Saint Lawrence Catholic Church 319 Grayson Highway Lawrenceville, GA 30046 Phone: (770) 963-8992 Fax: (770) 963-1710 FATHER JOHN T. HOWREN PASTOR FATHER REY PINEDA PAROCHIAL VICAR Parish Center 770.963.8992 Deacon Terry Millinger | Facilities Mgr. Deacon Bob Riddett Deacon Jose Ortiz Sr. Louise Sommer, CSJ | Outreach Alma Martínez | Parish Secretary Janet Volion | Bookkeeper & HR Mgr. Richard Clawson | Liturgy & Music Director Kathi McKenna | Liturgy & Music Associate Gloria Kennerty | Safe Environment Amy Titshaw | Custodian Barbara Baez | Nursery Faith Formation 770.962.2765 Diane Maguire | Director Rita Schieber | Initiation Coordinator Beth Hodgson | PSR Coordinator Vickie LaClair | Secretary Communications & Youth Ministry 770.963.1251 Kelly Schreckenberger | Director Preschool 770.962.1676 Wendy Guillory | Director Ministerio Hispano 678.240.3066 Cristina Corbin | Coordinadora Counseling Services Sylvia Elaine Smith, MS, LPC, NCC 404.444.8956 En español: Dunia Lobo, MA, LPC 678.787.9543 ST. LAWRENCE CHURCH Sacraments SATURDAY VIGIL EUCHARIST 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. (Spanish). SUNDAY EUCHARIST 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 noon, 3:00 p.m. (Spanish), and 5:00 p.m. (Youth). A nursery is available during all Masses. WEEKDAY EUCHARIST Monday-Saturday at 9:00 a.m. and Friday at 7:00 p.m. (Spanish; September-May) EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Every Friday 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. CONFESSIONS Saturdays at 3:30 p.m. SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION Christian Initiation of Adults follows the restored rites of the ancient Catechumenate. THE MOST HOLY TRINITY PAGE 1 From the Pastor’s Hand Happy Feast to you on this Great Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity! Now that we have left the Great 50 Days of Easter, we have entered Ordered Time – and so it’s “back to green”! Except, that is, for this Sunday as we celebrate today’s great Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity (and next Sunday too, when we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ aka Corpus Christi). In 1996 when I celebrated my First Mass of Thanksgiving, the day after my Ordination, it was Trinity Sunday; and so today’s Feast is a special one for me personally. As I think of it, that Mass was celebrated at the Cathedral of Christ the King, the same parish where, as I announced in last week’s bulletin letter, Fr. Rey will be going in July as their new Parochial Vicar. Since then you have surely been wondering who might be coming to be my new Parochial Vicar. Well, actually Archbishop Gregory is assigning two priests to assist me in sacramental ministry here at St. Lawrence. Fr. Fausto Marquez was ordained in 1997 in Mexico, where he is originally from. He has been ministering in the Archdiocese of Atlanta since around Christian Initiation of Children 2006, and was incardinated as a priest of the Archdiocese in 2012. Most reAge seven and older takes place in a comcently Fr. Fausto was the Parochial Vicar at St. Andrew in Roswell; prior to munity of young inquirers who that he was at Holy Cross in Atlanta. Fr. Fausto also serves on the Archdioceprepare for Baptism, Confirmation and san Priests’ Council as Vicar for Hispanic Clergy. Additionally, being a bit of a Eucharist during the Octave of Easter. polyglot, he is the Chaplain to the Burmese Catholic Community of Atlanta. THE BAPTISM OF INFANTS Is celebrated on the first Saturday of the Fr. Patrick Kingery, a native Atlantan and a 1982 graduate of St. Pius X High month (English) and last Saturday of the School, was ordained a Priest for the Archdiocese of Atlanta in 1993 and has month (Spanish), except during Lent. been serving as a Pastor for most of that time. Returning to Part-Time ministry after a Sabbatical last year, Fr. Patrick will be Chaplain to Gwinnett MediSACRAMENT OF ANOINTING cal Center and, although not living in the Rectory here, will be assisting me Saturdays during 9:00 a.m. Mass with a couple of Masses each week in both Spanish and English. and upon request. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Couples contemplating marriage should contact a deacon or priest at least six months before their desired wedding date. Who would have ever thought that it actually takes 2 pairs of feet to fill Fr. Rey’s tiny little shoes? All joking aside, Fr. Rey’s very large spiritual presence here will be missed by us all. No one can fill his shoes; but these new men will be coming with their own footwear, each bringing his own unique set of gifts and talents and ministerial experiences to bless us with. Join me in praying for all three, Fr. Rey, Fr. Fausto,and Fr. Patrick, in their time of transition. SACRAMENT OF HOLY ORDERS Those interested in ministry as a priest, deacon, sister or brother should contact a Yours in Christ Risen! parish priest. At the very heart of parish life: Christ Renews His Parish and Small Christian Communities Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) retreats are held twice a year for men and women. For more information, contact Deacon Terry Millinger at 770-963-8992 x308. Father John’s 20th Anniversary of his Ordination to the Priesthood is Wednesday, June 1 . All parishioners are invited to celebrate with a small parish reception on Sunday, June 5 in Cogswell Hall following the 10:00 a.m. Mass. Newly Ordained Priests; Carlos Cifuentes and Gerardo Ceballos will be celebrating their first Masses at St. Lawrence on June 25th and 26th. Mark your calendars and be sure to join us in congratulating them both! ST. LAWRENCE CHURCH MAY 22, 2016 PAGE 2 MAY 22 SUN: THE MOST HOLY TRINITY 8:00 a.m. Mass: Shawl Ministry 10:00 a.m. Mass: Jorge Leon 12:00 p.m. Mass: Rose Talbo 3:00 p.m. Mass: Maria Adali Martinez 5:00 p.m. Mass: Mary Elizabeth Riley Last Week’s Collections In-Pew Offertory May 15 .......................... $24,057.44 Electronic Giving May 15 ..........................$11,591.73 Total Offertory May 15....................... $35,649.17 Parish Debt Reduction May 15 ................. $7,199.98 The Second Collection next week is for our parish Debt Reduction Fund. Your gifts to this Fund—over and above your regular offerings for parish support—are helping us accelerate the retirement of our parish debt. Thank you for your good stewardship of St. Lawrence! Online Giving-While you are having a wonderful vacation and enjoying your friends and loved ones please don't forget St. Lawrence! Regretfully, each year our offertory goes down during the summer months. Consider setting up your online giving now at www.saintlaw.or /online givin Why do Retirement accounts make ood ifts to the parish? IRAs, 401Ks and other retirement accounts are taxable to heirs unless the heir is a charity. Taxes on these funds can be up to 60% or more. It is better to leave insurance policies to children because they go directly to the child at death with no taxes due. If you name the parish endowment as the beneficiary or one of the beneficiaries on your retirement account, you will not need to pay taxes on that portion of the distribution. For more information about retirement accounts as charitable gifts, please go to the Catholic Foundation website on planned giving: ale or contact Juliet Greco [email protected] 404.497.9440. Please Pray for Our Sick: Jessica Alfieri, Art Brand, Patrick Co, Frank Colon, Angela Donovan, Michael Fagan, Tom Gillis, Mary Lishok, Silvia Marzano, Tim McNamara, Dale Mesick, Magdaly Moyao, Junior Pavik, Terri Power, Steven Robinson, Gary Root, Leonard Sabbat, Gabriel Silva, Teddy Tolentino, along with their families and caregivers. MAY 23 MON: WEEKDAY 9:00 a.m. Mass: Natalie & Jors Wilkins MAY 24 TUE: WEEKDAY 9:00 a.m. Mass: John Winsor MAY 25 WED: ST. BEDE THE VENERABLE, PRIEST AND DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH; ST. GREGORY VII, POPE; ST. MARY MAGDALENE DE’PAZZI, VIRGIN 9:00 a.m Mass: Marvin Holstein MAY 26 THU: ST. PHILIP NERI , PRIEST 9:00 a.m. Mass: Rosella & Josephine Boenker MAY 27 FRI: ST. AUGUSTINE OF CANTERBURY 9:00 a.m. Mass: Joseph Hannas 9:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 7:00 p.m. Mass (Sp): NO MASS MAY 28 SAT: WEEKDAY 9:00 a.m. Mass: John Gormley 3:30 p.m. Confessions 5:00 p.m. Vigil Mass: All People of the Parish 7:00 p.m. Vigil Mass (Spanish): Nicole Garcia MAY 29 SUN: SOLEMNITY OF THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST 8:00 a.m. Mass: Jim Plunkett 10:00 a.m. Mass: Amanda Rhona Charles 12:00 p.m. Mass: Angela Hilda de la Rosa 3:00 p.m. Mass: Alberto Guarino 5:00 p.m. Mass: Doris Nogueira Sun, May 22 Mon, May 23 Tue, May 24 Wed, May 25 Th, May 26 We Welcome to the Household of Faith Andrea Colgate, Jet Inthasiripimol and Miguel Raya who were baptized recently. May the Lord hold them close to his heart always! Please Remember in Your Prayers Teresa Patino, of St. Lawrence who recently died. May she rest in peace. Fr, May 27 Sat, May 28 9:00 am Adult Bible Study 9:30 am RICA (sp) 5:00 pm High School Mass/Dinner 10:00 am DeSales Companions Study 7:30 pm Raised in Christ Prayer Group 9:30 am Woman to Woman 10:00 am Choir 7:00 pm Knight of Columbus Meeting 7:00 pm Haitian Support Meeting 7:00 pm CRHP Women 7:00 pm Adult Choir 10:00 am Adult Faith Formation 7:00 pm YAM 7:00 pm CRHP Alumni 7:00 pm YAM Coro (sp) 7:00 pm Cursillistas (sp) 7:00 pm Escuela de la Cruz (sp) 8:00 pm Grupo de Oracion 9:00 am Bapstism Class 11:30 am Preparacion de Baustismo (sp) 12:00 pm Baptism 2:00 pm Baptism 3:45 pm Divine Mercy DVD 4:45 pm Clases the Ingles (sp) 5:00 pm Apostoles de la Palabra (sp) 7:00 pm Alpha and Omega (sp) ST. LAWRENCE CHURCH THE MOST HOLY TRINITY Adult Faith Formation Young Adult Ministry Adult Faith Formation classes and programs are held in the Divine Mercy Room unless otherwise noted. Young Adult Studies “Catholicism” the DVD series by Bishop Baron will be shown on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. in the Divine Mercy Room. June 11: we will be hiking Stone Mountain and staying to enjoy the laser show afterwards. We plan to leave around 4:00 p.m. from church. RSVP to Kate at 770-714-1778 or [email protected]. Childcare during adult faith formation sessions will be made available when requested at least 3 days ahead of time. Divine Mercy Essentials (DVD) is an in-depth course on the theology and spirituality of devotion to the Divine Mercy led by Dr. Stackpole. This DVD will be shown on Saturdays from 3:45 to 4:45 p.m. Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLW) Starting Sunday, June 5 at the 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Masses only, we will be offering children ages 5 to 10 years old the opportunity to experience the Liturgy of the Word in an age appropriate way. There is no fee nor is it necessary to sign up. Children will be dismissed after the opening prayer and returned to parents at the Offertory. To help with this ministry or for more details contact Diane at [email protected] or 770-9638992 ext 223. Special Summer AFF Session: “On Care for Our Common Home”: Do you feel close to God being in nature? Are you someone who appreciates the connectedness of all creation? Join us for a six week discussion group that will meet on Monday nights at 7:00 p.m. starting June 6 and another group that will meet on Monday mornings at 10:00 a.m. starting July 11 to read and discuss Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment. We will be using Bill Huebsch’s reading guide to be better informed about what exactly Pope Francis said and is encouraging us to do. For more information or to reserve a booklet contact Diane at 770963-8992 ext 223 or [email protected] and state which session you prefer to attend. Youth Ministry Congratulations to our Class of 2016 Graduates! Your parish wishes you well. You will always have a home here, but now it is your time to “Go Forth, and Set the World on Fire” - St. Ignatius of Loyola. PAGE 3 Faith Formation Enrollment Parents of 6th-8th grade students, baptized Catholic and desiring the celebration of First Holy Communion will need to complete the enrollment process for 2016-17 by June 30. Our Faith Formation programs are where those children receive the necessary preparation for First Communion (sometimes called “communion class”). The requirements are two full (Aug-May) consecutive program years immediately before the celebration of the sacrament. The first year is “foundational” preparation and the second year is “immediate” preparation. For more information or to complete the Placement form go to the parish web site under the “Faith Formation” heading. Vacation Bible School VBS is a fun filled week for children ages 3 through rising 6th grade, focused on learning about Jesus’ love for us! This year, children will go exploring through “caves” guided by Jesus as the Light. June 20-24, 9:30 a.m –12:30 p.m. Enroll today at Contact Beth Hodgson at [email protected] for more information, or if you are interested in volunteering to help! ST. LAWRENCE CHURCH MAY 22, 2016 PAGE 4 Around the Parish Family Promise St. Lawrence will guest families in transition from homeless to permanent place to live, from May 29 to June 12. We need volunteers. Please sign-up on-line via St. Lawrence web page ( then look for Family Promise to sign-up. For questions/donations contact Dennis Reich at: [email protected] or 770.339.6324. Life Line Screening preventive health screening can detect your risk for serious disease. Pre-registration is required. Event will take place on Thursday, June 9 at St. Lawrence Church, 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Call 1800.324.9458, online: www.helpinghandsforhealth/com or fax: 1.866.324.9458. You will receive a $10.00 package discount plus a matching $10.00 donation to St. Lawrence. Cancer Support Group is here for you. All who are in treatment, survivors and/or caregivers are welcome. Call Joyce Todman at 770.339.3018 for more information. The Victor Egidi Scholarships of $2,500.00 and $1,500.00 is being offered by the Knights of Columbus to two 2016 high school graduating seniors who are active registered parishioners of St. Lawrence. The requirements are: Minimum 3.2 GPA and a one-page essay explaining educational aspirations and why this scholarship would be helpful. Obtain an application at Deadline is May 31. Calling all Families with Young Kids and Young Married Couples! You are invited to a lasagna dinner on Friday, June 3 at 6:30 p.m. in Cogswell Hall to kick-off a new ministry at St. Lawrence for all young married couples and all families with young kids. Our goal is to build a fun environment where families and friends can come together to enjoy a hot meal, good conversation and take advantage of a nursery for some adult fellowship time. We need your help building this ministry, so we really hope to see you there! Contact Jessica Thornhill at [email protected] to RSVP or for more information. Year of Mercy Pilgrimage To ROME — Just 4 spots left! Fr. John leads a parish pilgrimage in this his 20th Anniversary of Ordination. Come and enjoy the splendor of ancient and modern Rome, and engage in spiritual pilgrimage visiting many Holy Sites, including a special trip to Assisi and the Martyrdom Site of our own Patron, St. Lawrence! On May 31 we must release remaining spots to Air France. Please see the parish website for additional information or contact pilgrimage organizer and parishioner LeAnn Brand at 410.897.2538 or [email protected]. Parish Garage Sale Anyone interested in helping before or during the sale please email Kathy McCoy at [email protected]. The Garage Sale is July 28-31. Around the Parish Archdiocese of Atlanta Eucharistic Congress will take place on Saturday, June 4, at the Georgia International Convention Center. The morning procession opens at 8:30 a.m. and ends with a closing Mass at 5:00 p.m. The Georgia International Convention Center is located at 2000 Convention Center Concourse, College Park, 30337. Please refer to the website for more information. Walking the Way of the Cross with the Holy Family: Accepting Hardships as the Pathway to Peace is a 1-day retreat of healing for parents and adult caregivers of the abused offered by the Archdiocese of Atlanta’s Victim Assistance Program. It will be held Saturday, July 9, from 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. at the Chancery in Smyrna, Georgia. The registration deadline is July 1. Please contact Sue Stubbs at [email protected] or 404.920.7554 for more information. Human Trafficking and Sporting Events Traffickers are opportunistic hunters and see major sporting events, and the thousands of people who flock to sports venues, as an opportunity for huge profits with little risk of penalty or punishment. Human trafficking is a business, and traffickers will take advantage of what they perceive to be good business opportunities – including national and international sporting events. For more information, please visit the U.S. Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking at Couples Celebrating 50th and 60th Anniversaries In 2016: Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory would like to honor couples married in 1966 and 1956 with an invitation to a Golden/Diamond Wedding Anniversary Mass on Saturday, October 1 at 12:00 noon at St. Brigid Catholic Church, Johns Creek, GA. A reception will follow the Mass for the anniversary couples and their families. Space is limited. Please go to to RSVP for this event and for additional information. Parroquia San Lorenzo Anuncios Retiro de la Divina Misericordia el 27, 28 y 29 de Mayo en la Parroquia St. John Newman, con el Padre Ricardo Giraldo asesor de la casa de misericordia. Donacioó n por persona $10. El cupo es limitado informes con: Myriam Díóaz 404.935.1019 Marta Bernal 770.356.3054 Maria Tovar 770.830.4945 Quinceañeras: El retiro para las quinceanñ eras que celebraran la misa durante los meses de junio, julio agosto y septiembre seraó el 4 de junio. Deben registrarse en la oficina del ministerio Hispano antes del 30 de mayo. Las quinceanñ eras que no llenen los requisitos no podraó n celebrar la misa en el díóa planeado. Requisitos: Haber celebrado la confirmacioó n, o estar registrada en el programa de Life Teen, la familia debe ser miembro de la parroquia, asistir al retiro de quinceanñ era y separar la misa por lo menos con 4 meses de anticipacioó n. Catequistas: Si en alguó n momento has pensando en coó mo puedes ayudar a la parroquia, este es el momento para tomar esa decisioó n, el programa de formacioó n de formacioó n de Fe, estaó necesitando catequistas. Informes con Beth Hodgson 678.240.3069 o [email protected] Venta de Garage: Si usted desea ser un voluntario para la venta anual de garaje parroquial, puede comunicarse con Kathy McCoy al [email protected]. Tambieó n se estaó n recibiendo donaciones y pueden dejarse en las oficinas del segundo piso. Santisima Trinidad PAGINA 5 Del Escritorio del Párroco Feliz fiesta para ustedes en esta Gran Solemnidad de la Santíósima Trinidad! Ahora que hemos dejado estos grandes 50 díóas de Pascua, entraremos de nuevo en el tiempo ordinario y lo que es " al verde"! A excepcioó n, de este domingo al celebrar la gran solemnidad de la Santíósima Trinidad (y tambieó n el domingo siguiente, en que se celebraraó la Solemnidad del Santíósimo Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo - tambieó n conocido como Corpus Christi). En1996, cuando yo celebreó mi primera misa de Accioó n de Gracias, el díóa despueó s de mi ordenacioó n, era domingo de la Trinidad; y por eso estaó fiesta de hoy es especial personalmente para míó. Y recuerdo que esta misa se celebroó en la Catedral de Cristo Rey, la misma parroquia donde, como anuncieó en la carta de anuncios de la semana pasada, el Padre Rey fue asignado para ir en julio como su nuevo Vicario Parroquial. Desde entonces estoy seguro que se han preguntando quien podríóan estar llegando a ser mi nuevo Vicario Parroquial. Bueno, en realidad nuestro Arzobispo Gregory a dado esta asignacioó n a dos sacerdotes para que me ayuden en el ministerio sacramental aquíó, en San Lorenzo. El Padre Fausto Maó rquez, fue ordenado en 1997 en Meó xico, de donde es originario, el ha estado en el ministerio en la Arquidioó cesis de Atlanta desde alrededor de 2006, y fue incardinado como sacerdote de la Arquidioó cesis en 2012. Recientemente, el Padre Fausto era el Vicario Parroquial en San Andreó s en Roswell; y antes se encontraba en Santa Cruz en Atlanta. Padre Fausto tambieó n es miembro del consejo de Sacerdotes de la Arquidioó cesis como Vicario del Clero Hispano. Ademaó s, de ser un poco de políóglota, ya que es el capellaó n de la comunidad catoó lica birmana de Atlanta. El Padre Patrick Kingery, un nativo de Atlanta y un graduado de la Escuela superior de San Píóo X en 1982, fue ordenado sacerdote para la Arquidioó cesis de Atlanta en 1993 y ha estado sirviendo como paó rroco la mayor parte de ese tiempo. El regreso al ministerio de tiempo parcial despueó s de haber tomar un anñ o sabaó tico el anñ o pasado, el Padre Patrick seraó el capellaó n de Gwinnett Medical Center y, a pesar de que no viviraó en la rectoríóa de aquíó, estaraó dando asistencia con un par de misas cada semana en espanñ ol e Ingleó s. ¿Quieó n hubiera pensado alguna vez que en realidad que tomaríóa 2 pares de pies para llenar los zapatos diminutos del Rey? Bromeando un poco , el Padre Rey con su gran presencia espiritual aquíó, seraó extranñ ado por todos nosotros. Nadie puede llenar sus zapatos; pero estos nuevos hombres vienen con su propio calzado, cada uno con su propio conjunto uó nico de dones y talentos y experiencias ministeriales para bendecirnos a todos . ÚÚ nanse a míó en la oracioó n por los tres, Padre Rey, Padre Fausto y el Padre Patrick, en sus momentos de transicioó n. Suyo en Cristo resucitado! Congreso Eucarístico: “Sean compasivos como su Padre tambieó n lo es” Lucas 6:36. El viernes 3 de junio las puertas se abren a las 4:30 p.m. El saó bado 4 de junio las puertas se abren a las 7:30am. Este congreso es gratis, no hay servicio de guarderíóa de ninñ os disponible y habraó ventas de comidas. Maó s informes en este congreso seraó en el Georgia International Convention Center. Misas de Viernes: llegamos al ciclo de verano y durante este tiempo no se celebraraó n misas los díóas viernes a las 7:00pm. Estas misas reanudaraó n en el mes de septiembre. View Our Parish Supporters @ ES!! INSURANCE Proudly Offering Residential Cleaning Services. View Our Parish Supporters @ 4117 © 2016 Diocesan Publications, inc. H
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