Colegio Arca Internacional Bilingüe Educación con Principios y Valores Cristianos. Licencia de Funcionamiento Res. 203 Enero 21 - 2003 Licencia de Funcionamiento Res. 110225 Julio 26 - 2013 MAY Dear Arca Community, this month we celebrate twenty years of God’s faithful loving kindness and mercy towards the Arca School. It was God who placed that small seed in our hearts so many years ago when we HONOR asked “What about our children?” that little question became the answer to the dream… a school for our children!WecelebratethesetwentyyearsandhonorGodwhohassustainedusandprovidedforuseverystep oftheway. The value for this month is honor, and we would like to share a small piece written by Isabella Fiorentino regardingHonor: “Honorisaveryimportantandvaluableword,ishasagreatandusefulmeaningasitissomethingonemust do.Honormeanstovalueandgiveesteemtosomeoneorsomething. Wehonorinmanyways,wehonortheKingofKingswhoisGodwhenweaccepthimintoourheartsandwhen weobeyHim.AndwhenwefollowHiswayswereceiveeternallife.Wehonorourparentsbyobeyingthem and helping them and listening to what they say in a good way; by applying their advice to our lives we are blessedandwillhaveagoodfuture. Honorisanactionthatwecanteachthechildreninorderforthemtohaveagoodlife.”Isa.10thgrade Godcommandsustohonorthosewhoserveandlaborforourbenefitbecausetheyworkforourgood.That meanswemusthonorGod,ourleaders,ourauthoritiesandourparents.Remember,honormeanstoesteem andhighlyvalue! From:DIRECTORS To:PARENTS DATE ACTIVITY RESPONSIBLE SCHEDULE 2,16,23 A7 Directors According agenda 2 WorkerDay Ms.ClaraOrtiz 8:00a.m 3 TeachersCouncilMeeting AcademicCoordinator 7:00a.m. 4,11,18,25 ProfessionalDevelopment Ms.GraceChristie 7:00a.m. to ¨Strong and Courageous¨ ________________________________________________________________________________ Diagonal157No77–15Teléfonos:–áE-mail:[email protected] the Colegio Arca Internacional Bilingüe Educación con Principios y Valores Cristianos. Licencia de Funcionamiento Res. 203 Enero 21 - 2003 Licencia de Funcionamiento Res. 110225 Julio 26 - 2013 AreaMeeting AcademicCoordinator SchoolBirthday Ms.OlgaOrozco EnvironmentalDay EnvironmentalProject 6,13,20 Teacher´s Devotional Spiritual Project 07:00 6 Parent´sWorkshop Ms.AngélicaPastrana According agenda 10 Preschool,Elementary,Middleand HighSchoolTeachersMeeting. AcademicCoordinator/Citizenship Coordinator BacktoFrontClothesDay Teachers DeliveryProgressReport Academic Coordinator/Teachers Kermesse/FamilyDay Ms.ClaudiaDiaz Teacher´sDay Ms.LauraNovoa AcademicCouncilMeeting AcademicCoordinator StudentCouncilMeeting DemocracyProject Mother’sDay PreschoolTeachers According to the Program 23 General Assembly - Flag Raising Ceremony K3,2°, 7° 08:00 a.m. 23 to 26 TeacherEvaluationPerformance AcademicDirectorand AcademicCoordinator School Timetable 23 to 26 Musical Rehearsal Ms. Claudia Diaz School Timetable 24 CitizenshipCommitteeMeeting CitizenshipCoordinator 7:00 am 26 Gym for Teachers Mr. Jorge Morales 7:00a.m. 5,12,19 5 5 12 13 14 16 17 19 20 7:00a.m. According to the Program School Timetable to 7:00a.m. School Timetable School Timetable According to the agenda School Timetable 07:00 School Timetable ¨Strong and Courageous¨ ________________________________________________________________________________ Diagonal157No77–15Teléfonos:–áE-mail:[email protected] the Colegio Arca Internacional Bilingüe Educación con Principios y Valores Cristianos. Licencia de Funcionamiento Res. 203 Enero 21 - 2003 Licencia de Funcionamiento Res. 110225 Julio 26 - 2013 27 31 School Musical “Alice Wonderland” June Menu and Calendar in Ms. Claudia Diaz Secretary According to the Program School Timetable JORGE AVENDAÑO RODRÍGUEZ Administrative Director GRACE CHRISTIE Academic Director CLARA ELISA ORTIZ Academic Coordinator CRISTOBAL CASTELLANOS Citizenship Coordinator ¨Strong and Courageous¨ ________________________________________________________________________________ Diagonal157No77–15Teléfonos:–áE-mail:[email protected]
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