera comunión: sábados de 1:30 pm a 6 pm Confirmación: domingos de 9:45 am a 1 pm. PROGRAMAS PARA NINOS Y JOVENES: Oratorio: todos los sábados desde el 3 de octubre de 1:30 a 6:00 pm Grupo de niñas: todos los martes desde el 6 de octubre, de 3:30 a 6:00 pm. Programa de apoyo escolar: todos los miércoles y Viernes desde el 7 de octubre de 3:30 a 6:00 pm Monaguillos: todos los jueves desde el 8 de octubre de 3:30 a 6:00 pm. Programa de la Tercera Edad: martes desde el 6 de octubre, de 2:00 a 4:30 pm. REUNION DE PADRES DE MONAGUILLOS: Sábado 3 de octubre a las 6 pm. abiti. 2016 MESSALI DOMENICALI IN INGLESE -Come stiamo cercando di risparmiare qualche soldo, non abbiamo più i messali domenicali in inglese sui banchi. Se siete interessati ad acquistare uno, avremo un po 'in libreria per $ 6.00, apprezziamo se poteste fatecelo sapere prima del tempo se siete interessati ad acquistare uno. IL BOLLETTINO: Non faremo più le copie del bollettino nel nostro ufficio. Questo sarà stampato da Liturgiche Pubblicazioni. Se si desidera pubblicare qualcosa o conosce qualcuno che vuole pubblicare qualcosa nel nostro bollettino potete contattare Greg Barkle- 905-624-4422 ext 161. INTENZIONI PER LA MESSA: Siccome il bollettino non sarà più stampato nel nostro ufficio, se volete ordinare intenzioni per la messa, la scadenza sarà ogni martedì. SECONDA RACCOLTA PROSSIMO WEEKEND settembre 26 e 27 PER LE CHIESE CANADESI: Preghiamo per il lavoro dei Vescovi e di partecipare e collaborare con i vari progetti del CCCB. ALTAR BOYS PARENTS MEETING—Saturday, October 3rd at 6:00pm LIFE CHAIN—Please join at the corner of Jane & Finch on Sunday, October 4th from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm BAZAAR—Saturday, September 26th and Sunday September 27th. Please do not bring any clothing. 2016 SUNDAY MISSALS—As we are trying to save some money, we will no longer have the Sunday Missals on the pews, however if you are interested in purchasing one we will have some at the bookstore for $ 6.00, we appreciate it if you could let us know ahead of time whether you are interested in purchasing one. PRINTING OF BULLETIN: Effective immediately we will no longer print the bulletin in our office, this will now be done by Liturgical Publications. If you want to advertise or know of someone who would like to advertise in our bulletin you can contact Greg Barkley—905-624-4422 ext 161. MASS INTENTIONS ORDERING DEADLINE: Since the bulletin will no longer be printed in our office if you want to order Mass intentions the deadline will be Tuesdays. SECOND COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND SEPT 26TH & 27TH —NEEDS OF THE CANADIAN CHURCH :Each year the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops is asked to speak out, give leadership, or provide guidelines for the faithful on a wide variety of topics. In addition to contributions, we are also asked to pray for the work of the Bishops and to participate in and cooperate with the various projects of the CCCB. LIFE CHAIN: domingo 4 de octubre se rezara el Rosario por la vida en la esquina de Jane & Finch. BAZAR: sábado 26 y domingo 27 de octubre. Por favor no traiga ropa. MISALES 2016: debido a que estamos tratando de ahorrar, no tendremos mas los misales a disposición en los bancos de la Iglesia gratuitamente. Quien este interesado en comprarse uno de uso personal puede pedirlo con tiempo en la oficina para poder ordenarlo y comprarlo. El precio es $ 6.00 BOLETIN PARROQUIAL: No imprimiremos mas el boletín en nuestra parroquia, lo hará por nosotros una editorial litúrgica. Si quiere hacer publicidad o conoce a alguien que quiere hacerlo pueden contactar a Greg Barkley—905-624-4422 ext 161. INTENCIONES DE MISAS: debido a que el boletín no se imprimirá mas en la oficina, si usted quiere pedir una Misa, el ultima día para hacerlo será el MARTES. SEGUNDA COLECTA PROXIMO FIN DE SEMANA: 26 y 27 de septiembre, por las necesidades de la Iglesia Canadiense. Fiesta Señor de los Milagros Novena: 25 de septiembre. Lunes a viernes a las 8 pm. Sábado 6:00 pm. Domingo 3:30 pm. Misa Solemne y Procesión: Domingo 4 de octubre a la 1:30 pm. MASS INTENTIONS 232 - 1 Saturday – September 19th Friday – September 25th 5:00 pm: + Bruno Bottos 8:00 am: + Paolo Cugliari 7:30 pm: All Consecrated Sunday – September 20th 9:30 am: + Eleonora Amendola, Saturday – September 26th + Nicola, Lucia, Francesco & Franca 8:00 am: +Assunta Martintoni DeGiorgio, +Domenico Antonio 5:00 pm: + Filomena Bettini Scida Sunday – September 27th 11:00 am: + Ugo, Rosina, Gerardo, 9:30 am: + Assuntino & Carmela Maria Assunta & Carmine Pennino, Romano, +Domenico Antonio All Souls, In thanksgiving for a Scida, En onore San Michele de grace received from St. Joseph and Arcangelo, Our Lady of Lujan, 11:00 am: + Ugo, Rosina, Gerardo, 12:30 pm: + Maria Assunta & Carmine Pennino, All Souls Monday – September 21st 8:00 am: + Joe & Anna D’Urzo 12:30 pm: + Angel Hurtado, Leo Alejandro Sandoval, Reynaldo Tuesday– September 22nd Trujillo Sarria (5yrs), +Rubidia Silva 8:00 am: + Alesandro Bresolin de Drellana (1yr), + Leonor Mata de 7:30 pm: + Anna LoDuca Wednesday– September 23rd Rosales (3yrs), 8:00 am: + 7:30 pm: + Anna LoDuca Thursday– September 24th 8:00 am: + 7:30 pm: + Pedro Arias Basantes PROGRAMI ED EVENTI Tutti i programmi e Catechismo inizieranno nel fine settimana del sabato 3 ottobre. I T A L I A N O E N G L I S H PROGRAMMI PER BAMBINI E GIOVANI Bambini e Giovani dell'Oratorio: Ogni Sabato 1:30 pm - 6:00 pm Gruppo Per Le Ragazze : Ogni martedì, a partire da 6 ottobre 3:30 pm - 6:00 pm Programma Dopo Scuola: Ogni mercoledì e venerdì, a partire da 7 ottobre (3:30 pm - 6:00 pm Chierichetti: Ogni giovedi, a partire da 8 ottobre 3:30 pm - 6:00 pm Gruppo Per I Giovani: Ogni venerdì 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Gruppo Terza Età: Ogni martedì, a partire da 6 Ottobre 2:00 pm - 4.30pm. Altri Annunci BAZAR-Sabato 26 settembre e domenica 27 settembre. Si prega di non portare gli REMINDER ABOUT PROGRAMS & EVENTS All programs & Catechism will start on the weekend of Saturday, October 3rd. REGISTRATION FOR: RCIA—registrations are now open, please come to the parish office to complete the registrations forms. First Holy Communion - Registrations on Saturday, September 19th and 26th, at the Family Centre starting at 6:30 pm Confirmation - Registrations on Saturday, September 19th and 26th at the Family Centre starting at 7:30 pm CATECHISM CLASSES will begin on Saturday, October 3rd as follows, please note classes for Confirmation will now be on Sundays: First Holy Communion on Saturdays from 1:30 pm to 6:00 pm Confirmation on Sundays from 9:45 am to 1:00 pm PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH Children and Youth Oratory—Every Saturday from 1:30 pm to 6:00 pm Girls Group: Every Tuesday, starting October 6th: 3:30 to 6:00 pm After School Program: Every Wednesday & Friday, starting October 7th: 3:30 to 6:00 pm Parish Income and Expenses For the month of August Income: $ 25,106.00 Expenses: $ 22,870.00 Archdiocesan Loan as at December 31, 2014 : $ 1,096,081.21 Thank you for your generosity and support! Last Sunday Collection: $ 2,795.40 Thank you for your generosity and support! Remember St. Augustine of Canterbury Parish in your will. Please consider signing up for one hour in prayer with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— DAILY ROSARY & EVENING PRAYER ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Followed by Eucharistic Benediction Tuesday—Friday 6:30 pm.- Saturday 6:00 pm -Sunday 7:00 pm Dall'Eucaristia viene la forza per vivere la vita cristiana e lo zelo di condividere la vita con gli altri. "- Papa Giovanni Paolo II “ From the Eucharist comes strength to live the Christian life and zeal to share that life with others.” - Pope John Paul II De la Eucaristía viene la fuerza para vivir la vida y el celo para compartir esa vida con otros cristianos "-. Papa Juan Pablo II Altar Servers: Every Thursday, starting October 8th: 3:30—6:00 pm Youth Groups: Every Friday from 7:00pm to 9:00 pm Golden Age Program—Every Tuesday, starting October 6th: 2:00 to 4:30 pm. E S P A Ñ O L PROGRAMAS Y EVENTOS DE LA PARROQUIA Todos los programas y el catecismo comenzarán el fin de semana del 3 de octubre. INSCRIPCIONES PARA: RCIA: abiertas desde ahora. Por favor acérquese a la oficina para completar su información. Primera Comunión: sábados 19 y 26 de septiembre en el Centro Familiar a las 6:30 pm Confirmación: sábados 19 y 26 de septiembre en el Centro Familiar a las 7:30 pm Las clases de catecismo empezarán el sábado 3 de octubre. Atención: las clases de confirmación serán los domingos: Primera comunión: sábados de 1:30 pm a 6 pm Confirmación: domingos de 9:45 am a 1 pm. PROGRAMAS PARA NINOS Y JOVENES: Oratorio: todos los sábados desde el 3 de octubre de 1:30 a 6:00 pm Grupo de niñas: todos los martes desde el 6 de octubre, de 3:30 a 6:00 pm. Programa de apoyo escolar: todos los miércoles y Viernes desde el 7 de octubre de 3:30 a 6:00 pm Monaguillos: todos los jueves desde el 8 de octubre de 3:30 a 6:00 pm. Programa de la Tercera Edad: martes desde el 6 de octubre, de 2:00 a 4:30 pm. REUNION DE PADRES DE MONAGUILLOS: Sábado 3 de octubre a las 6 pm. abiti. 2016 MESSALI DOMENICALI IN INGLESE -Come stiamo cercando di risparmiare qualche soldo, non abbiamo più i messali domenicali in inglese sui banchi. Se siete interessati ad acquistare uno, avremo un po 'in libreria per $ 6.00, apprezziamo se poteste fatecelo sapere prima del tempo se siete interessati ad acquistare uno. IL BOLLETTINO: Non faremo più le copie del bollettino nel nostro ufficio. Questo sarà stampato da Liturgiche Pubblicazioni. Se si desidera pubblicare qualcosa o conosce qualcuno che vuole pubblicare qualcosa nel nostro bollettino potete contattare Greg Barkle- 905-624-4422 ext 161. INTENZIONI PER LA MESSA: Siccome il bollettino non sarà più stampato nel nostro ufficio, se volete ordinare intenzioni per la messa, la scadenza sarà ogni martedì. SECONDA RACCOLTA PROSSIMO WEEKEND settembre 26 e 27 PER LE CHIESE CANADESI: Preghiamo per il lavoro dei Vescovi e di partecipare e collaborare con i vari progetti del CCCB. ALTAR BOYS PARENTS MEETING—Saturday, October 3rd at 6:00pm LIFE CHAIN—Please join at the corner of Jane & Finch on Sunday, October 4th from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm BAZAAR—Saturday, September 26th and Sunday September 27th. Please do not bring any clothing. 2016 SUNDAY MISSALS—As we are trying to save some money, we will no longer have the Sunday Missals on the pews, however if you are interested in purchasing one we will have some at the bookstore for $ 6.00, we appreciate it if you could let us know ahead of time whether you are interested in purchasing one. PRINTING OF BULLETIN: Effective immediately we will no longer print the bulletin in our office, this will now be done by Liturgical Publications. If you want to advertise or know of someone who would like to advertise in our bulletin you can contact Greg Barkley—905-624-4422 ext 161. MASS INTENTIONS ORDERING DEADLINE: Since the bulletin will no longer be printed in our office if you want to order Mass intentions the deadline will be Tuesdays. SECOND COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND SEPT 26TH & 27TH —NEEDS OF THE CANADIAN CHURCH :Each year the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops is asked to speak out, give leadership, or provide guidelines for the faithful on a wide variety of topics. In addition to contributions, we are also asked to pray for the work of the Bishops and to participate in and cooperate with the various projects of the CCCB. LIFE CHAIN: domingo 4 de octubre se rezara el Rosario por la vida en la esquina de Jane & Finch. BAZAR: sábado 26 y domingo 27 de octubre. Por favor no traiga ropa. MISALES 2016: debido a que estamos tratando de ahorrar, no tendremos mas los misales a disposición en los bancos de la Iglesia gratuitamente. Quien este interesado en comprarse uno de uso personal puede pedirlo con tiempo en la oficina para poder ordenarlo y comprarlo. El precio es $ 6.00 BOLETIN PARROQUIAL: No imprimiremos mas el boletín en nuestra parroquia, lo hará por nosotros una editorial litúrgica. Si quiere hacer publicidad o conoce a alguien que quiere hacerlo pueden contactar a Greg Barkley—905-624-4422 ext 161. INTENCIONES DE MISAS: debido a que el boletín no se imprimirá mas en la oficina, si usted quiere pedir una Misa, el ultima día para hacerlo será el MARTES. SEGUNDA COLECTA PROXIMO FIN DE SEMANA: 26 y 27 de septiembre, por las necesidades de la Iglesia Canadiense. Fiesta Señor de los Milagros Novena: 25 de septiembre. Lunes a viernes a las 8 pm. Sábado 6:00 pm. Domingo 3:30 pm. Misa Solemne y Procesión: Domingo 4 de octubre a la 1:30 pm. Liturgical Publications 3171 LENWORTH DR. #12 MISSISSAUGA, ON L4X 2G6 (905) 624-4422 St Augustine of Canterbury Church 80 Shoreham Drive, North York, ON M3N 1S9 Tel: 416-661-8221 Fax: 416-661-8231 Email: [email protected] website: Fr. José Signorelli, IVE - Pastor Fr. Pedro Torres, IVE - Associate Pastor PARISH STAFF Fatima De Sousa - Secretary Stephanie Meza - Secretary Alicia Castillo - Facilities Coordinator Sisters Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara Mother Maria del Sol - Local Superior Convent: 16 Artech Court 647-515-2807 For advertising space please call 905-624-4422 English Italian English Italian English Spanish Weekday Masses: Monday - Saturday: 8:00am Italian Evenings: Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Italian English Spanish English BAPTISM Parents should contact the parish office for Baptism package information. Baptisms are every last Saturday of the month, except in December. RCIA (Adult Catechism classes) 7:30pm Sacrament of Penance (Confessions) - At all times when Priest available. Please call Parish Office prior to coming to ensure that the Priest is available. Perpetual Adoration Monday—Sunday 7am to 8:30pm 24 hours—1st Friday of the month. Prayer Groups English: Wednesday after 7:30pm mass Español: Viernes a las 7:30pm Italian: Tutti I giorni dale 7am alle 8am Mother Theresa of Calcutta "Militia Caritatis" Wednesdays 6:00pm to 8:00pm Altar Server Thursday — 3:30pm-6:00pm Office Hours Monday to Friday 10am to 1pm — 2:00pm to 5:00pm 232 - 3 Engaged couples should contact the parish office 1 year in advance of the anticipated wedding date to consult with the Pastor. In case of emergency only Page us at: 416-337-2425 Sundays at 10:30am-11:30am—Contact Parish Office for information. CATECHISM CLASSES (from October 2015 - May 2016) Pre-communion: Saturdays 1:30pm-6:00pm (Mass at 5:00pm) 1st Reconciliation and 1st Communion: Saturdays 1:30pm-6:00pm (Mass at 5:00pm) Confirmation: Sundays 10:00am-1:00pm (Mass Sunday at 12:00noon) ANOINTING OF THE SICK If you have a family member or know someone who is seriously ill or in danger of death please contact the Parish Office to request the Sacrament of the Sick. PROGRAMS After School Program Oratory Program Wednesdays & Fridays 3:30pm-6:00pm Contact: Sr. Inmaculada Saturdays: 1:30pm-6pm Contact: Sr. Doule Seniors Program "Golden Age" Tuesdays: 2pm - 5pm Contact: Sr. Regina Youth Programs Youth group: Fridays 7-9:00pm Girls Group: (St. Kateri Tekakwitha) Tuesdays 3:30pm-6:00pm September 20th, 2015 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Today’s Gospel : Mark 9.30-37 “The Son of Man is to be betrayed into the hands of men, and they will kill him, and three days after being killed, he will rise again.” “Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant to all.” 232 - 3 Welcome to St Augustine of Canterbury Church MATRIMONY Weekend Masses: Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 8:00am 9:15am 10:30am 12:00am 1:30pm
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