March 27, 2016 / 27 d e Marzo d e 2016 SAINT MARY’S AND SAINT CHARLES BORROMEO PARISHES Parroquias de Santa María y San Carlos Borromeo Domingo de Pascua 27 de Marzo de 2016 SAINT MARY PARISH Please remember the following intenƟons in your prayers during this Easter Season: Donated by: IntenƟon: Jacqueline K. Alexandre Jim E. Anderson Muriel Auguste Jose Ernesto Monica A. Bap ste Nina Brothwell Jane & Tim Buckley Vincent Bulega Jane Burgoyne Janet & Steve Cappe a Maria Capul Denise & Frank Chiasson Guy Cleary Maria Tereza Cluz Catherine & Mary Coakley Larry Connearney Hazel Cronin Marcia & Robert D'Agos no Connie Danforth Ann Darcy Veronica DeDosantos Anita Denault Eleanor R. Dewire Gilberto Diaz Mónica Dominguez Edvin y Monica Richard & Ann Fauls ch Barbara Fucci Pauline Gallagher Elizabeth F. Gallagher Elizabeth F. Gallagher Makayla, Tyler, Stella, Grace & Evelyn Michael, Laura, Kathleen & Catherine Ruth & Bob Gately Margaret Gaudet Rayna Glancy Jose & Alba Rosemery Gonzalez Rosemarie Gorman Na vita Gracia Ronald & Esther Grieci William & Louise Hines John Howard Elmer & Hilda Jocol In memory of deceased Alexandre & Kavanagh Families Patricia M. Anderson Thank you to God Sanación En Memoria Edgard S. Bap ste Living & deceased family members In memory of Bob & Tom McNamara For my late father's soul, Francis Muyingo, and all others who have died. In memory of the Burgoyne & McLaughlin Families Rao & Cappe a Families In memory of Serena Martorille John Joseph Chiasson In memory of Patricia Cleary Orar por toda mi familia In memory of William & Catherine Coakley, Anna Brannelly, & other friends & family Anthony & Angelina Ristuccia; Paul & Rita Connearney In loving memory of John Cronin Jean (Jay) Cormier, Albert Cormier; Mr. & Mrs. Anthony D'Agos no In memory of deceased family members: husband, parents, sisters Louise & Ann, brother Joseph In memory of Michael, Kathleen, & Roger Darcy For Hugo E. DeDosantos; for our loving son and brother In memory of Rose & Charles Denault; Thomas Roche Michael & Mary Reilly Recen por todo las muertos Por la conversión de mi hijo Aguiles Gregory González Por la paz en el mondo In memory of Anna Fauls ch & Billy Moran In memory of Patsey, Rosalie, & Ellen Fucci In memory of John P. Gallagher; Ashness & Gallagher Families Eleanor, Robert & Mark Gallagher The Murphy Family Mary M. Ryan Beatrice & Edward Burns In memory of Bobby Gately In memory of Joseph Gaudet Please pray for Ethan Glancy Te pedimos por la paz del mundo; por la enfermedad de Transito Gonzalez Ruano In memory of Richard Gorman; Gorman & Mancuso Families Just to priase the Lord For our children & grandchildren McCourt & Hines Families In memory of Paul F. Howard, Robert & Lorraine Thomas, Vanda Maria Ribeiro Costa Please pray for Jacqueline Jocol & family's trip to Guatemala, Angel & Kurt; for the health & protecon of these families: Jocol-Lara, Arrecis, Medina, Mejía, Rodrigues, Avila, Villanueva In loving memory of Jim In memory of Vera, Katherine & John Konopik Kavaleski & McKenna Families Effie Short Leonard Kelly; Harry, Genevieve, Patricia; & Catherine Milligan Coyle For all the souls of our faithful departed Barbara Johnston Louis & Zdenka Kabelka Eleanor Kavaleski Judy Kelley Irene Kelly Barbara Kiggundu 2 Easter Sunday March 27, 2016 SAINT MARY PARISH Please remember the following intenƟons in your prayers during this Easter Season: Donated by: IntenƟon: Antonina S. Klauzinski Gerard & Stella LeBlanc Ma hew & Simone LeBlanc Milagro P. Leone Milagro P. Leone Cecilia Lim Helen Lundberg Kathleen Lussier Jean Mackenzie Karen Malikowski Mary Anne Malone Victor Marroquin Francesca Mboowa Francesca Mboowa Paul & Mary McCarthy John Monaco & Family Kety Diligent Mondesir Amavilia & Natalie Morales Mayra Morales Ramires y Daniela Joan, Jeff, and David Murphy Mathias Ntege & Julliet Nassuuna Marie O'Brien Deceased members of the Klauzinski family Deceased members of the LeBlanc Family Patricia Bishop For Michael Leone's con nued AA recovery In remembrance: Maria & William Polonis; Mary Leone; Joseph Arcaris;Andrea Pecunia; Ann Hayner For all the souls in purgatory Lundberg & Sampson Families Lussier & MacDonald Families William, Theresa, & David Cosgrove In memory of Malikowski & Kaniecki family members In memory of Thomas F. Greaney ------------------------------------------For all my rela ves and friends who have died For my children to come back to their faith In memory of Edmund & Ursula Begley; Anne McCarthy - may she rest in peace Julia, James & Joseph Monaco Our family's unity, faith, strength, love, health, guidance, hope, voca on Miguel Angel Morales: Por cumplir dos meses de fallecido Mucha sabiduria y sanidad interior por mi esposo Fredi Reyes; unidad en nuestro hogar Rita Keane Murphy & John F. Murphy In loving memory of our beloved parents Joseph Kumbugue & Costa Namukasa Eileen McLaughlin, Patrick Finnegan, Larry McLaughlin, James O'Brien, Margaret O'Brien, Mary Eagleston Gretchen O'Hara, Mary E. O'Brien, Margaret Winkel, Henry F. O'Brien Jr., Jane McCusker Por mi familia para que simpre estar unidos; por Kevin Gonzalez Lord, help us do your will Mary & Ernest Demeo, Frank Price, Audrey O'Connell, Ernest Scafidi Rachael Ann Provencher, Adrian Provencher, John, Theresa, Rocky, & David Bellan Alejandra Revolorio In memory of deceased family members Barbara & Joseph Robinshaw In memory of Walter L. & Alice M. Robinson; Joseph & Barbara Quinn Por el descanso eterno de Maritza Sanchez ------------------------------------------Stalmon & Luchinskis Families In loving memory of Al & Anna Ferguson World mercy, health on earthly plan of family & friends In memory of John P. Gallagher & Evelyn Taddeo Angelo Taranto Oraciones por mi familia In loving memory of Francis Thomas In memory of Arthur Veno Sr.; Veno & Reilly Families & Eleanor Miele McCarthy & Vieira Families In loving memory of Peter & Edna Wencis Peace in the world Vicente Zeceña Family Saviduria y Fé por mis abuelos Gregorio de la Cruz y Maria Ines Juares de la Cruz - des Cansenen Paz Francis "Buddy" Lord & Sean B. Lord World Peace Rogad por mi familia John & Barbara O'Hara Maria Ester Orellana Charlie Po er Catherine Price Vincent & Chris ne Provencher Vidal Tecun Revolorio Rose M. Richard Sheila Benne Be y Robinson Harold Sanchez & Erica Flores Kathleen Sla ery Blanche Stalmon Alberta Emily Szczypek Steve & Maureen Taddeo Dorothy Taranto Juana Teo Zepeda Heidi Thomas Arthur Veno Jr. & Mary Veno John & Cathy Vieira Leonard Wencis Richard & Pat Yarossi Vicente Zeceña Family Yendi J. Zepeda ---------------------------------------------- 3 Domingo de Pascua 27 de Marzo de 2016 SAINT MARY PARISH My brothers and sisters in the Risen Lord, Christ is Risen. Cristo Resucito! Alleluia... Azuukidde nga bweyagamba, Alleluia! On behalf of all the priests and staff of St. Mary’s, I wish everyone a blessed Easter. It has been a particularly beautiful Lent – at least for me. The All Day-All Night Vigil brought numerous blessing from all accounts. The Saturday Confessional helped many people and the priests. I pray that you were all strengthened by the prayer, fasting and charitable works. Thanks to everyone who contributed their time and work to make Holy Week beautiful… and to everyone who made Flower donations. Please know that I will remember your intentions throughout Easter week. Let us live as new men and women this Easter because of the training. Let us live out the truth expressed by Saint Ireneaus: The Glory of God is man fully alive. – Father Michael Queridos hermanos en Cristo, ¡El Señor ha resucitado Aleluya Aleluya! Y nosotros hemos creído… La iglesia se adorna con flores para celebrar que Cristo ha vencido a la Muerte… Entre las oraciones pascuales se encuentra la que bellísimamente une a Adán con Cristo en el misterio de la redención: “Aquel que venció en un árbol, fuera en un árbol vencido”… Si, Adán fue vencido en un árbol por desobediencia, pero por la obediencia de Cristo, también en un árbol, el árbol de la Cruz, Nuestro Señor venció a la muerte! La iglesia nos prepara para experimentar un cambio de corazón y de mentalidad en la cuaresma para vencer el pecado y en las fiestas Pascuales nos recuerda que hoy Jesús no quiere saber que Pedro lo negó y fué cobarde, tampoco que María Magdalena fue una pecadora, ni que uno de los ladrones haya sido un criminal solo quiere saber que hoy ellos son Santos y que estarán con El en el Paraíso. ¡FELIZ PASCUA DE RESURECCION! – P. A gustín YARD SALE FUNDRAISER - APRIL 23 Catholic Health Initiatives for Uganda (CHIU) is an organization based at St. Mary Parish whose mission is to help improve the quality of life and health care in Catholic Health Centers in Uganda. CHIU is organizing a Yard Sale to take place at St. Mary’s on April 23 (mark your calendar!). The proceeds will go towards supporting the projects CHIU has already started in Uganda. To make this day a success, CHIU is kindly requesting donations of items to sell at this Yard Sale. You can drop them off at St. Mary's rectory. Please indicate as you drop off these items that they are for CHIU in care of Fr. David. Thank you! ONLY A CHILD FUNDRAISER - APRIL 9 Only A Child will be hosting its annual fundraiser/celebration on Saturday, April 9 at the Waltham American Legion Hall, 215 Waverly Oaks Road. The event begins at 7 p.m. and includes a buffet, a raffle and a presentation highlighting the work with disadvantaged youth in Guatemala. For more information, please contact Only A Child founder and St. Charles parishioner George Leger at 781-642-9317 or [email protected]. 4 MASS INTENTIONS Masses intentions scheduled this week are listed below. Please find the full Mass Schedule on page 6. Wednesday, March 30 12:10 p.m. - Donna G. Cummings Thursday, March 31 12:10 p.m. - Bon Roy Saturday, April 2 4:00 p.m. - Julia, James, & Joseph Monaco Sunday, April 3 8:00 a.m. - Thomas Roche 10:00 a.m. - Noella Despres OFFERTORY Thank you for your generous offering to our parish. First four Masses last weekend (1,332 people): Weekly collection: $6,696.00 Special Monthly: $3,786.00 1:30 Mass on March 13 (125 people): Weekly collection: $666.00 EASTER COLLECTION The Easter collection is for our 614 active and senior priests who have dedicated their lives in faithful service to God and His Church. priests. Our priests have been there for us. Now, it is our turn to care for them in their time of need. Thank you in advance for your prayers and support to ensure the continuing care for all of our priests. CATHOLIC APPEAL Thanks to all who participated in the 2016 Catholic Appeal. If you wish to make a pledge to the Catholic Appeal but have not done so, please take a pledge envelope from the back of the church, or visit Thank you for your support and for helping us reach our parish goal. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL - AN EASTER PRAYER Lord Jesus, your resurrection brought forgiveness to the disciples, - fill us with your peace! For the grace to labor in your name, - fill us with your strength! For the grace to forgive and to be forgiven, - fill us with your compassion! For the grace to bring your peace to others, - fill us with your trust! For the grace to be witnesses to your resurrection, fill us with your joy Amen Easter Sunday March 27, 2016 SAINT CHARLES BORROMEO PARISH Donated by: Please remember the following intenƟons in your prayers during this Easter Season: In Memory of: Frances Arnold Bernard Babineau Leona Ba sta Irene Belcher Geraldine Casey Yvonne Chiasson Irene Chiasson Dorothy & George Arnold Babineau & Alley Families Annie & Leonard LeBlanc Mose, Evelyn & Arthur Doucet, Marie A. LeBlanc, Bernice Richardson, Judy Hart Rodney Casey, Gerard Doucet, Lucy M. Doucet --------------------------------------------------------- Jean Con Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Coxall Frank & Mary Darch Romeo Delaney Mrs. William Devlin Doris Dunham Linda Favreau Carol Gill Maurice Godin Corinne Hart Mary Hegarty The Kiley & LeBlanc Families Maureen Kortenkaemper Jean Lawless Marilyn Lawless Ruth & John Con Sco Coxall, Donald, & Shirley Coxall, Ethel & Ellsworth Spaulding Darcy & Ferrick Families Gemma, Stephen, Phyllis Delaney William & David Devlin Charles Dunham & the Aucoin Family Robert e. Favreau, Edna M. Leger, Joan A. Marchand George gill, Ellen Nolan Mildred Godin Joseph & Lena Doucet The Hegarty & Frazier Families Eugene & Theresa McGrath John, Bridget, & Seán Griffin; Tom & Eileen Carey; Michael Sharkey; Barney & Barbara Jordan The Lawless & O'Leary Families Sr. Elizabeth Lawless C.S.J., Fr. Peter Hallisey C.P., Rev. David G. Boulton S.J., Catherine Boulton, Rev. William B. Shea, Robert Cummings, Dorothea Chandonait, Elsie Fox Cormier & Daughters, Sadie Topia, Lucille Hanna & Family, Sue Harris Camille & Yvonne LeBlanc Clarence, Billie & Alex LeBlanc Beulah & John McGann Mr. & Mrs. Peter Johnson; Mr. & Mrs. James McGovern; Walter McGovern, Jr. Mrs. Barbara McMullin Royston English & Martha Fitzpatrick The Monaghan & Murphy Families Neri Richard, Jean Bap ste, Allain Colleen Rooney; Timothy & Joan Connors Rousseau Family The Bryson & Stanley Families Albert L. Stewart The Brennan & Yorston Families May LeBlanc Rita Ann LeBlanc Joan McGann Mr. & Mrs. Walter McGovern Paul McMullin Julie Monaghan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Monaghan Emma Richard Mar n Rooney & Susan Connors Joan Rousseau Roberta Stanley Martha Stewart Marie Yorston LECTOR & EUCHARISTIC MINISTER SCHUEDULE Mar. 26/27 Apr. 2/3 8:00 PM Vigil L: M. Gordon E: T. Pirie E. Coxall 4:00 L: T. Coxall E: T. Pirie C. Gill 10:00 AM J. McGann L. Battista J. Rousseau 10:00 M. Hegarty L. Battista J. Rousseau READINGS FOR THIS WEEKEND Easter Vigil / C 533 Easter Sunday / C 551 7:00 PM B. Jordan J. Freedman 7:00 M. Rooney W. Regan MASS INTENTIONS Tuesday, March 29 7:30 a.m. - Timothy & Joan Connors Sunday, April 3 10:00 a.m. - Daniel & Richard Cameron OFFERTORY Thank you for your generous offering to our parish. Offertory last weekend: $2,182.50; Special Monthly: $1,283.00 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY - APRIL 3 FROM 3:00-4:00 PM Please join us to celebrate the Feast of Divine Mercy. The prayer service will consist of Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, Divine Mercy Litany of Reparation, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, readings from the Diary of St. Faustina, and The Litany in Praise of The Divine Mercy. 5 Domingo de Pascua 27 de Marzo de 2016 SAINT MARY PARISH SAINT CHARLES BORROMEO PARISH Mailing Address & Location: 133 School St., Waltham MA 02451 Parking Lot & Rel. Ed. Bldg: 30 Pond St., Waltham MA 02451 Parish Office: 781-891-1730 Fax: 781-209-0555 Email: stmar [email protected] Website: stmar ywaltham.or g MASS SCHEDULE/Horario de las Misas Saturday Vigil /Sábado Vigilia 4:00 Sunday/Domingo 8:00 11:30 1:30 Monday-Friday/Lunes-Viernes 12:10 *Chapel/Capilla p.m. a.m., 10:00 a.m. a.m. Español p.m. Luganda p.m. Monday, Wednesday & Friday/Lunes, Miércoles y Viernes 7:00 p.m. Español * Friday/V iernes Holy Days/Dias de Precepto CONFESSIONS/Confesiones Mon.-Thurs./Lunes-Jueves Friday/V iernes Saturday/Sábado Sunday/Domingo 8:00 p.m. Luganda * 7:00 a.m., 12:10 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Español 11:30 11:00 3:00 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - 3:45 a.m. - 11:20 p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. MORNING PRAYER/ Oración M atutina Sunday/Domingo 7:30 a.m. - 7:45 a.m. PRAY THE ROSARY/El Santo Rosario Monday-Friday/Lunes-Viernes 11:30 a.m. Sunday/Domingo 11:00 a.m. Español ADORATION/Adoración Wednesday/Miércoles Friday/V iernes 12:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.* 12:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. ANOINTING OF THE SICK/Unción de los enferm os First Monday of the month - 12:10 p.m. Mass El primer Lunes del mes durante la misa de las 12:10 p.m. First Wednesday of the month - 7:00 p.m. Mass* El primer Miércoles del mes durante la misa de las 7:00 p.m.* COMMUNION TO SICK & HOMEBOUND/Comunión a los hogares y enfermos Call Ann Faulstich at 781-893-8953 Llamar a el Diácono 617-817-7544 STAFF Pastor/Párroco Parochial Vicar/V icario Par. Parochial Vicar/V icario Par. In residence/En residencia In residence/En residencia Deacon/Diácono Business Mgr./Dir. de Negocios Sexton/Sacristán Organist/Organista Choir Coordinators/ Coordinadores de Coro Rev. Michael Nolan Rev. David Martin Ssentamu Rev. Agustín Anda Rev. Timothy Murphy Rev. Daniel Hennessey Eduardo Mora Mary McCarthy Michael Welch Lila Cleary Ivan Colon, Michael Mukisa, Lila Cleary CATECHESIS/Catequesis Administator/A dministradora Catechist/Catequista 781-308-4961 Nilvia Hernández Adam Redjinski AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM/Program a Después de la Escuela Kateri Thekaekara 781-577-2262 6 Mailing Address: 133 School Str eet, Waltham, MA 02451 Location: 51 Hall Str eet, Waltham, MA 02453 Parking Lot & Parish Ctr: 30 Taylor St. Waltham, MA 02453 Parish Office: 781-893-0330 Fax: 781-209-0555 Email: stchar [email protected] Website: stchar MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil 4:00 p.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m., 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. Haitian Creole Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 7:30 a.m. Holy Days as announced CONFESSIONS Saturday 3:00 - 3:45p.m. STAFF Administrator Parochial Vicar Business Manager Sexton Music Director Rev. Michael Nolan Rev. Agustín Anda Mary McCarthy Ivan Colon Larry Vanaria BAPTISM Parents must call the parish office to arrange for baptism and preparation. Baptisms are on the first Sunday of the month. IMMIGRATION CTR/Centro de Inmigración 617-817-7544 Director/Director Deacon/Diácono Eduardo Mora Office Hours (Rel. Ed. Bldg.)/Horario de Oficina Mon.-Thurs./Lunes-Jueves 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. or by appointment/o por cita Assists those seeking help for citizenship, housing, ESL classes, etc. Ofrece ayuda para aquellos que buscan apoyo para ciudadanía, vivienda, clases de inglés y más. QUINCE AÑOS Call the Deacon to schedule the celebration. The young adult must be participating in the Confirmation Program. Llamar al Diácono para programar la celebración. La joven debe estar participando en el Programa de Confirmación. BAPTISM/Bautism o Parents must call the parish office to arrange for baptism and preparation. Baptisms are on the third Sunday of the month at 3:30 p.m., and in Luganda on the first Sunday of the month at the 1:30 p.m. Mass. Padres y padrinos deben asistir a la preparación el primer domingo del mes y el Bautizo se llevara a cabo el primer domingo del mes siguiente después de la misa de las 11:30 a.m. SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION/Sacramentos de Iniciación Adults and children (age 7+) who want to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, or First Communion must attend preparation classes. Call the parish office for information. Los adultos y niños (7+) que desean recibir los sacramentos del Bautismo, la Confirmación o la Primera Comunión pueden tomar clases de preparación para los sacramentos. Llamar a la oficina. MARRIAGE/Matrimonio Call the parish office to arrange a meeting./Llamar a la oficina. The church is open every day from 8:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. La iglesia está abierta todos los días de 8:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m.
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