Sacred Heart Church Roman Catholic Church 43-775 Deep Canyon Rd., Palm Desert, CA 92260 * 760.346.6502 To register on line please visit our Web Site: Mission Statement Sacred Heart Parish, striving to grow in a relationship with God and one another through prayer, the sacraments and service, is a welcoming community rooted in Gospel values. We practice our Roman Catholic faith by reaching out and sharing Christ’s gifts of love and justice with those who are searching for understanding, compassion, healing and the joy of inner peace when they are one with the Holy Spirit. Nuestra Misión Como Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón nos esforzamos por crecer en la relación con Dios y con los demás a través de la oración, los sacramentos y el servicio, como una comunidad que tiene sus raíces en los valores del evangelio. Practicamos nuestra fe enriqueciendo y compartiendo los dones de Cristo de amor y justicia con aquellos que buscan ser entendidos, que buscan compasión, sanación y el gozo de una paz interior cuando todos nos convertimos en uno solo por medio del Espíritu Santo. Pastor: Fr. Howard A. Lincoln Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas Assisting Priests: Fr. Ronald Atwood Fr. Marlin J. Connole Fr. Donald Craig Fr. Richard Deitch Fr. Robert Finamore Msgr. Donald Gorski Msgr. Donald Romito Fr. Ron Rusk Monday – Saturday / Lunes a Sábado: 7:45am Deacon: Charlie A. Stanton Church Office Hours / Horario de la oficina: Monday —Friday / Lunes Y Viernes: 8:15AM to 4:00PM Saturdays / Sábados: Closed / Cerrado Sundays / Domingos: Closed / Cerrado Church Hours / Horario de La Iglesia Monday – Friday / Lunes a Viernes: 6:00AM to 2:00PM Saturday and Sunday / Sábado y Domingo: 6:00AM to 6:30PM Confessions / Confesiones Thursday/ Jueves: 8:30AM Saturday / Sábado: 3:30PM to 4:00PM & 5:00PM to 5:30PM Padre Pio Adoration Chapel/ Capilla de Adoración Daily/ Diario: 5:00 AM to 2:00 PM When sitting in the presence of our Lord you are invited to open the door to the monstrance for full exposition. Saturday/ Sábado: 4:00pm & 5:30pm Sunday / Domingo: 6:45AM 8:00AM ASL Interpreted Mass For Deaf / Hard of Hearing 9:30AM 11:00AM 12:30PM en Español 2:30PM Latin Mass 5:30PM 7:00PM en Español Scan with QR Reader Please Join Us! The Novena of The Mother of Perpetual Help Recited every Wednesday at 7:00AM The Holy Rosary Recited every weekday morning at 7:15AM Anointing of the Sick First Thursday of every month after the 7:45AM Mass. A Perpetual Novena in Honor of the Sacred Heart Recited each weekday morning after the 7:45AM Mass for the intention to increase vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life, and for participants’ intentions. The Chaplet and Litany of the Divine Mercy Recited Monday thru Saturday following the Novena. Pro Life Rosary Peaceful prayer in front of Planned Parenthood Wednesdays 9:00AM to 10:00AM, Fridays 7:00AM to 10:00AM. 71-777 San Jacinto Dr, Rancho Mirage. Please be sure to park on the street. Todos son bienvenidos a abrir el Santísimo para estar en la presencia del Señor. The Patriotic Rosary The second Thursday of each month at 8:30AM Second Sunday of Easter March 3, 2016 THIS WEEK'S MASSES AND INTENTIONS SATURDAY April 02 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 6:45 AM 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 PM 12:30 PM 2:30 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM Alexander Pierce, Rest in Peace by Wayne and Margo Schweifler For Gina’s Special Intentions by Sylvia and Gene Rozzi Sarah, Happy Birthday Love Mom Vince Finocchiaro, Rest in Peace by Dorene Finocchiaro Dorothy and Joseph Moldovan, Rest in Peace by Peggie and Ron Zehel The Yovish and Abbruzzese Family, Rest in Peace by Judith Abbruzzese Elena Vazquez, Descanse en Paz de parte de su hermano y sobrinos Maria Tudor, Rest in Peace by Ziata Rasic Peggy Keohane, Rest in Peace by Mr. and Mrs. Cuskelly SUNDAY April 03 MONDAY April 04 7 :45 AM For the Special Intentions of Jon and Paula Hebebrand Mona Alcazar, Rest in Peace by Alana Brito Katherine Reynolds, Rest in Peace by Dan and Judy Newell TUESDAY April 05 7:45 AM Bob Williams, Rest in Peace by his wife Joanne WEDNESDAY April 06 7:45 AM 8:30 AM John Crespi, Rest in Peace by Gail Tina G. de los Santos, Rest in Peace by The Ginex Family THURSDAY April 07 7:45 AM Felipe and Doria Lozano, Rest in Peace by Lozano Family Paul Greiner, Rest in Peace by Jim and Terri Nolette In Loving Memory of Gray Young by husband Meo FRIDAY April 08 7:45 AM Valeria Reveal, Rest in Peace SATURDAY April 09 7:45 AM In Loving Memory of George Fernandez Jr. by his family Readings for the Week Lecturas de la Semana Sunday: Acts 5:12-16; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24; Rv 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; Domingo: Hch 5:12-16; Sal 118 (117):2-4, 13-15, 22-24; Ap 1:911a, 12-13, 17-19; Jn 20:19-31 Lunes: Is 7:10-14, 8:10; Sal 40 (39):7-11; Heb 10:4-10; Lc 1:26-38 Martes: Hch 4:32-37; Sal 93 (92):1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15 Miércoles: Hch 5:17-26; Sal 34 (33):2-9; Jn 3:16-21 Jueves: Hch 5:27-33; Sal 34 (33):2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36 Viernes: Hch 5:34-42; Sal 27 (26):1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15 Sábado: Hch 6:1-7; Sal 33 (32):1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21 Domingo: Hch 5:27-32, 40b-41; Sal 30 (29):2, 4-6, 11-13; Ap 5:11-14; Jn 21:1-19 [1-14] Jn 20:19-31 Monday: Is 7:10-14, 8:10; Ps 40:7-11; Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38 Tuesday: Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15 Wednesday: Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9; Jn 3:16-21 Thursday: Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36 Friday: Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15 Saturday: Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21 Sunday: Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13; Rv 5:11-14; Jn 21:1-19 [1-14 Saints and Special Observances Sunday: Second Sunday of Easter (or of Divine Mercy) Monday: The Annunciation of the Lord Tuesday: St. Vincent Ferrer Thursday: St. John Baptist de la Salle Music at the Masses Sacred Heart Choir Gathering: Lift High the Cross GP 444 Psalm 118: Give Thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love is everlasting Offertory: Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled Communion: I Know that My Redeemer Liveth (Messiah) Closing: I Danced in the Morning GP 395 Cantor and Organ Masses Gathering: He Is Risen – Ricky Manalo (bulletin) Psalm 118: Give Thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love is everlasting—Missal p. 18 Option 2: This Is the Day – GP 263 Offertory: There Is a Longing – GP 620 Communion: The Cry of the Poor – GP 203 Closing: Lift High the Cross – GP 444 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY MASS APRIL 3rd at 2:30PM Benediction and Chaplet of Divine Mercy Immediately following Mass On this day a PLENARY INDULGENCE is granted (under the usual conditions of a sacramental confession, Eucharistic communion and a prayer for the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff) to the faithful who, on Divine Mercy Sunday, in any church or chapel, in a spirit that is completely detached from the affection for a sin, even a venial sin, take part in the prayers and devotions held in honor of Divine Mercy or who in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament exposed or reserved in the tabernacle, recite the Our Father and the Creed, adding a devout prayer to the merciful Lord Jesus (e.g. Merciful Jesus, I trust in you) (The full text of the decree of the Apostolic Penitentiary may be found at: We received the message and devotion to Jesus as The Divine Mercy through the writings of a young Polish nun. Her spiritual director told her to record the revelations that she received about God's mercy. The desires and promises of Our Lord are recorded in the diary of Saint Faustina Kowalska. This Feast, was granted to the Universal Church by Pope John Paul II on the occasion of the canonization of Sr. Faustina on April 30, 2000. (Diary, 699) I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fount of My mercy. The soul that will go to confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment… To observe the Feast of Divine Mercy, we should: Celebrate the Feast on the Sunday after Easter Sincerely repent of our sins: Place our complete trust in Jesus Go to Confession (3 weeks or 20 days before or after Divine Mercy Sunday) Receive Holy Communion on the day of the Feast Venerate (an act or gesture of deep respect) the image of Divine Mercy Say the prayers required for the Plenary Indulgence as stated above. Be merciful to others in our actions, words and prayers for them. For more information: , Para observar la Fiesta de la Divina, Misericordia, debemos: Celebrar la Fiesta el Domingo después del Pascua Arrepentir sinceramente de nuestros pecados: Poner nuestra confianza entera en Jesús Confesar (3 semanas o 20 días antes o después del Domingo de la Divina Misericordia) Recibir la Comunión Santa en el día de la Fiesta Hacer un acto de la veneración al imagen de la Divina Misericordia Ofrecer las oraciones requeridas para recibir las Indulgencias Plenarias: Padre Nuestro, El Credo, y Jesus, en Ti Confío Ser misericordioso a todos en nuestra conducta, palabras, y oraciones. Para mas información: DOOR OF MERCY Pope Francis speaks on plenary indulgence on this Year of Mercy which include indulgence given to those who will enter into this holy door. documents/papa-francesco_20150901_lettera-indulgenzagiubileo-misericordia.html PLENARY INDULGENCE Pope Francis offers the opportunity to be closer to God on this Year of Mercy. He wants us all to work for our holiness, but this entails opening our heart to others, especially to the most poor and abandoned. As a special motivation to encourage us on this, we are offered a gift that the Church has to bring salvation to others and it is called Plenary Indulgence. The Plenary Indulgence is a more complete forgiveness, as it provides purification that is necessary to come before God. The Catechism says: “An indulgence is a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven, which the faithful Christian who is duly disposed gains under certain prescribed conditions through the action of the Church which, as the minister of redemption, dispenses and applies with authority the treasury of the satisfactions of Christ and the saints” (1471). The way to gain a plenary indulgence is both very simple and very difficult at the same time, here you have the external conditions: 1. Go through the door of the Year of Mercy. This is a pilgrimage to the temple with the intention of starting a true conversion. 2. Go to Confession with this same intention. 3. Receive Holy Communion with the desire to practice the mercy that Jesus taught us. 4. Recite the Creed, or prayer expressed as the faith of the Church. 5. Pray for the Holy Father and his intentions. 6. The Pope also notes that you can obtain the Plenary Indulgence when we practice the Works of Mercy, because this way we become like Christ. The hardest condition to gain the plenary indulgence is letting go of all attachments to sin. Be free for God, loving our brothers and sisters. That is why gaining the indulgence is painful; it is sacrifice because it means breaking with all that separates us from God. The purpose of the Holy Year is that we work every day so that our desires are God’s desires, or so that in our lives we are truly capable of doing God’s will, loving our brothers and sisters. The Pope explains that the sick who cannot make this pilgrimage may obtain the grace of the Holy Year, living this difficult year with joy, receiving the Eucharist, and attending Mass albeit electronically (Internet, TV, Radio). The Pope has also thought of the imprisoned and invites them to join this effort of purification participating through personal prayer thinking about their own conversion when they cross the door of their cell. PUERTA DE LA MISERICORDIA El Papa Francisco habla sobre la Indulgencia Plenaria en este año de Misericordia que se le concederá a los que entrarán por dicha puerta Santa de la indulgencia. documents/papa-francesco_20150901_lettera-indulgenzagiubileo-misericordia.html INDULGENCIA PLENARIA El Papa Francisco ofrece la oportunidad de estar más cerca de Dios en Este año de Misericordia. Él quiere que todos trabajemos por nuestra santidad, aunque esto implique abrir nuestro corazón a los demás, especialmente a los más pobres y abandonados. Como una motivación especial para animarnos a lograr esto, la iglesia nos ofrece un regalo para traer salvación a otros y se llama indulgencia plenaria. La indulgencia plenaria es un perdón más completo ya que proporciona la purificación necesaria para presentarse ante Dios. El Catecismo dice: “La indulgencia es la remisión ante Dios de la pena temporal por los pecados, ya perdonados en cuanto a la culpa, que un fiel dispuesto y cumpliendo determinadas condiciones consigue por mediación de la Iglesia, la cual, como administradora de la redención, distribuye y aplica con autoridad el tesoro de las satisfacciones de Cristo y de los santos” (1471). La manera de ganar una indulgencia plenaria es muy simple y muy difícil al mismo tiempo, estas son las condiciones externas: 1. Pasar por la puerta del Año de la Misericordia. Se trata de una peregrinación al templo con la intención de iniciar una verdadera conversión. 2. Confesarse con esta misma intención. 3. Recibir la Sagrada comunión con el deseo de practicar la misericordia que Jesús nos enseñó. 4. Recitar el credo, o alguna otra oración expresada en la fe de la iglesia. 5. Orar por el Santo Padre y sus intenciones. 6. El Papa también señala que se puede obtener la Indulgencia Plenaria cuando practicamos las obras de Misericordia, porque de esta manera nos convertimos como Cristo. La condición más difícil para ganar la Indulgencia Plenaria es soltar todas las ataduras que nos unen al pecado. Estar libre para Dios, amar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas. Por eso ganar la Indulgencia es doloroso ; es sacrificio porque significa romper con todo lo que nos separa de Dios. El objetivo del Año Santo es que trabajemos cada día para que nuestros deseos sean los deseos de Dios, o que en nuestras vidas seamos verdaderamente capaces de hacer la voluntad de Dios, amara a nuestros hermanos y hermanas. El Papa explica que los enfermos que no pueden hacer esta peregrinación pueden obtener la gracia del año santo, viviendo este año difícil con alegría, recibiendo la Eucaristía y asistiendo a Misa aunque sea vía electrónica (Internet, TV, Radio). El Papa también ha pensado en los encarcelados y les invita a unirse a este esfuerzo de purificación participando a través del pensamiento de oración personal sobre su propia conversión al cruzar la puerta de su celda. YOUTH MINISTRY For more information please contact Toney in the parish office 760 346-6502 [email protected] After Hours Youth Ministry Line: 760-278-1160 CHARISMATIC MASS & HEALING SERVICE CELEBRANT FR. PAT CROWLEY, SS. CC. THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2016 Praise & Worship . . . . 6:30 pm Holy Mass . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 pm Father is a member of the Congregation of the sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, in the Western United States Province. Sunday Life Nights For High School Students 6:30pm– 8:00pm Salta Center Gym March 27- No Life Night April 3- The Word Became April 10- Movie Night April 17- A friend Indeed April 24- Googa Mooga For High School Students Wednesdays 6:45pm—8:00pm St. Theresa Meeting Room (next to the parish office) Fr. Pat Crowley, SS. CC., MAS, member of the Association of Christian Therapists; is a retreat director and conference speaker who brings a holistic approach to the Healing ministry. Since 1972, his healing services have moved Christians into a deeper faith experience – through the healing love of Jesus Christ. Sponsored by – Life in the Spirit Ministry For more information call – Barbara (760) 771-1717 For 24 Hour adoration, please purchase a key from the Parish Office for a $5 fee. Para tener acceso las 24 horas a la capilla de Adoración favor de obtener una llave en la oficina de la iglesia, el costo es $5. The Sacred Heart Parish Walk- PHASE 17 The Sacred Heart Church Parish Walk is being cr eated between the Adoration Chapel and the new Salta Pastoral Center. This is a wonderful way for our parishioners and their families to honor their loved ones or friends, celebrate a special occasion or create a family memory. Donor Levels: Weekly Meetings for Jr. High (7th & 8th) Mondays 6:30—8:00pm Salta Center Gym Young Adult Ministry (Ages 18—29) Founder Level: $200.00 per brick Donor Level: $100.00 per brick Information available in the parish office or on our website under Donation Opportunities For more information, please call the Parish Office (760) 346-6502 Phase 17, Parish Walk Paver Program will benefit the Sacred Heart Church World Youth Day Pilgrimage. Time to start thinking about First Communion... First and Fourth Thursday of the Month The Parish Walk Program is a wonderful way to celebrate this special occasion! St. Andrew Meeting Room (next to the parish office) please contact the Parish Office at 760 346-6502. 7:00pm—8:30pm For more information, SACRED HEART CHURCH Massive Yard Sale April 2 & 3 7:00AM—1:00PM Salta Pastoral Center—Gym LifeintheSpiritMinistry- SeminarSeries Presents“SoberIntoxication” Saturday,April16th;8:30am–Noon SacredHeartMcNelisParishHall (ComplimentaryContinentalBreakfastProvided) “…EveryChristianinhisorherliferequiresaheart opentothesanctifyingactionoftheHolySpirit.”… PopeFrancis The yard sale will benefit the World Youth Day Pilgrimage † This...iswhereyourjourneycontinues...† Sacred Heart Health and Wellness Ministry Discover the Habits of Healthy Living Every Monday Evening 7:00 – 8:00 St. Andrew’s Room This ministry is for anyone who is looking for a clear path to achieving Optimal Health in their lives. Learn to make gradual changes in lifestyle to reach your health goals. Special Guest Speaker Monday April 11th Dr. Jeralyn Brossfield Medical Director of the Eisenhower Wellness Institute Heart of the MatterAssessing and Optimizing your Cardiac Health & Food-Borne Illness How the Food You Eat Determines Health or Disease. Coordinator: Dick Perry, Certified Health Coach and Wellness Coach For more Information Contact Dick Perry at 760-217-6170 or [email protected] PopeFrancistellsus,“Weshouldsharethebaptism oftheSpiritandourCatechesisbecauseitisproducedbytheworkoftheHolySpiritthroughapersonalencounterwithJesus.” Returnthe"nofee"yellowregistrationformorcallthe ParishOf icebyThursday,April11thtoParticipate AllareWelcome! (FlyersarelocatedinChurchVestibules) orcall(760)346-6502orFax(760)773-4873 Mass Intentions The 2017 Mass Book Is now open to schedule your Mass intentions. SACRED HEART GUILD NEXT MEETING: April 13th at 8:30AM Salta Pastoral Center, Lanterman Room Sacred Heart Church and School Spring Wine Tasting Friday, April 8th 6:00PM — 8:00PM Salta Pastoral Center Gym $10.00 Per Person Ticket includes 6 tastings and appetizers "Baby Shower" FOR BIRTH CHOICE OF THE DESERT Birth Choice depends on donations to give New Mom's a new layette for the baby so we are asking you to bring baby items to our meeting. ITEMS NEEDED: Plastic laundry baskets (to hold layettes), Plastic laundry hampers, Receiving blankets, sleepers & onesie's (T-shirts), bibs & booties, outfits for boys & girls (newborn to 12 months), baby bottles, baby wipes, diapers, stuffed toys (Anyone can donate an item for this "Baby Shower") Drop off gifts at the Parish Office For more info call : Mary Ann Worrell (760) 834-8923 The Homebound and Emergency Food Monthly Packing Program Packing will be the first Monday of every month 8:15 to 10:30AM. Next Packing Date: April 4th All packing is done at FIND located in Indio at: 83775 Citrus Ave, Indio 92201 (760) 775- FOOD (3663). Directions: Take Golf Center Parkway from Route 111 and turn right on Avenue 45 or from the 10 turn left, go to Commerce Street and take a right, go down to Citrus Avenue and take a final right. FIND’s front door is near the end of Citrus. Life in the Spirit Ministry Sacred Heart Prayer Chain To request prayer please contact Prayer Chain Director, Roseanna Radoff 760-880-3987 or [email protected] Cenacle of the Marian Movement of Priests Meets every Monday at 8:30AM in the St. Theresa meeting room. All Parishioners are invited to join! For details please call: Eding (760) 346-4429 Charismatic Prayer Group Join us Monday Evenings 7-8:30 PM Sacred Heart Church – Palm Desert St. Theresa’s Room – Across from the Parish Office Msgr. Donald Gorski – Spiritual Advisor For more information contact: Barbara Irwin (760)771-1717 or Rose Vestri (760)564-0974 If you believe in the POWER of PRAYER come pray with us The Patriotic Rosary at Sacred Heart in the St Theresa meeting room April 14th at 8:30AM. Armada Blanca La Armada Blanca tiene como objetivo principal el cuidado espiritual de los niños a través de la Consagración a Dios Padre en María, con la formación de Nidos de Oración. Los invitamos a rezar el Rosario y Oración Familiar Cada viernes de 5:30 - 6:30PM En el salón de St. Andrew junto a la oficina Aprendiendo y Viviendo La Fe El ministerio de Televisión les invita a ver el programa Católico Telemundo canal 15 Sábados a las 6:30AM y 10:30AM y Domingos a las 6:30AM y tambien por Facebook y Youtube Charismatic Prayer Group Join us every Thursday 10:00AM-11:30AM In the St. Theresa Meeting Room Each week we surrender our hearts to Jesus as we lift our voices in songs of worship. We invite Jesus to lead us as we read a verse of scripture and listen for a Word of Knowledge. Jesus instructs and encourages us through the power of His Holy Spirit. Join us as we pray together for our Church, our country, our world, and for one another! For more information call Madelene (760) 773-2171 Let us continue to pray for our Armed Forces and their families. We thank God for the sacrifices they make to ensure our freedom. FELLOWSHIP OF CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN WOMEN PSALMS II Praying with Jesus by Kevin Perrotta Teaching by Dr. James A. Schmiesing (D. Min., Graduate Theological Foundation M.A. Theology, University of San Diego) Meetings 1st & 3rd Tuesday - October thru May 10:00 AM - noon For more information or questions: Julie Schmiesing (760) 360-8410 Barbara Jimenez (760) 902-1315 Diálogo Matrimonial Para parejas que quisieran participar en una comunidad matrimonial Viernes, 7:00pm-9:00pm. En el salón de St. Theresa junto a la oficina. Para mas información llame a Genaro y Carmen al (760) 565-1692. To advertise in our bulletin please contact J.S. Paluch Company, Inc. 800– 231-0805 Please reference bulletin number 523217 WOMEN'S Christians in Commerce MAGNIFICAT BIBLE STUDY FOR WOMEN Join us every Wednesday evening, 7:00PM to 8:15PM at Christ of the Desert in Meeting Room #3 Sponsored by Our Lady’s Desert Roses “WOMAN, CALLED BY NAME For Such A Time As This” Christians in Commerce is for all Christians in the Community, including retired persons. This Bible Study focuses on women of the Bible: Ten women from the Old Testament and ten women from the New Testament. For information please call: Judy Foudy (760) 345 8141 We will offer two opportunities for this Bible Study: Wednesday Morning in the St. Andrew meeting room: 10:00am to 12:00 noon Christians In Commerce Thursday Evening Salta Pastoral Center Room 333: 5:30pm to 7:30pm Prayer, scripture based teaching, and discussion on the teaching– all within the one hour meeting. Cost: $25 per person (includes par ticipant manual) for all Christians in the Community, including retired persons. Our Men’s group meets each Friday 7:00AM to 8:00AM Salta Pastoral Center—Lanterman Conference Room For more information, please call: Tom Kueneman (760) 397-5233 or Jim Foudy (760) 345-8141 Please call Lenora at 760-342-9092 or email her at [email protected] to sign up. MEN’S CLUB Next Meeting: April 6th Guest Speaker: Dr. Ed Gordon The Vatican Today 6:00 - 6:30PM - Social Mixer 6:30 - 7:00PM - Dinner 7:00 - 8:00PM - Speaker We meet every Thursday 7:00PM to 9:00PM Salta Pastoral Center—Room 338 For more information contact: Rick Gibbs 760 219-5827 Free Financial Counseling My ministry is to help you, at no charge, understand your current financial situation and offer some practical advice and practices that will enable you to better manage your finances. I am a retired CFO, on the parish finance council and a Dave Ramsey trained financial counselor. I can help you achieve financial peace. For more information, contact Bob McAdams Phone: (760) 797-5266 E mail: [email protected] SPIRITUAL DIRECTION Spiritual Direction is a soul journey. The goal of the soul journey is to become more aware of the holy presence in your life and to make decisions which can lead to wholeness and good health. Sister Kay Wagner is available to be your soul journey guide. Sister Kay at 760-777-1515. Centering Meditation At Christ of the Desert Chapel Join us every Thursday at 12:00 noon for Centering Prayer meeting Helen Beringer 760-360-3782 RSVP to Bill Kelly 760 345-8061 or with the Parish Office 760 346-6502 $12 Per Person Ladies Welcome! Annulments To request an appointment contact Deacon Charlie Stanton (760) 346-6502 Deacon Charlie’s Office Hours: Tuesdays 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Fridays 10:30am—3:00pm (Out of the office on first Fridays) RELIGIOUS FORMATION/ FORMACION RELIGIOSA 760 346-6502 Office Hours / Horario de la oficina: Tuesday —Friday / Martes - Viernes: 8:15AM to 4:00PM Baptism Class: May 28th from 8:00AM-10:00PM. Advance registration is required. Call the parish office to register. Registrations will begin April 1st. The Sacrament of Baptism takes place the 4th Saturday of every month at 9:00 AM. Please note: There will be no classes or Baptisms during Lent. Clases Pre-Bautismales: 28 de Mayo de 8:00AM—10:00PM. Debe inscribirse en la oficina antes de asistir a la clase. NO Niños por favor. Los Bautizos se celebran el primer sábado de cada mes a las 8:30 AM. Atención: No habrán clases o Bautizos dúrate la Cuaresma. *PLEASE NOTE: 2016-2017 Preschool Enrollment Enjoy our Pancake Breakfast for only $2.00 per person or $5.00 per family Breakfast will include: Pancakes, Eggs, Sausage, Fruit and Coffee or Juice We are accepting applications for children 2 years 6 months and potty trained or no older than 6 years old by September 1, 2016. We would love to have your child join our beautiful little preschool where we create a caring respectful environment which promotes academic excellence and fosters a love for learning and teach as Jesus did. Please bring a copy of your child’s Baptismal certificate and their Birth Certificate. If you have any questions, please call the Preschool office at 760-674-3000. If you have a 2015-2016 waitlist preliminary application on file for this year, please note, it DOES NOT roll over for the next year so you must come in to fill out a new one. Tours by appointment only. Annual Volunteer SACRED HEART GUILD COME AND JOIN THE FUN !! "SPRING LUNCHEON" **************************** Appreciation Dinner Dance We are excited that once again our Luncheon will be held at the : CORK TREE 74950 Country Club Dr., Palm Desert, CA 92260 $15 per person For reservations please call: May (760) 341-5619 **Doors open at 6:30PM** Dinner at 7:00 PM Wednesday - April 27th at 12:00 Noon $15 Cash or Check payable to Sacred Heart Church ~ note Guild Spring Luncheon (payment can also be dropped off at church office with your name and number) Deadline for reservations 6PM April 22nd (No payments accepted at door) Sacred Heart Pilgrimage to Italy Oct. 17 2016, 11 days 10 nights $3650.00 based double occupancy Join Father Lincoln and fellow parishioners on this special journey. Visit Rome, Monte Cassino, San Giovanni Rotondo, Lanciano, and Subiaco. Fare includes: roundtrip air from Los Angeles, 10 nights, accommodations, Sightseeing, Mass daily, breakfast and dinner daily To reserve or for more information, please contact Patrick Crofoot at Crofoot Travel 760 776 1000. For those who give their time to the various Parish Ministries Friday, April 15th Rancho Las Palmas Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage We invite all active year-round and “snow bird” volunteers that participate the entire time they are in town. To RSVP, please complete the following form and return it to the Parish Office by Monday, April 11th For more information call Betty Fernandez at (760) 346-6502 ****************************************** If you find that you are unable to attend after making a reservation it is imperative that you call and cancel so that we will not be charged for your dinner. Thank you. Parish Office 346-6502 ***************************************** Name ________________________________________ ( Please Print ) Spouse _______________________________________ ( Please Print) Phone Number (____)____________________________ Ministry _______________________________________ No Children Please MINISTRY DIRECTORY Bereavement Ministry For those who have lost a loved one due to death and are seeking support, fellowship and education about the grieving process. Contact Ronda Reil at 760-220-8307 Carmelite Seculars St. Joseph of the Holy Family group of Carmelite Seculars meet monthly following the teaching of St. Teresa of Jesus and St. John of the Cross in prayer and contemplation. Contact Jim Mara (760)610-2144 [email protected] or Genie Lorenz C:(650)619-6427 [email protected] Catholic Men’s Fellowship Our purpose is to encourage men to become daily followers of Christ. Our mission is to help men renew their minds, and transform their hearts and lives for Christ. We will meet every Thursday 7:00PM to 9:00PM, Salta Pastoral Center—Room 338 For more information, please call: Rick Gibbs 760 219-5827 Cenacle of the Marian Movement of Priests Meets weekly, year-round on Mondays in the St. Theresa’s Room 8:30am-10:00am. All are welcome! For more information please contact Eding 760– 346-4429 Christians in Commerce Men’s Meeting: Every Friday 7am-8am in the Salta Pastoral Center. Contact Jim at 760-345-8141 or Tom at 760-397-5233. Women’s Meeting: Every Wednesday 7pm– 8:15pm Christ of the Desert Room 3. Contact Judy at 760-345-8141. Companions Visitation Ministry (CVM) The objective is to offer friendship to a senior by providing companionship. We provide training. If this is your calling, please contact Patrick Crofoot 760-776-1000 email: [email protected] Divorce Recovery Ministry For those who are divorced, separated or considering divorce and are seeking support and information. Please contact Ronda Reil at 220-8307. Eucharistic Adoration The Padre Pio Adoration Chapel is open to all who seek a greater sense of intimacy with Jesus. Through our Ministry we hope to mobilize the maximum number of individuals to spend one hour, each week in adoration. Contact: Mary Ann Worrell 760- 834-8923, Patti Walsh 760 -340-4047 For Spanish: Barbara Jimenez 760- 902-1315. Eucharistic/Lector Ministers If you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister, please contact Victor Chouinard at 760 346-6502 Fellowship of Catholic Christian Women All women are welcome to join us as we grow in faith and personal relationship with God through discussions, prayer, Bible study and fellowship. 1st and 3rd Tuesday mornings 10:00am to 12:00 noon (October to May) Contact Julie at 760 360-8410. Financial Counseling My ministry is to help you, at no charge, understand your current financial situation and offer some practical advice and practices that will enable you to better manage your finances. I am a retired CFO and on the parish council. Bob McAdams (760) 797-5266 or email: [email protected]. Greeter Ministry Are you warm, friendly, outgoing, enthusiastic? We invite you to join us and donate just a little bit of your time before Mass as a Sacred Heart Church Greeter. For more information or to sign-up, please call Mary Maloney at 760-776-9727. Hospital Ministry Eucharistic ministers needed; we will train you. Please call the Coordinator of Hospital Ministries Joan Zekanis 760-289-7884 email: [email protected] Hospitality This ministry currently includes events such as Sunday morning hospitality after the 6:45 and 8AM masses (October through mid-May, excluding major holidays) and the Sacred Heart Christmas Dinner at the Esmeralda event, with other events being planned for the future. Volunteers are always welcome to help set up, serve and clean-up. Contact: Lillie Ristich at 760.636.3875 [email protected] Kairos Prison Ministry "A lay lead Christian ministry that conduct highly successful and structured program in correctional institutions. The mission of Kairos Prison Ministry is to bring Christ's love and forgiveness to incarcerated individuals, and to assist the incarcerated in the transition to become productive citizens. For more information call Jim Foudy 760 345 8141 or Gerard Romanet 760 360-8081. Life in the Spirit Ministry - For a deeper union with God, a greater love for others, an enriched presence of the Holy Spirit in your life, and a fresh appreciation of Scripture don’t miss the Life in the Spirit seminars or the weekly Charismatic Prayer Group. For more info, call Barbara Irwin (760)771-1717 or Rose Vestri (760)564-0974. Little Rock Scripture Study - For information contact Hal Rover 760-346-1967. Men's Club Promotes Catholic fellowship and serves the parish community. Activities include: monthly dinners, special events and more. For information contact Tom McKeown 760– 898-5791. Monthly Morning Mini-Retreats We will be meeting in the St. Theresa room on the 2nd Friday of each month, November-April from 8:30 a.m. -11:30 a.m. For further information contact Sr. “Shoe” at 760-831-7253 Music Ministry If you are interested in becoming a cantor or participating in one of Sacred Heart’s many choirs, please contact Javier Triviso at [email protected] or leave a message in the church office at 760-346-6502. Ministry to the Sick Please contact the Parish Office 760 346-6502 Prayer Chain Please contact Prayer Chain Director, Roseanna Radoff for more information at 760-880-3987 or [email protected] Pro-Life Promotes the Culture of Life through regular prayer, volunteer and fundraising support for our local crisis counseling pregnancy centers, post-abortion healing, legislative action and peaceful prayer outside local abortion clinics. Join us the fourth Wednesday of every month Sept-April in St. Theresa meeting room 10:00am—12:00 noon. Contact Jeanne Jewett at 760-779-8933. MINISTRY DIRECTORY RCIA The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process of faith formation which helps you decide if God is calling you home to the Catholic Church. Adult Catholics who wish to be confirmed may also attend. Please contact the Parish Office 760-346-6502. Sacred Heart Sacred Golf Ministry The purpose for this Ministry is to build comradery, promote the church community, to have fun in an outdoor environment, and to raise funds to support Sacred Heart Churches' charity out reach programs. Our golf tournament this year will be played on February 1, 2016 (Monday) Point of Contact is Guido at 562 225 1467 Sacred Heart Guild A women’s service organization serving needs of the Altar, raising funds for the needy, the unborn, and those preparing for religious life. We meet Sept.—May, every second and fourth Wed. of each month at 8:30am. For more information please contact Carole Ranck 760– 398-2290 [email protected] or Arlene Lucchesi (760) 772-5158 Sacred Heart of Joy Prayer Group By worship, praise, prayer, faith-sharing and scripture-based teachings, we seek to know Jesus’ Holy Spirit. Thursdays in St. Theresa’s Room 10:00am - 11:30am. Contact Madalene Balloy at 760-773-2171. The Sacred Heart Read With Me Ministry Reading Program We provide volunteers to help the children in Mecca Elementary School learn to read and speak English. Every school day, Monday thru Friday Nov.– April 30th, transportation is provided. For more information, please contact Roberta Klein at [email protected] Ushers If you are interested in becoming an usher, please contact Cary Gerken 760- 328-2473 [email protected] Watercolor Painting Art Group Tuesdays 9:30AM—11:30AM in the Mc Nelis Hall , this is not a class please bring your own supplies. For more information contact Bill 760 574-2712 Youth Ministry High School – Life Teen and Jr. High - Edge Youth Groups . For more information please Contact Toney in the Parish Office. School Office - Phone: (760)346-3513 Principal: Alan Br uzzio Assistant Principal: Kate DeNovi Pre-School Office- Phone: (760)674-3000 Director: Mona de los Reyes Assistant Director: Mar guer ite Fleming Christ of the Desert Chapel 73-441 Fred Waring Dr., Palm Desert 760-346-0089 [email protected] As a ministry of the Church we are committed to modeling and teaching Catholic Christian morals and values, while creating a caring, respectful environment which promotes academic excellence and fosters a love for learning. Pastor– Father Howard Lincoln Various Visiting Priests Mass Schedule Friday - 12:30PM Healing Mass Sunday – 9:30AM DIRECTORIO de MINISTERIOS Diálogo Matrimonial Para parejas que quisieran participar en una comunidad matrimonial por favor llame a Genaro y Carmen al (760) 565-1692. ( Note, este ministerio no es para consejería ni ayuda psicológica para parejas.) Viernes, 7:00pm-9:00pm. En el salón de St. Theresa junto a la oficina. Estudio Bíblico de Little Rock 4 diferente sesiones durante la semana. Para participar en este estudio por favor llame a Genaro y Carmen al (760) 565-1692. Estudio de Biblia Cada jueves de 6:00 - 7:00PM En el salón de St. Theresa junto a la oficina Ministros de Eucaristía Si estás motivado a servir como ministro durante la misa por favor comunícate con la Oficina de Educación Religiosa (760) 346-6502. Ministros de Hospitalidad Si deseas ayudar durante la colecta dominical y a dirigir a las personas durante la comunión, por favor comunícate con la Oficina de Educación Religiosa (760) 346-6502. Ofrendas Si estás interesado en ayudar por favor comunícate con la Oficina de Educación Religiosa (760) 346-6502. Platicas Pre-Bautismales Tenemos Las pláticas una ves por mes (el último sábado del mes) y la intención es evangelizar y concientizar a los papas y a los padrinos en la importancia de este sacramento. Proclamadores de la Palabra (Lectores) Si te gusta leer y quieres ayudar proclamando la palabra de Dios durante la misa por favor comunícate con la Oficina de Educación Religiosa (760) 346-6502. Servidores del Altar (monaguillos) Niños y jóvenes que desean ser parte de la celebración eucarística cada domingo y en ocasiones especiales, por favor comunícate con la Oficina de Educación Religiosa (760) 346-6502. Renovación Carismática de la Diócesis de San Bernardino — Grupo de Oración Carismática (cada jueves a las 7pm. en el Salón , junto de la Preschool) Su propósito es evangelizar, a través de retiros y noches de alabanzas, compartiendo lecturas bíblicas y por medio de la oración. MISCELLANEOUS Sacred Heart gladly accepts your generous FOOD DONATIONS left in the church vestibule for Catholic Charities. Please leave only non-perishable food. We thank you for your cooperation and for your generosity. Funeral and Memorial Masses are now listed in the Parish website Select Schedule and Events, then click on Funeral/ Memorial Masses to view schedule Mass Intentions The 2016 Mass Book is open for scheduling your Mass intentions. Due to the large number of requests mass intentions are limited to one intention per family, per month, with a maximum of four intentions in each calendar year. Have you registered your family ???? Parish Walk Prayer We ask for perpetual prayers for all Friends, Family and Loved Ones remembered in our Parish Walk. Prayer Chain Please call the Prayer Chain at 760-880-3987 Prayer requests can also be sent by email to [email protected]. Requests remain anonymous. The prayer list for the sick is posted on the church bulletin boards in the vestibule. Please call the parish office to have your loved ones added to or removed from the list. 760-346-6502 Lost and Found If you think you have lost anything in the church--phone, keys, jewelry--please call the Parish office: 760.346.6502. ATTENTION: All registered parish members please contact the parish office with any name or address changes. Parish Office: 760 346-6502 or LIFELINES To strengthen stewardship, caring for and sharing God’s gifts and family as disciples of Christ, we request that you consider utilizing a new and easier way to support our parish…. Automated Giving. How do I enroll? Simply go to our Par ish website at Then select Donation Opportunities and click on the ParishPay link or call Par ishPay at (1-866-727-4741). If you or someone you know is suffering from the effects of abortion, help is available at: 1.877.467.3463 or For information on the Committee for Diocesan Pastoral Response to Sexual Abuse, log on to the official Diocesan web site, To report the sexual abuse of a child by a priest, deacon, employee, or volunteer, complete and mail the special form available in the church office. Or call the toll free Sexual Misconduct Hotline at 1-888-206-9090. Para reporter el abuso sexual de un menor por parte de un sacerdote, diácono, empleado o voluntario, complete y envíe por correo el formulario especial que está disponible en la iglesia o en oficina parroquial, o llame a la Línea Abierta para Informar sobre Conducta Sexual Inapropiada al 1-888 206-9090 Pregnant & Scared? You have options: 1 800-395-HELP/ LINEAS TELEFONICAS DE AYUDA Embarazada & Con Temor? Esta la linia de opcion: 1 800-395-HELP/ Is someone’s drinking affecting your life? Call Al-Anon for meeting information (760) 674-9554 ¿Desearía que la bebida llegara a su fin? para reuniones de Al– Anon en Palm Desert llama a María C. ( 760) 899-3422 Charitable Organizations Birth Choice: 760-775-5683 Catholic Charities: 760-568-5101 or 760-342-0157 Catholic Charities Counseling: 760-449-7877 C. V. Rescue Mission: 760-347-3512 Galilee Center: 760 396-9100 or 760-398-2100 Martha’s Village & Kitchen: 760-347-4741 Martha’s Village Thrift Store: 760-775-6060 Suicide Prevention: 800-273-8255
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